Anexos Del Proyecto Interdisciplinario

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 Anexos Lengua y Literatura: 1. Anuncio Publicitario

Anuncio Sacado de [CITATION Jul20 \l 3082 ]. Hecho por Joselyn Figueroa, Marilyn Figueroa y María Paz Figueroa. 2.- Texto Argumentativo La Falta de Comunicación Por Juan David G A pesar de ser una enfermedad nueva y desconocida, desde los inicios de la pandemia por COVID-19 las autoridades de Colombia entendieron la importancia de mantener bien informada a la ciudadanía y movilizarlos para que a través de acciones de autocuidado contribuyan a evitar la expansión del contagio en el país.


La comunicación efectiva contra COVID-19 requiere comprender los sesgos de comportamiento y las formas de mitigarlos. Algunos de estos incluyen el sesgo del status quo, lo que dificulta que las personas cambien sus hábitos, por ejemplo, recordar usar una máscara en la vida diaria. El exceso de confianza y el optimismo también son un problema importante y explican por qué creemos que tenemos menos probabilidades de contraer un virus o una enfermedad grave de lo que realmente somos, y por qué no nos protegemos por completo. Además, muchos de nosotros sufrimos de sobrecarga cognitiva y fatiga en la toma de decisiones [ CITATION Déb20 \l 3082 ]. Nos olvidamos de usar máscaras cuando salimos de casa porque no es fácil para nosotros equilibrar tanta información con tantas necesidades de comportamiento nuevas. Al contrario, nos basaremos en viejos hábitos por defecto. Estudios Sociales 3.-La Democracia juvenil


Matemática 4.- Estadística y Pandemia  Pregunta 1: ¿A qué paralelo perteneces?  Pregunta 2: ¿Alguna persona en tu núcleo familiar ha contraído el SARS-CoV-2?  Pregunta 3: ¿Conoces el tipo de vacunas que se están suministrando en el país?  Pregunta 4: ¿Estaría dispuesto a recibir la vacuna contra el covid-19?  Pregunta 5: En caso que tu respuesta anterior sea "si" ¿Cuál de las siguientes farmacéuticas consideras que es la más efectiva?  Pregunta 6: En caso de que su respuesta sea "no" explica él porque  Pregunta 7: ¿Algún familiar cercano ha recibido la vacuna?  Pregunta 8: ¿Cree usted que suministrándose la vacuna ya no contraerá el COVID19?  Pregunta 9: ¿Conoces si estás en el grupo de riesgo de las personas que no se pueden vacunar?  Pregunta 10: ¿Podemos dejar de tomar precauciones después de la vacunación?  Pregunta 11: En caso de presentar efectos secundarios después de la primera dosis ¿estarías dispuesto a recibir la segunda dosis?  Pregunta 12: ¿Conoces los efectos secundarios de la vacuna?


 Pregunta 13: ¿Crees que, si toda la población se vacunara, podríamos reducir los niveles de precaución? Hipervínculo de Microsoft Excel: id=1647135558 Ingles /

5.- Academic Article The importance of vaccines in Ecuador


Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine. This type of vaccine uses genetically modified mRNA to give your for 20 million The government is waiting cells instructions on how to produce a harmless part of the S protein

vaccines from Pfizer, AstraZenca, Sinovac

found on the surface of the COVID-19 virus [ CITATION Esc21 \l

3082to ]. arrive in the and the Covax initiative

country. Ecuador has negotiated vaccinesvaccine. Vector-based with three pharmaceutical companies In this typeand of vaccine, the genetic material of the COVID-19 virus is inserted into a different type of weakened live virus, such as

with the Covax initiative, which belongs to

an adenovirus. The weakened virus (viral vector) functions as the

the World Health Organization. But [the delivery system CITATION Esc21 \l 3082 ]. technology of the three types of vaccines Protein subunit vaccines. against covid-19, which willSubunit arrive vaccines in the only include the parts of a virus that best country, are different. For example, Pfizer's stimulate the immune system. This type of COVID-19 vaccine contains harmless S proteins. Once the immune system recognizes the uses the so-called messenger S proteins, creates antibodies and defense white blood cells. If you RNA. AstraZenca's usesit the viral become infected with the COVID-19 virus, the antibodies will fight

vector. Sinovac's vaccine works as an

with the virus [ CITATION Esc21 \l 3082 ].

inactivating virus [ CITATION pri \l 3082 ]. Bibliography:

-Note: Prepared by Juan David G done in Word on May 28, 2021.


Física 6.- Estructura del Covid-19

-Nota elaborado por Juan David G hecho en Canva: [ CITATION Jua21 \l 3082 ]. Educación Física 7.-Juegos Tradicionales Figura 1


Figura 2

Figura 3


Religión 8.Dibujo 9.- Artículo de Entretenimiento -Nota elaborado por Juan David G hecho en canva: [ CITATION Jua211 \l 3082 ].

Proyectos 10.Biology 11.- Scientific Article PFIZER, ONE OF THE MOST ACCEPTED VACCINES, IMPLEMENTED TO COMBAT THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Safe, effective, and high efficacy vaccines are needed urgently. The totality of available data provides clear evidence that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine will provide immunity in order to prevent people from contracting the disease. Ecuador San Francisco de Sales High School Andrade A., Bermeo D., Burbano R., Cháfuel M., Del Hierro D., Díaz E., Estévez C., García G., Guaña V., Guanoluisa J., Herrera C., Jaramillo K. Severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection has affected the majority of the world's population, causing a major health outbreak. Pfizer's vaccine,


officially named BNT162, has demonstrated 92% efficacy in the process of immunization against COVID-19 during the 14 days following the first dose. According to WHO (World Health Organization) the immunity that this vaccine provides could last several months, but


this information has not been verified, the exact duration is not known, so these questions are being investigated and studied. The Pfizer vaccine is headquartered in New York City, which was founded in 1849. In 1945, it became a major producer of penicillin. According to what they claim, Pfizer has about 100,000 professionals in some countries of the world. This vaccine against COVID-19 has not been approved by the FDA, but it has been authorized for distribution due to the health emergency in which we find ourselves. In clinical trials it was tested in more than 20,000 people over 18 years of age. Later the second doses were implemented, and according to the effectiveness of this clinical experiment, it could be affirmed that it has high efficiency indexes About 43,548 participants were randomly selected, among them 43,448 received the injections: 21,720 with Pfizer and 21,728 with placebo. There were 8 cases with positive COVID-19 seven days after the second dose among the patients who received BNT162b2 and 162 cases among those who received the placebo. This shows that the Pfizer vaccine was 95% effective in preventing SARS-CoV-2, with high efficacy in subgroups defined by age, sex, race, body mass index and the presence of pre-existing disease. Ten cases of COVID-19 were 40 reported after the first dose, 9 were in placebo recipients, while 1 was in those who received BNT162b2. The Pfizer vaccine was characterized as causing short-term pain at the injection site. Adverse events were common in the clinical trials, but most were mild to moderate. Systemic side effects (fever, chills, fatigue, headache, etc.) are more common after the second vaccination. A relatively small number of people whose reactions affect their daily life were obtained. Currently, the Pfizer vaccine has been the most effective against COVID-19. With the application of two doses of this vaccine in an interval of three weeks, the individual will be


immunized. This vaccine works by triggering an immune response against the spike protein SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is present on the surface of the virus. The vaccine generates high rates of effectiveness to create antibodies in our body and has saved the lives of hundreds of people. However, it is not entirely safe because the antibodies generated are not resistant to new strains, studies have identified that the vaccine generates fewer antibodies, now reducing its effectiveness in protecting the body. Nevertheless, Pfizer pharmacists have met everyone's expectations by demonstrating that COVID-19 can be prevented through immunization, having provided validation that their vaccines are a promising new approach to protect humans against diseases, infectious diseases and demonstrate how quickly they can develop with a sufficient investment of resources. They are expected to continue to help vaccinated people so that those infected by COVID-19 continue to decrease.


Química 12.-Articulo de Química



-Nota elaborado por Juan David G en canva: [ CITATION Jua212 \l 3082 ].

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