Major causes of epididymitis

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Major Causes of Epididymitis

Epididymitis is a kind of male disease happening in epididymis with high morbidity rate. The morbidity rate of epididymitis is as high as 12% to 18%. And it is particularly familiar among young male adults. As we know, none disease happens without reason, even the acute diseases are caused by some factors. Then what are the causes of epididymitis? Many men may ask this question. This is the theme of this essay. We will make a list of the major causes of epididymitis in the following passages for anyone who wants to know about epididymitis.

• Bicycling for a long distance or sitting at work for a long time may compress the prostate and lead to prostate congestion. These may affect epididymis and lead to epididymitis.

• Irregular life habits may lead to the inflammation of genitals. Many young men, especially white collar workers, often stay up late until midnight, pay no attention to hygiene of sexual life, drink and smoke a lot, pay no attention to the balance of diet, do little exercise. All these bad habits will damage the body health and add up to the possibility of epididymitis.

• Some male do not pay attention to the protection of the male triangle area. Some cases of acute epididymitis are caused by direct compression of external forces.

• Long time wearing of uncomfortable underwear is also one of the most common causes of epididymitis. Most people take care of their external clothes with great patience and carefulness. However, the cleanness and comfort level of underwear are often ignored by people, especially male. Many male underpants are designed to have two layers in the front side. The penis and scrotum of men are wrapped up in a hot and damp environment. Bacterium and other pathogens are easy to grow in this kind of environment and lead to prostatitis and epididymitis.

• Having sex too frequent or too rare is harmful for the genital health. Sexual life is an important part of life. Regular sexual life is beneficial for our health. But irregular sexual life may lead to many kinds of genital diseases including epididymitis. So we should have sexual life at an appropriate frequency and in a right manner.

The detoxifying ingredients in Chinese herbal medicine can have the same effect as antibiotics and have the advantage of no extra effect. Diuretic and anti-inflammation pill is a kind of TCM prescription medicine with excellent pesticide effect in the treatment of epididymitis. We hope diuretic and antiinflammation pill can help all patients with epididymitis to recover from suffering.

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