Should You Find a New Doctor?

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There are a few different reasons to find a new doctor. You might be moving to a new community, feel uncomfortable with your current doctor, or need a physician with a specific type of experience. Regardless of the reason, it's important to take your time in searching for your new doctor. The process of generating a list of doctors and narrowing down your choices can help you pick the best doctor for your situation. Gather a List of "In-Network" Doctors In choosing any other type of professional service, you can simply ask your friends or co-workers for recommendations. However, your insurance provider will complicate this process. You'll make this search easier for yourself if you only consider doctors who are in your network. Your insurance company should be able to provide you with a list. Sticking with "in-network" doctors will help you avoid higher co-pays and difficulties with filing claims for coverage. Choose a Doctor Based on Treatment Needs In most cases, you'll want to look for a family doctor who can treat patients of any age. They can diagnose and treat most conditions, including injuries, women's health issues, and other specialized areas of healthcare. Doctors who practice internal medicine specialize in treating and preventing diseases and chronic health problems. A general practice doctor is very similar to a family physician in that they provide general healthcare. Osteopaths fall under this category, and they concentrate on alternative treatments for musculoskeletal problems. Consult Each Doctor This is the point at which you can start evaluating the doctors on your list. Reading online reviews for each office can help you eliminate some doctors quickly. For the remaining physicians on your list, you'll want to visit each office. This will help you evaluate the professionalism of the staff, the cleanliness of the office, and the skills of the physician. Be sure to bring a list of questions with you so you can determine which doctor will best meet your needs for healthcare. In many cases, deciding to find a new or different doctor can come down to a personal choice. As you search for a different physician, it can also help to keep in mind your reasons for leaving your old doctor. This can help you avoid ending up in a similar situation with your new caregiver.

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