Forever Healthy Magazine Maiden Issue April 2019

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We Value Life at the DNA Level!



Table of Contents Onward, forward! This battle cry will be the theme in our first edition of Forever Healthy magazine. Our aim is to inform and entertain our readers with knowledge, inspire them with stories of success and hope, and encourage a whole new set of friends to be part of our FHPI family. We want to share with you stories that have been an inspiration to us, this is the driving force of this publication. Everything we have learned and loved will be brought into focus as they continue to uplift our consciousness of the world that we choose to be a part of, a world of wellbeing, overall health, and camaraderie. So we hope you digest everything we will share and get excited for what is to come. We have endured hardship but ultimately have tasted success in 2018. We are geared up and strapped in for this year as we envision a whole new wave of exhilaration and victory this 2019. Sit back dear readers, this is just the beginning, we are just getting started, momentum is on our side, onward we go, forward is the only move we will make.













The inspiration behind the company

How FHPI came about. Challenges we faced, victories we have experienced.

The most awaited event of the year.

Brick by brick, one life after another, making it happen with passion

The “Pillars� of the DNA of FHP

Fall in love with network marketing as a business.



Dr. Susan Barlin FHPI - CEO

There are so many words and ways to describe Dr. Susan Barlin. Some stand out more than others. Her drive to succeed is unbelievable. Her passion can almost be seen as a glow emanating from her body. Her knowledge cannot be denied. She is a presence you must pay attention to. Her love for her fellow man trumps all. Dr. Susan Barlin is the Chief Executive Officer of Forever Healthy Products Inc. A multi-awarded and recognized community leader and motivational speaker, Dr. Barlin is a true advocate of entrepreneurship and financial freedom from the grass roots level. Her Vision to spread overall wellness at the DNA level on a global scale, and her Mission to provide a sustainable, once in a lifetime opportunity for every person in the world through a one of a kind business plan can be seen embodied in the halls of Forever Healty Products. “Network marketing is the best business model ever created by humankind. My true inspiration and example of a good networker is Jesus Christ. He spread Christianity around the world through his twelve apostles and said, ‘Go forth and multiply!’ I wish I came to realize this earlier in life, but better late than never. I believe this is the solution to help alleviate poverty globally and promote financial freedom.” Dr.Barlin says with utmost sincerity.

Network marketing is the best business model ever created by humankind. My true inspiration and example of a good networker is Jesus Christ. He spread Christianity around the world through his twelve apostles and said, ‘Go forth and multiply!


One the best benefits of Network Marketing is residual income through the law of leverage, also called the multiplier effect. It is called that because it also involves duplicating yourself using other people’s time, effort, and resources. However, there are no short cuts. The product plays a key role in all businesses. Luckily, we have an exceptional product that delivers on all its promises. The law of first advantage is another key to our success. Being first in the market with a product that is effective and cannot be matched is what makes our current position enviable to say the least. The people behind the company is something to take notice of too. The purity of their intention, desire to help, and direction to move forward is evident in every interaction. Forever Healthy Products Inc. has all elements needed to thrive. A business plan to keep everyone motivated, a company behind every move that has the same mindset, and a product that is unique and effective. Dr. Susan Barlin’s advocacy is shared by all. The mission to enrich lives is bigger than the profit. Her challenge to come aboard and see the greatness that is coming is open to all. Be a part of something revolutionary. Be the change that our world needs. Be Forever Healthy is the call which Dr. Barlin wants every person to hear.


Forever Healthy Products is on its way to the top. Credit not only goes to its leaders and employees behind the scenes, but to its individual distributors who believe in the company’s vision and mission. Leon R. Katz, one of the major pillars propping up the business, is always quick to credit everyone who has a hand in the business’ continued success. Overwhelming pride may be an understatement to describe what he feels towards the team and the product and what they bring towards achieving the betterment of people around the world. His commitment to deliver awareness of the product to as many places as he can, sees him take leaders to different parts of the world towards his dream of global expansion. “With us, it’s going to be a little different because we are not going to the US or other places to seek opportunities, but more to bring opportunities for others.” declared Katz. “These leaders, who are here right now, had their lives changed because of our products. One, these are people who value good health and want to help others learn how to achieve it for themselves. Second, they find the joy and fulfillment in promoting a product that really speaks for itself. They can’t live a day without sharing their experience with others. “ “We come to bring good health and opportunity. We help change the lives of people who value good health as well as people who are looking for opportunities to earn money.” This is the perfect scenario in Leon’s mind. Products which assist in overall wellbeing being marketed by people who are motivated to do so. Leon Katz’s dedication to his craft is intoxicating in the sense that when you are exposed to it, when you hear and understand it, you have no choice but to fall in love with his ideals and aspirations. His love for the people the product has helped fills him with the energy and desire to strive forward and touch even more lives. Katz belief that Forever Healthy Products leaders are passionate in spreading the best secret of life: “Good health starts and ends at the DNA level.” Life is too beautiful and precious that every sensible person should take the best care of it and enjoy it to the fullest. “Longevity and youthfulness at the DNA level is the next big thing” he stated. Who are we to say otherwise?

“We come to bring good health and opportunity. We help change the lives of people who value good health as well as people who are looking for opportunities to earn money.”



The Road to Wellness When God closes a door, He opens windows.” For Dr. Susan Barlin, the past years have been nothing but a testament to the truth of this quote. After spending remarkable years in the US, Dr. Susan Barlin thought it was high time for her to return to the Philippines and do something meaningful for her “kababayans.” “I am a living proof that nothing is impossible and anyone can achieve anything he or she wants if they are willing to do what it takes to succeed.” When Dr. Barlin migrated to the US, like many immigrants, she also started from nothing. The only assets she brought with her were those that she acquired from her Filipino culture. The values she grew up with and lessons learned from her humble beginning. Dr. Barlin was determined, willing to work hard, creative, and grateful for every opportunity plus a very strong faith in God with the willingness to help and bring value to others. The United States of America as described to Dr. Barlin was the land of opportunity–and yes, that is what greeted her when she got there. “It is indeed true! I honestly believe that I would not have grown in any other country compared to what I have accomplished in the United States with the same or even more effort I had given into any of my undertakings.” The United States had been good to her in numerous ways. For the fear of letting success overcome her and forgetting her home grown traits and value system, she saw to it that there would not be a year that she would not go back to the Philippines to connect with her roots. Every trip chipped away at her heart because she saw the hardship that many of her friends and colleagues were experiencing. Where advancement and success seemed to just remain as far away dreams. Dr. Barlin turned 50 and was then at the peak of her career in the USA. She began to develop an obsession to become an inspiration to the Filipinos back home. Filipinos find so little opportunity in their own country which causes many to leave for greener pastures and work overseas. This was heart-breaking for Dr. Barlin. She started to come up with several ideas about how to bring the opportunity of advancement to her home country. In early 2000s, Dr. Barlin knew that the solution would be to help uplift the economy by bringing in Foreign Direct Investors who would, in turn, bring in investments through various industries, mainly Real Estate and Tourism which would drive up employment rate. Being a Certified International Property Specialist and | FOREVER HEALTHY PRODUCTS | IMUREGEN | APRIL2019 2019 6 | FOREVER HEALTHY PRODUCTS | IMUREGEN | APRIL

With her mentor and inspiration, mommy Zeny after receiving “Woman of the Year” award. the first Fil-Am President Liaison to the Philippines of the National Association of Realtors with over 1.2 Million members all over the world, Dr. Barlin thought of promoting the Philippines as one of the best choices of retirement destination in Asia amongst the growing sector of society, the Baby Boomers ( born 1946-1964). Promoting Philippine Real Estate properties to the Filipino American community then was challenging. Confidence was low. Appetite was meager. Dr. Barlin then spearheaded the first so called “Philippine Real Estate Roadshow” with lots of flare, glamour, and glitz. She created a buzz and started a fad that could not be ignored by the Fil-Am community which at first was approached with caution but eventually succeeded. Dr. Barlin’s main goal was to promote the country to the masses. She knew that would not be easy as the country’s image then was tarnished and foreigners were not seeing it as a safe destination. That is when Dr. Barlin thought of promoting tourism through MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Events) by highlighting the Philippines as one of the favorite destinations for international conferences and exhibitions. Tourism was one of the top drivers of employment and if she could help revive MICE, she would be able to hit two birds with one stone. Tourism and Real Estate. “Yes, I am a dreamer. I dream big. You can say that. But I put hard work and effort into all my dreams.” Dr. Barlin proudly declares. The first Asian International Real Estate Expo and Conference (AIREEC -Dec. 2007) was conceptualized, organized and became reality because of those dreams. The goal is to bring together 55 countries for 5 days all together in 1 place. No one was be brave enough to do it, so, she did. With Leon Katz beside her,

she started the grueling job in 2005. Two years to conceptualize, organize and promote. A daunting but equally rewarding task. Dr. Barlin thanks the Former Dept. of Tourism Secretary Ace H. Durano and US Dept of Commerce, for supporting this undertaking. Sadly, a week before the opening of the event, a freak explosion occurred in a popular shopping mall in the city of Makati. Then, a couple of days later, it was followed by a car explosion in another Metro Manila city. Dr. Barlin recalled that after an interview with Ric Carandang at ANC television, she got a phone call from her Secretary who told her about a takeover of the Manila Peninsula Hotel. To make a long story short, Dr. Barlin proceeded with the event with barely 25 percent of the expected delegates due to a travel advisory against the Philippines following this incident. “These were the most difficult 5 days of life,” she revealed with a smile on her face. “I went through with the event instead of postponing or moving it to a different location

me. I only wanted to help people. Then, I realized that if I wanted to achieve my goal to help the poor, I must start from the grass roots and not from the top. And Network Marketing is the only way by which I thought I could do this. Nevertheless, we all know the stigma that goes with the networking business.” “I looked for a company that I could bring to the country. The criteria would be first, the quality of product and, then, heart of the owners.” “Everything was going very well until things changed. I will not elaborate on the reasons but I realized that being at the mercy of others on vital decisions would not contribute to the success of my people and the mission would fail,” she revealed. Dr. Barlin kept her faith and attention on what she believed was her destiny. She added, “I really believe that God led me to discover ImuRegen. I really believe that God saw through the clarity and pureness of my intention. Like me, there were many others who were looking for the right product, right opportunity, and right intention. Others are asking why us? Maybe, because God knows we are the right bridge to deliver this product to

“Yes, I am a dreamer. I dream big. You can say that. But I put hard work and effort into all my dreams” because I believed the people who attended would spread word to the world that nothing was wrong in the Philippines. This was far more important to me than the loss I would incur,” she added. “Well, when it rains, it pours,” Dr. Barlin reminded us. Unexpected twists and turns got in her way forcing her to go into a three-year hiatus. “I cut all my communications with people. Ayoko na ng kahit na anong connected sa negosyo o pera (I didn’t want anything related to money any longer). Gusto ko na lang mag ala ‘Mother Teresa’ (I just wanted to be someone with a mission like Mother Teresa),” she narrated. A spiritual rebirth ended Dr. Barlin’s career hiatus. This was subsequently followed by a job offer that was almost impossible to refuse. But as Dr. Barlin later realized, events, situations, tragedies, or opportunities are sometimes sent our way not always to provide us with monetary or material gain, but occasionally, to prepare us for an impending mission in our lives. Something we can latch onto. Something that would resuscitate us and breath new meaning into our own sense of purpose. “Sometimes the path He shows us isn’t always a straight line from start to finish. In my case, I thought I lost my way to my mission. I asked myself why this was happening to

help people–both for better health and opportunity.” She believes her involvement in the Forever Healthy Products is her final advocacy to help people. “This company does not promise you instant riches,” stressed Dr. Barlin, “but we will teach you how to work it from the heart, helping as many others as you can and getting rewarded for that effort. Our goal is to show people that networking is the best business module ever created by mankind. Yes, it has been blemished. There has been a stigma attached to it, but just like fire and water, it can give you life or hurt you. It is all up to you to use them effectively. Let us use this industry in a way that gives life to many and doesn’t harm any,” Dr. Barlin said. Forever Healthy Products Inc. is the culmination of Dr. Barlin’s lifelong body of work. The successes she intends to duplicate and the lessons from challenges she experienced she now knows to avoid. The life she has chosen to undertake is born out of pure patriotism and genuine love for all around her. This writer has written many words for this article, but something tells me we have only scratched the surface. Many more stories are sure to be written. Many more goals are sure to be reached. Many more lives are sure to be enriched. APRIL 2019 2019 || IMUREGEN IMUREGEN || FOREVER FOREVER HEALTHY HEALTHY PRODUCTS PRODUCTS || APRIL


Reign THE


night of glitz and glamour at the

Gazebo Royale in Quezon City to celebrate FHP 2018’s year of success. At the same time, it was the birthday of FHP CEO, Dr. Susan Barlin. It was an evening of joy and pride for

CEO Dr. Susan Barlin (3rd from left) with Diamond Directors Jane Martos, Luna Moya, and Venus Salazar enjoying the night filled with music and laughter.

everyone. A huge smile behind their masks and sporting brightly colored gowns and elegant tuxedos, all attendees glowed with pure class and glamour. “Tonight, I want you to be the Kings and Queens. Feel how the royalties feel because you deserve it.” It was a moment of Awards, Recognitions, Wonderful performances and lots of generous prizes. At FHP, everything matters.

One highlight of the evening was when FHP’s Pres. Dr. Katz introduced Juris, an kid with autism. He used to be very violent but now he is very composed. “I want to be a scientist”, he said while looking at Pres. Katz and hugging him shouting “I love you Sir Leon!”



All dressed up and ready to celebrate after a fruitful year.

Our number one endorser Ms. Imelda Papin with FHP’s Pres. Dr. Leon Katz while sharing her experience using ImuRegen.

The DNA of


Luzon. Home to the capital of our fair country. Where people come to work hard and play even harder. Towering buildings line the streets and provide shade to weary business people. Highways provide a means to connect. The days are bright but the nights can get even brighter.

This is the home to our north Luzon team. Hard work and the drive to pursue their dreams fuel their passion to spread the wonderful news of how our product helps people thrive. These are the people to spearhead our plans for FHPI as we enter an exciting year.

Robinsons Galleria Corporate Center in Ortigas, the home of Forever Healthy Products Inc.

ORTIGAS MAIN OFFICE 1506 – Galleria Corporate Center, EDSA cor. Ortigas Ave., Quezon City 1100 Philippines Phone: 631-7021 Mobile: 09459838856 / 09458631386 Globe 09999540189 / 09999540197 Smart Office Hours : 12:00 PM – 9:00 PM MAKATI Unit 2 Orchid Tower Oriental Garden Condominium Chino Roces Ave. neat Buendia Makati City Phone: (02) 757-5659 Mobile: 0917-8168225 LAGUNA South Central Luzon Multi-Pupose Cooperative 240 Maharlika Hwy San Rafael, San Pablo Laguna 4000 Mobile: 0917-5000995 DASMARINAS CAVITE 9003 Jose Abad Santos Summerwind 2 Salitran III Dasmarinas, Cavite Phone: (046) 450-8293 Mobile: 0998-5734471

The grand opening of our service center in the bustling city of La Union

LA UNION 353 Ortega Highway Cabaraon, San Fernando La Union Pangasinan Mobile: 09338612259 / 09338612269 VIGAN Anonang Menor, Caoayan Ilocos Sur 2702 Mobile: 0917-1439911 BAGUIO Room 205 2/F Pines Hill Business Center Bldg 1 KM 5 Balili La Trinidad, Benguet 2601 Mobile: 0995-8212935 , 09196283275 NAGA BCO 3nd floor Colonial bldg. Arana st corner Alias Angeles st. Across McDonalds plaza Centro, Naga City Mobile: 9205780660

1 Star Diamond Directors Virgie Amangan (second from right) and Rommel Arzadon and Jun Oprecio with leader. APRIL 2019 | IMUREGEN | FOREVER HEALTHY PRODUCTS |


The DNA of

VISAYAS Cebu skyline - Birthplace of Dr. Susan Barlin

Creating the next generation of leaders

Visayas. Several large islands along with several hundred smaller islands encapsulate how this sector of FHPI forges on. Different regions, different traditions, different people all coming together to realize a goal that was set before them. Our partners in this area are united as they share one path toward achieving what they set out to do. To empower not only their own lives but the lives of every person around them. To be a difference for people who need difference makers. Together as one.

Dr. Oclarit sharing the science behind the magic of Imuregen

CEBU Unit 103 Cherry Court Bldg. Gen. Maxilom Ave. Cebu City Phone: 260-2428 Mobile: 0917-5072744 Office Hours : 12:00 PM – 9:00 PM BACOLOD 770 BS Aquino Drive Brgy. Villamonte, Bacolod City Negros Occidental. Mobile: +63920 9460711 DUMAGUETE Mango Avenue Piapi, Dumaguete Mobile: 0906-3272314 , 0918-4800609 MASBATE Sitio Sampaloc, Malinta Masbate City Mobile: 0930-8665861



A smile that says a thousand words

The DNA of

MINDANAO Jaw dropping beaches, killer surf, rugged mountains, and indigenous creatures living as they have been for centuries come to mind when you mention Mindanao. Where people are calm and relaxed, respectful and welcoming, hospitable and kind. Our group in Mindanao is all those things as well but their desire to promote Forever Healthy Products can be described as aggressive. Aggressive in pursuing their dreams, aggressive in optimizing what our business can offer. Relax and rejuvinate witth FHPI in beautiful Zamboanga

Team Zamboanga with CEO Dr. Susan Barlin, Dr. Oclarit, 1 Star Director Jerald Butalid, leader’s Shirley Ann Go and Rosario Galima

DAVAO ATU Plaza,Governor Duterte Street Dood 3 DAVAO City Mobile: 09085661359 Office Hours : 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM CAGAYAN DE ORO # 27 Pabayo Cor. Gaerlan St. Cagayan De Oro City Mobile: 0917-7916970 , 0977-8104753 GENERAL SANTOS Door 2. DTS Bldg. Jose Catolico Sr. Ave cor. Rivera St. Lagao General Santos City South Cotabato Phone: (083) 552-9314 Mobile: 0922-7707888, 0920-9763964, 0917-7039253 KIDAPAWAN Aspila Building, Quirino Drive Kidapawan City, Cotabato Mobile: 0917-1439911

1 Star Diamond Directors Jerald Butalid, Swyline De Jesus during their visit in FHP main office in Ortigas with Dr. Katz and execom Chris Sta Cruz. APRIL 2019 | IMUREGEN | FOREVER HEALTHY PRODUCTS |


FHP US Adventu Every company says that they take care of their people. Very few companies plan for how to make sure that their distributors are rewarded for their hard work and dedication. Even fewer follow through with their plan. That’s what Forever Healthy Products Inc. just did. They said they would reward their most dedicated distributors and kept their promise by sending them on a trip to the U.S. DAY 1 The day was November 9, 2018 when the first batch of Diamond Directors arrived at 7pm in Los Angeles. Excitement was evident in each of the 15 peoples’ eyes. They knew they were in for a treat, you could feel that they were ready for anything. They were greeted with a welcome dinner in Anaheim as soon as they arrived. Little did they know this was just the beginning.

Top left: The famous Hollywood Walk with the Super Heroes mascot, below: Beverly Hills, right: The iconic Universal Studios, Los Angeles. bletree hotel in Carson, CA. Jonie welcomed her with booming cheers Baccay, our 001 director in the U.S. as if welcoming Manny Pacquiao was introduced. Shortly after, Dr. Su- home after winning a title bout. It san Barlin, who was herself based in was overwhelming to say the least. Carson and built a successful career Following her speech, she introduced as a realtor and broker, was introFHPI’s Diamond Directors namely: duced and the crowd in attendance

For most, this was not the first time to go to America. A lot have family in the States which they visit on a regular basis. Though this trip would be different. This time they were on a mission. DAY 2 The euphoria was not done, but an overwhelming feeling of excitement was clearly felt in the air. The quest to go global has officially begun. The first Business Opportunity Meeting (BOM) was underway at the Dou-



Oceanside CA, a stone throw away from San Diego.

ure has begun DAY 7 After 4 days in one spot, a 767 mile, 1 and a half mile drive away to our next destination brings us to Oceanside Blvd. The third largest city in San Diego County, California, Oceanside is a coastal city located in California’s South Coast. The beachfront property we stayed in had rooms large enough to accommodate our entire group. It was time to relax and refresh. A chance to reflect on the days past and more importantly focus and plan on the days ahead.

A 25-foot bronze statue behind the museum depicting the kiss of a couple celebrating the end of World War II located at downtown San Diego. Mr. Ely Martos, 001 of the Philippines, Pastor Ricardo “King” Flores and wife Violy, Mr. Edgar Ubalde, Dr. Anarie Toledo-Reyes, Merlyn Cordova, Christopher Gimeno, Mr. Efren Santos, Prof. Juan T . Lim, Mr. Alfredo Hernandez and wife Cecilia from Malaysia. Their testimonies and experience touched the hearts of all in attendance. Next Dr. Jose M. Oclarit was introduced. A professor of Biochemistry & Medicine, and a National Outstanding Scientist of the Philippines, Dr. Oclarit is very well known overseas. His lecture on “Nucleotides role in Genomics” is lined up for by students and doctors alike which is why he has been invited numerous times to speak in universities and hospital in the U.S. Same could be said for his presentation in Doubletree hotel. They opened the floor for questions and all was satisfied, even awed, by the answers given. It was no surprise

that people could not wait to get their hands on the product. DAY 3 90210, Beverly hills, CA. A few steps away from the famous Rodeo Drive. The setting was outrageous as it felt like being one of the Hollywood actors that frequent the shops that line the streets. A few blocks away is another iconic location, Hollywood Blvd. A short freeway ride away is Universal Studios where most of the movies we enjoy and love originate from. In San Fernando Valley, another BOM was happening at a Denny’s in Van Nuys. The event had a good turnout considering the very short notice given regarding the event. Dr. Oclarit was again the highlight of the event and another frenzy began to get a hold of our products.

The fire pit made the scene look majestic accompanied by the sound of the waves hitting the shore. Our bellies were equally enriched with the generous servings of hamburger patties, freshly broiled fish, salads, Indonesian cuisine, Korean beef stew and Mexican ribs to name a few. Our CEO felt refreshed after a serene night and the following day the group met “The Family Pack King” Dennis Gray and wife Maria Metcalf. The couple bought the first family pack sold in the U.S. He is called the “Family Pack King” as his years of experience in the MLM industry has helped top the charts in Family Packs sold. The following day saw us at Chula vista to meet Aileen Papin, sister of Imelda Papin where another “Family Pack” was sold and sales just grew from there. DAY 9 The momentum could not be stopped. 310 miles away brought us to Las Vegas, Nevada. The group stayed at a very exclusive community in South Bronco St., Las Vegas. Through the efforts of Dr. Susan Barlin and Dr. Leon Katz, two consecutive BOM’s were scheduled. The venue at Decathurs St., and Tropicana



was packed and another very fruitful event was underway. The second day was momentous as this was the day our CEO, Dr. Barlin made an announcement. That announcement was that an office in Las Vegas was materializing soon. Work hard, play hard. A very common phrase to hear but not as often realized. Our group was picked up in a Hummer limo. Beer, vodka and wine welcomed them and the mood was automatically changed as the music in the car forced everyone to forget how tired they were. They were taken to the infamous Las Vegas Strip where different attractions could be seen from the panoramic view afforded by the clear windows. The following day, Dr., Barlin directed the shoot for pictures to be used for this magazine after a sumptuous buffet at the Mirage Hotel. DAY 12 The trip was starting to take its toll on the bodies of our group, evidenced by having to switch drivers every 3 hours, as we headed back to Los Angeles from Las Vegas, then after a quick replenishment of supplies, on to San Fransisco. A light drizzle greeted the party as they entered the city which made the city skyline even more beautiful.

The first batch of Diamond Directors who went to the US from left seating: Pastor Ricardo “King Flores and wile Olivia Flores, Dr. Anarie Toledo Reyes, FHP CEO Dr. Susan Barlin, Merlin Cordova, Cecille and Alfredo Hernandez of Malaysia, standing from left: Christopher Gimeno, Roland De Vera, Ely Martos, FHP Pres. Leon Katz, Jonie Baccay, Ed Ubalde and Dr. Jose Oclarit.

The Hotel: The Argonaut. A Boutique Hotel in Fisherman’s Wharf, San Francisco. With a name like the Argonaut, it’s impossible not to speak of this hotel in grand, almost legendary terms. Located in Fisherman’s Wharf San Francisco and inspired by the Greek legend and Gold Rush-era adventurers, it’s one of those rare places in San Francisco that truly merits the term iconic. Located in the historic Haslett Warehouse in Fisherman’s Wharf, the Argonaut hotel is a grand building built in 1907 of exposed brick, Douglas Fir beams The world renowned Las Vegas logo pictorial after cruising the strip in style and much seaside character; you inside a Hummer limousine and drinking the night away.



feel as though you can almost reach out and touch the colorful Barbary Coast. The Bridge casts a majestic view that will be very hard to forget. Hana Zen was the location for our next eventful BOM. Everyone involved enjoyed a hearty helping of clam chowder as recommended by Dr., Katz. Our product has officially snowballed into a machine that kept on moving3 DAY 13 The trip back to Los Angeles was early. It was a cold and damp A BOM at Fishermans Wharf, San Francisco day and very foggy, but the setting was still like a painting by a famous painter. Another BOM was set in Carson, a new set of faces and more people are signed up and ecstatic and could not wait to get their hands on our products. It was a very tiring but equally rewarding day. We headed to the residence of Dr. Barlin’s son in Anaheim for our Thanksgiving Dinner. Much food and drinks graced the tables, people singing and playing guitar made for a very festive occasion. We said our goodbyes and headed back to Hilton Hotel in Torrance where the group stayed. There were more last minute meetings and briefing at the rooms were the directors are staying. DAY 14 The flight back to Manila. People were buzzing over the experience they had. Every day was a challenge, but a challenge worth taking. Every minute a gift that all were eager to take advantage of. As the plane landed, the atmosphere was that of relief but more of achievement in what this trip had become. As the vision of our CEO, Dr. Susan Barlin and Pres. Dr. Leon Katz comes to reality. Everybody headed back to the head office in Ortigas, Manila and to continue the legacy of Forever Healthy Products Inc., where “We Value Health at the DNA Level.” Till next time.

We rode the F line to Powell St., downtown San Francisco inspite of the rain. For S1.50 /per person, you can transfer from one bus to another and visit the city. APRIL 2019 | IMUREGEN | FOREVER HEALTHY PRODUCTS |


The, CEO The, mentor






DENNIS GRAY 1 Star Diamond Director ROLAND DE VERA 1 Star Diamond Director

MARIA METCALF 1 Star Diamond Director

We live by a slogan that resonates in all our directors and distributors. Many are here with us because Forever Healthy Products can be the solution to many challenges we face. We all have dreams we want to turn into reality, we all have gaps that we must fill and these people have been glowing examples of how, with enough determination, we can make it happen. Jonie Baccay, 1 Star Diamond Director, USA, was quoted as saying “When I was introduced to our CEO Dr. Susan Barlin, that made me decide that this is it, this is what I’ve been searching for. All my life I’ve searched for something meaningful, working one job to another, finding it difficult to be content. For many years, I had three to four jobs just to make ends meet. Now I’ve focused my attention on FHPI, helping those who need it. It’s all worth it.” Mr. Baccay is a testament to how great this business can be. Having the ability to address his personal needs while fulfilling his deep desire to help others.


JONIE BACCAY 1 Star Diamond Director ED EUSEBIO 1 Star Diamond Director

For 1 star Diamond Directors Maria Metcalf and partner Dennis Gray, it is a continuous quest to look for a cure for her sister who is suffering from depression. Dennis, being in the multi-level marketing industry for almost 30 years, was always on the lookout for something new. They bought the first family pack sold in the US because they saw the benefits of the product. They saw how this can be a solution to a hole that they have been looking to fill. Maria’s sister used the product and felt a burden being lifted. She suddenly had the desire to come to the main office to attend a presentation by Dr. Jose Oclarit in Ortigas so she could learn more about the product that gave her relief. All this became possible because Maria and Dennis were rewarded for being Diamond Directors. Their reward was the chance to come to the Philippines. Maria said, “I’m happy we can travel and I get to see my family and my sister who is feeling renewed and refreshed.”

FHPI’s MIH group during the BOM in Las Vegas.

Top photo shows Dr. Barlin and Maria with new sign up. Attendees listen attentively to the presentation of the speakers and write their notes.

Dennis was exhilarated as he saw how effective the product can be and forged on to be known as the “Family Pack King” for selling the most family packs. His faith in the company and product now affirmed by personal experience, nothing could stop him from spreading the awesome news to everyone he could get his hands on. Invited by Jonie Baccay, Roland De Vera began his journey with FHPI. He had a back problem that had been bothering him for some time. As an engineer, he was involved in construction and now that industry which provided him his way of living was also taking its toll on his body. “After trying Imu Regen, I was back on my feet.” claims Roland. His son, suffering from asthma, was now on a regular regimen of Imu Regen. Seeing the benefits, Roland’s wife Carol joined the Make It Happen group and both are Diamond Directors.

Roland then brought in Ed Eusebio who is a resident of Las Vegas. Ed being from a prominent family in the Philippines has an excellent network in Las Vegas. Ed organized the last event held in Las Vegas where Dr. Susan Barlin gave an inspirational talk to an expectant group of people. That talk introduced those people to the benefits of Imu Regen and how the product can be a life-saver for most. Now Ed is another addition to the growing list of MIH Diamond Directors. This growing group of people provide inspiration and strength. Inspiration by their personal experience and strength by being an example to follow. Their imagination and bravery is a light that we should seek out. Their passion is paving a way for all of us, for ourselves and our loved ones, to make it happen.





FOREVER HEALTHY PRODUCTS INC. Picture in your head the iconic Bruce Buffer modulating, screaming introductions of fighters right before the bell rings to mark the start of the first round to an epic fight. The crowd goes silent, “Let’s get ready to rumble!” echoes through the venue and the excitement can be felt in the air like a shot of adrenaline directly to the heart. This is the type of introduction our grand mentors deserve. Their hard work, dedication and success warrant celebration, recognition, and praise. We aim to do just that. Their inclusion in this magazine is a testament to the realization of what started as a dream which turned into reality. They are the DNA that make us whole. Being a quarterly magazine affords us the luxury to recognize and introduce our top performers on a regular basis. People who exhibit the qualities that forever healthy products demand. A definitive drive to grow their business coupled with the heart to touch and enrich as many people as possible through our products. Our distributors care for their clients on a DNA level, this is FHPI’s way of showing their distributors the same. Here is the first crop of people to raise up, admire and emulate.


“This is like a badge of honor,” Ely said proudly showing off the 1-karat diamond ring, the reward he got shortly after his fellow leaders landed in Los Angeles last October. The occasion was preceded by a month-long tour of consultations and explorations in different places in the United States. “This ring summarizes the struggles I’ve overcome and the energy and ingenuity I’ve poured out into my endeavors,” he added. He went on to attribute his success as a leader to the power of the company’s amazing product. A veteran in the multi-level marketing world, Ely said he has not seen a product as amazing as ImuRegen. He further said the first time he was introduced to the product, he immediately realized that it was the “dream” product he had searched for. Ely considers ImuRegen as an entrepreneur’s dream product. According to him, the five qualities that set apart an excellent product from the rest are: “First, the product is unique, our product has no equal in the market. Second, we are the first to market the product. Third, the product is adequately patented and cannot be copied by competitors. Fourth, the product is consumable, which means there is a certainty of replenishing supply. And lastly, the exclusivity of the product.”




A leader from the Visayas region (central Philippines), Christopher strongly believes the product can help a lot of people in the provinces, particularly in his hometown. “To be able to provide opportunities to my kababayans, I think that is the greatest reward that this endeavor has given me,” he says. “I am very thankful for having known Leon (Katz) and Dr. Susan (Barlin), and being able to work with them. “We share the same goals: to provide a healthy option for our kababayans as well as providing a good source of steady income,” Christopher added.



“I was in the Philippines when I learned about ImuRegen. I was visiting my mother who was sick. She was recovering from a stroke. One of my friends who lived there told me about the product and convinced me to try it. That friend knew I was a diabetic. I wasn’t really convinced but out of pakisama, I went along with my friend. “A day before I returned to the US, we passed by the Forever Healthy Products office in Ortigas. I bought three bottles. I gave all of them to my mom’s caregivers. I toId them to give the product (ImuRegen) to her as a supplement. “I got a call from my mom when I was already back in the US. Sabi niya, uminom ka rin ng supplement na binigay mo sa akin (You should also start taking the supplement that you gave me). And then it dawned on me that my mom could hardly talk when I was with her just a couple of days ago.” “Her experience convinced me.”


Alfredo Hernandez was attending a medical forum in Bangkok, Thailand, when one of the doctors in attendance talked to him about the buzz being created by the ImuRegen products. “Nothing can come close to it,” Alfredo recalled saying to himself after the said doctor explained to him what the buzz was about. “I have 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. When I retired, I got involved in the supplement industry. So I knew a lot about anti-oxidant products and discoveries related to supplements,” Alfredo said. Hernandez flew home to Malaysia and immediately probed deeper into the said product. “I cannot be taken for a ride considering my vast experience and the extent of my insider knowledge of the industry. And so, I immediately did my research. I interviewed doctors and colleagues in the pharmaceutical industry, which strengthened my conviction.” Soon after, Alfredo flew to the Philippines to meet with the owners of Forever Healthy Products. “One of best decisions that I ever made,” Alfredo said. APRIL 2019 | IMUREGEN | FOREVER HEALTHY PRODUCTS |


Key Health Challenges of the Filipinos Now Addressed. Discover, Explore & Learn the Mystery & Science behind Genetics Lifestyle & Diseases


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E Q P D SAYMODOCONLINE We Value Life at the DNA Level! 22 22


The show was nominated as ‘The Most Imformative Show’ by PMPC ( Philippine Movie Press Club) Awards for TV in 2018.

Say Mo Doc is a project I conceptualized to bring forth to the Filipino a show that will develop awareness on health at 3 different angles. Show them real experiences of various Filipinos going through health challenges, show them as well the perspective of Medical Practitioners and even current statistics of said ailments then the science of the human body as per the Physiology is concern. The show was nominated as “The Most Informative Show” by PMPC Awards for TV. Mission accomplished! APRIL 2019 | IMUREGEN | FOREVER HEALTHY PRODUCTS | APRIL 2019 | IMUREGEN | FOREVER HEALTHY PRODUCTS |

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THE IMPORTANCE OF AMINO ACIDS IN RELATION TO THE CENTRAL DOGMA OF LIFE BY: DR. JOSE M. OCLARIT The central dogma of life is outlined as emanating from the DNA to mRNA (messenger Ribonucleic acid) to Proteins. The protein is the final expression of the genetic material that is scripted or coded in the Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA. The human body is made up of 20% proteins. But the building blocks of proteins are amino acids consisting of twenty different naturally occurring types, and the varied sequence of these determines the specific type of proteins. It is estimated that there about thirty thousand (30,000) different types of proteins in the human body, the expressions of which is determined by genes that are active in each type of tissue. It is also estimated that only 2-3% of the total genome in the human body is expressed in a particular type of tissue while the rest of the genes are said to be silent. Protein plays a crucial role in almost all biological processes and amino acids are the building blocks of it. Of the twenty different amino acids, nine of these are considered essential ones such as: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine,phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. Each of these amino acids has unique properties and plays crucial roles in our working bodies. The meaning of essential in this context is that these are the ones that the human body cannot synthesize, meaning we have to get them from external sources such as plants and animals to some extent. This is the reason that, apart from nucleotide supplementation, we need these essential amino acids as part of the whole regimen as holistic approach to ultimate supplementation. A large proportion of our cells, muscles, and tissues is made up of amino acids, meaning they carry out many important bodily functions, such as giving cells their structure. They also play a key role in the transport and the storage of nutrients. Amino acids have an influence on the function of organs, glands, tendons, and arteries. Furthermore, they are essential for healing wounds and repairing tissues, especially in the muscles, bones, skin and hair as well as for the removal of all kinds of waste deposits produced in connection with the metabolism.

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Professor of Biochemistry & Medicine/National Outstanding Scientist of the Philippines /Matias H. Aznar Memorial College of Medicine, Cebu City

The amino acid pool describes the entire amount of available free amino acids in the human body. The size of the pool amounts to around 120 to 130 grams in an adult male. If we consume protein in the diet, the protein in the gastro-intestinal tract is broken down into the individual amino acids and then put back together again as new protein. This complex biological process is called protein biosynthesis. The entire amino acid pool is transformed or ‘exchanged’ three to four times a day. This means the body has to be supplied with more amino acids, partly by protein biosynthesis, partly by the diet or through consumption of suitable dietary supplements. The objective is that the amino acid pool is complete and maintained in the correct combination. If the one or more amino acids are not available in sufficient quantities, the production of protein is weakened and the metabolism may only function in a limited way. Older people are not Recent studies reveal older people in particular are more the only ones affected with these, but young people can lackis body the prone to suffering from malnutrition. “If also be affected by the negative consequences of a liming in the minimum energy and nutrients, the body canited supply of nutrients. These include weight problems, not carry out its bodily and mental functions. Without the hair loss, skin problems, sleep disorders, mood swings elements trace acids), (amino proteins necessary vitamins, and/or erectile disorders as well as arthritis, diabetes, and minerals, there is a risk of debilities and metabolic cardiovascular imbalance (high cholesterol levels, high disorders which can have serious consequences. blood pressure) or even menopausal complaints. But the most important aspect of protein formation is dictated by how much nucleotides are available in the pool of biomolecules. Every amino acid expressed in the sequence is dictated by the pool and sequence of nucleotides. Three nucleotides called the codon spell out one It is believed that almost every disease caused by civilisingle amino acid. So without the codons there are no zation is a result of imbalances in our metabolism. The amino acids so to speak. Therefore, taking a supplement amino-acid pool is jointly responsible for achieving a such as ImuRegen provides the body’s needed supply of balanced metabolism. nutrients such as nucleotides, amino acids, and minerals.

Contrary to belief many years ago, many doctors have now confirmed that a supply of amino acids (also by way of nutritional supplements) can have positive effects. In the real world, countless factors prevent our bodies from receiving a full and balanced supply of these all-important substances. Among these factors are the pollution caused by burning fossilfuels, the hormones fed to cattle, the intensive use of fertilizers in agriculture, and even habits such as smoking and drinking, all of which can prevent our bodies from fully using what we eat. Worse still is the amount of nutrition that is lost from our food through processing before we actually get to eat it. By providing the body with optimal nutrition, amino acids help to replace what is lost and, in doing so, promote well-being and vitality.




When armies prepare for battle, they chant and shout. Sports teams huddle and simultaneously scream their predictions before the start of a big game. Fighters bow their heads and silently tell themselves what they must do before the first bell dings. It is no different for FHPI.

challenges we faced in 2018 and start building on those challenges to pave the way to an even better 2019. It is time to reflect, learn from the past and break barriers in front of us. It is time to become trailblazers, time to set the mark, time to meet the limits of what we can, and will achieve.

Onward! Forward! This is the battle cry that brought in the beginning of 2019 to mark the start of another great year for Forever Healthy Products. This mantra also reflects the goal to propel FHPI to the pinnacle of success, the peak of achievement, to relevance and triumph. This is the perfect time to step up our game, and ultimately, level up.

This battle cry of our enormous craving to advance expresses everyone’s desire, eagerness, and will to thrive and surge ahead in the MLM industry. With overflowing passion and strength to change and innovate the landscape of the industry we are so proud to be a part of as we move forward and level up.

2018 was an aweIt will not be “We are family” was the battle cry of CEO Dr. Susan Barlin during some and exciting easy. The road the Mastermind Group training at Nasugbu, Batangas. year for everyone will be a bumpy involved in the one. There will be company, from individual distributors to employ- hardships. But we will stay strong together. With ees. More importantly, it was an awesome and hands clasped, minds in tune, and our hearts exciting year for the hundreds of people that were connected, all simultaneously marching to the helped, the hundreds of lives that were changed beat of one voice. The voice that starts softly then for the better, the hundreds who gained awareends in an undeniable roar. Onward! Forward! ness of FHPI’s products. will be the banner that we follow into battle. The banner that ensures that 2019 will be a year to But now, it is time to go even further. look back on for years to come. So onward we go It is time to strive forward, learning from the FHPI! Forward is our destination! 26 | FOREVER HEALTHY PRODUCTS | IMUREGEN | APRIL 2019

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Every undertaking is unique. Different challenges arise and original and inspired solutions are needed to hurdle those challenges. Same is true when starting a career in our industry. When beginning, a snapshot of the road ahead is all we have and having the ability to think on your feet and navigate the dangers along the path is essential in reaching your destination. None have adapted as quickly to Forever Healthy Products and thrived as Chris Cunanan. After only 1 month, He has risen to the level of Diamond Director. He boldly stated that this is what he was going to do and with sheer determination, willpower, and the heart to help others, his prediction came true. His sights are set to higher, loftier goals. He, along with Abbie Cunanan, his wife, are sure to reach them. FHPI is very proud to have them in the fold to serve as inspiration and a model to emulate.

Chris Cunanan We people are creatures destined to evolve. Birds migrate to more acceptable climates, Herds move in large groups looking for safety and nourishment. Movement is inevitable. The search for something better is a constant we cannot avoid. With Forever Healthy Products Inc. there will be no difference. Every single IBO must evolve and be better than we were yesterday. We must never be content and we must break every barrier placed in front of us. There is no place to go but up. Remaining still should never be an option. Who is up for the challenge? Who is ready to step up? Who is ready to move ahead, take the leap and become recognized as a Diamond Director. This is the first step on the path to getting to where we want to go. All our hopes and aspirations are within reach. The gold at the end of the rainbow is real. Take the challenge, take the leap, take control and be triumphant!




Contain Vitamin C, Zinc & Lysine Helps support the Immune Function Supports healthy tissue generation and regeneration Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels Promotes cardiovascular health by supporting cardiac muscle tone and vascular integrity Supports healthy neurological function and memory Helps maintain cholesterol levels that are already within normal limits Helps generate ATP for energy Boosts muscle performance Protects cells from damage caused by free radicals Increases mental energy, focus and concentration Helps your body’s natural healing process Supports brain health Helps support healthy lung and respiratory function Serves as an antioxidant Helps neutralize free radicals that can damage cells and contribute to premature aging Shown to have a positive effect on health and longevity Supports growth and maintenance of muscle mass


Are extracted naturally from ancient plant deposits. They have a unique molecular structure and carry over 72 trace minerals and elements. Their properties give distinct advantages. Supports digestion and helps body absorb nutrients from food Promotes healthy CoQ10 levels in the body to support natural energy levels Helps water enter the cells at a faster rate May improve endurance through cellular energy, nutrient absorption, enzyme and hormone optimization Supports heart and sexual health Supports healthy tissue generation and regeneration

Helps your body’s natural healing process Provides healthy endocrine system support Helps maintain intestinal flora and bowel flora Helps maintain cholesterol levels that are already within normal limits Promotes cardiovascular health by supporting cardiac muscle tone and vascular integrity Helps support healthy lung and respiratory function wEnhances resistance to everyday stress


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Putting yourself out there Many people in the MLM industry start off excited with the dawning of the idea of unlimited earning potential. Sales in general promises relief from debt, the ability to afford luxury items, the promise of being able to travel the world and overall financial freedom. It is entirely different from a typical 8 to 5 job wherein your effort does not always equal your compensation.

become. A child trying to learn a sport or instrument is not instantly a genius, the child starts from the basics and slowly gets better until the child has perfected his craft to a point where he/she does not even need to think of what he is doing. It comes naturally. The practice becomes habit. Habit becomes routine. Routine turns into excellence.

This is what makes our industry great. The more effort you exert, the more money rolls in. It has been said that this is the easiest low paying job, but also the most challenging high paying one. Your input directly affects the output. The more you want, the more you work. There are so many ways to deliver the same message because it is true. Advancement comes with sacrifice, but the sacrifice is well worth the reward. Again, that’s what makes our industry great.

When establishing new business, keep the formula in mind. Effort X Effectiveness, and this should guide you in your activities. Conducting as many BOM’s as you can, shows the effort you are exerting. Due to the experience in conducting BOM’s you become more effective. That is exactly what Forever Healthy Products has been doing. FHPI has been setting the table for its distributors by creating multiple opportunities and tools to develop their business. FHPI has established new outlets, new accounts and new IBO’s.

So how do we sustain our livelihood in this industry? Sales can be predicted. Sales is a science. The formula in sales is simple, effort multiplied by effectiveness. One cannot be without the other. Effort in understanding that the more people you connect with, the more chances you have of getting the sale. Think of raffles, generally the more entries you have, the more chances of winning. Sales is a numbers game in the sense that the more people you talk to, the more chances you give yourself to create impact and eventually convert a prospect into a client. Effectiveness comes with experience. The more you strive to learn, adapt, and improve, the more effective you



Events that FHPI has sponsored are all meant to empower each distributor to not only grow their business, but to ensure it thrives. We should take advantage of this as this is rare. A company that truly cares about each individual is hard to come by. So our dear distributors, exert the effort, become as effective as you can be. FHPI will provide the opportunities. All you should do is be there, share the dream, be involved, and get ready to reap the benefits. We are driving towards new heights. We will reach the peak. We will be victorious.


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