Kanabec County Times e-edition May 17, 2018

Page 5


MAY 17, 2018




Parents matter when guiding teens


n loco parentis, a Latin phrase meaning “in place of the parent,” is frequently used in the legal world in the context of responsibility and liability, and recently came to mind as it relates to the alarming rise in the use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) among our local youth. According to the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, e-cigarettes are the most commonly used County tobacco product among Attorney U.S. middle and high school students. In Barb Minnesota, there has been an explosion in McFadden e-cigarette use. Nearly one in five high school students reports using e-cigarettes in the past 30 days, which represents a nearly 50 percent increase since 2014. Currently, any juvenile who is found in possession of a tobacco product receives a citation from law enforcement. For a first time offense, the juvenile is given an opportunity to attend a free diversion program. Subsequent violations or noncompliance with the diversion program will result in a mandatory court appearance, and, if found guilty, court fines are assessed and the citation is entered on the juvenile’s record. A juvenile caught with tobacco on school property faces these same juvenile justice consequences plus is subject to additional sanctions from the school, including suspension from classes and extracurricular activities. A parent of a juvenile offender recently asked of the County Attorney’s Office, “Can’t your office do more than impose a fine, like make [the child] do community service?” While there may be the potential for the court system to “do more,” is that approach really likely

Mistakes are an inherent part of growing up. Parents need to recognize the influence they have on their own children’s lives and the enormous opportunities that mistakes present for parents to be parents. to change the offender’s behavior? Mistakes are an inherent part of growing up. Parents need to recognize the influence they have on their own children’s lives and the enormous opportunities that mistakes present for parents to be parents. The Minnesota Student Survey conducted by the Minnesota Department of Health showed that 79.9 percent of Kanabec County eighth, ninth and 11th grade students that responded agreed or strongly agreed that parents or other adults should clearly communicate about the importance of not using alcohol. Unfortunately, only 29.2 percent of this same group of students actually felt that their parents or other adults did in fact clearly communicate to them the importance of not using alcohol. The Substance Abuse Coalition of Kanabec County has armed parents with information and strategies to empower them to parent, and will continue to be a resource for prevention of youth alcohol, tobacco and other drug use. In so doing, the coalition hopes to provide parents and other adults the tools they need to educate the youth in their lives and in their community. To all parents and guardians: you matter. No one can take your place. Barb McFadden is the Kanabec County Attorney.


NRA, the foremost guardian of the traditional American right to ‘keep and bear arms,’ believes that every law-abiding citizen is entitled to the ownership and legal use of firearms, and that every reputable gun owner should be an NRA member.” By the 2000 election, the NRA had a new statement of mission installed on its building. It reads “…. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” It makes no mention of a militia or any of the other words that are part of the Second Amendment. My research has revealed that an individual citizen’s right to own a firearm was not established until 2008 (www.constitution.findlaw. com/amendment2) in the case of the District of Columbia vs Heller. Prior to this court case, the U.S. Supreme Court hadn’t even definitively stated what right the Second Amendment protected. In Heller, the court protected “an individual’s right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that weapon for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.” The NRA has clearly created beliefs among the American citizens that were not part of the Second Amendment when it was adopted and are not parts of it now. It is my belief that Mr. North will continue to push those beliefs further into the political debate over guns and gun safety. It is also my belief that the vast majority of the NRA membership are people who enjoy hunting and sport shooting and are responsible in the use, storage and transport of their firearms. The goal of any current legislation should be to reduce the likelihood that firearms fall into the hands of someone who is likely to do harm. I hope that under North’s leadership, the NRA will raise its voice in support of legislation that accomplishes that single, most important goal. Loren Brabec Braham

I am a democrat To the editor: I am a democrat because: We already spend more on defense and war than the next 12 countries combined. We need to spend our resources on our citizens. Everyone should have access to affordable health care (how fortunate we are to have Medicare). Public education is essential for


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well-informed citizens who can compete in a world economy. Climate change, the development and increased usage of non-carbon based energy should be a priority. We must protect water and land for future generations. Trickle-down economics did not work in the ‘20’s, it did not work in the ‘80’s, once again, it will mostly benefit the wealthy. Increasing the minimum wage would enable workers to support their families and stimulate the economy. We cannot continue to use force and threats to get the rest of the world to follow our lead. We are alienating our allies. Water-boarding is torture and torture is unacceptable. Elections should be open and honest without outside interference, with every vote counting. Elections should not be controlled by who can raise the most money. The right to choice does not mean being in favor of abortion, encourage responsible birth control, teach your children to abstain but do not expect everyone to follow your beliefs. Government and religion should function separately. Maintain a safety net for those children. DACA must be reinstated. Those individuals who came as children are contributing to the U.S., they know no other country. We are all fortunate that our ancestors came here. Give those individuals the same opportunity. Prejudice is alive and seems to be more rampant. When we see each other as individuals, we are more understanding and accepting of one another. Save money, skip the wall and the military parade. This president is feeding on divisiveness. Some citizens are unfortunately responding by falling to that level, using emotional reactions instead of thought and reason. We should discuss differences and find compromise, try to see other points of view. To me, being a democrat means being inclusive, respecting one another, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to make a better life, and protecting the earth and its limited resources for future generations. Our Constitution is a living document that has been adapted to changing times, it lays out three branches of government, ensuring that no one has too much power, and stipulates that these rights and responsibilities apply to all of us. Liane Heupel Mora


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$500 Shopping Spree Winner

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