Course Or College? What Should You Choose?

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How to choose the right college? This question arises once a student chooses the stream in their +1, which leaves them with many sleepless nights. It is necessary to choose the right college, because the years one will be investing will need a good outcome. One doesn’t only choose college but also the correct place to live till they graduate. For some students staying in far places doesn’t matter but for some it is a difficult task to leave home.

There are certain factors one needs to consider before choosing college: 1. College 2. Rank of the College 3. College Review 4. University Affiliation 5. College Location 6. Campus 7. Program Offered by the College 8. Availability of Major Subjects 9. Fee Structure 10. Placement 11. Extra Co-Curricular Activities 12. Student Diversity 13. Faculty Experience 14. Strength of the Student Depending on the size of University and strength of students courses will be offered. Smaller colleges have less courses to offer as well as extra curricular activities. Larger colleges will have more offer and will have more clubs and activities.

Therefore it is of utmost concern for institutions to provide them a comfortable and safe ambience of ‘feel at home’ within the campus. One of the factors is how a college made you feel. Nonetheless, of all the programs, opportunities and scholarships, it is important how a college makes you feel, if it makes you feel like home, if the place will help you grow and develop, just not academically wise but in all aspects of life. The right college will promote an environment that will not only challenge students but also help you to realize your dreams and goals by providing you with the tools that will remain with you.

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One needs to consider the student to faculty ratio. Low student to faculty ratio is ideal but a problem arises when it is a high student to faculty ratio. Some of the universities place large research and publication expectations on their faculty, who in turn teach fewer courses. High rate does not automatically mean that a student will be neglected by their instructors. No matter where a candidate goes, class sizes will vary along with professor attentiveness.

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Lastly, always think about why you are pursuing any studies. I.e. to get a job or to be capable of working somewhere in the future. Ensure the college has good placements and job opportunities and a lot of internship exposure.


Nothing helps more when applying for jobs out of college than having hands-on, practical experience on your resume. Great colleges will give opportunities for students to assist professors with funded research, internship in companies that interest you.

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