How to Get Vitamin D Without Risking Excessive Sun Exposure

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Getting enough vitamin D is crucial to maintaining a healthy body, as it helps absorb nutrients such as calcium and phosphate. Unfortunately, many Americans are not getting enough vitamin D. This can lead to various health conditions such as depression and joint pain. It also helps maintain the function of the nervous system by influencing the growth of cells and immune function. Unfortunately, too much exposure to sunlight can also lead to various health conditions. Most people get most of their vitamin D from sunlight exposure from late March to the end of September. We need vitamin D to help our bodies absorb nutrients such as phosphate and calcium, which are important for healthy teeth, bones, and muscles. Without enough vitamin D, your bones can become weak and soft, which can lead to various health conditions, such as bone deformities. In children, vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets. On the other hand, adults who are not getting enough vitamin D can develop osteomalacia. Although vitamin D only occurs naturally in certain foods, it can also be found in other food items. Some of these include fatty fish such as salmon and trout, as well as egg yolks and mushrooms. Some food items that are fortified with vitamin D include dairy products, fruit juices, and plant-based milks. These can help increase one's vitamin D levels naturally. If you're unsatisfied with the food items containing vitamin D, you can still take a daily vitamin D3 supplement. For those residing in the northern states, taking 1,000 to 2000 IU daily is considered to be safe. Getting enough sunshine is also very important to maintain a healthy body, as it can help boost one's vitamin D levels. Although it's not always recommended to go out and suntan, you can still get enough vitamin D by taking advantage of the 15 to 20 minutes of exposure that daily sunlight provides. There are various factors that can affect how much vitamin D is produced, such as your skin's color and how much exposure you have. If you're sitting inside a sunny window, your body will not be able to produce vitamin D. This is because the ultraviolet B rays that your body needs to make vitamin D cannot pass through the glass. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation can lead to skin cancer. Being in the sun for a long period can also increase one's risk of developing this disease. To minimize the risk of skin cancer, it's important that people cover up when they plan on being out in the sun for an extended period. They should apply at least an SPF15 sunscreen, wear sunglasses, and seek shade.

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