Introducing BEAR the BEAR

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Bear is a black bear, who is generally described as a pretty zen sorta character. They are introverted, but don’t dislike interacting with others if the occasion to do so arises.

They enjoy summer the most, as during winter they spend most of the time sleeping.


Bear lives on the outskirts of a big city, in a small remote basic house on the borders of a big forest. Their pride and joy is their garden- they revolve their life around the study and growth of plants


Their favourite gardens are those wild style, overflowing with long grass, wild flowers and untamed plant beds. They specifically have a fondness for native plants, especially blue/violet ones.


They spend a lot of their time in their plant shed, pottering about, talking to their plants in a secret language spoken by bears who survived the Great Purges of Britains past. It is said that it is very good to help seedlings grown big and strong.

They also grow a lot of fruit and veg amongst the blue. Sometimes, when they are particually overwhelmed with certain produce they will cook up a large feast, and invite friends from the forest over to all share together.Never forget the Great Pumpkin Party of ‘08, which had 10 seperate courses; pumpkin soup, pumpkin pie (savory), roast pumpkin and feta quiche, pumpkin bahjis, pumpkin pie (sweet)...


Bear enjoys a lot of music- listening and creating. They can play the lute and guitar.

Their favorite genre is Folk. They enjoy

• Carole King

• Nick Drake

• Lauren Marling

• Joan Baez

• Donovan (etc..)

A link to their public playlist;


They often take the chance to play at local pubs and small bars- they are well known at their local for their lute rendition of ‘Been down so Long (It looks like up to me)’, which always gets all the forest folk up on their feet and clapping to the beat.


Their other hobbies include painting plants with homemade ink. Their family has always made their own animal hair brushes, as craft handed down through the generations. They are very soft and good for water based paints and inks.

Some things that they like:

• Long countryside drives

• Listening to music

• Creating music

• Plants, especially blue ones

• Any Asian cuisine

• Guinness

• Painting

• Large colourful tshirts

• Folktales

• Gummy worms

• Spring

• The smell of mint

• Small pubs

• Sitting in a tree for hours

• Dancing (badly)


Some things that they dislike:

• Trousers

• City parking

• Britains history of hunting bears and wearing their fur as jackets

• Rude people

• The film Passengers (2016)

• Midges

• Their step-brother, Bear

• Foxes yelling at night

• Mobile phones

• Being too warm

Bear grew up as a 90s kid- they have not a clue about modern technology and do not really wish to.


Bear often will book a stall in the local city where they will go to sell spare plants, homemade preserves and various fruit and veg. They are well recognised, largely due to the very minimal bear population within the UK today which means they are they only on living in their county.


Bear goes into the Big City, and spots out of the corner of their eye a curious rat fellow in a blue and yellow ski jacket.


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