Yoga lessons. Erasmus+ from Seville (Spain)

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Healthy Reporters Around Europe

Yoga lessons

3 Spring-Inspired Yoga Poses Material:  

Yoga mat or towel Relaxing music

Lesson: 1. Swallow pose    

Sit on your heels and raise your arms above your head by joining your hands. Inhale through your nose. Exhale slowly, arch your back backwards looking upwards. Lie down as much as you can. Stretch your arms forward by touching the floor with your forehead. Stay in this position for 5-10 breaths.

Swallow pose

2. Leaf pose      

Come to your knees. Bring your big toes together behind you. Lay down your shoulders on your knees Send your hips back toward your heels. Stretch your arms back and lay your head on the ground or on a block. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.

Leaf pose

3. Tree pose      

Stand with your feet together. Turn your right knee out and touch your right foot to your left ankle and to left calf. Press your foot into your leg. Fix your eyes on a gazing point. Bring your hands to your heart first and then stretched up them on your head. Stay for 5 to 10 breaths and repeat on the other leg.

Tree pose

End: Gather the students in a circle, make breathing and meditation exercises, then say the Indian greeting "Namaste" with a slight bow and hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointing upwards, thumbs close to the chest.


We hope you enjoyed your time with us! I.C. Bregante-Volta, Monopoli (Italy)

“HEALTHY BODY” by pressing with the fingers 21 courses for body pain remedy

Material:  

Yoga mat or blanketpictures of the points to be pressed human body map with 12 meridians

1st lesson – 12th lesson:    

The children sit in a relaxed attitude and explain them theoretically by showing the images the energy points of the human body. The children are divided into couples with a choice of the same body type. We study the energy points of the meridians through images. We start from the first meridian of the map and apply pressure to the corresponding points, each student to his partner. Depending on the available time we work on one or more meridians. Children change position by applying all of them this method. At the end everybody describes how he felt.

13th lesson – 14th lesson:   

We are working on the method of reflexology, first on the paw and then on the palm. The children sit on the yogamat or blanket, after washing their legs. Each child puts pressure on his partner's bottom at all treatment points .

At the end everybody describes how he felt.

15th lesson: 

In the same way we work with ear treatment points.

16th lesson – 20th lesson: “14 Pressure Points For Fast Pain Relief”  

First we will explain to the children all images, in detail, and answer to their questions. We are working again in pairs.

21th lesson: “7 Pressure Points to Relieve Headaches”

Good health to everyone. 11th Special Primary School of Eastern Thessaloniki, HELLAS

Sunflower Material:     

Yogamat or blanket Movie “sunflowers” Story Picture yoga pose: “the child” Picture yoga pose: “ Namaste”

Lesson: 1. Intro  

The children take a place on their blanket/mat. They take the pose of “the child”. The children sit on their knees, they bend over and let their head rest on the floor. The arms are close by the body. Let the children relax in this pose. After you say they are little sunflower seeds and they are deep in the earth.

2. Middle The story goes on: 

De warm sunrays wake you up. The children slowly stand up, they stretch and close their wrists.

Slowly the stems grow and the leafs start to open. The children are still standing up slowly and their wrists stay close to their body, the fingers slowly open.

The roots grow firmly into the ground. You stand so firmly that the wind you cannot blow you away. The children go to stand so firmly with the feet separate. They bend down to the front, to the left, behind, to the right to finally to feel that they are firmly in their center.

Your stem is getting more stronger. The children breathe deeply in and out several times.

On the stem small buttons are growing. The children bring their hands together at the height of their heart, fingertips together. Picture namaste.

The little button grows still further and forms a flower. Slowly the children open their hands and move their arms up.

The flower is aimed at the sun and goes all the way along in the movement of the spring breeze. The kids keep their arms high in the air, hands still open and move their hands swaying from left to right. Their eyes are focused on the flower.

After many beautiful days, the leaves slowly fall down. The children let their head hang down and make with their fingers whirling movement direction ground.

The sunflower wilted. The children let their head and their shoulders further go down until they are completely flunked in each other.

But … the sunflower has many sunflower seeds left behind. So what… on a beautiful spring day … you are a small sunflower, deep in the earth. The children slowly grow up again.

3. End     

How do you feel after the movement? What were you thinking during the exercise? Did you find it difficult? What did you find easy? …

Grow like a little flower… Stedelijke Basisschool Polderstad, Hoboken (BELGIUM) Source: Die Keure, Muzemundo, eerste leerjaar


Gather the children and let them form a circle in the forest. Let them a moment to become quiet.

2. Middle 

Be grass on the ground. Enter the forest in peace. Concentrate on your balance. Cross your legs. Raise your hands above your head. Breathe 3 times. Feel the wind and strech to your right and left.

Be the tree in the forest. Stand on one leg, put your hands together and breathe 5 times. Keep your balance!

 Be a stone. Set yourself on your knees and bend down. Be a silent stone and breathe slowly 5 times. 

Be the rain in the forest. Stay on your legs and let your hands and body bend down to the ground, like rain. Breathe 5 times.

Be the sunshine. Stay on one leg and touch the tree. Open up your other leg and hand. Be the sunshine on the tree and keep your balance.

Be the hunter of the forest. Stay legs apart and bend one knee. Raise your hands to the shoulder level. Look forward. Stay focused. Look for animals, they will come.

Meet the animals. 

Be a bird standing on one leg. cross your feet on your leg and set lower. Breathe 5 times.

Be a frog. Open your legs, kneel down and set your hands together and elbows between your legs. Breathe 5 times.

Hug a tree. Feel the tree in your arms and on your cheek. You can close your eyes and breathe slowly.

Open your eyes .

3. End Gather the children in a circle and let them tell about their experiences during the exercise. Use the following guide questions for this:    

How do you feel after the exercise? What did you think of during the exercise? What did you find difficult? What did you find easy?

Thank you for sharing a yoga moment with us! VUORENTAUSTA SCHOOL, FINLAND 2019

Butterfly Material:    

A big room The butterfly story Bright ribbons Relax music

Lesson: 1. Intro: 

The children stand up and relax.

2. Middle: The story 

You are a caterpillar. The children bend over and "step" with their hands down their legs and continue their hands on the floor. They bend at the knees and then jump with their feet to their hands.

Slowly you crawl up along a stem. The children repeat the above-described movement of the caterpillar a number of times.

You have completely eaten your belly and are looking for a safe, soft and warm place for yourself. The children stand up straight, moving down their legs much slower with their hands. The head and shoulders weigh heavily. This way the children fall all the way to the floor. The children lie comfortably in a "ball" and close their eyes.

Wrap silk threads around you and rest. The children rock gently from their left side to their right side. The eyes remain closed.

You are very close to yourself now. It becomes quiet in your cocoon. Depending on your assessment of the atmosphere, you can leave the children out for longer.

(Make the music a little quieter before you start talking again)

You feel that you have rested enough. Take a look (in thought). Where do you see an opening to leave your cocoon? Give the children some time to visualize this.

You start to move gently. The children bring a little movement to their toes, fingers, stretch a little and lie on their backs (if this is not yet the case). Then they pull the knees to their chest. The feet are overlaid.

You break out of the cocoon. The knees are still raised. The children take their feet and make a swinging movement, from front to back. After a few times they come to a sitting position.

You notice that you have changed ... You are a butterfly. You move a little gently with your butterfly wings. The children sit up straight, legs folded and feet together. They grab their feet and make an up and down movement with the knees.

Can you spread your wings too? The children are still sitting together. They take hold of their feet, lean back a little and stretch their legs. Repeat this exercise a number of times.

Now spread your wings and flutter away! The children move through the room. You can possibly give them brightly colored ribbons to swirl with and wave.

3. End: Gather the children in a circle and let them tell about their experiences during the exercise. Use the following guide questions for this:    

How did you experience the exercise? What were you thinking about? What did you find difficult? What did you find easy?

Spread your yogawings and fly away 11th Special Primary School of Eastern Thessaloniki, HELLAS

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