The Detriments of a Poor Night's Sleep

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4/15/22, 2:36 PM

The Detriments of a Poor Night’s Sleep | Kadima Luzerne | Healthcare

a The Detriments of a Poor Night’s Sleep by Kadima Luzerne | Apr 15, 2022 | Blog, Healthcare, Kadima Luzerne

There are few things more beneficial to your overall health than a good night’s sleep. The body and mind need sleep to relax and recharge for the next day. Failing to get at least seven hours of sleep each night can lead to some serious health issues. This is why it is important to make your sleep a priority every night. These are the four biggest detriments of a poor night’s sleep. Impaired Memory The brain only gets to rest when you are sleeping. Failing to give the brain enough time to recharge will prevent it from working at full capacity the next day. You will likely have issues processing and remembering information when you are sleep-deprived. Forgetting important information throughout the day can potentially lead to a number of problems in your personal and professional life. Lethargy Sleep helps energize the body for the next day. Missing a few hours of sleep will make you feel very lethargic. This tired feeling can completely remove all of your motivation for the


4/15/22, 2:36 PM

The Detriments of a Poor Night’s Sleep | Kadima Luzerne | Healthcare

day. You will decide to skip your daily workout and household chores. If you continue to lose sleep, then the quality of your life will drastically decrease over time. You are also likely to gain several pounds during this time. Increased Stress Levels While it may be impossible to avoid stress on a daily basis, your stress levels will skyrocket after a poor night’s sleep. Almost everyone gets a little more irritable and short-tempered when they are tired. It is hard to control these moody feelings, so you may take your frustrations out on your significant other and friends. Failing to control stress levels will lead to high blood pressure and other health issues over time. Poor Job Performance Most people tend to miss out on sleep during the workweek. It is far easier to get the required seven hours of sleep when you do not have to get up early in the morning. The overall lack of alertness and sleepiness are bound to affect your performance at work. It is impossible to perform your best when your body is sleep-deprived.


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