5 Signs It May Be Time for Parental Controls

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5 Signs It May Be Time for Parental Controls

Parenting is tough, especially in this digital age. Equipping and guiding your digitally active child is a real challenge. With time, as they grow they become more and more prone to technology and devices. There are many social platforms that drive them every single day in all possible ways. The social community and groups on the internet influence them in their life.

The intervention of parents to guide their naïve children is important. They are the only person who can introduce them to reality and correct them whenever it’s required. It’s their role to maintain the balance between their screen time with all other activities.

Now as a parent, you should always be alert and active to monitor your children’s activity. In this article, we try to focus on such signs that need attention.

5 Signs your children need your attention

1) When your children require extra care than usual

If your children consume their maximum time on screen and they start ignoring you, then it’s time to be alert. Being a parent you must consider some software that can set the time limit on their device. Along with this, you must try to interact with them whenever it’s required or you get free time with them. Interaction can improve communication and build a better bond between you and them.

2) They don’t share their device with you

If your child is overprotective about their device and they don’t share it with you, then it’s alarming. In case they throw tantrums and fight with you when you ask for the device, is actually high time. It signifies that they are engaged in some wrong content and inappropriate behavior.

3) No homework and are not taking any responsibility

In case your children’s grades are gradually falling and they are not participating in any family event or activity, you need to be alert. It means they are spending their maximum time online and are diverted and distracted from real-world training.

4) Browser history is not healthy

The world of the Internet has no bars. As a parent, you must check your children’s browser history. While studying history if you find some risky content then your intervention is crucial. The possibility is high that out of ignorance they landed up on not-so-innocent content, which has a high potential to harm them.

K7 Computing Private Limited, 4th Floor, Tek Meadows,51, Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR), Sholinganallur, Chennai - 600119. Telephone: +91-44-6611-7777 Fax: +91-44-6611-7788

5) Improper sleep

The Internet and the content available on them are quite distracting yet interesting. There is no limit to what sort of information you want. You can browse anything and can get the content as per your interest. This may excite your children and they swap their sleep with online browsing or games. You must set some timer or some software that can alert them and induce them to have a proper sleep.


Parenting is the most significant responsibility and understanding the activity of your children every now and then is unfortunately become necessary with time. There are various parenting tools available in the market, which you must adopt and protect your child. K7 parenting tool is the best option for others. They have all the advanced features that are required to protect your family’s health.

K7 Computing Private Limited, 4th Floor, Tek Meadows,51, Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR), Sholinganallur, Chennai - 600119. Telephone: +91-44-6611-7777 Fax: +91-44-6611-7788

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