freedom of speech

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Let the people talk

8A Juan Martin Mora y Patricio herrea 1/1/2013

Index    

What is the freedom of speech? How is freedom of speech violated? Explicitly or implicitly How this can affect a country, society, person and security of Ecuador? What other countries in the world are violating freedom?

What is the freedom of speech?

We are all human beings and we are always free allowing to speak and express overall and to seek and ideas regard from frontiers. The mediums it could travel could be writing, print, television, radioed. This is the right of the people to express their opinions, publicity and without the influence or an interference of a government. The freedom of speech is also a right from the UN or United Nations that is the most important global law on the world and the base on the

human rights by letting talking or let maintain silence. The better form countries and the most power full are the most open to this human right like USA, Canada, France, Italy, England, China, Spain, Brazil, etc. Also some other advancing countries are open to this right like Chile, Argentina, and Colombia. This is the right that that involves feelings and this can make a good society without stress and depression.


How is freedom of speech violated? Explicitly or implicitly

Corruption was always in our country before the government of Rafael Correa. But in these last 4 years the most topics treated on the UN is the freedom of speech in Ecuador. Behind this government is existing many secrets not talked and many injustice on getting people on the jail. On of the explicit way of violating these right is Diario El Universo the case is the most preoccupation one because and writer of the news paper gave an opinion on the government and the president created a demand against the news paper and now he has a control on the news paper and his government are the owners. Also on the TV communicative groups he got the controlee on some of

these channels like Gama TV, UNO, TC; and on the TELEAMAZONAS AND ECUAVISA try to get them close because they were not allies from the government and on was close temporally because they were on the opposition of the government, and many journalist of the TV Radio like Carlos Vera, Jorge Ortiz, and Janet Inostrosa need to renounce and go away because the suppose communism. In the system o the new computers that you buy on the country an the server of internet gets like a kind of cheep that gets a software of following what are you looking on the internet and posting things on the social networks and these brings a kind of controlee over what you do and these is a implicit way of control all of your freedoms.


How this can affect a country, society, person and security of Ecuador?

Freedom of speech is the mother of all of the freedoms. This is the human right most protected by the United Nations and the most ask and need for humans. These permits to the people talk between each other and express ideas and form a communicative society. Ecuador without freedom of speech will be like those terrible movies with dystopia society and with a total corrupt country and with communism and dictatorship that will be ignorant because ewe will be not communicative and even broken because these not culture and free will crate a instability of a society or Ecuador.


What other countries in the world are violating freedom?

The Ecuador is not he only country that is corrupt and is disrupting freedom of speech there are worst countries that are braking a hole society and with any human right. In the following graph is a demonstration of the countries and corruption levels


Bibliography Wlater Olson. "Cato At Liberty." Cato Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2013. N.p., n.d. Web. "What Does Free Speech Mean?" USCOURTSGOV RSS. N.p., 2007. Web. 19 Mar. 2013.

Http://" N.p., 2007. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. Support EasyBib

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