Animals in danger of extinction

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POLAR BEAR (White bear) Is considered in danger of extinction , over time female bears are less fertile. They can{t accumulate enough fat to be warm The grass that female bears accumulate has the function to help to feed the breedings. Other consequence is the global warming , it is melting both poles. People can not hunt these animals, it is forbidden. These mammals eat any animal that be in their territory This type of bear could disappear in 75 years if we did not take care of them.

BENGAL TIGER In XX century had 100,000 Bengal tigers around the world, at present exist 5000 tigers. This animal is the oldest ancestor of all kinds of tigers One problem about extinction is deforestation in Asian territory, in countries like India, Some ONGs say that daily dies a tiger caused by hunters Those hunters sell the skin, bones and tusks of the tigers to sell on illegal sites for big quantities of money. Other problem is according to Chinese tradition the Bengal tigers had healing powers and some people used to kill these animals for their own benefit Bengal tiger is the biggest feline in the world . If Bengal tigers died, remaining tigers would change their form of life. For example They could grow defectively

Three of eight species of tigers that have been extincted are: • Bali tiger • Caspio tiger • Java tiger

CORALS They are the most exotics in oceans and seas. Biologists say that principal problem is the global warming, other problem is that people throw garbage in a lot of seas, and children crush the corals while they are swimming . Corals are very sensitive with any change in temperature , if they bow in big quantities of UV rays, they will die or disappear.


These animals are considered macropodus, is similar to mammal animals. They come from to Australia; Exist two kinds of kangaroo like: • Red kangaroo • Gray kangaroo They are in danger of extinction because in their habitat exists droughts, they can not stand high temperatures. But many ONGs are protecting them


They are the biggest mammals in the world. They are 30 meters of long. BLUE WHALE: is considerate in danger of extinction in places like America and Asia. Whale is disappearing because many ships knock them. In Japan these animals have a great demand for their meat. Other problem is the chaos of the weather, whales get lost because the sea changes it course and they can not adapt to other places as coastlines and poles.


It is a kind of mammal and pachyderm; its so hard recover this animal because hunters are killing them so fast. Female elephants have a little time to breed Japan is the country where people buy much ivory (it is remove from the fangs of the elephant). The ivory also is used to create jewelry, musical instruments like piano and many accessories


POISON FROG Is a fish, it comes from Cauca, these frogs are too little. People hunt them to win extra money

BOCACHICO Comes from to Magdalena and Sinu river, Many people in Caribbean region eat this fish. The government has not do anything to resolve the problem. Universidad Nacional researches know that Bocachico in Sinu river are in danger of extinction. Despite Bocachico is a popular fish in Colombia

GIANT ARMADILLO Its located in Orinoco and Amazonas rainforest. Is an animal night , eats ants, snakes and termites it can dig easily . This animal was hunted by settlers and natives in XII century

SABANERO CRAB In Colombia can find two types of crabs of sweet water those are: • Trichodactylae • Pseudothelphusidae This animal is commercialized in places like Ubate and Bogota plains. A disadvantage is that multinationals are felling or cutting many forests and are destroying the habitat of many animals specially the sabanero crab

CAREY TORTOISE Its located in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, this tortoise belongs to Eretmochelys family. It has a flat body, a protective carapace it eats sea sponges . It also rats jellyfish and mollusks People eat their meat and use their carapace to make crafts or accessories


Is a primate, it has a nocturne habits, lives in Andean forest of Colombia an Venezuela has big eyes that let it see in dark places.

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