Signing Up for English Enrichment Class Singapore and Getting High Grades in School

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Signing Up for English Enrichment Class Singapore and Getting High Grades in School

When I was just a young and spoiled brat oblivious to the cold, hard truths and harsh realities of life in this unforgiving and merciless world that we live in, I used to think that everything will be handed to me on a silver platter because my parents gave me all the things that I want and need every single day. And that is the reason why instead of working hard in school and taking all of my academic duties and responsibilities seriously like reading my textbooks, taking notes during lectures, listening to my teachers, finishing my assignments and studying for exams, I just hang out with my friends as we cut classes and enjoy different kinds of asinine and idiotic activities like hanging out in the mall and playing video games all day. Lucky for me, as soon as my grades began to hit an all-time low and my parents saw the disappointing red marks and disparaging comments on my report card from my teachers, they cracked down really hard because they do not want me to waste my capabilities and potentials. Aside from grounding me for a few months, taking away my privileges, limiting my leisure time with my friends and hiring a private tutor who will help me focus when I study my lessons after school, they also enrolled me in the most trusted and highly-effective English enrichment class in Singapore because they believe that fluency in different languages and communication will help me in the outside world. Although I was disgruntled, defiant and rebellious at first because I thought that they were being unreasonable fascists who are cutting my wings, preventing me from living my life and stepping on my inalienable rights as a human being, I soon realized that they only want the best for me because I was too headstrong and stubborn for my own good. And that is why I vowed to turn my life around, focus on my scholastic duties in school and prove to the rest of the world that I have what it takes to succeed in and out of the four walls of the academe someday. And that is why aside from going to the finest and highly-acclaimed English enrichment centre to help master the fundamentals, learn advanced techniques and strengthen my grasp on difficult concepts and problematic subject matter, I also went the extra mile to improve my academic standing in school. Instead of hanging out with bad friends who always get me into nothing but trouble, I decided to form study groups and start review sessions with friends and classmates so that we can improve our chances of acing our tests and exams. After my English enrichment centre in Singapore classes, I also head straight to the library and study halls so that I can review my notes, dive into research, finish all of my homework assignments and get all the information that I need about different subjects like math, science and history. Last but not the least, instead of thinking that they are the enemy and avoiding them at all cost, I learned to trust my parents and teachers because I know that I can rely on them and ask for help whenever I feel perplexed, lost and discombobulated about the questions and problems weighing heavily inside my head.

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