LINK #157

Page 9

Kassandra I would be Beatrice Prior from Divergent.

Question 1:


If you were a movie or tv series character, who would you be?

The Thing from the Addams Family because it's so basic and clever, or Darth Maul from the 1st Episode of Star Wars because of the best make-up and double-sided lightsaber.

Agata Nikolas from the film Le Petit Nicolas. A cheerful child eager for adventure. Funny story from his life. Lots of ill-considered ideas. This is what I like very much. Annalisa


Some 15 years ago I would have said “Mary Poppins”. Now I think it looks like a zombie mix between Karen Blixen (Out of Africa), Turner (Condor/ Three days of the Condor) and Andy Sachs (Devil wears Prada). I could mention 10 to 15 more characters, but it’s better if I stop here.

Recalling some recent events, I would be the girl (Marzia) from Call Me By Your Name. Marlena : I have always wanted to be a secret agent so I would be Elizabeth Keen from the “Blacklist” or, changing the topic a little bit, I would like to be Donna from the “Suits” or Carrie Bradshaw from the “Sex and the city”.

Baptiste When I was younger I wanted to be Indiana Jones. Now I’m more like Walter Mitty from “The secret life of Walter Mitty”. He’s a simple man who’s daydreaming of crazy adventures.

Paula Lagertha from Vikings. She doesn't need an army, she knows how to defend herself.

Catarina When I was younger I wanted to be a Marvel’s superhero like the Black Widow, but now I think I would be one of those characters with a lot of dreams and expectations. Hania Some kind of innocent looking psycho.

Tania Alice in wonderland to smoke the hookah with the caterpillar, have tea with the Mad Hatter and the white rabbit and talk with the Cheshire Cat. Kamil


I’d be Tony Montana from Scarface, as the journey of going from rags to riches would be fascinating.

Alien because he is black and badass like Samuel L. Jackson. 9

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