Tread Lightly While Fishing For Food Or Recreation

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Tread Lightly While Fishing For Food Or Recreation Sportsmen know the importance of treating the natural environment sensibly. If you take care of the earth, it will take care of you, and future generations will enjoy the same benefits that you do. There are a few simple rules to follow that can help you tread lightly when fishing, regardless of whether you wish to fill up the freezer or prefer a catch and release technique. Learn Local Laws Be sure to take time to learn the rules and laws of the area before heading out on the water as you may require a permit or a license. You need to understand which fish are in season and can lawfully be kept along with the limit to avoid any difficulties with law enforcement officials in the area. Be sure you know what type of bait is allowed; live bait may be illegal. Ask about restrictions on hooks and lures too. For instance, catch and release requirements demand a barbless and single hook be used. Be Sensible Around Sensitive Areas All nesting and breeding locations are typically off limits and other sensitive areas would be places like shallow water, shorelines and streams. Be sure to keep the speed of the boat at a minimum near to the shore line or in the more shallow areas. When fishing a stream, try not to stir up the bottom. Except when taking designated trails, stay out of wetlands and be sure to give a wide berth to breeding grounds and nesting areas. All restricted areas will have visible signage which would need to be complied with. Pack It In, Pack It Out Everything you take on your boat or in your tackle kit should find its way back home with you. Make sure you pack a couple of sturdy trash bags so you can easily contain your garbage and pick up trash along the way. If you clean your catch on site, you'll need to pack home the entrails, except if the water is at least 25 feet deep. The entrails can go overboard if that is the case for other fish to feed off of. Don't however forget to remove any hooks or fishing line when doing this. Do not ever leave it lying around on banks of the water where it could harm wildlife or people. Share the Space You probably won't be the only person in the water unless you are in an out of the way location so be mindful of others to avoid any dangerous situations. Be considerate of other sportsmen's rights so everyone can have fun. Be cautious about other fishermen, scuba divers, swimmers and recreational boaters when on the water. On land, don't disrupt campsites or leave fish entrails lying around. Do not forget to keep the noise to a minimum, wherever you might be so that a peaceful day can be enjoyed by everyone. Let Flora and Fauna Stay Put Before and after each trip on the water, wash your boat, your boots and your vehicle so that plant and animal life will stay in its native environment and doesn't get unintentionally transferred to a

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Tread Lightly While Fishing For Food Or Recreation location where it can become an invasive species. Algae is well known for getting hung up on propellers and boat trailers, and snails are notorious for attaching to boat hulls. After cleaning your equipment, execute a visual check for stowaways. You certainly want to have fun nevertheless stay safe without exception. A day on the water should be one that gives you an exhilarating experience whether for food or for recreation. Preserve the environment for future generations because what you do right now could impact or wipe out plant, water and wildlife. If you would like a fishing tour guided by specialists in the delightful state of Alaska, find a reputable charter company. Visit for much more details about K-Seas Fishing Charters.

Document Tags: ketchikan fishing, ketchikan salmon fishing, ketchikan alaska fishing

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