biografia ed and carol baran

Page 7

el mundo sea ganado para el reino de Dios y llegar a ser una sola nacionalidad que una cada tribu, cada naci贸n, cada lengua para ser la novia de Cristo y un estandarte para que el mundo la vea. En el presente, trabajan localmente, nacionalmente, e Internacionalmente, estableciendo relaciones, ministrando pr谩cticamente a aquellos que lo necesitan. Usando la Iglesia en cada pa铆s como fundaci贸n de relaciones interpersonales.

one body under the head ship of Jesus Christ, His Son so that the world might be won to the Kingdom of God and become one nationality encompassing every tribe, every nation, and every tongue, to become the Bride of Christ and set a standard for the world to see. Presently we are working locally, n a t i o n a l l y, a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y, establishing a network of relationship, by practically ministering to those in need. Using the local church in each country as the foundation of this relationship.

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