Lasallian Circular 461

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4.10.5. Often current Lasallian vocabulary links the terms association and Lasallian family. These two distinct terms exist in a dialogue that distinguishes between them but retains their mutual relationship. This dialogue will be considered more in Chapters 5 and 6. 4.11. Several types of association occur in today’s Lasallian world. 4.11.1. Association as lived by the Brothers: The 2007 General Chapter stresses that in the Brother’s vocation, association is the primary vow that gives meaning to all the other vows. It is the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools that constitutes the stable body within the family in which the link of association is the strongest. It is a vow of which the Brothers are proud. 4.11.2. Association as lived by members of a Lasallian intentional group: A public commitment expresses the intention after a process of discernment that involves the District administration and the leaders of the relevant Lasallian ministry. 4.11.3. Association as lived by people who integrate their commitment to education, their spiritual life, and the fundamental aspects of Lasallian association but choose not to join an intentional group or to make a public commitment. 4.12. However, being considered and described as an associated Lasallian involves some form of recognition, expressed in a variety of ways, such as a specific link with the District structures, a close relationship with a community of Brothers or other Lasallians, regular participation in Lasallian meetings and formation sessions, or participating in discernment and decision-making groups (such as a Lasallian Educational Mission Assembly or Council). 41

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