Le livre des katas (anglais)

Page 276


Sochin Sochin is one of the most popular of all of the Shotokan kata for a very good reason: it is

simply beautiful. Sochin's powerful and heavy rhythm is not plodding and jerky like the rhythm of Jion. Unlike Unsu, Sochin contains no acrobatics. Performing this kata does not require high jumping, twisting, turning, nor ducking. However, it isn't easy. Sochin is quite a challenge as kata go, and the applications possible from these movements are particularly interesting.

壮鎮 Sochin– “Grand Suppression”

Sochin is composed of two characters: SO CHIN. Most people mispronounce the name of the kata by saying the last syllable as if it were chin - like the chin on your face. This character should be pronounced cheen, not chin. The characters themselves have interesting meanings that are different from the silly explanations given in some of the more popular books about Shotokan Kata. So can be interpreted as "robust, manhood, ancient peace, energetic, vigorous, or grand." Chin can mean "suppress, put down by force, or to make calm." Chin is also pronounced as the common Japanese verb shizumeru - to calm down.


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