How to get rid of malicious viruses

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How to get rid of malicious viruses

A computer virus is a software program especially designed to spread its malicious programs from one computer to another and interferes with computer operations. These viruses corrupt or delete data from the computer. Viruses are especially designed to spread from one computer to another and to interfere with computer operation. A computer virus is a small software program that spreads from one computer to another and interferes with computer operation. A computer virus might corrupt or delete data on a computer, use an email program to spread the virus to other computers, or even delete everything on the hard disk. Computer viruses are type of malware that gets executed when it gets inside the computer system. It performs many types of harmful activity on infected host computer. It may steal hard disk space or CPU time, access private information, corrupting data and displays spam advertisements on user computer screen. Computer viruses spread though various spam email attachments or through freeware download. These viruses even get hidden in pirated software program.

What do computer viruses do? While using Internet from your computer your computer might get infected and comes in contact with malicious computer viruses. These viruses may tend to corrupt or delete data from computer and use your emails to spread it to other computers. These viruses may corrupt or delete everything from the hard disk. These viruses may steal your personal information or delete your data or even make the operating system disable. To get rid of these troubles and Vulnerability or to avoid computer viruses you have to take several steps to remove and prevent further infections.

How to identify that computer is infected The strange and unusual behavior of computer indicates the presence of viruses some of which includes• Unusual movement of cursor on its own • Window opens and closes on its own. • Applications fails to open • Internet browser redirects itself to some unknown sites. • System shows warnings of low disk space or low virtual memory. • Outlook fails to open

How to protect computer against viruses Viruses are very dangerous and annoying software application which sometimes cannot be easily detected by anti-viruses tools and spreads very quickly. So there is no guarantee that these viruses gets destroyed but these can be avoided by maintain computer’s defensive mechanism this will definitely help to prevent these malicious threats. To avoid your computers from infecting it is necessary to keep the computer updated with antivirus tools.

Methods to protect the system from malicious viruses Some of the methods to get rid of these malicious viruses are•

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An anti-virus program may be always installed on the compute which should be always up to date. These helps to defend the computer against virus attack. These programs scan those viruses that get into the email, operating system or files and helps the computer from infecting. It is always advised not to open the email attachment. Viruses get attached with these attachments. Windows should be updated periodically. Microsoft special security updates help to protect your computer through these updates. These updates help to protect computer attacks by closing all the security holes though which virus can attack.


By using firewall these application helps to alert any suspicious activities or worms that attempts to invade the computer. It tends to block viruses from attempting to download its potentially harmful programs on the computer.

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