local business listing

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local business listing Global business directory There are so many more and to find them just go to eBay.com or Amazon.com and see what is popular on those sites, or you could go to Google and do a search for keyword terms like "Hot Niches" or "Popular Niches" or "Popular Business" get the idea.. Then after you have decided on the niche for your new business directory, you will need to either buy or register your domain name. Visit for More Information: - https://www.wobulist.com/ Buying or registering the right domain name for your new online business directory will be the most important thing, so you need to make sure you get this correct from the start. A good domain name should be no longer than two to three words, and it should contain the name of the niche and the word directory in it and should always be a .com if you can help it other wise you should go for the .net domain if the .com for the domain you want is already taken and is not for sale. Therefore, for example if I was going to start a new business directory about the niche real estate the ideal domain name would be RealEstateDirectory.com or RealEstateDirectory.net but all good domain names like this have already been taken, but they may be up for sale so just visit the website and see. If you find the domain name is not for sale then you could also try adding a dash between the two words.. Like this RealEstate-Directory.com or RealEstate-Directory.net and see if they have been taken or not, and if they are taken see if they are for sale. If you have to go with a three word domain name you could enter something like your town or city name in front of the domain so it could be.. Like this NewYorkRealEstateDirectory.com or NewYorkRealEstateDirectory.net and see if it has been taken. A great free online resource I have found to help brain storm a new domain name and see if they have been taken or not is RegistrarStats.com, give them a try. Once you have found the domain name for your new online business directory it is time to register it, I recommend Godaddy.com for this as they are the cheapest and offer the best services. Yellow Pages has a long history, that goes back a century or so, in 1883, when a printer in Wyoming simply ran out of white paper and started using yellow paper instead for business listings. Yellow Pages comprise a directory that lists various industries according to their generic categories, instead of being listed alphabetically, which often caused confusion in the past. Just as the name suggests, this directory is published on pages that are yellow instead of white. Though originally this name was reserved for all kinds of commercial listings on paper, now it is also extended to include online listings and directories of businesses. The name, one must remember has a trademark in the United Kingdom. In the USA and several other countries this name has not been trademarked and hence is used freely by many directories and phone companies to publish and edit commercial listings.

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