J vanesa torres portfolio

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Design Portfolio

Folding Exploration / Use and Scale. In this creative exploration the concepts of folding and origami are used to generate complex geometries with highly elastic and motion capacities. The use of the methods and techniques developed during this project can deliver the design of folding structures of different scales and uses.

Creative image

Folding Pattern

Folding Pattern

Creative image / Folding scullpture in Urban Park

Folding Sculpture Plan

Folding Sculpture Section

Generating motion and gears construction This exploration aims to understand motion through gears construction. Different gears’ sizes and shapes were designed and produced using laser cutter technology. At the same time, a series of images were created as a way to imagine how these systems could be used.

Creative image / The Clock

Assembly process

Creative Image / Escalator Gear System

Gears’ system

DLA exploration These images are part of a digital portfolio developed during the exploration of DLA Systems using Processing as a way to generate agents based designs. During the design process, the agents evaluate their environment and make decisions according to the rules previously set. To see more please go to my online processing portfolio: http://www.openprocessing.org/user/43322

import processing.pdf.*; //Constructing an array //Assigning different values to new Cell //the cells’ density is changed Cell[] myCells = new Cell[5999];

//array syntax datatype[] var

void setup() { background(255); size(1220, 1220); for (int i = 0; i < myCells.length; i ++) { myCells[i] = new Cell(); //array syntax var[element] = value } beginRecord(PDF, “Patternvector5e.pdf”); } void draw() { beginRaw(PDF, “pattern1.pdf”); for (int i=0; i< myCells.length; i++) { // myCells[i].display(); myCells[i].update(); } myCells[0].isseed = true; for (int i=0; i<myCells.length; i++) { if(myCells[i].isseed == false){ for(int j=0; j<myCells.length;j++){ if(myCells[j].isseed == true){ float d; d = PVector.dist(myCells[i].location, myCells[j].location); if(d < 5){ myCells[i].isseed = true;

In order to generate a pattern different rules related to the agents organization are written, at the same time, the agent itself is designed in terms of colours, sizes, shapes and so on. This is a basic example that could be extrapolated to an architectural language to deliver since urban design projects up

stroke(57, 213, 255, 150); strokeWeight(random(0.6, 4)); line(myCells[i].location.x, myCells[i].location.y, myCells[j].location.x, myCells[j]. location.y); if(d < 10){ myCells[i].isseed = true; stroke(102, 118, 127); strokeWeight(random(0.3, 2)); line(myCells[i].location.x, myCells[i].location.y, myCells[j].location.x, myCells[j]. location.y); }

to facade designs. Part of the code used to develop the next image

DLA Pattern - Image developed using Processing

DLA Pattern - Base for laser cutting developed using Processing

DLA Pattern - Laser cutting results


Convention Centre UCV Enhancing the existing associative urban layout through covered circuits. This design is projected as a cultural and academic expansion of the Central University of Venezuela, which is a major cultural heritage of the country. In this sense, the project seeks to maintain a strong relationship with the existing context but, at the same time, aims to create a new layer of dynamics. The project also explores the different scales needed to host cultural events, academic activities and administratives functions. In the Central University of Venezuela, the covered passages are autonomous entities heavily expresives and the spaces of shade are directly linked to scenaries of colective and public life.

Covered passage

Ground floor | Landscape

Convention Centre 3D View

North elevation

South elevation A

South elevation B

Cafeteria Area

Site Plan indicating the developed area

Section of developed area

High Density Housing, Re-thinking Caracas. This project is developed in an area with high population density and lack of public spaces in the city of Caracas, Venezuela. In the project was required to considerer the existing density of people and it was asked to develop residential buildings with three different sizes of flats: 50mts2, 65mts2 and 70mts2. The former with capacity for a family of four members, and, the second and third one for a six members family. The greatest challenge in the project was the necessity to design since an urban scale up to construction details.

Sketching ideas | Perspective view of the complex

Flat 1.

Flat 2.


Sketching ideas | Type of flats

Floor plan - Flat 1 50mts2

Social areas Flat 1 Building plan identifying flat 1 location

Floor plan - Flat 3 - Duplex 70mts2

Social areas Flat 3

Building plan identifying Flat 3 location

The City Oasis: A wellness Center

Exploring architecture as a medium to stimulate sensory experiences. Located in Chacaito, a densely populated area of Venezuela’s Capital city, this project aims to create a series of relaxed and enjoyable atmospheres that counter the existing chaos and rapid dynamics of this tropical and messy urbe. The context is analysed taking into account the existing sounds, views and natural light. These results are used to stablish some design criteria such as spaces location, views and materials. Additionally, the sensory mapping is used to illustrate the different experiences that could be sense in the designed spaces. The following illustrations represent part of the context analysis and design process.

Green | Spaces of freedom: Yoga, Pilates, Gym

Violet | Spaces of serenity: Sauna, Massage.

Scarlet red | Spaces of intimacy: Psychology.

Aquamarine | Spaces of mistery: Hydroterapy, meditation.

Mustard | Spaces of sorprise: Physical therapy. Massages area |Sauna

Exploring organization of spaces according to existing sounds, views, natural light and ventilation

Form fiinding process. Different options of space’s distribution according the place’s potential -mts2 are taken into account-.

Phychology rooms view |Water mirror| Floating pool

In this project exists the hypothesis that different sensations will be experienced (differentiated by colours) in the walk through the building’s spaces, participating both the architecture and context elements. The sensory mapping technique is used to illustrate these experiences. The sensory mapping is a study based on the Emotion Mapping methodology created by Christian Nold. This technique involves the use of an innovative device that records the user’s galvanic skin response, and simultaneously, indicates the geographical position. This system can determine the emotional response of a person in a particular space.

Sensorial mapping Walk to psychology rooms

Ground floor

Firts Floor

Fith Floor

Section North-East


Design Portfolio

Email torres.vanesa.j@gmail.com Phone (+44)7450203352 Address 11 Boxley Street, London. E16 2AN.


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