Summer Staff Evaluation Form

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Summer Camp Staff Evaluation Urban Camps at The Forge (church) (please answer all question to the best of your ability)

Administration 1. Before you were hired was the office staff and leadership supportive and communicative about your needs regarding employment?

2. Was there sufficient reports and previous year supporting documentation? 3. Was there effective logistical support here at TFC?

4. How was the finances handled? How & What would you change or modify?

Comments and/or Suggestions:

Facilities, Equipment and Rentals 1. Overall, what is your thoughts about the location for the camps and the care and usage of the facilities (including fields)?

2. Did we have appropriate and good working equipment?

Comments and/or Suggestions:

Programming 1. What are your thoughts, suggestions and or criticisms about:

Art Camp (age 7-11)

Sport Camp (age 7-11)

Early Teen Challenge Camp (age 12-15)

Kids Camp 1/2 Day (age 3-6)

Teen Social Justice Camp (age 13-19)

Additional Youth/Children始s Camp Ministry

2. What are your thoughts and or suggestions regarding the volunteer element at Camp? How can we develop this?

3. How was the Marketing and Advertising handled? Your thoughts and suggestions?

4. How was the use of Social Media used? Suggestions?

5. How was the support of the congregation to Camps on a whole? How can we better communicate to the church and leadership?

6. How was the communication handled with Parents? Can we improve? How?

7. How was discipline handled with the campers? What is your thoughts regarding overall ministry with the children? Where do we need to improve?

8. Was there any safety issues? Health issues? Family issues? Suggestions?

9. In connecting the children to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, how did we do? How do we do this better? Give examples:

What are your final remarks about the Programming of this summer始s camps:

Staff 1. Take a brief moment and write down 3 areas where you grew personally, spiritually, relationally, emotionally etc...

2. Take a moment and wrote down 3 areas where you need to grow more in...

3. Evaluate each other! Write out positive and encouraging words about: Odessa:



4. Evaluate each other! Write 3 areas where you saw growth and need for more growth:




5. Do you feel your were effectively trained and or competently aware of your job description?

6. How was John Thwaites始 leadership in regards to this summer始s camps and specifically as a camp staff (Social Justice)?

Comments and/or Suggestions:


1. Would you come back next year? If not, why not? 2. If you could change anything for next year and you had all the money, resources and staff available... What would YOU do!?

Lastly, Did you have FUN?

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