Cosynest nov2015final

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The Cosy Nest ProjectFeasibility study Urban Kommunity & Tw i s t e d S t o c k i n g March -October 2015

photo:Nest source: Internet MohlenPris, Bergen, 2011


Contacts: Urban Kommunity Dani Ellis

078 56 951 353


photo: Dogwood source: Internet

Twisted Stocking

Angela Baker

075 9422 8566 Raw Willow, dogwood

The Cosy Nest Project in The Rec

‘The ‘The ‘The ‘The ‘The ‘The ‘The ‘The

Cosy Cosy Cosy Cosy Cosy Cosy Cosy Cosy

Nest Nest Nest Nest Nest Nest Nest Nest

Outdoor Venue’ Classroom’ Cinema and Theatre’ Art Platform’ Wild Life Sensory Garden’ Auditorium’ MAGNET’ Network’

Feasibility Study March-Nov 2015 Document prepared by Daniela Ellis, Urban Kommunity and Angela Baker, Twisted Stocking


Bergen, Norway, 2011

photo: Underground Nest source: Internet


0.0 Overview 1.0

Intro and Brief Concept


Why not an outdoor venue?


Haringey-North London


The team


Aims and objectives

6.0 Ideas and vision 6.1 Design, location, network and unique context 7.0 Programme 8.0 Delivery

8.1 Partnership, maintenance and the future of the project

APPENDIX A Interview APPENDIX B Making Mini Bird`s Nests & Other Habitats Herb Bags Three Little Piggs APPENDIX C Feasibility study Timesheet


• Map below: Network coverage for training primary school children

• Map left: Proposed Cycle-hubs strategic positions in accordance to the public transport, health services and Parks

photo: Clay source: Internet


Overview- A design Story

‘A design story about the ‘Cosy Nest Project’ with a pinch of enthusiasm’ This document is set to lead a vision of a space into a conversation. The story of a designing a cosy nest is tied into a ‘floating commentary- journey and coversations’ which would highlight the real potential of this project. Further into the study there are details with technical reaserch and information; design studies; sketching, sourcing local materials, gathering marketing research as well as information about the ground conditions and overall conversation on bringing a magnet for culture into The Rec. The proposal is showing how could a ‘ small iniiative’ kneet the community into the fabric of society. Looking at East Haringey, the land of clay, greenest borough in London; rich history related to using natural materials; stories of artisans and communities; The appendix would show the proposed studies and research into more factual detail. Please allow this feasibility notebook to take you on a journey of a vision.


photo: Dogwood source: Internet

Brief/Team/Aims ‘A design story about the ‘Cosy Nest Project’ with a pinch of enthusiasm’


• Map below: Network coverage for training primary school children

• Map left: Proposed Cycle-hubs strategic positions in accordance to the public transport, health services and Parks

*This is your invitation to get cosy in our local parks. No matter what you do? or Who you are? you will find a relaxation, peace and enjoy the outdoors imbedded in the hill and under the sky. **Did you know that our homes are small, so we could gather better in communal area? photo: Dogwood source: Internet * floating commentary ** did you know?

photo: Dogwood source: Internet

1.0 Intro and Brief Concept


`The Cosy Nest Project` is an opportunity for an `open platform` to engage ALL park

users to see their park as` THE` outdoors venue, (in the area), for films, Culture & History Lectures & a Herb Garden with real possibility of developing into a Wildlife & Nature `CLASSROOM`. -

`The Cosy Nest Project` is an` open Invitation` to all local schools to use the outdoor

spaces as part of their learning curriculum, ` A Practical AND Theoretical stomping ground`. -

In the first year of the project, children from the nearest schools, would be invited to

take part in the building & weaving of the giant bird`s nests, then the children would be introduced to the ` On-Going Upkeep` of the `Classroom Nests` as something programmed into their School Timetable. The Nests would `build a bridge` under the guided care of the school children. -

`The Cosy Nest Project` is an `open advertisement` to All local Visual-artists ; perform-

ers/Choirs/work-shop leaders & teachers to enter into the programme of possibilities EG ;- to cultivate the` Hub grounds` for Horticultural discussion and best practice . We would like to encourage Art and Film happening in The Rec on a regular basis. And Finally , entering into an active dialogue about caring for and sustaining these functional, sculptural natural seats and envisaging future enhancements in the Rec . The COSY NESTS PROJECT behaves like a catalyst, it provides the context for “the occasion” to meet and see our Park in a different light. It becomes a contract to share skills & resources between the local community and the Rec. It is ` a magnet` to attract new audiences and new types of activities, currently not happening. This cluster of `knock-on` projects are of the type that fullfil ‘small initiatives- big changes’- it is the moral of the project and its legacy that creates the MOMENTUM for success. Primary School Children from the nearest local schools would be helping TCV to maintain the project and fullfil the complexity of the whole vision over the next few years.


2.0 Why not an outdoor venue?

Dani Ellis, had meetings with Haringey Parks Team, Friends Of Lordship Rec, Dave Morris, Glynis and Joan discussing opportunities which would enhance the visual attraction into our park, allowing for other stakeholders

‘Art is love’* • Map below: Network coverage for training primary school children

to become more actively part of THE REC.

The ideas ran into creating an Outdoor Cinema, which within this last month evolved into becoming` an outdoors Classroom` during the day. It was suggested that late Film screening could happen over the summer/early Sept/ Oct`15 inviting film and art in the park.

Dani had an idea that the cinema should complement the park and it should enhance the idea of Haringey being the greenest borough in London. She started talking to various local groups related to the park, including `Twisted Stocking` about natural seating for late night films. We sat on the back steps in the Hub Amphitheatre, looked at the park hill and the various birds that migrate to UK every year, and we decided that it would be perfect to have natural giant nests of our own. Here are our ideas.

• Map left: Proposed Cycle-hubs strategic positions in accordance to the public transport, health services and Parks

3.0 Haringey- North London

Haringey is in North London. It is multicultural with a wide demographic catchment which could be pulled together by making the Hub into a magnet for Culture, Teaching & Green-Eco Sculpture.. Over the centuries Haringey was seen as` the artisan`s stomping ground`, a fleshpot of international traders with exotic skills hovering at the Tollgates, ready to take their wares and produce to London Markets, Dani says..” everyone has been brought here somehow, including even the birds “,… All hell broke out 3 years ago with the Tottenham Riots, we would like to nurture young people ( 13 -25yrs) and inspire them to actively search for skills , business learning and entering into modern day apprenticeships in the work that feeds into the Rec. Art needs to` build bridges`, we are connecting the green spaces and making` “ paths” & literally in-bedding achievable OUTREACH to local youth groups ie,Bruce Grove Youth Club.

‘Outdoor, should feel outdoor’*

photo map : Google Earth source: Dani Ellis * floating commentary ** did you know?


4.0 Team Dani Ellis, Urban Kommunity Dani has been involved with Haringey community initiatives from the moment she moved to the UK. She has worked with some very controversial companies including the award winning Jellyfish Theatre (Red Room Theatre Company), Union St, near London Bridge. Dani acquired MA Urban Design from UEL, so she worked towards empowering communities to realise their own ideas/aspirations &` Design Sense` within their Communities. She set Urban Kommunity in 2015, non-profit sole trader, organising and fulfilling local project inspired by the community, for wider audiences, but local benefit. She has been living in Haringey since 1999, started with teaching art classes at the community centre for the children 4-15 years old at SkyHigh WoodGreen estate;245-265High Road, N22 in 2000; Palimpsest Public House at Barbican Estate, EC1 with artist and architect Carol Manke; Jellyfish Theatre, known also as the Oikos Project, 120 seats theatre made from recycled materials; with artist and architect Martin Kultwasser; Built up programme by Westminster University in Haringey Council, 6 weeks programme with Orna Rosenberg -proposing development brief for Hollywood Green public space, N22; Planning led community with Wards Corner CoalitionThe market as community asset; development trust; and planning application, community workshops, consultation and engagement with architectural designer Abagail Stevenson and Anil; Currently working with ‘Strategy for cycling- A Philisophy of healthy living’ with Rockstone Foundation.

Team: Angela Baker, Twisted Stocking Angela has been designing Willowy-Interactive Environments in most of the Nursery Schools in Tottenham for some time. There have been Labyrinths., Earthworks, Mosaics and plenty of Art In The Parks, Green Classrooms, and the Downhills Centenary Festival 2003. After graduating from Dartington College of Arts with a BA Hons Degree in Choreographic Installations (Community Theatre) all research was pointing towards site specific work . Later, came the RHS Diploma in - `Garden Design Principles & Practice` @ Capel Manor, she concentrated on how the spaces were going to be used,( Motif & Static areas )& who was going to inhabit/activate them. Angie developed some very successful Green classrooms focussing on sculptures & Play equipment using Dogwood, Hazel & Willow.

Her background is theatrical and historical based performances delivered in Haringey in the early days include;-` School Rules - Ok ! `99”, Trials & innovations”, 2000 and more recently the Moselle Project in 2013 “A River runs Through It”.(Heritage lottery Fund)

photo page 14: Jellyfish Theatre Photo page 15: Angela Baker Source: Internet


photo: The Rec- The Hill source: Internet


Aims and Objectives

5.0 AIMS & OBJECTIVES;- Audience Development Plans for “COSY NESTS”;- (SUSTAINABLE)

To Compliment the HUB, as the` MAGNET FOR ACTIVITIES`,

by developing a youth model with the current schools EG,.Willow Banks with Herbs, Willow Hurdles into raised beds, Willow sculptures Courses in Plant Supports .Willow Trellis Gardening.

To prepare “The Stage” & “The Forum” for the Film Screening and Amphitheatre

for YOUTH THEATRE , `Tottenham Theatre Group` Lynda Brennon, EG; Walter Tull show; TOTTENHAM CHOIR & TOTTENHAM SINGERS, Concerts, Performances SPAC & Just 4 GIRL`S Programme.CD60+Dance.

To offer this environment (as venue), to OUTDOOR LECTURES

from Architects From the Festival, Experts from Royal Horticultural Society, Workshops /Lectures /Masterclasses in Ceramics, History of Art, Oil painting, 3D Sculptures, Green Architecture, Sedum Roofs etc.

New multipurpose landscaping `COSY NEST CLASSROOM` and Robust `COSY NEST` Seating areas `nestled` into

the wet hill. Helping drainage... This project will bring an increased mix of demographics EG. nationalities & extended families...And Tottenham Youth helping plant & weave.


photo: Dogwood source: Internet



photo: map The Rec source: Bing DEllis

6.0 Ideas and vision

Dani was looking at various migrating patterns; in humans and wild life; and after discussions with Angie we built our vision for this study. The vision was to create giant bird nests in which people would relax, gather and enjoy the park for meetings, picnics , theatre & cinematic experiences. Not in the Shell Theatre but in the true outdoors where people would feel part of nature & escape the city....into the city park? Could this be a settlement for the birds, and the humans? The nests would be sensory and interactive. The visitors using them would respond to the touch, smell and visual impact; They would be made from natural materials which are rich in textures, planted with various herbs, like rosemary, chamomile, sage; thyme; fennel & strawberries. Ideally we imagined speakers in-bedded into the nest-mounds to produce surround sound for productions therefore the noise would only be present around the nests; and not blasted wider. We would commission digital artists to use of the nests as an open platform. The Cosy Nest project would be set into a motif landscape and a location which benefits from close amenities. We walked around The Rec and found the hill opposite `The Hub` has good conditions for the nests to be imbedded; and is close to The Hub so amenities are close by. Angie described images from ` A River Runs Through It` project research. We discussed the option of a path running from the top of the hill with Ruth, whose idea it was to have pathways in grass surrounded by wild flower beds which lead to the nests. Planting options were discussed with Ruth, please see interviews.


sketch: Giant Bird Nest source: Angela Bakar

6.1 Design, location and network and unique context

When designing a cosy nest, local, natural materials, such as clay- soil, compost giving good ground moisture; plus the right conditions for growing herbs were taken into consideration. The location confirmed our tests ; we were happy that the proposed ideas behind the planting would work. Using the Willow, Dogwood and Hazel, entwined with the various climbing herbs and plants suggested the possibility of schools `naming `the nests eg “ Wild Strawberry & Thyme Nest�. The nesting ring would be made from planting the structural willow, dogwood, hazel and branches gathered locally; A mimicry of the birds building their nests. Youth( 14-17 yrs) from Park View School could be involved in this crucial part of the process; as they have expressed interest in working with Willow Sculpture outdoors. We looked at the drainage and how it would work; and concluded that below the nests there would be a collection point, which would then naturally feed the plants and the excess on flood days would `pool` into the main hill drainage. We have done the soil testing and consulted with Ruth Green and Les Harris, who both agreed that it could be good to have some planting on the hill as long as the maintenance is tied within the process of `up-keeping` and is not difficult to mow. The various ideas on how many people should be seated in one nest, provide two options. Either designing a cluster of 5 nests in which there would be 4-6 people spaces in each; and the other is to accommodate for 9/10 places on a cluster of three larger nests. The second option was planned around a school class teacher easily communicating with the pupils, if they had the Teacher, TA and one parent on the day; for theatre purposes it would be better to have smaller nests (& clusters of 5). We are looking into building a prototype to observe how it would be perceived by the public. We would learn and re-think our designs accordingly. The design would seat people half way up the hill close to the wildlife hedge( see email from Ruth Green- Appendix A Interviews) and would enhance the green in the park, contribute to the wildlife and behave as a unique outdoor venue. In keeping with the` Dalston Eastern Curve Garden`;` Meadow Orchard` in Crouch End; we aim to create a small enjoyable setting with similar flavour ; which would allow different audiences to reach the Rec and increase the network.


sketch: possible clusters source: Dani Ellis

7.0 Programme

I worked closely with the project `Urban Orchard`, 2010 @ Union Street; and I was very impressed by the way they communicated and allowed the community to get involved; from local groups; to residents association, they had age UK inviting elderly for a day out; corporations to book bbq’s and I really admired their engagement methods. The Cosy Nest Project, would like to create a similar setting, creating a partnership of groups which would share the management of this unique venue. We hope for a local Youth Committee to become the core group. The space would behave as a community asset; gaining an ownership to a location in the park for the local communities and schools, ideally based on shares. We were in the process of asking for support. We will collaborate further with the ` Wild Life conservation group`, ; the Parks Team- Les Harris said that we could use their tools; electricity; water, pipes and resources that they own; they could not promise that they would be able to help. The Hub was ok for us to use their amenities and facilities, as well as proposing a rainwater collecting project to use for watering the herbs & the nests .` The Garden Classroom` said that they would help as much as they could and `Living Under One Sun` said that we could use their volunteers network; materials etc. They were excited to hear about the project. Artists should be encouraged and commissioned to further use the nests and challenge the space, and attract different audiences. Temporary and permanent commissions would be made in connection to EuroArts; Imperial Workshop; Arena, Hermitage Road Artists; which would use as an open platform for their work. `Works` would be submitted to the Youth committee and then approved by other park groups. Events and Performance in ‘the evenings at the Rec’ would give the location a permeability; natural surveillance and less anxiety around the park at night. A late opening of an outdoor venue in the park would bring a different age group and late night culture seeking audiences. The community in the area would be the main beneficiaries of the location, they would be as involved as they would wish to be. We feel if the community owns a location in the park from which they have invested and have shares, they would protect


their property. A further discussion with who the main community players would be is to be set in later stages.

sketch: Digging and soakway explained source: Angela Bakar

8.0 Delivery

Program: The delivery programme of this project would be initiated as a result of involving the following groups: 1.

We have been in contact with the local probation service and they would be able to provide us with 5-7 volunteers,

supervised by their own member of their team, to do the digging in the hill as well as set the drainage and watering systems. 2.

14-17 years old children from local secondary schools would help with the planting and shaping of the major form of

the nests, as well designing and installing the benches 3.

Green-gym or similar organisations, Barclays, NatWest, corporate days out into the community; would enjoy planting

with Angela and Dani. 4.

We would provide Adult courses in ‘Willow structures’, the course would be 10 weeks long with different subjects

covering parts of the development each week. Second stage of the course would be offered later for maintenance of the structures.


• Map below: Network coverage for training primary school children

digital image: Music at The Nests source: DEllis

digital image: Cinema at The Nests source: DEllis

8.1 Partnership, Maintenance and Future of the project

A small group of young entrepreneurs would be encouraged to create a group of 14-25 yrs to maintain, repair & present a delivery events programme . We would develop these opportunities at a later date. As another option we would look for a local community groups to get involved into taking the bookings; so they could directly harvest the benefit of this location into their community. We started our promotion and evaluation at the very beginning in `May of this year. We have run various interviews in how this project would affect the environment, the people that would use it or small businesses and cultural organisation that would run regular programmes there. To allow a better assessment of the project, we propose to build a prototype and see whether the design as it stands has any faults. If it does not function as we have described, it would be easy to dismantle and the responsibility would lie with us. If the location is popular and the demand is clear we would then create an application to raise money for the project.

Partnership: Urban Kommunity and Twisted Stocking Urban Kommunity invited Twisted Stocking to help create urban initiative on building giant birds nests. The liability of the design and vision lays with Urban Kommunity; responsibility of Twisted Stocking has been to provide materials and expertise in working with willow. I, Daniela Ellis, Urban Kommunity, take full responsibility for the design and faults in of this project.


• Map below: Network coverage for training primary school children

• Map left: Proposed Cycle-hubs strategic positions in accordance to the public transport, health services and Parks

digital image: ‘Lets go to The Nests’ source: DEllis

support our vision by writing back to urbankommunity@gmail.


photo:Dogwood source: Internet

Appendix A


Cosy Nest Project Interviews March- October 2015 As part of the feasibility study a set of interviews with people directly involved with the park took place; this was to allow their comments and knowledge/advice to be put forwards in support of the `Cosy Nest` project; as well as their concerns in regards to the maintenance, liability, maintenance and performance of the future space. Prepared by: Urban Kommunity & Twisted Stocking May 2015- Interview Glynis Kirkwood 8th May emailed questions 18th May response Late May- draft conclusions Dani/Angela meetings May 2015- Interview with Les Harris, Haringey Parks – Lordship Rec 14th May- Meeting at Lordship Rec Late May meetings Dani/Angie drafting conclusions May 2015 – Interview with Ruth Green- Wildlife Conservation 05th May 2015 email from Ruth/Angie draft conclusions 05-12th May 2015 email responses Late May- finalising conclusion May 2015- Interview responses Leyla Leksari Nov 2015- Interview Garden Classroom Other responses: 21st March – Contact Karen from Wild Cat Arts Collective 11th May- Testing Soil 4h

Photo: The Rec -The Hill source: Internet


May 2015- Interview Glynis Kirkwood Glynis Kirkwood is The Lordship Hub manager, and a possible stakeholder in the Cosy Nest Project. We set out series of questions which would show the opportunity for partnership: Glynis Kirkwood Q&A The following questions are to help us with our feasibility study: Q: Would you allow us to install water butts on the South side of the Eco-Hub? (we are planning to run underground pump water irrigation system) A: I will have to run this by the Board in the first instance. I would need to understand where the water was coming from and what the ground works would be to install the pump system. Would it be within our curtilage and what it would look like. Q: Would the Eco-Hub take any bookings/hirings or would you like to manage the outdoor` Cosy Nest Classrooms` Programme in the future? A: The Hub and I are one and the same. I am unsure what you mean, as the nests would not be in our curtilage so outside our remit to hire or manage them. Q: Would you mind if the schools/ entities that are using the outdoor space, use the facilities or other rooms on the same day, if they ask in the pre-booking? A: Anyone wishing the use a room in the Hub must pre book. Rates vary according to usage. Q: How late is the Hub permitted to open? A: We can open until 9pm, but it does depend on covering staffing costs and willing volunteers. Q: How late is the cafe permitted to open? A: See answer to question 4. Q: Would the cafe feed our volunteers/cover their expenses for travel on the day? A: No. We don't have the funds to cover these expenses. Q: Would the Hub cover insurance/ do we need any liability insurance for the volunteers? A: As this is not a Hub project we would not expect to cover any costs or insure people not working on a Hub project. Q: Would the Hub cover cost for organising events- cinema/ theatre/ performance? A: If we are organising an event then we would seek funding for that event, but wouldn't/couldn't take on liability for someone else's event. Late May- draft conclusions Dani/Angela meetings Conclusion: The project falls outside their curtilage, so the Hub would not be able to assist with booking the schools into the project. However, there was an interest in supporting the specialist training courses workshops that would happen around the project. Plans to develop the opportunity to collide further association would be set at a later date. A set of drainage and pump drawings to be provided for the proposed usage of rain water from the roof of the Hub; this would water the herbs and plants on the nests? The same to be provided once the project has been approved and funding for the nest stage has been raised. However, in previous conversation in which we talked about attaching a screen to The Hub’s rafters on the South Side towards the hill, to create a cinema, were received with positive energy.

May 2015- Interview with Les Harris, Haringey Parks – Lordship Rec 14th May- Meeting at Lordship Rec Q&A’s Late May meetings Dani/Angie drafting conclusions (original notes of the interview were damaged, and the information provide below is from memory) Q: Does the hill have drainage problems and would it benefit from planting the Willow Nests? A: Yes, the hill would have a better means of drainage if it has the willow and other plants introduced . A drainage system has been installed, this project could help drain the lower fields from getting seasonally water-logged. Q: Would it make any difficulties when cutting the grass? A: I have concerns in cutting the grass around the nests, please provide some liability behind the maintenance of the nests which would include the grass around them, which could appear to be on slight incline or hard to reach. Q: Is it good for the hill to have extra planting? A: The hill would benefit hugely from the right planting. Q: Are there any technical difficulties/ any concerns regards the project? A: If it’s not maintained well, how will be anyone be responsible? How would it tie with Haringey Parks and their maintenance structure. Q: How often is the hill maintained? A: Once or twice per month depending on the season. Q: Do you have any concerns in regards to vandalism? A: Yes, vandalism has been quite an issue with the park, and Les would like to ask what are we going to do, if anyone would try and use our nests as sleeping beds; or they burn them; or they try and brake the plants. Q: We then referred to other vandalism in the park and how has it been dealt with in the past? We concluded that we need the right insurance to be able to make this project viable; also connecting to the Haringey parks insurance could be a further conversation with the Parks Haringey at higher level. As far as burning goes, the structures would be `fully green`, " living Sculptures", and therefore difficult to set fire to. The vandals would need to be very organised , ie bring straw & dry sticks to set it alight. However, again if vandalism is applied in this way, insurance should have clause that would cover costs for repairs. Q: How much maintenance could be tied into the Haringey Parks? Could we use the water/ electricity/tools/ vehicles? A: Les said, we are more than welcome to use any equipment as long as we ask in advance and it’s not being used by other members at the time; we shall receive support from staff members only in emergencies, we should raise a budget for other people/volunteers to help. Conclusion: We would be able to use the park water/ electricity and any tools and resources they have. A further conversation is required with higher management regarding insurance. Maintenance Plan to be outlined as part of the study.


May 2015 – Interview with Ruth Green- Wildlife Conservation 05th May 2015 email from Ruth/Angie draft conclusions 05-12th May 2015 email responses Late May- finalising conclusion River of plants down the hill/ what kind of herbs/plants would be good for the hill/hedge? RUTH GREEN;-My main concern is that if we have a "river" of plants down the hill they may get trodden on while still young and vulnerable. Also that the parks staff will be inconvenienced with getting the mowing machine through. (Re Dani and Angie were discussing the details of the path.. There will be grass in the middle, the wild flowers would be either side of the path as fencing; the taller the wild flowers are, the better the effect. We would use wooden barrier submerged into the ground to protect the seeded area from expanding. RUTH GREEN; I don’t think you need wood barriers. Seeds get over wood anyway. The mowing machines will stop the spread. I think it better to save funds for the right plants.) Other than that I like the idea of pockets in the seats for herbs and of having wild plants next to the Eco hedge. For the pockets - thyme,sage, lavender, rosemary, peppermint are all hardy and scented. parsley and basil by the hedge if that area is approved, as they like more shade. RUTH; Who is going to water them after project is completed? See interview with Glynis regarding water-butt installation on Southside of the building to set up a rainwater garden(also to water the Nests). This would be either switched on by a socket/ or run as a pump which is activated by foot- pads put into the into ground/ similar to lilo pump. (response Dani: We have asked Glynis whether we could install water butts on the Eco-Hub and we are planning to set an irrigation system which runs on pumping. Basically the water collected from the roof would be pumped (hopefully through foot activation) into the hill; the same would be set to only distribute a set amount of water. Conclusion: PH SOIL TESTS;- We know the soils are predominantly Clay in the side of the gradual hill behind the HUB. We are running PH soil Tests on three sites for the proposed Cosy Nests. Ruth thinks that Les has reduced drainage problems on this site, but we will systematically test alkaline/acidity & moisture levels in different weather conditions. This is to understand the ground for the planting of willows, herbs in baskets around the nests, and strips of meadow planting that could eventually be` paths` to the nests. This is with respect to Ruth finding the right meadow flowers that can be walked on... They are going to be fencing the walkway which is mainly grass. METHODOLOGY OF PLANTING;- Meadow Flowers & herbs baskets;- The turf would be taken off. A mixed bag of selected seeds or trays of selected plugs (costly but quicker) would be purchased. The selection would be advised by Ruth Green to suit acidity levels eg sunny, partially shady, full shade, wet or exposed conditions and also proximity to Hedge at the back. These strips of meadow plants would be protected and nurtured for a year and Ruth has advised that we plant near to the hedge that has maybes 2 metres of grasses either side. An arrangement with the Parks Mowing Team. AFTERCARE;-Ruth would train up Angie, Dani and volunteers to undertake judicious weeding at specific times in the seed dispersal stages of unwanted weeds

May 2015- Interview responses Leyla Leksari

Email Dani May 2015: I spoke to Leyla yesterday, she is wondering if we could get some partnership going with the training programmes. I will speak to you more tomorrow, see how we capture everyone. Dear Leyla/ Jaimie, Thank you for assisting with this project. We made a visit to the allotment yesterday, and would like to ask if you could help us with the following materials/ equipment/tools: 1. Herbs: pots of rosemary; mint; lemon balm; lavender; sage; chamomile etc. 2. Water butts (we would like to harvest the water from the Eco-Hub to be used for watering the park/project that we are proposing) 3. gravel/sand 4. green recycling bins 5. any volunteers to sign that might be available to help 6. hose pipe to connect to the water butts (we are planning to run irrigation system underground which would be pumped by installed pumping system 7. Tools/ Shovels/ Wheel barrows etc Leyla, do you know anyone that is familiar with installing the water butts, and overall irrigation systems, that would be happy to assist us? Our first planting will start November 2015. We are preparing feasibility study at the moment; in which we are running some events over the summer. We will keep you informed of the content. Conclusion: A level of interest and some collaboration would require further conversation. They would help and provide us with mostly everything we need. The cost of materials would be free, but if any personnel are required to help they would be paid.


Nov 2015- Interview Garden Classroom The Garden Classroom is working with the local schools around the Lordship Rec and has been taking some initiatives to take the children outdoors. As part of our feasibility, we wanted to know how much would the design depend on a classroom layout, is it easier for the teachers?? What kind of formation should the design take? Would the children from the school children proudly maintain the space?? Further in depth conversation on the subject is described in the paragraph bellow. The outcome was that Haringey schools are not as ready to use outdoor facilities on regular basis, once per week or more they would be more in the line of using the same as random as necessary (once per month was suggested to be the predicted pattern). Series of questions: Q: Introduction: Who are Cosy Nest and how did it come about? Who are Garden Classroom and how much work they have been involved between the local schools and The Rec? A: Daniela Ellis, Urban Designer and Angela Baker, Willow structures artist have been at meetings at the Hub and the longing of having a meeting space outdoors was brought to mind. The park is outdoors but everyone seems to be meeting in inclosed spaces. We were thinking of linking an outdoor venue to the Hub opposite on the hill. The Outdoor Classroom has been working with year 2, year 4 and its working with the schools current curriculum to provide outdoor activities as part of their learning. They work with key stage 1 and 2; and have been working with The Willow Primary School, Lancasterian Primary School and Belmond Primary School. The schools have been in The Rec, and they have set a model of exploration. They would normally meet in the small atrium in the Rec opposite the Hub and walk from there. Q: Design: Do they have any knowledge what the outdoor classroom would look like? How organisation and layout should happen? What are good attributes of an outdoor classroom? Are there any concerns?? A: A more rounded approach in which the teacher could talk to the children all at the same time. If the classroom is designed outdoor, to make it easier for the teachers to use should have clear boundaries, should be easy to use, and well overlooked, less scattered and more in combined. The outdoor classroom, should be either set all in one, one big nest, or two 2x15 seats to accommodate two groups’; as the schools would have two the teacher and assistant teacher with them at all times; but might not have extra volunteers. The prototype should be built to accommodate 30 children as big classroom space. Q: Collaboration: Do they work with projects like the Cosy Nest? Would they be happy to manage the Nests? Or use them in future as part of their outdoor venues? A: They would not be able to fully manage the space; but would be very happy to use it as part of their outdoor facilities. Someone else should be making the full booking, and it should be open to other community groups and organisation to use to fulfil its full potential. However they would be more than happy to work with us and would be interested in any proposed partnership we could create. Q: Communication: Would they communicate solely with the schools? Would they be interested in developing overlapping layers of responsibilities? A: We are allowed to email the schools and ask them in person whether they would use an outdoor classroom if it was their own?

Other responses: 21st March – Contact Karen from Wild Cat Arts Collective 11th May- Testing Soil 4h We asked Karen whether it would be good to have an outdoor Cinema Venue? Hi Angie I love the idea of regular outdoor film screenings at the Rec and the 'nests' for people to sit in! I used to work with Wildcat Arts Collective which showed films for children, families and young people at the West Green Learning Centre (do you remember you and Tony read some Roald Dahl for us at our screening of Danny Champion of the World a few years back). We also organised some outdoor screenings with Andy Newman and the GRA at the Community Garden. I'm no longer involved but you could contact Dave ( or Fran ( The other group to contact would be Haringey Independent Cinema, I'm not sure who the best person to speak to would be but you could try Tony Wood ( I know there have been a couple of film screenings at Lordship Rec in front of the stage eg the bicycle-powered screening by Magnificent Revolution. Joan Curtis is involved in a Shell Arts group I think so she might be a good person to speak to. There's also a funding stream from Film London which might be worth looking at - £3k for community film screenings, I think the next round will be opening soon. Hope that helps, speak soon, Karen 11th May 2015 Dani/Angela soil testing day at The Rec Soil testing workshop- which shows that the soil is alkaline; Workshop outcome and feedback: The responses from the interviews were mostly welcoming and positive. Important information would be taken forward and raised issues would be addressed. Mainly insurance, maintenance, future management of the project to be included. List of participants: Glynis kirkwood - Leyla Leksari- Ruth Green- Les Harris- Parks Haringey


photo:Dogwood source: Internet

Appendix B Cosy Nest Project- Making Mini Bird`s Nests & Other Habitats


Cosy Nest Project- Making Mini Bird`s Nests & Other Habitats Feasibility workshop 22h Urban Kommunity & Twisted Stocking Friday, 29th May 2015 from 14:00 to 16:00 London, United Kingdom @ The Lordship Hub, Lordship Recreational Grounds Making mini birds’ nests and other habitats, is a workshop designed for the senses. We get some nice twinning materials, some dogwood, willow, some straw; and we collected loads of herbs, mostly, lavender, rosemary, camomile, mint, sage; our workshop could be sensed as soon as someone walked through the building. Every person that was in The Hub on the day walked in and asked what we were doing? It was the most inspiring workshop, as we were so happy to be working with these materials, which offer more that the touch, the eye, could offer. Using the pruned off-cuts of herbs from our gardens & Park eg, mint, rosemary, thyme, sage, maybes also climbers like fragrant Jasmine; strawberries; tomatoes; creating a nest that would appeal to our senses. On the day, we had a regular estimate of guests, and we asked them whether an outdoor classroom, that has sensory feel to it, would be an inspiring setting for young children?? We also talked about the feeling of being in the nest; feeling warm, feeling like it’s your home. The Cosy Nest project was born around the idea of how fast paste and transitional our area in which we live is, and in conversation we were talking about how do the birds migrate so much but manage to build their nests, and make homes as they do. Further we progressed to find the feeling of belonging and whether is relevant to society today, so we set on a journey to explore further in What is a Cosy Nest?? Meetings April/May 2015: 19th April 2015- Meeting Dani/Angie brainstorming ideas 5h May 2015- setting Market Research workshops 5h 18th May 2015- Preparation work , gathering materials, sourcing herbs; the questionaires 2h 19th May 2015- Logistics and more preparation work 2h 29th May 2015- 11am- 5pm Workshop ‘Making Mini Bird`s Nests & Other Habitats’ at The Hub 6h May 2015- Meeting Dani/Angela Feedback 2h

photo:The Hub source: ABaker

29th May 2015: 11am-2pm Set up: - materials distribution, gathering dogwood, willow - Setting up the workshop, including displaying materials, herbs, preparing initial layout for the workshop - Preparing questions for the parents and talking about ‘ cosy nests’ and their relationship with the parks 2pm-4pm - Arriving and taking names and emails - Introduction to the materials - Building nests, talking about the various forms of nesting that birds do? - Adding the sensory levels of the nests - Cosy Nest conversation - Photos and assessment 4pm-5pm tidying up closing workshop Workshop outcome and feedback:

photo:The Hub source: ABaker

We had a good response to the proposed Cosy Nest project; the ideas behind appealing to the sense of belonging, the whole idea behind the project being related to migration and watching and mimicking the birds into their natural habitats was perceived with very positive response. Again, we managed to create interest and people were generally very impressed with the whole model and complexity of thinking. They said that they would like to hear more, and would love to share their support with relatives and friends. We had Jenny from CropDrop that joined our workshop on the day, and she showed interest in working with us in the future. We also met a gardening group from the Willow School, who were interested to see how would the project develop. The project has not even started but it has behaved as a catalyst between other ideas of very similar content in the area. List of participants:

Photos: Angela will email

photo:The Hub source: ABaker


photo:Dogwood source: Internet

Appendix B Herb Bags


Cosy Nest Project- Herb Bags Urban Kommunity & Twisted Stocking July2015 This is a social media workshop, which is set to tease people into finding out what the project is about. The herb pillows were donated to the Hub as their birthday present for them to help them raise funds. July2015 20h Herb bags- pillows stuffed with herbs for Cosy Nests - Making of the bags- The pillows will be stuffed with herbs and other ingredients. Kindly we had Maissy Gardens donating their lavender; Judith Hannah advised that we should mix the same with other ingredients. Angela sourced some material about 20-30 herbal pillows were produced. They would be the pillows you cosy with and they would smell as the nest to keep you reminded of the place where you have been. - The message- We wanted the messages to tell people to get ownership of the nests, they are here for them. Make this nest your cosy spot for the nest hour; spend time in the park.. this is the place where you belong‌ Inspirational text has been proved as a good marketing play for future events that would be set ahead.. - The aim- We would like to inspire as many people to be informed and be involved from early staged of the project. We are giving a little information at the time, building up to the big moment. We would like people to know and associate the name with the previous events and goods they have picked up in the community. -

The purpose- Spread the word. Use the senses to create a nostalgia for the future.

- The outcome- We had a very positive reaction from the children, they always wanted the bags, cuddled them; smell them, wandered which herb was inside? Their minds were curious to how comfortable they could be. - The legacy- The pillows are reminders of how to look after our environment; how to relate and belong; how to appeal to our senses without our conciseness, how to get lost in the city in your own imagination List of participants: Glynis Kirkwood -

photo:The Hub source: ABaker


photo:Dogwood source: Internet

Appendix B Cosy Nest Project- Interactive Clay-Play Three Little Piggs


Cosy Nest Project- Interactive Clay-Play Feasibility workshop 24h Urban Kommunity & Twisted Stocking Sunday, 27 September 2015 from 12:00 to 15:00 (BST) London, United Kingdom @ Pavilion Bruce Castle Park The Intention; Three Little Pigs workshop was originally intended to promote` natural building methods, so it was perfect to be set at The Hub. We saw it as the `perfect location` and had designed the “perfect Workshop" to throw light on how it had been built. It would be great for the children to be inspired by the designing & creation of the Hub out of Straw & Cob. We had made every effort to put up the` Three Little Pigs` workshop as part of the 1ST birthday Party @ The Hub on 11th July. It was dismissed as being a distraction to the main point of the day as they felt that the birthday party should not be open to everyone and especially not people that have not be involved into the Hub project.. Once again, we applied with every effort to get into `What`s On`, for Wednesday 12th August, at the Hub, but we collided with International Youth Day and got the dates and days mixed (and unfortunately out of the confusion) the Hub did not promote our workshop information in their newsletter. Frustrated we started looking to finish our feasibility study in Bruce Castle Park, and a different venue - The Pavilion Tennis Club & Cafe, N17. We still feel that every good idea deserves a place, and continued with our research. The project was not `for the Hub`, it was` for park users` to get an outdoor venue where they could enjoy the park. We heard from others that over the years, artists have been left deflated from similar experiences with the LRUF and The Friends of Lordship Rec. We were determined to explore our project further and fulfil this proposed marketing research; we set up the workshop in The Pavilion, Bruce Castle Park, N17. We were welcomed and given every support to work with children and their parents, the user groups from this local park. It was a delight and the response was invaluable, after such negativity.

poster workshop: Digital: DEllis source: ABaker

The Making; We are proud to have created an interactive feasibility workshop, in a new venue, in a short space of time. The workshop was inspired by the moral-some tale that every nationality can understand. So the story of The Three Little Pigs gave an urgency and pace to the workshop to explore Cosy Nest materials through story telling & clay- play. In this context the children (all ages up-to 12yrs ) are the pigs. They are testing the natural materials, talking about their properties, their strength, how sustainable they are, about their use and where are they found? We prepared a play questionnaire for `our little pigs`, to be able to defend their structures in front of The (`Big Bad Wolf`) Building Inspector. The Aim/Purpose; The participants were challenged to think about the straw, the willow sticks, the clay or the natural cob that they had made their homes/ habitats from. The participants decided who they had made their models for, a pig, a spider, a foal, a cat/leopard, a mouse or an eagle? Now to find how suitable the habitat was for the creature that lived there. The essential qualities the raw materials held. They were challenged and questioned to evaluate their clay and willow homes. The participants were asked to a./hold their structures and hop on one leg to check whether they were structurally sound, to b./ wear them over their heads and check whether they are sound proof; to c./spray them with water and check whether they are waterproof?? We also asked our young audience, how much did they know about building with natural materials? Where do we find/ source these materials? What is sustainable about them, do they have a long term durability, is there any energy cost involved when building with them? A great discussion ensued. The Message; Throughout the workshop Dani talked to everyone about `The Cosy Nest Project.` She drew parallels with the natural materials the children had been using and the potential locally sourced Willow & Clay to make these organically shaped nesting seats & Classroom Circles. We then explained the relationship of this workshop with the local parks, schools, parents, getting young people involved into open spaces through education, through maintenance of a piece of the park they have helped design and which they use as their open outdoor place to play and learn. The Outcome; The reaction of the parents was very positive, they all agreed, that the relationship with schools and open spaces is a valid conversation; also creating a social and environmental awareness at early age is a very positive contribution to the future of the parks and the way they are perceived and how they are treated. We talked about the importance of natural surveillance that would happen if the park was active after 6pm, if cinema/cultural events were to take place on regular basis?? If a certain amount of youth from the secondary local schools were The Youth Cinema Organisers??


The Conclusion; We are pleased that this alternative venue @ Bruce Castle Park lends itself to The Cosy Nest Project ideas. The Pavilion Venue has been searching for a strong Community hook, which takes on board more planting, recycling, re-design to the look of the venue & grounds. The Pavilion Tennis Club & Cafe have been marketing for a direct line out to the local families, the nearby schools, Francis De Sales & Lancasterian Infant , Primary & Special Needs Unit. All in all the reaction to claiming the park for youth usage has been rewarding and inspiring; we are hoping that we could further engage with` living willow workshops` for youth 14-17 years old, as well as weekend adult natural building workshops to fulfil the potential of our research and projects. The interest in both was really positive; we have so far attracted an audience who are waiting for our return with more Youth workshops & training programmes for adults as they gave us their contact details and would like to engage further.

photo:Workshop source: DEllis

photo:Workshop source: DEllis

photo:Workshop source: DEllis

photo:Workshop source: DEllis

The Projects Future; As there was no real burning desire for The Hub (many people believe the Hub/Rec has had so much work already done to it ) and no need to engage with The Cosy Nest Project, We would like to be able to re-apply to Haringey Council Recreational Spaces for support and local grants to pursue this relationship with The Pavilion. N17

Meetings September 2015: 16/09/2015 Dani/Angela preparing Eventbrite, poster design and editing- 4h 18/09/2015 Dani/Angela admin, emailing and preparing social media invitation media promotion – 2h 24/09/2015 Dani/Angela 12.30 meeting at Bruce Castle Museum 4h leafleting and promotion 25/09/2015 Dani/Angela more posters and leafleting, preparation for the storylines; sustainability questionnaires 4h 26/09/2015 workshop preparation, last minute promo, leafleting local parks and targeting families with young children- 6h 26/09/2015 Ceremony AWARDS ‘You made an absolute pigsty out of it’/ three little pigs money & sweets prizes. 27/09/2015 10am- 12pm set up 12pm-3pm workshop 3pm-4pm clearing up 10am-12pm Set up: - materials transported from 49 Belmont Road to The Pavilion @Bruce Castle. including leaves, branches; angel hair, brown paper; dried flowers; clay locally sourced; wooden spoons; twine, rope, wool, beans, lentils. straw, coconut coir, willow. Herbs & Cob. (please note that some materials we distributed and stored at the Pavilion Bruce Castle Park in the preparation period two days prior to the event) - Setting up the workshop, including displaying materials, setting up Gazebos, tables and chairs, borrowing some tools from Bruce Castle Museum - Preparation for the story lines, and how we will engage with the audience. The subject of storytelling, creating an interactive workshop in which the children are little pigs and we are the building inspectors - Preparing questions for the parents and talking about ‘ cosy nests’ and their relationship with the parks 12pm-3pm - Arriving and taking names and emails - Introduction to the materials - Engaging Youth volunteers into the workshop - Building the habitats, who lives in a house like this? - First round of Cosy Nest conversation - Inspecting the habitats - Second round of Cosy Nest conversation - Awards Ceremony 3pm-4pm tidying up closing workshop


Workshop outcome and feedback: Based on this interactive workshop, we got the full support of the audience involved. They felt that the project is very current in its context, it has a good agenda, and would work well given the right amount of time to bloom. The main question we were asking is whether they feel the children should have a better relationship with the park as part of their education, also to invite children from early age to look after their environment . The long term legacy is the proposition RE; the sharing of public spaces, preparing opportunities to link to various public institutions; as well as solidify the opportunities for parks to embed community assets into their structure to help with the running of the Parks. List of participants: Terry Hughes-, Katja Pfeiler-, Rich Taylor-, Teodora Taylor- teodoratea@hotmail. com, Joanna Miclniczek- asia.miclniczek@, Beata Radecka-, Nadine Gardner- lavendernadine@live., Lucy Brunnen-, Maisie/Britta/ Keran- brittareinecke@, Tememuga Peneva- t_peneva2002@, Rose Anne Hughes- roseannehughes@

photo:Workshop source: DEllis

photo:Workshop source: DEllis

photo:Workshop source: DEllis


photo:Dogwood source: Internet

Appendix C Cosy Nest Project- Feasibility study Timesheet


Cosy Nest Project- Feasibility study Timesheet Cost and hours Urban Kommunity & Twisted Stocking March-Oct 2015 March 2015- gathering information to prepare a brief 20h March 2015- research; meetings; admin; editing of the brief 20h 26th March 2015 Brief final May 2015- Interview Glynis Kirkwood 10h 8th May emailed questions 18th May response Late May- draft conclusions Dani/Angela meetings May 2015- Interview with Les Harris, Haringey Parks – Lordship Rec 10h 14th May- Meeting at Lordship Rec Late May meetings Dani/Angie drafting conclusions May 2015 – Interview with Ruth Green- Wildlife Conservation10h 05th May 2015 email from Ruth/Angie draft conclusions 05-12th May 2015 email responses Late May- finalising conclusion May 2015- Interview responses Leyla Leksari 10h Other responses: 21st March – Contact Karen from Wild Cat Arts Collective 11th May- Testing Soil 4h Cosy Nest Project- Making Mini Bird`s Nests & Other Habitats Feasibility workshop 22h 19th April 2015- Meeting Dani/Angie brainstorming ideas 5h May 2015- setting Market Research workshops 5h 18th May 2015- Preparation work , gathering materials, sourcing herbs; the questionaires 2h 19th May 2015- Logistics and more preparation work 2h 29th May 2015- 11am- 5pm Workshop ‘Making Mini Bird`s Nests & Other Habitats’ at The Hub 6h May 2015- Meeting Dani/Angela Feedback 2h

Cosy Nest Project- Herb bags 11th July 2015 - Hub’s birthday Urban Kommunity & Twisted Stocking July 2015 This is a social media workshop, which is set to tease people into finding out what the project is about. The herb pillows were donated to the Hub as their birthday present for them to help them raise funds. July2015 20h Cosy Nest Project- Interactive Clay-Play Feasibility workshop 24h 16/09/2015 Dani/Angela preparing Eventbrite, poster design and editing- 4h 18/09/2015 Dani/Angela admin, emailing and preparing social media invitation media promotion – 2h 24/09/2015 Dani/Angela 12.30 meeting at Bruce Castle Museum 4h leafleting and promotion 25/09/2015 Dani/Angela more posters and leafleting, preparation for the storylines; sustainability questionnaires 4h 26/09/2015 workshop preparation, last minute promo, leafleting local parks and targeting families with young children- 6h 26/09/2015 Ceremony AWARDS ‘You made an absolute pigsty out of it’/ three little pigs money exchange for materials 27/09/2015 10am- 12pm set up 12pm-3pm workshop 3pm-4pm clearing up

Writing feasibility Oct/Nov2015 -100h

Total hours: Preparing the brief: 50h Interviews May2015- 40h Workshop- 29May2015- 22h Worhshop-11July2015-20h Woprkshop- 27Sep2015- 24h Writing feasibility Oct/Nov2015 -100h


• Map below: Network coverage for training primary school children

• Map left: Proposed Cycle-hubs strategic positions in accordance to the public transport, health services and Parks

photo:Nests Logo source: DEllis

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