Ano 04 - Nº 06

Page 45

A Reorientação Externa do México e a Iniciativa Mérida

propondo um “real comprometimento” com o vizinho nos marcos de uma maior militarização e ingerência política na crise mexicana.

ABSTRACT: The article discusses the relationship between the reorientation of Mexican foreign affairs in the last three decades and the cooperation for fighting drug trafficking established after 2007 with the United States. First, we expose the framework of Mexican foreign policy during the period 1930-1980, shaped by the principles of autonomy and “revolutionary nationalism”, and also try to figure out the reasons for its dismissal after the debt crisis in the 1980’s. We verify that this shift has developed pari passu with an asymetric approach with the US through the Plan Brady, NAFTA and ASPAN. The Merida Initiative, then, could be understood as a path dependence of this structural convergence in the economic, social and political layers, what fosters a pression for the strenghtening of this cooperation despite the concrete results it had achieved yet. KEYWORDS: Mexico, Merida Initiative, Path Dependence, Security.

Referências BENÍTEZ MANAUT, Raúl. México-Estados Unidos: paradigmas de una inevitable y conflictiva relación. Nueva Sociedad, n. 206, p. 140-155, 2006. BERNAL-MEZA, Raúl. México: treinta años de política exterior. Carta Internacional, v. 2, n. 1, p. 32-51, 2007. CEPIK, Marco; JORNADA, Helena; BORBA, Pedro. México: segurança, política externa e relações bilaterais com o Brasil. Nota técnica elaborada no âmbito do convênio APEX-UFRGS, dez. 2009. CORDERA, Rolando; LOMELÍ, Leonardo. Avaliação das mudanças estruturas no México (1982-2004). In: DUPAS, Gilberto (Org.). América Latina no início do século XXI: perspectivas econômicas, sociais e políticas. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Konrad Adenauer; São Paulo: Fundação Editora da UNESP, 2005, p. 39-74. EUA, Estados Unidos da América. International Narcotics Control Strategy Report 2008. Washington: Departamento de Estado, 2008. GAO, Government Accountability Office. Drug control: U.S. assistance has helped Mexican counternarcotics efforts, but tons of illicit drugs continue to flow into United States. GAO-07-1018. Washington: GAO, 2007.


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