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In the words of Austin Powers, “who does number two work for?” The answer is you. A healthy lifestyle involves regular bowel movements based on excellent gut health Sometimes supplements are required to help relieve constipation and promote a better digestive system.

We looked at Wellthy supplements and discussed how beneficial they are to overall gut health. Another supplement to consider is Colon Broom. As they state on their website, “Poop like a winner, lose weight the easy way” While digestive health is often linked to weight loss, we’ll take a deeper glance at what Colon Broom reviews has to offer. From essential ingredients, weight loss, side effects, and consumer reviews, we’ll leave no stone left unturned Grab your tea and coffee and let’s talk about bowel movements. Fun!

Colon Broom Explained

Colon Broom began as a company in 2008, created by Max Nutrition LLC. Almost fifteen years later, it’s best known to relieve constipation and improve gut health. Irregular bowel movements contribute to bloating, stomachaches, and difficulty with weight loss. According to the Cleveland Clinic, while the number and frequency of bowel movements range from person to person, going longer than three days without regular bowel movements is considered too long. Constipation sets in resulting in harder stool that is more difficult to pass

Colon Broom reviews helps with irregular bowel movements and improves digestive health. It is a fiber supplement that is both vegan-friendly and gluten free. It comes in the form of a powder that is stirred thoroughly into 8 ounces of water. The recommended dosage is once a day for the first five days and then increases to twice daily after that. It should be taken 30 minutes after a meal or 1 hour before eating and never right before bedtime. Since it claims to increase energy levels, taking Colon Broom reviews right before bed may result in troublesome sleep.

Now List Of Ingredients

The main, active ingredient in Colon Broom is psyllium husk, a fiber made from the husks of the Plantago ovata plant’s seeds. Psyllium is a bulk forming laxative that helps the bowels absorb water As that happens, the stool becomes softer and bulky, making it easier to have a bowel movement without pain or too much straining. This type of laxative differs from a stimulant laxative that affects nerves to speed up bowel movements or an osmotic laxative that increases water absorption in the intestines rather than the stool itself. While different laxatives are necessary for an array of different digestive health issues, Colon Broom reviews helps to improve the gut more gradually It’s a marathon, not a sprint when it comes to Colon Broom.

Along with the psyllium husk’s bulk-forming laxative capabilities, it also provides much needed soluble fiber to the gut. When soluble fiber like psyllium husk powder dissolves in water, it creates a gel This gel helps to slow digestion from the stomach to the intestines. By doing so, soluble fiber has been linked to lower cholesterol levels, decreased blood sugar, weight loss, and constipation relief.

● Eliminate bloating and flatulence with our pooping shake.

● A refreshing strawberry flavored Colon Broom reviews drink that leaves you feeling lighter inside.

● ColonBroom psyllium husk fiber supplements are blended in the USA.

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ColonBroom | Psyllium Husk Powder Colon Cleanser
other ingredients
● Natural Flavors ● Citric
● Crystallized
● Stevia leaf
● Sea
● Fruit and vegetable juice ● Rice
found in Colon Broom reviews are listed below.

One scoop of Colon Broom reviews contains 3.6 g of psyllium husk and 20 calories. The other ingredients like lemon and citric acid promote higher levels of vitamin C, which is known to promote overall health benefits The use of stevia leaf extract limits the amount of sugar but increases the sweetness of the drink for a better taste.

Colon Broom And Digestive Health Benefits

Colon Broom claims that its psyllium husk supplement can relieve constipation and improve weight loss. While it may increase bloating initially as the Colon Broom ingredients work to improve the digestive tract, most people see results anywhere from 24 to 72 hours after taking it. Colon Broom reviews on their website state that bloating was completely gone by the beginning of the third day of use

One way Colon Broom reviews might work is by changing gut microbiota in constipated individuals. Gut microbiota is the microorganisms within our gut that allow our bodies to fight unwanted pathogens and absorb vital nutrients from food for energy. A study published in the Journal of Molecular Sciences showed that psyllium husk taken by constipated individuals had a more significant effect on the microbial composition in the gut. While more research is required to understand how and why psyllium husk powder affects gut microbiota to help relieve constipation, a supplement like Colon Broom that contains this active ingredient might be helpful for those who suffer from stomach problems associated with irregular bowel movements

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Can Colon Broom Help You Lose Weight?

According to an article published in Nutrition Today, one benefit of the active ingredient psyllium husk found in Colon Broom is its ability to delay nutrient absorption in the intestines leading to satiety or delayed hunger. Feeling fuller longer promotes less eating and weight loss in individuals who also incorporate a healthy diet and exercise with this supplement. Not only can this affect weight loss, but it also leads to lower blood sugar and LDL (bad) cholesterol (a

component of bile) by reducing bile acid and allowing the liver to create more bile.

Side-Effects Of Colon Broom

According to Colon Broom, there are no adverse side effects. However, some Colon Broom reviews stated they felt more bloating initially as the supplement began changing the digestive system through plant-based ingredients like psyllium husk. The initial bloating seemed to wane within two or three days. It’s vital to drink plenty of water while taking this supplement as it contains 3g of dietary fiber per serving, which requires the proper intake of water to work correctly for better gut health.

As with any supplement, always contact your doctor before taking any kind of supplement. Different health issues need to be taken into consideration by a licensed professional before taking Colon Broom.

Colon Broom Vs. Metamucil

Colon Broom and Metamucil contain psyllium husk, which helps relieve constipation for better digestive health. Both claim to improve dietary fiber intake and increase regular bowel movements However, the other ingredients in Metamucil differ from the more natural ingredients found in Colon Broom.

For instance, Metamucil contains maltodextrin, a highly-processed carbohydrate made from rice, potato, wheat, or corn starch. It increases shelf life but also has a high glycemic index, raising blood sugar quickly High amounts of maltodextrin can increase weight gain over time. Also, some early research has shown it may affect the gut microbiota negatively by increasing harmful bacteria and lowering good bacteria

Another ingredient in Metamucil is aspartame to enhance sweetness for taste While good taste is essential, artificial sweeteners have been on the hot seat for decades. Made from two naturally occurring amino acids called aspartic acid and phenylalanine, it’s nearly 200 times sweeter than sugar Some studies suggest that aspartame can lower metabolism when combined with

carbohydrates and fats, leading to weight gain. At the same time, the debate of whether or not aspartame is detrimental to your health in other ways continues to create controversy

Colon Broom contains fewer artificial additives than Metamucil, which means it’s also gluten-free and vegan friendly. Ingredients like citric acid help increase mineral absorption, and crystallized lemon reduces fat and decreases the likelihood of kidney stones All of these natural ingredients give Colon Broom a slight edge over Metamucil.

Take The Colon Broom Quiz

If you’re tired of feeling constipated, bloated, or lacking in energy levels, it might be time to take the Colon Broom quiz to see how this supplement can work for you. The quiz asks about everything from past digestive system issues to current allergies to lifestyle questions to understand better how Colon Broom can best serve your needs. Whether you need to lose weight or better your gut health, using Colon Broom might be a supplement worth trying.

Final Thoughts

If you are already supplementing with the best casein protein or the vega organic protein powder, contact your physician before taking Colon Broom. Certain supplements may cancel each other out based on ingredients, and specific health problems need to be monitored before trying any kind of supplement Once you get the green light, try Colon Broom to see how it can benefit digestive health and overall health for better energy levels and less bloating. view-the-lowdown-on-this-plant-based-gut-supplement-for-constipatio n-relief? 3-the-lowdown-on-this-plant-based-gut-... n-on-this/mcft7brz61z1 view-the-lowdown-on-this-plant _on_this_plant-bas e-lowdown-on-this-plant-based-gut-supple

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