All the Steps in the Procedure for Root Canal Treatment in South Delhi

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All the Steps in the Procedure for Root Canal Treatment in South Delhi Have you ever had a horrible toothache that inconveniences your everyday activities? Tooth pain is associated with many dental problems. In case it is an infection, our trustworthy dentist in South Delhi might suggest root canal treatment to save the natural tooth.

When people hear someone mention they had a root canal, they shudder when the procedure is described. Many assume the procedure to be painful, but thanks to advances in dentistry, the treatment is not more painful than having a filling placed. If you want to know how the root canal treatment is carried out in one of the best dental clinics in South Delhi, read on.

Steps Involved in a Root Canal Procedure in Any Dental Clinic in Delhi X-Ray While it is not always necessary to perform an x-ray before a root canal treatment, our dental clinic in South Delhi generally recommends it to observe the extent of damage and provide the best options for treatment. X-rays help dental service providers see the condition of your teeth, roots, jaw placement, and facial bone structure. This can help to determine how badly the infection has damaged the tooth.

Local Anaesthesia The preparation of the area involves numbing it since root canal treatment cannot be handled without using a local anaesthetic. During the treatment, the infected tooth will be drilled to remove the pulp and nerves, which will be extremely painful. The anaesthetic helps eliminate sensitivity in the area and makes it impossible for the patient to feel the pain. Administration of the anaesthetic is also why the dental clinic suggests patients bring a friend or family with them to drive them back home.

Removing the Pulp A dental dam is placed around the infected tooth to keep it dry and prevent bacteria from the rest of the mouth from entering the tooth. Dentists use a rubber sheet to isolate the infected tooth and focus on it during treatment. This sheet also helps prevent the patient from breathing in the chemicals the dentist uses. After this, the dentist will drill a tunnel to access the inside of the tooth and remove the infected pulp, nerves and pulp.

Cleaning & Filling the Canal After removing the pulp, the dentist begins the cleaning process. Our best dentists in South Delhi ensure that any remaining pulp is removed to avoid reinfection. This is crucial because the affected area will cause pain after healing if cleaning isn't carried out properly. During cleaning, the canal may be enlarged to make space for the filling, which may take several hours.

Sealing the Tooth Once the canal has been filled, a temporary crown will be placed to protect the tooth while a custom one is being made. In case of any discolouration, the dentist can whiten the tooth. A permanent crown will be placed on top of the tooth to protect it from cracking or breaking during everyday use. The dentist may file the tooth to ensure the crown fits properly. The root canal is a complicated procedure, and you should always consult a root canal specialist to carry it out. In case the treatment fails, your tooth can get infected again, requiring another root canal procedure or possible tooth extraction.

You can also choose to get the tooth extracted instead of undergoing a root canal treatment. However, dental experts generally suggest getting a replacement for the missing tooth. If you are looking for a reliable dentist who can help you choose the right option, book your appointment at Kamal Dental Clinic, the best dental clinic in Delhi. Sources ure-for-root-canal-treatment-south-delhi.html

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