Kappa Alpha Journal - Spring 2023 - "A Legacy of Excellence"

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An exemplar of American leadership, the Organizer of WWII Victory, the Architect of Global Peace and Stability, and a Nobel Peace Prize Recipient—one of the Order’s finest, General George Catlett Marshall.



Wil Haley (Delta Theta–Georgia Southern ’10) and his legacy son, Owen, who is wearing a KA member awaiting initiation pin. Wil is a legacy himself, his father Charles is a 1981 initiate from Alpha Sigma Chapter at Georgia Tech.

SPRING 2023 | THE KAPPA ALPHA JOURNAL 1 CONTENTS FEATURES: DEPARTMENTS: 16 Humble Beginnings, Humble at the End General George C. Marshall’s Extraordinary Impact 30 2022 KAOEF Annual Report The mission is to “raise funds for the benefit of the Order” and we are proud to honor those donors and KAOEF accomplishments from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 in this issue. 80 Awards for Chapter Excellence VOLUME CXXX NO. 1 THE KAPPA ALPHA JOURNAL PUBLISHED SINCE 1879 04 The Spark 14 Gentlemen's Gear 58 Modern Gentlemen 64 Our Order 88 Chapter Eternal 91 Loyal Legacy 92 Recognition 96 Athletic Department 98 Voluntary Remarks 100 Sir, You Are a KA EDITOR Jesse S. Lyons ASSISTANT EDITOR Brent E. Buswell CREATIVE DESIGN Tria Designs Inc. CONTRIBUTORS Andrew Carr Aaron Masey David Roll Ben Satcher Brianne Tillotson George C. Marshall Foundation TalkSpace VMI Archives


Knight Commander's Message

Kappa Alpha Order is thriving!

Today, KA has 118 chapters across the nation. KA is growing and at the close of our successful spring term, we are near our all-time high Active Membership at nearly 7,700 undergraduate members. We are also closing in on 185,000 total initiates in our history.

Academically, our chapters continue to excel: the average chapter GPA this past fall was a 3.025 continuing a streak of several semesters at or higher than 3.0, our stated Order-wide goal. In keeping with our motto Excelsior, we will continue to focus on academic excellence. With the support of the Executive Council, I created the Province Realignment Working Group in 2022. Their charge was to review current province boundaries and consider reconstituting provinces to better re ect today’s communication, ef ciency of resources, and volunteer allocation. Further, they were to consider historical boundaries, geographic areas and borders, Courts of Honor as well as number of chapters. Additionally, they took into consideration the current model and structure of Of cer Training Conferences.

Following the working group’s report, on July 29, 2022, the Advisory Council voted to reconstitute several provinces. You may read about these changes on page 72–73. Of note, the two pre-existing provinces in Texas including Mikell Province (northern Texas) and Walsh Province (southern Texas) were reconstituted to one province for the entire state of Texas. Pursuant to the Order’s Constitution, I then named this reconstituted province as the J. Michael Duncan Province in honor of our 38th Knight Commander.

This summer, we turn our eyes to the 80th Convention and Brotherhood weekend at the JW Marriott Grande Lakes in Orlando, Florida, August 10–12. We will conduct the business of the Order, celebrate our accomplishments, and continue to aim for excellence. We will also elect and install King V. Aiken, Jr., the current Senior Councilor, as the 42nd Knight Commander. I’m excited to be with the KAs in attendance for my 15th straight Convention!

I remain proud to be a KA and I am honored to continue to serve as your Knight Commander.

May God Bless the Kappa Alpha Order.

The Kappa Alpha Journal (ISSN #0888-8868, USPS #014-747) is an educational journal published four times a year by Kappa Alpha Order, 115 Liberty Hall Rd., Lexington, Virginia, 24450. Periodicals postage paid at Lexington, Virginia, and additional mailing offices.

The Kappa Alpha Journal seeks to reflect the Kappa Alpha experience by presenting news of active and alumni chapters, individual members, and the national organization; by addressing current issues facing the Greek system and the Order; by educating and entertaining those interested in the welfare of Kappa Alpha; and by serving as a historical record.

The Kappa Alpha Journal has been published since 1879. From 1883 to 1885 it was known as The Magazine of Kappa Alpha.

Kappa Alpha Order was founded in 1865 at Washington College (Washington and Lee University) in Lexington, Virginia. Today, Kappa Alpha boasts 118 undergraduate chapters and more than 60 alumni chapters across the nation.

C. Douglas Simmons III (Beta Tau–Mississippi State ‘95)
“The average chapter GPA this past fall was a 3.025
... In keeping with our motto Excelsior, we will continue to focus on academic excellence.”


Letter From the Editor

In the summer of 2002 I moved to Lexington, Virginia, to begin working for KA and fell in love with the entirety of its surroundings. Lexington and Rockbridge County are a tapestry of unique people, places, and things, woven in an unmatched historical pattern.

A world class horse center thrives at the junction of two major interstates. Two historic, yet divergent, institutions of higher education—one with red brick buildings with white columns, and another with drab grey Gothic Revival ramparts, share a border. Their architectural distinction is further embodied by the iconic make-up of the W&L students and VMI cadets.


HOW TO CONTACT: Editor, The Kappa Alpha Journal

P.O. Box 1865 Lexington, VA 24450 (540) 463-1865 jlyons@ka-order.org


Fill out the Alumnus Update on the website or send both your new and old address to Lorin Wilhelm at the above mailing address or to lwilhelm@ka-order.org.


Copyright © 2023 Kappa Alpha Order

KAPPA ALPHA ® is a registered trademark of Kappa Alpha Order.


Send address changes to Kappa Alpha Order, P.O. Box 1865, Lexington, Virginia 24450

Beautiful outdoor scenery including the mighty Maury River complements the American history scattered throughout the area. One cemetery in town is a one of a kind having the nal resting place of at least one American killed on the eld of battle in every war in the country’s history. And of course, plenty of speci c southern history too—Lee, Jackson, and others made impact here and were laid to rest here.

KA was of course founded at Washington & Lee as was the Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society, the latter having returned home relocating its headquarters in 2013 to celebrate its centennial in 2014. At the adjacent Institute, Alpha Tau Omega and Sigma Nu Fraternities were founded—and Sigma Nu also calls Lexington home. An idyllic downtown lled with shops, restaurants, and other businesses is the nexus around which the whole unique apparatus revolves.

I forgot one mention: One of the Order’s nest, George C. Marshall (Beta Commission–VMI 1901).

General Marshall’s legacy of leadership is preserved at the George C. Marshall Foundation, strikingly headquartered in the heart of VMI’s post. I remember touring the Foundation and then museum in 2002, hearing more and more about the impact Marshall had on America and the world and wondering, “why do more people not know about this man?”

VMI has produced her share of leaders since 1839; and since 1868, many have been KA members. But one stands above them all—literally, on the parade ground in the form of a bronze statue, the cast for which is on display at the National Administrative Of ce at Mulberry Hill.

Marshall once said, “Don’t ght the problem, decide it.” Nothing will eliminate our problems, but deciding the solutions may be a better path to prosperity and peace.

I hope you enjoy reading about your fraternity brother, General Marshall, and take pride in the impact each of us make on the world.



“Marshall once said, ‘Don’t ght the problem, decide it.’ Nothing will eliminate our problems, but deciding the solutions may be a better path to prosperity and peace.”


Rekindle your interest in the Order


Capt J. Tyler Ammen


Few surnames exact a reaction in KA other than “Ammen.” Tyler Ammen

is a graduate of The Citadel and upon graduating, was initiated into KA by the Theta Commission. He is the great (several times) grand-nephew, of none other than our practical founder, Samuel Zenas Ammen. He commissioned in the U.S. Marine Corps and is currently stationed at Marine Detachment, Ft. Lee in Petersburg, Virginia. He is the Alpha Company Commander, overseeing the Marine Corps’ Air Deliver, Bulk Fuel, Personnel/ Retrieval/Processing, and Food Service Schoolhouses that train, mentor, and develop roughly 2,000 entry-level students annually.

Last summer, Tyler spoke to the attendees of the 2022 Emerging Leaders Academy in Lexington and has remained connected KA since his joining in 2014. In June he’ll attend the U.S. Army’s Logistics Captains Career Course (also located on Fort Lee) until November and then he and his family will be on to the next set of orders— location TBD!

What are you reading right now and why?

I am currently reading “Fortunate Son,” by Lewis B. Puller, Jr. While many people who are familiar with Marine Corps history know of “Chesty” Puller, few know the story of his son who was a Vietnam Vet/double-amputee that was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. For my Master’s (International Studies at Old Dominion University) I am currently reading “War by Other Means,” by Robert D. Blackwill and Jennifer M. Harris which focuses on geoeconomics and statecraft.

What is in your DVD/ Streaming queue and why?

My wife and I are currently working our way through Yellowstone on Paramount Plus (we also just wrapped up 1883, which was fantastic). My other streaming queue consists of podcasts ranging from Joe Rogan to Jocko Willink. I specifically enjoy podcasts while running and exercising, because it provides a great time to listen to leadership examples and lessons from many different perspectives and careers.

Top: Tyler speaking at ELA.

What is on your music playlist and why?

My top two playlists on Pandora are Luke Combs and AC/DC. I listen to the country genre when it’s time to kick back and relax, and rock and roll when it’s time to put some work in at the gym!

What do you (or did you) think/know about your KA family history?

My family history is something that was truly exciting to discover. Samuel Zenas Ammen’s legacy with KA is something that I am still learning about and proud of (my son Samuel is his namesake)! When I found out that The Citadel has a KA Commission, that ignited a fire in me to pursue joining this great organization.

Tell us about your current duties in the USMC?

What is your military or career goal?

The Marine Corps has been a truly rewarding experience and I plan on staying in as long as I am able to contribute to the organization (ideally more than 20 years). The Marine Corps has provided my family with unique opportunities, and we are excited for what the future holds! As a career goal, I would like to continue deploying in support of exercises and operations abroad.

What do you do for leisure/ hobbies?

My wife Ashley and I enjoy camping with our two sons Samuel and Elijah. Being stationed in Virginia has given us a unique opportunity to travel to many different state parks and the Shenandoah National Park. Aside from camping with the family, I enjoy recreational shooting, fi shing, and working out.

Why did you join KA after graduating from The Citadel? Due to The Citadel’s restriction on fraternities for cadets, I was not able to join KA until graduating in 2014. Nonetheless, The Citadel’s Theta Commission put on a remarkable ceremony for initiates upon graduation. I specifically chose to join KA because of my family history and the values that KA stands for. These values serve to unify and connect like-minded men with imperative moral values that are vital for leaders.

I am currently a company commander for the Marine Detachment at Fort Lee, Va. In this role, I have the privilege and responsibility of overseeing the entry-level, intermediate, and advanced schools for Aerial Delivery, Food Service, Bulk because we get to see young Marines learn their craft, graduate, and move on to support the Fleet Marine Force.

What is something you’d tell a young KA thinking of military service?

For me, I joined both KA and the Marine Corps because I want to be part of something bigger than myself. On top of that, I also want to join organizations that strategically select their members to ensure that their teams are morally and ethically strong. Ultimately, if military service is something that has crossed your mind, then find something that interests you and see if the military has that as a specialty. With active and reserve options, you can serve in a wide range of capacities!

“I speci cally chose to join KA because of my family history and the values that KA stands for.”
“If military service is something that has crossed your mind, then nd something that interests you and see if the military has that as a specialty.”
Top: Tyler and family, at the Natural Bridge, south of Lexington, Va., from left: son Elijah, wife Ashley, son Samuel, Tyler. Left: Deployment—Special Operations Joint Task Force, Afghanistan, 2019.

A Spark of Revolution

The author of the Order’s most recent histories, “Excelsior: The Story of Kappa Alpha Order (2015)” and “The Compendium History of Kappa Alpha Order (2018)” is at it again with a story of the nation’s founding “as much a mystery being solved as a story being told.”

“A Spark of Revolution” is the long untold tale of Thomas Jefferson’s only professor, Benjamin Franklin’s protégé, Matthew Boulton’s co-conspirator, and James Watt’s colleague and collaborator. For more than 250 years, William Small has remained a minor and often overlooked footnote in the biographies of each of these men.

He brought to the College of William and Mary and to Thomas Jefferson and his Revolutionary classmates the tenets of the Scottish School of Common Sense and the enthusiasm for Newtonian physics and the scientific method, he advised and assisted Matthew Boulton in refining Soho Factory into the model for the Industrial Age, and he coached and collaborated with an unknown Scottish mechanic, James Watt , on the vehicle that transformed Britain and the world from agrarian societies into industrial powerhouses— the steam-engine, and with Ben Franklin he promoted and encouraged the effort in the spread of scientific and philosophical improvement known as the Republic of Letters.

Perhaps the only thing more remarkable than Small’s extraordinary life was the fact that nothing about his own has been known until the publication of this book. The difference between this narrative and the conventional biography is that it is as much a mystery being solved as a story being told.

Dr. Martin Clagett has been investigating the connections between the Scottish Enlightenment, the American Revolution and the Industrial Revolution for more than twenty years. His research has taken him to the archives of America, England and Scotland. In the course of his investigations he has received a grant from the Earhart Foundation to delve into the archives of Aberdeen, St Andrews, Edinburgh, Glasgow, London and Birmingham; he was a Visiting Scholar to the James Wilson Programme at St Andrews, named a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Virginia, appointed as the Gilder-Lehrman Fellow at the International Center for Jefferson Studies in Charlottesville, and served as the Omohundro Scholar in Residence at the College of William and Mary.

"A Spark of Revolution" is available at: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, and Books a Million


Attached at the Hip

The Order surveyed our Instagram followers with the following question: What’s your current daily average screen time?

20% Greaterthan6hours

42% 4to6hours

32% 2to4hours

6% Lessthan2hours

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Total votes: 268


I wanted to surround myself with a group of guys that shared the same values and morals as myself. A group of men that not only respected God and women, but themselves as well.

 Gray Frederick (Epsilon Nu—Georgia College ’20), Track and Cross Country

I chose to rush the Order because I felt like I needed a family outside of just tennis. I will say joining Kappa Alpha Order has made me a better player on and off the court, from grades to my performance on the court. I have gained a lot more confidence and grit and have established much more leadership on the tennis court that I gained from being president and from the variety of leaders in our chapter.

Vesko Lekovic (Xi—Southwestern ’19), Tennis

I joined the order due to its core values and its emphasis on being a gentleman.

 Michael Dangler (Alpha—Washington & Lee ’22), Football

I chose to join KA because of the opportunities that arose with the brotherhood. KA is a door of opportunity that leads you countless possibilities. I would have never thought I would be a president of a chapter, let alone being part of a fraternity, due to sports. With enough effort, anything can happen.

Elliot Reed (Zeta Tau—Austin Peay State ’19), Cross Country and Track

July 17, 2022

If you have seen "Top Gun: Maverick,” you have seen the work of brother Frank J. Weisser III (Sigma Beta Commission–USNA ’22), who played a very important role in the movie.

As a former member of the Navy's Blue Angels, Frank was asked to do some of the plane stunts that can be seen in the film such as the scenes flying at low altitudes, Maverick's first flight of the film, and more!

Check out his interview with Good Morning America.

Thanks Brother Weisser!!! from an Omicron ’76 brother … and SAC brat

Tim Austin

Nice. Got a couple looks at the bird when it was on station in San Diego.

Aaron Miller

Glad to be here!

Joe Donahue


Michael Mitchell

I have a KA son in law!!!!

Brenda Alford

KA proud indeed!

Larry G. Nesbit

The Journal asked our student-athlete brothers, “With all of your time commitments as a student-athlete, why did you choose to join Kappa Alpha Order?”
While we received several responses, here are a few standouts:
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Rekindle your interest in the Order


The previous issue of The Journal, titled “Unknown Legend,” featured football star Jack Jacobs (Beta Eta–Oklahoma ’39). The article was originally published in Fall 2017 issue of Sooner Magazine and was mailed to The Journal with a note from one of Jack’s contemporaries, Arthur C. Wood, Jr. (Beta Eta–Oklahoma ’38). Arthur, who served as Hamer Province Commander in 1946 and 1947 and is now 102 years old, still has fond memories of his fraternity brother.

“He was a nice guy.” Arthur commented. “He started a year or two after I started there [University of Oklahoma]. We had a heavy concentration of members from around Muskogee, Oklahoma. He went to high school over there and was, of course, a star. The boys from Muskogee helped him get settled and everything. He went out for his rst game, and we received, and he ran for a touchdown. They were amazed to have him around.”


New Leadership Education Videos

The Order celebrated 2022 with having all of our leadership education programs being held in person by creating recap videos for each; Number I’s Leadership Institute, regionally held Officer Training Conferences, and the Emerging Leaders Academy.

View them all at KappaAlphaJournal.com!

80th Convention & Brotherhood Weekend

August 9–12, 2023 Orlando, Florida


KAOEF 26th Annual Bid for Brotherhood

August 10, 2023 House of Blues Orlando, Orlando, Florida

KAOEF Crimson & Gold Society Dinner

August 11, 2023

Orlando, Florida

KAOEF Annual Day of Giving

December 21, 2023

Orlando FLA. Orlando
conventio & Brotherhood Weekend Orlando
convention &
Left: Photo of Arthur Wood from the November 1946 Kappa Alpha Journal when he was announced as Hamer Province Commander.

WHY I Protect Sea Turtle Nests

When I bought my coastal property near Gulf Shores, Alabama, I looked for ways to enjoy the outdoors and to hopefully make a difference in my new community.

At the urging of my oldest son John (Beta Xi–Oklahoma State ’02), my wife Polly and I became involved with the Share the Beach Program. This organization, under the watchful eye of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, patrols the coastal beaches of Alabama. They work to identify sea turtle tracks and nests. They also monitor nest sites and document the nesting and hatching of endangered sea turtles in our area.

Each volunteer must undergo training and testing set up by the Alabama Coastal Foundation. They need to have a working knowledge of the Alabama Sea Turtle Conservation Manual before they are allowed to go with an experienced walker to identify tracks, nests, and false crawls.

Being on the beach by 5:30 am to walk your 2-mile circuit and helping to educate tourists of the various complexities of a turtles nesting routine can make for a busy day. Our daily patrol covers more than eight miles of beach with a season that lasts from early May until the end of October. It takes a lot of trained volunteers to make things happen.

We are blessed with great group leaders who handle scheduling and

logistics for the daily turtle walks. We also have a dedicated group of nest sitters who brave sand, rain, and mosquitos for several nights at each nest to get our hatchlings safely to the water.

COVID-19 caused some additional pressures on our volunteers. At one point, we had be fever-free before each walk and maintain social distance while wearing masks. The number of volunteers allowed on each daily walk was also decreased as well as the number of persons available to document new nests and assist with nest sitting.

These changes in gathering sizes made it harder for new volunteers to get the experience. Nevertheless, the organization continues to thrive. Thousands of man hours in volunteer service provide a profound impact on the coastal ecosystem. Those of us who take only p hotos and leave only footprints are working to keep out beaches clean and to keep the breeding grounds for nature’s treasures intact for the next generation.

I have always enjoyed observing nature. Whether it be from a canoe on the Bu alo River or a deer stand in South Texas, the majesty of wildlife and the complexity of the ecosystems has always intrigued me.

Covers from the War

The Kappa Alpha Journal was first piblished in 1879, and was primarily a literary magazine. Those first three issues contained chapter news, editorials, pictures, let alone any color or illustrations—and covers were text based. But, the Journal grew and adapted and expanded and became more of an organizational “organ” touting successes and tracking with American and world events.

As World War II grew nearer, attention was turned on our members and chapters and the effects it would have on them— and the effect they would have on the War.

Even though you learn to never judge a book by its cover, the covers of a magazine in themselves are a glimpse into what was important to the organization, and the world, at that time.

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1940 1942

November 1940

When President Roosevelt signed the historic Draft Bill recently, two Kappa Alphas stood at his elbow. The picture on the cover shows the President in the act of signing.

With him (left to right) are Secretary of War Henry Stimson; Representative Andrew May, chairman of the Military Affairs Committee of the House, whose son is Andrew Jackson May, Jr., (Omega–Centre 1924); Chief of Staff George C. Marshall (Beta Commission–VMI 1901); and Morris Sheppard (Omicron–Texas 1892), chairman of the Military Affairs Committee of the Senate.

January 1942

The picture on the cover may appear to some that we are a bit previous with this type of display; however, we realize the War is upon us and it will symbolize what may happen to our American youth.

This was used in connection with a story in our Journal in May, 1935, sketched by Brother A. L. Jones, Jr., of Alpha Omicron, 1929.


January 1943

Obviously this issue of the Kappa Alpha Journal marks a departure from the policy of many year standing. Never before has the fraternity attempted to publish a newspaper form a ecting the organization and its members, particularly those in service. Conditions brought this about. Those responsible for this innovation hope it will be pleasing to all.

Our efforts are directed to news from the alumni and undergraduates and to list the known members in the Armed Forces. The success or failures as to the correctness of our Service Members’ List, will depend in a great measure on your e orts to furnish the Editor with names and addresses of all our brothers in various branches of Service. Check the list and send us those who may have been left out.

November 1943

This issue depicts the symbol which we feel will play a large part in the victory for the peace that will be ours. Our badge of membership is worn by brothers in all branches of Service. The motto signifies another of those things which are worth fighting for.

March 1945

From the Public Relation Office of the Eighth Air Force Liberator Station, England, came the picture. Kappa Alpha does not find itself standing short when it comes to worldwide representation. The fortune of war have flung its fraternity brothers far beyond the shores of America on to every battlefront and into every theatre of operations.

In England, two brothers, First Lieutenant Delbert M. Mann, Jr., of Chi [Vanderbilt], and Corporal Irwin Belk, of Sigma [Davidson] and Upsilon [North Carolina], found themselves stationed at the same B-24 base and both assigned to the S-2 section of the station command.

Lieutenant Mann is assigned to the Target Identification branch of the S-2 section. He has been in the Army about two and a half years and overseas nine months. He holds the Air Medal, with three Oak Leaf Clusters, and the Distinguished Flying Cross. Corporal Belk is a clerk at the S-2 section and has been in the Army about 15 months and overseas 11 months. Both of our brothers are members of Colonel A. W. Reed's 491st Heavy Bomber Group, of the Second Bombardment Division, commanded by Major General William E. Kepner.


November 1945

This describes a momentous occasion in our history. The members reading from left to right, are: Robert V. Fleming (Alpha Nu), president of Rigg National Bank, Washington, D. C.; Brigadier General Robert N. Young (Beta Kappa) , Commandant, Military District of Washington; General George C. Marshall (Beta), Chief of Sta of the United States Army; Frank H. Myers (Alpha Nu), Councilor, Kappa Alpha Order; Theron Lamar Caudle (Tau), Assistant United States Attorney General; and Howard P. Locke (Alpha Nu), Tax Division, United State Department of Justice and Commander of Wood Province, Kappa Alpha Order.

The presentation of a jeweled Kappa Alpha Badge to General George Catlett Marshall (Beta) took place at the Pentagon Building, Washington, D. C., in the o ce of Chief of Sta of the United States Army, on Thursday, October 11, 1945, at 4 P.M. … General Marshall responded by saying that he was appreciative of the beautiful gift and the generous words in its presentation.

He further stated that the emblem took him back many years when he was a student at Virginia Military Institute and to the small group that later was initiated into Kappa Alpha upon graduation. He had never known another group that was so closely tied together by association. He announced that he expected to retire to civilian life shortIy and the pin would be the first addition to his civilian wardrobe. He was very happy to have a Kappa Alpha badge again as the one that he had secured after his initiation, he had given to Mrs. Marshall many years ago, and it had been lost in one of the many moves that they had made in Army Service.


Dear Kappa Alpha Order,

I want to thank you for the ideals you hold dear and in turn, instill in young men. Those ideals helped build the foundation for Paul to live an extraordinary life. Paul dearly loved KA and enjoyed his service to his fraternity from undergraduate days to Province Commander. Some of our fondest memories involve KA events.

To ful ll Paul’s wishes and pledge to the Order, I am enclosing a check to the Educational Foundation. May this donation assist in furthering the mission of KA.

Fondly, Barbara Artman

Editor’s Note: Hon. Paul Artman served as Irwin Province Commander for ten years and was the recipient of the Order’s Distinguished Public Service Award. He passed away on December 28, 2021.

Dear Editor,

Just a note to let you know that Georgia Mae Amato joined us on April 13, 2022, at 9:56 central time. She weighed in at 8lbs, .02 oz. Mom (Kiah) and Georgia Mae are doing great.

Fraternally, Dan Amato (Gamma Eta–Florida State ’08) Former ADCS, National Sta

Dear Editor,

I just received and finished reading the current issue of The KA Journal (Spring 2022) and I truly believe it is the best and most professionally produced one that I have enjoyed reading over the past 62 years. Keep up the great work!

Fraternally, Ron Phillips (Gamma Phi–Louisiana-Lafayette ’60)



HIgh-Quality items from our licensed partners

New Offi cial Online Store!

The Order is excited to announce our newly updated Official Online Store in partnership with Campus Classics. Our new store has updated designs, quality products, and the best customer service. Go check it out KappaAlphaStore.com!

Red Peter Millar Marlin Performance Jersey Polo

KA letters embroidered on the left chest. Innovative UPF 50+ sun protection and moisture-wicking, lightweight fabric which makes is perfect for the golf course or the office. Personalization available.

$113.95 | KappaAlphaStore.com

Peter Millar

Jubilee Stripe

Stretch Jersey


KA badge logo embroidered on the left chest. Innovative UPF 50+ sun protection and lightweight, moisture-wicking fabric. The fabric stretches four ways for optimal mobility and is styled with a Sean self-fabric collar and a threebutton placket makes this the perfect wardrobe addition. Personalization available.

$113.95 | KappaAlphaStore.com

Peter Millar Stretch Quarter Zip

Innovative design in the Peter Millar signature stretch French terry, this Kappa Alpha Perth Mini Stripe pullover offers moisture-wicking, UPF 50+ sun protection and easy-care. Decorated with the Kappa Alpha Greek letters embroidered on the left chest, feel free to personalize this piece for signature style. Available in mini stripe, grey, and black. Personalization available.

Starting at $124.95 | KappaAlphaStore.com

1 2



A brief biography from the George C. Marshall Foundation

First Wedding: Marshall (3rd from left) marries Elizabeth “Lilly” Carter Coles at her home on Letcher Avenue, near VMI.


GEORGE C. MARSHALL’S up rin in as er a era e for his time an i not porten reat thin s e as orn in the sma to n of nionto n enns ania on the ast a of the oun est of three chi ren to eor e an aura arsha arsha a mitte to ein a me iocre stu ent an enthusiastic ut not ta ente ath ete as a chi e continue to e an a era e stu ent at the ir inia i itar nstitute ut sho e a ta ent for ea er ship n his senior ear arsha as ea er of ca ets at ra uatin as

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Marshall’s Career Points and the KA timeline that paved the way for his membership.

DECEMBER 21, 1865

KA founded at Washington College, now Washington & Lee University.

DECEMBER 31, 1880

Marshall is born in Uniontown, Penn. To George Catlett Marshall Sr. and Laura Bradford Marshall— one of three children.

When Gen. John Pershing was not satis e ith the trainin for trench warfare in France in 1917, Marshall defended their methods given the lack of supplies. Pershing recognized a soldier not frightened to speak the truth, and soon had Marshall detailed to headquarters. This took Marshall away from leading troops but gave him a chance to develop experience in tactics and logistics. Working with the American Expeditionary Forces also taught him about multi-national military cooperation.

Marshall continued to serve with Pershing as his aide-de-camp after World War I. He was stationed in China again in the 1920s, where he furthered his study of the history, culture, and language of China, an aid to his postwar career. George and Lily Marshall thoroughly enjoyed their time in China, but Lily’s health was faltering, and she died of a heart attack shortly after the Marshalls’ return to the United States.

In 1927, Marshall was appointed the head of instruction at the Infantry School at Fort Benning, Georgia, where he completely revamped the curricuum for infantr o cers hese reforms yielded well-known leaders; more than 200 served as generals in World War II. It was while Marshall was at Fort Benning that he met and married his second

MARCH 8, 1868

Beta Chapter established at Virginia Military Institute (VMI)

John W. Hollingsworth, W. F. Pearson, and W. M. Jerdone.

wife, Katherine, a widow with three teenaged children.

In the mid-1930s, Marshall served with troops and Civilian Conservation Corps camps in Georgia, South Carolina, and Washington. He was the Illinois ationa uar trainin o cer for three years, again gaining insight into the nation’s part-time soldiers.

After 35 years of active duty, Marshall na as a ar e his rst star in In 1938, he was sent to the War Department in Washington, D.C., to head the War Plans Division, and soon became eput chief of sta for the rm is comprehensive understanding of current events and forthrightness attracted President Franklin Roosevelt’s attention, and in 1939, he named Marshall as the Army chief of sta

On September 1, 1939, as Marshall was sworn into his new responsibility, Germany’s powerful military forces attacked Poland. While the United States as not et in o e in the htin ar shall knew that day would arrive and that the rm as oefu un ersta e and under prepared.

arsha e e ope the rst peacetime draft in history, which became a valuable tool for building a much-larger Army. As war began to spread across Europe, Marshall drew on his experi-


VMI’s Board of Visitors ruled that cadets could no longer join fraternities, based on the belief that allegiance to a fraternal group undermined the cohesiveness of and loyalty to the Corps of Cadets.


APRIL 1887

KA Journal Report

Beta Chapter is reported as publicly closed “In this issue we have to announce the extinction of our Beta Chapter at the Virginia Military Institute. Our boys there held their ground long and faithfully, and have our sincere sympathy in their misfortune. We assure them, that while we, as a fraternity, hate to

give them up, that they will be remembered with honor for their manly and constant adherence to our cause.” However, it is apparent through Journal reports and Annual Catalogues, that Beta continued to initiate new men, after graduation, through the assistance of Alpha chapter, other chapters, and alumni—several alumni “personal reports” in the magazine carry initiation dates from 1885–1890s.

FEBRUARY 20, 1895

Knight Commander Ammen endorsed the continuing existence of Beta Chapter, sub rosa, and encouraged improvement in their existence.

1897–1901 Marshall matriculated and attended Virginia Military Institute. He played left tackle on the VMI football team. He served as 1st Captain of the Corps of Cadets his 1st Class year (senior).

the position of your chapter in relation to the institute authorities. and in necessity of a discreet policy, carefully ordered, to prevent undue friction, I hereby appoint our trusted brother, G.D. Letcher, as your advisor, with full authority—subject to revision by the K.C.—to determine how far your chapter may emerge from tire sub rosa status.

Yours fraternally, S.Z. Ammen

K.C. Balt. Feb. 20, ‘95

According to research conducted by Former Knight Commander Henry J. Foresman (Beta Commission–VMI ’41), it was clear that Beta began initiating members and conducting business after graduation in 1894. Men would join informally, but not be initiated until graduation, thus, not violating Institute rules and remaining true to the honor code.

To Beta Chapter, K.A. Order, Greeting:— Recognizing the difficulty of
Cadet Officers Including Marshall, 1901. VMI ARCHIVES Marshall poses as VMI Cadet First Captain and Regimental Commander. This is the highestranking position a cadet can earn. GCMF Archives


Marshall graduated from VMI and is initiated into Kappa Alpha Order by Beta Chapter.


“The following members of Beta graduated in the class of 1901 at the Virginia Military Institute: … G. C. Marshall, Jr., of Uniontown …”


George S. Patton, Jr., who would eventually become a four-star U.S. Aarmy General, is initiated after one year at VMI before leaving for USMA at West Point.


Below: Marshall stationed at Leavenworth, 1908.


Below right: General John J. Pershing and Marshall in France, 1908.



Marshall spent six months as commandant of students Danville Military Academy, Danville, Va.


Commissioned in U.S Army.

FEBRUARY 11, 1902

Married Elizabeth “Lily” Carter Coles at her home on Letcher Avenue in Lexington.

1904 Marshall served as company commander for latter part of PhilippineAmerican War.

ences in training and working with citizen soldiers as he federalized the National Guard to use as a base for rapid expansion of the Army.

World War II was fought by a coalition of nations’ air, ground, and sea forces; supported by millions of civilians. With a unique understanding of training, planning, logistics, and supply, Marshall kept these groups working together toward the goal of restoring worldwide peace.

As planning for the invasion of Europe progressed, many thought Marshall would lead the troops. He wanted to, of course, but didn’t give any indication of his preference. When President Roosevelt told him “I feel that I could not sleep at night with you out of the country,” Marshall expressed no dismay, immediately suggesting Gen. Dwight Eisenhower be the Supreme Allied Commander.

Marshall’s steadfast service behind the scenes was appreciated, however. Churchill called Marshall “the organizer of the Allied Victory in World War II.” Secretary of War Henry Stimson said to Marshall on V-E Day that “I have seen a great many soldiers in my lifetime.

n ou sir are the nest so ier ha e ever known.”

In November 1945, Marshall longed to retire to cultivate his gardens at

Right: Marshall, photo by M. (Michael) Miley & Son in studio in Lexington, Virginia, 1901. VIRGINIA


Richard E. Byrd, who would eventually become a Rear Admiral in the U.S. Navy, is initiated after two years at VMI before leaving for USNA at Annapolis.


Marshall became an honor graduate of U.S. Army’s Infantry-Cavalry School Course.


VMI Board of Visitors prohibited cadets from promising to join a fraternity after graduation.


Marshall graduated first in the U.S. Army Staff College Class.


The Board of Visitors of VMI again banned Greek fraternities stating that they were “...in contravention of the Institute relating to good and discipline.” Secret societies which had crept up after the initial Greek prohibitions, such as Tangi Meli Club, were also banned.

Left: Marshall was a frequent horseback rider.

Below: Future President, General Dwight D. Eisenhower (left) with General Marshall during WWII.

Dodona Manor, his home in Leesburg, Virginia. His experience and wisdom were still valuable to the nation as he represented the United States as special envoy to China, secretary of state, secretary of defense and president of the Red Cross over the next eight years.

On June 5th, 1947, Secretary of State Marshall proposed a radical plan to assist European recovery in a Harvard University address. In his speech, Marshall said:

It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world, without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace. Our policy is directed not against any country or doctrine, but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos. Its purpose should be the revival of a working economy in the world, so as to permit the emergence of political and social conditions in which free institutions can exist.

Marshall believed it was in the best interest of the United States to provide funding, materiel, and expertise to the nations of Europe, 17 of which participated in the European Recovery Program or “Marshall Plan.”

Working with an unenthusiastic Congress, the job of passing this costly legislation was daunting. arsha testi e to on ress

“Within its own resources, Europe cannot achieve within a reasonable time, economic stability. The solution would be much easier, of course, if all the nations of Europe were cooperating. But they are not. Far from cooperating, the Soviet Union and the Communist parties have proclaimed their determined opposition to a plan for European economic recovery.



WWI — assigned to the HQ of the American expeditionary force, helped plan the MeuseArgonne Offensive.


Marshall became an aide to J. Franklin Bell and was assigned to the First Division and charged with developing mobilization and training Aide De Camp to Gen. John J. Pershing, then U.S. Amry Chief of Staff.


Beta Chapter officially surrendered charter but continued to operate post-graduation based on Ammen’s earlier authorization.


The 24th Convention adopted the “Beta Amendment” to the Order’s Constitution, cementing the practice of electing and initiating those who attended VMI for one or more years after graduation. This authorization paved the way for the Beta Commission, and subsequent commissions for locations that previously were issued a charter or a four-year U.S. military academy.

OCTOBER 15, 1930

Married his second wife, Katherine Tupper.

t is a i cu t pro ram an ou no far etter than o the po itica i cu ties in o e in this pro ram ut there is no ou t hate er in m min that if e eci e to o this thin e can o it successfu n there s a so no ou t in m min that the ho e or han s in the a ance

fter campai nin re ent ess for the p an arsha s un uestione trust orthiness on o er e en the most s eptica of senators an con ressmen he four ear i ion pro ram a o e the countries of urope to reco er the infrastructure necessar to participate in the o a econom inspire rene e hope an e an the process of creatin the ommon ar et an the uropean nion

he o e ri e ommittee in sho e appreciation for the reat a ue of the arsha an hen the a ar e the presti ious honor to eor e ar sha n his acceptance speech arsha sai here has een consi era e comment o er the a ar in of the o e eace ri e to a so ier am afrai this oes not seem as remar a e to me as it uite e i ent appears to others he cost of ar in human i es is constant sprea efore me ritten neat in man e ers hose co umns are ra estones

am eep mo e to n some means or metho of a oi in another ca amit of war.”

arsha continue to ser e he tra e e thousan s of mi es as the presi ent of the merican e ross he pin the or ani ation e e op a sustaina e post ar p an e respon e to resi ent ruman s ca to a ain re ui the mi itar as the nation ot in o e in the orean ar

t on ast arsha retire from pu ic ife e spent the s ith fami an frien s p a in ith ran chi ren an na or in in his ar en e refuse to rite his memoirs remar in that he ha the impression that m actions ere fe far et een an re ati e co or ess e i consent to sit for inter ie s ith r orrest o ue ho rote the fami iar four o ume io raph of arsha eor e arsha ie ct ust efore his th irth a e is ur ie in r in ton ationa emeter

General Marshall responded by saying that he was appreciative of the beautiful gift and the generous words in its presentation. He further stated that the emblem took him back many years when he was a student at Virginia Milistary Institute and to the small group that later was initiated into Kappa Alpha upon graduation. He had never known another group that was so closely tied together by association. He announced that he expected to retire to civilian life shortIy and the pin would be the first addition to his civilian wardrobe. He was very happy to have a Kappa Alpha badge again as the one that he had secured after his initiation, he had given to Mrs. Marshall many years ago, and it had been lost in one of the many moves that they had made in Army Service.



Marshall became a Brigadier General & U.S. Army Deputy Chief of Staff.


WWII took place shaping the world.


The day WWII began Marshall is appointed U.S. Army Chief of Staff.

JUNE 6, 1944

Operation Overlord — Marshall’s plan to invade Europe, began with D-Day.


Marshall appointed Special Ambassador to China.

Right: Badge



Marshall is named Time Magazine’s Man of the Year for the first time.

OCTOBER 11, 1945

Marshall is presented with a KA Badge, at the office of the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army.

1947–1949 Appointed Secretary of State by President Truman.

George C. Marshall Foundation

Established in 1953, the George C. Marshall Foundation exists to promote the values of selfless service, dedicated effort and strength of character exemplified by Marshall’s life and leadership in war and peace and to inspire new generations to follow his example as they face the challenges of the future. The non-profit, nonpartisan, independent Marshall Foundation is the one place where the values that shaped and motivated Marshall are

kept alive. As a unique resource, the Foundation perpetuates Marshall’s legacy as the person who “won the war and won the peace,” his leadership qualities and exemplary character through educational programs and facilities such as world-class archives and a research library that offer a wide range of resources and materials for use by members, the general public, amateur historians, scholars and students of all ages.

The Marshall Legacy Series interprets General Marshall’s legacy through a multi-year series of events, programs and information centered on key themes, event or episodes in his career. Special Events and Outreach, such as the George C. Marshall Foundation Award, the Andrew J. Goodpaster Award and the George C. Marshall Foundation Humanitarian Award events in Washington, D.C. and New York City. Research Library & Archives with one of the most comprehensive collections on the life of a world-famous individual ever assembled, also available to researchers online.

The Marshall Papers , combined with the four-volume Pogue biography, present a comprehensive study of Marshall’s life and career.

Above: President Harry S. Truman, Marshall, Director of Marshall Plan Paul G. Hoffman, Sec. of Commerce W. Averell Harriman in the Oval Office, 1948. GCMF ARCHIVES Right: Bronze bust of Gen. Marshall, located and on display at the George C. Marshall Foundation, Lexington, Virginia. GCMF ARCHIVES Marshall appeared on the cover of The Journal, having received a KA badge from then Councilor Frank Myers (Alpha Nu–George Washington) and other KA dignitaries present, after WWII at the Pentagon.


Again, selected as Time Magazine’s Man of the Year.

JUNE 5, 1947

Speech at Harvard University is basis for the European Recovery plan, introduced in Congress in 1948—quickly rechristened as the “Marshall Plan.”

MARCH 3, 1948

Marshall became the first recipient of the Order’s Award for Distinguished Achievement—in the office of the Secretary of State, State Department Building, Washington, D.C. This set the bar high for future nominees. Marshall was quoted, “This evidence of your esteem comes at a time when I badly need a boost.”

(L to R) Congressman Caleb Boggs (Beta Epsilon–Delaware), Milton Scrivener (Alpha Nu–George Washington), Marshall, Senior Councilor Frank Myers (Alpha Nu–George Washington, and Councilor Howard Locke (Alpha Nu–George Washington).


It’s been 75 years since George Marshall outlined a bold plan to counter Soviet influence by revitalizing a foreign foe

SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS ago, on June 5, 1947, George C. Marshall delivered a historic speech at Harvard. According to the Harvard Crimson, a crowd of 15,000 turned up “not so much in expectation of seeing history made, as simply in awe of the man.”

arsha as ne con rme as President Harry Truman’s secretary of state an no n irtua e er a u t as the e star arm enera ho ha

guided the nation to victory in World War II. The speech he gave that day was just 11 minutes long. It called for the U.S. to rehabilitate Europe’s shattered postwar economy with an enormous, ur ent infusion of nancia an in in assistance.

hat ou soon e ca e the ar sha an as to e the most si ni cant American diplomatic initiative since the Louisiana Purchase. “Our policy,” proclaimed Marshall, “is directed not against any country or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos.”

U.S. assistance to postwar Europe wasn’t just an act of incredible generosity ut a so one inspire economic se f interest and national security. It helped a the roun or for a ne or er in Europe and arguably the world, wherein the far the or s most po er ful nation, would export both its values and its brand of organized capitalism to protect and sustain itself at home.

Without mentioning the U.S.S.R. or communism by name, Marshall declared in the speech that while the U.S. would cooperate ith an uropean o ern



ment willing to assist with recovery, it would oppose any government or political party trying to block the recovery of other countries or otherwise perpetuating human misery. Those lines attracted sustained applause. Anyone paying attention knew which government and party he was referring to. In fact, the Soviets, who then occupied part of Germany, soon refused to participate in the Marshall Plan and blocked the Eastern European nations in their sphere of influence from doing so as well.

Marshall envisioned a reindustrialized Germany—with its capacity to produce coal, steel, fertilizer, food and machinery—as the key to Europe’s recovery. But he realized that it would be regarded as odious to elevate the living standards of the German people, who had gone along with Hitler. Talk of reconstructing Germany was enough to cause one to be hanged on the Ellipse in Washington, some quipped. Nonetheless, Germany was a bone of contention between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R., and Marshall understood that its revival as an American ally offered the best hope for containing communism and sustaining Western democracy.

Joseph Stalin may have understood this, too. At the time, the Soviet leader was demanding billions of dollars in reparations from Germany, the payment

1949 Marshall served a stint as the President of the American Red Cross. 1950–1951 Appointed Secretary of Defense by President Truman. While Secretary of State, Marshall and his department negotiated the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, setting the stage for decades of security and peace around the world. Marshall in the graduation processional at Harvard, soon to make his 11-minute worldchanging speech for the rebuilding of Europe and to counter Soviet influence, 1947. HARVARD ARCHIVES

SEPTEMBER 12, 1951

Resigned and retired fulltime with wife Katherine to Dodona Manor (purchased by the Marshalls in 1941) in Leesburg, Va., to enjoy gardening, and his favorite dish, roast leg of lamb, and his favorite drink, an old fashioned.

KA and the Marshall Foundation

The Marshall Foundation was established as a research library dating to 1953. Four original board members were KAs: Gen. George R.E. Shell (Beta Commission–VMI ’61), Hon. Giles H. Miller (Beta Commission–VMI 1924), President of the VMI Board of Visitors President, Harry A. deButts, (Beta Commission–VMI 1916), Chairman of the Board of Southern Railway System, and Gen. Frank McCarthy (Beta Commission–VMI 1933), former Asst. Secretary of State and 20th Century Fox Film Executive. The original Executive Vice President in charge of the administrative staff was also a KA, Joseph D. Neikirk (Beta Commission–VMI 1932). Following research, we believe the following are the list of former or current board members or Presidents:

Current Board Members


(Beta Commission–VMI ‘68)


(Beta Commission–VMI ‘90)


(Alpha Eta–Westminster ‘66), member of the Executive Council


(Omega Commission ‘11)

Former Board Members


(Beta Commission–VMI ‘66)


(Beta Commission–VMI ‘54)


(Alpha Delta–William Jewell ‘57)


(Beta Commission–VMI ‘71)


(Theta Commission–Citadel ‘02)

B. POWELL HARRISON, JR. (Beta Commission–VMI ‘33)

HENRY C. HURT, JR. (Zeta–Randolph-Macon ‘62)

RICHARD L. IRBY (Beta Commission–VMI ‘39)

LTG JOHN W. KNAPP (Beta Commission–VMI ‘54)

Hon. HARRY G. LEE (Beta Commission–VMI ‘48)

JAMES R. LEUTZE (Beta Kappa–Maryland ‘56)

G. GILMER MINOR III (Beta Commission–VMI ‘63)

J.H.BINFORD PEAY (Beta Commission–VMI ‘62)

KURT A. POLK (Beta Commission–VMI ‘94)

STEPHEN C. PRICE (Beta Commission–VMI ‘71)

GEN JACK N. MERRITT (Beta Eta–Oklahoma ‘49)

TANLEY R. NAVAS (Beta Commission–VMI ‘89)

BG GEORGE R. E. SHELL (Beta Commission–VMI ‘61)

THOMAS G. SLATER, JR. (Beta Commission–VMI ‘66)

JOSEPH M. SPIVEY III (Beta Commission–VMI ‘03)

LTG RICHARD F. TIMMONS (Beta Commission–VMI ‘65)

GEN SAM S. WALKER (Beta Commission–VMI ‘82)

SAMUEL B. WITT III (Beta Commission–VMI ‘58)

Former Presidents

DR. ROB HAVERS (Alpha Eta–Westminster ‘15), 2014–2019

GEORGE H. “SKIP” ROBERTS, JR. (Beta Commission–VMI ‘68), 2013–2014

HARRY H. WARNER (Beta Commission–VMI ‘57), 2002–2006

RADM RONALD F. MARRYOTT (Sigma Beta Commission–USNA ‘14, posthumous)

1953 Received the Nobel Peace Prize.


Marshall Foundation is formally established.


OCTOBER 16, 1959

Marshall died and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

MAY 23, 1964


The Order’s Executive Council authorized a leadership gift to the George C. Marshall Foundation for construction of their building in Lexington, Va. Then Knight Commander John Nowell presented a check to General of the Army Omar Bradley, President of the Foundation. KA’s War Memorial was agreed to be housed at the Foundation, and remains there today.

of which would cripple the country’s recovery. At a late-night meeting in the Kremlin just seven weeks before his Harvard speech, Marshall argued against this demand and for reindustrialization.

Stalin responded with “seeming indifference,” recalled special assistant Chip Bohlen, content “to let matters drift” and suggested that this was on the rst of man s irmishes concerning the fate of Germany. Marshall was alarmed. He believed that Stalin’s cynical goal was to allow Germany and the rest of Europe to slide further toward economic ruin and chaos, thus rendering the continent ripe for Soviet influence if not domination. He became all the more convinced that Germany’s revival was vital to Europe’s security. Robert Murphy, the U.S. ambassador to Germany, later recalled that it was the deadlock at the end of the meeting between Marshall and Stalin that divided Europe and “really rang o n the ron urtain

On his flight back to the states, Marshall stopped at Tempelhof airport in Berlin to meet with Gen. Lucius Dubignon Clay, the U.S. military governor of Germany, who was an expert in reconstruction. Since

assuming his responsibilities in 1945, Clay had railed against instructions from Washington that had barred him from strengthening, rehabilitating, or even maintaining the German economy. Now Marshall released him from those instructions and gave him new ones to strengthen the economy in the Anglo-American zone, making it “the bulwark of America’s policy of containment.”

All the way back to Washington, wrote Bohlen, “Marshall talked of the importance of n in some initiati e to prevent the complete breakdown of Western Europe.” That initiative, of course ou e the one o cia ca e the European Recovery Program but popularly known as the Marshall Plan.

hen po itica a iser ar i or recommended that it be called the Truman an ruman sco e f sen that plan up to the Hill,” he said, “it will quiver a couple of times, go belly up, and die. Even the worst Republican will vote for the plan if Marshall’s name is on it.”

Months later, the broad strokes articulated in Marshall’s 11-minute speech became a fully developed plan, and within a year the plan passed through Congress and became law. Of the $13.2 billion appropriated, $1.4 billion ($16.8 billion in today’s dollars) was allocated to

Left: Marshall addressing Harvard graduation, 1947. Below: Confidential press release provided by the Department of State to be released only when Marshall began to speak, outlining his remarks about the European Recovery Plan, 1947. GCMF ARCHIVES


The Order’s top award for Active Chapter operations renamed the George C. Marshall Award for Chapter Excellence.

1978 Marshall Statue erected in front of Marshall Arch at VMI.


Marshall’s grave visited and honored by then Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan, Senior Councilor William E. Dreyer, grandson James J. Winn, Jr. (Marshall’s grandson, later initiated in 2011 at Convention) and great grandson, James J. Winn VI (Beta Omega–Washington College ’06).


Kappa Alpha Order & GCMF enter strategic alliance for education, recognition, marketing and promotion of Marshall’s legacy of leadership.

the western zones of Germany. As a condition for receiving the money, France would have to merge its occupation zone in Germany with the an ones his uni e area would soon become the West German state.

he rst tranche of arsha an fun s helped West Germany reform its currency and jump-start a surprisingly rapid economic and political revival. Integral to the Marshall Plan was the Truman administration’s elimination of German debt and reparations. As a result, real output increased by 18.5 percent in 1948 an e e e o at an a era e increase of per cent a ear urin the rst ha f of the s

As Dr. Manfred Knapp, professor of International Relations at the University of Frankfurt, concluded, “the economic recovery of Europe couldn’t have been achieved without the reconstruction of the German economy.”

Today, with revisionist Russia waging war in raine a resur ent an uni e erman is again the key to the security of Europe. And again, Germany requires U.S. support, this time in reducing German dependence on Russian oil and gas. The Biden administration, in collaboration with the EU, has organized a task force to reduce European dependence on fossil fuels: Call it a “Marshall Plan for Energy Security.” Its principal focus will

be on Germany, which is the largest importer of natural gas from Russia. By reducing Germany’s need for Russian fossil fuels, the U.S. can again help make Germany a bulwark against antidemocratic forces encroaching on the region.

Looking back, the evolution of America’s relationship with Germany since 1945 is nothing less than astonishing. With Marshall’s speech on his mind, President Truman wrote in his memoirs that for the rst time in the history of the world a victor was willing to restore the vanquished.” Truman and Marsha pi ote the from a out ar to o ers of treasure and know-how, made to a foreign foe that had sought to destroy Europe and rule the world.

George Marshall, the man, may be fading from memory. His magnanimity and his vision, however, endure.

Mr. Roll is the author of “George Marshall: Defender of the Republic” and a trustee of the George C. Marshall Foundation.

Reprinted from the Wall Street Journal with permission from the author.

- President Harry S. Truman

FISCAL YEAR 2021—202 2



The Charter Circle of the Crimson & Gold Society was confirmed with 1,016 brothers and friends giving $1,000 or more annually, unrestricted on June 30, 2022.

Read more on page 45.



Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation

Founded in 1982

Primary Initiatives:


In a campaign to acquire 1,000 alumni at $1,000 annually, unrestricted — our most exclusive donor club

1865 Trust: Planned gift society, minimum gift $10,000

Forever KA: $10.00 per month, consistent giving program for graduating seniors and young alumni

Leadership Fund: The annual fund to meet annual and continuing needs Day of Giving: One day for all of the Order to support the KAOEF

6.48% INCREASE IN AVERAGE AMOUNT DONATED PER DONOR (exclusive of major estate gifts)


Kappa Alpha Order and its members




62 MEN

3.054 SPRING 2022 GPA

“To raise funds for the benefi t of the Order”
2020 2021 2022 # Donations 5,201 4,816 5,488 # Donors 3,493 3,027 3,060 Total Funds Raised $1,759,867 $2,205,241 $2,895,679


Higher Education

Cost of college is up 221% over 4 decades

Societal pressures are stronger than ever

Uncertainty after COVID-19; fraternity membership provides support Research shows the positive benefits to fraternity membership

Funding for Leadership Education

Number I’s Leadership Institute – Premiere education for every single Number I at the beginning of his term, free to all chapters (more than 120 attendees)

Offi cer Training Conferences –Regional leadership education for all chapter officers (more than 1,000 attendees)

Emerging Leaders Academy –Summer leadership program for our next chapter leaders (300 attendees)

Funding for Academic, Professional, and Personal Success

Scholarship Program –provides much-needed support and academic financial aid (more than $114,300 granted)

Internship Program –offers real-world and unmatched summer experience in D.C. with recent expansion to Atlanta and Dallas. (5 interns selected for each city.)

COVID-19 Relief Grants –33 granted in the total amount of $33,000


Along with Forever KA, KA Leadership Fund, 1865 Trust, and more, we are focused on the:


Top chapters whose members are giving

1. North Carolina State–Alpha Omega – 26

2. Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon – 24

2. Clemson–Delta Omicron – 24

2. Texas Tech– Gamma Chi – 24

2. Westminster–Alpha



Top 10 states whose alumni are giving

– 24
Auburn–Nu – 19
Mississippi State–Beta Tau –
Georgia–Gamma –
Wofford–Delta – 17
Emory–Epsilon – 17 7. Florida State–Gamma Eta – 17
19 6.
18 7.
1. Texas – 151 2. Virginia – 105 2. South Carolina – 105 3. Georgia – 96 4. North Carolina – 92 5. Florida – 73 6. Tennessee – 55 7. Louisiana – 49 8. Missouri – 42 9. Mississippi – 36
education Crimson & Gold Campaign Update
friends all giving $1,000 unrestricted in fiscal year 2021-22 for needed scholarships
Membership Numbers by Year 1,016 848 736 643 549 410 270 267 210 98 2022 2020 2021 2019 2015 2017 2013 2018 2014 2016 Number of Scholarships Recipients 70 57 74 55 59 47 39 2021-22 2019-20 2020-21 2018-19 2016-17 2017-18 2015-16

2021-2022 Board Of Trustees


Derick S. Close (Alpha Omega–North Carolina State ’78)








ELECTED ON APRIL 29, 2022, FOR TERM JULY 1, 2022–JUNE 30, 2025

Walter M. “Sonny” Deriso (Epsilon–Emory ’65)

William E. Dreyer (Alpha Delta–William Jewell ’57), Former Knight Commander

James R.

Knight Commander


Trustee Emeriti

J. Michael Duncan (Delta Kappa–Stephen F. Austin State ’69), Former Knight Commander


Larry Stanton Wiese (Gamma Omega–Midwestern State ’87), President

Ben W. Satcher, Jr. (Delta Omicron–Clemson ’79), Former Knight Commander & Executive Vice President

Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. (Gamma Chi–Texas Tech ’70), Former Knight Commander

Andrew P. Carr (Epsilon Iota–Texas State ’00), Chief Development Officer


H. Lynn Greer, Jr. (Delta Lambda–Middle Tennessee State ’69)

Aaron D. Masey (Epsilon Eta–Virginia Tech ’17), Director of Annual Giving and Stewardship

Tanner L. Gellinger (Zeta Omicron–Southern Indiana ’12), Director of Development

Teresa Sloan Foundation Assistant Timothy Killen Adams (Epsilon–Emory ’57) King V. Aiken, Jr. (Kappa–Mercer ’83), Senior Councilor Darren S. Kay (Alpha Eta–Westminster ’88), Former Knight Commander Hon. David M. Warren (Tau–Wake Forest ’78) Former Knight Commander Dan H. Akin (Gamma Omicron–Lambuth ’60)* Steve C. Knight (Gamma Kappa–Oklahoma City ’70)* M. Julian (Beta Epsilon–Delaware ’63)* Richard L. Burke (Zeta–Randolph-Macon ’83) E.L. Scott McLain (Epsilon Zeta–Arkansas Tech ’84) Scott Heath (Delta–Wofford ’77) Robert W. Hagan (Delta Rho–Valdosta State ’74) Michael V. Paulin (Beta Sigma–Southern California ’60) Douglas Simmons III (Beta Tau–Mississippi State ’95) Russell J. Saloom, MD (Gamma Phi–LouisianaLafayette ’74) Erik T. Showalter (Gamma Alpha–Louisiana Tech ’02)*
Phone: (540) 463-1865 Fax: (540) 463-2140 foundation@ka-order.org kaoef.org | facebook.com/kaoef Contact Us Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation 115 Liberty Hall Road P.O. Box 1865 Lexington, Virginia 24450
Estes (Alpha Kappa–Missouri ’60), Former


The Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF), a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, was founded by the Convention in 1981 and was established in 1982 to promote the education of undergraduate and graduate students in academic improvement, leadership, alcohol and substance abuse prevention, and other general educational areas.

The KAOEF receives no government funding but provides a vehicle for tax-deductible contributions from alumni and friends to be made in support of KA. With these gifts, the KAOEF helps underwrite a number of educational pro rams to the ene t of the r er

1 Cash Gifts

The most convenient and frequently used method of supporting the KAOEF is a gift of cash—personal check, credit card authorization or money order—made payable to the KAOEF and mailed to P.O. Box 1865, Lexington, VA 24450. Online donation can also be made through the KAOEF website (www.KAOEF.org/donate).


Matching Gifts

Many corporations will match gifts the KAOEF. If you or your spouse works for one of these organizations, your gift could multiply. Please ask your human resources office if your company provides matching gifts to charitable organizations. If so, please ask your employer for the proper form to include with your gift. You may also visit www. KAOEF.org/giving or contact the KAOEF for assistance in determining if your employer offers a matching gifts program.

3 Planned Giving

The KAOEF has benefited greatly from planned gifts from members of the 1865 Trust and other planned giving. Inclusion of the KAOEF in your will or trust should reference KAOEF, P.O. Box 1865, Lexington, VA 24450. Please visit www.KAOEF.org/giving or contact the KAOEF directly for further information.

4 Appreciated Securities

A gift of your appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual fund shares is an ideal way support the KAOEF. The educational programs of the Order will benefit from your support and you will receive a tax deduction for your contributions. In addition, transferring the securities prior to liquidation will help you avoid capital gains taxes. Please contact the KAOEF for personal assistance with the transfer of assets of this type. Donors can select the KAOEF to receive transfers from an IRA account without a tax consequence. Please contact KAOEF staff for personal assistance.

5 Real & Personal Property

Your real estate and other marketable personal items can be given to the KAOEF an outright gift. For tax purposes, the contributor may deduct the fair market value of the real estate. Items of personal property must be related to the KAOEF’s purpose and function to be fully deductible. For example, a brother can donate a percentage interest in a building to the KAOEF that can be sold and the proceeds would be directed to the KAOEF.


Condensed Statements of Financial Position

Condensed Statements of Activities

Assets 2022 Liabilities 2022

Expenses 2022 Revenues 2022

ABOUT FINANCIALS Comprehensive annual audited financial statements are available on written request to the Executive Director at the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation. *unaudited LIABILITIES Accounts Payable 27,960 23,501 Notes Payable -Accrued Expenses 37,245 36,717 Annuity Obligation 340,630 372,045 Payable to Affiliates 226,945 94,304 Deferred Revenue -Total Liabilities 632,779 526,567 ASSETS 20222021 Cash and Cash Equivalents 82,649 821,501 Prepaid Expenses 47,091 62,976 Receivable from Affiliates 30,262 32,713 Contributions Receivable 160,435 247,606 Land, Buildings, and Equipment 2,331,905 2,181,779 Long Term Investments 9,517,154 9,097,105 Assets Held in Trust -Other Assets 140,749 1,028,157 Total Assets 12,310,245 13,471,837 NET ASSETS Without Donor Restrictions 3,596,348 3,289,888 With Donor Restrictions 8,081,118 9,655,383 Total Net Assets 11,677,466 12,945,270 Total Liabilities and Net Assets 12,310,245 13,471,837
June 30, 2022 and 2021
For the years ending June 30, 2022 and 2021
EXPENSES AND LOSSES Program Support Awarded 482,637 421,533 Salaries and Benefi ts 500,445 444,812 Occupancy Expenses 226,413 222,325 Fundraising Expenses 377,903 273,906 Administrative Expenses 283,486 225,072 Professional Services 30,481 39,102 Scholarships Awarded 96,210 91,535 Uncollectible Pledges -Total Expenses 1,997,574 1,718,284 Change in Net Assets from Operations 325,587 1,746,659 Change in Value-Split Interest Agreement (19,127) (18,939) Change in Net Assets Without Restrictions 306,460 1,727,720 REVENUES AND GAINS Contributions Without Restrictions 1,632,749 1,945,916 Investment Income - Current Without Restrictions 65,962 62,269 Rental Income 90,000 90,000 Other Income - 158,134 Support from Affiliate 346 14,464 Net Assets Released from Restrictions 534,104 1,194,160 Total Unrestricted Revenues 2,323,161 3,464,943
Without Restrictions20222021 Contributions With Restrictions 300,367 982,371 Investment Income - Current With Restrictions 212,066 205,675 Net Assets Released from Restrictions (534,104)(1,194,160) Change in Value-Split Interest Agreement -Investment Income (Loss) in Excess of Current (1,552,594) 1,685,196 Change in Net Assets With Restrictions (1,574,265) 1,679,082 Total Change in Net Assets (1,267,805) 3,406,802 Net Assets - Beginning of Year -Net Assets - End of Year (1,267,805) 3,406,802
With Restrictions20222021
Change in Net Assets
Change in Net Assets




In keeping with the KAOEF’s mission and o i ations as a c charitable organization, the distributions from each speci c chapter endowment account i e use to ene t the local chapter and/ or active members and must satisfy the IRS Code for educational purposes only.


The KAOEF Scholarship Program remains an important ene t to mem ers of appa pha r er s a primar focus of the these aca emic merit an nee s based scholarships serve as an inspiration for excellence inside an out of the c assroom an oftentimes pro e the i erence in whether recipients can continue their undergraduate or graduate education.

n the secon ha f of upon se ection in sprin the as er p ease to a ar aca emic scho arships tota in to un er ra uate an ra uate Kappa Alpha brothers and friends.

Alabama–Alpha Beta

Benjamin Lee Heggeman

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship

Jennings Lawson

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship

Appalachian State–

Delta Psi

Jackson Martin Kinney

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship

Arizona–Gamma Epsilon

Caleb Arthur Diaz

COL David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

Richard Lyle Millington IV

William C. Morrow Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Gamma Epsilon Scholarship

Arkansas–Alpha Omicron

Andrew Bexten

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship

Aaron Todd Gardner

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship

Paul Edward Gramling

Vernon & Marion Piper Scholarship

Conner Kilgore

William C. Morrow Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Arkansas State–Delta Eta

William Sterling Hood

COL David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

Stewart Turley Scholarship

Samuel Hayson Lane

Irwin-Turner Scholarship

COL David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

Subject to change, the distributions may be used for:

Purchase of chapter computer equipment, software, and/or internet wiring for educational purposes

Residential educational advisor lodging/stipend

Establishment of educational areas in chapter facilities

Educational percentage of national training travel expenses and registration fees

cho arships tuition pa ments an aca emic e penses oo s fees e uipment

*The KAOEF Board of Trustees authorized the allowable combination of several funds with lesser endowments to create larger funds increase impact per scholarship recipient. Average award total confirms the increased impact.

For further questions about applying for the next round of scholarships, please contact Aaron Masey at the National ministrati e ce phone at or e mai amase a or er or

Gabriel Martens

Andrew R. Eickhoff Jr. Scholarship

COL David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

Arkansas Tech–

Epsilon Zeta

Jacob Colton McChristian

William C. Morrow Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Arkansas-Fort Smith–

Zeta Rho

Hazen Shaed Cates

John W. Nowell Scholarship

COL David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

Arkansas-Monticello–Epsilon Chi

Hunter Selvey Founders Scholarship

William C. Morrow Jr. Memorial Scholarship


David Foster Edwards

Jack B. Carter II/Nu Scholarship

COL David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

Austin Peay State–Zeta Tau

Brandon Lee Patterson

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Joseph G. Webster Scholarship

Baylor–Delta Omega

Rohan Jay Shani

COL David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

Charles W. McCrary Sr. Scholarship


Nicholas Cain McPhillips

Founders Scholarship

COL David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

California–Alpha Xi

William Owen Halpert

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship

Pablo Enrique Rayon

Vernon & Marion Piper Scholarship

Campbell–Zeta Psi

Zachary Bryant Kas

George E. O’Mara Scholarship

McCall Scholarship

Centenary–Alpha Iota

Sami Kristopher Borchalli

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship

Jaron Bradley Petreas

William E. Dreyer Scholarship

Clark, Conrad, Dismuke, DuBose Scholarship

YEAR $ GRANTED# RECIPIENTS # SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS USED AVERAGE AWARD 2022 $114,300 70 125 $1,411 2021 $103,000 57 69* $1,745 2020 $95,250 74 127 $1,287 2019 $70,825 55 89 $1,264 2018 $74,000 59 96 $1,254
The KAOEF is proud to congratulate and honor the following scholarship recipients:

Established and Endowed as of 6/30/2022

Alabama–Alpha Beta

Bowling Green State–Zeta Lambda

Delaware–Beta Epsilon

Duke–Alpha Phi

Florida–Beta Zeta

Florida State–Gamma Eta

Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma



Vivek D. Lashkari

Mark Huntington Pruitt Scholarship

Florida–Beta Zeta

Richard Keith Bailey, Jr.

Kim Weller Memorial Scholarship

Crawford Province Scholarship

Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma

Alexander M. Barton

Julian A. Pardini Scholarship

COL David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

Ashley Sloan Wilds, Jr.

Barry E. Cox Scholarship

Sammons Family Scholarship

High Point–Zeta Phi

Adam John Lawall

Founders Scholarship

COL David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

Jacksonville State–Delta Phi

Christopher Ray

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship


Spencer Chaney

Theta Trust Scholarship

John Benoit Daumeyer II

Theta Trust Scholarship

Braden Gregory Kelly

Theta Trust Scholarship

Ryan M. Lenahan

Theta Trust Scholarship

James Richard Woody III

Theta Trust Scholarship

Louisiana State–

Alpha Gamma

Jake Netterville

William C. Morrow Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Thomas C. Main III Scholarship

Louisiana Tech–

Gamma Alpha

Grant Davis

Kaplan James Andrew Memorial Scholarship

The Cain Family Scholarship

Larry F. Robb Chapter Endowment

Account for Midwestern State–Gamma Omega

Louisiana State–Alpha Gamma

Memphis–Gamma Gamma

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon

Missouri–Alpha Kappa

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

Maryland–Beta Kappa

Henry Goldstein

Hugh Comer Scholarship

John R. & Paulina Beall Scholarship

McNeese State–Delta Xi

Bailey William Leonards

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship

Memphis–Gamma Gamma

Coby Hodge

Michael B. Hargrove Memorial Scholarship

COL David R. Williams Memorial Scholarship


Don Gay Aaron III

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship

Timothy K. Adams Scholarship

Miami–Epsilon Lambda

Seamus Michael Retzloff

Lynch-Applegate Memorial Scholarship

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Graham Harrison

Bruce D. Stafford - Walter M. Jones Memorial Scholarship

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon

Anthony Clay Ivy

Stanley J. Viner Scholarship

Richard B. Wilson Jr. Scholarship

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

Mason Fleming Founders Scholarship

Tyler Hollis

COL David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

Robert W. Maupin Scholarship

Landon Viers

Vernon & Marion Piper Scholarship

Jack R. Taylor Scholarship

Charles Wieberg

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship

Murray State Provisional

Carter Michael Bean

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship

North Carolina–Upsilon

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

Univ. of the South–Alpha Alpha

Southern California–Beta Sigma

Southern Methodist–Beta Lambda

Tennessee-Martin–Delta Upsilon

Texas State–Epsilon Iota


Westminster–Alpha Eta

COL David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

North Carolina State–

Alpha Omega

Zachary Bryan Christy

Bob & Nancy Smith Scholarship

COL David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

North Carolina-Charlotte–

Epsilon Xi

Cameron McKee

COL David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

Marshall J. Donathan Jr. Scholarship

Erik Rathke

COL David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

Northern Arizona–Epsilon Tau

Cooper Towne Jensen

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship

Vance E. Rule Scholarship

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

John Ryan King

M. Stevenson Scholarship

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

Jackson Andrew Wright

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship

South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha

Robert Owen Downing

Vernon & Marion Piper Scholarship

William C. Morrow Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Samuel Pate McCullough

Jim Hunter Scholarship

John R. Berryman Memorial Scholarship

Brady Alexander Watson

Robert E. Lee Memorial Scholarship

Dunwody Province Court of Honor


Southern Indiana–

Zeta Omicron

Brycen Robert Qualkenbush

Robert W. Woodruff Scholarship

Established as of 6/30/2022

Baylor–Delta Omega

James Madison–Zeta Theta

Purdue–Epsilon Rho

Tennessee–Zeta Upsilon

John Richards

Thomas G. Paulson II Scholarship

Charlie R. Ashford III Memorial Scholarship


Quentin Brau

Mark A. Robb Scholarship

LCPL David K. Fribley Memorial Scholarship

Texas A&M–Epsilon Delta

Richard Ray Dickason III

Luke Patton Memorial Scholarship

John Paul Rector Memorial Scholarship

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi

Connor Ralph Davis

COL David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

Colton Ruhl Maloy

James D. Roessler Memorial Scholarship

Robert John Richardson, Jr. Scholarship


Zachary Logan Frame

Vance E. Rule Scholarship

Zackary Shawn Gunter

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship

William C. Morrow Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Graham Nathan Jameison

Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Scholarship

Henry Tiller Scholarship

Samuel James Kullberg

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship

David Kanghyun Seo

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship

Valdosta State–Delta Rho

Gabriel Thomas Heiderscheit

Knights of Arlington Memorial Scholarship

VMI–Beta Commission

Jonathan Elman Hadra

Hunter W. Henry Scholarship

GEN Lemuel C. Shepherd Jr. USMC Memorial Scholarship

Washington & Lee–Alpha

Samuel Anthony Maruca

Robert Hart, John Heath, Peter Waters, Harry Sims, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

COL David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

Mulberry Hill Scholarship

Jacob Antonio McCabe

COL David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

William Grayson Rixey

Warren Frazier Memorial Scholarship

Vernon & Marion Piper Scholarship

Michael K. Shields, Jr.

William L. Meier Scholarship

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship

Westminster–Alpha Eta

Jason Reilly

Harry J. Breithaupt Memorial Scholarship

Porter Hardy III Memorial Scholarship

William Jewell–Alpha Delta

Logan Patrick Bly

Clyde E. Williams Scholarship

Jason Harley Emerson

Clyde E. Williams Scholarship

James Alexander Frick

Clyde E. Williams Scholarship

Cole Griffin Hon

William E. Dreyer/Alpha Delta Scholarship


Davis Myers Newman

Jacob West Summers IV Memorial Scholarship

John L. Hall Scholarship



The E. Fleming Mason Memorial Internship Program was created to provide deserving undergraduates with the opportunity to become better educated and informed on both the public and private sectors of our national government. Since inception, this program gave undergraduates the opportunity to gain professional work experience while living in the Washington, D.C. area.

Beginning in the summer of 2020, internships ere secure the sta in ocations including Washington, D.C., along with Atlanta, eor ia an a as e as he oa as to p ace e undergraduate members in each city. The KAOEF appreciates all of our partners who hosted internships in the summer 2022.

To help fund this unparalleled program, please contact Former Knight Commander and KAOEF Executive Vice President Ben W. Satcher, Jr., at (540) 463-1865, or bsatcher@ka-order.org.

Dallas, Texas

Charles S. “Charlie” Moore (Zeta Chi–Kennesaw ’19)

INTERNSHIP: Checkpoint Software Technologies

HOST: Fred Diaz (Delta Iota–Texas-Arlington ’84)

Took a job on the Hill because of a connection he made with one of Rep. Womack’s staffers during a meeting the KAOEF set up with the interns and the Congressman

William R. Murphy (Epsilon Omega–Arizona State ’18)

INTERNSHIP: Meyers and Associates

HOST: Larry Meyers (Gamma Chi–Texas Tech ’68)

Samuel C. Smith (Delta–Wofford ’20)

INTERNSHIP: Wilkinson Barker Knauer

HOST: Bryan Tramont (Alpha Eta–Westminster ’17)

Andrew W. Vazquez (Zeta Chi–Kennesaw ’19)


HOST: Lisa Spies

Nathan E. Wingfi eld (Alpha Omicron–Arkansas ’20)


HOST: Lisa Spies

Washington, D.C.

Atlanta, Georgia

Kenneth T. “Sonny” Charbonnet, Jr. (Psi–Tulane ’20)

INTERNSHIP: Georgia State Department

HOST: Gerald Pilgrim

Theodore “Dowling” Riley (Rho–South Carolina ’20)

INTERNSHIP: College Football Hall of Fame

HOST: Ronald Latimer

Mason W. Rush (Beta Kappa–Maryland ’20)

INTERNSHIP: Georgia State Government

HOST: Gerald Pilgrim

Also took a job with Lisa Spies, who was his intern host



The future is bright…because of more than 1,000 brothers and friends like you.

The goal of the Crimson & Gold Campaign is to continue to retain 1,000 donors at the unrestricted, annual level of $1,000.

ast sca ear e ha rothers an frien s from 39 states, representing 144 chapters and commissions a on ith the ose irc e a i in at least $1,000 in unrestricted support.

ith this support e continue to ma e a positi e i erence in the i es of our un er ra uate rothers herefore e hope e er one i continue to support the s e ort to pro i e much nee e scho arships an ea ership e ucation to our un er ra uate mem ers

Alabama–Alpha Beta

Charles Alfred Jones Beavers, Jr.,

1st year

Geoff Mark Gotsch, 4th year

George Merrill Jones III, 10th year

Joseph M. Simcox, 2nd year

Ken D. Tidwell, 8th year

Hugh P. Whitehead, 9th year

Appalachian State–Delta Psi

Richard H. Barnett, 1st year

Douglas Ross Coley, 7th year

Wyatt T. Dixon III, 10th year

Charles Yates Pharr, 4th year

Arizona–Gamma Epsilon

James K. Cooper, 3rd year

George R. Henman, 2nd year

Douglas M. Johnson, 4th year

Bradford W. Lowe, 2nd year

Stephen G. Muzzy, 6th year

Zach D. Nadler, 1st year

Brian A. Seastone, 4th year

Arizona State–Epsilon Omega

Tyler Bell, 5th year

Daniel M. Engel, 2nd year

Jon N. Warkomski, 1st year

Arkansas–Alpha Omicron

Ethan R. Barton, 2nd year

Eric Larsen, 2nd year

Harrison Alden Robb, 4th year

Thomas D. Ryan, 4th year

James Michael Vann, 3rd year

Arkansas State–Delta Eta

James Robnett Estes, Jr., 1st year

Jack Plumlee, 1st year

Chris L. Vandergriff, 4th year

Arkansas Tech–Epsilon Zeta

Dr. George Robert Franks, Jr., PhD, 6th year

Evan M. Hanna, 4th year

E.L. Scott McLain, 5th year

H. David Pinson, 6th year

Arkansas-Fort Smith–Zeta Rho

Aaron W. Brown, 5th year

Hunter K. Cabe, 5th year


John G. Brock, 1st year

Patrick J. David, 3rd year

Adam S. Fielding, 1st year

Claude W. Harbarger, 1st year

COL John W. Haynes, USAF (Ret.), 2nd year

Robert W. Humphreys, 4th year

Charles W. Humphreys, 2nd year

James Douglas Kay, Jr., 9th year

John D. Lentz DDS, 5th year

William D. Melton, 4th year

W. Thomas Morgan III, 6th year

Harris Albert Pippen III, 3rd year

John Stephen Powell III, 6th year

Edgar Preston Pritchett III, 1st year

Todd D. Reaves, 9th year

William Dewey Reaves III, 1st year

Thomas Everett Stewart, Jr., 4th year

T. Michael Tennant, 2nd year

Thomas Evenden Williams, Jr., 4th year

Austin Peay State–Zeta Tau

A. Blake Ball, 4th year

Bennett Russell Evans, 3rd year



Exclusive Member Benefits:

Special recognition in the KAOEF Annual Report rimson o ociet ape pin for rst time mem ers pecia ift in reco nition of mem ership each ear

Access to the Crimson & Gold ociet mem ership roster n itation to nnua rimson o ociet e ent ermanent mem ership in the o a r er for a lifetime Journal su scription

+ Indicates deceased at time of compilation

Daniel Nolen Pitts, 3rd year

Aristeo Skyy Ruiz, 3rd year

Baylor–Delta Omega

John W. Bradley, 2nd year

Keven Brelsford Caldarera, 3rd year

Stephen C. Daugherty, 1st year

Robert D. Fletcher, 8th year

Dr. D. Tyler Greenfield, 2nd year

Evan Lawson, 1st year

John C. Martin, 6th year

Ralph M. Randall, 6th year

Bethany–Beta Beta

Lawrence S. Branch, 10th year


R. Stephen Briggs, 1st year

Saul Komisar, 1st year

Ryan S. Simpson, 1st year

Jacob T. Woodard, 2nd year

California–Alpha Xi

Niles A. Pierson, 1st year

California State-Bakersfield–

Epsilon Upsilon

Clifford Frank Loader II, 8th year

Gregory W. White, 1st year

California-Davis–Epsilon Gamma

Dennis K. Baldwin, 4th year


Epsilon Epsilon

Michael W. Battin, Esq., 1st year

Centenary–Alpha Iota

John M. Moore, 6th year

Gabriel Anthony Rodriguez, 2nd year

Alexander C. Van Hook, 1st year

Charleston–Beta Gamma

Cornelius Harrington Bissell, Jr., 4th year

Frederick T. Fabian, 1st year

John M. Gantt, Jr., 1st year

Baxter Hahn III, 1st year

David M. Hay, 6th year

Joseph L. Nicholson, 2nd year

Carlton O. Schumpert, 4th year

Citadel–Theta Commission

LCDR Edward John Derst III, USCGR Ret.7th year

William Blake Duke, 1st year

Capt. Edward H. Fetner III, 2nd year

Anthony Eli Gaiani, 1st year

LT Alexander Faris Giles III, 4th year

Col Myron C. Harrington, Jr., NC, USMC (Ret), 2nd year

Brandon Grayson Lutes, 1st year

LTC John A. McAllister, 1st year

CPT Ronald C. Plunkett, 9th year

LTC Donald Lanier Plunkett, 2nd year

H. Mark Plunkett, 1st year

LtCol John W. Powell, Jr. USMCR (Ret)1st year

Robert W. Schivera, 3rd year

Lt. Gen. Ellie G. Shuler, Jr., USAF (Ret.)3rd year

Palmer R. Stokes, 3rd year

Howard Jerome Strickland, Jr., 3rd year

Clemson–Delta Omicron

E. Lawton Benton, 1st year

Joseph W. Chapman, Jr., 1st year

David T. Cline, 2nd year

James M. Doolittle, 1st year

Fred W. Faircloth III, 8th year

William Thomas Freeland, Jr., 2nd year

James Timothy Hance, Jr., 2nd year

A. Tim Hinson, 1st year

David Braden Kelly, 2nd year

John N. McCarter, Jr., 6th year

Thomas C. Moss, Jr., 1st year

James Dreyer Norris, 2nd year

Patrick A. O’Connor, 3rd year

David A. Pattillo, 9th year

Daniel B. Pattillo, Jr., 6th year

Timothy J. Reed, 2nd year

Stephen R. Ridgeway, 2nd year

S. Lathan Roddey III, 1st year

Dr. John E. Ross III, DMD, 3rd year

Louis T. Runge, Jr., 3rd year

Ben W. Satcher, Jr., 10th year

Frederick Laughton Sherman, 3rd year

Harold L. Turner, Jr., 4th year

Robert Sharp Turner, 1st year

Coastal Carolina–Zeta Omega

Charles Andrew Collins, Jr., 1st year

Jacob A. Seay, 4th year


Hon. Rudolph Bumgardner III, 6th year

Jeffrey D. McEwen, 4th year

Robert Stephen Ukrop, Jr., 3rd year

Dr. Heber Grey Winfield III, 1st year

Delaware–Beta Epsilon

Francis Espey Gardiner, Jr., 9th year

Dr. Steven E. Hastings, 5th year

Bruce L. Hudson, 5th year


Eugene M. Julian, 10th year

Wallace W. Poole, 1st year

Scott H. Walter, 3rd year

Michael D. Wedlick, RCDD, 9th year

Delta State–Delta Beta

+Hon. Paul C. Artman, Jr., 1st year

MG Alben N. Hopkins, Sr., Esq., USA, 1st year

Robert Wilbanks, 3rd year

Eddie S. Wilson, 9th year

Duke–Alpha Phi

Richard R. Crosier, 8th year

Raymond Allen Jones III, 8th year

Edwin F. Payne, 9th year

+Roy O. Rodwell, Jr., 9th year

East Carolina–Gamma Rho

David W. Dupree, 6th year

Lyle J. Hagwood, 1st year

Philip C. Hoft, 5th year

Matthew R. Hollomon, 1st year

Max Ray Joyner, Jr., 5th year

Christopher C. Knott, 2nd year

R. Randolph Reid, 4th year

James Ben Whiteside, Jr., 4th year

Eastern Kentucky–Delta Mu

Walter Phillip Burgess, 2nd year

Christopher M. Castle, 4th year

Gary J. Fassler, 4th year

Michael S. Henderson, 3rd year

Lee G. Martin, 1st year

Robert M. Sullivan, 2nd year

Ronald Coleman Taylor, 6th year

Collin B. Taylor, 5th year

LTC John Michael Wills (Ret), 6th year

Elon–Epsilon Mu

McLean Marion Warren, 3rd year


Timothy Killen Adams, Sr., 9th year

George Robert Blanchard, Jr., 1st year

L. Hunt Campbell, 2nd year

William Zimmerman Cannon, 1st year

Dr. L. Adolph Casal, 9th year

Walter Mabry Deriso, Jr., 8th year

Dr. James Paul Ferguson, 2nd year

James Laurens Ferman, Jr., 10th year

William Deadwyler Fortson, Jr., 1st year

Dr. Jason R. Hubbard, 2nd year

George Rozier Lee III, 5th year

Frederick Levering Neely, Jr., 1st year

Mark C. Post, 2nd year

+Dr. Carter Smith, Jr., 1st year

Dr. James M. Tallman, MD, 4th year

Clarence Wilbur Warner, Jr., 4th year

1SG Andrew C. West, USMCR, 5th year

Florida–Beta Zeta

Gregory B. Adams, 6th year

Henry H. Beckwith, 8th year

Thomas C. Buss II, 2nd year

Eric Finger, 1st year

Nelson J. Guagliardo, 4th year

John A. Langley, Sr., 6th year

John K. Roberts, 7th year

Steven M. Rosenbloom, 1st year

Sawyer C. Smith, 2nd year

Edward G. Sullivan, Esq., 9th year

Duane Ernest Thompson III, 4th year

David A. Tomkins, 3rd year

COL Joseph A. Viani (Ret.) USAF, 2nd year

Timothy W. Volpe, 4th year

James R. White, 6th year

Florida Gulf Coast–Zeta Pi

Michael Jacob Arden, 1st year

Anthony M. Graziani, 7th year

Andrew M. Graziani, 1st year

Altony Lee III, 3rd year

David C. Merrill, 3rd year

Bradley Williams, 1st year

Florida Southern–Gamma Pi

COL Guy D. Colado, 9th year

James C. France, 10th year

Brian L. Lightle, 1st year

Florida State–Gamma Eta

Daniel Richard Amato, Jr., 5th year

Frank A. Argenbright, Jr., 4th year

L. Blair Bailey, 10th year

Peter H. Collins, 4th year

Gary A. DeLapp, 2nd year

Randal Horace Drew, Sr., 6th year

Patrick J. Farrell, Jr., 4th year

Richard E. Heath, 4th year

Jonathan S. Howse, Jr., 4th year

Todd M. Kraemer, 1st year

David J. Middleton, 1st year

Theodore R. Ostrander, Jr., 1st year

James A. Owens, 2nd year

Hon. P. Michael Ruff, 4th year

William K. Seago, Jr., 2nd year

William Godfrey Smith, Jr., 9th year

John A. Yearty, 6th year

Francis Marion–Delta Tau

Brian D. Anderson, 3rd year

Kenneth Wayne Jackson, 4th year

Theodore Edgar Maness III, 5th year

Dr. Ronald E. Miller, Jr., 6th year

S. Kent Moore, 1st year

William H. Skipper, Jr., 10th year


C. Tucker Moore, 8th year

Matthew W. Schivera, 1st year

C. Bruce Shealy, 1st year

James N. Taylor, Jr., 1st year

George Mason–Epsilon Phi

Kenneth Mika, 3rd year

Robert A. Simms, 5th year

Garrett S. Stengl, 1st year

John Timothy Winkler II, Esq., 1st year

George Washington–Alpha Nu

Clay W. Socha, 4th year

Georgetown–Beta Delta

Charley Grant, 3rd year

Henry H. Hays, 1st year

Flash Williams, 1st year


John Annesley DeGaris III, 2nd year

Robert Lee Dickey III, 2nd year

Harry Gilbert Haisten, Jr., 1st year

W. Lawrence Jenkins, 5th year

William Lawrence Manning Knox, Jr., 4th year

Wyckliffe Austin Knox, Jr., 4th year

Andrew Hall Knox, Sr., 1st year

Jefferson Boone Aiken Knox, Sr., 1st year

Jefferson Boone Aiken Knox, Jr., 1st year

Robert Edward Knox, Jr., 1st year

Malcolm H. Liles, 10th year

M. Leighton Liles, 1st year

William N. Liles, 1st year

Walter L. Pipkin, 1st year

Fred Marion Sims, Jr., 4th year

Robert Long Stewart, Jr., 2nd year

John William Walden, Jr., 9th year

B. Neely Young, 3rd year

Georgia College–Epsilon Nu

Evan R. Karanovich, 5th year

Georgia Southern–Delta Theta

R. Scott Crittenden, 2nd year

Matthew A. Griffin, 1st year

COL Michael W. Smith, 1st year

Terrell Draper Watson, Sr., 7th year

Leon C. Watson, 6th year

Edmond H. Wilson, 8th year

Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma

Davis H. Beman, 1st year

Charles R. Haley, 1st year

James L. Herrin, 7th year

Edward L. Kelly, 8th year

James L. Oliver II, 7th year

Matthew J. Rose, 1st year

Charles L. Wallace, 3rd year

James Hunter Yancey, Jr., 3rd year

Hampden-Sydney–Alpha Tau

+Raymond B. Bottom, Jr., 5th year

W. Birch Douglass III, 9th year

James R. Foster, 5th year

High Point–Zeta Phi

Michael H. Esposito, 2nd year

Allen McLean Kay, 4th year

David Slade Ransdell, 1st year

Houston Baptist–Delta Sigma

Douglas B. Harris, 5th year

Dr. Joel A. Nickles, 7th year

Dr. Chris R. Sawyer , 6th year

David Y. Stutts CPA, 4th year

Indiana State–Zeta Iota

Andrew E. Damin, 1st year

Douglas E. Hess, 6th year

Patrick B. Hurst, 1st year

Jacksonville State–Delta Phi

Marcus E. Angle, Jr., 10th year

Duvan L. Brock, 1st year

D. Scott Cates, 2nd year

Stephen J. LaFollette, 8th year

2LT Caleb Matthew LaFollette, 2nd year

James Alexander Oyler, Jr., 3rd year

James Madison–Zeta Theta

Kevin M. Grunkemeyer, 1st year

Kennesaw State–Zeta Chi

Evan L. Stack, 5th year

Craig Arnold Stack, 4th year


William Preston Cox, Jr., 1st year

William K. Downey, 6th year

Dr. Charles D. Franks, 2nd year

George B. Hocker, 1st year

Jeffery R. McIntosh, 4th year

Daniel H. Miller, 4th year

COL Philip Kenneth Miller USA (Ret.), 2nd year

Larry M. Roy, 5th year

Gary Alan Smith, Sr., 7th year

W. Ashley Smock, 2nd year

Lambuth–Gamma Omicron

Dan H. Akin, 8th year

CDR Parker H. Dinwiddie, Jr., 2nd year

Charles W. Elliott, 3rd year

Louisiana State–Alpha Gamma

Dr. James R. Andrews, 6th year

Dr. A. Michael Aura, MD, 3rd year

B. Terry W. Bennett, 10th year

Christopher L. Bentley, 4th year

William Franklin Biossat, Jr., 3rd year

Paul R. Burns, Sr., 7th year

John B. Frierson, Jr., 1st year

Ryan K. Haynie, 2nd year

William V. Henry, 2nd year

W. Regi Mullins, 8th year

Jake L. Netterville, 3rd year

T. Shofner Smith III, 4th year

T. Michael Stanberry, 8th year

Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha

Brandon A. Ashlock, 2nd year

Ronnie E. Bounds, Jr., 3rd year

Canyon L. Elkins, 1st year

SGT Clayton Flurry, 5th year

Sinclair Bert Kouns III, 3rd year

Patrick G. Mackey, 1st year

Donald Roy O’Neal, Jr., 9th year

Matthew D. O’Neal, 8th year

MG Jack W. Ramsaur II, 4th year

Daniel W. Reynolds, 1st year

+Robert D. Schaumburg, 1st year

Erik T. Showalter, 10th year

Louisiana-Lafayette–Gamma Phi

William Francis Bailey, Jr., 4th year

Harlan H. Kappel , 4th year

LT N. LaRon Phillips CPA, 1st year

Dr. Russell J. Saloom, 5th year

Harold P. Vice, Jr., 3rd year

Louisiana-Monroe–Gamma Nu

R. Bradley Carroll, 2nd year

1LT Lawrence Wayne Pettiette, Jr.,

JD, 3rd year

Destin Brook Sebren, 4th year

Louisville–Beta Omicron

Robert M. Bouse, 9th year

Marshall–Beta Upsilon

Franklin T. Brackman, 8th year

LTC David S. Ferrell (Ret), 2nd year

Kelsey W. Hill, 3rd year

James F. Kirtley, 4th year

James C. Musser, 6th year

Gary W. Sweeney, 1st year

Maryland–Beta Kappa

Dhruva D. Kumar, 2nd year

Robert M. Ross, 3rd year

Richard A. Sullivan, Sr., 1st year

Philip Jeffrey Wimbish, Jr., CPA, 1st year

McNeese State–Delta Xi

Ethan J. Bush, 9th year

Dr. Mark Daughenbaugh, 5th year

Steven Lee Gros, 2nd year

Memphis–Gamma Gamma

C. Kevin Campbell, 3rd year

Dr. Richard Alan Ellis, 2nd year

MG Donald R. Gardner USMC (Ret), 8th year

S. Morgan Morton, Jr., 10th year

Gregory R. Singleton, 9th year

Jeffrey K. Smith, 3rd year

David C. Wadlington, 5th year


King V. Aiken, Jr., 9th year

Dr. Harold Allan Bivins, Jr., 2nd year

Robert Adger Bowen, Jr., 2nd year

Philetus Sawyer Harison, Jr., 6th year

Lee A. Jackson, 4th year

J. Ed Magruder, 2nd year

Kevin P. Tolbert, 3rd year

Raymond McLeod Warren III, 9th year

CAPT Sidney Ezell Wood, Jr., USN (Ret) 5th year

Miami–Epsilon Lambda

Bruce Benes, 7th year

Brad Bundy, 4th year

C. Lance Carpenter, 4th year

Ryan Holloway, 5th year

Middle Tennessee State–

Delta Lambda

Julian B. Baker, Jr., 5th year

Richard A. Barnes, 4th year

Joseph L. Coleman, Sr., 4th year

Jeremy Duke, 3rd year

Stephen D. Grand, 4th year

Herschel Lynn Greer, Jr., 6th year

Nicholas S. Palmer, 7th year

Jason L. Potts, 4th year

S. Todd Shelton, 7th year

Dr. Gary Gribble Wiser Jr., EdD, 7th year

Midwestern State–

Gamma Omega

Jesse C. Brown, 3rd year

Clayton Dale Brown, 1st year

Dick Y. Fletcher, 1st year

ENS Tyler Lee Garcia, 1st year

Bradley A. Grimm, 2nd year

Charles M. Gustafson III, 2nd year

Jeffrey E. Hausler, 1st year

Wyatt D. Henderson, CPA, 1st year

Mitchell S. Hill, 9th year

A. Allen Jones, 1st year

Daniel W. Mills, 2nd year

Michael A. Stokes, 4th year

Charles T. Sylvester, 1st year

Larry Stanton Wiese, 10th year

Mason L. Wiese, 1st year

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Wilburn Eugene Ainsworth, Jr., 5th year

Dr. Russell Peyton Atchley DMD, 7th year

Samuel Griffin Cole III, 6th year

LTC Wayne E. Ferrell, Jr., 1st year

Todd David Glisson CFP, 4th year

John B. Link IV, 4th year

Marcus Alfred Treadway, Jr., 1st year

James Murray Underwood, Jr., 7th year

Ward William VanSkiver, Sr., CLU, CFP2nd year

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon

Edwin W. Barnett, 3rd year

Charles Phillip Buffington, Jr., 4th year

William Chandler Douglas, Jr., 1st year

James M. Ferguson, Jr., 2nd year

Chad W. Franks, 5th year

Joseph T. Getz, 1st year

Joseph A. Haley III, 6th year

G. Lee Hawkins, 4th year

Jeremy A. Hebert, 1st year

Frederick Boykin Horne III, 5th year

David T. Martineau V, 9th year

John D. Mayo, 1st year

John O. McCarthy, 2nd year

Douglas Gray McKinnon, 5th year

Mark C. Reaves, 2nd year

James J. Reiss III, 1st year

Mixon Robb, 4th year

Scott A. Shearouse, 1st year

Dr. Daniel H. Shell IV, 1st year

Huey Love Townsend, Jr., 3rd year

Jon Crosby Turner, 6th year

Stanley J. Viner, 5th year

Hon. W. Swan Yerger (Ret.), 10th year

Lee K. Zoller, 1st year

Mississippi State–Beta Tau

Stevan Lenoir Black, Jr., 3rd year

Stephen L. Burwell, 10th year

Jerry D. Carlisle, 1st year

LTC Charles O. Cook, 3rd year

Phillip R. Davis, 1st year

Earnest William Deavenport, Jr., 10th year

Walter L. Dowdle, 6th year

David George East, 3rd year

John A. Holliday, Jr., 1st year

Hunter M. Lipscomb, 5th year

William Fritz Maxwell, Sr., 1st year

William Ogden Plyler II, 4th year

Trey Powers, 1st year

Scott R. Shoemaker, 1st year

Jonathan Matthew Shook Esq., 6th year

C. Douglas Simmons III, 10th year

Harold D. Walker, 3rd year

Ryan H. Whittington, 3rd year

J.T. Wood III, 1st year

Missouri–Alpha Kappa

James Earl Davis, 6th year

James R. Estes, Sr., 10th year


+ Indicates deceased at time of compilation

Charles Jacob Hoffman, Jr., 7th year

Kenneth Rickli, 9th year

Robert A. Robison, 3rd year

J. William Schulz, 9th year

Lewis H. Wyman III, 7th year

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

Robert G. Brinkmann , 5th year

Dennis L. Dutton, 7th year

William A. Givens, Sr., 2nd year

Jared L. Gregory, 3rd year

Brett L. Hanke, PE, 6th year

James R. Hennessey, 3rd year

Joel J. Kovach, 3rd year

Ralph L. Ozorkiewicz, 1st year

C. Edward Schmidt, Jr., 10th year

Robert M. Schmidt, 1st year

Theodore L. Weise, 4th year

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

Daniel R. Day, 6th year

Dr. Chad E. Wagoner, 10th year

CAPT Thomas Langston Williams, 4th year

Missouri State–Gamma Beta

Douglas S. Evans, 3rd year

Gordon L. Kinne, 10th year

Anthony J. Michalka, 1st year

Christopher J. Puricelli, 8th year

Murray State–Delta Nu

LTC Thomas Ray Murray USA (Ret.), 4th year

Newberry–Delta Epsilon

Leon Charles Banks, Jr., 7th year

John Woody Cornwell, 4th year

C. Alan Crowell, 2nd year

James M. Green IV, 4th year

Michael E. Gunn, 4th year

Charles Butler Moore, 2nd year

Hugo Atlas Pearce III, 4th year

Michael E. Reid, 4th year

Ralph Richard Sargent II, 2nd year

GEN Henry I. Siegling, Sr., 1st year

Harold L. Turner, 1st year

Rudy L. Williams, Jr., 5th year

North Carolina–Upsilon

Norman E. Block, 3rd year

Scott W. Warren, 4th year

V. Charles Wyatt, 2nd year

North Carolina State–

Alpha Omega

Henry M. Anderson, Jr., 1st year

Paul W. Baker, Jr., 2nd year

Dustin G. Brann, 8th year

Jack E. Brinson, Jr., 1st year

Lynn T. Clark, 2nd year

Derick S. Close, 10th year

Ceasar Cone III, 3rd year

Marshall James Donathan, Jr., 2nd year

Paul F. Haddock III, 9th year

David Blair Hagan CCIM, SIOR, 8th year

Stewart Hamlin Haynes, 2nd year

Bruce W. Knott, CIMA, 2nd year

Matthew T. Korff, 3rd year

Stephen Howard Kouba, Jr., 7th year

Dickson M. Lupo, 7th year

Charles Franklin McDowell IV, 5th year

Philip McIver Payonk, Jr., 1st year

Grady Leonard Pittman, Jr., 3rd year

William Trent Ragland III, 5th year

Troy M. Raines, 4th year

Ronald Glenn Sherrill, Jr., 2nd year

Robert Jones Smith, 8th year

W. Emerson Teer, 3rd year

William F. Troxler, Jr., 2nd year

Edward I. Weisiger, Jr., 7th year

G. Smedes York, 8th year

North Carolina-Charlotte–

Epsilon Xi

Phillip Heath Cook, 1st year

Hon. Richard L. Hudson, Jr., 3rd year

Kevin R. Wilkinson, 1st year

North Carolina-Wilmington–

Epsilon Psi

George Akers Moore IV, 6th year

John-David P. Morris, 2nd year

North Florida–Zeta Nu

Adam R. Newell, 5th year

North Texas–Gamma Lambda

Blake E. Benney, 8th year

Matthew Kyle Brill, 2nd year

James B. Fincher, 3rd year

Greyson W. Slicker, 1st year

Dr. Curtis Howard Stiles, Jr., PhD, 1st year

Northern Arizona–Epsilon Tau

Douglas W. Hanisch, 5th year

Chad A. Raymond, 2nd year

Northwestern State–Gamma Psi

Charles Randolph Gentz, 9th year

Thomas N. Whitehead, 4th year

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

Brent E. Buswell, 5th year

Win O. Cramer, 3rd year

Paul D. Dollahite, JD, 3rd year

Gil Ira Hayes, 2nd year

Robert L. Morris, Jr., 5th year

Daniel Joseph O’Connell, Sr., 3rd year

William C. Routh, 7th year

Oklahoma City–Gamma Kappa

Charles C. Caldwell, 2nd year

Dr. Scott W. Calhoon, 1st year

+Edward Franklin Keller, 5th year

Steve C. Knight, 10th year

+Gary B. McCoy, 4th year

Dr. Virgil D. Medlin, 1st year

David N. Price, 1st year

Dr. Charles R. Walker, 1st year

Ronald E. Willis, 6th year

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

LTC Walter David Archibald (Ret.), 1st year

Kent T. Chapin, 8th year

Richard I. Evans, 4th year

Samuel O. Leake, Jr., 10th year

Chase P. Martin, 2nd year

William Howard McKee V, 5th year

Old Dominion–Delta Gamma

Michael D. Ellis, 4th year

James B. Hichak , 5th year

William E. Lobeck, Jr., 9th year

David M. O’Dell, 2nd year

Penn State–Zeta Eta

David N. Martin, 2nd year

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

John W. Adams III, 4th year

Hal Holland Crosswell III, 2nd year

Frederick H. Gantt III, 1st year

Dr. George Alexander Jenkins III, MD, 3rd year

William M. Matthews V, 6th year

Ens. I. Jenkins Mikell III, 1st year

John Harris Morrison, Jr., 1st year

J. Derrill Rice, 9th year

Sanford DeLoach Satcher, 2nd year

William Brown Shearer, Jr., 4th year

David W. Spivey, 1st year

Paul G. Trippe, 3rd year

Thomas E. Williams, 1st year

Brian M. Wilson, 6th year

Purdue–Epsilon Rho

James R. Beebe, 1st year

Scott T. Clifford, 6th year

Michael Jerry Garrison, 5th year

Jeffrey W. Love, 4th year

David E. Newton, 1st year

Stephan B. Oliver, 3rd year

Luke D. Snyder, 2nd year


James Alexander Baber IV, 3rd year

Carlton W. Baker, 6th year

Richard Lester Burke, Jr., 9th year

+J. Whiting Chisman, Jr., 5th year

COL Michael G. Comeau USA (Ret.), 1st year

Ed Coombs, 1st year

Charles Leonard Isaacs, 3rd year

Thomas David Jones III, 3rd year

Littleton M. Maxwell, 7th year

Arthur S. McCray, 2nd year

Daniel F. Scandling, 4th year

Michael Joseph Walsh IV, 3rd year

D. Calloway Whitehead III, 5th year

Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon

Dr. John Robert Adams, Jr., MD, 2nd year

Michael R. Frick, 5th year


Clayton Eugene Bunting, Esq., 8th year

Dr. Scott C. Cole, 5th year

George W. McCall III, 8th year

Douglas L. Nickel, 7th year

Sam L. Rubenstein, 1st year

Dr. Walter Edward Saxon, Jr., 1st year

Roanoke–Beta Rho

Samuel B. Adams, 8th year

Matthew R. Barnes, 1st year

Peter J. Foster, 3rd year

Barret W. Lang, 1st year

Frederick Leatherbury, 3rd year

Matt Mandeville, 1st year

John H. Turner, Jr., 9th year

Rollins–Alpha Psi

Michael O’Donnell, 3rd year

Sam Houston State–Gamma Tau

Charles L. Beckner, 4th year

Allen M. Burns, 3rd year

Darron E. Franta, 3rd year

Tracy S. Hoffart, 4th year

Travis B. Lacox, 4th year

Daniel L. Moreland, 4th year

Ronny J. Snow, 3rd year

San Diego State–Gamma Iota

David K. Dere, 5th year

South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha

Paul W. Lammers, 3rd year

D. Brady Wilson, 2nd year

South Carolina–Rho

Dr. C. Edward Floyd, 2nd year

S. Mercer Heath, 5th year

Batson L. Hewitt, 3rd year

William C. Hubbard, 2nd year

Richard Abner Jones, Jr., 1st year

Thomas E. Lydon, 1st year

J. Lynn McCants, 3rd year

Bettis Cantelou Rainsford, Jr., 1st year

J. Adam Ribock, 1st year

Jonathan T. Servant, 1st year

Herbert W. Shuler, 1st year

James W. Smith, 3rd year

Dr. Heath McAlvin Stewart, Jr., DMD, 3rd year

Southeastern Louisiana–Epsilon Kappa

Jonathan D. Duhon, 2nd year

David Kent Landacre, Jr., 1st year

Cliff R. Lloyd, 1st year

Walter Prentiss Rainey, Jr., 1st year

James Saloom, 2nd year

Southern California–Beta Sigma

Red Cavaney CAE, 4th year

Russell H. Chesley, 5th year


To commemorate the inaugural 1,000 members of the KAOEF’s Crimson & Gold Society, the KAOEF held two Celebration Dinners in 2022. The first was held April 28 at the Mint Museum Uptown in Charlotte, North Carolina in conjunction with meetings of Order’s Executive Council and the KAOEF Board of Trustees. The second was held July 28 at The Diskill Hotel in Austin, Texas, in conjunction with meetings of the Order’s Executive & Advisory Councils and the KAOEF Board of Trustees.

Past Crimson & Gold Society events:

2021 79th Convention & Brotherhood Weekend, Wrigley Mansion, Phoenix, Ariz.

2020 Virtual Receptions throughout the year

2019 78th Convention & Brotherhood Weekend, Galatoire’s, New Orleans, La.

2018 Executive Council, Advisory Council, and KAOEF Board Meetings, Cherokee Town and Country Club, Atlanta, Ga.

2017 77th Convention & Brotherhood Weekend, St. Louis Racquet Club, St. Louis, Mo.

2016 Charleston Yacht Club, Charleston, S.C.

2015 Sesquicentennial Celebration & 76th Convention, Hotel Roanoke Crystal Ball Room, Roanoke, Va.

2014 Executive Council, Advisory Council, and KAOEF Board Meetings, The Quail Hollow Club, Charlotte, N.C.

2013 75th Convention, Alamo Hall, on the grounds of the Alamo, San Antonio, Texas


Rose Circle Grows to 68 Sweethearts!

n three oses set out to raise si ni cant fun s for the esta ishin the ose irc e of the rimson o ociet heir aim as to e e op an so icit onations at the e e of annua unrestricte from the specia omen in the i es of s an of the r er in enera s of une si t ei ht omen ans ere the ca or ere sponsore to e the inau ura foun ers of the ose irc e an i e reco ni e as such he an the entire r er i e than s to the oses ho support a that e o for the future of our oun est mem ers inc u in nancia

2021–2022 Rose Circle Members

Mrs. Ellen Aiken, 2nd year

Mrs. Elizabeth Asbury, 8th year

Mrs. Monica R. Bailey, 2nd year

Ms. Carrie Bane, 1st year

Mrs. Cayci Banks, 1st year

Mrs. Keena Bartley, 3rd year

Mrs. Jamie Mauldin Beasley, 2nd year

Mrs. Ann Binggeli, 2nd year

Mrs. Paula Tyree Bowman, 3rd year

Mrs. Jennifer Brinson, 1st year

Mrs. Amanda Jordan McNabb Buswell, 3rd year

Mrs. Nina B.Campbell, 2nd year

Mrs. Laura Carr, 3rd year

Ms. Susan Evans Coleman, 1st year

Mrs. Barbara T. Cromwell, 9th year

Mrs. Trish Day, 2nd year

Mrs. Gwendolyn Deal, 2nd year

Ms. Kitty L. DeKieffer, 4th year

Mrs. Karen Dick, 2nd year

Mrs. Dina A. Dudley, 3rd year

Mrs. Donna Duncan, 2nd year

Mrs. Sally Estes, 2nd year

Robert C. Davis, 4th year

Michael V. Paulin, 9th year

Douglas George Strugar, 3rd year

Mark D. Tsagalakis, 1st year

Southern Illinois–Zeta Sigma

Tony M. Maheu, 1st year

Southern Indiana–Zeta Omicron

Jeremy W. Blankenship, 3rd year

Tanner L. Gellinger, 5th year

Benjamin K. Hirschauer, 4th year

Southern Methodist–

Beta Lambda

William D. Balthrope, 8th year

John J. Campbell III, 5th year

Barry B. Donnell, 10th year

Dustin B. Donnell, 10th year

Brad B. Freeman, 10th year

William Thad Holt IV, 1st year

John H. Howard, 5th year

Steve E. Jenkins, 1st year

David T. Kastor, 7th year

Thomas Francis Maxwell III, 7th year

+Loy B. Moore, 5th year

Randle T. Moore III, 1st year

Andrew Van Pittman, 4th year

+Rufus C. Porter, 5th year

Warren S. Wingert, 10th year

Southern Mississippi–

Gamma Zeta

James H. Heidelberg, 5th year

Dr. Lynn B. McMahan, 1st year

R. Clark Pearson, 1st year


Daryl M. Allen, 2nd year

Arlen G. Ferguson, 1st year

Edwin Bryan Gentle, 8th year

William Mansfield Gilker III, 5th year

Martin Reese Harris, Jr., 1st year

Mark B. Holmes, 5th year

Rock N. Houstoun, 9th year

William P. Houstoun, 2nd year

J. Cameron Nokes, 2nd year

Gary T. Scott, 6th year

Stanford–Alpha Pi

Thomas B. Coleman, 6th year

Dr. James K. Collins, 6th year

William J. Hagenah, 10th year

Stephen F. Austin State–

Delta Kappa

Jeffrey S. Bennett, 1st year

Cooper Carroll, 2nd year

Ted A. Crawford, 3rd year

J. Michael Duncan, 9th year

Kenneth W. Faires, 4th year

R. Scott Hilborn PhD, 3rd year

John M. Hudec, 3rd year

Edwin Randall Jones, 1st year

Dwain P. Knight, 5th year

Clay M. Leveritt, 2nd year

Robert Michael Pickel, 1st year

Rocky T. Sanders, 1st year

Gerald W. Schlief, 4th year

Stephen F. Wilson, 1st year

Tarleton State–Epsilon Pi

LTC Andrew Patrick Gamblin, 2nd year

Alan L. Looney, 2nd year


Thomas G. Chappell, 6th year

Robert K. Googe, 3rd year

Gust Edwin Johnson, Jr., 5th year

Jeffrey P. Konrad, 3rd year

Dr. Edwin P. Rather, 4th year

Tennessee Tech–Zeta Epsilon

Kevin C. Workman, 2nd year

Tennessee-Martin–Delta Upsilon

Charles S. Briggs, 9th year

James Larry Crews II, 9th year


Benny E. Edwards, 1st year

Brian P. Hanson, 3rd year

John E. Oden, 2nd year

Hon. Robert M. Pittenger, 5th year

Dr. Joe C. Rude III, 1st year

Steven W. Tomson, 6th year

Texas A&M–Epsilon Delta

Robert E. Bodnar, 1st year

Eric J. Doyal, 5th year

Jeffery W. Epperson, 2nd year

Lawrence Bernard Hodges, Jr., 1st year

Texas A&M-Commerce–

Gamma Upsilon

John B. Chenault, 4th year

William Joe Cureton, 2nd year

S. Kyle Lowe, 1st year

John F. Ory, 1st year

Marc Allan Scott, 1st year

Josh D. Shaul, 1st year

William Bailey Thrailkill, Jr., 1st year

David R. Worley, 1st year

Texas State–Epsilon Iota

Chris Boeker, 1st year

Wesley J. Box , 1st year

Andrew P. Carr, 6th year

F. Michael Carr, 4th year

Scott D. Carter, 8th year

Ross W. Newberry, 8th year

D. Mitchell Sheaffer, 8th year

David R. Worley, 2nd year

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi

Blas S. Catalani II, 5th year

Ronald S. Childress, 4th year

C. Shannon DeVaney, 3rd year

Henry B. Dorris IV, 4th year

COL Michael H. Fox, 3rd year

William Russell Graves, 2nd year

Brent B. Hamilton , 4th year

Charles L. Hamilton, 4th year

John T. Hamilton, 3rd year

Michael A. Hedlund, 5th year

Mitchell L. Heidenheimer, 7th year

MAJ Christopher A. Huff, 6th year

William R. Mathews III, 5th year

James L. McCarley, 2nd year

Gordon R. McDowell, 3rd year

Larry D. Meyers, 1st year

James R. Purvis, 8th year

Curtis Arnold Smith, 4th year

James B. Smith, 2nd year

William J. Steed III, 1st year

Paul H. Tarwater, 5th year

E. Powell Thompson, 9th year

Dr. Idris Rhea Traylor, Jr., 10th year

Dustin S. Whittenburg, 5th year

Texas-Arlington–Delta Iota

Alfred Diaz, Jr., 9th year

Scott M. Hughes, 6th year

Lynn A. Morgan, 6th year

Gregory Scot Weadon, 2nd year

Transylvania–Alpha Theta

J. Mason McCauley, 5th year

Dr. William K. Schmied, 1st year

Michael L. Sloane II, 3rd year

Michael P. Wilson, 6th year


Tyler Marsall Bromagen, 1st year

David Blackshear Hamilton

Chaffe III, 4th year

Dr. James W. Denham, 9th year

Marc Christopher Hebert, 1st year


Timothy J. Dixon, 6th year

Calvin Moniz, 9th year

John F. Sanclemente, 1st year

Thomas E. Stanton, 5th year

Univ. of the South–Alpha Alpha

Mason Gardner Alexander, Jr., 2nd year

George P. Apperson III, PhD, 9th year

Christopher M. Elwell, 4th year

USMA–Sigma Alpha Commission

MG Robert M. Bunker, 6th year

Valdosta State–Delta Rho

Tullis Beasley, 5th year

W. Travis Cummings, 2nd year

Donald O. Davis, 6th year

COL Wayne C. Edwards, 3rd year

Robert W. Hagan, 9th year

William C. Harvey, 1st year

Frank S. Heard, 4th year

Jason Travis Pate, 1st year

Douglas Alex Powers II, 2nd year


Robert Howell Baker III, 6th year

James W. Davidson, 3rd year

William Winston Hoy, Jr., 7th year

Paul Hubert Kuhn, Jr., 8th year

+Frank Sherman McLaughlin, Jr., 1st year


William Patton Coles IV, 1st year

Kirkman Finlay III, 1st year

Carroll Allen Gibson, Jr., 1st year

Virginia Tech–Epsilon Eta

Bernard Clements, 2nd year

Michael B. Gimbert, 3rd year

Aaron D. Masey, 5th year

Patrick K. Moore, 5th year

Hunter W. Wagstaff, 4th year

Carlyle R. Wimbish III, 4th year

Virginia Wesleyan–

Epsilon Omicron

Scott A. Brown, 2nd year

MAJ C. Robin Kelley, 4th year

Douglas B. Wilson, 1st year

VMI–Beta Commission

J. Curran Bowen, 2nd year

COL George Mercer Brooke IV, 4th year

David Wilson Godfrey Burke, 4th year

Richard Jackson Burke, 1st year

+LTC Mark W. Dick, 6th year

Paul Xavier English III, 3rd year

Monte C. Ferguson, 2nd year

Robert Lee Fricke, 1st year

Thomas E. Gottwald, 1st year

CDR Patrick Joseph Griffin, 2nd year

CSM G. Jeffery Jackson (Ret), 6th year

MG John W. Knapp (Ret), 3rd year

George Frederick Mayforth, Jr., 1st year

SGM E. Kent McMichael, 9th year

“She’s the sweetest girl in all the world, the fairest ower that grows…”

Kari Lynn Estes, 1st year

Mrs. Carol Evans, 1st year

Mrs. Cindy Fellows, 2nd year

Mrs. Grace J. Fishel, 5th year

Mrs. Claudia Forester, 1st year

Mrs. Audra Franta, 1st year

Mrs. Mary L. Frazier, 3rd year

Ms. Jaclyn Elizabeth Hackett, 1st year

Mrs. Anna Haley, 1st year

Mrs. Cori Hanisch, 3rd year

Mrs. Pamela Heath, 3rd year

Mrs. Rosann F. Hooks, 8th year

Mrs. Mary E. Irish, 2nd year

Ms. Carole Jones, 1st year

Mrs. Donna Julian, 1st year

Mrs. Karen Kay, 3rd year

Mrs. Camille Knight, 1st year

Mrs. Tracy Lacox, 1st year

Mrs. April LaFollette, 2nd year

Mrs. Kookie Liles, 3rd year

Mrs. Kelly Love, 1st year

Mrs. Tracy Lyons, 3rd year

Mrs. Kay Maddox, 1st year

Mrs. Caroline B. Marshall, 1st year

Mrs. Ali Martineau, 3rd year

Mrs. Katherine Masey, 3rd year

Mrs. Joyce McCoy, 1st year

Mrs. Betty Lackey McMichael, 3rd year

Ms. Allison Mrasek, 1st year

Mrs. Anna W. O’Neal, 1st year

Mrs. Aida Paulin, 2nd year

Ms. Joyce Paxton, 1st year

Mrs. LeAnn Pinson, 2nd year

Mrs. Bayla Pipkin, 1st year

Mrs. Dianne Ruff, 2nd year

Mrs. Marilyn Schmidt, 2nd year

Mrs. Judy Schmuck, 4th year

Mrs. Brook Showalter, 2nd year

Mrs. Teresa Sloan, 1st year

Ms. Anita E. Snyder, 3rd year

Mrs. Brianne A. Tillotson, 3rd year

Mrs. Katharine Van Name, 2nd year

Mrs. Jennifer L. Wagoner, 3rd year

Mrs. Elizabeth Wall, 1st year

Dr. Dawn Wiese, 5th year

Mrs. Virginia B. Wilson, 1st year

Michael R. Meads, 2nd year

Grover C. Outland III, 1st year

CPT Joseph E. Pinhak, 1st year

Charles Carroll Roder, Jr., 1st year

James Carlton Showalter, Jr., 7th year

James Lee Williams III, 1st year

Wake Forest–Tau

Plato Collins Barwick, III, 2nd year

Ross A. Berlin, 2nd year

J. Melville Broughton III, 5th year

David M. Graham, 2nd year

Allen K. Lydick, 5th year

William F. Murray, 1st year

Jerry T. Myers, 2nd year

Robert James Ramseur, Jr., 1st year

Robert H. Wall, 8th year

Hon. David M. Warren, 10th year

Washington Univ.–Beta Theta

+Kent B. Stoffel, 1st year

Washington & Lee–Alpha

Dr. Timothy Killen Adams, Jr., 1st year

Dr. John Garland Pollard Boatwright, Jr., 7th year

Julian E. Fant III, 1st year

Steven Grist, 3rd year

Charles Parkhill Mays, Jr., 2nd year

Ian Treger, 2nd year

Neil T. Treger, 2nd year

W. Anderson Wasden IV, 1st year

Donald Woodford Webb, Jr., 1st year

Washington College–Beta Omega

Douglas S. Ewalt, 9th year

Kevin T. McGarry, 1st year

Joseph M. Van Name III, 8th year

West Florida–Epsilon Sigma

Garrett A. Haynes, 1st year

Nathaniel L. Robinson, 3rd year

West Georgia–Zeta Kappa

M. Todd Zittrouer, 1st year

West Texas A&M–Gamma Sigma

L. Blake Bailey, 1st year

Dr. N. Andy Cole, PhD, 6th year

Donald R. Houchin, 3rd year

John D. Morrison, 5th year

M. Greg Reynolds, 4th year

West Virginia–Alpha Rho

Patrick Anthony DeLeonibus, 4th year

David Benjamin Fletcher, 1st year

Alexander Harvey Ghiz, Jr., 4th year

James M. Ransbottom, 2nd year

Thomas C. Ryan, 1st year

CPT John Wilbur Swartzwelder, Jr., 2nd year

Gregory J. Totterdale, 7th year

West Virginia Wesleyan–Beta Chi

Millard L. Cursey, Jr., 10th year

Stephen E. Foster, 9th year

Andrew F. Hileman, 1st year

David E. Reemsnyder II, 1st year

Western Carolina–Delta Alpha

Robert A. Byrd, Jr., 5th year

Brian A. King, 5th year

SGT Clevie Clifford Luckadoo, Jr., 2nd year

Jesse S. Lyons, 9th year

John A. Moore, 1st year

Eric K. Nelson, 1st year

Charles Craig Phillips, Jr., 1st year

James F. Wood, 1st year

Western Kentucky–Epsilon Theta

Brent W. Fellows, 8th year

Scott E. Toncray, 1st year

Westminster–Alpha Eta

Fred D. Binggeli, 4th year

Philip J. Boeckman, 6th year

Raymond F. Burfeind, 1st year

David H. Crane, 5th year

Robert E. Deal, Jr,, 8th year

Rex A. Friedman, 1st year

Thomas A. Gorman, 4th year

Daniel E. Harris, 4th year

Dr. Rob Havers, 4th year

Darren S. Kay, 10th year

Erik K. Lescher, 7th year

Shawn McWilliams, 1st year

David J. Neihart, CPA, CFP, 10th year

Neal F. Perryman, 2nd year

William R. Piper, 5th year

Travis L. Sartain, 10th year

Dr. James M. Schmuck, 10th year

Blake E. Stonecipher , 4th year

Blake Strebler, 3rd year

John R. Stringer, 1st year

Thaddeus Aaron Stubbs, 9th year

Bryan Tramont, 6th year

Thomas P. Wohlgemuth, 2nd year

William & Mary–Alpha Zeta

William A. Armbruster, 2nd year

+Bensley H. L. Field, 7th year

William Jewell–Alpha Delta

Stuart L. Bascomb, 7th year

Dr John Harry Brunner MD, 3rd year

Philip A. Cantwell, 7th year

William K. Dillingham, 8th year

William E. Dreyer, 10th year

M. Tyler Griffin, 10th year

Eric W. Long, 2nd year

R. Mark Mathes, 1st year

Thomas Edwin Norris, 6th year

William Edwin Norris, 2nd year

Brian E. Place, 5th year

+Hon. Kenneth M. Romines, 5th year

Wingate–Zeta Zeta

Jason E. Tinsley, 4th year


H. Paige Carlton, 6th year

Edmond Ragland Coxe, Jr., 1st year

R. Scott Heath, 10th year

Dr. Paul Dominic Kountz, Jr., 3rd year

Richard W. Krapfel, 3rd year

LeRoy Baskin Lewis, Jr., 4th year

COL Robert N. Maddox, 5th year

Marion Felder Moore, Sr., 1st year

W. Gairy Nichols III, 2nd year

Jerry J. Richardson, 8th year

J. Mark Satterwhite, 1st year

Dr. Ronald B. Shealy, 1st year

Albert Randolph Smith II, 7th year

George Murrell Smith, Jr., 2nd year

Charlie Dorn Smith IV, 1st year

Dr. Charlie Dorn Smith III, 1st year

Allen N. Wilkerson, 1st year

Omega Commission

James Julius Winn, Jr., 2nd year

Friends of the Order

Brandon Chaney, 2nd year

Marlon L. Gibson, Ph.D., 1st year

Robert E. Kiley, 1st year

Jeff Martini, 5th year

Howard C. Pickett, 9th year

Stephen E. Ratterman, Sr., 5th year

Eric A. Robb, 4th year

Daniel A. “Tony” Smercina, 5th year

KA Alumni Club of OKC, 1st year

Alpha Eta Chapter House Assn., 3rd year

Alpha Upsilon Chapter, 4th year

Beta Alpha Chapter, 4th year

Gamma Alpha Chapter, 4th year

Gamma Chi Chapter, 4th year

Mu Chapter, 4th year

Alpha Xi Chapter, 3rd year

Alpha Gamma Chapter, 2nd year

Beta Zeta Chapter, 1st year

Hamilton Province Court of Honor, 2nd year

Join these men and friends, members as of June 30, 2022, and show your commitment to our Order’s mission and make your $1,000 unrestricted donation today; or mail a check to: KAOEF 115 Liberty Hall Rd., Lexington, VA 24450, or online at KAcrimsonandgold.com
+ Indicates deceased at time of compilation

Dear Brothers,

The 1865 Trust continues to recognize the generosity and foresight of those of you who choose to embrace the vision of KA’s future by making an impactful gift to the KAOEF. Your membership into the 1865 Trust bears powerful testimony to the charitable expressions of your values, ideals, and commitment to Kappa Alpha Order’s future. Membership in the 1865 Trust is obtained when provisions for a planned gift of $10,000 or more are made to the KAOEF.

This past year the Trust welcomed three (3) additional members whose contributions will provide valuable assistance to future generations of KA brothers. There have been men from all walks of life join the Trust since it was created in 1992 and we continue the quest to assist alumni brothers and friends of KA who want to create a legacy for Kappa Alpha Order so that future generations of young men will have the same great opportunities that each of us have experienced.

In closing, I cannot emphasize more strongly how important it is that we remain committed. If you have any questions about the 1865 Trust, or if you wish to join the ranks of other KA brothers who are members, please contact Ben W. Satcher Jr, Executive Vice President, by phone, (540) 460-4148, or by e-mail, bsatcher@ka-order.org.

Thank you for your continued support of the Order, and for making Kappa Alpha Order a lifelong commitment.

Fraternally yours,


* Indicates deceased at time of publication

+Indicates gift fulfilled as of June 30, 2022


Alabama–Alpha Beta

Adolph N. Hampton 1928*+

Paul M. Speake 1924*+

Henry Grady Tiller, Jr. 1947*+

Appalachian State–Delta Psi

M. Lee Barnes, Jr. 1987+

Stuart F. Whetsell 2006

Arizona–Gamma Epsilon

Wayne E. Dawson 1960

Arkansas State–Delta Eta

Walter J. Dunn 1987

Baylor–Delta Omega

John C. Martin 1982


Gary Allen Brown, Jr. 1982

Valrey Wingfield Early, III 1980

Richard H. Marks 1988

California–Alpha Xi

Kenneth R. Mitchell 1932*+

Julian A. Pardini 1952*+

Thomas G. Paulson, II 1949*

Centenary–Alpha Iota

COL William E. Steger 1938*

Charleston–Beta Gamma

Douglas D. Ashley 1987*+

Citadel–Theta Commission

LT Alexander Faris

Giles, III 2013+

CPT Ronald C. Plunkett 2009

Clemson–Delta Omicron

Ben W. Satcher, Jr. 1979

Coastal Carolina–Zeta Omega

Jacob Seay 2017

Delaware–Beta Epsilon

John F. Bishop II 1946*+

Eugene M. Julian 1963

Delta State–Delta Beta

Hon. Paul C. Artman, Jr. 1970*+

Eddie S. Wilson+

Drury–Beta Iota

Bret R. Neathery 1984

John Thomas Woodruff, III 1975

Duke–Alpha Phi

Edwin F. Payne 1959

East Tennessee State–Delta Delta

Lawrence E. Ault 1971*+

Eastern Kentucky–Delta Mu

Donald W. Wells 1970


Timothy Killen Adams, Sr. 1957

Ely Reeves Callaway, Jr. 1937*

David Carico 1984

Hugh Moss Comer, Jr. 1934*+

Florida–Beta Zeta

Stumpy Harris 1957*+

Florida Gulf Coast–Zeta Pi

Anthony M. Graziani 2007

Florida State–Gamma Eta

Daniel Richard Amato, Jr. 2008

L. Blair Bailey 1988

Francis Marion–Delta Tau

Kenneth Wayne Jackson 1981

William H. Skipper, Jr. 1980

George Washington–

Alpha Nu

Edward W. Lansing 1943

Georgetown–Beta Delta

COL James C. Coleman, Jr. 1928*+


Boone A. Knox 1956*+

Malcolm H. Liles 1971

Philip C. Rand 1968

Georgia Southern–

Delta Theta

Leland I. Hyer 1993

L. Jay Mehaffey 1982

Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma

Barry E. Cox 1978

Hampden-Sydney–Alpha Tau

Raymond B. Bottom, Jr. 1948*+

James R. Foster 2005

Kennesaw State–Zeta Chi

Evan L. Stack 2015


John R. Hutchings IV 1977

Lambuth–Gamma Omicron

Dan H. Akin 1960

CDR Parker H.

Dinwiddie, Jr. 1974

Louisiana–Gamma Phi

Dr. Russell J. Saloom MD 1974

Louisiana State–Alpha Gamma

William T. Pegues III 1932*+

Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha

Sinclair Bert Kouns, III 2015

Erik T. Showalter 2002

Maryland–Beta Kappa

Edgar B. Rouse, Jr. 1937*+

McNeese State–Delta Xi

Ethan J. Bush 1997

Memphis–Gamma Gamma

Gregory R. Singleton 1982


M. Tom Faircloth 1961

M. Woody Faircloth 2005*

James Thomas Turner, Jr. 1970

Miami–Epsilon Lambda

Gregory B. Smith 1985

Middle Tennessee State–Delta Lambda

William S. Dinker II 1974

H. Lynn Greer, Jr. 1969

J. Devin McClendon 1994

John R. Milam 1972

Robert A. Pugh 1975

Midwestern State–Gamma Omega

Don Canada 1964

Larry Stanton Wiese 1987

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Bruce D. Stafford 1966*+

Mississippi State–Beta Tau

Dr. Jason R. Barrett 1998

Earnest William

Deavenport, Jr. 1958+

Missouri–Alpha Kappa

Lance E. Calvert 1990

CPT David R. Cheney II 1990

James R. Estes, Sr. 1960

Robert L. Graves 1990

Harold Jordan Hudson, Jr. 1942

J. William Schulz 1960

Jack R. Taylor 1950*

Lewis H. Wyman III 1963

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

C. Edward Schmidt, Jr. 1962

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

Robert D. Kelly 1973

Capt Thomas Langston

Williams 1997

Dr. Chad E. Wagoner 1993

Missouri State–Gamma Beta

Ty G. Morgan 1991

Newberry–Delta Epsilon

L. Charles Banks, Jr. 2002

North Carolina–Upsilon

Wallace Andrew Brown, Jr. 1940*+

Charles Zorah Flack, Jr. 1955*+

Frederick Lord Munds, Jr. 1948*+

Morris W. Pully 1945*+

North Carolina State–

Alpha Omega

Dustin G. Brann 2011

Marshall James Donathan, Jr. 1972

Matthew T. Korff 2011

Charles Franklin

McDowell IV 2011

Grady Leonard Pittman, Jr. 1980

Robert Jones Smith 1959

North Texas–Gamma Lambda

Blake E. Benney 1986

Gary Recer 1967

Northwestern State–Gamma Psi

W. Julian Foy 1972*+

Charles Randolph Gentz 1968

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

Gilbert I. Hayes 1968

Hugh Howard III 1948*+

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

Kent T. Chapin 1970

Edward P. Leslie, Jr. 1932*+

F. M. Stevenson 1930*+

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

COL David M. Buie USA

(Ret.) 1939*+

Purdue–Epsilon Rho

Scott T. Clifford 2004

Jeffrey W. Love 1986


Carlton W. Baker 1981

Frank Harry Robinson, Jr. 1951*+

Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon

Rufus W. Shivers 1942*+

Paul E. Snodgress 1943*+


Grant V. Harrison 1926*+

Roanoke–Beta Rho

Harry James Breithaupt, Jr. 1933*+

Sam Houston State–

Gamma Tau

Michael K. Nikkel 1978

South–Alpha Alpha

George P. Apperson III, PhD 1980

South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha

Hon. Mallory Donald Davis, Jr. 1977

Paul W. Lammers 1980

Southern California–

Beta Sigma

Michael P. McManus 1989

Michael V. Paulin 1960

Warren Reed Sprinkel 1941*+

Southern Indiana–

Zeta Omicron

Tanner L. Gellinger 2012

Southern Methodist–

Beta Lambda

Scott Jeoffory Berlin VP 1972

Barry B. Donnell 1958

John M. Moore 1990

Rufus C. Porter 1938*+


Rock N. Houstoun 1970

Gary T. Scott 1963

Stanford–Alpha Pi

William R. Williamson 1908*+

Stephen F. Austin

State–Delta Kappa

J. Michael Duncan 1969


Dr. Edwin P. Rather 1960


Delta Upsilon

Nathaniel JoDann Spears 2001


Frank Pierce Sebastian, Jr. 1944*+

Texas A&M-Commerce–

Gamma Upsilon

John F. Ory 1990

Marc Allan Scott 1984

John E. Trotter 1988

Texas-Arlington–Delta Iota

Gregory Scot Weadon 1983

Texas State–Epsilon Iota

Andrew P. Carr 2000

Troy W. Cooper 1987

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi

Joseph Coleman McDowell, Jr. 1978

Dr. Idris Rhea Traylor, Jr., PhD 1970

Transylvania–Alpha Theta

Michael D. McCaslin 1970*+

Michael P. Wilson 2000


CDR A. Corey Schmidt 1992


John Sulton, Jr. 1947*+

Dr. William A. Weinrich 1951

Valdosta State–Delta Rho

Robert W. Hagan 1974

Perry S. Ivey, Jr. 1982


Robert Howell Baker III 1971

Paul Hubert Kuhn, Jr. 1962

Frank S. McLaughlin, Jr. 1955*+

Philip Dickinson Rowe, Jr. 1946*

Robert M. Varn 1957*+

Frank Arthur Walker, Jr. 1948

VMI–Beta Commission

COL William Henry

Hastings, Jr. (Ret) 1939*

SGM E. Kent McMichael 1995

Dr. Andrew J. Thacker 1961*+

Virginia Tech–Epsilon Eta

James H. Cochrane, Jr. 1978

Michael C. Matthews 1978

Wake Forest–Tau

James Guy Revelle, Jr. 1952*+

Robert H. Wall 1995

Hon. David M. Warren 1978

Frederick L. Wendorf 1964*+

Washington College–

Beta Omega

Dr. James L. Bowers 1957*+

Joseph M. Van Name III 1987

Washington & Lee–Alpha

David Rhodin Murphey, III 1951*+

Washington Univ.–Beta Theta

Vernon W. Piper 1933*+

West Georgia–Zeta Kappa

David W. Smith 1996

West Texas A&M–

Gamma Sigma

Michael W. McDowell 1990

West Virginia–Alpha Rho

Dr. Richard T. Feller 1937*+

CPT John Wilbur Swartzwelder, Jr. 1969

Roy H. Whipp 1968

Western Carolina–Delta Alpha

Jesse Samuel Lyons 1998

Western Kentucky–Epsilon Theta

Brent Fellows 1998

Todd P. Lowe 1979

Westminster–Alpha Eta

William H. Angle 1945*+

Darren S. Kay 1988

Dr. James Michael Schmuck 1969

Thaddeus Aaron Stubbs 1996

Kent B. Stoffel 1942*+

Carl Trauernicht, Jr. 1942*+

William & Mary–Alpha Zeta

Bensley H. L. Field 1954*+

William Jewell–Alpha Delta

William E. Dreyer 1957+

M. Tyler Griffin 1998

Louis W. Romigh 1928*+

Robert T. Steinkamp 1964


Raymond Scott Heath 1977

Friends of the Order

Howard C. Pickett (Sigma

Nu Fraternity)

Mrs. Virginia N. Toombs*+



Keep the connection for life

No matter how your life has been impacted by Kappa Alpha Order, your brothers are helping future brothers have the same wonderful experience: Forever KA.

Forever KA is not a giving society; it is an opportunity for Kappa Alpha alumni to stay connected for life by a gift of only $10 per month. With your support we can continue to enrich the lives of so many. Forever KA was developed in 2011 by Former Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan (Delta Kappa–Stephen F. Austin State ’69) who saw the need to keep alumni engaged from the moment of graduation.

Each year, when an Active Member becomes an alumnus, they are invited to become Forever KA. It is the KAOEF’s aim to make sure that every new alumnus remains connected and begins a lifetime of giving back to their Order. Additionally, Forever KA participant receives a subscription to The Kappa

Alabama–Alpha Beta

Christopher Caleb Connor JD LO4044

Arkansas-Fort Smith–Zeta Rho

Timothy W. McClure LO3701

Centenary–Alpha Iota

Merrill Charles Wautlet, Jr. LO2447

Citadel–Theta Commission

1LT Andrew Pryor Nelson, III LO3063

Dr. Clay Heyward Wilson LO3470

East Tennessee State–Delta Delta

Thomas E. Williams

Florida Southern–Gamma Pi

Brent E. Ellis

Florida State–Gamma Eta

LTC Steven K. Coker

Francis Marion–Delta Tau

Maxwell P. Davenport LO3429

John D. Waters LO3020


Matthew Ryan Barnes LO4181

Georgia Southern–Delta Theta

Leland I. Hyer LO367

Stephen Weech


William E. Robinson III LO2784

Lambuth–Gamma Omicron

Randall Lofton Brown

Louisiana State–Alpha Gamma

Richard R. D’Antoni LO1338

Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha

David Haynes Alexander LO3505

Michael Schaff

Louisiana-Monroe–Gamma Nu

Richard C. Alwood LO802

Memphis–Gamma Gamma

Matthew D. Wingett


Dorsey L. Covenah LO3151

Jefferson David Pace, II LO4180

Miami–Epsilon Lambda

Michael D. Fox LO3147

Middle Tennessee State–

Delta Lambda

Derek C. Chambers LO3861

Midwestern State–

Gamma Omega

Kevin J. O’Connell LO3012

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Michael Brandon Steele LO4087

Mississippi State–Beta Tau

Dr. Jason R. Barrett LO2632

William H. Walker LO2825

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

James John Kohl, Jr.

Joe Studer LO4088

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

Robert D. Kelly LO25

Patrick A. Law LO2870

Alpha Journal throughout their participation in Forever KA.

This year, we celebrate 1,091 members of Forever KA—a top level of membership in the 11th year of the program. All Crimson & Gold Society members are included in Forever KA, or seperately contribute the addition $10 per month. The men below represent additional Forever KA members.

If you have any questions, please contact Director of Annual Giving and Stewardship Aaron Masey at amasey@ka-order.org or 540-463-1865.

Missouri–Alpha Kappa

Ralph O. Hoevelman LO2255

North Carolina State–

Alpha Omega

Gregory D. Frederick LO3860

North CarolinaCharlotte–Epsilon Xi

Garrett Alexander Bedenbaugh LO2644

Justin Tanner Cannon LO2875

North Florida–Zeta Nu

Charles Ray Jordan LO95

North Texas–Gamma Lambda

Gary Recer LO3064

Northwestern State–Gamma Psi

Alfred A. Claude LO3423

Donald J. Nici LO981

MAJ John J. Waller LO3364

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

Robert Kenneth Steinkirchner, II LO2689

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

James M. Kruger LO3408

Raymond C. Lauchner LO3153

Old Dominion–Delta Gamma

Christopher Coleman

Sam Houston State–Gamma Tau

LTC Jay D. Fine

South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha

John M. Peek

Southeastern Louisiana–Epsilon Kappa

Randy S. Vicknair LO2705

Southern California–Beta Sig

Erik R. Barkhimer LO3074

Southern Indiana–Zeta Omicron

Brent A. Williams


Andrew B. Mullinax LO3398

Stephen F. Austin State–

Delta Kappa

Charles L. Kazlow LO1965

David W. White LO3294


Zeta Upsilon

Charles Robert Marczynski

Tennessee-Martin–Delta Upsilon

J. David Nailling LO2780


William T. Harvey

Texas A&M-Commerce–

Gamma Upsilon

Frederick Russell Edgar, Jr. LO3791

Dr. Harold Jackson Lassiter, Jr.


Garry Neal Lilly, Jr.

John H. McCasland LO2513

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi

Shawn M. Fyfe LO2622

Valdosta State–Delta Rho

Lawson Leo Patten, II LO3401


John S. Rainey LO4175

VMI–Beta Commission

Aaron Mitchell Belanger LO3753

COL David V. Harbach USA (Ret)

Washington & Lee–Alpha

Brian Hooper LO3987

Washington College–

Beta Omega

William R. Murray LO4169

West Texas A&M–Gamma Sigma

Michael J. Zoch LO3045

West Virginia Wesleyan–Beta Chi

Jesse Murle Ketterman, Jr., PhD

Western Carolina–Delta Alpha

Van A. Stayton

Western Kentucky–Epsilon Theta

Travis A. Simpson LO2756

CPL Joseph B. Tharp IV LO2212

Chris Woods LO2642

Westminster–Alpha Eta

James Stevens Hofman LO3876

William & Mary–Alpha Zeta

Thomas James Rice III

LO: Loyal Order Number


The KAOEF’s Day of Giving is a multifaceted fund-raising event with a major impact on the Foundation and the Order. Several opportunities are available to make and impact:

An annual, mailed fundraising appeal ic s o the ea up to ecem er

Emails are sent to all good addresses promoting the event

Matching gifts are presented and met throughout the day

Current pledges are encouraged to e fu e onors

Crimson & Gold Society renewing mem ers are ca e ationa ta

And many more gifts are made online by Active and Alumni Members and friends of the Order

Additionally, Active Chapters are encouraged to become Foundation Chapters. This designation is the result of the chapter s committin to onate per man that a or man mem ers this is the rst ift the i ma e to the KAOEF and begins their donation lifecycle.



$441,411.93 TOTAL RAISED

CHAPTER TOTAL RAISED UNIQUE DONORS KAOEF $41,163.50 62 Gamma Chi $23,075.69 172 Epsilon $21,523.50 17 Beta Xi $21,162.12 6 Nu $18,536.98 11 Alpha Delta $17,270.23 8 Delta Alpha $15,728.90 7 Zeta $15,198.11 11 Alpha Omega $12,741.27 20 Beta Zeta $11,112.72 120 Delta $9,305.81 10 Delta Omicron $9,291.25 7 Alpha Eta $9,250.21 12 Gamma Omega $8,732.43 7 Delta Rho $8,710.38 6 Gamma Phi $8,431.30 4 Alpha Upsilon $8,427.29 289 Gamma Eta $8,189.72 14 Tau $6,323.00 12 Alpha Gamma $5,932.04 175 Theta Commission $5,929.87 8 Beta Commission $5,637.21 25 Gamma Kappa $5,573.21 5 Gamma $5,198.88 10 Beta Alpha $5,047.13 96 Alpha Mu $4,870.00 6 Delta Mu $4,536.30 7 Beta Lambda $4,435.38 9 Alpha Sigma $3,844.09 9 Alpha Beta $3,472.48 7 Epsilon Rho $3,243.91 5 Delta Tau $3,213.23 5 Kappa $3,189.40 10 Delta Pi $3,177.77 8 Beta Tau $3,132.73 9 Alpha Kappa $3,104.49 3 Beta Sigma $3,077.30 4 Gamma Rho $2,993.68 7 Beta Epsilon $2,897.68 8 Delta Kappa $2,844.58 12 Gamma Sigma $2,613.55 6 Beta Rho $2,491.14 6 Delta Beta $2,486.83 4 Delta Omega $2,460.70 5 Theta $2,417.08 5 Pi $2,286.06 4 Gamma Alpha $2,205.55 90 Beta Beta $2,053.17 1 Eta $2,025.00 3 Rho $1,939.50 8 Alpha $1,834.15 6 Gamma Gamma $1,792.06 11 Delta Epsilon $1,735.10 5 Delta Xi $1,726.68 8 Beta Pi $1,556.58 6 Zeta Pi $1,547.33 4 Beta Delta $1,506.64 3 Gamma Upsilon $1,495.53 7 Xi $1,456.75 5 Gamma Omicron $1,451.99 4 Mu $1,397.15 73 Beta Kappa $1,386.23 4 Omicron $1,352.65 3 Alpha Iota $1,351.85 6 Alpha Xi $1,342.80 72 Beta Gamma $1,340.64 3 Zeta Iota $1,292.64 4 Alpha Theta $1,239.50 4 Gamma Beta $1,235.98 4 Chi $1,177.90 4 Alpha Alpha $1,168.00 3 Beta Eta $1,134.74 3 CHAPTER TOTAL RAISED UNIQUE DONORS Gamma Nu $1,094.44 5 Beta Omega $1,086.23 2 Alpha Rho $1,026.58 1 Delta Gamma $1,000.00 1 Epsilon Upsilon $1,000.00 1 Zeta Eta $1,000.00 1 Gamma Tau $973.74 5 Alpha Omicron $916.50 4 Beta Upsilon $876.85 4 Epsilon Alpha $862.65 3 Epsilon Iota $799.44 6 Delta Theta $792.15 5 Delta Lambda $771.70 7 Delta Psi $650.00 2 Iota $645.77 4 Zeta Nu $600.00 1 Gamma Lambda $588.15 4 Psi $555.50 4 Zeta Tau $521.23 6 Delta Upsilon $514.82 6 Zeta Lambda $513.29 1 Zeta Chi $506.64 1 Delta Sigma $487.55 2 Epsilon Omicron $426.87 3 Gamma Psi $400.60 4 Delta Eta $399.53 3 Gamma Epsilon $375.00 3 Delta Iota $357.50 2 Epsilon Tau $347.30 1 Beta Chi $344.00 3 Epsilon Lambda $344.00 3 Epsilon Delta $336.48 2 Epsilon Eta $334.84 3 Gamma Pi $321.55 3 Epsilon Zeta $306.93 2 Alpha Tau $305.50 3 Alpha Epsilon $296.25 2 Zeta Omega $292.45 2 Delta Delta $267.90 2 Zeta Zeta $263.30 1 Epsilon Phi $256.64 1 Epsilon Nu $250.00 1 Omega Commission $250.00 1 Epsilon Theta $235.55 4 Zeta Omicron $232.73 3 Zeta Rho $226.30 3 Epsilon Mu $210.70 1 Epsilon Omega $189.50 2 Alpha Nu $184.00 2 Phi $162.09 2 Alpha Zeta $150.00 2 Gamma Iota $121.54 2 Epsilon Kappa $121.30 3 Alpha Phi $105.50 1 Beta Nu $105.50 1 Delta Nu $105.50 1 Gamma Zeta $105.50 1 Beta Iota $102.65 1 Alpha Psi $100.00 1 Epsilon Xi $100.00 1 Upsilon $100.00 1 Epsilon Sigma $86.23 1 Zeta Alpha $86.23 1 Delta Phi $84.00 1 Epsilon Psi $64.16 1 Zeta Psi $52.90 1 Zeta Phi $43.11 1 Delta Chi $21.18 1 Epsilon Chi $18.65 1 Zeta Upsilon $10.00 1 TOTALS $441,411.93 1,759
to our fi scal year ending on June 30, this report includes the year 2020 Day of Giving results.



The KA Leadership Fund assists our members with the rising costs of higher education and provides the resources necessary to be successful in life. In part, it supports our unrestricted funds, scholarships, internship program, and leadership education program.

The KAOEF asks alumni to contribute annually, and it is through your enerosit that these pro rams hich ene t our un er ra uate mem ers are supported. Our hope is that every KA will annually contribute to the KA Leadership Fund and we humbly ask for your support.


The Foundation Chapter program is an effort for current active brothers to support the KAOEF and commit themselves to helping ensure that the programs they currently enjoy and benefit from will continue for future members of their chapter.

Eight (8) chapters committed that each brother of theirs would donate $18.65, or more, per man, to the KAOEF this past fi scal year. Many of these committed in order to support the Day of Giving. These funds are used to support the Order’s leadership programs and training initiatives, and to provide scholarship dollars to our active brothers.

Foundation Chapters

Fiscal Year End

June 30, 2022:

California–Alpha Xi

Florida–Beta Zeta

Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha

Louisiana State–Alpha Gamma

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi


Crimson & Gold Society

$1,000 or more in unrestricted contributions

The Knight Commander’s Circle and George C. Marshall Circle include Crimson & Gold donors as well as those who have made restricted gifts.

Louisiana State–Alpha Gamma

Dr. James R. Andrews LO3715

B. Terry W. Bennett LO1133

Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha

Erik T. Showalter LO884

Louisiana-Lafayette–Gamma Phi

Dr. Russell J. Saloom LO816

Midwestern State–

Gamma Omega

Wyatt D. Henderson, CPA LO4141

Larry Stanton Wiese LO37

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Dr. Russell Peyton Atchley DMD


Mississippi State–Beta Tau

C. Douglas Simmons III LO179

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon

David T. Martineau V LO3484

North Carolina State–

Alpha Omega


Arkansas Tech–Epsilon Zeta

E.L. Scott McLain LO3104


Todd D. Reaves LO1315

Baylor–Delta Omega

Robert D. Fletcher LO1317

Clemson–Delta Omicron

Daniel B. Pattillo, Jr. LO1365

David A. Pattillo LO3492

Ben W. Satcher, Jr. LO17

Delaware–Beta Epsilon

Eugene M. Julian LO1239

Delta State–Delta Beta

The Hon. Paul C. Artman, Jr. LO3327

Eddie S. Wilson LO228


Timothy Killen Adams, Sr. LO326

James Laurens Ferman, Jr. LO185

Florida State–Gamma Eta

L. Blair Bailey LO84

James A. Owens LO3981

Francis Marion–Delta Tau

William H. Skipper, Jr. LO2380


Malcolm H. Liles LO342

Lambuth–Gamma Omicron

Dan H. Akin LO2549

Derick S. Close LO2838

Northwestern State–Gamma Psi

Charles Randolph Gentz LO2816

Oklahoma City–Gamma Kappa

Steve C. Knight LO1147

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

Kent T. Chapin LO1258

Richard I. Evans LO3775

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

J. Derrill Rice LO3599


Richard Lester Burke, Jr. LO1038

J. Whiting Chisman, Jr. LO3585


Dr. Scott C. Cole LO2800

Sam Houston State–Gamma Tau

Travis B. Lacox LO3681

Southern Methodist–

Beta Lambda

Rufus C. Porter *

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi

Henry B. Dorris, IV LO3172

James B. Smith LO3333

Dr. Idris Rhea Traylor, Jr. LO866

Valdosta State–Delta Rho

Robert W. Hagan LO2150


Frank Sherman McLaughlin, Jr.*

Wake Forest–Tau

Hon. David M. Warren LO13

Western Carolina–Delta Alpha

James F. Wood LO4211

Westminster–Alpha Eta

Darren S. Kay LO55

Dr. James M. Schmuck LO1064

William Jewell–Alpha Delta

Stuart L. Bascomb LO2776

William E. Dreyer LO12

Friends of KA & KA Roses

Fairwinds Estate LLC

Mrs. Caroline B. Marshall

Kappa Alpha Order

Howard C. Pickett

Eric A. Robb



Arizona State–Epsilon Omega

Daniel M. Engel LO3814

Citadel–Theta Commission

CPT Ronald C. Plunkett LO2241


Dr. Jason R. Hubbard LO490

Clarence Wilbur Warner, Jr. LO3645

Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma

James L. Oliver, II LO3531

Matthew J. Rose LO4135

Indiana State–Zeta Iota

Patrick B. Hurst LO4114

Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha

Patrick G. Mackey LO4218

Midwestern State–

Gamma Omega

Charles M. Gustafson III LO3969

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Dr. William H. Murdock, Jr. LO2309

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon

Edwin W. Barnett LO710

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

Dr. Chad E. Wagoner LO32


Missouri–Alpha Kappa

James R. Estes, Sr. LO10

North Carolina State–

Alpha Omega

Marshall James Donathan, Jr. LO1144

Robert Jones Smith LO2957

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

Brian Estes

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

Daniel Joseph O’Connell, Sr. LO3843

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

William Brown Shearer, Jr. LO3370

Sam Houston State–Gamma Tau

Charles L. Beckner LO1321

Southern California–Beta Sigma

Michael V. Paulin LO1623


William P. Houstoun LO2583

Virginia Tech–Epsilon Eta

James H. Cochrane, Jr. LO804

VMI–Beta Commission

COL Franklin Jason McConnell, Jr. LO1362

SGM E. Kent McMichael LO251

Wake Forest–Tau

William F. Murray LO4189

Robert H. Wall LO2698

Westminster–Alpha Eta

Bryan Tramont LO3607

William Jewell–Alpha Delta

M. Tyler Griffin LO114


R. Scott Heath LO2243

Friends of KA & KA Roses

Brandon Chaney



Alabama–Alpha Beta

Geoffrey Mark Gotsch LO3287

George Merrill Jones III LO385

Joseph M. Simcox LO4175

Ken D. Tidwell LO3590

Hugh P. Whitehead LO3461

Appalachian State–Delta Psi

Douglas Ross Coley LO1065

Wyatt T. Dixon III LO2829

Charles Yates Pharr LO436

Arizona–Gamma Epsilon

George R. Henman LO4050

Douglas M. Johnson LO2290

Bradford W. Lowe LO3962

Stephen G. Muzzy LO3474

Arkansas State–Delta Eta

Chris L. Vandergriff LO1027

Arkansas Tech–Epsilon Zeta

H. David Pinson LO63

Arkansas-Fort Smith–Zeta Rho

Aaron W. Brown LO2635

Arkansas–Alpha Omicron

James Michael Vann LO3795

Auburn–Alpha Mu

Marcus Alfred Treadway, Jr. LO4121


John G. Brock LO3312

Patrick J. David LO3872

Adam S. Fielding LO4187

Claude W. Harbarger LO4159

COL John W. Haynes, USAF (Ret.)


Robert W. Humphreys LO3562

James Douglas Kay, Jr. LO2147

John D. Lentz DDS LO753

William D. Melton LO1204

W. Thomas Morgan III LO3589

Harris Albert Pippen, III LO3925

John Stephen Powell, III LO3430

Thomas Everett Stewart, Jr. LO243

T. Michael Tennant LO3996

Austin Peay State–Zeta Tau

Bennett Russell Evans LO3809

Baylor–Delta Omega

John W. Bradley LO3998

Keven Brelsford Caldarera LO4223

Stephen C. Daugherty LO4156

Dr. D. Tyler Greenfield LO2204

John C. Martin LO1272

Ralph M. Randall LO3456

Bethany–Beta Beta

Lawrence S. Branch LO1262


R. Stephen Briggs LO4205

Saul Komisar LO4133

Ryan S. Simpson, Sr. LO4206

California State-Bakersfield–

Epsilon Upsilon

Clifford Frank Loader, II LO1157

Gregory W. White LO1620

California-Davis–Epsilon Gamma

Dennis K. Baldwin LO2606


Epsilon Epsilon

Michael W. Battin, Esq. LO4104

California–Alpha Xi

Niles A. Pierson LO4202

Centenary–Beta Lambda

John M. Moore LO1704

Charleston–Beta Gamma

Frederick T. Fabian LO1375

John M. Gantt, Jr. LO1496

Baxter Hahn

David M. Hay LO1497

Joseph L. Nicholson LO3995

Carlton O. Schumpert LO3671

Citadel–Theta Commission

LCDR Edward John Derst III, USCGR

Ret. LO3581

Capt. Edward H. Fetner III LO3206

RADM Anthony Eli Gaiani LO4216

LT Alexander Faris Giles III LO3134

Col Myron C. Harrington, Jr., NC, USMC (Ret) LO3048

LtCol John W. Powell, Jr. USMCR (Ret) LO4097

Lt. Gen. Ellie G. Shuler, Jr., USAF (Ret.) LO3808

Clemson–Delta Omicron

E. Lawton Benton LO1035

Joseph W. Chapman, Jr. LO4198

Fred W. Faircloth III LO1416

Robert Zachary Kirkland

John N. McCarter, Jr. LO1414

Patrick A. O’Connor LO1711

S. Lathan Roddey III LO2205

Dr. John E. Ross III, DMD LO677

Louis T. Runge, Jr. LO3848

Frederick Laughton Sherman


Harold L. Turner, Jr. LO3672


Honorable Rudolph Bumgardner III


Jeffrey D. McEwen LO341

Robert Stephen Ukrop, Jr. LO1899

Delaware–Alpha Lambda

Francis Espey Gardiner, Jr. LO1941

Delaware–Beta Epsilon

Dr. Steven E. Hastings LO3747

Bruce L. Hudson LO2148

Wallace W. Poole LO1139

Scott H. Walter LO3815

Delta State–Delta Beta

MG Alben N. Hopkins, Sr., Esq., USA


Robert Wilbanks LO3852

Duke–Alpha Phi

Richard R. Crosier LO433

Raymond Allen Jones III LO3334

Edwin F. Payne LO3613

Roy O. Rodwell, Jr. LO2749

East Carolina–Gamma Rho

David W. Dupree LO3530

Lyle J. Hagwood

Philip C. Hoft LO3514

Matthew R. Hollomon LO2414

Max Ray Joyner, Jr. LO3552

Christopher C. Knott LO3898

R. Randolph Reid LO393

Eastern Kentucky–Delta Mu

Christopher M. Castle LO2851

Gary J. Fassler LO1049

Michael S. Henderson LO2527

Lee G. Martin LO149

LTC Robert M. Sullivan LO3960

Collin B. Taylor LO2411

Ronald Coleman Taylor LO3529

LTC John Michael Wills (Ret) LO3379


George Robert Blanchard, Jr. LO4154

L. Hunt Campbell LO4001

William Zimmerman Cannon LO1453

Dr. L. Adolph Casal LO3449

Dr. James Paul Ferguson LO1370

William Deadwyler Fortson, Jr. LO4157

George Rozier Lee III LO973

Mark C. Post LO3805

Dr. Carter Smith, Jr. LO4176

Dr. James M. Tallman, MD LO834

1SG Andrew C. West, USMCR LO3350

Florida Gulf Coast–Zeta Pi

Michael Jacob Arden LO4153

Anthony M. Graziani LO3606

Altony Lee III LO3571

Florida Southern–Gamma Pi

COL Guy D. Colado LO1832

James C. France LO3554

Florida State–Gamma Eta

Frank A. Argenbright, Jr. LO2876

Peter H. Collins LO3646

Gary A. DeLapp LO3276

Randal Horace Drew, Sr. LO1138

Patrick J. Farrell, Jr. LO3653

Richard E. Heath LO3982

Jonathan S. Howse, Jr. LO2645

Todd M. Kraemer LO4166

David J. Middleton LO180

Theodore R. Ostrander, Jr. LO4145

Hon. P. Michael Ruff LO3060

William K. Seago, Jr. LO4013

William Godfrey Smith, Jr. LO3534

John A. Yearty LO1637

Florida–Beta Zeta

Gregory B. Adams LO817

Henry H. Beckwith LO346

David H. Bonk

Thomas C. Buss II LO3812

Robert R. Hankin

John A. Langley, Sr. LO3464

Mark T. Mustian

John K. Roberts LO3576

Steven M. Rosenbloom LO4173

Sawyer C. Smith LO3949

Edward G. Sullivan, Esq. LO1393

David A. Tomkins LO3832

Timothy W. Volpe LO3488

James R. White LO3582


Duane Ernest Thompson, III LO2757

Francis Marion–Delta Tau

Brian D. Anderson LO3836

Theodore Edgar Maness III LO3586

Dr. Ronald E. Miller, Jr. LO3411

S. Kent Moore LO4168


C. Tucker Moore LO1278

George Mason–Epsilon Phi

Robert A. Simms LO3569

George Washington–Alpha Nu

Clay W. Socha LO3383

Georgetown–Beta Delta

Charley Grant LO3828

Henry H. Hays LO4200

Georgia College–Epsilon Nu

Evan R. Karanovich LO2410

Georgia Southern–Delta Theta

Matthew A. Griffin LO4113

Terrell Draper Watson, Sr. LO1348

Leon C. Watson LO1104

Edmond H. Wilson LO366

Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma

Davis H. Beman LO4112

James L. Herrin LO3050

Edward L. Kelly LO1336

Charles L. Wallace LO1829

Georgia Tech–Delta Theta

James Hunter Yancey, Jr. LO474


Sidney Jefferson Bolch, IV LO4038

Robert Lee Dickey III LO3695

W. Lawrence Jenkins LO1409

Jefferson Boone Aiken Knox, Jr. LO4143

Robert Edward Knox, Jr. LO4127

William Lawrence Manning Knox, Jr. LO2539

Wyckliffe Austin Knox, Jr. LO3634

Andrew Hall Knox, Sr.

Jefferson Boone Aiken Knox, Sr. LO4108

Walter L. Pipkin LO4124

Fred Marion Sims, Jr. LO3691

Robert Long Stewart, Jr. LO2593

John William Walden, Jr. LO3564

B. Neely Young LO3890

Hampden-Sydney–Alpha Tau

W. Birch Douglass III LO2521

James R. Foster LO998

High Point–Zeta Phi

David Slade Ransdell LO4209

Houston Baptist–Delta Sigma

Douglas B. Harris LO873

Dr. Joel A. Nickles LO1641

Indiana State–Zeta Iota

Andrew E. Damin LO4131

Douglas E. Hess LO3190

Jacksonville State–Delta Phi

Marcus E. Angle, Jr. LO1082

James Alexander Oyler, Jr. LO514

Kennesaw State–Zeta Chi

Evan L. Stack LO3422


William Preston Cox, Jr. LO4184

William K. Downey LO2219

Dr. Charles D. Franks LO4077

George B. Hocker LO4188

Jeffery R. McIntosh LO347

COL Philip Kenneth Miller USA (Ret.) LO3132

Daniel H. Miller LO147

Larry M. Roy LO1020

Gary Alan Smith, Sr. LO3313

W. Ashley Smock LO3245

Brandon S. Wesley LO4070

Lambuth–Gamma Omicron

CDR Parker H. Dinwiddie, Jr. LO3991

Charles W. Elliott LO1301

Louisiana State–Alpha Gamma

Dr. A. Michael Aura, MD LO3761

Christopher L. Bentley LO3659

William Franklin Biossat, Jr. LO3735

Paul R. Burns, Sr. LO46

John B. Frierson, Jr. LO4215

Ryan K. Haynie LO3558

William V. Henry LO2384

W. Regi Mullins LO3482

Jake L. Netterville LO1579

T. Michael Stanberry LO1773

Louisiana State–Gamma Chi

T. Shofner Smith, III LO3751

Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha

Ronnie E. Bounds, Jr. LO3668

SGT Clayton Flurry LO3748

Donald Roy O’Neal, Jr. LO2815

Matthew D. O’Neal LO2228

MG Jack W. Ramsaur II LO2195

Robert D. Schaumburg LO3288

Louisiana-Lafayette–Gamma Phi

Harlan H. Kappel LO3692

Harold P. Vice, Jr. LO3782

Louisiana-Monroe–Gamma Nu

R. Bradley Carroll LO4045

Destin Brook Sebren LO2391

Louisville–Beta Omicron

Robert M. Bouse LO729

Marshall–Beta Upsilon

Franklin T. Brackman LO3627

LTC David S. Ferrell (Ret) LO996

Kelsey W. Hill LO3891

James F. Kirtley LO3168

James C. Musser LO3831

Maryland–Beta Kappa

Robert M. Ross LO1279

Richard A. Sullivan, Sr. LO1158

Philip Jeffrey Wimbish, Jr., CPA LO4147

McNeese State–Delta Xi

Ethan J. Bush LO18

Dr. Mark Daughenbaugh LO3559

J. David Spann

Memphis–Gamma Gamma

C. Kevin Campbell LO3863

Dr. Richard Alan Ellis LO3986

MG Donald R. Gardner USMC (Ret) LO2192

S. Morgan Morton, Jr. LO3481

Gregory R. Singleton LO184

David C. Wadlington LO3483


King V. Aiken, Jr. LO99

Dr. Harold Allan Bivins, Jr. LO3989

Philetus Sawyer Harison, Jr. LO3615

Lee A. Jackson LO1916

J. Ed Magruder LO3924

Kevin P. Tolbert LO1455

Raymond McLeod Warren III LO2453

CAPT Sidney Ezell Wood, Jr., USN (Ret) LO931

Miami–Epsilon Lambda

Bruce Benes LO1234

Brad Bundy LO3738

C. Lance Carpenter LO1310

Middle Tennessee State–Delta Lambda

Julian B. Baker, Jr. LO1492

Joseph L. Coleman, Sr. LO3498

Stephen D. Grand LO3459

Herschel Lynn Greer, Jr. LO105

Jason L. Potts LO796

S. Todd Shelton LO23

*deceased LO: Loyal Order Number

Midwestern State–

Gamma Omega

Jesse C. Brown LO4009

Dick Y. Fletcher LO4139

Bradley A. Grimm LO181

Mitchell S. Hill LO2568

A. Allen Jones LO4163

Daniel W. Mills LO865

Michael A. Stokes LO3879

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Samuel Griffin Cole III LO2856

Todd David Glisson CFP LO2216

John B. Link IV LO3736

James Murray Underwood, Jr. LO3591

Ward William VanSkiver, Sr., CLU, CFP LO2353

Mississippi State–Beta Tau

Stephen L. Burwell LO1993

LTC Charles O. Cook LO3452

Phillip R. Davis LO4102

Earnest William Deavenport, Jr. LO1318

Walter L. Dowdle LO3219

David George East LO3787

Hunter M. Lipscomb LO912

Jonathan Matthew Shook Esq. LO3603

Ryan H. Whittington LO1646

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon

William A. Edmonds LO4032

Chad W. Franks LO3166

Joseph T. Getz LO4158

Joseph A. Haley III LO1224

G. Lee Hawkins LO3588

Jeremy A. Hebert LO832

Frederick Boykin Horne III LO3629

John D. Mayo LO4115

John O. McCarthy LO2220

Douglas Gray McKinnon LO3690

James J. Reiss III LO4118

Scott A. Shearouse LO4126

Dr. Daniel H. Shell IV LO4109

Huey Love Townsend, Jr. LO3602

Jon Crosby Turner LO971

Stanley J. Viner LO1376

The Hon. W. Swan Yerger (Ret.) LO1759

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

Robert G. Brinkmann LO3601

Dennis L. Dutton LO1557

William A. Givens, Sr. LO2088

Brett L. Hanke, PE LO3543

James R. Hennessey LO3700

Ralph L. Ozorkiewicz LO4171

C. Edward Schmidt, Jr. LO294

Robert M. Schmidt LO4210

Theodore L. Weise LO293

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

Robert D. Kelly LO25

CAPT Thomas Langston Williams LO2110

Missouri State–Gamma Beta

Douglas S. Evans LO3910

Gordon L. Kinne LO886

Christopher J. Puricelli LO3676

Missouri–Alpha Kappa

James Earl Davis LO1084

Charles Jacob Hoffman, Jr. LO830

Kenneth Rickli LO922

Robert A. Robison LO3922

J. William Schulz LO2503

Michael T. Stuckenschneider LO3920

Lewis H. Wyman III LO47

Murray State–Delta Nu

LTC Thomas Ray Murray USA (Ret.) LO3330

Newberry–Delta Epsilon

Leon Charles Banks, Jr. LO2690

John Woody Cornwell LO784

C. Alan Crowell LO2747

James M. Green IV LO2597

Hugo Atlas Pearce, III LO506

Michael E. Reid LO2356

Ralph Richard Sargent, II LO3174

GEN Henry I. Siegling, Sr. LO3105

North Carolina State–

Alpha Omega

Henry M. Anderson, Jr. LO4098

Paul W. Baker, Jr. LO3906

Dustin G. Brann LO3000

Jack E. Brinson, Jr. LO4203

Lynn T. Clark LO4005

Paul F. Haddock III LO408

Bruce W. Knott, CIMA LO4014

Matthew T. Korff LO3896

Dickson M. Lupo LO3544

Charles Franklin McDowell IV LO2709

Philip McIver Payonk, Jr. LO3182

Grady Leonard Pittman, Jr. LO850

William Trent Ragland III LO3734

Troy M. Raines LO3673

Ronald Glenn Sherrill, Jr. LO3813

Edward I. Weisiger, Jr. LO3784

G. Smedes York LO2540

North Carolina-Wilmington–

Epsilon Psi

George Akers Moore, IV LO3539

North Carolina–Upsilon

Norman E. Block LO3803

North Florida–Zeta Nu

Adam R. Newell LO1663

North Texas–Gamma Lambda

Blake E. Benney LO1137

Jay D. Chamberlain IV LO3510

James B. Fincher LO1332

Northern Arizona–Epsilon Tau

Thomas Ray Bilsten, Jr.

Douglas W. Hanisch LO2217

Chad A. Raymond LO4040

Oklahoma City–Gamma Kappa

Charles C. Caldwell LO2292

Edward Franklin Keller LO2752

Gary B. McCoy LO3696

Dr. Virgil D. Medlin LO4116

Dr. Charles R. Walker

Ronald E. Willis LO3293

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

LTC Walter David Archibald (Ret.)


Samuel O. Leake, Jr. LO21

William Howard McKee V LO2390

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

Win O. Cramer LO3762

Paul D. Dollahite, JD LO2721

Robert L. Morris, Jr. LO1057

William C. Routh LO1418

Old Dominion–Delta Gamma

Michael D. Ellis LO2733

James B. Hichak LO1494

William E. Lobeck, Jr. LO3580

David M. O’Dell LO24

Penn State–Zeta Eta

David N. Martin LO1712

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

Hal Holland Crosswell III LO4021

Frederick H. Gantt, III LO4094

Dr. George Alexander Jenkins III, MD LO3857

William M. Matthews V LO2745

Ens. I. Jenkins Mikell III LO4096

Paul G. Trippe LO3875

Thomas E. Williams LO4196

Brian M. Wilson LO145

Purdue–Epsilon Rho

James R. Beebe LO4095

Scott T. Clifford LO3412

Michael Jerry Garrison LO3499

Jeffrey W. Love LO79

David E. Newton LO954

Stephan B. Oliver LO2547


Carlton W. Baker LO335

Charles Leonard Isaacs LO3822

Thomas David Jones III LO3854

Littleton M. Maxwell LO568

Daniel F. Scandling LO3849

Michael Joseph Walsh IV LO3873

D. Calloway Whitehead III LO3515


Clayton Eugene Bunting, Esq. LO204

George W. McCall III LO2607

Douglas L. Nickel LO3594

Dr. Walter Edward Saxon, Jr. LO1173

Roanoke–Beta Rho

Samuel B. Adams LO664

Peter J. Foster LO3758

Frederick Leatherbury LO3911

John H. Turner, Jr. LO2596

Sam Houston State–Gamma Tau

Allen M. Burns LO3862

Darron E. Franta LO856

Tracy S. Hoffart LO3682

Daniel L. Moreland LO3716

Ronny J. Snow LO3839

San Diego State–Gamma Iota

David K. Dere LO83

South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha

Paul W. Lammers LO108

D. Brady Wilson LO1741

South Carolina–Rho

Richard Abner Jones, Jr. LO4164

Thomas E. Lydon LO4106

J. Lynn McCants LO356

Bettis Cantelou Rainsford, Jr. LO4117

J. Adam Ribock LO4204

Jonathan T. Servant LO4220

James W. Smith LO807

Dr. Heath McAlvin Stewart, Jr., DMD LO3833

Southeastern Louisiana–

Epsilon Kappa

Jonathan D. Duhon LO4039

Southeastern Louisiana–Epsilon Kappa

Cliff R. Lloyd LO2224

Southern California–Beta Sigma

Robert C. Davis LO2427

Douglas George Strugar LO4084

Southern Illinois–Zeta Sigma

Tony M. Maheu LO3340

Southern Indiana–Zeta Omicron

Benjamin K. Hirschauer LO3737

Southern Methodist–

Beta Lambda

William D. Balthrope LO3847

John J. Campbell III LO3120

Barry B. Donnell LO1045

Dustin B. Donnell LO3494

Brad B. Freeman LO1942

John H. Howard LO3512

Steve E. Jenkins LO4142

David T. Kastor LO1836

Thomas Francis Maxwell, III LO3460

Randle T. Moore, III LO4201

Loy B. Moore LO1212

Andrew Van Pittman LO2033

Warren S. Wingert LO2116

Southern Mississippi–

Gamma Zeta

James H. Heidelberg LO1007

Dr. Lynn B. McMahan LO4128


Daryl M. Allen LO3937

Arlen G. Ferguson LO100

Edwin Bryan Gentle LO3548

William Mansfield Gilker III LO557

Martin Reese Harris, Jr. LO4132

Mark B. Holmes LO1329

Rock N. Houstoun LO961

J. Cameron Nokes LO2332

Gary T. Scott LO859

Stanford–Alpha Pi

Thomas B. Coleman LO3490

Dr. James K. Collins LO1081

William J. Hagenah LO1155

Stephen F. Austin State–

Delta Kappa

J. Michael Duncan LO11

Ted A. Crawford LO3504

Kenneth W. Faires LO3572

R. Scott Hilborn PhD LO3817

Dwain P. Knight LO618

Clay M. Leveritt LO115

Robert Michael Pickel LO103

Gerald W. Schlief LO1214

Tarleton State–Epsilon Pi

Alan L. Looney LO2299

Tennessee-Martin–Delta Upsilon

Charles S. Briggs LO285

James Larry Crews, II LO2796


Thomas G. Chappell LO3250

Robert K. Googe LO3837

Gust Edwin Johnson, Jr. LO3561

Jeffrey P. Konrad LO1058

Dr. Edwin P. Rather LO617

Texas A&M-Commerce–

Gamma Upsilon

John B. Chenault LO601

William Joe Cureton LO3816

S. Kyle Lowe LO3399

John F. Ory LO59

Josh D. Shaul LO3648

William Bailey Thrailkill, Jr. LO4193

David R. Worley LO4148

Texas A&M–Epsilon Delta

Robert E. Bodnar LO4137

Eric J. Doyal LO1186

Texas State–Epsilon Iota

Andrew P. Carr LO2993

F. Michael Carr LO3670

Scott D. Carter LO3477

Ross W. Newberry LO3453

D. Mitchell Sheaffer LO41

David R. Worley LO4123

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi

Blas S. Catalani, II LO3739

Ronald S. Childress LO3767

COL Michael H. Fox LO3674

Brent B. Hamilton LO3654

Charles L. Hamilton LO3656

John T. Hamilton LO3651

Michael A. Hedlund LO3605

Mitchell L. Heidenheimer LO3675

MAJ Christopher A. Huff LO3841

William R. Mathews III LO3503

Gordon R. McDowell LO3810

James R. Purvis LO678

Curtis Arnold Smith LO595

Paul H. Tarwater LO3109

E. Powell Thompson LO3546

Dustin S. Whittenburg LO561

Texas-Arlington–Delta Iota

Alfred Diaz, Jr. LO549

Scott M. Hughes LO3292

Lynn A. Morgan LO2701

Gregory Scot Weadon LO3835


Brian P. Hanson LO3908

Honorable Robert M. Pittenger LO4072

Dr. Joe C. Rude III LO679

Steven W. Tomson LO3595


John E. Oden LO2861

Transylvania–Alpha Theta

J. Mason McCauley LO1737

Dr. William K. Schmied LO4119

Michael L. Sloane II LO3829


Tyler Marsall Bromagen LO4183

David Blackshear Hamilton Chaffe III LO1778

Dr. James W. Denham LO3463

Marc Christopher Hebert LO4208


Thomas E. Stanton LO3540

Univ. of the South–Alpha Alpha

Mason Gardner Alexander, Jr. LO135

George P. Apperson III, PhD LO266

Christopher M. Elwell LO1151

USMA–Sigma Alpha Commission

MG Robert M. Bunker LO2849

Valdosta State–Delta Rho

Donald O. Davis LO1118

COL Wayne C. Edwards LO3801

Frank S. Heard LO3749

Jason Travis Pate LO4129

Douglas Alex Powers, II LO3959


Robert Howell Baker III LO1647

James W. Davidson LO3325

William Winston Hoy, Jr. LO2091

Paul Hubert Kuhn, Jr. LO2103

Virginia Tech–Epsilon Eta

Bernard Clements LO3083

Michael B. Gimbert LO3934

Aaron D. Masey LO3518

Hunter W. Wagstaff LO3771

Carlyle R. Wimbish III LO2670

Virginia Wesleyan–

Epsilon Omicron

Scott A. Brown LO1736


Carroll Allen Gibson, Jr. LO4209

VMI–Beta Commission

J. Curran Bowen LO4052

COL George Mercer Brooke, IV LO2536

LTC Mark W. Dick LO3596

Paul Xavier English, III LO3609

Monte C. Ferguson LO3933

Thomas E. Gottwald LO2468

CDR Patrick Joseph Griffin LO4073

CSM G. Jeffery Jackson (Ret) LO1865

Michael R. Meads LO2440

Grover C. Outland III LO4170

Charles Carroll Roder, Jr. LO1739

James Carlton Showalter, Jr. LO3811

Wake Forest–Tau

Ross A. Berlin LO3139

J. Melville Broughton III LO3513

David M. Graham LO4053

Allen K. Lydick LO1078

Jerry T. Myers LO4060

Robert James Ramseur, Jr. LO1413

Washington & Lee–Alpha

Dr. John Garland Pollard Boatwright, Jr. LO3551

Steven Grist LO3638

Washington College–

Beta Omega

Douglas S. Ewalt LO78

Joseph M. Van Name III LO69


*deceased LO: Loyal Order Number

West Florida–Gamma Sigma

Garrett A. Haynes LO1937

West Texas A&M–Gamma Sigma

L. Blake Bailey LO1398

Dr. N. Andy Cole, PhD LO3468

Donald R. Houchin LO133

Michael W. Jones LO65

John D. Morrison LO1171

M. Greg Reynolds LO3621

West Virginia Wesleyan–Beta Chi

Millard L. Cursey, Jr. LO537

Stephen E. Foster LO2062

West Virginia–Alpha Rho

Patrick Anthony DeLeonibus LO3618

David Benjamin Fletcher LO4208

Alexander Harvey Ghiz, Jr. LO3689

James M. Ransbottom LO3760

Thomas C. Ryan LO4192

CPT John Wilbur Swartzwelder, Jr. LO2024

Gregory J. Totterdale LO3583

Western Carolina–Delta Alpha

Robert A. Byrd, Jr. LO2764

Brian A. King LO2567

SGT Clevie Clifford Luckadoo, Jr. LO1105

Jesse S. Lyons LO39

John A. Moore LO4093

Eric K. Nelson LO4144

Western Kentucky–Epsilon Theta

Scott E. Toncray LO1833

Westminster–Alpha Eta

Fred D. Binggeli LO3712

Philip J. Boeckman LO425

David H. Crane LO164

Robert E. Deal, Jr. LO3416

Thomas A. Gorman LO2835

Daniel E. Harris LO3773

Dr. Rob Havers LO3851

Erik K. Lescher LO3522

David J. Neihart, CPA, CFP LO2727

Neal F. Perryman LO3845

William R. Piper LO3667

Travis L. Sartain LO214

Blake E. Stonecipher LO3717

Blake Strebler LO3786

Thaddeus Aaron Stubbs LO2009

Thomas P. Wohlgemuth LO4043

William & Mary–Alpha Zeta

William A. Armbruster LO4078

William Jewell–Alpha Delta

Dr John Harry Brunner MD LO3376

Philip A. Cantwell LO3465

William K. Dillingham LO1425

Eric W. Long LO2610

R. Mark Mathes LO3129

Brian E. Place LO3495

The Hon. Kenneth M. Romines LO3640


H. Paige Carlton LO3579

Dr. Paul Dominic Kountz, Jr. LO1843

Richard W. Krapfel LO3664

LeRoy Baskin Lewis, Jr. LO2319

COL Robert N. Maddox LO3608

Marion Felder Moore, Sr. LO4086

W. Gairy Nichols III LO4081

Jerry J. Richardson LO3542

J. Mark Satterwhite LO4092

Albert Randolph Smith, II LO995

George Murrell Smith, Jr. LO2742

Allen N. Wilkerson LO4089

Friends of KA & KA Roses

Alpha Eta Chapter House Assn.

Mrs. Ann Binggeli

Ms. Susan Evans Coleman

Mrs. Gwendolyn Deal

Mrs. Susan Finger

Mrs. Grace J. Fishel

Ms. Allison Mrasek

Mrs. Cori Hanisch

Ms. Carole Jones

Mrs. Donna Julian

Mrs. Karen Kay

Mrs. April LaFollette

Mrs. Kookie Liles

Blue Tree Marketing

Mrs. Ali Martineau

Jeff Martini

Mrs. LeAnn Pinson

Alpha Sigma Properties Inc.

Stephen E. Ratterman, Sr.

Mrs. Dianne Ruff

Dr. Dawn Wiese

Mrs. Virginia B. Wilson

Charities Aid Foundation Of America .

Mrs. Elizabeth Asbury

Mrs. Monica R. Bailey

Arizona Biltmore

Mrs. Paula Tyree Bowman

Hamilton Province Court of Honor

Mrs. Trish Day

Ms. Kitty L. DeKieffer

Mrs. Karen Dick

Bank of America Foundation

Merck Foundation

Bank Of America Charitable Gift Fund

Mrs. Anna Haley

Mrs. Rosann F. Hooks

Robert E. Kiley

Mrs. Tracy Lacox YourCause LLC

Mrs. Katharine Van Name


Alabama–Alpha Beta

Rieves Berry LO3921

Edwin Dudley Burwell, III

Appalachian State–Delta Psi

R. Craig Cass LO2700

Arizona State–Epsilon Omega

Tyler Bell LO3516

Arizona–Gamma Epsilon

James K. Cooper LO3704

Brian A. Seastone LO1018

Matthew W. Wochos

Arkansas State–Delta Eta

Jack Plumlee

Arkansas Tech–Epsilon Zeta

Evan M. Hanna LO3693

Arkansas-Fort Smith–Zeta Rho

Hunter K. Cabe LO2519

Arkansas–Alpha Omicron

Thomas D. Ryan LO3718

Ellwood F. Whitchurch


Thomas Evenden Williams, Jr. LO1788

Austin Peay State–Zeta Tau

A. Blake Ball LO3756

Daniel Nolen Pitts LO3905

Aristeo Skyy Ruiz LO3944


Jacob T. Woodard LO4066

Donor Summary

Total Donors: 3,060 Total: $2,895,679

Donors Total Member Status 7 $79,374 Executive Council 16 $151,492 KAOEF Board of Trustees 32 $32,289 KA National Staff $14,600 692 Active 21 $1,200,024 Deceased $1,195,387 2,020 Alumnus 254 $190,069 Non-Member $32,441 18 Advisory Council Parents / Non-Members Undergraduates Staff / Volunteers Alumni # Donors Total $$ 254 $190,069.27 $14,600.11 $295,598.55 $2,395,411.87 692 73 2,041

Bowling Green State–

Zeta Lambda

Kevin P. Hughes LO3108

Centenary–Alpha Iota

Desmond Douglas Howard, Jr.

Alexander C. Van Hook LO48

Citadel–Theta Commission

Palmer R. Stokes LO3115

Howard Jerome Strickland, Jr. LO3824

Clemson–Delta Omicron

William Thomas Freeland, Jr. LO4079

Coastal Carolina–Zeta Omega

Jacob A. Seay LO3752

Colorado–Zeta Alpha

John D. Kingston LO623

Florida Gulf Coast–Zeta Pi

Bradley Williams LO4179

Florida–Beta Zeta

Jeffrey H. Atwater

Nelson J. Guagliardo LO3732

L. Paige Hatton

Richard Edward Jones, III

Randall Reid

John A. Sizemore

Scott T. Stringer

David S. Sutphin

William P. Taulbee II

COL Joseph A. Viani (Ret.) USAF LO4056

Francis Marion–Delta Tau

Kenneth Wayne Jackson LO1123


Matthew W. Schivera LO3951

James N. Taylor, Jr. LO4110

George Mason–Epsilon Phi

Kenneth Mika LO3819

Georgetown–Beta Delta

Flash Williams LO1956

Georgia Southern–Delta Theta

R. Scott Crittenden LO2058

Dr. Thomas Henry Moseley, Jr.

Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma

Charles R. Haley LO2500

High Point–Zeta Phi

Michael H. Esposito LO389

Houston Baptist–Delta Sigma

Dr. Chris R. Sawyer LO3332

Jacksonville State–Delta Phi

D. Scott Cates LO3032

Stephen J. LaFollette LO2330

James Madison–Zeta Theta

Kevin M. Grunkemeyer LO1021

Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha

Brandon A. Ashlock LO3990

Patrick G. Coudrain LO2618

Daniel W. Reynolds LO322

Louisiana-Lafayette–Gamma Phi

William Francis Bailey, Jr. LO3710

LT N. LaRon Phillips CPA LO1215

Louisiana-Monroe–Gamma Nu

Lawrence Wayne Pettiette, Jr., JD LO3573

Marshall–Beta Upsilon

Norbert J. Ore

Dr.. Walter D. Shields, Jr. LO3702

Gary W. Sweeney LO4091

Maryland–Beta Kappa

Dhruva D. Kumar LO4008

McNeese State–Delta Xi

Steven Lee Gros LO3954

Memphis–Gamma Gamma

Jeffrey K. Smith LO3893


Robert Adger Bowen, Jr. LO3685

Lee P. Oliver III, FACHE LO2629

Miami–Epsilon Lambda

Ryan Holloway LO1588

Middle Tennessee State–Delta


Jeremy Duke LO3055

Nicholas S. Palmer LO1864

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

LTC Wayne E. Ferrell, Jr. LO835

James N. C. Moffat III

Mississippi State–Beta Tau

Stevan Lenoir Black, Jr. LO3098

Jerry D. Carlisle LO4107

John A. Holliday, Jr. LO4099

William Fritz Maxwell, Sr. LO662

William Ogden Plyler, II LO3780

Harold D. Walker LO3776

J.T. Wood, III LO4165

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon

Charles Phillip Buffington, Jr. LO3744

William Chandler Douglas, Jr. LO4185

James M. Ferguson, Jr. LO3871

Michael R. Jones LO3912

Mark C. Reaves LO3974

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

Jared L. Gregory LO3213

Joel J. Kovach LO3785

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

Daniel R. Day LO35

David Elledge

David J. Richard

Nevada–Zeta Delta

Diego Navarro

Newberry–Delta Epsilon

Michael E. Gunn LO3840

North Carolina State–

Alpha Omega

Richard C. Anderson

Ceasar Cone III LO4210

North Carolina-Charlotte–

Epsilon Xi

Honorable Richard L. Hudson, Jr. LO1846

Kevin R. Wilkinson LO4195

North Carolina-Wilmington–

Epsilon Psi

John-David P. Morris LO3967

North Carolina–Upsilon

V. Charles Wyatt LO3772

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

Brent E. Buswell LO3185

Gil Ira Hayes LO4010

Old Dominion–Delta Gamma

William J. Wilson

Centre–Omega Commission

James Julius Winn, Jr. LO4083

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

John Harris Morrison, Jr.

Purdue–Epsilon Rho

Luke D. Snyder LO4065


James Alexander Baber, IV LO3844

COL Michael G. Comeau USA (Ret.) LO3403

South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha

Michael R. Andreoli LO3936

South Carolina–Rho

Robert P. Jordan LO3768

Southeastern Louisiana–

Epsilon Kappa

David Kent Landacre, Jr. LO2640

Walter Prentiss Rainey, Jr. LO4190

Southern Indiana–Zeta Omicron

Jeremy W. Blankenship LO3192

Tanner L. Gellinger LO3345

Southern Methodist–

Beta Lambda

William Thad Holt IV LO2586

Stephen F. Austin State–

Delta Kappa

Jeffrey S. Bennett LO4052

Cooper Carroll LO4068

John M. Hudec LO3818

Edwin Randall Jones LO2852

Rocky T. Sanders LO4125

Stephen F. Wilson LO4152

Tarleton State–Epsilon Pi

LTC Andrew Patrick Gamblin LO4025


Stuart L. Martin LO3114

Texas A&M-Commerce–

Gamma Upsilon

Marc Allan Scott LO88

Texas State–Epsilon Iota

Chris Boeker LO4130

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi

Macrae Andrew Modesitt

William J. Steed III LO4205

David H. Waller

Transylvania–Alpha Theta

Michael P. Wilson LO40


Calvin Moniz LO2658

Valdosta State–Delta Rho

William C. Harvey LO3680

Mark F. Johnson

Walter E. Jones, Jr.

David R. Rozier, Jr.

Virginia Wesleyan–

Epsilon Omicron

MAJ C. Robin Kelley LO3437

Douglas B. Wilson LO4111


Kirkman Finlay III LO1925

VMI–Beta Commission

Robert Lee Fricke LO4140

MG John W. Knapp (Ret) LO501

CPT Joseph E. Pinhak LO4146

Robert D. Staley LO4067

Wake Forest–Tau

Plato Collins Barwick, III LO4015

Jack Weston Lewis, III LO3992

Washington & Lee–Alpha

Henry A. De Alessandrini

Julian E. Fant III LO4186

Neil T. Treger LO3939

Donald Woodford Webb, Jr. LO4194

Washington College–

Beta Omega

Kevin T. McGarry LO1913

West Florida–Epsilon Sigma

Nathaniel L. Robinson LO648

West Georgia–Zeta Kappa

M. Todd Zittrouer LO4122

West Texas A&M–Gamma Sigma

Gerry D. Hall

Western Carolina–Delta Alpha

Charles Craig Phillips, Jr. LO4134

Western Kentucky–Epsilon Theta

Brent W. Fellows LO2628


Randolph Kent Liggitt, Sr. LO3979

Dr. Ronald B. Shealy LO1005

Friends of KA & KA Roses

Mrs. Audra Franta

Marlon L. Gibson, Ph.D.

Mrs. Leticia Graves

Fraternal Composite Services, Inc.

Mrs. Suzanne S. LaMar

Mrs. Lydia Danise Larsen

Mrs. Kelly Love

Mrs. Anna W. O’Neal

Mrs. Catherine Butler Perry

The Generals Redoubt

Mrs. Laura Shaw

Daniel A. Smercina

Dell Technologies

Mrs. Rita Jean Workman


Regions Financial Corporation

Frampton Province Court Of Honor

Michael Greenberg

One Main Financial Inc.

Shell Oil Company Foundation

Matching Gifts Program

ANNUAL GIVING CONT’D. *deceased LO: Loyal Order Number

Annual Giving by Chapter

The following list shows the number of individual donors, both undergraduates and alumni, from each of these chapters and their total giving per chapter. If a chapter is not listed, none of its initiates donated. Figures are reflective of initiates of the chapters. Transfer members are not indicated.

SPRING 2023 | THE KAPPA ALPHA JOURNAL 53 ANNUAL REPORT 2021-2022 KAOEF SCHOOL TOTAL($)DONORS Southern Methodist–Beta Lambda 1,149,841.32 20 Friends of the Order 195,344.72 252 North Carolina State–Alpha Omega 76,021.77 40 Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon 72,777.74 318 Northwestern State–Gamma Psi 65,004.30 10 Oklahoma State–Beta Xi 54,649.38 14 Texas Tech–Gamma Chi 46,359.75 185 Westminster–Alpha Eta 36,190.69 28 Randolph-Macon–Zeta 36,078.64 18 Emory–Epsilon 35,964.97 27 Louisiana State–Alpha Gamma 35,671.86 190 Clemson–Delta Omicron 31,500.08 25 Auburn–Nu 30,531.36 33 Florida State–Gamma Eta 30,363.43 29 William Jewell–Alpha Delta 29,843.34 16 Vanderbilt–Chi 29,628.00 12 Mississippi State–Beta Tau 29,283.02 26 Delaware–Beta Epsilon 27,838.09 16 Florida–Beta Zeta 27,690.10 150 Delta State–Delta Beta 26,929.32 12 VMI–Beta Commission 26,152.26 69 Midwestern State–Gamma Omega 25,756.79 16 Georgia–Gamma 24,540.32 35 Western Carolina–Delta Alpha 22,075.73 19 Wake Forest–Tau 20,898.73 24 Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha 19,500.59 108 Wofford–Delta 18,749.58 25 Valdosta State–Delta Rho 18,397.26 29 Millsaps–Alpha Mu 17,400.00 15 Presbyterian–Beta Pi 17,329.07 24 Louisiana-Lafayette–Gamma Phi 16,456.95 11 Sam Houston State–Gamma Tau 16,322.24 14 Richmond–Eta 15,105.48 8 Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha 14,912.02 109 Stephen F. Austin State–Delta Kappa 14,538.17 21 Oklahoma City–Gamma Kappa 13,747.74 13 Citadel–Theta Commission 13,613.02 22 Francis Marion–Delta Tau 13,092.03 9 Missouri–Alpha Kappa 12,925.0715 Southwestern–Xi 12,692.89 15 Eastern Kentucky–Delta Mu 12,684.64 14 Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma 12,655.74 21 Kentucky–Theta 12,411.59 19 Baylor–Delta Omega 11,666.51 13 Mercer–Kappa 10,696.24 21 Newberry–Delta Epsilon 10,633.73 15 Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi 10,385.40 24 Oklahoma–Beta Eta 10,139.59 15 Texas State–Epsilon Iota 10,123.83 11 South Carolina–Rho 9,823.24 18 Lambuth–Gamma Omicron 9,678.38 7 West Virginia–Alpha Rho 9,422.38 17 East Carolina–Gamma Rho 9,365.23 16 Texas A&M-Commerce–Gamma Upsilon 9,241.29 14 Middle Tennessee State–Delta Lambda 9,051.77 19 Memphis–Gamma Gamma 8,752.47 19 Alabama–Alpha Beta 8,235.64 17 Virginia Tech–Epsilon Eta 8,229.71 8
SCHOOL TOTAL($)DONORS Purdue–Epsilon Rho 7,911.77 12 Marshall–Beta Upsilon 7,891.50 13 Arkansas Tech–Epsilon Zeta 7,768.08 7 West Texas A&M–Gamma Sigma 7,689.86 12 Arizona–Gamma Epsilon 7,514.89 14 Southern California–Beta Sigma 7,237.27 10 Georgia Southern–Delta Theta 6,577.30 15 Charleston–Beta Gamma 6,438.79 9 Tennessee–Pi 6,211.06 13 Roanoke–Beta Rho 6,056.68 12 Transylvania–Alpha Theta 5,802.03 13 Appalachian State–Delta Psi 5,790.29 10 North Texas–Gamma Lambda 5,754.06 14 Texas–Omicron 5,502.65 13 Miami–Epsilon Lambda 5,405.58 6 Washington & Lee–Alpha 5,391.24 15 Tulsa–Mu 5,194.65 82 Maryland–Beta Kappa 5,138.88 11 Indiana State–Zeta Iota 4,833.09 4 Northern Arizona–Epsilon Tau 4,697.62 4 Old Dominion–Delta Gamma 4,674.85 9 Louisiana-Monroe–Gamma Nu 4,659.35 15 Tulane–Psi 4,657.08 10 McNeese State–Delta Xi 4,610.57 15 Texas-Arlington–Delta Iota 4,487.63 7 Houston Baptist–Delta Sigma 4,420.85 6 Stanford–Alpha Pi 4,340.00 6 Duke–Alpha Phi 4,230.50 7 Birmingham-Southern–Phi 4,210.67 9 Arizona State–Epsilon Omega 4,165.29 7 Missouri State–Gamma Beta 4,128.29 12 Univ. of the South–Alpha Alpha 3,870.00 5 Southeastern Louisiana–Epsilon Kappa 3,775.46 7 Florida Gulf Coast–Zeta Pi 3,744.71 4 West Virginia Wesleyan–Beta Chi 3,673.58 13 Davidson–Sigma 3,575.00 10 South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha 3,410.81 6 Jacksonville State–Delta Phi 3,410.58 6 Austin Peay State–Zeta Tau 3,277.80 8 Furman–Iota 3,250.21 13 Centenary–Alpha Iota 3,077.17 8 Georgetown–Beta Delta 2,894.92 5 Washington College–Beta Omega 2,831.26 6 Southern Indiana–Zeta Omicron 2,748.26 5 Tennessee-Martin–Delta Upsilon 2,743.50 8 Florida Southern–Gamma Pi 2,676.70 7 Southern Mississippi–Gamma Zeta 2,523.50 6 Arkansas–Alpha Omicron 2,504.50 4 California–Alpha Xi 2,494.38 76 Western Kentucky–Epsilon Theta 2,486.25 6 Texas A&M–Epsilon Delta 2,413.06 6 Hampden-Sydney–Alpha Tau 2,355.50 6 Virginia Wesleyan–Epsilon Omicron 2,331.63 4 North Carolina–Upsilon 2,275.00 9 USMA–Sigma Alpha Commission 2,225.00 3 Georgia College–Epsilon Nu 2,200.00 1 Bethany–Beta Beta 2,198.17 4 Arkansas-Fort Smith–Zeta Rho 2,195.30 3 SCHOOL TOTAL($)DONORS William & Mary–Alpha Zeta 2,050.00 10 Kennesaw State–Zeta Chi 2,046.50 2 California State-Bakersfi eld–Epsilon Upsilon 2,026.58 2 Arkansas State–Delta Eta 1,973.06 6 George Mason–Epsilon Phi 1,914.56 6 Tarleton State–Epsilon Pi 1,796.50 2 West Florida–Epsilon Sigma 1,776.07 2 Virginia–Lambda 1,750.00 3 North Carolina-Wilmington–Epsilon Psi 1,731.77 3 North Carolina-Charlotte–Epsilon Xi 1,674.58 5 High Point–Zeta Phi 1,605.47 3 North Florida–Zeta Nu 1,459.00 3 Coastal Carolina–Zeta Omega 1,293.05 3 California-Davis–Epsilon Gamma 1,250.00 2 George Washington–Alpha Nu 1,233.00 4 San Diego State–Gamma Iota 1,221.54 2 Murray State–Delta Nu 1,180.50 4 Southern Illinois–Zeta Sigma 1,106.58 1 California-Riverside–Epsilon Epsilon 1,026.58 2 Louisville–Beta Omicron 1,000.00 1 Penn State–Zeta Eta 1,000.00 1 James Madison–Zeta Theta 794.92 2 West Georgia–Zeta Kappa 769.92 1 Colorado–Zeta Alpha 743.61 5 Drury–Beta Iota 647.65 5 East Tennessee State–Delta Delta 572.90 4 Nevada–Zeta Delta 525.00 2 Bowling Green State–Zeta Lambda 513.29 1 Centre–Omega Commission 500.00 1 Campbell–Zeta Psi 402.90 1 Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon 346.25 3 Johns Hopkins–Alpha Lambda 325.00 2 Wingate–Zeta Zeta 313.30 2 New Mexico–Beta Phi 275.00 2 Elon–Epsilon Mu 210.70 1 Washington–Beta Theta 187.02 4 Arkansas-Monticello–Epsilon Chi 167.85 1 Univ. of Miami–Gamma Theta 125.00 2 Tennessee-Chattanooga–Zeta Upsilon 120.00 1 Oglethorpe–Beta Nu 105.50 1 Houston–Gamma Mu 102.65 1 Rollins–Alpha Psi 100.00 1 Nicholls State–Epsilon Beta 100.00 4 San Jose State–Gamma Delta 50.00 1 Tennessee Tech–Zeta Epsilon 50.00 2 USNA–Sigma Beta Commission 25.00 1 Louisiana State-Shreveport–Delta Chi 21.18 1 TOTALS $2,895,679.80 3,060



Roanoke–Beta Rho

Harry James Breithaupt, Jr.*

Southern Methodist–Beta


Rufus C. “Buddy” Porter*

William & Mary–Alpha Zeta

Bensley H. L. Field LO651*

William Jewell–Alpha Delta

William E. Dreyer LO12

$500,000 TO $999,999

Hampden-Sydney–Alpha Tau

Raymond B. Bottom, Jr. LO687*

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

Edward P. Leslie, Jr.*

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

COL David M. Buie USA (Ret.)*


Rock N. Houstoun LO961

Stanford–Alpha Pi

William R. Williamson*

Westminster–Alpha Eta

William H. Angle*

$100,000 TO $499,999


Todd D. Reaves LO1315

California–Alpha Xi

Thomas G. Paulson, II LO44*

Clemson–Delta Omicron

Ben W. Satcher, Jr. LO17

Delaware–Beta Epsilon

Eugene M. Julian LO1239

Duke–Alpha Phi

Roy O. Rodwell, Jr. LO2749*

East Tennessee State–Delta Delta

Lawrence E. Ault LO167*


Timothy Killen Adams, Sr. LO326

James Laurens Ferman, Jr. LO185

Francis Marion–Delta Tau

William H. Skipper, Jr. LO2380

Georgetown–Beta Delta

COL James Chapman Coleman, Jr.*


William Lawrence Manning Knox, Jr. LO2539

Wyckliffe Austin Knox, Jr. LO3634

Boone A. Knox*

John William Walden, Jr. LO3564

Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma

Raymond Jackson Alexander, Jr.*

Lambuth–Gamma Omicron

James L. Ostner

Louisiana-Lafayette–Gamma Phi

Dr. Russell J. Saloom MD LO816

Memphis–Gamma Gamma

S. Morgan Morton, Jr. LO3481


Andrew H. Heyward III LO16*

Midwestern State–

Gamma Omega

Larry Stanton Wiese LO37

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Dr. Russell Peyton Atchley DMD LO3260

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon

David T. Martineau V LO3484

Missouri–Alpha Kappa

James R. Estes, Sr. LO10

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

Theodore L. Weise LO293

North Carolina State–

Alpha Omega

Derick S. Close LO2838

Edward I. Weisiger, Jr. LO3784

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

Hugh Howard III*

Harold Frank MacDowell, Jr. LO213

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

F. M. Stevenson*

Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon

Paul E. Snodgress*


Dr. Scott C. Cole LO2800

Southern California–Beta Sigma

Michael V. Paulin LO1623

Warren Reed Sprinkel LO656*

Southern Methodist–

Beta Lambda

Barry B. Donnell LO1045

Rufus C. Porter*

Stephen F. Austin State–Delta


Gerald W. Schlief LO1214

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi

Joseph Coleman McDowell, Jr. LO516

Dr. Idris Rhea Traylor, Jr., PhD LO866

Valdosta State–Delta Rho

Dr. Charles Thomas Hopkins, Jr.

Washington Univ.–Beta Theta

Vernon W. Piper*

Washington & Lee–Alpha

David Rhodin Murphey III*

Westminster–Alpha Eta

Carl Trauernicht, Jr.*

William Jewell–Alpha Delta

Vance E. Rule*

Clyde E. Williams*

Friends of the Order & KA Roses

Kappa Alpha Order

Alfred I. duPont Foundation

Ruth A. Elder Estate

Howard C. Pickett

Mrs. Dorothy Tyree

$50,000 TO $99,999


Jack Ballard Carter, II LO57*

Delta State–Delta Beta

Eddie S. Wilson LO228


Robert J. Beckham*

Florida–Beta Zeta

Stumpy Harris LO919*

Florida State–Gamma Eta

L. Blair Bailey LO84


Richard J. Arroll

Malcolm H. Liles LO342

William A. McRae

Edwin Richard Neel

Lewis Lanier Scruggs, Jr.

Barry L. Storey

Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma

James W. Bowyer

Jerry B. Fussell

Hubert Lamar Harris, Jr.

Lambuth–Gamma Omicron

Dan H. Akin LO2549

Louisiana State–Alpha Gamma

B. Terry W. Bennett LO1133

Maryland–Beta Kappa

Edgar B. Rouse, Jr.*

Middle Tennessee State–

Delta Lambda

H. Lynn Greer, Jr. LO105

Mississippi State–Beta Tau

Earnest William Deavenport, Jr.


C. Douglas Simmons III LO179

Missouri–Alpha Kappa

J. William Schulz LO2503

Lewis H. Wyman III LO47

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

C. Edward Schmidt, Jr. LO294

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

Dr. Chad E. Wagoner LO32

North Carolina State–

Alpha Omega

David Blair Hagan CCIM, SIOR LO43

Robert J. Smith LO2957

Northwestern State–Gamma Psi

C. Randolph Gentz LO2816

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

Samuel O. Leake, Jr. LO21


Frank Harry Robinson, Jr. LO2378*

Sam Houston State–Gamma Tau

Charles L. Beckner LO1321

Stephen F. Austin State–

Delta Kappa

J. Michael Duncan LO11


Henry C. Goodrich*


Frank W. Maresh LO14*

Harry Albert Trueblood, Jr.


Robert M. Varn*

VMI–Beta Commission

SGM E. Kent McMichael LO251

Wake Forest–Tau

Norman Bryant Kellum, Jr. LO1480

Hon. David M. Warren LO13

Washington & Lee–Alpha

James H. Sammons, M.D.*

West Virginia Wesleyan–Beta Chi

Harvey P. White LO3526

Westminster–Alpha Eta

Darren S. Kay LO55

Dr. James Michael Schmuck LO1064

William Jewell–Alpha Delta

Joseph Ray Gill*

Friends of the Order & KA Roses

Mrs. Rosann F. Hooks

Mrs. Helen R. O’Mara

Eric A. Robb

Mrs. Gretta Robb

Gamma Eta Educational Foundation

$25,000 TO $49,999

Alabama–Alpha Beta

Harold M. Anderson

Henry Grady Tiller, Jr.*

Hugh P. Whitehead LO3461

Arkansas Tech–Epsilon Zeta

E.L. Scott McLain LO3104

California–Alpha Xi

Gerald C. Down LO2293

Bruce B. Higton LO683*

Citadel–Theta Commission

CPT Ronald C. Plunkett LO2241

Clemson–Delta Omicron

David A. Pattillo LO3492

Delaware–Beta Epsilon

John F. Bishop II*

Francis E. Gardiner, Jr. LO1941

Drury–Beta Iota

William W. Francis IV LO500


Frank L. Asbury III LO751*

David Carico

Florida Southern–Gamma Pi

James C. France LO3554

Florida State–Gamma Eta

David J. Middleton LO180

Curt Steger


James M. Ney LO2361


Upshaw Cranfill Bentley, Jr.*

William Waldo Bradley, Sr.

Daniel G. Broos

George Anthony Campbell, Sr.

John H. Crawford IV

J. Rex Fuqua

Rutledge Avalon Griffin, Jr.*

George M. D. Hunt IV

William W. Kidd LO744*

Paul Van Kilpatrick, Jr. LO673

Robert Edward Knox, Jr.

Andrew Hall Knox, Sr.

Jefferson Boone Aiken Knox, Sr.

S. Wistar Lewis

Matthews G. Moffett

Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma

Barry E. Cox LO1710

Charles L. Wallace LO1829

Houston Baptist–Delta Sigma

Douglas B. Harris LO873


Jeffery R. McIntosh LO347

Louisiana State–Alpha Gamma

Dr. James R. Andrews LO3715

Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha

Erik T. Showalter LO884

Memphis–Gamma Gamma

Gregory R. Singleton LO184

David C. Wadlington LO3483

Middle Tennessee State–

Delta Lambda

Richard A. Barnes LO4057

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Robert John Richardson, Jr. LO3346

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon

Richard Baxter Wilson, Jr. LO93*

Mississippi State–Beta Tau

Hunter Woods Henry, Jr.*

Missouri–Alpha Kappa

James Earl Davis LO1084

Robert W. Maupin LO1591*

North Carolina–Upsilon

Wallace Andrew Brown, Jr.*

Morris W. Pully LO189*

North Texas–Gamma Lambda

Larry F. Robb LO66*

Northwestern State–Gamma Psi

W. Julian Foy*

Oglethorpe–Beta Nu

Max S. Flynt, Jr.*

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

Richard C. Beveridge*

Oklahoma City–Gamma Kappa

Steve C. Knight LO1147

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

Kent T. Chapin LO1258

Richard I. Evans LO3775


Richard Lester Burke, Jr. LO1038

J. Whiting Chisman, Jr. LO3585

Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon

Rufus W. Shivers*


Clayton Eugene Bunting, Esq. LO204 Raymond Wilkinson*

Univ. of the South–Alpha Alpha

George P. Apperson III, PhD LO266

Alvan S. Arnall LO1054*

Robert D. Fowler*

South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha

Hon. Mallory Donald Davis, Jr. LO570

Southern California–Beta Sigma

Otis M. Healy LO1518


Michael R. Gonzalez LO174

Texas A&M–Epsilon Delta

Russell C. Brown LO22

Texas State–Epsilon Iota

L. Don Stricklin LO3491

Texas-Arlington–Delta Iota

Alfred Diaz, Jr. LO549

Transylvania–Alpha Theta

Michael D. McCaslin*

Valdosta State–Delta Rho

Robert W. Hagan LO2150


Paul Hubert Kuhn, Jr. LO2103

Frank Sherman McLaughlin, Jr.*

Virginia Tech–Epsilon Eta

James H. Cochrane, Jr. LO804

VMI–Beta Commission

Dr. Andrew J. Thacker*

Wake Forest–Tau

David P. Barksdale LO156

Wake Forest–Tau

Dr. John W. Nowell*

Washington Univ.–Beta Theta

Eugene E. Brucker, Jr.*

Washington College–Beta Omega

Douglas S. Ewalt LO78

Joseph M. Van Name III LO69


*deceased LO: Loyal Order Number

West Virginia–Alpha Rho

Dr. Richard T. Feller*

Westminster–Alpha Eta

Thaddeus Aaron Stubbs LO2009

William Jewell–Alpha Delta

M. Tyler Griffin LO114


LaFon C. Dees LO1852*

Robert Edwin Graham, Jr.

Raymond Scott Heath LO2243

Friends of the Order & KA Roses

Masterpiece Investments

Dr. J. Crayton Pruitt

Community Foundation For Greater Atlanta

Epsilon Delta Chapter

Coca-Cola Foundation Matching Gift Program


Mrs. Mildred H. Street

Ms. Kimberly J. Novak

Mrs. Barbara T. Cromwell

Mrs. Paulina T. Beall

Mrs. Caroline B. Marshall

Mrs. Virginia N. Toombs

Mrs. Virginia Bateman Comer Estate

James Howard Andrew

Kappa Alpha Foundation For Leadership & Service

$10,000 TO $24,999

Alabama–Alpha Beta

Clyde B. Anderson

Victor H. Hanson II LO315*

George Merrill Jones III LO385

Carl Eugene Jones, Jr.

Thomas C. Moxley

Paul M. Speake*

Ken D. Tidwell LO3590

F. Brook Voght*

Ernest G. Williams*

Appalachian State–Delta Psi

M. Lee Barnes, Jr. LO1396

R. Craig Cass LO2700

Douglas Ross Coley LO1065

Wyatt Thomas Dixon III LO2829

Arkansas Tech–Epsilon Zeta

H. David Pinson LO63


James Douglas Kay, Jr. LO2147

William D. Melton LO1204

W. Thomas Morgan, III LO3589

John Stephen Powell, III LO3430

Baylor–Delta Omega

Keven Brelsford Caldarera

Robert D. Fletcher LO1317

Bethany–Beta Beta

Lawrence S. Branch LO1262

Bowling Green State–

Zeta Lambda

Kevin P. Hughes LO3108

California–Alpha Xi

Lloyd Power Cornell, Jr.*

Kenneth R. Mitchell*

Julian A. Pardini*

Centenary–Alpha Iota

Markham Allen Dickson, Sr.*

William T. Green LO812

Charleston–Beta Gamma

Clayton P. Boardman III LO1917

Citadel–Theta Commission

LT Alexander Faris Giles, III LO3134

Clemson–Delta Omicron

Charles C. Mickel

Daniel B. Pattillo, Jr. LO1365

Delaware–Beta Epsilon

Dr. William R. Baldt*

Dr. John A. Hildreth MD LO1176

Bruce L. Hudson LO2148

Michael D. Wedlick RCDD LO580

Delta State–Delta Beta

Hon. Paul C. Artman, Jr. LO3327

Duke–Alpha Phi

Richard R. Crosier LO433

Edwin F. Payne LO3613

Eastern Kentucky–Delta Mu

Collin B. Taylor LO2411


Louis Adolph Casal LO3449

Walter Mabry Deriso, Jr. LO3520

James Laurens Ferman, Sr.*

James L. Matte

John Mathews McNatt, Jr.

John Warren Stephenson, Sr. LO3565

Dr. James M. Tallman MD LO834

Dr. Mell Burress Welborn, Jr. LO2986

Florida–Beta Zeta

Michael D. Abney LO933*

Wogan S. Badcock, Jr.*

Henry H. Beckwith LO346

Jeff A. Hedden, Jr. LO3655

Edward G. Sullivan, Esq. LO1393

Florida Gulf Coast–Zeta Pi

Anthony M. Graziani LO3606

Florida Southern–Gamma Pi

COL Guy D. Colado LO1832

Florida State–Gamma Eta


James A. Owens LO3981

William Godfrey Smith, Jr. LO3534

Francis Marion–Delta Tau

Kenneth Wayne Jackson LO1123

Furman–Iota C. Tucker Moore LO1278

George Mason–Epsilon Phi

Philip P. Noftsinger LO208

George Washington–Alpha Nu

John Daniel Kurtz Smoot, Jr.*

Georgetown–Beta Delta

Donald Woodford Webb, Sr.*

Ralph Dudley Webb


Mark Curry Cross, Jr.

John Evans Dowlen, Jr.

Hugh M. Inman*

John R. Jackson

John Darryl Jones, Jr. LO989

John F. Knight

Jefferson Boone Aiken Knox, Jr.

Stephen C. Owings

George W. Simmons

Georgia College–Epsilon Nu

Evan Rand Karanovich LO2410

Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma

Edward L. Kelly LO1336

James L. Oliver, II LO3531

Hampden-Sydney–Alpha Tau

W. Birch Douglass III LO2521

Houston Baptist–Delta Sigma

Dr. Joel A. Nickles LO1641

Jacksonville State–Delta Phi

Marcus E. Angle, Jr. LO1082

Stephen J. LaFollette LO2330

Johns Hopkins–Alpha Lambda

G. Walther Ewalt LO77*


Gary Alan Smith, Sr. LO3313

W. Hunt Smock LO3244*

Louisiana State–Alpha Gamma

Paul R. Burns, Sr. LO46

W. Regi Mullins LO3482

Ray Palmer Oden, Jr. LO637*

William T. Pegues III*

T. Michael Stanberry LO1773

Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha

Donald Roy O’Neal, Jr. LO2815

Matthew D. O’Neal LO2228

Louisiana-Lafayette–Gamma Phi

Harlan H. Kappel LO3692

Louisville–Beta Omicron

Robert M. Bouse LO729

Marshall–Beta Upsilon

Franklin T. Brackman LO3627

James C. Musser LO3831

Maryland–Beta Kappa

Lawrence A. Heinze LO2242*

Robert M. Ross LO1279

McNeese State–Delta Xi

Ethan J. Bush LO18

Memphis–Gamma Gamma

MG Donald R. Gardner USMC (Ret) LO2192

Kenneth A. May


King Vanburen Aiken, Jr. LO99

Robert Adger Bowen, Jr. LO3685

M. Tom Faircloth LO19

James Thomas Turner, Jr. LO963

Raymond McLeod Warren, III LO2453

Miami–Epsilon Lambda

Bennett P. Applegate

Bruce Benes LO1234

Middle Tennessee State–

Delta Lambda

Julian B. Baker, Jr. LO1492

Thomas H. Campbell

Nicholas S. Palmer LO1864

Midwestern State–

Gamma Omega

Mitchell S. Hill LO2568

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Nat S. Rogers LO646*

Charles M. Sours LO640*

James Murray Underwood, Jr. LO3591

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon

Jon Crosby Turner LO971

Hon. W. Swan Yerger (Ret.) LO1759

Mississippi State–Beta Tau

Stephen L. Burwell LO1993

U. Edwin Garrison LO4069

Missouri–Alpha Kappa

Kenneth L. Brown LO313

Ralph O. Hoevelman LO2255

Charles Jacob Hoffman, Jr. LO830

David Thomas O’Neal, Jr.

Kenneth Rickli LO922

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

Dennis L. Dutton LO1557

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

Robert D. Kelly LO25

Missouri State–Gamma Beta

Gordon L. Kinne LO886

Christopher J. Puricelli LO3676

Newberry–Delta Epsilon

Leon Charles Banks, Jr. LO2690

L. Charles Hugo Atlas Pearce, III LO506

North Carolina–Upsilon

Charles Zorah Flack, Jr.*

Frederick Lord Munds, Jr. LO1890*

George A. Webster

V. Charles Wyatt LO3772

North Carolina State–

Alpha Omega

Marshall James Donathan, Jr. LO1144

Paul F. Haddock III LO408

Dickson M. Lupo LO3544

G. Smedes York LO2540


These brothers have remained committed, annually, to Kappa Alpha Order through donations to the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation, gifts to the prior Kappa Alpha Scholarship Fund, or “catch up” gifts made more recently.

66 Years of Giving

LT Clinton M. Hunter Jr. (Alpha Sigma– Georgia Tech ‘55) LO583


John H. Turner, Jr. (Beta Rho–Roanoke ‘10)


Raymond F. Burfeind (Alpha Eta–Westminster ’61) LO894


CAPT Sidney E. Wood, Jr. USN (Ret) (Kappa–Mercer ‘54)

Black Blackshear Hamilton Chaffe III (Psi–Tulane ‘52) LO1778


Jon Crosby Turner (Alpha Upsilon–Mississippi ‘75) LO971


Timothy K. Adams (Epsilon–Emory ‘57) LO326


James H. Heidelberg (Gamma Zeta– Southern Mississippi ‘72) LO1007 38

Dr. Edwin P. Rather (Pi–Tennessee ‘60) LO617 37

Gregory R. Singleton (Gamma Gamma–Memphis ‘82) LO184


John M. Schattyn (Beta Alpha–Missouri S&T ‘61)

J. Michael Duncan (Delta Kappa–Stephen F. Austin State ‘69) LO11

D. Melson Butler (Kappa– Mercer ‘47) LO901 (Now Deceased)

Littleton M. Maxwell (Zeta–Randolph-Macon ‘59) LO568


Sam O. Leake Jr. (Beta Xi–Oklahoma State ‘61) LO21

Tom David Wagster Jr. (Gamma Omicron–Lambuth ‘65) LO1295

Dr. Heber Grey Winfield III, MD (Sigma–Davidson ‘63) LO2575 32

Robert C. Cragon (Alpha Epsilon–Rhodes ‘75)

Dr. Cleveland H. Porter Jr. (Alpha Zeta–William & Mary ‘57) LO1610

Victor J. Herbert Jr. (Beta Beta–Bethany ‘64) 31

John H. Tucker (Beta Commission–VMI ‘78)

C. James Holloway Jr. (Beta Omega–Washington College ‘56)


COL Walter Middelton Fitts Sr. (Upsilon–North Carolina ‘56) LO1636


James R. Estes (Alpha Kappa–Missouri ’60) LO10

Randal G. Grimme (Delta Mu–Eastern Kentucky ’70)

Eugene M. Julian (Beta Epsilon–Delaware ’63) LO1239

Eddie S. Wilson (Delta Beta– Delta State ’73) LO228

Hon. David M. Warren (Tau–Wake Forest ’78) LO13


William E. Dreyer (Alpha Delta–William Jewell ’57) LO12

Dr. Thomas Scott Dunavant, Jr. (Gamma Omicron–Lambuth ’94) LO588

Robert D. Kelly (Delta Pi–Missouri Southern State ’73) LO25


John R. Rowe, Jr. (Alpha Sigma–Georgia Tech ’58) LO2893


William Haynie Price (Rho-South Carolina ’61)


North Carolina-Charlotte–

Epsilon Xi

Maj Steven Morris Williams KM, MStJ LO1631

North Texas–Gamma Lambda

Blake E. Benney LO1137

Northern Arizona–Epsilon Tau

Douglas W. Hanisch LO2217

Northwestern State–Gamma Psi

Thomas M. Wright CPA LO978

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

Wayne T. Biddle*

Jerry L. Milligan*

Daniel Joseph O’Connell, Sr. LO3843

William C. Routh LO1418

William Jeffrey Thompson

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

Frank W. Podpechan LO445

Old Dominion–Delta Gamma

William E. Lobeck, Jr. LO3580

David M. O’Dell LO24

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

William M. Matthews V LO2745

J. Derrill Rice LO3599

Purdue–Epsilon Rho

Scott T. Clifford LO3412

Michael Jerry Garrison LO3499

Jeffrey W. Love LO79


Hon. Porter Hardy, Jr.*

Littleton M. Maxwell LO568

Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon

John Henry Bryan, Jr.*


Grant V. Harrison*

George W. McCall III LO2607

Roanoke–Beta Rho

Samuel B. Adams LO664

Hon. Paul Jason Cording LO54

John H. Turner, Jr. LO2596

Rollins–Alpha Psi

Stewart Turley LO312

Sam Houston State–Gamma Tau

Darron E. Franta LO856

Travis B. Lacox LO3681

Daniel L. Moreland LO3716

Hon. Anthony L. Polumbo

San Diego State–Gamma Iota

David K. Dere LO83

Univ. of the South–Alpha Alpha

Rev. James L. Duncan*

Nelson H. Puett LO1485

South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha

Paul W. Lammers LO108

Southern California–Beta Sigma

Red Cavaney CAE LO3179

John Frank Mahoney, III*

Carlton Mulcahy Rogers*

Southern Methodist–

Beta Lambda

William D. Balthrope LO3847

John J. Campbell, III LO3120

Dustin B. Donnell LO3494

Brad B. Freeman LO1942

Loy B. Moore LO1212*

Dr. Houston Nelson Tuel, III LO3823

Warren S. Wingert LO2116


James M. Croley LO1561*

Edwin Bryan Gentle LO3548

Gary T. Scott LO859

Stanford–Alpha Pi

Thomas Blaise Coleman LO3490

John B. De Nault LO2973*

William J. Hagenah LO1155

James Parker Myerson LO3090

Robert F. Sawyer LO3929

Robert Daniel Valdez

Stephen F. Austin State–

Delta Kappa

Dwain P. Knight LO618

Steven M. Steele LO1645*


Dr. Edwin P. Rather LO617

Tennessee-Martin–Delta Upsilon

Charles S. Briggs LO285


Franklin W. Denius*

Norman C. George LO2672

James D. Goudge

Loren Q. Hanson LO883*

Clyde R. Littlefield LO860*

Frank Pierce Sebastian, Jr.*

Texas A&M-Commerce–

Gamma Upsilon

Marc Allan Scott LO88

Texas State–Epsilon Iota

Andrew P. Carr LO2993

F. Michael Carr LO3670

Scott D. Carter LO3477

Ross W. Newberry LO3453

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi

Michael A. Hedlund LO3605

James R. Purvis LO678

John E. Simpson III

James B. Smith LO3333

E. Powell Thompson LO3546

Transylvania–Alpha Theta

Michael P. Wilson LO40


David Blackshear Hamilton Chaffe III LO1778

W. Thomas Hopkins


Calvin Moniz LO2658

John Sulton, Jr.*

Univ. of Washington–Zeta Mu

Jeffrey G. Leigh LO3532


William W. Featheringill LO819*

William Winston Hoy, Jr. LO2091

Samuel W. Magruder LO1406*

Philip Dickinson Rowe, Jr. LO697*


Gregory A. McCrickard LO3137

Virginia Tech–Epsilon Eta

Patrick K. Moore LO2207

VMI–Beta Commission

COL Henry Joyce Foresman, Jr., USA

(Ret.) LO1361

COL William Henry Hastings, Jr. (Ret) LO691*

Dr. Oscar Hunter McClung, Jr.*

James Carlton Showalter, Jr. LO3811

LTC William Earl Wray, Jr., USA (Ret.)


Wake Forest–Tau

Ross A. Berlin LO3139

Robert McWhorter Boswell III

J. Melville Broughton III LO3513

John L. Hall LO870*

James Guy Revelle, Jr.*

Robert H. Wall LO2698

Frederick L. Wendorf*

Washington & Lee–Alpha

William Gleason Bean, Jr. LO661*

Washington College–

Beta Omega

Dr. James L. Bowers LO496*

West Texas A&M–Gamma Sigma

Michael W. Jones LO65

West Virginia–Alpha Rho

James Averill Todd, Jr. LO1861*

Gregory J. Totterdale LO3583

West Virginia Wesleyan–Beta Chi

Millard L. Cursey, Jr. LO537

Stephen E. Foster LO2062

Western Carolina–Delta Alpha

Jesse Samuel Lyons LO39

James F. Wood LO4211

Western Kentucky–Epsilon Theta

Brent Wade Fellows LO2628

Westminster–Alpha Eta

David J. Neihart, CPA, CFP LO2727

Travis L. Sartain LO214

Bryan Tramont LO3607

William Jewell–Alpha Delta

Gary D. Barnes

Stuart L. Bascomb LO2776

William K. Dillingham LO1425

Dr. Burnell Landers LO1885

Louis W. Romigh*

Robert T. Steinkamp LO1282


Jerry J. Richardson LO3542

Dr. March E. Seabrook

J. West Summers III LO1153

Friends of the Order & KA Roses

McCall Trust

Alpha Upsilon Chapter

GrandStand Sports, Inc.

Fairwinds Estate LLC

Elizabeth Hampton Trust

Bank of America Foundation

Mrs. Elizabeth Asbury

Ms. Kitty L. DeKieffer

Hamilton Province Court of Honor

The Chapters of Irwin Province

John Paul Foundation

Mr. Jim Possehl

Mrs. Betty Pope Stevens

$5,000 TO $9,999

Alabama–Alpha Beta

Christopher Caleb Connor JD LO4044

Charles Middleton Fitts, Jr. LO639

Arthur L. Lenahan*

W. T. Goodloe Rutland LO3550*

John Daniel Wyker, II

Appalachian State–Delta Psi

Charles Yates Pharr LO436

Dr. D. Wayne Whetsell LO2601

Stuart F. Whetsell LO2185

Arizona–Gamma Epsilon

Wayne E. Dawson LO2718

Colby J. Hunter

Todd H. Langley LO1979*

Bradford W. Lowe LO3962

Stephen G. Muzzy LO3474

Patrick J. Williams LO3547

Arizona State–Epsilon Omega

Daniel M. Engle LO3814


John Walker Haynes LO502

Robert Webster Humphres LO3562

John D. Lentz DDS LO753

William B. Reed LO520

Baylor–Delta Omega

John C. Martin LO1272

Ralph M. Randall LO3456


Hon. William Marsh Acker, Jr. LO2914*

Joseph M. Farley*

Robert Ervin Luckie, Jr.*

California State-Bakersfield–Epsilon Upsilon

Clifford Frank Loader, II LO1157

California-Davis–Epsilon Gamma

Dennis K. Baldwin LO2606

Dr. Lawrence A. Jenkins


Epsilon Epsilon

Michael A. Costa LO1622

Centenary–Alpha Iota

Lewis Turner Baker, Jr.*

John M. Moore LO1704

Alexander Coker Van Hook LO48

Charleston–Beta Gamma

Douglas D. Ashley LO284*

Citadel–Theta Commission

LCDR Edward John Derst III, USCGR

Ret. LO3581

Dr. Clay Heyward Wilson LO3470

Clemson–Delta Omicron

Fred W. Faircloth III LO1416

John N. McCarter, Jr. LO1414

Milton E. Pate, Jr.

Timothy J. Reed LO769

Dr. John E. Ross III, DMD LO677

Harold L. Turner, Jr. LO3772


Hon. Rudolph Bumgardner, III LO3259

Jeffrey D. McEwen LO341

Delaware–Beta Epsilon

Dr. Steven E. Hastings LO3747

Stephen R. Welch LO1672*

Delta State–Delta Beta

James Walter Wood, Jr. LO881

Drury–Beta Iota

George W. Culler, Jr.*

Bret R. Neathery LO972

Duke–Alpha Phi

Steven R. Bell LO2612

George G. Guthrie*

Jack Y. Harrison LO1481*

Raymond Allen Jones, III LO3334

James J. Kiser, III LO3592*

John B. McKinnon

A. Curtis Walker*

East Carolina–Gamma Rho

David W. Dupree LO3530

Max Ray Joiner, Jr. LO3552

Eastern Kentucky–Delta Mu

Christopher Michael Castel LO2851

Gary J. Fassler LO1049

Randal G. Grimme

Ronald Coleman Taylor LO3529

LTC John Michael Wills (Ret) LO3379


D. Melson Butler LO901

John Wood Cox, Sr.*

John Trapnell Glover, Sr.

Norman George Houston III

Jason R. Hubbard LO490

George Rozier Lee, III LO973

J. Gordon McGill LO3626

William Davidson Morrison, Jr.

Randolph William Thrower, Sr.*

Clarence Wilbur Warner, Jr. LO3645

1SG Andrew C. West, USMCR


Robert W. Woodruff*

Florida–Beta Zeta

Gregory B. Adams LO817

Dr. Donald M. Bryan MD

Thomas A. Davis LO1717

James H. Dowling, Jr. LO3462

Preston Lee Farrior, Sr. LO4029

William Robinson Frazier, Jr.*

John W. Frost II LO1235

Leland M. Hawes, Jr.*

John A. Langley, Sr. LO3464

Randolph W. McLaughlin

John K. Roberts LO3576

W. Godfrey Smith*

Duane Ernest Thompson LO2757

James R. White LO3582

Chas. Robert Yates, Sr.*

Florida Southern–Gamma Pi

Leonard L. Rou, Jr.*

Florida State–Gamma Eta

Merritt R. Clements, Jr.*

Peter H. Collins LO3646

Gary A. DeLapp LO3276

Randal H. Drew, Sr. LO1138

Patrick J. Farrell, Jr. LO3653

Richard E. Heath LO3982

Hon. P. Michael Ruff LO3060

John A. Yearty LO1637

Francis Marion–Delta Tau

Theodore Edgar Manus III LO3586

Dr. Ronald E. Miller, Jr. LO3411


Lawrence Leroy Keefer, Jr. LO959

G. Randy Smith LO1635*

Georgetown–Beta Delta

Robert A. Gritton*


William Y. Atkinson IV

Harry Gilbert Haisten, Jr. LO2911

Steve K. Kendrick LO3943

Sam D. King*

William L. Nix

Neal J. Quirk

Gordon Saussy Varnedoe*

Georgia Southern–Delta Theta

Terrell Draper Watson, Sr. LO1348

Leon C. Watson LO1104

Edmond H. Wilson LO366

Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma

Dr. William H. Allen LO795

Daniel H. Bradley

Carroll B. Hart LO1074

James L. Herrin LO3050

W. Phil Reece LO2898

James Hunter Yancey, Jr. LO474

Hampden-Sydney–Alpha Tau

David Carter LO81

James R. Foster LO998

Houston Baptist–Delta Sigma

Dr. Chris R. Sawyer LO3332

David Y. Stutts CPA LO1556

Indiana State–Zeta Iota

Douglas E. Hess LO3190

Jacksonville State–Delta Phi

Jeff A. Parker LO1358*

Johns Hopkins–Alpha Lambda

Craig S. Thompson

James Madison–Zeta Theta

Kevin M. Grunkemeyer LO1021


William K. Downey LO2219

Dr. Charles D. Franks LO4077

Daniel H. Miller LO147

Larry M. Roy LO1020

Jay Felton Rutherford, Jr. LO1331

Lambuth–Gamma Omicron

Dr. Thomas Scott Dunavant, Jr. LO588

Tom David Wagster, Jr. LO1295

Louisiana State–Alpha Gamma

Jake L. Netterville LO1579

Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha

John R. Bolton LO2666

Ronnie E. Bounds, Jr. LO3668

Patrick G. Mackey LO4218

MG Jack W. Ramsaur LO2195

Douglas W. Robertson LO110

Richard H. Wilcox, Jr. LO3252

Louisiana-Monroe–Gamma Nu

Dr. Samuel J. Lorenzo LO3538


William M. McGee LO987

Samuel A. Wigley*

Marshall–Beta Upsilon

Robert W. Buskirk, II LO2943*

T. Michael Cobb LO1542*

Roger P. Wood LO1681*

Maryland–Beta Kappa

Ernest R. Eaton, Jr.

Richard A. Sullivan, Sr. LO1158

Thomas T. Wallace

McNeese State–Delta Xi

Dr. Mark Daughenbaugh LO3559

Dr. Patrick G. Ryan, MD LO1987

Memphis–Gamma Gamma

MG James L. Hobson, Jr. LO2401

Michael E. Hopper LO976

Charles E. Stone LO2741


Philetus Sawyer Harison, Jr. LO3615

Philip R. Taylor LO2578*

CAPT Sidney E. Wood, Jr., USN (Ret) LO931

Miami–Epsilon Lambda

C. Lance Carpenter LO1310

Ryan W. Holloway LO1588

Gregory B. Smith

Middle Tennessee State–

Delta Lambda

John R. Milam

Jason L. Potts LO796

Todd Shelton LO23

Dr. Gary Gribble Wiser Jr., EdD LO254

Midwestern State–

Gamma Omega

William M. Bone LO3450

Charles M. Gustafson III LO3969

William R. Thacker LO914

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Samuel Griffin Cole, III LO2856

Dr. William H. Murdoch, Jr. LO2309

Bruce D. Stafford LO1280

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon

Edwin W. Barnett LO710

Joseph A. Haley III LO1224

Alwyn H. Luckey LO460

Douglas Gray McKinnon LO3690

LTG James E. Sherrard, III LO1012

Douglas C. Stone*

Hollis Calvin Thompson, Jr.*

Stanley J. Viner LO1376

Mississippi State–Beta Tau

Walter L. Dowdle LO3219

Hunter M. Lipscomb LO912

William Fritz Maxwell, Sr. LO662

John W. Ramsay*

Leo W. Seal, Jr.*

Jonathan M. Shook, Esq. LO3603

Missouri–Alpha Kappa

Samuel A. Hamacher LO3622

Carl S. Quinn LO926

Robert A. Robison LO3922

Jack R. Taylor LO2022*

George T. Wootten, Jr.

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

William A. Givens, Sr. LO2088

Jared L. Gregory LO3213

Brett L. Hanke, PE LO3543

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

Daniel R. Day LO35

Capt Thomas Langston Williams LO2110

Missouri State–Gamma Beta

Harry R. Baker LO964

Murray State–Delta Nu

LTC Thomas Wray Murray LO3330

New Mexico–Beta Phi

COL. Brian S. Lindamood, USA (Ret.) LO3094

Newberry–Delta Epsilon

John Woody Cornwell LO784

Michael E. Gunn LO3840

Edgar L. Woods

North Carolina–Upsilon

Thomas M. Belk*

Garth K. Dunklin LO2759*

John Roger Griffin, Jr. LO1675

Arthur Francis Jones, II*

J. Emmett Sebrell*

Thomas Hamilton Sloan*

North Carolina State–

Alpha Omega

Dustin G. Brann LO3000

Ceasar Cone III

Stephen Howard Kouba, Jr. LO3067

Grady Leonard Pittman, Jr. LO850

William Trent Ragland III LO3734

George N. Whiting, Jr. LO3713

North Carolina-Wilmington–

Epsilon Psi

George Akers Moore, IV LO3539

North Florida–Zeta Nu

Adam R. Newell LO1663

North Texas–Gamma Lambda

Jay D. Chamberlain IV LO3510

James B. Fincher LO1332

Gary Recer LO3064

Northwestern State–Gamma Psi

Donald J. Nici LO981

Thomas N. Whitehead LO3549

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

Dr. Jess F. Armor LO3476

Brent Everett Buswell LO3185

Henry Rogers Carr, Sr.*

Christopher S. Hoppe LO3611

Kenneth W. Johnston

David A. Kimbell LO1294*

Robert L. Morris, Jr. LO1057

Warren Brinson Weeks, Jr. LO805

Christopher S. Wilson LO447

Oklahoma City–Gamma Kappa

1LT. David O. Beal, USA LO3307

Edward Franklin Keller LO2752

Dr. Charles R. Walker

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

LTC Walter David Archibald (ret) LO1032

William J. Ramsey

Old Dominion–Delta Gamma

W. Thomas Bell LO559

James B. Hichak LO1494

Timothy L. Kelly III

Gerald Kluis

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

Dr. William McLeod Frampton, Jr.*

William Brown Shearer, Jr. LO3370

Brian M. Wilson LO145


Carlton W. Baker LO335

Dr. Stephen P. Long LO876

Daniel F. Scandling LO3849

D. Calloway Whitehead III LO3515

Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon

Dr. John Robert Adams, Jr., MD LO1273


Bernard Gibson Cline, Jr.*

Thomas Emory McClain, Jr.

Douglas L. Nickel LO3594

Hubel Robins, Jr.*

Dr. Walter E. Saxon Jr. LO1173

Roanoke–Beta Rho

Dale C. Sarjeant LO3600

Curtis A. Sumpter

James C. Turk, Jr.

Rollins–Alpha Psi

Michael O’Donnell LO3280

Edwin William Pautler, Jr.

Sam Houston State–Gamma Tau

Ronny J. Snow LO3839

Univ. of the South–Alpha Alpha

Christopher M. Elwell LO1151

William Raymond Stamler, Jr. LO257

South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha

D. Brady Wilson LO1741

South Carolina–Rho

W. Edgar Helms III LO985*

Robert P. Jordan LO3768

Thomas M. Lane

Ernest G. Lawhorne

James W. Smith LO807

Southern California–Beta Sigma

Robert C. Davis LO2427

Robert J. Lucas LO1683

Grafton P. Tanquary, Jr. LO3541

Kenneth Amestoy Tipton LO1249*

Southern Methodist–

Beta Lambda

James B. Cain LO3623*

Hon. William Perry Clements, Jr.*

John H. Howard LO3512

David T. Kastor LO1836

Thomas Francis Maxwell, III LO3460

Southern Mississippi–

Gamma Zeta

James H. Heidelberg LO1007


William Mansfield Gilker, III LO557

Martin Reese Harris, Jr.

Mark B. Holmes LO1329

George G. Langston III LO545

Michael Ross Weir, Jr. LO937

Stanford–Alpha Pi

Dr. James K. Collins LO1081


Thomas G. Chappell LO3250

Jeffrey P. Conrad LO1058

Gust Edwin Johnson, Jr. LO3561

COL John B. McKinney LO745*

William S. Porter LO1083

Tennessee-Martin–Delta Upsilon

James Larry Crews, II LO2796


Richard M. Blades

Wofford F. Denius LO3625

J. Kirby Ewing LO930*

Clyde Mick Jones LO166

Lowell Henry Lebermann, Jr.*

Richard M. Lucas*

Clarence McLeod Malone, Jr.*

James D. McBride, III LO3630

Herbert Turner Odom, III LO3523

Hon. Robert M. Pittenger LO4072

William McKinley Thacker, Jr. LO1757*

Steven W. Tomson LO3595

Texas A&M–Epsilon Delta

Eric J. Doyal LO1186

Rich O’Toole

Texas A&M-Commerce–

Gamma Upsilon

John C. Cain LO3624

John B. Chenault LO601

John F. Ory LO59

John Terry Turner

Texas State–Epsilon Iota

Ronald R. Morgan LO295*

D. Mitchell Sheaffer LO41

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi

Ronald S. Childress LO3767

*deceased LO: Loyal Order Number

Mitchell L. Heidenheimer LO3675

MAJ Christopher A. Huff LO3841

William R. Mathews, III LO3503

Gordon R. McDowell LO3810

Larry D. Meyers LO790

Curtis Arnold Smith LO595

Paul H. Tartwater LO3109

Destin S. Whittenburg LO561

Texas-Arlington–Delta Iota

Gregory R. Barbosa, Sr. LO2310

Scott M. Hughes LO3292

Lynn A. Morgan LO2701

Transylvania–Alpha Theta

J. Mason McCauley LO1737

Dr. William K. Schmied LO4119


Dr. James W. Denham LO3463

Bradley M. Patout LO1124


Timothy J. Dixon LO2669

George Keith Hatheway*

Joe F. Mills LO260*

Thomas E. Stanton LO3540

USMA–Sigma Alpha Commission

MG Robert M. Bunker LO2849

Valdosta State–Delta Rho

Donald O. Davis LO1118

Frank S. Heard LO3749

John L. Wright, Jr.


William P. Acker III LO15

Robert Howell Baker III LO1647

M. Timothy Carey LO1394

William Alexander Mitchell, Jr.

Virginia Tech–Epsilon Eta

Michael B. Gimbert LO3934

Aaron D. Masey LO3518

Hunter W. Wagstaff LO3771

VMI–Beta Commission

James Aylor Anderson, Jr.*

LTC Mark W. Dick LO3596

Henry Joyce Foresman, Sr.*

MG Richard Logan Irby*

CSM G. Jeffery Jackson LO1865

MG John W. Knapp (Ret) LO501

COL Franklin J. McConnell Jr. LO1362

David L. Miller LO3723

George Garlington Phillips, Jr.

Meade A. Spotts LO3778

Wake Forest–Tau

Hon. Thomas Harrison Fetzer, Jr. LO3466

Benjamin Conrad Sutton, Jr. LO3584

Washington & Lee–Alpha

Dr. John Garland Pollard Boatwright, Jr. LO3551

Peter M. Candler

Frederick Wynne Dismuke, Sr.*

John G. Guerrant*

Washington College–

Beta Omega

George T. Cromwell, Jr.*

William R. Janney III LO45*

Donald Lee Shafer III LO3457

Dietrich H. Steffens*

West Texas A&M–Gamma Sigma

Dr. N. Andy Cole, PhD LO3468

Donald R. Houchin LO133

Dr. Garry L. Nall LO929

West Virginia–Alpha Rho

William C. Brewer LO3501

James W. Craig LO1417*

West Virginia Wesleyan–Beta Chi

David E. Reemsnyder II

Western Carolina–Delta Alpha

Robert A. Byrd, Jr. LO2764

Westminster–Alpha Eta

Philip J. Boeckman LO425

Raymond F. Burfeind LO894

David H. Crane LO164

Dr. Paul J. Davis

Robert E. Deal, Jr, LO3416

Daniel E. Harris LO3773

Erik K. Lescher LO3522

William R. Piper LO3667

Hon. Kenneth M. Romines LO3640*

William Jewell–Alpha Delta

Philip A. Cantwell LO3465


Dr. Paul Dominic Kountz, Jr. LO1843

COL Robert N. Maddox LO3608

Albert Randolph Smith, II LO995

Friends of the Order & KA Roses

Kappa Alpha Tenth Order

Gamma Eta Chapter

Gamma Epsilon Chapter Fund

Duke Energy Foundation

Mrs. Frances M. Pruitt

Mrs. Virginia Hardesty

Ms. Suzy Nelson

YourCause LLC

Ms. Brenda G. Henry

Mr. Charlie R. Ashford, Jr.

Ms. Sissy Bynum

John Nicholas Galvin Trust

Sumter & Ivilyn Lowry Foundation

The Chapters of Graves Province

James Ward Wood Prov. Court of Honor

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation

Deloitte Services LP

Alpha Rho Scholarship Corp

Mr. Robert R. Feagin, III

Mr. John L. Wynne

Nu Chapter

Mr. Jeff Martini

Mr. Stephen E. Ratterman, Sr.

Ms. Freda S. Summers

Mr. Windsor Plaza

W. T. Morgan III Family Foundation Inc.

Samuel Z. Ammen Court of Honor

Mu Chapter

Mrs. Brianne A. Tillotson

Mr. Robert Edgerton

Alpha Upsilon Chapter House Corporation

Gamma Epsilon Chapter

Dr. Dawn Wiese

Mrs. Grace J. Fishel

Mr. Tom Healy

Alpha Beta Chapter

State Mutual Insurance Company Overstreet Short Mountain Foundation

Jurenko Foundation

Mr. Travis M. Osborne

Mr. J. Frank Surface

Ms. Martha P. Tarpen

Mr. Delos H. Yancey III

Miami Chapter Of Kappa Alpha Housing Corporation


Northern Arizona Raises $32,500 for Special Olympics

The Epsilon Tau Chapter at Northern Arizona University recently completed its month-long fundraiser for Special Olympics Arizona. The chapter planned events like percentage nights, coin wars, trivia night, and a ag football game to fundraise for their initial goal of $20,000. Their events saw a growing attendance and participation from 50 to 300 attendees for each event, and as such, the chapter saw a real increase in donations.

“Our national philanthropy is Muscular Dystrophy Association but the brothers of Epsilon Tau here at NAU felt that Special Olympics touched us closer to home,” Number I Mac Shattuck (Epsilon Tau–Northern Arizona ’19) said. “We all felt a

deeper connection to the Special Olympics Foundation, and decided to donate to them this year.”

Special Olympics athletes and sta joined the chapter for the nal donation total announcement and check presentation of $32,500 for Special Olympics Arizona on Saturday, April 2. The event also featured a ag football game with Special Olympics athletes and uni ed partners and a football clinic for kids under the age of 10.

“My brothers and I at Kappa Alpha Order NAU have always had a special place in our hearts for Special Olympics. Many of us have family members and relatives who participate in Special Olympics so we found it most tting that we as a chapter support a cause

we all have personal connections with,“ said Kappa Alpha member Dylan Vitale. “The idea of hosting this Special Olympics football game gave our brothers the chance to raise money for this foundation, get up close and personal with the athletes and make them feel as special as possible. It also gave us a chance to show the world a group of 70 men who set a goal of raising $15,000 could end up raising more than $32,500 for Special Olympics Arizona. We love to break that stigma of what fraternities are, and we take great pride in making an impact in our community.”

In 1975, the rst Special Olympics of Arizona competition was held. It consisted of a single-day track and eld event with 100 athletes and 20 volunteers. The Special Olympics of Arizona has grown since its inaugural games and now hosts more than 21,460 athletes every year.

58 WWW.KAPPAALPHAORDER.ORG MODERN GENTLEMEN Highlights from around the Order

Wiser Recognized for Service to Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors

Dr. Gary D. Wiser, Jr. (Delta Lambda–Middle Tennessee State ’99), the Assistant Dean of Students at Clemson University, was named as a recipient of the 2022 Sue Kraft Fussell Distinguished Service Award from the Association of Fraternity/ Sorority Advisors.

Gary has served the Association since 2006, when he volunteered as a member of the Graduate Student Experience Com-

mittee. He has coordinated the Alabama Greek Leadership Conference and volunteered on the Membership and Marketing Team for Region II. Additional volunteer work includes time spent with NASPA, Southeastern Greek Leadership Association, and the North American Interfraternity Conference.

Gary is a member of the Loyal Order and a 7-year member of the KAEOF’s Crimson

Long Overdue Initiation Ceremony for Theta Commission

The Theta Commission generally conducts its initiation each May following The Citadel’s graduation. But for Danny Williams, the brothers went to him. Danny is a C6-7 quadriplegic, and although he is mobile, he suffered complications related to his condition that precluded him from normally attending, not to mention the pandemic.

Danny is the son of a US Army Chaplain Colonel who served in World War II and in the Korean Conflict and was later a United Methodist Minister in South Carolina. A native born South Carolinian, Danny graduated from The Citadel with plans to serve his country in the US Army. These plans were cut very short. In 1980, as a senior at The Citadel, Danny broke his neck on a trampoline in a PE course. As a result, he was rendered a C 6-7 quadriplegic. Although physically challenged for more 41 years, he did not let this incapacitate him as he drives his converted van, lives by himself

and worked full time for more than 30 years. While at The Citadel, and in adult life, Danny has participated and lead several organizations, received honors, and been recognized. For more than 41 years, he has always demonstrated a genuine positive attitude and never, ever asked for help, even at times when he should have. Rather, Danny was the one offering his assistance, eagerly offering his assistance to his fellow man. Most men would have given up under the physical limitations such as Danny’s. Those outside the brotherhood; his classmates, family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances have the utmost respect for him. Nine Theta Commission brothers performed the initiation by all protocol and welcomed Brother Williams into the fold, at long last.

Read more about this special initiation, and the life of Danny Williams, on KappaAlphaJournal.com

& Gold Society, and he has been inducted into the Candler Court of Honor.

Memphis Alumnus Elected Mayor of Hardeman County

Todd Pulse (Gamma Gamma–Memphis ’89) was elected Mayor of Hardeman County on August 4, 2022, receiving more than 50% of the vote and winning 11 of 12 precincts.

“I am looking forward to a smooth transition and working with all our county and city leaders,” said Pulse. “And congratulations to all our newly elected officials as well. Thank you to Hardeman County for your support and vote.”

Pulse graduated from The University of Memphis with a Bachelor of Arts Degree with a concentration in Public Administration/Political Science and has more than 28 years of experience in private business, budgeting, financing, and state contracts.

He was president of the Carl Perkins Advisory Board, treasurer of Build A Better Bolivar Program, and involved with the Hardeman County Chamber of Commerce, Hardeman Council Arts Council, American Heart Association, and American Cancer Society.

Sports Anchor Buzz Baker Inducted into Kentucky Broadcasters Association Hall of Fame

Longtime sports anchor Dave “Buzz” Baker (Beta Delta–Georgetown ’79) was inducted into the Kentucky Broadcasters Association Hall of Fame as part of its 2022 class on Monday, September 26th during KBA’s Annual Conference at the Owensboro Convention Center.

Dave Baker has been a TV sports anchor, reporter,

and account executive since 1982. Dave appears on-air throughout news, sports and special events programming in addition to hosting a variety of University of Kentucky and SEC televised events including play-by-play for UK basketball.

Dave has been involved with the broadcast of events for the Southeastern Conference for nearly two decades.

Dave has a long history of community commitment and involvement and has been honored by both the Kentucky

State House and Senate.

Dave has spoken at a number of Conviviums and has been actively involved with Beta Delta. He has now been the featured speaker at the 2012 Emerging Leaders Academy and the 2013 Number I’s Leadership Institute. He is the preceptor of the Candler Court of Honor and is a spokesman for the Loyal Order. In 2013, during Session II of the 75th Convention in San Antonio, Texas, Knight Commander William E. Dreyer conferred upon Dave the Knight Commander’s Accolade, the highest individual honor presented to a KA brother.

60 WWW.KAPPAALPHAORDER.ORG Highlights from Active and Alumni Members, and Chapters around the Order MODERN GENTLEMEN

Southern Indiana Alumni Hold “Ruptured Duck” Golf Outing

The Zeta Omicron chapter at the University of Southern Indiana held their annual Zeta Omicron alumni golf outing, “Ruptured Duck,” on Saturday, June 11th. Two dozen alumni were in attendance at the Saddlebrook Golf Club in Indianapolis, Indiana. Part of the proceeds will go to the Zeta Omicron chapter for recruitment purposes.

Southern Florida Alumnus Constructs Little Free Libraries around Orlando

While walking home from an event in 2020, Orlando-area special education teacher Jacqulynn Wood Williams noticed a Little Free Library. Never really noticing it before, she was drawn to it for some reason.

Before long, she got the idea to construct her own Little Free Library. Woods sent a picture to her Florida Southern College classmate Brent E. Ellis (Gamma Pi–Florida Southern ’98) and asked if he could build a similar structure for her.

After thinking through the design and construction, Brent said he could do it.

“She knows I do a lot of woodworkin so it as a natura t is sai

With the increased cost of materials, Woods enlisted the help of the community and her Kappa Delta sorority sister Nicole Rutledge Regillo.

n a fe ee s their rst itt e ree

Library went up in Bithlo Community Park. Before long, a total of four were ui t insta e an e most ith children’s books donated by local individuals and civic organizations.

“My purpose is to make sure that e er chi has a oo e to rea Woods said.

More than 150,000 Little Free Libraries exist globally including in all 50 states, 115 countries, and all seven continents.

Col Juaire - Assistant Chief of Sta of Marine Forces Reserve

Col Brian P. Juaire (Gamma Tau–Sam Houston State ‘97) was promoted and assumed the duties as Assistant Chief of Staff G-3/5, Force headquarters Group in June 2020.

Col Juaire’s personal decorations include: the Meritorious Service Medal with two gold stars, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with four gold stars, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with one gold star, and the Combat Action Ribbon.


Leading University Advancement at Miami and o ord

Two brothers were recently selected to lead their respective universities in advancement e orts ra e ra un psi on am a iami as name iami ni ersit s ice resi ent for University Advancement, an a houn enne r e ta o or as name o or o e e s ice resi ent for ancement after nationa searches rior to his ears of ea in fun raisin e orts at iami un he e eopment positions at The Ohio State University, Ohio es e an ni ersit an the University of Cincinnati oun ation e has ser e in leadership roles for a variety of professiona or ani ations an as a presenter at many national

conferences, most notably the Council for Advancement and upport of ucation nternationa e recent recei e s hi hest honor the istin uishe er ice ar an as name aureate un as reco ni e as the r er s acu t isor of the Year at the 77th Convention he in t ouis issouri in for his contri utions an e orts to the psi on am a hapter at iami ni ersit in hio ra has t o sons an an an ho are a so initiates of psion am a hapter itiona ra is a ore er participant, a member of the o a r er an a mem er of the rimson o ociet since

enne ho ha een ser in as interim ice president and executive director for o or o e e since u ust has ears of e perience in fun raisin an a umni en a ement as e as a o en ears of e perience in an in sa es an customer ser ice enne ser e as associate vice president and executive director for advancement since is ci ic in o ement includes service as a trustee for the ammon choo in

Columbia, Scoutmaster with the o couts of merica presi ent of the a metto asea ea ue an oar ser ice ith the partan ur rea onser anc oth of enne s sons a er an arrison ere a so s at o or enne ha een ser in as interim vice president and executive director since u ust

DELTA STATE Delta State Brothers Gather for Alumni Reunion

The Delta Beta Chapter at Delta State University held an alumni reunion the weekend of Saturday, August 6, 2022, and was joined by Knight Commander C. Douglas Simmons III (Beta Tau–Mississippi State ‘95). Their next reunion in 2024 will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of Delta Beta Chapter.

Highlights from Active and Alumni Members, and Chapters around the Order DELTA BETA– Bundy Kennedy

Citadel Grad Promoted to Major General

The South Carolina National Guard announced the promotion of U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Jeffrey A. Jones (Theta Commission–Citadel ‘19), the deputy adjutant general for the South Carolina Military Department, to major general. The official promotion ceremony took place on May 13, 2022.

Jones serves as the deputy adjutant general for the South Carolina Military Department, in Columbia, South Carolina. Jones enlisted in the South Carolina Army National Guard in 1985 as a Field Artillery cannon crewman. Jones subsequently attended Palmetto Military Academy (Officer Candidate School) and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in 1987. He has held various assignments in the organization including operations officer, executive officer, battalion commander, and brigade commander. Jones has deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, as well as to Kosovo in support of the Multinational Battle Group-East.

Jones is a member of the Order’s Military Division.

VMI Alumnus Promoted to Major General

Brigadier General William B. Dyer III (Beta Commission–VMI ’85) was promoted to the rank of Major General on Friday, October 21, 2022, at the Military Women’s Memorial in Arlington, Virginia.

Dyer serves as the Commanding General for the United States Army Reserve Legal Command, Gaithersburg, Maryland. Prior to this assignment, Brigadier General Dyer served as the Assistant Judge Advocate General for Military Law and Operations (IMA), with duty at the Pentagon, a position held since December 2017, with the exception of an 8-month deployment to Afghanistan, where he led the combined US, NATO, and coalition initiative to establish the Rule of Law within the Afghan National Army and the Afghan National Police. Brigadier General Dyer was initially commissioned in the U.S. Air Force and served on the Base Engineering Staff at Lowry AFB, CO. Following graduation from law school, he was commissioned in the Army.

Brigadier General Dyer is a partner in the Atlanta office of Lee & Hayes, where he chairs the firm’s national intellectual property litigation practice, primarily focusing on patent, trademark, and trade secret issues.

Beta Tau Number I Named MSU Chapter President of the Year

Matthew J. Frischhertz (Beta Tau–Mississippi State ‘18) was named Mississippi State University IFC President of the Year for the 2020-2021 school year. Matt has served as Number I, Number V, and Number IX.

“He left his chapter better than he found it and created a great foundation for the upcoming leadership,”

mented. “He has served as a mentor, role model and friend to many in his own chapter and outside of his chapter. He always led the chapter by example and was never afraid to tackle any challenges.”



Austin Bid for Brotherhood Rocks to New Heights

In addition to a bourbon pull and the “Last KA Standing” game, the live and silent auctions raised more than $110,000 for the KAOEF.

The Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation held its 25th Annual Bid for Brotherhood on Friday, July 29, 2022, at 3Ten venue at Austin City Limits in Austin, Texas. Nearly 100 brothers and guest enjoyed delicious TexMex from Taco Deli, live music from country artist Hunter L. Chastain (Delta Phi–Jacksonville State ’18), and fundraising fellowship. In addition to a bourbon pull and the “Last KA Standing” game, the live and silent auctions raised more than $110,000 for the KAOEF. To date, more than $1.25 million has been raised from Bid for Brotherhood to support muchneeded scholarships, careerchanging internships, and leadership education programs.

News, Notes & Recognition
At right: KAOEF President Larry Stanton Wiese introduces the need for support for the KAOEF and, a South Carolinian in Texas, KAOEF Chairman R. Scott Heath (Delta–Wofford ’77) details the impact made by the KAOEF’s grants, scholarships, and internships.

Learning to Lead and Thriving on Campus

Nearly 100% of Number I’s attended the 2023 National Leadership Institute (NLI), the 21st such conference for chapter presidents and the 77th year of national leadership education for chapters. NLI again was held at Caraway Conference Center in Sophia, N.C., January 5–8, 2023. Today’s NLI is actually the successor to our rst national program, then known

as the National School for Chapter O cers, was held in 1946, in Louisville, Kentucky. In all 77 years, KA only missed one year, never went completely virtual, and always invested in our members.

This year, the Number Is heard from Cal Mayo (Alpha Upsilon–Mississippi ‘83) on the dangers of fentanyl.

Mayo lost his son Thomas, last year, to this synthetic opioid which often is disguised as other more casually acquired narcotics. The Number Is


were also excited to hear a compelling leadership presentation from CMD Frank Weisser (Sigma Beta Commission–USNA ’22), a retired pilot for the U.S. Navy, former Blue Angel, and stunt pilot for Tom Cruise in the recent blockbuster, Top Gun: Maverick.

As always, the Number Is participated in dedicated small group discussion, large group presentations, experiential learning and scenariobased education. Former Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan (Delta Kappa–Stephen F. Austin State ’69) remains the Dean of the Institue and was the principal founder of the program.

OPPOSITE PAGE, TOP : Number Is annually take an additional oath administered by the Knight Commander or his designee outlining their expectations following completion of the Number I’s Leadership Institute (NLI).

OPPOSITE PAGE, BELOW: The assembled Number Is, facilitators, speakers, and staff on the final night of NLI at Carraway Conference Center, Sophia, N.C.

ABOVE: The peer leadership panel seated on the stage, included (L to R seated) Former Number Is Mitchell S. Hukins (Gamma Alpha–Louisiana Tech ’19), Edward D. “Ed” Coobms (Zeta–Randolph-Macon ’19), Enrique A. Fuentes (Alpha Eta–Westminster ’19), and Jake A. Netterville (Alpha Gamma–Louisiana State ’19), with Smith Province Commander Robert H. “Rob” Wall (Tau–Wake Forest ’95) giving an announcement prior to Peer Leadership Panel.

2023 National Undergraduate Chairman and Vice-Chairman

Pursuant to the Order’s Constitution and Bylaws, the Undergraduate Conference met at the Number I’s Leadership Institute on January 7, 2023, and elected the following officers for a one-year term.

National Undergraduate Chairman

ZACHARY C. BURKS (Beta Tau–Mississippi State ’20)

A junior from Memphis, Tennessee, Zachary is pursuing a biomedical engineering degree. He has served as Number V and is currently in his first term as Number I.

National Undergraduate Vice Chairman

CARSON P. MOODY (Delta Lambda–Middle Tennessee State ’21)

A senior from Spring Hill, Tennessee, Carson is pursuing a degree in concrete industry management. He has served as Number II and Number V and is currently in his first term as Number I.

The outgoing NUC was Jake Netterville (Alpha Gamma–Louisiana State ‘19), and the outgoing NUVC was Will Davis (Alpha Beta–Alabama ’19) who was appointed when Devin Muny (Delta Gamma–Old Dominion ’19) stepped down in 2022.


Courts of Honor

The Order’s system of Provincial Courts of Honor is unique in the system of American college fraternities. It was first introduced at the fifth province council, in 1930, by Frank Hammett Myers, Commander of the James Ward Wood Province. For insignia, each Court uses its own Provincial Cross with its own distinct colors. The purpose of the Courts of Honor is to recognize and acknowledge alumni for their continued interest, support, and participation in the Order, its active or alumni chapters, and their capacity to stimulate the expansion and prestige of the fraternity.

A Court of Honor typically holds an annual meeting and dinner or event to nominate new members and make plans for the events of the upcoming year. A new inductee is presented with Court of Honor jewel along with a certificate of membership.


Thursday, October 6, 2022, at the University and Whist Club in Wilmington, Delaware

 Brent E. Buswell (Beta Eta–Oklahoma ’09)

 Adam C. DiSabatino (Beta Epsilon–Delaware ’09)


January 13, 2022, at a Ceremony in Charleston South Carolina

 John A. McAllister, Jr. (Theta Commission–Citadel ’11)

March 24, 2022, in the Congaree Room of the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center in Columbia, South Carolina

Leland Grant Close III (Delta–Wofford ’01)

Gary O. Crenshaw (Iota–Furan ’60)

Samuel L. Erwin (Delta Omicron–Clemson ’87)

James Boswell Gregorie (Delta Epsilon–Newberry ’00)

R. Dustin James (Delta Tau–Francis Marion ’10)

Richard A. Jones, Jr. (Rho–South Carolina ’66)

James Edward Lockemy (Theta Commission–Citadel’ 14)

James Carl Parker, Jr. (Delta Tau–Francis Marion ’77)

N. Moore Patton III (Delta Omicron–Clemson ’79)

Ellie Givan Shuler, Jr. (Theta Commission–Citadel ’11)

 C. Douglas Simmons III (Beta Tau–Mississippi State ’95)

 James C. H. Smith (Delta–Wofford ’92)

 Randall Steven Suarez (Beta Pi–Presbyterian ’71)

 William P. Walker, Jr. (Delta Epsilon–Newberry ’06)

        
Frampton Province Wood Province


Jointly held with Walsh on Saturday, February 26, 2022, at the Royal Oaks Country Club in Dallas, Texas

 William J. Cureton (Gamma Upsilon–Texas A&MCommerce ’70)

 Wyatt D. Henderson (Gamma Omega–Midwestern State ’90)

 Garry Lilly, Jr. (Gamma Upsilon–Texas A&MCommerce ’00)

 H. David Pinson (Epsilon Zeta–Arkansas Tech ’00)

 Travis L. Sartain (Alpha Eta–Westminster ’95)

 James B. Smith (Gamma Chi–Texas Tech ’69)

 Ronny J. Snow (Gamma Tau–Sam Houston State ’87)

 Bennie C. Stringer, Jr. (Delta Iota–TexasArlington ’83)

 Hunter J. Heidenheimer (Gamma Chi–Texas Tech ’11)


Jointly held with Mikell on Saturday, February 26, 2022, at the Royal Oaks Country Club in Dallas, Texas

 Tracy S. Hoffart (Gamma Tau–Sam Houston State ’85)

 Hon. William Thomas McDonald, Jr. (Zeta–RandolphMacon ’59)*

 Daniel L. Moreland (Gamma Tau–Sam Houston State ’08)

 Rocky T. Sanders (Delta Kappa–Stephen F. Austin State ’92)

 Curtis A. Smith (Gamma Chi–Texas Tech ’71)

 Michael Wayne Walker (Gamma Tau–Sam Houston State ’73)



Saturday, August 20, 2022, at the Hilton Garden Inn – EastChase in Montgomery, Alabama

 Hugh Farmer (Nu–Auburn ’72)

 James Salter (Nu–Auburn ’08)

 Michael Robards (Alpha Beta–Alabama ’04)

 W. Edgar Welden (Alpha Beta–Alabama ’62)

 Ethan Jackson (Delta Phi–Jacksonville State ’15)

 James Mounier (Delta Phi–Jacksonville State ’16

 Ross Bonura (Epsilon Alpha–South Alabama ’91)

 John Peek (Epsilon Alpha–South Alabama ’85)

Heidenheimer Mikell and Walsh Provinces (now Duncan Province) Dunwody Province

Henry Dargan McMaster

Rho–South Carolina ’67

CONFERRED: March 24, 2022, by Knight Commander C. Douglas Simmons III during the Frampton Province Court of Honor Induction Ceremony in the Congaree Room of the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center in Columbia, South Carolina

At USC, McMaster was a member of the Carolina Student Legislature, earning his bachelor’s degree in history in 1969. In 1973, he graduated from the USC School of Law. Later that year, he was admitted to the Richland County Bar Association and practiced for more than 40 years. He also served in the U.S. Army Reserves. In 1974, he was admitted to practice before the U.S. District Court, U.S. Court of Claims, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, and the U.S. In 1991, he was appointed to the State Commission on Higher Education. Form 1993 to 2002 he chaired the S.C. Republican Party. He was elected attorney general of South Carolina in 2002 and reelected in 2006. He was elected lieutenant governor in 2014. McMaster was sworn in as governor in January, 2017, was elected to a full term in 2018, and re-elected in 2022.

McMaster served as Province Commander from 1974 until 1991, the longest to hold the position in South Carolina. He is a member of the Frampton Court of Honor, which he regularly attends. All four McMaster brothers are KAs from Rho Chapter. He and his wife, Peggy, have two adult children, Henry D. McMaster, Jr. (Rho–South Carolina ’06) and Mary Rogers.

adult children, Henry and Mary Rogers.

Derick S. Close

Alpha Omega–North Carolina State ’78

CONFERRED: April 28, 2022, by Knight Commander C. Douglas Simmons III during the Crimson & Gold Society Celebration Dinner in the Mint Museum Uptown in Charlotte, North Carolina.

At N.C. State, Close graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1982, and in 1990, he earned an MBA from the University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business School.

Close is Chairman and CEO of Springs Creative, a diversified private textile and creative service business. Derick also serves as Chairman of Springsteen Capital and as President of Springsteen Properties and Springsteen Logistics. He serves on the executive board of the Springs Companies, the Carolina Regional Business Authority, and several others, and was previously a board member and/or chairman of several organizations, including the UNC System. He is a member of Young Presidents’ Association, Young Presidents’ Association Gold, and Chief Executives Organization. He is a past partner in the Carolina Panthers and current partner of the Winston Salem Dash, a Minor League Baseball Team.

Close is a member of the Smith and Frampton Courts of Honor, and is a 10-year member of the Crimson & Gold Society. He was also a donor to the KAOEF’s “Honoring our Past, Securing our Future” campaign. In 2011, Derick was elected to the KAOEF board, serving in numerous capacities including Chairman from 2019 to 2022. Derick and his wife Sallie reside have three adult children: Baxter, Claude, Craddock, and one grand-

and his wife Sallie reside have three adult son, Jack.

& Recognition
The Knight Commander’s Accolade was created to recognize excellence in leadership and service to the Order. It is the highest individual honor an alumnus can receive.

Michael V. Paulin

Beta Sigma–Southern California ’60

CONFERRED: January 14, 2023, by Knight Commander C. Douglas Simmons III during the Beta Sigma Chapter House Dedication at 700 W. 28th Steet, Los Angeles, California.

Paulin graduated from USC with a Bachelor of Science in international business and economics. He is one of seventeen family members who have graduated from USC over the past 90 years. Shortly after graduation, Mike served as the Fraternity Affairs Advisor for the University.

Professionally, he pioneered the vacation rental experience and partnered with Peter Ueberroth, to develop Hawaii’s Colony Hotels into the largest resort condominium management company of its day. He went on to establish the Aqua Hotel chain throughout Hawaii. He served on the Board of Pacific Asia Travel Association and later as its chairman.

Paulin has served on the KAOEF Board of Trustees since 2002, excepting roll-off years. He is a member of the KAOEF’s Building and Grounds Committee, responsible for oversight of the care of Mulberry Hill, serving as chairman today. He has served on the KAOEF Brotherhood Relief Grant Committee. He is a 10-year member of the Crimson & Gold Society, and is a member of the 1865 Trust. He is a champion for the return of Beta Sigma Chapter.

Mike and his wife Aida reside near Aspen,

New Hardeman Province Commander

Eddie Wilson (Delta Theta–Georgia Southern ’80)

Knight Commander C. Douglas Simmons III, has appointed Edmond H. “Eddie” Wilson (Delta Theta–Georgia Southern ’80) as Hardeman Province Commander e ective July 22, 2022. The vacancy was created due to the resignation of Lee P. Oliver III (Kappa–Mercer ’86).

Wilson has been a community banker for 32 years holding various leadership roles ranging from Branch Manager to CEO. In 2018, Eddie retired and joined Raymond James Financial. He graduated from Georgia Southern University in 1983 and earned his MBA from Mercer University in 1992. Eddie and his wife, Penny, a former KA Rose, have three KA sons, Lawton (Gamma–Georgia ’04) (married to Katie), Patrick (Gamma–Georgia ’09), and Brantley (Delta Theta–Georgia Southern ’15). They are proud to have three grandchildren, Harper, Maggie, and Hayes. Eddie previously served as Hardeman Province Commander from 1984 to 1986 and is a member of the Crimson & Gold Society, Forever KA, and the Loyal Order.

Colorado in the town of Carbondale. a member of the Crimson

Historic Province Realignment

Duncan Province Established, Others Merged

As the Order grew in the late 19th century, and early 20th, the national leadership was considering structure and alignment of volunteers and communications amongst chapters. In 1883, a failed attempt to divide the Active Chapters of the Order into a new structure was shelved after two years—the geographic terms used at the time were “Commanderies” and a “Knight Visitor” would have been appointed to oversee and engage the chapters.

The current idea of a province system of the Order was established in 1911. Since that original demarcation of chapters, the boundaries and alignment of provinces has been altered eighteen (18) times.

In early 2022, Knight Commander C. Douglas Simmons appointed a working group to discuss the current province composition, that of Active and Alumni Chapters, and Commissions, review province boundaries and consider changing province boundaries/

reconstituting provinces. Consideration was given to historical boundaries, geographic areas and borders, Courts of Honor as well as number of chapters. The group was chaired by Former Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan (Delta Kappa–Stephen F. Austin State ’69) and consisted of Senior Councilor King V. Aiken, Jr. (Kappa–Mercer ’87), Smith Province Commander Robert H. Wall (Tau–Wake Forest ’95) and Neal Province Commander Douglas W. Hanisch (Epsilon Tau–Northern Arizona ’98), along with sta liaisons, Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese (Gamma Omega–Midwestern State ’87) and Assistant Executive Director for Advancement Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha–Western Carolina ’98). The working group delivered their report to the Knight Commander and Executive Council in May.

Subsequently, the Advisory Council met on July 29, 2022, at the Driskill Hotel in Austin, Texas. Following a review of

the report and the Knight Commander’s direction, and pursuant to Section 311 of the Constitution, the Advisory Council voted to reconstitute several provinces.

Pursuant to the same provision, the Knight Commander then selected the names of these reconstituted provinces and called for nominations for their province commanders. There are now fourteen active provinces.

The Knight Commander and the Order wish to thank retiring province commanders, Je rey R. Love (Epsilon Rho–Purdue ’88), Jason L. Potts (Delta Lambda–Middle Tennessee State ‘93), James Ransbottom (Alpha Rho–West Virginia ’98), and Ronny J. Snow (Gamma Tau–Sam Houston State ‘87).


Province Established

J. Michael Duncan Province was established to include the pre-existing boundaries of Mikell Province (northern Texas) along with Walsh Province (southern Texas), both of which were merged. Duncan Province now includes the entire state of Texas. The reconstitution of these provinces required the appointment of province commanders.

J. Michael Duncan served as the 38th Knight Commander from August 2007 until August 2011. He served as Number I of his chapter in 1972 and earned degrees in business management and accounting from Stephen F. Austin State University and the University of Texas at Arlington, respectively. In 1974, Duncan became a volunteer leader of the Order by beginning his tenure as Commander of Mikell Province, a position he held until 1989. He was then elected to the Order’s Executive Council and served from 1989 to 1995, and again from 1999 to 2011.

During his term, the Order’s chapters experienced their highest-grade point averages in history.

One of his first official acts as Knight Commander was creating an award for courage for in the face of danger and adversity. He then asked the Executive Council to create the Knight Commander’s Medal.

Thirteen active chapters were established or rechartered while he was Knight Commander as well as three new commissions, Theta (Citadel), Sigma Alpha, The United States Military Academy (West Point), and Omega, as well as the establishment of the Military Division of Kappa Alpha Order.

Concerned with providing quality leadership training to the Order’s Number I’s, Duncan worked to establish the Number I’s Leadership Institute in 2002, the first of its kind in the fraternity world. Number I’s receive training designed to provide them with tools to lead and enhance their term as Number I.

Professionally, Former Knight Commander

Duncan is a retired Senior Special Agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives (ATF) and was assigned to the Dallas Field Office. Former Knight Commander Duncan lives in Pantego, Texas with his wife Donna. His son, Lt Col Chris Duncan, is a fighter pilot in the United States Air Force and is an initiate of Gamma Chi Chapter at Texas Tech University. After transferring to Texas A&M University, Chris affiliated with Epsilon Delta Chapter. Full biography is available at www.kappaalphaorder.org

Provinces Reconstituted

Samuel Z. Ammen Province was reconstituted to include its pre-existing boundaries of Virginia, along with Maryland, Washington, D.C., New Jersey, New York, and Delaware from Wood Province, which was merged, and Pennsylvania from Hamilton Province, which was also merged. Darron E. Franta (Gamma Tau–Sam Houston State ‘90) was appointed to complete the Knight Commander’s term.

Henry C. Chiles Province was reconstituted to include its pre-existing boundaries of Missouri, along with Illinois from Traylor Province. M. Tyler Griffin (Alpha Delta–William Jewell ‘98) was appointed to complete the Knight Commander’s term.

Richard T. Feller Province was reconstituted to include its pre-existing boundaries of eastern Tennessee along with western Tennessee from Forester Province, which was merged. Feller Province now includes the entire state of Tennessee. Gregory R. Singleton (Gamma Gamma–Memphis ‘82) was appointed to complete the Knight Commander’s term.

Howard P. Locke Province was reconstituted to include its pre-existing boundaries of Oklahoma and western Arkansas along with eastern Arkansas from Forester Province. Darron E. Franta (Gamma Tau–Sam Houston State ‘00) was appointed to complete the Knight Commander’s term.

Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Province was reconstituted to include its pre-existing boundaries of Ohio and Indiana along with Kentucky from Candler Province, which was merged, and West Virginia from Hamilton Province. Collin B. Taylor (Delta Mu–Eastern Kentucky ‘96) was appointed to complete the Knight Commander’s term.

These Provinces and their Appointed Province Commanders Remain:

William B. Crawford, Florida

Elliott Dunwody IV, Alabama

William McLeod Frampton, South Carolina

John L. Hardeman, Georgia

Emmett Lee Irwin, Mississippi

Daniel R. Neal, Western empire of the Order (Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho,Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

Ed Chambers Smith, North Carolina

Horace Henry White, Louisiana


Province Names:

 John Slaughter Candler, previously Kentucky

 William Sprigg Hamilton, previously West Virginia and Pennsylvania

 James Ward Wood, previously Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York

 William Archibald Walsh, Southern Texas

 Henry Judah Mikell, Northern Texas


Fraternity Executives Recognize Wiese, Fellows, Lyons

KA hosts reception in honor of Pi Kapp and ATO CEOs

At the 2022 Fraternity Executives Association Annual Meeting, held in Nofolk, Virginia at the Waterfront Marriott, several KA sta members were recognized. Jesse Lyons , Assistant Executive Director for Advancement, received his 20-year service certi cate and Brent Fellows, Assistant Executive Director for Alumni

A airs, received his 20-year service certi cate, two years after the milestone (2020). The Annual Meeting was held in person for the rst time since 2019.

Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese was formally recognized with his 25-year service award from FEA—recognizing 25 years in the chief sta position for the Order—one year after the actual milestone (2021). The recognition was presented by incoming FEA President, Michele Arden (Sigma Sigma Sigma).

Additionally, the Order hosted a reception in honor of Wynn Smiley’s 25-years as CEO of Alpha Tau Omega, and in celebration of the retirement of Mark Timmes, after 27-years at the sta helm of Pi Kappa Phi.

Right: Fellows, Wiese, and Lyons were recognized for a total of 60+ years of service; Wiese was especially honored with 25-year Executive Director recognition.


Sta Updates


Cooper W. Carroll (Delta Kappa–Stephen F. Austin State ’17) was named the Director of College and University Relations effective May 16. His primary responsibilities are to manage the expansion and restoration strategy for the Order and recruitment initiatives. Since joining the staff in May 2021, Cooper has been serving as an associate director for chapter services.

Jacob T. Woodard (Phi–Birmingham-Southern ’18) was named the Director of Risk Management effective May 16. Jacob will focus on the Order’s risk reduction and management program which includes educational initiatives, investigations, and sanctions. Since joining the staff in May 2021, Jacob has been serving as an associate director for chapter services.


Aristeo S. “Ari” Ruiz (Zeta Tau–Austin Peay State ’14) departed staff in April 2022, to become a Digital Marketing Specialist at Trident Transport in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Ari joined staff in May 2018 as an associate director for chapter development and was promoted as Director of Chapter Development.

Gabriel A. “Gabe” Rodriguez (Alpha Iota–Centenary ’18) departed staff on May 14, 2022, to become a Business Analyst for i3 Verticals in Shreveport, Louisiana. Gabe joined staff in May 2020 as an associate director for chapter services.

Steven L. Gros (Delta Xi–McNeese State ’16) departed staff on May 14, 2022, to become a Student Development Specialist for Texas A&M University. Steven joined staff in June 2020 as an associate director for chapter services.

Jacob A. Seay (Zeta Omega–Coastal Carolina ’17) departed staff in December 2022. He had recently served as Interim Director of Chapter Development effective June 6. Jacob had been serving as Director of College and University Relations since May 2021.

After more than four and a half years of employment at the National Administrative Office, Erika Brooke departed the Staff on March 11, 2022, as Fraternity services coodrinator


Associate Directors for Chapter Services:

Canyon L. Elkins (Gamma Alpha–Louisiana Tech ’18), hired March 14, 2022.

Levi A. Dees (Delta Upsilon–TennesseeMartin ’18), hired May 2022.

Greyson W. Slicker (Gamma Lambda–North Texas ’19), hired May 2022.

Garrett S. Stengl (Epsilon Phi–George Mason ’19), hired May 2022.

Evan M. Lawson (Delta Omega–Baylor ’20), hired December 2022.

Lorin Wilhelm joined the National Sta as an administrative assistant, September 26, 2022.

Wendi Hess joined the National Sta as the Accounting Assistant on November 21, 2022.

Tammy McCommas joined the National Sta as the Receptionist on January 2, 2023.


Learn more and register to join your brothers August 10–12, 2023, at KappaAlphaOrder.org/Convention

Provisional Chapters Established

Western Carolina University (Delta Alpha Chapter)

DATE: Saturday, September 17, 2022


LOCATION: Catamount Room of the A.K. Hinds University Center

On Saturday, September 17, 2022, a group of eighteen men at Western Carolina University were inducted into Kappa Alpha Order as members awaiting initiation. The ceremony was held on campus in the Catamount Room of the A.K. Hinds University Center.

Robert H. “Rob” Wall (Tau–Wake Forest ’95), Commander of Smith Province, installed the chapter officers and led the Induction Ceremony with Alumnus Advisor Jace Stowe (Delta Alpha–Western Carolina ’81), and Associate Director for Chapter Services Levi A. Dees (Delta Upsilon–Tennessee-Martin ’18).

In addition to family, friends, and alumni, Director of Chapter Development Jacob A. Seay (Zeta Omega–Coastal Carolina ’17), Director of College and University Relations Cooper W. Carroll (Delta Kappa–Stephen F. Austin State ’17), and Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha–Western Carolina ’98) were also present.

University of Oklahoma (Beta Eta Chapter)

DATE: Sunday, September 25, 2022


LOCATION: Chapter House

On Sunday, September 25, 2022, a group of twenty-one men at the University of Oklahoma were inducted into Kappa Alpha Order as members awaiting initiation. The ceremony was held on campus in the Chapter House.

H. David “Dave” Pinson (Epsilon Zeta–Arkansas Tech ’00), Commander of Locke Province, installed the chapter officers and led the Induction Ceremony with Housing Corporation President Keith A. Beall (Beta Eta–Oklahoma ’88), and Associate Director for Chapter Services Canyon L. Elkins (Gamma Alpha–Louisiana Tech ’18).

In addition to family, friends, and alumni, Director of Chapter Development Jacob A. Seay (Zeta Omega–Coastal Carolina ’17) and Director of College and University Relations Cooper W. Carroll (Delta Kappa–Stephen F. Austin State ’17) were also present.

These groups were presented with their provisional certificates issued by Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese. Once they have completed their chartering requirements, they will petition the Knight Commander to regain their charter and be an Active Chapter in good standing.


Executive Council Meets at Ole Miss Chapter House

Alpha Upsilon’s home hosts full day of business

On November 18, 2022, the Order’s Executive Council convened their fall meeting in a unique setting–the KA Chapter House at Ole Miss. Alpha Upsilon Chapter, its members, and advisors, played host to the Order’s leadership and staff during their day long business meeting. The membership of Alpha Upsilon, topping out at 285, were scattered as classes were ending and Thanksgiving break beckoned most home to be with family. The well-organized meeting followed a successful alumni reception hosted by Knight Commander C. Douglas Simmons III, at the Southside Art Gallery on the square in downtown Oxford.

ABOVE: The 42nd Executive Council after meeting at the Alpha Upsilon Chapter House, including (L to R) NUVC Will Davis, Blair Bailey, James Schmuck, Malcolm Liles, Knight Commander Doug Simmons, Senior Councilor King Aiken, David Martineau, and Stephen LaFollette.

RIGHT: Several alumni attended a reception with the Executive Council at the Southside Art Gallery on November 17, the day before the Council met. (Top) NUC Jake Netterville, incoming Number I Brooks Stewart, Housing Corp President Brooks Stewart, Satcher, and Stan Viner. (Bottom) Ole Miss KA alumni Cal Mayo, Randy

Ivy, and John Turner with Knight Commander Simmons and Executive Director Larry Wiese.

Chapter Chartering

Epsilon Xi Chapter University of North Carolina at Charlotte

DATE: March 18, 2022

LOCATION: Quail Hollow Country Club, Charlotte, N.C.


GPA: Spring 2021 – 3.149; Fall 2021 – 2.90

Since the provisional chapter was established on November 6, 2019, the provisional chapter members have been involved with philanthropy and service efforts within the Charlotte community and on campus. The members have completed an estimated 150+ hours of service during their time as a provisional chapter with organizations including the Mecklenburg County soup kitchens, coordinating two blood drives in partnership with OneBlood, and volunteering with a local nonprofit’s 5K promoting donations and awareness for breast cancer. The chapter has raised more than $4,300 for MDA and the Independence Fund. Members are involved on campus in club sports including soccer, volleyball, basketball, and flag football. Other organizations members participate in include Student Government Association, Esports, Resident Assistants, and Campus Catholic Ministry.

Beta Sigma Chapter University of Southern California

DATE: January 14, 2023

LOCATION: Town & Gown Ballroom, Los Angeles, Ca.


GPA: Fall 2021 – 3.59; Spring 2022 – 3.52

Since the provisional chapter was established on September 2, 2021, the provisional chapter members have been involved with philanthropy and service efforts within the Los Angeles community and on campus. Throughout the course of the last academic year, the members have completed an estimated 1,080 of service during their time as a provisional chapter with organizations including Food on Foot, retirement homes, and participating in various blood drives. The chapter has raised more than $2,000 for American Cancer Society, Troy Camp, Pups without Borders, and Alpha Phi for their philanthropy. Members are involved on campus in club sports including rugby, basketball, and the ski team. Organizations for which members serve on an executive board include the Sports Business Association, Consulting Club, CTeen, Investment Banking Club, Music Industry Club, and TAMID, an international organization for students who want to contribute to the Israeli business, tech, economic and entrepreneurial scenes. Other organizations in which members participate include Trojan Investing Club, Daily Trojan, American Business Leaders, Kaufman Creative Dance, and Esports.


Presented in 2022 for chapter

achievement in 2021


The highest honor that can be bestowed upon a chapter is the George C. Marshall Award for Chapter Excellence. This award is presented annually to the top one to three chapters in the Order in recognition for superior operations and performance.


The Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence is awarded to chapters that are in the top 15-20% in the Order based on the applications received. It is named for Samuel Zenas Ammen, Kappa Alpha Order’s Practical Founder. Ammen committed his time as a member of Kappa Alpha Order to improving, rst the ritual and operations of our very rst chapter at Washington College, and later to the chapters across the nation as he served as Knight Commander for two terms, totaling nine years. Much like our practical founder, the Ammen award winning chapters exhibit a commitment to excellence. They strive to be the best on campus and in the nation in every aspect of chapter operations.


The Carl Albert Award for Chapter Improvement is awarded to one to three chapters annually. It is named for former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Carl Albert (Beta Eta–Oklahoma ’29).

Academic excellence has been a priority of many Knight Commanders. Through the work of our chapters, and elevated standards from the Executive Council, we continue to see a rising national GPA and successful brothers on campus.

National Scholarship Trophy

This trophy, located at the national administrative o ce, is awarded to and engraved with the chapter that achieves the highest combined GPA for the year.



(3.754 GPA)

Scholastic Excellence Award (3.25+)

Awarded to chapters that in one semester, or both, achieve a GPA at or higher than 3.25

FALL 2020

Alabama–Alpha Beta (3.312)

Appalachian State–Delta Psi (3.426)

North Carolina State–Alpha Omega (3.288)

Texas-Arlington–Delta Iota (3.920)

Tulane–Psi (3.300)

West Virginia Wesleyan–Beta Chi (3.440)

Western Kentucky–Epsilon Theta (3.294)


Auburn–Nu (3.288)

Centenary–Alpha Iota (3.490)

Clemson–Delta Omicron (3.280)

Drury–Beta Iota (3.250)

Florida–Beta Zeta (3.305)

Marshall–Beta Upsilon (3.306)

Mercer–Kappa (3.340)

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon (3.250)

Nevada–Zeta Delta (3.360)

South Carolina–Rho (3.317)

Southern Illinois–Zeta Sigma (3.306)

Texas A&M–Epsilon Delta (3.261)

Wo ord–Delta (3.270)

Arkansas–Alpha Omicron (3.297 & 3.368)

Baylor–Delta Omega (3.370 & 3.250)

California–Alpha Xi (3.813 & 3.695)

Duke–Alpha Phi (3.714 & 3.79)

Emory–Epsilon (3.718 & 3.623)

George Mason–Epsilon Phi (3.28 & 3.29)

Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma (3.540 & 3.650)

Georgia–Gamma (3.430 & 3.460)

Houston–Gamma Mu (3.590 & 3.520)

Maryland–Beta Kappa (3.49 & 3.62)

McNeese–Delta Xi (3.267 & 3.296)

Miami–Epsilon Lambda (3.310 & 3.280)

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha (3.340 & 3.571)

North Carolina–Upsilon (3.382 & 3.405)

Richmond–Eta (3.569 & 3.33)

Texas–Omicron (3.510 & 3.709)

Tulsa–Mu (3.610 & 3.753)

Vanderbilt–Chi (3.690 & 3.696)

Virginia–Lambda (3.79 & 3.33)

Wake Forest–Tau (3.598 & 3.6)

Washington & Lee–Alpha (3.48 & 3.47)

William Jewell–Alpha Delta (3.333 & 3.447)


Semester Academic Achievement Award (3.0-3.24)

FALL 2020

Arkansas State–Delta Eta (3.126)

Auburn–Nu (3.230)

Centenary–Alpha Iota (3.220)

Clemson–Delta Omicron (3.133)

Delta State–Delta Beta (3.097)

Drury–Beta Iota (3.018)

Elon–Epsilon Mu (3.148)

Florida Gulf Coast–Zeta Pi (3.190)

Florida–Beta Zeta (3.248)

Hampden-Syndey–Alpha Tau (3.232)

James Madison–Zeta Theta (3.030)

Louisiana-Lafayette–Gamma Phi (3.050)

Marshall–Beta Upsilon (3.159)

Mercer–Kappa (3.023)

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon (3.21)

Newberry–Delta Epsilon (3.06)

Northern Arizona–Epsilon Tau (3.012)

Presbyterian–Beta Pi (3.110)

Roanoke–Beta Rho (3.102)

South Carolina–Rho (3.21)

Southern Illinois–Zeta Sigma (3.200)

Tennessee–Pi (3.11)

Texas A&M–Epsilon Delta (3.197)

Wo ord–Delta Wo ord College (3.2)


Alabama–Alpha Beta (3.172)

Campbell–Zeta Psi (3.119)

Colorado–Zeta Alpha (3.090)

East Carolina–Gamma Rho (3.183)

High Point–Zeta Phi (3.026)

Jacksonville State–Delta Phi (3.136)

James Madison–Zeta Theta (3.102)

Kentucky–Theta (3.121)

Millsaps–Alpha Mu (3.094)

Mississippi State–Beta Tau (3.01)

North Carolina State–Alpha Omega (3.210)

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi (3.180)

Southern Indiana–Zeta Omicron (3.243)

Transylvania–Alpha Theta (3.103)

Tulane–Psi (3.204)

West Virginia Wesleyan–Beta Chi (3.180)

Western Kentucky–Epsilon Theta (3.191)

Westminster–Alpha Eta (3.006)

Academic Achievement Award (3.0-3.24)

FALL 2020 & SPRING 2021

Arizona State–

Epsilon Omega

(3.047 & 3.210)


Epsilon Chi

(3.166 & 3.14)



(3.097 & 3.055)

Florida State–

Gamma Eta

(3.126 & 3.0)

Francis Marion–

Delta Tau

(3.011 & 3.080)

Louisiana State–

Alpha Gamma

(3.219 & 3.234)

Middle Tennessee State–

Delta Lambda

(3.090 & 3.230)


Alpha Kappa

(3.210 &3.148)

North Carolina-Wilmington–

Epsilon Psi

(3.156 & 3.245)

San Diego State–Gamma Iota

(3.030 & 3.090)

South Alabama–

Epsilon Alpha

(3.010 & 3.180)


(3.172 & 3.151)

Univ. of the South–

Alpha Alpha

(3.020 & 3.150)

University of North Carolina–

Provisional Chapter

(3.221 & 3.149)

Virginia Tech–

Epsilon Eta

(3.195 & 3.247)

West Georgia–Zeta Kappa

(3.050 & 3.060)

William & Mary–

Alpha Zeta

(3.196 & 3.171)

KA is pledged to the pursuit of excellence, and our brothers are committed to the development of themselves and others. With this challenge, we must assume responsibilities in many areas. Chapters across the nation o er their time and resources each year to bene t local and national philanthropies and charities.

Knight Commander’s Cup

Awarded to the chapter with the best overall e ort in Operation Crimson Gift, the Order’s blood drive initiative. Unfortunately, restrictions on campus again prevented chapters from actively participating in blood drives during 2021.



Alabama–Alpha Beta

Arkansas-Monticello–Epsilon Chi

Centenary–Alpha Iota

Florida–Beta Zeta

Louisiana State–Alpha Gamma

McNeese State–Delta Xi

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

Missouri–Alpha Kappa

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha


University of North Carolina–Charlotte

Provisional Chapter

Westminster–Alpha Eta



Campbell–Zeta Psi

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

Project Outreach Award

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi


Excellence in Digital Media Communication

Though the use of sharing photography and video on social media, email, and other means, these chapters execute a digital media strategy bene ting their brand and image.

Appalachian State–Delta Psi

Centenary–Alpha Iota

Louisiana–Gamma Alpha

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

Transylvania–Alpha Theta


Westminster–Alpha Eta

Excellence in Marketing and Advertising

Whether it is an event or year-long plan, these chapters utilize several forms of marketing and advertising to promote membership, fundraising, or otherwise the KA experience at their campus.

Alabama–Alpha Beta

Campbell–Zeta Psi

Centenary–Alpha Iota

Jacksonville State–Delta Phi

Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

Missouri–Alpha Kappa

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi

Transylvania–Alpha Theta


University of North Carolina–

Charlotte Provisional Chapter

Westminster–Alpha Eta

Excellence in Correspondence

These chapters regularly and e ectively communicate with various constituencies on their campus, within their alumni, and throughout KA.

Arkansas-Monticello–Epsilon Chi

California–Alpha Xi

Centenary–Alpha Iota

Jacksonville State–Delta Phi

Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi


Westminster–Alpha Eta

Excellence in Educational Programming

These chapters schedule speakers and/ or workshops, attend opportunities on campus, and lead a comprehensive approach to membership education, which might include Council of Honor, The Crusade , and other areas of leadership and values education.

California–Alpha Xi

Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

Outstanding Recruitment & Chapter Growth

These chapters show the coordination of a year-round, values-based approach to recruitment, using chapter accomplishments and involvement to e ectively recruit and retain new members.

Arkansas-Monticello–Epsilon Chi

California–Alpha Xi

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha

Transylvania–Alpha Theta

Westminster–Alpha Eta

Excellence in Chapter Finance

These chapters should have submitted all national reports on time, maintained generally a zero balance, maintain great records, utilize the tools of OmegaFi for budgeting and collecting, and maintain a minimum accounts receivable from their membership.

California–Alpha Xi

Chapters are recognized, based on their applications for a variety of areas of operations.

KA Journal Wins Top Award for First Time

Order and Foundation pieces also recognized by FCA

The 2022 Annual Conference of the Fraternity Communications Association (FCA) was held April 27–29.

This year, FCA received more than 60 entries in four main categories for 30 separate awards. FCA has 71 member organizations including national fraternities and sororities as well as leadership and honor societies. FCA provides outstanding networking, educational, and recognition opportunities for its members.

Additionally, Brent E. Buswell (Beta Eta–Oklahoma ’08), Director of Communications, began his second year of a two-year term on the FCA Board of Directors as Director of Finance. FCA Past President Jesse Lyons (Delta Alpha–Western Carolina ’98), Assistant Executive Director for Advancement and Editor, was selected as Past President, and serves as the Association’s Centennial Commission Chairman ahead of the 2023 Centennial Celebration.

At the Recognition Banquet, the Order and the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation received three rst place awards, and one third place award. Two of these were in the top two award categories of the Association:

• 1ST PLACE – CRITICS’ CHOICE LOGO : 79th Convention & Brotherhood Weekend (2021)


FORM: The Country Doctor Who Helped Make Missour Spaces Smoke-free, by Kaitlyn MConnell, Ozarks Alive

FCA’s Second Highest Honor: This award honors the best communications program by an organization directed to members and/ or an outside audience for a single purpose, such as a membership campaign, convention or other. Entries display the program’s creativity in writing and design and its ability to communicate e ectively the message to the intended audience.

• 3RD PLACE –WILLIAM C. LEVERE AWARD FOR TOTAL COMMUNICATIONS: KAOEF’s Crimson & Gold Campaign Communciations Program

FCA’s Highest Honor: This award is given for overall excellence of a total publication as demonstrated in a magazine. All magazines are judged, from cover to cover, on writing, design, readability and relevance of the publication to its intended audience.


Charac ter achievement & Stirring stories of a high tone of thought and action from today’s KA undergraduate leaders—these are the inaugural recipients of the Knight Commander’s Commendation THE KAPPA ALPHA SUMMER 2021 PUBLISHED SINCE 1879 KAJ_Sum21_C1-C2_01-27_P4.indd


Alabama–Alpha Beta

Caldwell D. Russell 1970, 1/16/22

Dr. Franklin Luther Holt, II 1954, 10/25/22

Grover R. Blaylock 1980, 5/9/22

Henry Clifford Mullins, Jr. 1946

Hubbard Denson Burnum, Jr. 1941

John E. Mayton 1952

Samuel Albert Gaston, Jr.

1956, 7/29/22

William C. Oliver 1951, 3/14/22

Hon. Paul C. Artman, Jr.

(Delta Beta–Delta State ’70)

(1951–2021): First elected Irwin Province Commander on February 13, 1982, Artman had previously served as Delta Beta Chapter Alumnus Advisor for nine years. He continued serving as province commander until 1994. He was a member of the Irwin Court of Honor. On August 6, 2009, then Knight Commander James R. Estes awarded him with the Knight Commander’s Accolade for excellence in service and leadership, during the 68th Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Artman served as Mayor of Greenville, Mississippi, one of three KAs to hold that post in succession, from 1996 to 2004. The 34th Executive Council authorized and then Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan presented him with the Order’s Award for Distinguished Public Service on November 14, 2009, at a reception at the home of the parents of then Councilor C. Douglas Simmons III, during a meeting of Executive Council in Tribbett, Mississippi.

He is survived by Barbara, his wife of 46 years.

Roy O. Rodwell, Jr.


Phi–Duke ’55)

(1936–2022): Rodwell was a former member of the KAOEF Board of Trustees, having served two terms, from 1996–1998, and again from 2001–2002, including as Vice President from 1997 to 1998. He was a member of the Loyal Order, Forever KA, and the Crimson & Gold Society.

He attended Duke University as the recipient of a Naval ROTC scholarship. Upon graduation in 1958 was commissioned Second Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps where he served three years of active duty. He retired a Major in 1978 after continued service in the US Marine Corps Reserve. He was a strong believer in improving access to higher education among under-represented communities especially in eastern North Carolina, as such he established several scholarships and endowments.

In 1964 he completed his MBBC from UNC–Chapel Hill. He joined Arthur Andersen & Co. in Atlanta achieving his CPA in 1965, and continued to lead in corporate accounting and finance for his career. He developed real estate in the Research Triangle, he co-founded InterSouth Partners, the first venture capital firm headquartered in Research Triangle, N.C., and from 1998 until 2007 Rodwell owned and operated a 7,000 acre cattle ranch in Kemmerer, Wyoming, with 1,000 Black Angus cows.

Victor H. Hanson II 1951, 1/7/22 (initiated Lambda)

Appalachian State–

Delta Psi

Dr. D. Wayne Whetsell 2009, 4/7/22

Lewis F. Robbins III 1986, 5/23/20


Gamma Epsilon

Benjamin Wolfe Davis 2020, 1/22/22

Arkansas State–

Delta Eta

Donald W. Liggett 1975, 5/23/22

MAJ Wright W. Matthews 1967, 8/11/22


Alpha Omicron

Charles J. Martin 1938, 7/20/20

Harvey L. Young 1950, 1/7/22


Henry L. Hood, Jr. 1947, 6/20/22

Hugh Farmer, Jr. 1974, 12/30/10

James Donald Lewter, Jr. 1976, 7/20/22

James L. Deupree, Jr. 1973, 8/1/22

John F. Watkins 1959, Robert D. Rigsby 1966, 8/5/22


Jerry L. Thornton 1968, 9/23/22

Raymond Myron Berry, Jr. 1985, 1/6/18

California-Los Angeles–Beta Psi

Charles A. Owen 1949, 8/11/21

Donald A. McCallum 1956, 7/1/22

Fratres Usque Ad Aram Fideles

California–Alpha Xi

Lester G. Sachs 1949, 4/19/22

Centenary–Alpha Iota

B. Jack Daniel 1952, 1/13/22

Charles E. Brown 1947, 6/13/22

James G. Waugh 1950, 6/2/12

Joseph Henry Stephens, Jr. 1940, 1/7/03

Lawrence M. Johnson 1957, 4/19/22

Roy Joe Abney 1943, 5/8/12

Citadel–Theta Commission

COL Harry Bancroft Limehouse, Jr. 2013, 2/3/22

Dr. Robert Hasselle Bowles 2019, 8/19/22

Jimmy Green 2014, 1/20/22

Clemson–Delta Omicron

James A. Buck 1970, 6/26/14

Paul Alexander Fellers 1978, 1/24/22


Allen I. Vance 1950, 10/2/22

Charles C. Hull 1951, 2/13/22

Shelbourne W. Wallace 1955, 2/9/22

Delaware–Beta Epsilon

John W. Slack 1957, 4/30/22

Richard C. Cecil 1949, 7/18/22

Robert C. Cofer 1947

Robert C. Schechinger 1948, 5/20/22

Delta State–Delta Beta Hon. Paul C. Artman, Jr. 1970, 12/28/21

Walter E. Lucas, Jr. 1973, 8/5/22

Drury–Beta Iota

Frank J. Linn 1949, 6/15/22

Duke–Alpha Phi

Andrew Hampton Frady, Jr. 1947, 5/1/22

Clay V. Ring, Jr. 1949, 11/16/18

Darrell B. Williams 1948, 3/27/21


Ronald M. Falls 1955, 1/23/22

Roy O. Rodwell, Jr. 1955, 10/19/22

East Carolina–

Gamma Rho

Raymond D. Perry 1965, 2/11/22

Robert Spencer Parker, Sr. 1970, 2/6/22

Eastern Kentucky–Delta


Barry W. Stoess 1971, 4/1/15


Richard Edward Hodges, Jr. 1947, 1/29/22 (initiated


Alvis J. Waite 1967, 1/16/22

Dr. Carter Smith, Jr. 1953, 8/23/22

Dr. William A. Davis III 1955, 8/27/22

W. Mizell Alexander 1964, 5/6/22

W. Ronald Jackson 1963

Willis L. Miller III, Esq. 1968, 5/7/22

Florida–Beta Zeta

Allen E. Arthur, Jr. 1951, 5/15/22

Dr. Mark M. Frost, MD 1967, 1/20/22

Dr. Robert Flake Chambliss, Jr. 1957, 5/28/22

James L. Ade 1951, 10/26/21

Michael A. Brannam, Sr. 1972, 9/14/22

Robert Emory Turner 1951, 8/8/22

Russell S. Bogue, Jr. 1950, 7/3/22

Walter H. Robinson, Jr. 1947

Florida Southern–

Gamma Pi

Dan A. Jenkins 1961, 11/16/20

Florida State–Epsilon

James Albert Parrott, II 1958, 5/8/22

Brett Creel 2019, 10/23/22

George A. Pierce, Jr. 1961, 8/17/09

Thomas R. King 1963, 10/25/10

William D. Coward 1957

Francis Marion–Delta Tau

Darryl S. May 1974, 4/30/22

John D. Waters 1978, 10/5/22

L. Franklin Elmore 1974, 12/28/21


James Marvin Starr, Sr. 1958, 7/25/22

Thomas H. Lynch 1959, 5/30/22

George Washington–Alpha Nu

Robert L. Tull 1947, 5/18/22

Hon. George Ross

Anderson, Jr. 1950, 12/1/20

Dr. Jack B. Witte 1944, 11/22/69 (Initiated Omicron)

Georgetown–Beta Delta

Christopher York

Flounlacker 2020, 1/2/22

Gene McWilliams 1964, 11/11/18

Logan T. Lanham 1955, 6/6/21

Richard C. Ward 1957, 8/4/09

Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma

Edward G. Martin 1948, 11/21/16

Joseph J. Cordova 1948, 1/24/22

Frank K. Bynum 1958, 1/14/22 (initiated Nu)


Dewey Arnau Bedingfield, Jr. 1951, 11/2/21

Carleton Smith Fuller 1961, 7/11/22

Crawford Brown Edwards, III 2017, 3/5/22

Timothy McBride Furlow, Jr. 1965, 8/12/22

William J. Salley 1960, 6/9/22

William Jesse Boswell, Jr. 1969, 5/7/22

William Waldo Bradley, Jr. 2001, 4/11/22

William Waldo Bradley, Sr. 1953, 4/11/22

Hampden-Sydney–Alpha Tau

LTC Edwin J. Andrews, Jr. 1951, 4/6/22

Robert C. Coleburn 1942

Thomas F. Williams, Jr. 1959, 10/21/21


J. Wirt Turner, Jr. 1935, 4/5/16 (initiated Beta Omicron)

David L. Thomas 1957, 4/28/22

Michael E. Masters 1969, 5/25/22

Hon. James C. Nicholson 1969, 1/16/22

W. Hunt Smock 1958, 1/29/22

William J. Donovan 1944, 6/4/19


Creighton B. Collins 1952, 7/4/01

Lambuth–Gamma Omicron Bennett Walker III 2007, 6/30/22

Louisiana State–Alpha Gamma

Henry Alfred Barham, III 1974, 9/9/22

Jules D. Hebert 1985, 8/10/22

Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha

Charles E. Andrews, III 1965, 5/11/22

Louisiana-Lafayette–Gamma Phi

Gary L. Hohenberger 1978, 1/15/22

Ronald P. LeBlanc 1962, 9/9/22

Roy A. Giangrosso 1961, 12/25/21

Louisiana-Monroe–Gamma Nu

Herschel A. Gentry 1956, 4/11/22

Rodney E. Allen 1982, 2/9/22

Louisville–Beta Omicron

William R. Burke 1948, 2/22/22

McNeese State–Delta Xi

John R. Morgan 1977, 3/19/22

Milton Milford 1983, 2/11/22

Memphis–Gamma Gamma

Dr. L. Brooks Hill 1962, 7/27/21

James L. Alexander, Jr. 1959, 11/27/20

Mercer–Alpha Alpha

Benjamin F. Harrison III 1951, 1/31/22

Benjamin L. Johnson 1954, 1/10/22

Dr. James H. Venable 1948, 2/7/21

Larry F. Dillard 1963, 2/4/22

William F. Roberts 1953, 2/23/22

Middle Tennessee State–Delta Lambda

Charles B. Formosa 1969, 12/27/21

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Dr. James Dupre Newsome, Jr. 1950, 7/16/20

Dr. Joseph T. Ainsworth 1936

Frank Davis Allen, Jr. 1956, 8/11/16

Maxwell Tilley McNabb 2011, 2/19/22

Mississippi State–Beta Tau

Dr. Reuel May, Jr. 1948, 3/27/22

John D. Divine 1994, 5/22/21

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon

Dr. William S. Cook 1950, 5/3/22

Gus A. Primos 1948, 8/10/22

Parker Blake Higdon, Jr. 1952, 8/8/22

Thomas Clifton LaBoone, Jr. 1983, 2/11/17

Wirt A. Yerger, Jr. 1949, 5/2/22

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

Fredrick N. Mendell 1967, 7/9/16

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

Alexander R. Cox 2007, 2/29/20

Guy E. Sesler 1999, 7/24/22

Jake Reed 2013, 3/8/22

Steven E. Shore 1972, 1/30/21

Missouri–Alpha Kappa

Robert H. McKee 1950, 2/23/22 (Alpha Delta)

Douglas Rice Adair 1954, 4/11/22

Gregory P. Westrich 2002, 7/21/22

Michael G. Jones 1962, 10/2/22

Ronald H. Bartlett 1963, 10/13/18

Walter L. Rehm 1963, 4/25/22

Sam Archibald Cobb, III 1935, 12/29/09 (initiated Xi)

Murray State–Delta Nu Dr. J. Timothy Sigman 1972, 2/20/21

William Gross Magee 1976, 8/31/22

New Mexico–Beta Phi

Rev. Norman W. Riebe 1947, 5/17/22

Robert P. Langford 1948, 5/18/21

Wray H. Query 1947, 3/10/88 (initiated Omicron)

Newberry–Delta Epsilon

William W. Ashburn III 1966, 12/30/21

North Carolina State–Alpha Omega

Harry H. Clendenin, III 1964, 8/26/22

J. Austin Edmondson 1958, 6/17/22

John S. Miller 1951, 9/1/22

Robert E. Hardaway, III 1948, 12/23/21

Robert H. Reynolds 1941, 12/26/12

Ronald Glenn Sherrill, Sr. 1967, 10/3/21

Russell H. Sherrill, Jr. 1947, 2/1/22

North Carolina–Upsilon Brandon W. Shreve 1965 Dr. John Lewis Fishel MD 1943, 10/29/20

Frank W. Saunders 1945, 7/13/17

Wayland Thomas Coppedge, III 1966, 9/8/22

North Texas–Gamma Lambda

Stephen M. Lassetter 1971, 11/22/16

Jack E. Barcus 1954, 11/28/21 (initiated Xi)

Northwestern State–Gamma Psi

Richard N. McElhatten, Jr. 1968, 3/5/22


Oklahoma City–

Gamma Kappa


Fratres Usque Ad Aram Fideles



Duff D. Cooke 1960, 2/15/22

Gary B. McCoy 1958, 6/15/22

Winston R. Kerchee 1961, 3/28/21

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

Albert Henry Moore, Jr. 1962, 3/5/22

Roy G. Harney, Jr. 1963, 7/18/22

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

COL William E. Lobit 1931, 4/30/07

Frantz C. Conrad, Jr. 1941, 4/13/13

John W. Black 1954, 3/10/20

Stephen E. Favors 1974, 11/3/20

Old Dominion–Delta Gamma

Donald L. Hundley 1971, 12/4/17

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

Benson C. Simmons 1968, 12/7/21

Charles G. Howard 1959, 3/15/22

George T. Stewart III 1986, 7/17/22

Patterson W. Brown 1963, 12/27/21

Ronnie Shaw Mixon, Jr. 1991, 1/24/22


Bobbie P. White 1949, 9/14/22

Ernest R. Bowler III 1960, 10/19/22


James Buren Aldredge, Jr. 1955, 10/15/22

Roanoke–Beta Rho

Kyle Rohweder 2017, 6/12/22

Rollins–Alpha Psi

Herbert P. Lefevre 1949, 6/2/19

John H. Buckwalter, III 1938, 6/19/06

Stephen W. Ward 1963, 9/27/22

Sam Houston State–Gamma Tau

Mark A. Cochran 1985, 7/14/22

Ronald R. Routzon 1978, 9/8/21

South Carolina–Rho

Dr. William F. Fairey 1948, 9/20/20

Duncan Featherstone

Breckenridge, Jr., CPA 1950, 11/16/19

James A. Cathcart III 1956, 4/10/22


Tilden Joseph Elliott, Jr. 2003, 1/25/22

Southern California–Beta Sigma

CDR James R. McClure USN (Ret.) 1947, 11/2/21

James W. O'Brien 1945, 8/12/22

William J. Arendt, Jr. 1943

Southern Methodist–Beta Lambda

Grady B. Lake, Jr. 1947, 3/12/06

James B. Cain 1941, 4/27/08

Loy B. Moore 1956, 2/10/22

Noble C. Cross 1950, Sidney L. Livingston 1946, 7/15/17

Southern Mississippi–Gamma Zeta

F. Emory Hammett 1959, 11/23/14

James M. Wood 2006, 5/22/12

Martin Joseph Noto 1951, 3/26/21

Scotty R. Rosetti 1960, 4/29/22

Stephen D. Fazio 1954, 11/26/18


Charles Ronald Gahagan 1955, 6/3/21

Emmett Carew Bean, Jr. 1947, 8/28/21

George F. Lawhorn 1949, 2/3/20

Robert A. Pennybacker 1949, 4/9/19

Thomas C. Clark 1951, 9/26/20

Stephen F. Austin State–Delta Kappa

Gary W. Jay 1971, 11/28/19

J. Michael Fralick 1972, 2/11/22

Tennessee-Martin–Delta Upsilon

David W. Frensley 1974, 4/18/22 (initiated Alpha Epsilon)

Brian K. Gillespie 1986, 10/31/21

LTC Scott A. Eagen 1977, 1/22/22


David Wendell Moon 1982, 2/26/22

Dr. Randall W. Crenshaw 1964, 4/16/22

James R. Pettit 1963, 12/29/21

Jones Webb 1947, 2/25/22

Bruce E. Franklin 1945, 8/5/20 (initiated Xi)

*Deceased list includes those reported through November 1, 2022.

Texas A&M-Commerce–Gamma Upsilon

Benny K. Hyde 1966, 6/12/22

Dr. Larry L. Walker 1960, 12/16/21

Floyd D. Holland 1967, 9/30/22

Gary L. Osborn 1966, 8/31/22

T. Thomas Treadway 1970, 12/13/21

Texas State–Epsilon Iota

Jeremy R. Safer 1999, 1/28/22

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi Charles D. Harris 1971, 1/11/22


Frank Joseph Bradley, Jr. 1950, 6/2/22 (initiated Beta Lambda)

Allyn S. Patrick 1953, 12/25/21

Charles Ray Sturman 1950, 9/5/20

Don S. Smith 1956, 7/3/20

Dr. Raymond Clyde Thompson 1948, 6/8/22

Dr. Richard J. Reed 1946, 5/7/21

Eric J. Weatherford 1991, 7/5/22

Harris S. Wood 1958, 1/4/21

James G. Tucker 1978, 2/5/22

John G. Minniece III 1952, 1/10/22

Joseph Gruy, Jr. 1949, 6/3/22

R. Marvin Womack 1954, 9/19/20

Richard B. Stone 1949, 8/24/21

W. Evans. Verkin II 1965, 1/2/21

William Barnett Chapman, Jr. 1956, 8/27/22

William J. Southwell III 1952, 7/6/22


Frank Grither Costley, Jr., CLU 1938, 10/23/22


Dr. William A. Weinrich 1951, 7/11/22

Jerry Q. Looper 1955, 6/1/22

William L. Wall 1961, 4/25/22

Univ. of the South–Alpha Alpha

Claude T. Sullivan 1962, 2/27/22

David H. Bell III 1942, 1/1/06

Dr. F. Ellison Conrad 1955, 9/6/21

James H. Grier 1973, 7/4/21

Lauriston H. Long 1956, 3/4/22


David L. Chastain 1960, 1/15/22

Dr. C. K. Meador 1949, 10/11/21

Thomas L. Davis 1966, 7/2/22

Virginia Tech–Epsilon Eta

Monte Keith Rife 1980, 12/21/21


Edwin Edison Gatewood, Jr. 1951, 12/29/21

Jovon Horton 1952, 12/26/21

VMI–Beta Commission

Horace Eugene Harrington, Jr. 1966, 1/17/22

LTC Mark W. Dick 1990, 9/5/22

LTC Paul D. Troxler 1961, 12/23/21

Wake Forest–Tau

Dr. Edwin Lee Adams, Sr. 1947, 7/24/22

Dr. John Irving Brooks, Jr. 1952, 1/12/19

Dr. Paul F. Williams 1948, 1/11/07

Washington & Lee–Alpha

Dr. Thomas N. Rains 1961, 3/24/22

Washington College–Beta Omega

Dr. James R. Wright 1947, 2/21/22

Washington–Alpha Eta

Kent B. Stoffel 1942

Washington Univ.–Beta Theta

Dr. Robert W. Kaps 1964, 1/26/21

George H. Friesen 1952, 4/12/22

Lawrence E. Germann

1956, 12/19/21

West Florida–Epsilon Sigma

John Baxter 2012, 1/26/22

West Texas A&M–Gamma Sigma

Bobby W. Barker 1963, 2/5/22

West Virginia Wesleyan–Beta Chi

Jefferson W. Manser 1955, 12/18/18

West Virginia–Alpha Rho

Eric L. Redifer 1965, 9/12/22

James B. Tepper 1993, 8/20/21

Western Carolina–Delta Alpha

Eric S. Bolick 1998, 6/3/22

LT John K. Layne 1966, 5/3/22

Maj Danny Phil Venable USMC (Ret.) 1969, 2/14/22

Westminster–Alpha Eta Randal D. Howland 1979, 8/4/22

William H. Jordan 1940, 1/29/22

William & Mary–Alpha Zeta

W. Thomas Eley 1954, 3/17/22

William Jewell–Alpha Delta

Alec Fister 2013, 1/12/22

Hon. Kenneth M. Romines 1963, 10/3/22

Wo ord–Delta

Peden Brown McLeod, Sr. 1959, 12/30/21

Samuel Alexander Cothran, Jr. 1964, 8/20/21

Perrin Quarles Dargan, Jr. 1957, 10/20/22 (initiated Sigma)



discharged as a Captain. During his service, he visited the chapter prior to the March 1943 Journal and was noted as, “at present one of the best non rst ieutenants in the US Medical corps.” He served as Adjacent of the 315 General Hospital, Batangas, the Philippine Islands, during the Japanese invasion and occupation.

Rufus C. “Buddy” Porter

(Beta Lambda–Southern Methodist ’38)

November 23, 1919– November 9, 2007

 Largest 1865 Trust /single-gift in KAOEF history

In 2022, the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation received its largest-ever single gift of $1MM+ ($1,097,547) from a charitable remainder trust established by Rufus C. “Buddy” Porter (Beta Lambda–Southern Methodist ’38). This gift was unrestricted and demonstrates the positive impact that estate giving can have, especially through the KAOEF’s 1865 Trust . Porter’s trust will eventually pay out more funds to its remainder beneficiaries including the KAOEF.

Porter graduated from Highland Park High School and SMU.

The November 1939 Journal reports that Porter is one of seven members in, “the most famous college swing band [clarinet, Mustang Band] in the nation.” The Journal also reports that in March 1940, he and another member, “deserve a lot of thanks for their swell work this year in social functions and rushing respectively. Buddy is just an entertainer at heart.”

In April or May 1920, he was elected Number I and one year later, in a Journal report of

May, 1941, the chapter sings the praises of his accomplishments, and likely the beginning of his business acumen: “ all current expenses were met and more than $800 was applied on back debts during brother Porter’s administration … winning two major campus political o ces p a in host to the Mikell [province] council, and maintenance of high scholastic record were other achievements.”

After graduation, he entered the U.S. Army in World War II as a private, and was honorably

After reentering civilian life he joined his father in the real estate business. His father had represented C. W. Snider, Wichita Falls oilman, in the development of Snider Plaza shopping center and had constructe the rst ui in in the center in 1927, which thereafter served as the home of Ralph A. Porter Company. Under Buddy's leadership, it became one of the most prominent real estate companies in the Park Cities. His majority interest in Snider Plaza eventually led to the remodeling of much of the Plaza. In 2007, the University Park City Council named the Fountain in the center of the Plaza the Rufus C. "Buddy" Porter Fountain. Buddy served as President of the Greater Dallas Board of Realtors and Director of the Texas Association of Realtors. He served as an adjunct professor of real estate at SMU for twenty years. Additionally, Buddy supported, among others, Highland Park United Methodist Church and the C.C. Young retirement home at White Rock Lake.

You may be interested in leaving a legacy to the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation by making a planned gift through your estate. There are a variety of planned giving options available and we will be happy to work with you in selecting the option that has the most benefit to you and your family. The 1865 Trust is the most celebrated estate planning program in the entire fraternity world.

Other ways to

Support the KAOEF & Kappa Alpha Order

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Crimson & Gold Society w ww.KAcrimson andgold.com

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Ensuring the future of Kappa Alpha Order


Donation In Memory of:

Dr. John M. Aden by Gareth S. Aden

Dr. Paul J. Andrisani by Eugene M. Julian

Morgan Rawls Arden, Jr. by J. Ed Magruder

Guy C. Arnall by Harry Gilbert Haisten, Jr.

Douglas M. Arnold by Gail E. King

Wayland Wayne Brune by J. Stephen Atkins

James Arthur Buck by Frampton Province

Court Of Honor

Allen L. Burrell by Eddie S. Wilson

Dr. James Thomas Burriss by Frampton Province

Court Of Honor

Dr. Benjamin Donaldson

Buster by Matthew D. Taccone

Stephen A. Comeaux by Malcolm L. Comeaux

John Leonard Cone, Jr. by J. Ed Magruder

David Clark Cottrell, Sr. by Robert M. Bouse

William D. Coward by Thomas L. Clarke, Jr.

Ray LaDon Cox, Jr. by Russell C. Brown

Eugene P. Craddock by Steven C. Craddock

As early as 1952, the former “Kappa Alpha Scholarship Fund” was promoted with the following quote from Councilor Vernon H. McCall (Xi–Southwestern 1911):

“Flowers are a beautiful conveyance of love and sympathy, but wither. Love and sympathy expressed through our scholarship fund, is life.”

Today, the Kappa Alpha Order Education Foundation’s recognition program receives tax-deductible donations “In Honor” or “In Memory” of anyone and from anyone. Generally, one brother makes a donation in honor of a brother or group and designates it to recognize friendship, achievement, or signi cance; or one may make a donation in memory of a beloved brother, in lieu of owers or some other recognition.

Gifts count toward a member’s annual giving level and typically are unrestricted (but not required).

Special notice is sent to the honoree or the family of the deceased brother, and those are then able to send a prepared thank you note back to the donor, creating a sincere and deserved system of recognition and thanks.

Make your tribute at KAOEF.org/donate

Hon. Paul C. Artman, Jr. by George D. Bassi

Ben W. Satcher, Jr.

Gregory R. Singleton

Eddie S. Wilson

William W. Ashburn III by Frampton Province Court Of Honor

Bradley D. Ashford by Mark D. Varwig

Dr. Frank V. Barchard by Marc Allan Scott

Donald E. Barnhill by Curtis Arnold Smith

COL John G. Barrett by David H. Kennedy

John Walton Barton, Sr. by John Walton Barton, Jr.

John P. Bean by Kappa Alpha Order Alumni

Robert S. Bell by Bruce L. Hudson

Jake M. Bellipanni Jr. by Eddie S. Wilson

Stephen H. Bias by COL Philip Kenneth Miller USA (Ret.)

William J. Boswell Jr. by Malcolm H. Liles

Raymond B. Bottom Jr. by James R. Foster

COL George M. Brooke III by COL Douglas H. Mills

COL George Mercer Brooke, Jr. by David H. Kennedy

D. Melson Butler by Timothy Killen Adams, Sr.

Frank K. Bynum by John R. Rowe, Jr.

1LT Patrick Palmer Calhoun by William E. Robinson III

CAPT Andrew M. Campbell by Jesse Christopher Craven

Dr. C. Blaine Carpenter by Franklin T. Brackman

Don R. Castleman by Dan H. Akin

Richard Carlisle Cecil by Larry Stanton Wiese Gamma Omicron

Deceased by CDR Parker H. Dinwiddie, Jr.

William Keley Chastain by Kappa Alpha Order Alumni

Roger K. Childers by COL Philip Kenneth Miller USA (Ret.)

Julian Wythe Whiting Chisman, Jr. by Carlton W. Baker

James Thomas Clack by Dan M. Shive

Merritt R. Clements, Jr. by Dr. Arthur S. Clements

Robert F. Cochram, Jr. by Michael F. Milligan

G. Wood n Cole by Robert Long Stewart, Jr.

Kendall A. Crill by Dan H. Akin

George T. Cromwell Jr. by Mrs. Barbara T. Cromwell

B. Jack Daniel by Ms. Bennette Daniel Dr. William A. Davis III by Timothy Killen Adams, Sr.

Joel Dean by Kappa Alpha Order Alumni

LTC Mark W. Dick by Timothy Killen Adams, Sr.

Joseph Allen, Jr

James DeBergh

Mrs. Karen Dick

Raynor Garey

John Green

Quill O. Healey II

Bret Hrbek

Foxfield Races LLC

Aaron D. Masey

SGM E. Kent


C. Frederick


Barney L. Ottinger

LTC R. Daren Payne

Michael D. Samborsky

Ms. Marcie Sirbaugh

COL Michael W. Smith

Mrs. Carole Taylor

Ms. Ursula S Williams

Robert Lee Dickey, II by Timothy Killen

Adams, Sr.

Robert H. Wall


Dr. J. Patrick Dilworth by George P. Apperson III, PhD

A. King Dixon II by Arthur Frazier McLean III

Mrs. Linda Hill Dreyer by Russell C. Brown

William E. Dreyer

CPT Ronald C. Plunkett

Eugene Cox Dunwody by Matthew J. Rose

Anton Vance Dworak by Matthew J. Jewell

James M. Dye by James Madison Dye, Jr.

LTC Scott A. Eagen by MAJ George Scott Morris Esq.

Andrew R. Eickho Jr. by J. Michael Duncan

Thomas W. Eiserhardt by Fred W. Faircloth III

William Thomas Eley by William A. Armbruster

Miles Racey

Orndorff, Jr.

Branan Raleigh Elliott by Raleigh T. Elliott

Hugh Arnold Farmer, Jr. by Hugh A. Farmer III

Hugh Arnold Farmer, Sr. by Hugh A. Farmer III

Bensley H. L. Field by William A. Armbruster

Curtis Lenwood

Dozier, Jr.

Mrs. Barbara H Hager

Ms. Sally K. Holzapfel

Harry Ogburn Fishel, Jr. by Mrs. Grace J. Fishel

Laurence Hamilton Flanigan by Hon. Thomas C.


William E. Forester

by Michael S. Henderson

Dr. Idris Rhea

Traylor, Jr.

W. Julian Foy by Michael S. Henderson

In Memory. In Honor.

William Kyle Frasure by Ms. Madyson Harris Martin Alexander Knight, III

Michael Dexter Lowery

James Walker Fulton, Jr. by F. David Burgess

Timothy McBride Furlow Jr.

by Hon. George B. Hooks

Richard Conrad Gamble by Bruce Armistead Smathers, Jr.

Richard Carlton Garner by Gary Allen Brown, Jr.

Joel A. Gensler by COL Philip Kenneth Miller USA (Ret.)

Robert Brandsford Glenn, Jr. by Robert B. Glenn, Jr.

David C. Wadlington

Eddie S. Wilson

Justin Mays Goode by Michael G. Geoffroy

James Henry Goodwin by Hal Roach, Jr.

BG Jimmy Lee Green by CPT Ronald C. Plunkett

Carlos Barrett Greer, Jr. by Raymond J. Steiner DDS

Charles B. Gri n, III

by John M. Griffin

COL W. Benjamin Grimes III

by Thomas B. Hogan III

David Taylor Hagood

by William Zimmerman Cannon

Gordon H. Harris Esq.

by Samuel O. Leake, Jr.

Dr. James Elbert Hedrick, Jr.

by J. Asa Banks III

George R. Heine II

by John R. Rowe, Jr.

Dr. Lawrence E. Heiskell

by Patrick K. Moore

Dr. Michael R. Henderson

by Edward Thomas Hurdle

Michael Robert Henderson by David M. Graham

Hunter W. Henry Jr. by Dr. Jason Lee PhD

David Pitts Hewitt by Batson L. Hewitt

Craig Gerald Hiscott by Rex A. Friedman

Carroll F. Ho man by Carl W. Bragg

Hon. H. Robert Hohenberger, Jr. by Larry Stanton Wiese

James E. Hooks by Mrs. Rosann F. Hooks

J. Edgar Hoover by Robert Lee Fricke

Dr. James W. Hortman by Donald O. Davis

Malcolm H. Liles

Norman George Houston III by John C. Funderburk III

Stewart M. Huey by John R. Rowe, Jr.

Kurt William Iversen by Joseph M. Spivey IV

Jay Ralph Jacobs by Wade M. McManus

J. Thomas Jenkins by Reuben M. Harris

Jerry Kevin Johnson by Quentin D. Hanna

Archie Stobo Jones by Edwin Randall Jones

Edward Franklin Keller by LTC John W. Bauder (Ret)

Dylan Michael Kellogg by Aristeo Skyy Ruiz

William Oliver King by COL Walter Middelton Fitts, Sr.

Robert W. Klein by Rex A. Friedman

Roy Alan Lake by Harry R. Tishler

Chip Lee by Charles L. Wallace

Robert E. Lee by Dr. Gerald Crain Burnett MD

James J. Lilly by Ben E. Lilly

COL Harry Bancroft Limehouse, Jr. by CPT Ronald C. Plunkett

Ralph Louis Lincoln, III by John N. VanderSyde

James R. Lowe by Merck Foundation

Paul S. Lynch by Gust Edwin Johnson, Jr.

Thomas Hinton Lynch by Kappa Alpha Order


LTC John R. Cassady II (Ret)

Frampton Province

Court Of Honor

Robert W. Hagan

Mrs. Gwyn W. Smith

COL Larry Wayne Madden (Ret) by LTC John W. Bauder (Ret)

Philip E. Marshall by Jeffrey H. Atwater

Mr. & Mrs. H.S. Massey, Sr. by Andrew Van Pittman

William E. Mathews III by William Edgar Mathews, Jr.

Mario Fernando Mayorga by David Slade Ransdell

George Spruce McCain by Frampton Province

Court Of Honor

Gary Boddie McCoy by Blake E. Benney

Charles C. Caldwell

Tony Caliendo

Andrew P. Carr

Ms. Hefina Greensted

Keith C. Keister

Steve C. Knight

Donald R. Lisle, Esq.

Ms. Robin McCoy

Dr. Virgil D. Medlin

Ms. Andrea Scott

Dr. Idris Rhea

Traylor, Jr.

Sean James McKnight by Robert William Hopkins, II

Peden Brown McLeod Sr. by Frampton Province Court Of Honor

Robert J. Middleton, Jr. by John C. Funderburk III

John Stephen Miller by Philip H. King

Thomas N. Mills by Curtis Arnold Smith

Albert H. Moore Jr. by MAJ Charles A. Bertalot

Samuel O. Leake, Jr. Charles Travis Moore by Ms. Pamela Beaugrand

Southeastern Freight Operations

Charles Shealy

Ms. Beth Worth

Loy B. Moore by Citizens National Bank

James S. Blewett

Barry B. Donnell

Randle T. Moore, III

Roy Eugene Prestwood CPA

Dr. Thomas Henry Moseley, Sr. by Dr. Thomas Henry Moseley, Jr.

James Michael Nifong by Steven M. Rosenbloom

Robert Dale Norris by William Joel Ernst III

Rex A. Friedman

Geremiah Anthony Olvera

by Damian Chad Doolittle

Grover C. Outland Jr. by Grover C. Outland III

Howard Alan Palmer by Matthew J. Jewell

Julian A. Pardini by J. Michael Duncan

William H. Parham Jr. by Duane Ernest Thompson, III

James Albert Parrott, II by Timothy Killen Adams, Sr.

James M. Payne, Jr. by S. Lathan Roddey III

Tony G. Perot by Ethan J. Bush


Harold Dwane Petrie

by Judge James Granville Adams, Jr.

Dr. Ovid W. Pierce Jr.

by Joseph W. Pegram

R. Randolph Reid

Ronald K. Poarch

by James M. Patterson III

Dr Monroe Jackson Rathbone, Jr.

by Stephen Lyons McCord, Jr.

James Robert Reigle

by John W. Simpson

J. Guy Revelle Jr.

by Hon. David M. Warren

Samuel M. Rice

by MG Frank M. Rice

Robert D. Rigsby by Wright Williams Bagby, Jr.

Hon. George B. Hooks

James K. Worthey

Tilden Frederick Riley, III

by Dr. John E. Ross III, DMD

James H. Rivers

by David L. Batt

William Bryan Roehrig III

by Dr. John Quinton Mantooth

Hon. Kenneth M. Romines

by Mrs. Julie Stevens

Regan Hungerford


by Robert H. Wall

LT George Thomas Wood IV

Lloyd C. Runnels Jr.

by Larry C. Hebert

Steven E. Russell

by Joseph C. Jacobi

LTC Bryce C. Ruth, Jr.

by James Walter Wood, Jr.

Todd Michael Saha

by Mark P. Yablon

Ruben M. Santos

by Stephen C. Daugherty

Lane Edsel Shockley

by Robert W. Lukens

Dr. J. Timothy Sigman

by Ms. Faye M Sigman

Dr. Carter Smith Jr.

by Timothy Killen Adams, Sr.

Je rey K. Smith

by Gregory R. Singleton

Edward Starr, Jr. by Larry Stanton Wiese

Steven M. Steele by Eddie S. Wilson

Barry W. Stoess by Lee G. Martin

Douglas C. Stone by Joseph M. Evangelisti

Jacob West Summers, IV by Calhoun Lemon Kennedy, Jr.

Randolph Kent

Liggitt, Sr. Ms. Freda S. Summers

COL Howard T. Taylor EdD by Gregory G. Taylor

Thomas R. Tedcastle

by Edward G. Sullivan, Esq.

Briar Justin Terrebone by David G. Aston

William Christian

Thalheim by Mark A. Thalheim

David L. Thomas by Ms. Carolyn T. Thomas

Jerry Laurence

Thornton by John Milton Coxwell, Jr.

William John Nelson Coxwell

Thorborn Ross Tolleson, Jr.

by David Paschal Muse, Jr. Terrell Draper Watson, Sr.

John E. Toncray by Scott E. Toncray

Sam G. Tsagalakis by Mark D. Tsagalakis

Lee Herbert Tunis by Donald M. Williams

Irby Turner III

by Stanley J. Viner

Allen I. Vance by Larry Stanton Wiese

Gordon Saussy

“Batman” Varnedoe

by Samuel O. Leake, Jr.

Dr. James M. Tallman, MD

Ben Walker III by Larry Stanton Wiese

William L. Wall

by MAJ Charles A. Bertalot

Augustus Kinard Walters by John C. Funderburk III

Alexandria Scottsville Ward Jr. by James B. Hichak

Mrs. Dawne Shaw

Watson by Terrell Draper Watson, Sr.

Donald Woodford

Webb, Sr. by Donald Woodford Webb, Jr.

Dr. William Arthur Weinrich

by H. David Pinson

Larry Stanton Wiese

Dr. D. Wayne Whetsell by Stuart F. Whetsell

Eddie S. Wilson

Dr. Paul F. Williams by Dr. Charles Howard Duckett MD

Joseph B. Williams by Cecil Langdon Cheves, Jr.

Ms. Lorene Willow by L. Blair Bailey

Brent W. Fellows

Darren S. Kay

Dwain P. Knight

Steve C. Knight

Jesse S. Lyons

Mrs. Brianne A. Tillotson

Paul T. Wilson by Eddie S. Wilson

Richard Baxter Wilson, Jr.

by Joseph T. Getz

Michael W. Lee

Dr. Robert C. Wimberly Jr. by Frampton Province Court Of Honor

Raleigh L. Wolfe

by MAJ Charles A. Bertalot

James Baxter Wood

by Charles Craig Phillips, Jr. James F. Wood

William Arthur Wood by Russell C. Brown

Harry S. Zepatos Jr. by Dr Joe Wade Hunt MD

John E. Pfeiffer

Bill Person by Miles Racey Orndorff, Jr.

Embry (BZ) Brothers from Quincy Fla. by Andrew Van Pittman

Larry's Blackberry

by Daniel Richard Amato, Jr.

Ms. Mildred Caswell Marion by Eddie S. Wilson

Donation In Honor of:

1LT Houston Lee Tarwater by Paul H. Tarwater

All Brothers by Walter Phillip Burgess

Alpha Kappa Chapter

-Chartering by James R. Estes, Sr. James Robnett Estes, Jr. Stephen Joseph Sacco

Alpha Sigma Chapter

-Pledge Class 1980 by Charles R. Haley

Beta Sigma ChapterChartering by Red Cavaney CAE Dr. Joseph S. Dossen DDS

Bob Morris' Daughter Beverly by Gil Ira Hayes

Brothers who have served in US Armed Forces by Matthew R. Malone

CDR Frank Joseph Weisser, III by Grover C. Outland III

COL John Walker Haynes, USAF (Ret.) by Terry Max Baggett, Jr.

CPT Robert J. Williams by Thomas E. Williams

Delta Delta ChapterLocal Chapter Founders by Thomas E. Williams

Delta Mu Chapter by Gary J. Fassler

Delta Pi-Barry by Patrick A. Law

COL Edward E. Turski III (Ret.)

Delta Pi Chapter by Montee Allan Sneed CFP

Delta Pi Chapter - 50 years at MSSU by Dr. Chad E. Wagoner

Dr William John OShaughnessey Jr by Timothy Killen Adams, Sr.

Dr. Culver Carter Craddock by Steven C. Craddock

Dr. Dawn Watkins Wiese by Dr. Rob Havers

Dr. Garry L. Nall by Donald R. Houchin

M. Greg Reynolds

Dr. Idris Rhea Traylor Jr., PhD by James W. Beavers, III

Gamma Chi Chapter

Charles C. Chesser CPA

J. Michael Duncan

James C. Echols, III

Benny E. Edwards

John T. Hamilton

Daniel T. Hollenbach

Joseph C. Jacobi

Jeffrey W. Love

Larry D. Meyers

Gary T. Scott

Marc Allan Scott

Paul H. Tarwater

Dr. James Michael Schmuck by Tullis Beasley Dr. Rob Havers

Dr. James W. Hortman by Richard B. Liles

Dr. Joel Alan Nickles by Curtis Arnold Smith

Dr. John Michael Wells, Sr. by Matthew D. Taccone

Dr. Marlon Ladell Gibson by James E. Boyer

Matthew B. Canada

Dr. Michael B. Knight DDS by Curtis Arnold Smith

Dr. Shellie Hanna by Evan M. Hanna

E. Fleming Mason Memorial Insternship Program by Brent H. Arant

Epsilon Xi Chapter by Ms. Danielle Cook

Joshua Liess

Gamma Gamma Chapter-Alumni Brothers by Gregory R. Singleton

Gamma Nu Chapter by Edgar C. Carter

Julian Pardini by J. Michael Duncan

Kappa Alpha Order National Sta by Stuart F. Whetsell

LTC Mark W. Dick by Larry Stanton Wiese


MAJ Adam Corey

Nickelson by Michael C. Helin

Aaron Blake Ball by Jeffrey W. Love

Kelvin E. Rutledge

Gregory R. Singleton

Aaron Clay Cauble by D. Mitchell Sheaffer

Aaron Daniel Masey by Cooper Carroll

Andrew Philip Carr by Mrs. Laura Carr

August Todd Rocconi by Robert E. Canterbury

Benjamin W. Satcher, Jr. by George P. Apperson III, PhD

MJ Beach

Mrs. Andrea Bechtel

Ms. Julie C. Burkhard

Tom Carter

Ms. Donna Chereck

Mrs. Laurie Connor

Tom Decker

Ms. Kitty L. DeKieffer

Michael Greenberg

Ms. Kathi Heatherly

Patrick Jessee

Ms. Carole Jones

Marc Katz

Ms. Caroline Lazzara

Mrs. Sarah C. Lindsay

Rex Martin

Michael Mayer

Jamie Jones Miller

Kevin M. O'Neill

Ms. Jean M. Mrasek

Toby Roth

Mrs. Judy Schmuck

Ms. Donna Stallard

Ms. Cindy H. Stellhorn

Brian Curtis Vincent

Ms. Jennifer P. Webb

Stuart F. Whetsell

Bill Ambrose by Donald R. Houchin

Blaine Thomas Feaster by Mrs. Claudia Feaster

Brady Allen

Westmoreland by Allen G. Westmoreland

Brent Everett Buswell by Evan M. Hanna

Brickford Y. Brown by Dr. Idris Rhea Traylor, Jr.

C. Ivan Munroe Jr. by Mrs. Rosann F. Hooks

C. Shannon DeVaney by Curtis Arnold Smith


In Memory. In Honor.

Casey James White by James R. White

Charles Marvin Thomas by R. Clark Pearson

Chris L. Clutter by John C. Houeye

Clarence Wilbur Warner, Jr. by Clarence Wilbur Warner, Jr.

C. Douglas Simmons, III by J. Michael Duncan

H. David Pinson

Collin B. Taylor

Eddie S. Wilson

Cuyler Cousins Lawrence by Curtis Arnold Smith

Dale L. Ferber by Dr. H. Tom Williams

Daniel Keith McAfee

by Dr. Idris Rhea Traylor, Jr.

Darren S. Kay by Dr. James M. Schmuck

David Foster Edwards by David C. Edwards

David Tullis Beasley

by Stephen J. LaFollette

Davis Myers Newman by J. West Summers III & Mrs. Liz Summers

Derick S. Close by David Blair Hagan CCIM, SIOR

E. Fleming Mason by CPT. William J. Coward, III

E. Preston Pritchett IV by Stephen J. LaFollette

Edward David Coombs by Robert E. Kiley

Erik T. Showalter

by James R. Foster

Eugene B. Grant Jr., PE by Lucius H. Bracey, Jr.

Evan Michael Hanna by Brent E. Buswell

Erik T. Showalter

Garrison Newman Reed by Ms. Suzanne Reed

George Bailey Pickett, Jr.

by James N. C. Moffat III

Hugo Atlas Pearce, III by Dr. Raymond D. Hesse, Jr.

Hunter Christian Jones by Steven Lee Gros

Isaac Dalton Sloan by Brent E. Buswell

Jack Edwards by David C. Edwards

Jack K. Arrington, Jr. by Curtis Arnold Smith

Jack Stephen Shaw by Mrs. Laura Shaw

Jacob Alexander Seay by Ms. Mary Bennett

Mrs. Lydia Wroth

Jacob H. Wamsley II

by CPT Jacob H. Wamsley, III

James Benson Cornett by William B. Cornett

James Carrington Coles by William Patton Coles, IV

James H. Thompson, Jr. by Tom J. Lipsey

James Leroy McCarley by Dr. Idris Rhea Traylor, Jr.

James Michael Duncan by Tom J. Lipsey

Eddie S. Wilson

James Murray Underwood, Jr. by James N. C. Moffat III

James R. Quinn by Curtis Arnold Smith

James Robnett Estes, Sr.

by Kevin M. O'Neill

Hon. David M. Warren

James W. Beavers, III by Curtis Arnold Smith

James Wesley Davidson, Jr. by James W. Davidson

Jarrod M. Krisilo by Tanner L. Gellinger

Jesse Samuel Lyons by Stuart F. Whetsell

LTC John Joseph Wranek, III

John William Brooks by Mark A. Clippard

John Woody Cornwell by Dr. Raymond D. Hesse, Jr.

Johnnie Roy Weaver by Curtis Arnold Smith

Jon Crosby Turner by Joseph T. Getz

James J. Rester

King V. Aiken Jr. by Tullis Beasley

Larry Stanton Wiese by George P. Apperson III, PhD

Christopher B. Churchill

James R. Foster

Dr. Rob Havers

Kevin M. O'Neill

Eugene Sullivan

Stuart F. Whetsell

LTC John Joseph Wranek, III

Leland Grant Close, III by Dr. Paul Dominic Kountz, Jr.

Locke Wilson Smith Jr. by Robert A. Byrd, Jr.

Loren Que Hanson by J. Michael Duncan

Martin Alexander Knight, III by Ms. Lauren Holley

Matthew Freeman Rose by Matthew J. Rose

Michael Paul Wilson by Kevin M. O'Neill

Miller M. Loosier by Dale W. Polley

Murray Leon Fulmer by Dr. Ronald Calhoun Fulmer

Patrick C. Fant III by J. West Summers III & Mrs. Liz Summers

Quentin D. Hanna by Evan M. Hanna

Raymond Randolph Beard by Dr. Idris Rhea Traylor, Jr.

Richard A. Barnes by Herschel Lynn Greer, Jr.

Dr. Idris Rhea Traylor, Jr.

Richard A. Murray by Hal Roach, Jr.

Robert Pierce Summers by J. West Summers III & Mrs. Liz Summers

Roger I. Ingle by Dr. Idris Rhea Traylor, Jr.

Samuel Gri n Cole, III by James N. C. Moffat III

Stephen Jerome LaFollette by Tullis Beasley

Steven Andrew Miller by Dale W. Polley

Steven E. Dobbs by Curtis Arnold Smith

Terry L. Henderson by Curtis Arnold Smith

Terry V. Webb by Hal Roach, Jr.

Thomas E. Gibbs by Daniel Richard Amato, Jr.

Thomas Henry Ellstrom by MAJ Melbourne H. Pridgen

Thomas L. Crabb, Jr. by Dr. Idris Rhea Traylor, Jr.

Thomas Michael McDonald by Rebel R. Walters

Thomas N. Whitehead by Paul R. Burns, Sr.

Timothy W. Volpe by Daniel Richard Amato, Jr.

Warren Edward Schaumburg by Robert D. Schaumburg

Wesley Stanford Morgan by Malcolm H. Liles

William E. Dreyer by Paul H. Darr III

Willis Linton

Miller, III Esq. by Dr. James M. Tallman, MD

Mrs. April LaFollette by Tullis Beasley

Mrs. Donna Duncan by J. Michael Duncan

Mrs. Judith Schmuck by Tullis Beasley

Dr. Rob Havers

Patrick Cleburne Fant IV by J. West Summers III & Mrs. Liz Summers

SGM Eric Kent McMichael by Dr. David A. Ellington, MD

Tau Chapter - Friends and Deceased by Dan Frederick Stewart, Jr.

Theta Chapter by COL Philip Kenneth Miller USA (Ret.)

Zeta Lodge Institute by Carlton W. Baker


Family and Friends First for Junior Walk-on QB

All around the country, Jackson Muschamp (Gamma-Georgia '20) has lived. College towns and even an NFL city, Jackson and his family have moved place to place for two things, football and their family. While this young kid spent his entire life in a locker room or on the eld, the pigskin remained glued to Jackson’s hands, no matter the town he was living in. Now, as a junior in college, Jackson nds himself in Athens with his dad Will Muschamp (Gamma-Georgia '20) as his coach, the rest of his family, friends, a national championship and, yes, football.

From a young age, Jackson knew he wanted to play ball in college. Surrounded by coaches, players and,

of course, his dad, Jackson had a great support sta to get him to that level. These mentors coached and taught him throughout his childhood while his dad’s players were role models to Jackson. Eventually, as Coach Muschamp took the South Carolina head coaching job, Jackson moved to Columbia with his family and enrolled at Hammond High School.

Being around football paid o as Jackson and the Skyhawks went on to win three state titles. Jackson’s winnings also earned him attention from some bigger schools at the next level. With o ers from Colorado State and Boston College, he considered the opportunity to play at either one of the schools, but the Red and Black, his dad’s

Originally published on September 3, 2022 on bulldawgillustrated.com

alma mater, our beloved institution, the University of Georgia came around with a preferred walk-on o er, and to Athens, he came.

“Athens embraced me with open arms,” Jackson said. “Even with my dad still coaching at South Carolina, the people around me still made me feel like I was home.”

Following Jackson’s freshman season, the opportunity for Coach Muschamp to return to Athens became a reality and the father-son duo was reunited. Despite coaching for conference rivals like Florida and Auburn, Jackson said, after putting on the Red and Black, my dad and my family were welcomed back to the


Athens family once again.

With two years under his belt, a national championship and a ring to show for it, Jackson still has to face the everyday grind on and o the eld of being a student athlete. Between football, class and a social life, Jackson’s plate is pretty full, but with the help of coaches, football sta and the faculty, his busy schedule is easier to manage than one might think.

“Everything we do is intentional and thought out,” Jackson said. “The di erence between college and high school football is the organization. In college, practice, meals, classes, etc. are all structured for us to succeed. They ultimately want us to maximize our time for everything and help us accomplish the goals we have set.”

To be one of the best programs in the country, the players must be set up for success, like Jackson said, and there is no better success story than Jackson’s position group, the quarterbacks. In the quarterback room at UGA, there are walk-ons and ve stars, but Jackson said their brotherhood, their comradery is unlike anything else. They push each other to get better but are best friends through it all.

The former walk-on, sixth-year senior Stetson Bennett leads that group, a guy who took his opportunity and won this football program its rst national title in 41 years. The mutual respect among Jackson and the rest of the QBs is of the highest and Jackson could not say enough about Stetson and the rest of the guys in the room. “We’re ride or die with Stetson,” Jackson said. “We’re all behind him and supporting him, and we think he can win us another title.”

Though Jackson has a great fraternity of brothers on the football team, he is also a member of the Kappa

Alpha Order here on campus where he stays in touch with his friends o the eld. “It’s important to me that I still have a social life while playing football and going to class,” he said. “I want to form and keep relationships with people all around this campus, so it’s important to me that I get out and meet people and hang out with my friends and family.” While Jackson holds football

near and dear to his heart, he keeps his friends and family closer.

Back on the eld, the Dawgs still sit atop the mountain of college football as the national champions, Jackson noted that it still takes the grind to repeat. “Coach Smart keeps telling us, ‘We have the talent to beat anyone in the country, it just depends on what we do with that talent,’” Jackson said. “We know it is going to be tough if we want to win it all again. We just have to put our minds to it and grind everyday on and o the eld.”

The hardworking Jackson is set for big things ahead in his life. With a last name that means royalty in college football and a current studentathlete at a national championship school, Jackson’s resumé is pretty stout; however, the young, humble kid born in Baton Rouge doesn’t let his head grow to the magnitude of his name and status. He stays down to earth, grinds at everything he works for, but most of all, he always keeps his family and friends rst.

Your KA Scoreboard


Social Anxiety In College: It’s More Common Than You Think

Social anxiety in college is surprisingly common. Research indicates that 44% of college students1 experience moderateto-severe anxiety, and that’s just the percentage who report it. Without e ective coping strategies, social anxiety can progress into generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). While this condition is increasing on campuses across the country, there are several ways to alleviate and cope with its symptoms.

Social Anxiety in College

Many feel uneasy engaging in public speaking, delivering a lecture or presentation, or going to a big party. If you have social anxiety, though, you might constantly worry about being embarrassed, humiliated, or rejected, or find it difficult to relax in social settings.

So much of college life is based on interacting with peers, professors, and others. Students with social anxiety can have a hard time accomplishing tasks that some consider integral to the college experience, like:

• Speaking with professors

• Delivering presentations

• Going out and enjoying nightlife

• Making new friends

• Going on dates

That being said, social anxiety is a highly treatable condition, and there are several ways to reduce and manage your symptoms while becoming more confident around others.


44% Percentage of college students1 who experience moderate-to-severe anxiety

E ective Coping Strategies


Accomplish one small goal each week to start. Say hi to the person next to you in class. Focus on being a quiet and curious listener. Ask thoughtful, openended questions. Ask a roommate if they want to form a study group.


Most campuses have a mental health or wellness center that offers therapy and other resources to students. Therapy for students is typically shortterm and can be either fee-based or free.


Social anxiety is commonly treated with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT),² which involves sharing techniques you can use in daily life to feel more comfortable. Therapy with a licensed provider can be online or in-person.


Medications like SSRIs and benzodiazepines are used to treat social anxiety in certain cases. Your medical provider may recommend them if your symptoms are severe and frequent.


Support groups can be a safe space for college students living with social anxiety. These are often small groups led by mental health professionals.

Final Remarks

Social anxiety in college can be a challenge, but treatment is often highly successful. With proper diagnosis and treatment, your chances of having a fulfilling college experience are high.

Stay focused on your goals, live in the moment, and become aware of your thoughts and feelings as you grow into the person you were born to be.


¹ Lee, J., Jeong, H. J., & Kim, S. (2021). Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Among Undergraduate Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic and their Use of Mental Health Services. Innovative higher education, 1–20. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10755-021-09552-y

² U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Mental Health. (2022). Social Anxiety Disorder: More Than Just Shyness. (NIH Publication No. 22-MH-8083). Bethesda, MD: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Once the COVID-19 pandemic became a reality, members and all college students were forced to learn di erently, interact with friends and family di erently, and in many cases, live di erently from day to day. The Order provided many resources to our chapters, including virtual chapter visits and crucial leadership training for chapter o cers to help them navigate chapter issues that were not even contemplated mere months ago. But, with mental health issues on the rise (particularly among college students), every brother of Kappa Alpha continued to have free access to support through the Talkspace app. The support of alumni to the KAOEF made these resources possible.

About Talkspace

Talkspace offers online therapy (text/voice/video) that’s flexible and convenient, taking place in the privacy and comfort of wherever you choose. Therapists are licensed and trained to help people of any age navigate social anxiety and major life changes.

In 2018, the Order partnered with Talkspace to provide private and professional counseling and support to our undergraduate members when and where they need it.
SPRING 2023 | THE KAPPA ALPHA JOURNAL 99 Values in Action


What took you to Washington & Lee University in 1954?

My dad’s father, my granddad [Dannite H. Mays], was there [then Washington College] when Lee was president [1866–1870]. And that’s how my dad urged me to go. He didn’t go, but he really wanted me to go. So, we have a long lineage with WLU.

We’re told you’re the founder of a very signi cant law rm.

Well, that’s a wonderful statement, and I’d say I was <laughter>, maybe second tier.

become combat arms qualified at Fort Knox, and I said, “what do you think artillery is?”

You had a long career with the same rm. What was some signi cant work you performed?

I had 57 years with the firm when I retired. It was “small town living” in Lakeland, but it was a practice like

and complex deals. I worked on deals with Occidental Petroleum who was deep into the phosphate industry internationally. In the latter part of my career, I created the firms public finance department. We’d assist state and local government in financing improvements through tax exempt bonds, such as the Orlando Aviation Authority to help construct the airport building and the Tampa Aviation Authority.

What’s a fun memory you recall from being in the chapter?

Mays Jr.


• University of Florida Levin College of Law (J.D.). ’61

• Former Number I (1957)

• Delegate to the 47th Convention (1957)

• Early founder, Holland & Knight, LLP

• Wife, Mason; Four children, one KA son, Parkill III (Alpha–Washington & Lee ’85)

The founder of what is now Holland & Knight, LLP, was Spencer Holland, a senator from Florida. And, our main impetus was Chesterfield Smith. He was an ABA president, and he was the lawyer during the Nixon years who said, “no man’s above the law.” I was the tier right behind Chesterfield. I was probably number 14 when I came in with the firm. There are more than 2,000 lawyers now.

Did you go straight into the rm after law school?

No, I had deferments from the U.S. Army. So I graduated, married Mason, and headed to Fort Sill. I trained in artillery, got tired of shooting guns, and decided to go to Judge Advocate General school. The arm said, well you have to

New York City. I started off doing simple wills and trusts, like any downhome local lawyer. Then I progressed into significant financing

As a joke, we had to find out who was the head chef at The Greenbrier Resort [W.V.]. Of course, coming from my background, I had no clue what the Greenbrier was. We got to White Sulphur Springs and asked where it was and they pointed us to the Greenbrier Restaurant in downtown. We asked if we could get the chef’s signature, and they looked at us like we were crazy.

How can you sum up your feeling about Kappa Alpha Order and Alpha Chapter?

Kappa Alpha Order has always been and still is very close to my heart. Lee certainly emulated the beginnings of Alpha Chapter. I would love to go to Mulberry Hill and see the headquarters and archives. I’ve talked myself into going back to Lexington, haven’t I?

A candid conversation with a member of our Order
C. Parkhill
“We’d take dates and trips to the Greenbrier Resort, and have dances, and events, and the Greenbrier Open golf tournament when Sam Snead was the pro. He also played the trumpet in the big lounge area for everyone.”


Ace of the Aces

CAPT David McCampbell (Alpha Sigma–Georgia Tech ’29) poses in the cockpit of his F6F Hellcat on board USS Essex (CV-9), circa early October 1944. Note the 21 kills marked on the plane, the number credited to then Cdr. McCampbell as of this time. He ultimately ended his flying career with 34 aerial victories. He is the U.S. Navy’s all-time leading flying Ace—known as the Ace of the Aces. He is the recipient of the Medal of Honor.

In a letter written in 1982, McCampbell said that the photographer was Joe Rosenthal. This is an official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives.

McCampell will have further coverage in a future issue of The Journal, along with other U.S. Navy fighter pilots related to the actual TOP GUN program and the blockbuster TOP GUN: MAVERICK.



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