Koruwai process

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-KORUWAIKamal Kaur 1390015 Rongoa Maori Clinic

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In Maori culture great health is understood to mean harmony with their enviorment, their community, their spirit, their physical being, their mental aspects, the internal chemical enviorment of the body, their family, their emotional being and so on. Also that these is consideration to the land, sea, forest and all animal above ground and below. There is a belief that where there were places of pain, anger, war, etc. these can be healed and turned in to places of healing.Often healer like to work in the bush, under trees, in the open spaces outside and even in the night outside. There is so much magic that happens when we’re out of doors and people ‘get it’. The maori world view acknowledges a natural order to the universe, a balance or equilibrium and that when a part of this system shifts, the entire system shifts, the entire system is put out of balance. the diversity of life is embellished in this world view through the interrelationship of all living thingss as dependent on each other. and maori seek to understanf the toatal system and not just part of it. For maori with other indigenous cultures there are clear links between healthy ecosystem and people culture and spiritual well being. In the Maori culture we are spiritual beings having an earthy experience and use the healing powers of our ancestors to heals selves as a whanau. Mother earth and her progeny aligh themselves with us in our healing work so that we may become one with our ancestral wosdom. The voices of nature inform Rongoa maori, an indigenous holistic clearing work that is used to open and release unwanted energies. Sometimes kohatu (greenstone), rakau( wood) wai (water) and takutaku (chants) are used in te healing process to invoke the spiritual guardians of our natural rescources. Rangoa Maori is used to open and release unwanted energies. Many found these sessions to mark the beginning of a new life emotionally physically mentally and spiritually.


Rongoā is an important aspect of health care to many Māori people despite their concurrent use of westernmedicine. It represents the passing on of culture and history. Traditional treatment may be sought fora variety of reasons including illness that is atypical or not responding to conventional treatment, mental illness and chronic “lifestyle” conditions such as type II diabetes. Tohunga do not have a specific training programme or institution but are recognised experts in their field by their communities. Many learn their craft through the passing on of knowledge from elders or through apprenticeships with practising Tohunga. Knowledge and practice borrowed from western medicine may be incorporated into treatment. Maori believed an evil spirit or a type of witchcraft would attack an individual to cause ill-health as a punishment for breaking the tapu (sacred restriction) of the family that the spirit belonged to. This type of illness was called mate atua (disease of the gods) since there was no obvious physical cause. The individual would experience pain, weakness, loss of appetite, malaise, fever and occasionally delirium due to possession of the spirit. Medicinal Native Plants of New Zealand would investigate the cause of sickness by taking a history of the patient’s activities before becoming ill or by analyzing their dreams or the dreams of the patient’s family to obtain a diagnosis. Spiritual healing using karakia (incantations) for particular illnesses were performed with or without the use of herbs. If the cause of illness was found to be due to the patient breaking another family’s tapu, the tohunga and the head of the patient’s family would address the spirit and the head of their family. An apology would follow so that the spirit would leave and the patient would recover. Tohunga may work alone or within a clinic (Whare Oranga) and generally do not actively advertise for patients. There is considerable variation in practice and treatment protocols and no standard consensus on diagnosis or prescription. Treatment is individualised to tribes, areas, local plant material and specific needs. Healers are thought to be more prevalent in rural areas and in the North Island. Treatment includes plant remedies from native flora (Rongoā rākau), massage (mirimiri) and prayer (karakia). Illness is treated by addressing aspects of health including spiritual, psychological, emotional, cultural, social, environmental, family and physical health.


Plant remedies (Rongoā rākau) form an integral part of Rongoā Māori. Numerous native plants are used to treat a variety of conditions including colds, flu, gastrointestinal problems, genitourinary problems,aches and pains. Plants must be carefully prepared as some species are toxic if not used correctly. The use of plant remedies does not require regulatory approval as long as they do not contain a scheduled medicine. However, as some pharmaceuticals are derived from plants, it is possible that Rongoā may contain active ingredients. As long as these pharmaceuticals are not purposely added to a remedy no restrictions apply to the use of such plants. Note that some plants, for example St Johns wort, can interact with conventional medicines.


Ranginui ( sky father , Papatuanuku ( earth mother) and Tane Mahuta ( The forest god) Ranginui and Papatuanuku are the primordial parents, the sky father and the earth mother who lie lockedtogether in a tight embrace. They have many children all of whom are male, who are forced to live in th cramped darkness between them. Tāne Mahuta Because the forest was vital for life, Tāne, the god of the forest, became very important in tribal traditions. In the Māori creation story, Tāne separated his parents, Papatūānuku (earth) and Ranginui (sky), letting light into the world. Trees in the forest are believed to hold apart the earth and sky, so light can come in. In the traditional Māori world view, plants and animals were rich in meaning. The diverse heights, girths and other features of trees suggested the variety of human dimensions. Children were named after trees, plants and birds, and people’s characters were likened to features of the forest. The forest was a spiritual place to Māori. Tāne was the creator of life. All forms of life on land like the birds and trees were believed to have descended from him and so were related. Performing special karakia or elaborate rituals were therefore necessary to remove Tāne’s tapu or sacredness before many plants and animals could be killed or collected. Transgresion of its rules invited dire punishment or even death.




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Pohutukawa is found in coastal regions of the North Island. It was highly respected and usually the tohunga extracted and made the Rongoa giving it a tapu status. When infused, the inner bark treats dysentry and diarrhea. The nectar of the flowers help alleviate sore throats. Manuka is a small tree that can be found throughout New Zealand as two native verieties, red and white, but white is used more in this practice. It is used to heal many of the conditions of kawakawa as well as Harakeke (Flax) is found pregnancy and helps throughout New Zealand, promote sleep. primarily in lowland swamps. The seed is currently used for oil as it is rich in linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid. There is a wide range of uses for harakeke, from treating contisipation to healing burns, gunshot and bayonet wounds as well as spiritual healing.

Kumarahou (Gumdiffer’s soap) is an attractive ornamental shrup that grows extensively on twhe gumfields of the North Island. When the yellow head of the flowe is crushed in the hands and mixed with water it produces a soapy leather. Its also has good curative properties which are widely known and authenticated.

Tupakihi (Tutu) is found thorugh New Zealand and is used to treat a few conditions such as wounds, bruises, sprains, swollen joints by the proMamaku is anti-inflamcedure of shoots and matory and extremely leaves poultice rich in mucilage/ collagen, excellent to treat coughs, bronchitis and respiratory ailments. Especially good to treat irritable bowel syndrome, reflux, heatburn, pepticulcers, uptake of minirals, bloating and soothes entire disgestive tract

Kohekohe (Native Cedar) it grows on coastal regions of the North Island and the leaves, bark and fruit of the kohekohe provide a range of medicinal uses including treating colds, sore throats, tuberculosis, haemorrhages, boils and infected wounds.

Mahoe (Whiteywood) is found throughout New Zealand and its used to treat a few conditions. Inner bark of the tree is used for burns, leaves infusion is used for Rheumatic pain and boiled leaves are used for skin problems.

Makomako (wineberry) is a fast growing tree, thrives in moist fertile sites and the plants fruits are edible. This plant is used to treat Rheumatic plain through Rimu grows abundantly bark infusion and eye irrithroughout New Zea- tation, boils, burns by boilland. The bark of the ing the leaves. rimu treewas the most valuable medicinally to the Maori. The inner bark of the Rimu tree is made into a pulp and put on burnt skin, ulcers or running sores and stops Kowhai is found wounds bleeding. throughout New Zealand in forest margins Koromiko (Hebe) plant besides rivers. All parts is used by the Maori for a of thekowhai including number of medical purbark, inner bark, flowposes. It is placed under er, leaves and juice can the genus Hebe referring be used for rongoa. Into a large leaved shurb fused bark is drunk for found in South Island and internal ailments and Stewart island of New treating cuts, bruises Zealand. The young leaf and swelling. Colds and tips can be chewed for sore throats are treatdiarrheoa and dyscentery ed by the infused bark. and can also be used as Boiled and crushed bark a poultice on babies for is useul for sprains, alskin sores. The activeacleviating broken limbs, tive ingredient is phenolic bruises, infected skin, glycoside wounds and skin diseases and the ashes off the kowhai can be used to treat ringworm.

Rahurahu (Bracken) is a cosmopolitan fern found throughout New Zealand. This plant is used for spiritual healing. Its a blood purifier and used for other purposes such as wounds and bruises.

Natural Healing.

“From the Earth came herbs and from the herbs came the seed that gave life to humans.” -Taittiriya Upanishad


is simmilar in practice to acupuncture, but no needles are involved. Practitioner use their hands, elbows or feet to aply pressure to specific points along the body’s ‘meridians’. Meridians are channels that carry life energy throughout tbe body. The reason holds that illness can occur when one of these meridians is blocked or out of balance; acupressure is thought to relieve lockage so enerygy can flow freely again, restoring wellness. Acupressire might decrease nausea for chemotherapy and recduce anexity in people scheduled to have surgery. According to traditional chinese medicine we are made up of physical body and energetic body. The energic body is made up of madirians. The chanels of maridians work as pathways. Maridians vary in size and importance, it runs all through the body effecting `all the prceess in the body and mind


uses essential oils ( concentrated extracts from the roots, leaves seeds or bloosoms of plants to promote healing. The oils can be in inhaled, massaged into the skin.


also known as thydrotherapy, it involves the use of water for theraputic purpose. It is based on the idea that water benefits the skin and mught treat range of conditions.


is a form of energy healing based on the idea that a life force energy flows through everyone’s body. According to this philosphy sickness and stress are indications that life force Is low, while energy, health and happiness signify a strong life force. In Reiki session a practitioner seeks to transfer life nergy to the client by placing their hands lightly on the client;s body ot a slight distance away from the body. the purpose is to promote relaxation, speed healing, reduce pain


Originated in india, has been around for thousand years, practitioner use variety of techniques, including herbs, massahes and specialized deit. with the intent of balancig the body mind and spirit. to promote overall wellness. Ayurveda evolved from the ancient wisdom of healers, prophets. Their wisdom was passed down orally from teacher to student, and eventually written down only in the last 5,000 years. A well-known scholar, healer and herbalist Charaka in his writings described 1,500 medicinal plants. Other natural healing systems of medicine such as the Chinese, Tibetan, and Islamic (Unani Tibb) traditions have their roots in Ayurveda. This theory explains how the five elements air, fire, water, earth and ether, which make up physical creation, dynamically combine to manage addsll processes within the human physiology. The five elements are the basic building blocks of all life and through them we can determine the fundamental nature. THE TRIDOSHA THEORY-THE THREE VITAL ENERGIES. The three doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. They represent our genetic blueprint and fashion how we respond, both psychologically and physically to our environment. The constitutional type, Vata is a combination of Air and Ether. Pitta is the combination of Fire and Water; Kapha - Water and Earth. These elements are the foundation of all life.


When you find yourself flooded with a negative emotion, the following practices can help you find your way back to your core of balance, peace, and wellbeing. Resist the impulse to ignore your feelings, push them away, or judge them as bad. Instead ask them what they are trying to tell you. All emotions – including the most difficult ones – exist for a reason: to help you. will help you tune in to the message your body wants you to hear. Meditate. Meditation is one of the best ways to loosen the grip of sticky emotions and connecT to our true self. In meditation we disrupt the unconscious progression of thoughts and emotions by focusing on a new object of attention. For example, in the practice of Primordial Sound Meditation, the object of attention is a mantra that we repeat silently to ourselves. A mantra is pure sound, with no meaning or emotional charge to trigger associations. It allows the mind to detach from its usual preoccupations and experience the spaciousness and calm within. In the silence of awareness, the mind lets go of old patterns of thinking and feeling and learns tto heal itself.


a system of traditional medicine originated in ancient Tamilakam in South India. Varmam is a holistic therapy on its own and tackles the body, mind and spirit. A varmam expert understands the underlying links between the body, vital lifeforce and the mind


or known as the sun therapy is when you use sunlight directly without removing or altering any part of light soectrum. because the human race is evolved under the sun. and for thousand years lived in harmony woth its heat and light.

But over the last fifty years we have lost this close contact with the sun and its healing powers, We have become afraid of it, However the sun is central to our well being and health.


Unani Tibb It is a complete, scientific and natural system providing alternative solutions. Within the discipline you can expect to find natural and herbal medicines and treatments, regimental therapies such as cupping, meditation, massage, aromatherapy and colour therapy. The modality also focuses on essential teaching on lifestyle management which includes correct breathing, sleeping, eating and dealing with various emotions, activity and other important lifestyle components. The basic aspect of Unani Tibb is the inter relationship between the individuals and environment both internal and external will also be dealt with. the power of body responsible to maintain health. Just like ayurbeda it is based on theory presence of elements like fire, earth, water air.




All cultures have been fascinated by water- its moods, naturem strength and tranquility. –Sages have used water to guide and predict human behavior. Spiritual plane in maori culture, many tribes directly or indirectly consider water as the source or foundation of all life. This is reflected in traditions which speak of te taha wairua oftern translated as the spiritual plane. of exisitance. The term te taha wairua is widely used to refer to the real world which lies both behind and within the world of normal experience. Te taha wairua can literly be translated as the dimension of two waters. a conception that likens spirituality to water.

Atea Atea is an open area in front of the the wharenui where formal welcomes to visitors.

Brief two

Our aim is to create an enviornment that will strengthen the position of Rongoa Maori and natural healing in New Zealand. We want to create a space that encompasses the four elements air, water, fire and nature. Which are common in all natural healing process. We want the building to be designed as series of open spaces so the nature can interwine to form unique and restorative layout in public and private spaces. Creating a calm and uplifting enviornment that enables us to support and promote natural healing process. We think that our design should provide more than just a healing enviornment and also act as a home, garden and healing space for the patients. It should create ambience of calmness and serenity throughout, immersing patients in nature and daylight and offering them a stressfree healing experience. This structure will embody a precise and fluid articulation of light, nature wind and water. The enterance will be made by passing through the arch on the East creating a threshold between inside and outside. Once inside the Arch will act like a shield and provide comfort. We wanted to consider all the natural elements on our site. Which is why we decided to make the enterance from the East as the sun rises from the East. Also because the enterance from the East is viewed as prosperous in Maori culture. As when you enter from East, it gives you positive and spiritual energy.

Staff room



Meditation Chamber

Meditation Chamber



Clinic rooms + Deck

Clinic rooms + Deck

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