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旅 行

的 奇

辰樂是一個貧窮的小孩,今天還沒去上學,因為他想 到因為家境太貧窮,沒辦法去畢業旅行就覺得心煩。 Cheng is a poor kid who hasn't gone to school until today because his family doesn't have enough money. Knowing that he can't go on a graduation trip makes him feel upset.

吃完早餐後,辰樂回到房裡正好看到媽媽幫他把 床單縫補好。 After breakfast, Cheng came back to his room just in time and saw his mother mending his bed sheets.

兩人坐下後,媽媽語重心長地跟辰樂 說:「孩子,對不起,媽媽太窮了,無法 負擔你那畢業旅行的費用,只好讓你 不要去畢業旅行。」 After the two of them sat down, his mother said

to Cheng in a serious way, “Cheng, I'm sorry, I'm too poor to pay for your graduation trip, so I can't let you participate in the activity."

辰樂聽完後心裡很是難過,不 過他知道這是不得已的,所以 也接受了,媽媽聽完後欣慰的 點點頭後,便抱住辰樂說: 「好孩子,媽媽對不起你。」 After hearing this, Cheng was very sad, but he knew that they had no choice, so he told his mother he could accept it. Cheng's mother nodded his head in relief. Then, he hugged Cheng and said, "Good boy, I'm really sorry.

早上到學校時,老師講了一個 故事,叫「阿立母接炸彈」, 在日治時期常會有飛機來台灣 轟炸,而有一次炸彈竟然扔到 接近吉貝耍部落的地方,農夫 阿哲呼叫阿立母,阿立母驚見 就立刻衝去接住那顆炸彈,阿 哲獲救了,整個吉貝耍部落也 被拯救了… When Cheng arrived at school in the morning, his teacher told them a story called " Mother Ali catch the bomb". During the Japanese occupation, there were often planes coming through to bomb Taiwan. Once the bomb was thrown close to the tribe of Jibeishua, the farmer A Zhe called Mother Ali for help. Mother Ali was shocked but rushed to catch the bomb immediately. A Zhe was saved, and the whole Jibeishua tribe was also saved ...

辰樂聽完後就整天都在想這個故事,他想到 阿立母如果出現在自己面前,會對他說什麼 呢?

After listening to the story, Cheng spent the whole day thinking about it. He thought about what Mother Ali would say to him if she were to appear in front of him.

中午吃飯時辰樂的同學七嘴八舌談論著去畢業旅行要帶什 麼,辰樂有一搭沒一搭的回應著,他不敢對大家說自己不 能去的事。 During lunch, Cheng’s classmates were talking about what to bring on their graduation trip. Cheng didn’t respond much and he didn't dare to tell everyone that he couldn't go.

回到家,辰樂想起自己不能去畢業旅行的事,心煩意亂的,便開 始玩起手指頭,玩著,玩著,也就睡著了。睡覺時做了一個神奇 的夢,在夢裡,他真的遇到了阿立母,他夢到阿立母對他微笑,也 夢見自己真的參加了畢旅。

When Cheng got home, he remembered that he couldn't go on the graduation trip and was so upset. He started to play with his fingers, then he fell asleep.While sleeping, he had a magical dream in which he really met Mother Ali, he dreamed that Mother Ali smiled at him, and he really participated in the graduation trip.

辰樂十分高興,但仍不忘初衷,辰樂還對阿立母許下:第一個 願望,我要讓所有貧窮的人都能得到善心人士的幫助。第二 個願望,我要讓有生病的人都能得到救贖,不再病痛。第三個 願望,我要讓好心的人幫助刻苦的人,好心有好報。 Cheng was very happy, but still did not forget the original goal, he also made a wish to Mother Ali. First, I want all the poor people helped by kind-hearted people. Second, I want all the sick people saved from their illnesses. The third wish is that good people will help those who are suffering, and that good intentions will be rewarded.

不過醒來後他發現甚麼事都沒改變, 本來還天真地以為所有的願望成真! But after waking up, he found that nothing had changed and he had naively thought that all his wishes had come true!

一進教室,同學馬上跑來告訴辰樂,段萬得基金會 要發獎學金給在藝文、體育、資訊、語文和學業方 面表現傑出的小朋友。 As soon as they entered the classroom, the students ran to tell Cheng about Wande Duan Foundation. This foundation would be giving out scholarships to children who had excelled in arts, sports, computer study, languages and academic achievement.!

老師也笑吟吟的說:「辰樂在各方面 表現都很傑出,很有機會得到獎學金 喔!」同學也七嘴八舌的說:「得到 獎學金就能去參加畢旅了!」 The teacher also smiled and said, "Cheng is outstanding in all aspects, he has a big chance to get a scholarship! The students also said, "If you get a scholarship, you can go to the graduation trip!

辰樂好驚訝,原來這幾天她非常煩惱,又 遲遲沒有交錢,大家早就已經知道他交 不出旅費,而且在動腦筋想幫他的忙。 Cheng was so surprised to find out that everyone already knew that he couldn't pay for the trip and was trying to help him when he was very annoyed and was late in paying the money these days.

辰樂在上電腦課時用心學程式設計、作文 課時耐心的寫文章、舞蹈課時認真排 練...他不想錯過任何一個學習的機會。 後來也真讓他得到了獎學金。

Cheng learns programming in computer classes, writes patiently in composition classes, and rehearses seriously in dance classes. He didn't want to miss any opportunity to learn. Later on, he did get a scholarship.

學習雖然辛苦,但全班都能夠參加畢旅,一切 都是值得的。 Although studying wasn’t an easy task, it was worth it to have the whole class participate in the trip.

期待已久的畢旅終於要成行,出發前在大公界阿立母的面 前,辰樂默默感謝阿立母:「謝謝阿立母賜給我智慧,也謝 謝善心人士,謝謝老師和同學的幫忙,讓我能夠參加畢旅, 謝謝大家。」 The long-awaited trip was finally coming. Before leaving for the trip, Cheng silently thanked Mother Ali in front of Konkai, "Thank you Mother Ali for giving me wisdom, and thanks to the kind-hearted people, my teachers and classmates for helping me to join the trip, thank you all.”

YA 我終於可以去畢業旅行了! Happy!

文字作者:柯亭伊 繪者:林妤蓁、李采珊、連珮君、 梁雯媛、梁雅筑 譯者:林姿妤 編輯群:林志宏、張漳益、王宗汶、 陳怡儒、吳明家、 許芳瑜、林姿妤、 劉志勇、林云莉、 黃雅卿、張兆鋒、 廖柏仲、沈弼晟

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