Ka Ohana Dec 2011

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Volume 40, No.4 December 2011


Ka ‘Ohana now on facebook

Two sides to the story PROS • Greater email storage capacity • Protection from viruses and hackers • FERPA standards enforced for academic privacy • UH system cost savings

CONS • • • •

Debate over mandatory UH email system changeover by Akela Newman Ka ‘Ohana Contributing Writer


he Google@UH email migration that began in February has some students taking a second look at the decision while others say they favor the move. An article published by Ka ‘Ohana earlier this year introducing Google@UH said that cutting costs and providing better services were the main

Mandatory migration to Google@UH Google scanning of email content Academic information storage Privacy issues Illustrations by Patrick Hascall

reasons for the migration. By May, Information Technology Services (ITS) said more than 10,000 students had migrated from the UH email server. UH issued the requirement for students to switch, or their accounts would be migrated “at the university’s discretion,” according to a May 12 email sent out to all UH students by ITS. The inevitability and implications of the Google transfer were not obvious to some students at first. Some say they were unaware of some of the implications, while others question whether their rights were violated because of the mandatory switch. However, UH administrators strongly believe that the Google migra-

tion represents a significant improvement over the current University of Hawaii system. There are always two sides to a story; here are some of the issues that are currently being discussed.

Google’s service, are a violation of students’ rights. Fread believes that the potential risks for privacy and information breaches greatly outweigh the benefits offered through Google@UH.


ACADEMIC RIGHTS Concerns about compromising academic freedom and security of personal data have been raised. First, the mandatory transfer to Google meant a negation of students’ rights for individual consent, Fread said. Students had the choice to migrate their account on their own, but if they did not, they were assigned a migration date that would assure all student accounts would

Second semester WCC student Robert Fread served in the U.S. Marine Corps and has spent several years as a superintendent for general contractors in federal, state and private projects. He has been following the Google@ UH situation since January of this year. Fread shared his concerns that the requirement for students to switch to Google, as well as the specifications of

be converted to Google by the end of 2011. GOOGLE TERMS OF SERVICE Second, in Fread’s research on The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which protects the privacy of student educational records, he found that “several aspects of the (Google) proposal appear to contradict FERPA.” According to the Google Terms of Service, “Google reserves the right to pre-screen, review, flag, filter, modify, refuse, or remove any or all content from any service,” and to “scan and index” any see Google page 2

Environmental hazard looming


Patrick Hascall


The floating debris from Japan’s recent tsunami may soon turn up on Hawaiian shores.

by Jessica Crawford Ka ‘Ohana Staff Reporter

n estimated 20 million tons of floating debris from Japan’s tsunami has dispersed throughout the Pacific Ocean, some of which may arrive on Hawaiian shores by early 2012. This could bring potential environmental and economic consequences. Not only is the floating rubbish an eyesore, it’s dangerous and unhealthy. Much of the debris will be plastic, which isn’t biodegradable. This pollution harms marine life. Debris can be deadly if swallowed by birds and fish, and may also become a part of the food chain which leads to humans. More than 200,000 buildings were washed out by the tsunami waves. Whole houses, tractor-trailers, capsized ships, and even cars have been

reported floating among the ocean debris. Beside the potential hazards for shipping and commercial fishing, debris turning up on shores could pose an economic threat by deterring tourism. Complicating the issue, scientists don’t know the exact location of the debris, its density, or destination. Of the 20 million tons deposited into the ocean, scientists can only estimate what is still floating, what has sunk, or what may be lurking just below the surface. Estimates of its whereabouts are based on reports from ships and computer models of currents and winds. Following the March 11 tsunami, researchers with the National Oceanic see Tsunami page 2

Bottle caps also recyclable

Season’s greetings

Controversial HPV vaccine

‘Breaking Dawn,’ breaking hearts

See Page 2

See Page 4-5

See Page 7

See Page 8


D e c e m b e r 2 011

News of the Day

Ka ‘Ohana


Bottle caps also recyclable


by Nicolas Perron Ka ‘Ohana Writer

lastic bottle caps are non-biodegradable and the worldʻs second most littered item after cigarette butts, according to Beach Environmental Awareness Campaign Hawai‘i (B.E.A.C.H.). “Plastic never biodegrades,” said Suzanne Frazer, co-founder of B.E.A.C.H. Plastic just gets smaller and smaller becoming sand-like grains hence the term “plastic sand.” Just like other trash, discarded bottle caps end up in our oceans. As a result, the Laysan and Black-footed Albatross feed their chicks colorful pieces of floating plastic mistaking them for food, and many birds die from blockage, starvation, dehydration and lacerations. One hundred percent of albatross chicks in the northwestern Hawaiian Islands have ingested plastic, according to B.E.A.C.H. Hawai’i residents are required to remove bottle caps before recycling at any HI-5 recycling location. The reason is because most bottle caps contain rigid polypropylene plastic (recycle symbol No. 5), while the rest of the bottle contains other plastic materials. Because rigid polypropylene plastic has a distinct melting point in the recycling process, it cannot be mixed with other plastic materials. So where do the caps go? “In a single beach cleanup at Koko‘ololio


from page 1

information that goes through their system. Also, there is no law that requires Google to delete information, even after a personal account is deleted. ALTERNATIVES The fact that there is no alternative to the Google@UH migration is an issue of contention with some students who want to keep their academic information as private as possible. Although emails can be forwarded from Google to a student’s personal email, they will still pass through (and be documented by Google) when students email other Google users (i.e. classmates, professors, etc.). By summer 2012, all of the UH system will be operating through Google. According to UH ITS specialist Osamu Makiguchi, “We are planning to move faculty/staff over to Google by summer next year.” PRIVACY Fread expressed frustration with the fact that Google has faced negative scrutiny and lawsuits regarding privacy policies for a variety of their services (violations in both the academic and personal arenas), and yet UH decided to move forward with Google. WCC political science lecturer Masahide T. Kato said, “The Google switchover at UH seems to me a quintessential example of the privatization of higher education. MYUH and Laulima are perhaps the last remaining commons that characterize the ‘publicness’ of our educational information network. Once we transfer our network to the corporate power, I am not sure if we can enjoy the same degree of protection over our information and breach accountability, as our system will be

beach on the northeast side of Oahu, volunteers found 1,232 caps and lids,” said Frazer. B.E.A.C.H. took this problem seriously and found a solution. Last June, B.E.A.C.H along with Goodwill Industries of Hawaii, Matson Navigation, Young Brothers, Pepsi Beverages Company, ETA Logistics and Lucent Polymers launched a plastic cap and lid recycling campaign in Hawai‘i. On Oahu, Goodwill Industries of Hawai‘i run the four stations where people can recycle caps. Three are located in Honolulu (Beretania, Kapahulu, Mapunapuna), and one is in Wahiawa. At these centers, people can recycle plastic caps from most bottles, medicine jars, toothpaste tubes and more. The requirements are that they have the numbers two, four, or five on them, and that they are clean and dry. However, caps with the numbers one and six are non-recyclable along with caps and lids that contain: metal, paper, labels, pumps, sprayers, Styrofoam and polystyrene. What B.E.A.C.H has started is necessary for the environment, but it’s only scratching the surface of the problem. “We must recycle now because this is a problem that we don’t want to leave our future generations with,” said retired Lt. Col. Daniel Perron, U.S. Army Corps of engineers. For more information on bottle caps recycling visit the B.E.A.C.H. web site at www.b-e-a-c-h.org.

directly exposed to the logic of profit maximization.” However, even MYUH portal and Laulima are at risk through the Google transfer because students’ username and password for their Google account remain the same as their MYUH and Laulima accounts. “If their Google email accounts were hacked, then their other school services could be accessed and tampered with,” Fread said.


VIRUS PROTECTION Makiguchi explained that the scanning and indexing of email messages and documents is necessary “not so much as to invade people’s privacy, but to be able to protect our resources.” He said that Google does not scan and index data for any purpose other than to enable the quick search for information by individuals within their own account and to filter out spam and viruses. HACKER PROTECTION Makiguchi explained that email service providers need to be able to track and disable hacked accounts that are being used to send spam. This is so that specific accounts will not get blacklisted by other email providers due to the spam coming in from that email server. REGULATIONS / PRIVACY FERPA is a “federal law that protects the privacy of student education records,” according to the U. S. Department of Education’s Web site. UH ITS emphasizes that its contract is specifically with Google Apps for Education (GAE), which has maintained accounts over the last five years with “hundreds of colleges and universities.” Makiguchi said, “Google is contractually bound to provide the Google Apps services within FERPA guidelines…Google claims over 10 million user accounts are now on GAE, yet there

Tsunami debris

From page 1

and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Hawai’i were able to track the debris with satellites, but by April 14, it dispersed over a wider area and was no longer detectable by the satellites that NOAA employs. “Imagine a large city being put through a shredder or a big grinder,’’ said Curtis Ebbesmeyer, a Seattle-based oceanographer who has studied marine debris for more than 20 years. “(Northern) Japan was basically shredded. We are going to see boats, parts of homes, plastic bottles, chair cushions, kids’ toys....everything.’’ University of Hawai‘i computer models show debris will reach the U.S. West Coast in 2014, afterwards, it will double-back toward Hawai‘i, with some of it collecting in the “North Pacific Garbage Patch,” an area roughly between Hawai‘i and California where ocean debris accumulates and break into tiny pieces over time. The Pacific Garbage Patch is formed from the rotational currents of the North Pacific Gyre. It collects floating rubbish and contains everything from old flip flops, food containers, plastic toys, bags, toothbrushes, plastic bottles and even lost or abandoned yachts. Although impossible to measure the exact size, many reports estimate the Pacific Garbage Patch to be roughly twice the size of Texas. Scientists believe the debris has been building up over 50 to 100 years. There are similar garbage patches in the world’s other major ocean gyres. To help scientists track ocean debris, the public is asked to photograph any unusual debris sightings, whether afloat or on the beach, and send photos to Ebbesmeyer’s Web site at: Flotsametrics.com. Help NOAA by repoting debris sightings via their cell phone app: http://www.marinedebris.engr.uga.edu

is not one example of Google being sued over FERPA/privacy breaches for the GAE service.” According to the June 2010 contract between Google Inc. and UH, “Google warrants that it will provide the services in accordance with the applicable service level agreements. To the extent that Google has access to ‘education records,’ it is deemed a ‘school official,’ as each of these terms are defined under FERPA, under this agreement and will comply with its obligations under FERPA.” Google will assert no ownership over the information transferred through its email service; however, Google will possess joint authority with UH ITS to temporarily disable accounts that violate its terms of use. ACADEMIC PRIVACY In response to concerns about academic privacy Makiguchi said, “Students are free to delete data from their accounts at any time and the indexes are also updated. If students wish to have their account deleted after separation from UH, they can email the ITS Help Desk to request deletion of the account. “Students do not need to store their academic papers, etc. in their email mailboxes (they can download and keep their email files on their personal computer) and, of course, can choose to have their email forwarded to another email service provider altogether. “Our goal is to find the best solution for the majority of our users within the resource constraints the University faces and allow those who have concerns to opt out wherever possible.” David Lassner, VP for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer stated, “Thousands of members of the UH community have been forwarding their @hawaii.edu email for years

(with the highest percentage forwarding to Google) since many students, faculty and staff have been dissatisfied with the capabilities of the UH legacy email service.” EXPENSE CUTS The switch to the free email services of Google is projected to save UH $200,000 annually, according to ITS. ”Ultimately, the goal is to power down our mail systems sometime after we get everyone moved over,” said Makiguchi. STORAGE CAPACITY Google can also provide 25GB of mail storage that can be accessed anytime and anywhere, which is far more than the hawaii.edu service can offer. (“Fifteen percent of UH Mail users were already forwarding their UH email to an external service, most commonly Google,” according to Makiguchi.] The argument can be made that students already put so much personal information online through media services such as Facebook and Twitter, which are even more publicly accessible than Google. Some ask, “What would it matter to have academic information simply scanned and indexed by Google?” However, students like Fread maintain that it’s important for privacy rights to be respected and to allow for thorough discussion before major decisions are made so students, faculty and staff can have a say in what directly affects them. If you want your UH Google account transferred to a different email account, visit: www.hawaii.edu/ askus/1208. Additional information on the Google migration is at www. hawaii.edu/google.

D e c e m b e r 2 011

News of the Day

Ka ‘Ohana



Think before you drink


by Arrion Kong Journalism Writer

he entire ‘ohana is gathered at tutu’s house. The scent of evergreen trees and snickerdoodles fills the air, and lights flash from the Christmas tree as the sound of paper ripping and excitement ring out. Some are talking and eating, while others are drinking and laughing. As the sun dips behind the Ko’olau Mountains and disappears, the aunties and uncles are ready to leave. When they hug goodbye, the aroma of alcohol surrounds them. Of the 109 fatal crashes that occurred last year, 38 involved an intoxicated driver. That is seven less than the previous year. In the 2009 census, the state cost for drunk driving fatalities was $379 million according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Governors Highway Safety Association. The holiday season witnesses an increase in alcohol consumption that impacts one in three people. Alcohol is found to be deadlier than heroin and cocaine based on organs affected and death rates, according to a study by Britain’s Centre for Crime and Justice Studies. Alcohol has different physiological effects on the body based on the amount of grams consumed. However, it can cause brain damage, blurred vision, slurred speech, throat and breathing problems, heart irregularities, stomach ulcers, liver disease,

muscle weakness, intestinal cancer, impotence/infertility, and osteoporosis. It takes the body one to three hours to absorb alcohol through the stomach and small intestines. However, absorption time differs based on the type of the alcoholic beverage, amount of fatty tissue, and body temperature as well as the presence of food (especially salty and spicy) in the stomach, which slows absorption rate. The body eliminates approximately 0.5 ounces of alcohol per hour. In Hawai‘i, the legal blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08 grams per 100 ml of blood, which is the same as saying 0.08 percent of your blood is alcohol. One way to accurately measure someone’s BAC is to use a breathalyzer machine. Although various factors affect a person’s BAC, including gender and body weight, researchers say for the average person to reach a BAC of 0.03—almost half of legal measurement—he or she needs to consume just one of the following: 12 ounces of beer, five ounces of table wine, five ounces of champagne, a whisky sour, or a margarita. Drivers with a BAC over 0.08 are considered under the influence, and cannot legally operate a motor vehicle. An officer can conduct a traffic stop on a vehicle that weaves or executes any other traffic violation. Officers, who notice an odor of alcohol coming from the driver’s mouth area, can ask the driver to submit to a field sobriety test and a field

breath test (PAZ). PAZ tests breath alcohol level by having the driver blow into a breathalyzer machine, while the field sobriety test consists of a heel to toe test; a balance test, where driver raises one leg and counts to 30; and a sensory-motor function test, where the driver follows a pen or finger with his/her eyes only. Drivers who pass these tests are free to go; if not, they are arrested. Drivers who are arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) and refuse to give a blood or breath test are automatically charged with the offense. Motor vehicle operators involved in an accident that sends them to the hospital will have blood automatically drawn to determine the BAC. DUI of any intoxicant is usually classified as a misdemeanor offense, with a sentence of up to five days in jail and/or a $1,000 fine, according to HPD officer Joseph Pagan. Student Jason Deluca said after he was pulled over by the police one night, he was tackled and arrested for DUI. After spending the weekend in a cell with a murderer, he promised not to drink and drive again. The first offense includes substance abuse programs, suspension of drivers license, and community service. For each subsequent offense, the punishment increases. If considered a habitual offender, punishment could be up to five years in jail. For more information visit www.alcohol.vt.edu.

Sand Island park offers off-road ‘Sandbox’ by Nicolas Perron Journalism Writer


awai‘i’s first legal, public 4x4 park is now open to off-road enthusiasts. Thanks to community members, motorists now have a place that’s safe for them to drive while offering consideration to the surrounding environment. The Sandbox opened last month and is located ocean side, off the Sand Island Access Road at the Sand Island Parkway. There is an entrance fee of $5 for spectators and $20 for drivers, allowing all day access to all tracks. Open every Sunday, the Sandbox offers a full day of off-road action, music, and concessions as well as on-site, full-size support equipment to protect the vehicles and keep

the area clean. From slightly modified vehicles to custom-built 4x4 machines, this park has courses to cover every enthusiast’s needs. Trail challenges of three levels allow drivers to push their vehicles to the limit, and timed-trial competitions scheduled monthly. Kailua resident, Jason Timm, explained, “We had nowhere to go.” Before the park opened, fun seekers created their own trails because Oahu’s serious 4x4 locations were limited and many required a permit from the state Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR). Locals and sponsors in support of the 4x4 community have worked for years to organize an off-road park. Over the years, a group called the

SANDBOX 1440 Sand Island Pkwy Honolulu, HI 96820 Nick Pestana 368-8966 sandbox4x4.com

Sandbox formed. Their main goal was to create a place for the 4x4 community to legally off-road in ideal conditions. “Millions of dollars in funding came from the community’s pockets and after a lot of hard work and perseverance the park was finally built,” said Sandbox member Nick Pestana. Directions and more information can be found at sandbox4x4.com.

Hawai’i campaigns

by Arrion Kong Journalism Writer

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is a national organization that raises awareness on driving under the influence and its consequences—especially during the holidays. Its December campaign is referred to as ‘National Impaired Prevention Month’. The organization aims to stop drunk driving and underage drinking as well as offer victims support. Mother and student Katherine Palmer promotes awareness to her children by asking them, “Which would win: steel or flesh?” For the past five years, MADD Hawai’i has been striving to eliminate drunk driving through various efforts. One campaign effort is a 21-minute event held at the Governor’s Ceremonial room in the State Capitol. Another effort is called, “Tie One On For Safety,” where volunteers wave awareness signs and distribute free Red Ribbons. These Red Ribbons are also available at Safeway, Lion Coffee Cafe, 7-Eleven, Tesoro, 76, Zippy’s, Caesar’s Cleaners, and Napa. At its annual MADD Cab Affair, the goal is to show guests alternatives to drunk driving by providing guests with free cab round trips. Hawai’i is the only chapter that serves alcoholic beverages at an official MADD event. So don’t drink and drive! Instead, take a cab or the bus, walk, or call a friend or family member. MADD also supports programs such as the in-car breathalyzer program. Along with government agencies and justice system, MADD pushed for an interlock law, which was passed in 2010. Convicted offenders have to place a breathalyzer in their car. Before starting the car, drivers have to give a breath sample. If the alcohol level is above the legal limit, the car won’t start. This would’ve helped student Kalani Elderts, who felt fine when he got behind the wheel. As his body absorbed the alcohol, he began to doze. “I almost died,” said Elderts, after his car slammed into the guardrails.

Mele Kalikimaka a me Hauoli Makahiki Hou ! ons i t a c o l y Ar m n o i t a v l The Sa Kauluwela Mission Corps Community Center 296 N. Vineyard Blvd Honolulu, Hi 96817 808- 521- 6551

Kāneohe Corps Community Center 45-175 Waikalua Road Kāneohe, Hi 96744 808-235-1408

Toys for Tots Kahului Corps Community Center 45 W. Kamehameha Ave Kahului, Hi 96732 808-871-6270 Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center 91-3257 Kualaka‘i Parkway Ewa Beach, HI 96706 808- 682- 5505

Which charitable organization will you contribute to this holiday season and why? I have contributed to Salvation Army and Goodwill in the past and even now. I like to donate to these organizations because they help those people who need help the most and I like to thrift sometimes too.

The American Red Cross for what they do for our military men and women overseas. —Patrick Hascall

—Kalani Elderts

White Box locations

Toys R Us 98-211 Pali Momi St. Aiea,HI 96701

Big City Diner 1060 Auahi St. #4 Honolulu, HI 96814

Toys R Us Express Windward Mall Kāneohe,HI 96744

Babies R Us 1150 Kuala St. Pearl City, Hi 9678

The organization Kiva helps women worldwide in obtaining micro loans to start their businesses. I realize how important it is for women to be able to support their families and like to see that my money has a bit of sustainability in that way! —Kathi Palmer The children at Shriners Hospital. Those children are having a hard time fighting diseases and I feel that getting an extra gift from Santa can help their daily lives.

Navy Federal Bank 25 Kāneohe Bay Drive Kailua, HI 96734

—Jenny Lundahl

The Salvation Army history The Salvation Army started in London in 1865 when a minister and his wife formed an evangelical group that preached to less fortunate people. They also fed and sheltered the homeless while rehabilitating alcoholics. The ministry, lead by William Booth, was originally known as the Christian Mission, but in 1878 it changed to The Salvation Army because of its quasi-military pattern. This means that all ministers were ranked as officers, and Booth the general. Today, the Salvation Army is represented in 103 countries, and the organization has provided the community with social services for over a century. Not only does the Salvation Army provide food and shelter, programs including domestic violence support, family and career counseling, daycare, senior citizens services, vocational training, and more are part of the organization’s goal and objectives. 

The Salvation Army has its own history in Hawai‘i dating back to the 1890s when thousands of plantation workers, mostly from China, Japan, and the Philippines, arrived on the islands. With so many different nationalities, including the Hawaiians, creating a melting pot, many Christians saw a need for a social organization with a spiritual purpose to guide the people in everyday challenges. The Salvation Army saw this need; as a result, five Salvationists arrived in Hawai‘i in 1894 ready to work. Today, located at the intersection of N. Vineyard Boulevard and ‘A‘ala St., the Salvation Army is well established in the islands and offers the community social services as well as religious programs.

Bringing Christmas cheer to those in need


by Courtney Fontaine Ka ‘OhanaWriter

t’s the season of giving for the United States Marine Corps, and the Kāneohe Marines are gearing up for their 49th annual Toys for Tots. This traditional program offers donated Christmas toys to Hawai‘i’s keiki, and according to Toys for Totʻs Facebook page, the Hawai‘i program collected over 45, 000 toys last year. Across the state, stores and restaurants, including Toys“R”Us, Babies“R”Us, Big City Diner, and the Navy Federal Credit Union, participate by placing giant white boxes near their establishments’ exits. The boxes are for shoppers to drop off new, unwrapped toys for donation. The Toys for Tots program started in 1948 when Major Bill Hendricks, and

a group of Marines Reservists in Los Angeles collected and distributed toys to less fortunate children. Since then, the Marines have been collecting toys annually, starting in October and distributing them right before Christmas. The goal of Toys for Tots is to deliver, a new toy at Christmas, and send a message of hope to the less fortunate. The program helps many families; however, the Marines rely on the communities willingness to donate in order to help needy families have a memorable Christmas. Back in 2008, Hawai‘i’s Toys for Tots program fell short for girls ages 11 and older and boys ages 8 and 10 by 1600 toys. But, they extended the deadline one extra day hoping they could make up for the shortage. Thanks to former “Lost” star Daniel Kim (Hawaii 5-O) and his wife, who donated over 500 toys,

they nearly reached their goal. Another Toys for Tots supporter is BAE System, the largest defense contractor in Hawai‘i, which organizes Bikes for Tykes as a kick-off event for the annual gift-giving program. Bikes for Tykes collects and donates bicycles as Christmas gifts for needy children. Since 2006, the program has donated over 400 bikes. The Salvation Army also partners with the Marines’ Toys for Tots program by aiding with toy distribution. They also extend a helping hand to less fortunate children and senior citizens through the Angel Tree program which provides Christmas gifts. “Signing up to be placed on Angel Tree is simple,” said Chance Lattasima, Kapolei Salvation Army worker. “Parents and legal guardians can sign up their children (12 and under) and senior citizens are also eligible by

calling their local Salvation Army who will provide them with sign up date(s) and locations.” The angel tagged trees are distributed throughout malls across the state. Each tag represents a child or an elderly person.

There are so many worthy organizations. I like to help wherever I can, but supporting children and hunger are priorities for me. —Patty Yonehiro

How can you help?

Anyone can adopt an angel from a Salvation Army Christmas tree or donate a toy to any “White Box” location. Donated gifts should be new and unwrapped. For more information visit: http://www.satruck.com or call 1 - (800) 95 - TRUCK.

Ka ‘Ohana (The Family)



Jessica Crawford Katherine Palmer


Danielle Gorman Arroin Kong Courtney Fontaine Nicolas Perron

Contributing Writter

Akela Newman

Production Assistant

Patty Yonehiro Web Editor

Patrick Hascall Advisor

Jenny Lundahl

Ka ‘Ohana is published monthly by the students of Windward Community College. 45-720 Kea‘ahala Rd, Kāne‘ohe, Hawai‘i 96744. Phone (808) 236-9187 or 236-9185. The newspaper reflects only the views of its student staff. Visit Ka ‘Ohana’s website at www.KaOhanaOnline.org.


D e c e m b e r 2 011

Campus News

Ka ‘Ohana


Computing Services keeps campus running smoothly by Jessica Crawford Ka ‘Ohana Staff Reporter


ith more than 800 computers on campus to maintain, one might be surprised to learn that WCC’s Computing Services has a staff of just four people. This small staff rolled out 200 voice-over-IP phones this semester. Planning the infrastructure took months, with the installation taking about a month to complete. Some common problems they encounter are hardware/ software issues, problems with internet connectivity, and password resets. The beginning and end of a semester is usually the busy time for the department. Michael Tom, Computing Services coordinator, has been with the department since 1993. He has been in the computer field since 1980, working previously at First Hawaiian Bank, UH Mānoa, and in Silicon Valley. When asked what he enjoys most about IT work, he says, “What gives me the most satisfaction is being able to make improvements that increase people’s productivity.” When not at work, Tom enjoys cooking and backpacking. He hikes around the volcano area and Haleakalā. One day he hopes to backpack

High tech guru teaches new social media course by Katherine Palmer Ka ‘Ohana Staff Reporter

Left to right: Michael Tom, Jo Ann Takamiyashiro, Bryan Tokuda. Not pictured: Student intern Helena Morris.

the John Muir trail, which is a 200-mile long trail in California’s Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. IT specialists Jo An n Takamiyashiro joined the staff in August, coming from Waikele Country Club where she worked in operations, merchandise, and IT. Craving more IT work, she joined WCC’s Computing Services department. Takamiyashiro loves to play golf, attend concerts and plays, and travel. She visits friends on the east and west coasts, as well as Europe, which she has visited three times. Helena Morris, the department’s student intern, became interested in IT work after a visit to Best Buy. “I took my computer in to have new RAM installed, and they charged me $60,” she said. “I later learned how easy it is, and realized I could’ve done it myself.” Since then, Morris has absorbed everything she can about IT work and attended school in Washington. As a

hobby, she enjoys translating and subtitling Korean dramas for the fan-based site, Viki. com. The Computing Services staff all agree that IT Specialist Bryan Tokuda is the most technical person in the group. He focuses mainly on server administration and is an expert in Windows OS. He also investigates malware incidents and has learned about virtualization. Much of his knowledge is self-taught. With the opening of the new library in spring, the staff is hoping to have a dedicated Computer Services Lab. Currently located in Hale No‘eau 121, they say being located in the library could help with turnaround and efficiency. Even with two positions in the department still unfilled, the team is able to pull together and keep the campus running smoothly. Tom says, “I feel very fortunate to work with such a great team. Everyone is willing to pitch in and help wherever they can. No one ever


nce upon a time, in a land without computers and smart phones, folks stayed informed through newspapers, and kept in touch with friends and family via letters that sometimes took weeks to receive. Today with the rise of social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, professionals and layman are interacting with the world

around them with a few clicks of the mouse in real time. Next semester, WCC is offering a Web class, Social Web Toolkit, ICS 121V, taught by local tech wiz, Burt Lum. Lum has had a longtime interest in how communication and technology intersect. Together with Ryan Ozawa, Lum hosts Bytemarks Café, Hawaii Public Radio’s weekly show on technology and innovation. The Social Web Toolkit will help students to negotiate key applications such as blogs and social media Web sites by building their own pages within these applications. They will learn ways in which to drive traffic to their web “channel”. Lum knows the importance of being Web savvy and said, “One needs to use a tool to learn best how to apply it!”

New Social Sciences course


new course on Film and Politics will be offered in spring 2012. POLS 243: Introduction to Film and Politics is a course where students analyze power relations in the globalization era that are symbolically represented in popular films from the 1960s to the 2000s. Students will gain insight into political theory, cinematic aesthetics, and narrative analysis. The class meets every Thursday from 5 to 7:30 pm at Pālanakila 102. For more information contact the course instructor, Masahide T. Kato at mtkato@hawaii.edu.

State Capitol features student art The talents of WCC art students are being highlighted at the state Capitol in a display through December on the senate chamber level. The exhibit, arranged by Sen. Jill Tokuda, includes photographs, drawings and paintings. Tokuda said, “Given WCC’s reputation for excellence . . . (we’re) honored to showcase the work of your students.”

Hawai‘i Pacific University admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin, religion, gender, age, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, veteran status and disability.

D e c e m b e r 2 011

Community News

Ka ‘Ohana


Important dates to remember: Textbook Buyback WCC Bookstore Monday - Tuesday 12/12/2011 - 12/13/2011 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Wednesday 12/14/2011 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Thursday - Friday 12/15/2011 - 12/16/2011 8:30 am- 3:30 pm

December: 12 a ‘Ohana Available



EXAM PERIOD BEGINS Stargazing 7 p.m., Imaginarium

End of fall semester Star of Bethlehem: The Magi’s 7 p.m., Imaginarium


Star of Bethlehem: The Magi’s 10 a.m. & 7 p.m., Imaginarium

HPV vaccine for pre-teen boys by Katherine Palmer Ka ‘Ohana Staff Reporter


ince 2006, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has recommended preteen girls be offered a vaccine to protect themselves against the human papilloma virus (HPV). According to the CDC, the sexually transmitted virus is the leading cause of up to 75 percent of cervical cancers and genital warts. Recently, the CDC has recommended boys of ages 11 and 12 to be vaccinated against HPV as well, in an effort to prevent the spread of the virus to girls. The CDC reports HPV to be the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States, affecting 20 million men and women, with up to 6 million more becoming infected each year. Also, to date, only 32 percent of females between the ages of 9 and 26 have been vaccinated against the disease. Supporters of the vaccine being offered to preteen males cite reports that reducing HPV in males may significantly reduce transmis-

Christmas Holiday

January 2012 1-3

New Years Holiday



Campus Closed

Frosh Camp Day - 1 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Hale ‘Akoakoa

Frosh Camp Day - 2 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Hale ‘Akoaka

First Day of Instruction

ASUH-WCC Presents “Welcome Back Remix” 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Hale Na‘auao

soon,” said Denise Baez, a medical assistant and mother of three. “My daughter and other son will get them as soon as they are old enough.” HPV is t ra n sm it ted through anal and vaginal sex as well as genital-to-genital contact. Therefore, condoms reduce the spread of HPV, but don’t provide 100 percent protection—abstinence does. The virus often has no symptoms, which is why so many men and women spread the disease without knowing they have it. Also, in 90 percent of cases the body’s immune system will clear the disease on its own within two years. According to an international study published this year in “The Lancet,” one of the world’s leading medical journals, HPV is widespread with as much as half of all adult males in the U.S. being infected. Men do not have screening tools against HPV-related cancers, while most women have annual Pap smears for early detection. Consequently, men often do not realize they have these forms of cancers until it is too late to treat. Although experts rec-

“My favorite story was when my sister wanted an iPod for Christmas. My uncle gave her a present in an iPod box. She was all excited, like her face lit up! But when she opened it, it was just a necklace with a turtle. Everyone was cracking up! She was so upset. It was hilarious! —Nick Cribb

ommend vaccination, many people are against immunizing children, both males and females, against the virus due to possible side effects. According to TruthAboutGardasil.org, some patients suffer adverse effects after the vaccination including seizures, strokes, chest pains and autoimmune problems. Even deaths have been reported. However, CDC states that 98 percent of the reports were non-serious. Dr. Nadine Tenn Salle is a pediatrician in Honolulu. She informs parents about the HPV vaccines, and discuss with them if the benefits outweigh the risks involved. She realizes that unlike vaccines for diseases such as polio or chicken pox, the HPV vaccines involve children’s bodies and their sexuality. It’s not an easy topic to discuss with young patients who most likely haven’t started dating yet. “I give both the parent and child an opportunity to look over the material and to come to their own conclusions about HPV and the vaccines involved,” said Salle. “Often times, the family will return and say, ‘Let’s do this’.”

What do you think needs to be done to prevent drunk driving?

“When I was 10 years old, we got a huge desktop computer. The box the computer came in was huge! So I sat in it and thought it was the best, better than the computer!” —Shaylene Brooks

Campus Closed


sion to females as stated by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. According to CDC experts, the vaccine protects males and females against some of the most common types of HPV that can lead to disease and cancer. For women, Ga rdasi l (made by Merck) and Cervarix (made by GlaxoSmithKline) are the two vaccines available. Only Gardasil has been tested and licensed for use in men. Neither vaccine can prevent all strains of HPV, nor do they prevent cancer. But the vaccines do play a role in cancer rates. In order for the vaccine to be effective, children should be vaccinated before they become sexually active. The entire series of three shots must be administered for full protection against HPV starting at the age of 9. Vaccinating against the virus can be pricey; the threeshot-series of Gardasil can cost as as much as $390. However, most insurance companies cover the cost of the vaccine. But for some parents the cost is less of a concern. “My son is 14 and I’ll be sure he gets his vaccines

What is your best Christmas memory?

25 - 31



“I guess everything is okay as it is right now. I feel the (Alcoholics Anonymous) courses are helping people already. Having a responsible person around would help too.” —Victoria Ah-Mook Sang

“I think the government should change their focus. I hear about the millions of dollars going into anti-tobacco stuff, but they should shift it over to alcohol. I believe that alcohol kills far more people than tobacco does.” —Kawai Pali, Ka Piko


Art & Entertainment D e c e m b e r 2 011

Ka ‘Ohana


‘Breaking Dawn,’ breaking hearts ‘Breaking Dawn—Part 1’ is a success at the box office and to Twihard fans by Danielle Gorman Ka ‘Ohana Writer

The fourth installment of the Twilight Saga opened November 18 and grossed more than $139.5 million in its opening weekend, which is the franchise’s second best weekend opening ever. (New Moon was the first at $142.8 million opening weekend.) In “Breaking Dawn,” Bella, a human and Edward, a vampire, get married and go on their honeymoon, where they later discover Bella is pregnant. For obvious reasons, no one knows the consequences of carrying a fetus that’s a vampire/human hybrid. But

what they do know is that the fetus is growing at an extremely fast rate, which causes Bella physical suffering. For people who have not read the books, the movie unfolds unusual events in a dramatic way, which may be shocking to sensitive viewers. The original script was rated R because of sexual content and graphic scenes, but some scenes were cut to make the movie PG-13. Twilight Saga fans will probably be pleased with the movie because it includes all the important parts of the book. Eac h movie has used a different director. This film’s director is Bill Condon (Dreamgirls). In addition, the Twilight Saga author, Stephanie Meyer, was on set to help make her book come to life. “I know ‘Breaking Dawn’ is going to be like many of the other book-to-movie features, getting critiques about how

danielle gorman

WCC student and Twilight fan Arrion Kong waits in line for the premiere of “Twilight: Breaking Dawn—Part 1”.

good of an adaptation it was, but as a movie, it was really entertaining,” said WCC student Rachel Aweau. “There was just enough of the romance

Family holiday movies How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Based on the 1966 Dr. Seuss cartoon of the same name, this Hollywood version stars Jim Carrey. The Grinch is a bitter person, who hates Christmas and is irritated by the nearby village of Who-ville, where Christmas cheers abound. On Christmas Eve, the Grinch disguises himself as Santa Claus in an attempt to steal Christmas from Who-ville. The people of Who-ville are saddened by the actions of the Grinch, but recognize Christmas is about being together and continue to celebrate. Their happiness causes the Grinch to have a change of heart.

A Christmas Story

Christmas Vacation

Based in the 1940’s, Ralphie is hoping to get a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas, but his mom says, “You’ll shoot your eye out.” Ralphie’s friend, Flick, is “triple-dog-dared” to stick his tongue on the flagpole and his tongue gets stuck. Ralphie’s dad gets a lamp shaped like a woman’s leg. Ralphie asks a Santa at the mall for a Red Ryder BB gun, who also tells him, “You’ll shoot your eye out.” He ends up getting the BB gun for Christmas... and almost shoots his eye out.

Chevy Chase stars in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Clark Griswold is promised a holiday bonus check and he desperately wants this to be the greatest Christmas vacation ever. Griswold goes all out on the Christmas decorations and secretly plans to have a swimming pool installed for Christmas. However, Griswold’s dysfunctional out-oftown family members show up and despite best efforts, everything goes wrong.

Home Alone


The McCallister family is getting ready to spend Christmas in Paris with their whole family, and eight-year-old Kevin, feels like an outcast from his siblings and cousins. The family is so rushed to get to the airport that they forget Kevin at home. Kevin is extremely happy to have the house to himself. The Wet Bandits, Harry and Marv, are notorious bandits who break into vacant houses in Kevin’s neighborhood. Now it’s Kevin’s job to protect his home.

Buddy, an orphaned infant crawls into Santa’s sack and is taken to the North Pole, where Papa Elf raises him. Unaware that he is a human, Buddy acts like an elf despite his size. Papa Elf tells Buddy that he was adopted, so Buddy sets off to New York to find his biological father. Buddy finds his family and he loses the elf costume. He gets a job and a girlfriend, but he causes a lot of trouble and almost gets his dad fired. Buddy’s dad later has a change of heart and Santa comes to town and everyone has a “Merry Christmas”!

without it going overboard and plenty of humor and action. Overall, it was definitely worth my $8!” Special effects included werewolves being able to talk, fight scenes between werewolves and the vampires, Bella’s body transforming throughout her pregnancy showing the hybrid baby moving inside of her stomach, and a believable baby who’s half vampire, half human. Bella’s extreme makeover in this movie includes a transformation from a healthy teenager into a pale skeleton with cheekbones that are sucked in and dark circles under her eyes. Her swollen stomach is covered with bruises from the supernatural strength of the baby. The content of the movie is geared toward a mature audience. Kristen Stewart’s interpretations of Bella’s different roles as a teenager, wife, and mother is impressive and believable.

Some of the scenes were more graphic than others. For example, Bella loses a lot of blood when giving birth, and the audience is left to wonder whether she is dead or if she has finally gotten her wish and has turned into a vampire. “I thought it was the best Twilight movie so far...the acting was more real and the ending was scary,” said WCC student Juliet Tan. So far, other reviewers have given the movie a B+, but critics have said this is the best Twilight movie so far. The ending was great because it left a big cliffhanger leading up to part two. Unfortunately, part two won’t be released until next November, so fans will have to wait a whole year to watch how the saga ends. T h e Tw i l i g h t S a g a m o v i e s include: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn—Part 1. Breaking Dawn—Part 2 releases in November of 2012.

‘The Star of Bethlehem: The Magi’s Story’


ho hasn’t heard the story about the star of Bethlehem? It is the story of the three wise men who followed a bright star in the sky to find baby Jesus in a stable in Bethlehem. Hōkūlani Imaginarium at WCC is celebrating the holidays by bringing back “Star of Bethlehem: The Magi’s Story” opening December 16. In this show, producer Dr. Joe Ciotti, Center for Aerospace Education’s director, explores some of the astronomical possibilities for the star that guided the wise men to Bethlehem. “With the power of computer graphics, Imaginarium audiences are transported back in time to examine various astronomical explanations — a comet, supernova, meteor or planetary conjunction,” said Ciotti who’s also a physics, astronomy and mathematics professor. In addition, the show recounts the story and uses its characters to explain why a star could have enticed them to travel to a foreign country at a time when traveling took place by foot or horse. Hōkūlani Imaginarium staff strongly encourages people to make reservations because seats fill up fast for this classic show. “The mystery of the Magi’s Star is an evergreen story,” Ciotti said. “Regardless of whether this guiding star was some supernatural beacon, natural phenomenon or purely allegorical sign, its meaning is a symbol of hope for all mankind.” This year marks the final year for audiences to see the show in its original format, because the Star of Bethlehem: The Magi’s Story will be reformatted next year to fit the Imaginarium’s state of the art system in 3D. “Star of Bethlehem: The Magi’s Story” (appropriate for all ages) Dates: December 16 and 17 Time: 7 p.m. on Dec 16 and 17; 10a.m. on Dec 17 Costs: $5/ages 12 & under; $6/UH, military, & seniors(65+); $7/adults Reservations: Please call 235-7433 Located at Hōkūlani Imaginarium at WCC

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