J. Ward Design Branding Welcome package

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Welcome In this package you’ll find all the info you need for your project to run smoothly. Carefully read through it to see how this process will work and what I’ll need from you before your project begins. I’m always available by email if you need help so please free to contact me!

Let’s Get

Office hours: Tuesday - Thursday, 10am - 6pm, Friday, 10am - 3pm CST Email address: jennifer@jwarddesignstudio.com


What’s included in this package? • Your checklist: A checklist of things I need you to complete before your project starts. • The process: A step by step process so you know what to expect at every stage of this project. • Project management: Instructions on how we’ll use Dubsado to organize your project. • Feedback guidelines: Tips to help you provide really helpful feedback • Policies: A few important details to keep the project running smoothly Thanks,


The Checklist Before we get started on your project, you will... 1. Create a Pinterest board. On Pinterest, create a private board (that you can share with me) with inspiration for your brand. Include a minimum of 5 logos, 5 color palettes, 5 patterns, 5 font styles and 5 website designs. In addition to that, feel free to upload as many inspiration photos that you feel speak to the style of your ideal client and your brand as a whole. If you get stuck, there are tons of inspiration boards available. Just search logo or branding style board. Once you’ve filled your board, go through your pins and leave comments on your favorites stating what you like about them. Click here to read an article on how to create a collaborative board on Pinterest. 2. Save the link to your client portal. Your client portal link is in the email that you received this welcome email in. This is where we will work. All of your forms, proofs, contract, etc will be located there. You can download any of the documents within your client portal for your records. 3. Fill out your Homework Sheets. You’ll find these worksheets in your client portal within Dubsado. Your homework has to be completed in one sitting so I broke the sheets up into two parts. 4. Start developing and/or submitting your content. If you already have your content ready for your website and/or blog, you will start uploading that information in a site I use called Content Snare. You will receive video instructions on how to set up your free account along with a walk through on how to upload your information. If you need assistance developing your content, I will send you some inspirational content via blogs and websites that we can go over during your strategy session. 4. Schedule your Strategy Session. In part 2 of your homework, you will receive instructions on how and when to schedule your strategy session. This session can be done in person (if in the Jackson, MS metro area) or virtually (via video). 6. Strategize. We will work together for up to 2 hours reviewing the information from your homework and charting out a plan of action. We’ll set up your Squarespace account along with any other systems that we will use during our time together. I will also present your brand moodboard and concept as well some of the brand foundational elements derrived from the answers in your homework. We’ll make sure we are both on the same page make any preliminary modifications at that time. This strategy session is critical in the tone set for the rest of the project. I should be schedule a minimum of 5 business days before your scheduled design start date.


the process Week 1 | The Logo. This is the official design start date. You will receive an email with the design proof for 3 logo concepts. You will have an opportunity to mix and match concepts to arrive at the main logo, alternate logo and submark of your choice. You receive 3 rounds of revisions for your logo designs. Revisions/changes need to be submitted within 24-48 hours of receipt. . Week 2 | The Content + Cover Page. Once your logo design, typography and color palette is finalized, your cover page is designed in order to introduce your company to its new online home and to create a buzz of the launch. By now you should have the content that we will use to promote and brand your business available to apply to the different touchpoints of your audience. Blog post content, website content and social media prompts will be mapped out during this week. Any needed photoshoots will be done at this time. Weeks 3-4 | The Marketing. You will receive 1-2 concepts of all of the marketing designs during this time. Each item is alloted up to 3 rounds of reviisons. Depending on your marketing needs, this design process may take up to two weeks. Weeks 5-6 | The Website. Week 5 will be the wireframe unveiling. We will look at the bones of the website and work through what works and what doesn’t based on the content provided. During week 6 will finalize any needed changes. Once the changes are finalized, we’ll do a live test of the website. Week 7 | The Training. Now that our time together is coming to an end, we will do a live walkthrough of the back end of your website and any systems we may have implemented. You will also a receive video recording to keep. Week 8 | The Launch. I believe that something as huge as a new brand and website deserves to be celebrated! I’ll share your business across my social media accounts and on my blog. We’ll make sure any local announcements are in sync with the launch and coordinate any virtual announcements you’d like to do. Then I’ll join you in the excitement!


project management

How we’ll use Dubsado... I use Dubsado to manage all my projects. It keeps all communication and files in one place, which is ten times better than emailing back and forth.

Providing Feedback I really appreciate simple and straightforward feedback. It helps me clearly understand your thoughts and make the right changes to your designs. Here are a few tips on providing awesome feedback: • Try and use bullet points to break up your feedback. • Use headers to organize your feedback. • Read over your feedback to make sure it’s clear and check that you’ve answered any questions I may have asked. • Post your feedback as a comment on the relevant Asana tasks instead of emailing me directly. Back and forth emails can get tiring but communicating in Asana is a breeze! • If you have team members that would like to add their feedback, I kindly ask that you gather the feedback into one message. This stops everyone from getting confused and keeps the project organized.


policies Policies are here to make everything clear. I believe it’s important to keep our working relationship clear and simple so we can make the most of your project and avoid any bumps in the road, so I’ve listed some boundaries below. Most of them are stated in my contract but I like to include them in here too, just in case. Work hours I work Tuesday - Thursday, 10am - 6pm and Friday, 10am - 3pm CST. All correspondence takes place during those work hours. I don’t discuss work on evenings, weekends or nationally recognized holidays except in certain instances and I don’t expect you to do this either. Weekends are family time and holidays are for relaxation! Overdue payments The payments in your payment plan are preset to autodraft based on the date you submitted your deposit. While Paypal will draft your card on the prescheduled date, I know live gets busy. I’ll send you a reminder a few days before it’s sceduled to post. If funds are not available at the date of draft, Paypal will retry in 5 calendar days. In the event your second attempt fails, all work on the project will stop until other arrangements are made. If no communication or arrangements are made within 5 business days, your project will be pushed to the end of my design calendar. If no communication or arrangements are made within 14 business days, you project will be closed. No additional funds will be drafted and no refunds will be given. You will receive any and all designs created up to that point. What if I’m unsatisfied with your design? My designs come with 3 rounds of revisions (2 rounds for websites) where you review the design and request changes to be made. If you use up all your revisions and need more, that’s no problem! Extra revisions are billed at a rate of $50 per round of revisions. Because of that, I have never had a client go away with a design they don’t like. What if the project goes on past the deadline? As a small business owner, I’m sure you understand how important it is to keep this project on track for it’s deadline. I really appreciate your timely feedback on mockups because it helps us to stay on track! If your project does go over its deadline your final payment will still be drafted on the original deadline date.



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