How to Prevent Your Emails from Being Hacked?

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How to Prevent Your Emails from Being Hacked?

Cybercrime is one of the most common practices these days. Hackers and cybercriminals find it easy to target the email account of the user. As email is widely used in web communication. At the same time, it is a unique identifier of an individual or any business. This is the reason hackers usually prefer to target email accounts.

Now, what is the potential threat that you can have if your inbox is hacked?

a) They can reset the password, which could lead you to get detached from your own account.

b) All your private and professional details can be leaked to a third party.

c) Could face a huge loss in case you have any bank or financial detail in the mail.

d) Your activity can be hacked.

e) They may spam your friends and family via email and social media and try to find out more information through your connections.

By now we understood how fatal it could be if your email account is hacked. So let’s see what are the ways in which we can protect our account from being hacked.

K7 Computing Private Limited, 4th Floor, Tek Meadows,51, Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR), Sholinganallur, Chennai - 600119. Telephone: +91-44-6611-7777 Fax: +91-44-6611-7788

1) Two-step verification process

In order to avoid an unauthentic password reset, the users must approach a two-step verification process. This way they can prevent their account.

At the same time, always ensure that you are using a strong password. It must be a set of unique characters, numbers, and alphabets. In this way, you can keep your email intact and safe.

2) Don’t click on suspicious links

In case you receive any suspicious links in the email, then never ever click on them. This could be a trap, a user may send it through mail or through a message and want to target your account. If you click on these links, then your account can be easily hacked

3) A credit freeze on your account

In this, the credit freeze block access to your credit report. In this way, scammers cannot open any fake account in your name. If someone applies for credit using your personal information, then the lender typically checks your credit details before making any decision. In case, you applied a credit freeze on your account the potential creditor cannot see the required data to further approve the request.

4) Avoid public Wi-Fi

In case you are in a café or in any public place, always try to avoid using Wi-Fi. Always prefer to use the data from your personal system and device. As public Wi-Fi is accessible to many people, they may install key loggers or other malware on them. This can harm you and can be a big threat. Most importantly never perform any online bank transactions while using public Wi-Fi.

5) Secure with antivirus software

The best and the most secure way to use your device is antivirus software. Install some authentic antivirus software that can protect your device from malicious files and other scams. You must need to perform proper research in order to avoid security threats.


Based on the requirement of your device you must select the best antivirus plan. K7 antivirus has a wide range of services that can protect your device from all sorts of cybercrimes. They offer authentic software and have all the award-winning features in them. If you too want to install K7 antivirus software, then you must contact us.

K7 Computing Private Limited, 4th Floor, Tek Meadows,51, Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR), Sholinganallur, Chennai - 600119. Telephone: +91-44-6611-7777 Fax: +91-44-6611-7788

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