Improve Email Open Rates By Verifying Email Addresses

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How to Verify Email Addresses – The Fastest, Easiest Method In the good old days you could send out email, even cold emails and not worry about getting blacklisted. But those days are gone and it’s a good thing, too. Today, every inbox is inundated with floods of email. A lot more than one can practically hope to read. As soon as you think you’ve finished going through one batch another batch is ready and calling for your attention. And, it’s precisely why email open rates have dropped, making outreach difficult. Getting your emails opened is the biggest hurdle you need to cross— and most marketers fail here. And remember, getting your email opened is just the FIRST step. What if your emails land in the SPAM folder? You think your reader is going to go in there looking for it? Which is why landing in the inbox is important to improve open rates. For now, let’s tackle the first part: making sure your emails land in the inbox. How? Simple: verify an email address without sending an email in the first place.

What is an email verification? In layman’s terms, it’s checking if an email address actually exists before sending out the broadcast. Well, some of us may send emails to multiple audiences or locations without verifying the email addresses we send to. However, with a little bit of legwork, you can get your emails opened more frequently by increasing the likelihood your emails are opened and received.

Why do you need to verify your email address? If you send emails to addresses which do not exist, or are discontinued, they bounce. This signals the mail servers that you could be a potential spammer who is sending out cold email blasts. They tag you as a spammer. Once you get that tag, all your emails start landing in the spam folder.

How do I verify my email list? One simple and free way is to open a free email account with email providers like yahoo or gmail. Draft a universal email and use this free email account to send out a broadcast to your list. Wait and watch to see which ones bounce back. Remove the ones which bounce and clean up your email list. Now you can send your real broadcast to the cleaned list. There’s a free tool which let’s you verify email. You can check it here…­email­address­free


In the age of email, perhaps there’s no way out of verifying emails before you snd. Doing this increases your open rates and eventually your returns. There may not be any better tool than iSPEAKO’s free email verification tool —it’s easy to use and FREE. You can get it here…­email­address­free And if you want to know more about verifying emails, read this article­to­verify­email­for­free­without­sending­email

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