Active Germ-Hotspots in Your Office that Needs Professional Cleaning

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Office is a high-traffic area that undergoes heavy use and degrades over time. Regular exposure to germs, dirt, stains and grime make office interiors look dull and demean employee morale and productivity. Just like your home needs deep cleaning at least once in a month, your workplace too, needs regular upkeep and maintenance weekly, monthly or quarterly.

Thinking where to start deep cleaning from? Although every commercial facility fetches its own set of cleaning requirements but enlisted below are some potential hotspots that accumulate germs, dirt and pollens quickly than any other place in your office.


Office kitchen is well-known for food spills, dirt and regular mess and rare do employees take care of keeping the area neat and clean. Regular use and high-traffic make office kitchen look dirty and filthy over time and if left untreated for long, these areas harbour bacteria, germs, pollens and allergens rapidly.


Whether you have a tiled or a carpeted floor, routine cleaning, vacuuming and mopping are a must to keep the health and safety aspects of your employees intact. Office walls are rarely cleaned, which makes your workplace even more dusty and dingy. Dirt embedded on office walls, tile and grouts give rise to allergies and infections among employees and increase the number of sick leaves.


Office bathrooms undergo high foot traffic throughout the day and harbour bacteria, germs and allergens on a regular basis. Even most restrooms need regular deep cleaning, disinfection and sanitisation to maintain the health and hygiene of employees. Professional office cleaners always pay attention to these neglected areas while cleaning.


Having an expensive and well-decorated carpet installed at your workplace is indeed overwhelming but maintaining it in top-notch condition is crucial to keep germs and allergens at bay. Carpet fabrics attract outside dirt, germs, bacteria and pollens and become outdated over time. Routine cleaning, vacuuming and steam cleaning might not help in eradicating stubborn stains and grime and for that you need professional carpet cleaners.


Unit 1/9 Gilda St, Maidstone VIC 3012 Unit 2/12 Drysdale Ct, Newnham TAS 7248 0480 274 991

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