Rescue & Animal Care - September/October- Issue 178

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ISSN 2050-057230th September - 31st October 2022 - Issue 178 FREE TO READ Promoting Responsible Pet Ownership and Animal Welfare RESCUE and ANIMAL CARE Cover Image The rescue dog ‘who flew the flag for Staffies’ retires after eight year police career A p u r r - f e c t r e u n i o n c a t m i s s i n g s i n c e 2 0 1 6 r e u n i t e d w i t h o w n e r s A ruff-ing good job: Celebrating the most hard working dog breeds Dogs Trust calls for Liz Truss to pass the Kept Animals Bill through Parliament R e a c t i ve D o g s U K The Yellow Dog that’s changing the world! Tips from Animal Charities to help pets cope with fireworks

Dear Readers,

Last month I was wondering how to keep cool and now I’m wearing layers to keep warm. I’m holding back on turning the heating on as I am sure most of you are too.

I love Autumn though and despite the lowering temperatures we have been treated to beautiful blue skies and the turning of the leaves to glorious reds and browns.

Walking my lovely Border Collie Treacle is so enjoyable now it’s cooler. There are so many new smells in the hedgerow for her to bury her nose in and sometimes it takes ages to go the distance!

Soon it will be Firework Season. I personally hate fireworks with a passion because my Border Collie Treacle spends the duration when they are being let off, panting and salivating.

I think I am right in saying that most pet owner get stressed too trying to lessen the anxiety for their furry friends. Inside this issue, Blue Cross, Cats Protection and World Horse Welfare provide us with some great ideas to help keep our animals calm and protected.

Halloween will soon be here and what better than enjoying spooky fun than help raise funds for animal charities.

You could join Blue Cross pet charity on a five-kilometre journey through the ancient and magical Sherwood Pines Forest Park on Saturday 22 October.

Discover illuminated pathways, mouth-watering refreshments, craft stalls and entertainment. Sounds Fun! See page 10.

The British Hedgehog Preservation Society has launched its national litter pick challenge to help hedgehogs. The Big Hog-Friendly Litter Pick Challenge is a national competition taking place until the 30th November. Primary schools, colleges and universities are asked to sign up as teams and collect the most litter from around their communities.

You can show your support for rescue animals everywhere by getting involved in Battersea’s Wear Blue for Rescue campaign. Read all about it on page 44.

Thank you for reading your Free copy of Rescue and Animal Care. Please introduce your friends and Share.

Love Jennifer x


PUBLISHER: Jennifer Prowse

FEATURE CONTRIBUTORS Mary Lloyd, Bio-Life International

Juliet Abrahamson DESIGN

Vicki Barnes WEBSITE WDL Website Design Ltd


On this

Month’s Cover
RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE MAGAZINE Promoting Responsible Pet Ownership and Animal Welfare In this issue ... 14 RSPCA rescue dog who ‘flew the flag for Staffies’ retires after 8 year police career Keeping your cat calm during firework season 34 Five puppies abandoned in plastic box 28 Reactive Dogs UK RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE MAGAZINE: JENNIFER PROWSE MEDIA, 21 THE MALTINGS, BURES, SUFFOLK CO8 5EJ Follow us on facebook Rescue and Animal Care Contact us PHONE: 07885 305188 EMAIL: TWITTER: Troublesome Treacle Multi-functional bag 50 51
9 TIMES WINNER OF ‘Product I can’t live without’

Hello my lovely friends,

Since my last column I’ve been a bit poorly and have had three visits to the vets!

I had a horrid tummy ache and very runny bum with blood in it. Mistress was super worried and tried me on nil by mouth, then small portions of boring chicken and rice. I hadn’t stopped being hungry even though I felt ill and I was very fed up. However, despite a sensitive food diet I wasn’t getting any better so off to the vets we went.

I HATE going to them so much and even when I was sitting in the car before Mistress took me into the surgery I could not stop shaking and clung onto my bed with my claws refusing to get out!

Mistress had to carry me out and tried to calm me but until I got called in I was in a right sorry old state! When the Vet checked me out ( including thermometer up my bottom!!!- I had a low grade temperature) and was given an injection for pain and pills to take away.

However I continued to still have a tum upset so we went back again. And again!

On the third visit I was given antibiotics and hey hoI started to feel better.

And today, apart from a bit of arthritis in my back legs I feel as right as rain.

Mistress treated me to a Pups and Pals Dog Groom by a lovely lady called Emma in our village and although I say so myself I looked amazing. See my photo above.

The groomer even put a couple of bows on my collar!

I still haven’t taken them off.


The other day a man from or village came round to pull up some decking and he brought Morris with him. A very handsome Border Collie who made my heart flutter.

Morris waited at the top of our steps while the work was being done so I stared out the window trying to get him to notice me ☺

I’m sure he gave me a wink!

I can hear my name being called so I think we are off for a walk. Better fetch my ball!

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Please contact us or visit our website for more information.

Heathway, Colton, Rugeley, Staffs WS15 3LY Tel: 01889 577058 Reg Charity No1053585

4 30 SEPTEMBER – 31 OCTOBER 2022 RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE Follow us on facebook Rescue and Animal Care
Troublesome RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 30 SEPTEMBER – 31 OCTOBER 2022 5 A specialist team of animal lovers with almost 50 years’ experience in meeting the unique insurance needs of rescues and other animal-related trades For all your cleaning needs Covers Canine Parvo, Sars-Cov-2 (COVID-19), Kennel Cough, Gardia, E.coli, Salmonella, Avian Flu plus more. Specialist disinfectants, sanitisers, detergents, shampoos, soaps, sprays and wipes. Good hygiene for animals prevents infection and provides protection! Concentrate, multi-functional products available. High dilutions. Providing you with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral solutions. Tel: 01268 513210 RAC1011225 New Customers Only Offer Code 5% OFF Effective against: Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, Mold, Odours

The Yellow Dog that’s changing the world

Well, maybe not the whole world just yet

Eight years ago, she was a two-year-old black labrador cross with wild and challenging behaviours. She’d been passed from pillar to post and was looking for her ninth home.

Then Nic came into her life, not just her new human ‘mum’ but also a reactivity specialist with over thirteen years of experience in canine behaviour. They were perfect for each other. During their first year together, Jen blossomed into a loving, gentle, kind dog with impeccable manners.

But then, tragedy struck when two off-lead dogs attacked Jen. Traumatised by nine bites, she became fearful and extremely aggressive towards all other dogs, even if they were 180 metres away.

Nic and Jen’s world imploded. What was once a world of adventure was now hostile and foreboding. Nic experienced first-hand the grief, anxiety, despair and isolation of living a life with a reactive dog.

Gone were the walks with friends and their dogs. Gone were the friendly chats with other dog walkers. Just leaving the house became a mission. Gone was their almost perfect life and the future they had hoped for.

Even as an experienced IMDT trainer, Nic found owning a reactive dog hard. Making other people understand Jen’s limitations was hard. Finding safe places to walk was hard. She had the knowledge and tools to help Jen but felt desperately alone.

But she’s why the lives of more than 36,000 owners and their dogs have been transformed over the past seven years. Meet Genevieve or Jen for short.
Nic & Jen climbed a mountain

And so Nic’s Facebook group, Reactive Dogs UK (RDuk), was born. With her background in communication coaching, she set out to create a safe online community where other local dog owners facing similar challenges could connect and share their journey without fear of judgement or recrimination.

Within hours of launching the group, it became apparent that although emotional support was wanted, owners also needed trustworthy, clear professional guidance to help them, their dogs, their families, and their communities be safe.

RDuk became a support group with a difference –recognising that owning a reactive dog is not just about the behaviour challenges of a beloved pet but a well-being issue for both the dog and their guardian.

Led by Nic and fellow IMDT behaviourist Jeanette Muldoon, an incredible team of trained volunteers ensure that the group is a safe and secure place for members to ask for help and share their experiences. Qualified trainers provide individual professional guidance daily for those in need.

RDuk champions a training technique which positively changes your dog’s emotions about the scary things in their life (triggers), which in turn causes a positive change in their behaviour. It is kind, it is straightforward, and it works.

But the group is more than training advice. It’s grown to become a unique community of (over 36,000) people looking out for each other. It facilitates local face-to-face connections, recommends trustworthy professional services and products suitable for ‘reactive’ dogs (RDuk supports Yellow Dog UK for all dogs needing space), and Nic continues to inspire partnerships to expand the service. There are also fun competitions, training challenges and weekly support for owners’ mental health and well-being.

This is all underpinned by Nic’s unwavering desire to help others learn how to love life with their dog.

And what about Jen?

Under Nic’s guidance, Jen has gone from reacting to a dog 180 metres away to being able to play with unknown dogs off-lead and have calm on-lead dog interactions within minutes instead of hours!

‘Step by step is key’, says Nic. ‘When you celebrate the wins, learn from the hiccups, one day you stop and realise just how far you have come. And you do not have to do it on your own.’

Jen still has challenges, and Nic is okay with that.

‘I remind myself daily to accept her for how she is, right now. Jen has been my greatest teacher and has changed my life beyond recognition. I just hope she knows how much I love her! Through her, RDuk is changing the world for thousands of owners of dogs that display anxiety, fear, frustration or aggression.’

The ethos of Reactive Dogs UK is simple but incredibly powerful: to offer unparalleled empathy, compassion, and care and provide thoughtful professional guidance to owners of reactive dogs, free from judgement.

Like thousands of members of RDuk, Nic is loving life with her dog again.

n You can find out more at www.rduk .online

And RDuk’s free resource, 5 Things Your Dog Wants You to Know about Their Anxious and Growly Behaviour, is available to download here RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 30 SEPTEMBER – 31 OCTOBER 2022 7

Dogs Trust calls for new PM to pass the Kept Animals Bill through Parliament

Truss as Prime Minister,

The Kept Animals Bill will improve the welfare standards of certain kept animals that are in, imported into, or exported from Great Britain. The Bill includes the provision of new powers enabling the Government to introduce measures via secondary legislation to tackle the abuses of the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS).

Owen Sharp, CEO of Dogs Trust said: “Dogs Trust congratulates Liz Truss on her appointment as Prime Minister. “We believe one of her first priorities must be to allow the Kept Animals Bill to

finally pass through the parliamentary process, and to do so as soon as possible. Amongst other measures, this Bill is the Government’s chance to effectively regulate pet travel and stop the mistreatment of innocent pups and other animals, who go on to be sold to unsuspecting members of the public.

“Through the introduction of the Bill and appropriate secondary legislation, we hope to bring about the end of the devasting Puppy Smuggling industry, which we have spent over eight years exposing. Whilst we wait, thousands of underage pups and more recently

increasing numbers of heavily pregnant dogs, continue to be smuggled into the country every year, often enduring horrific and gruelling journeys.

“We look forward to supporting the new Government’s pursuit of a better life for all animals and eagerly await the opportunity to strengthen animal welfare provision in the UK.”

n For more information visit

Liz Truss visiting Dogs Trust Snetterton in 2015
In response to the appointment of Liz
the UK’s largest dog welfare charity is calling on her to allow the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill to finally pass through the parliamentary process. We are delighted to support the Animal Charities featured in this Magazine Tel: 01952 245330 RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 30 SEPTEMBER – 31 OCTOBER 2022 9

On the night there will also be competitions to enter. A free fancy dress competition for younger walkers could earn their family a pass to Alton Towers - plus other prizes. Take part in the ‘Do a trick and win a treat’ competition in advance of the walk for further prizes. All funds from ticket sales will go towards helping vulnerable pets receive the treatment, care and love they deserve.

Emma Ransome, Blue Cross Events Manager said: “We are looking forward to hosting our Bark in the Dark event again. Previous events have sold out so we are urging anyone wanting to come along to book their tickets now to avoid disappointment. It promises to be

a highlight of this year’s Autumn calendar.”

To help Blue Cross look after even more pets in their care secure sponsorship from family and friends. Use the Bark in the Dark Just Giving Page to be in with a chance to win a Premium Owner Membership to TrustedHouseSitters (worth £199).

The Blue Cross ‘Bark in the Dark’ registration is open to ticket holders from 5.30pm until 6.30pm on Saturday 22 October at Sherwood Pines Forestry Park NG21 9HJ. Tickets £18.50 for adults, £12 for 16 years under and under five year-olds go free (prices subject too booking fee), car parking is £3. Visit

the-dark or email to find out more

n 2022 is the 125th anniversary of Blue Cross, originally ‘Our Dumb Friends League’. The charity formed to help vulnerable pets and their owners and we continue this work today across our rehoming, clinical, animal behaviour, pet bereavement support and educational work. We are striving to be able to help even more pets in the future live healthy lives in happy homes. Blue Cross relies on the support and donations of pet lovers to continue our vital work, to find out more and make a donation visit

10 30 SEPTEMBER – 31 OCTOBER 2022 RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE Bark in the dark Join Blue Cross pet charity on a five-kilometre journey through the ancient and magical Sherwood Pines Forest Park on Saturday 22 October. Discover illuminated pathways, mouth-watering refreshments, craft stalls, entertainment and spooky Halloween fun. We are delighted to support the Animal Charities featured in this Magazine Tel: 01952 245330
Christmas breaks available We are delighted to support the Animal Charities featured in this Magazine Tel: 01952 245330 RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 30 SEPTEMBER – 31 OCTOBER 2022 11 STAMP APPEAL- Please help us! We would like to appeal for “used postage stamps” Cut/torn off the envelope with ¼” or 1cm of paper showing all around. Also any old stamp albums/ collections. Also used jewellery! Please send to us at the Centre: Fforest Uchaf Horse & Pony Centre & The Pit Pony Sanctuary Penycoedcae, Pontypridd, Mid Glamorgan, Wales CF37 1PS Thank you Visit The Pit Pony Sanctuary

Deaf Anwyn Has Found her Forever Home

In mid 2021 we had to make the difficult decision we all face at times, to release our collie Reilly from the increasing pain he was in. And so began just over six months of a collie free home, the longest my wife and I had been “dogless” for 25 years.

Living at a dog rescue centre you'd think it wouldn't be long before we found a new companion but for lots of different reasons we didn't.... until January 2022 when we took in a number of collies from one of the rescues we assist in Ireland. Petula, as she was known on arrival was a 14 month old black and white collie. Blue merle type markings on one ear gave a hint as to her genetics that had probably been the cause in her being deaf. She had been found as a stray, but in very good condition, and it was suspected her deafness may have been a reason for being abandoned/not claimed.

Her deafness had been spotted early on and seeing her curled up in her bed surrounded by barking dogs and associated noise, but apparently unaware, left no doubt.

Petula certainly made an impression on my wife and after a few days of being at the centre it was obvious where she was going to move to..... our house. I did insist though that we needed a name change but as Petula was deaf it didn't really matter did it? After a few ideas had been discussed we arrived at Anwyn the origins of which go back to Old Celtic and meaning “Blessed”. Anywn had found her new home.

After 25 years of rescuing collies and owning three I’ve learned that everyone is very different and certainly needs an individual approach. Add in her deafness and we certainly took on a challenge. The first few days, as she de-compressed, from the effects of the last few weeks were surprisingly calm and we began simple hand signals such as sit, come and good which were picked up very quickly.

Then, after about ten days we discovered that the blue merle genes were much stronger than just causing deafness. Her ability to move from calm to over stimulated in a nano-second became clear and as a result our television viewing had to stop. The TV drove her frantic and we even had to cover the screen when it was off. Then began a few weeks of really understanding the true Anwyn.

It’s been a fascinating journey and no doubt will continue for her lifetime. She has two personalities, one is calm and loving, allowing you to stroke her, hold her paws, completely chilled. Then, at the drop of a pin she’s on high alert, searching for stimulation and moving at the speed of light if you try to touch her. The sign language has been very useful and a strong wag of the right index finger can usually get her “back in the room.”

There’s no doubt one particular sign was the most rewarding to see in action and took about seven days for her to fully grasp, the time for bed sign. Done with both hands in the praying position placed at the side of the head and off to bed she trots. She sleeps overnight in a crate which she loves and definitely gives her the time to relax, so important to all collies but especially one so easily over stimulated as Anywn.

But what about the television? Well after two weeks of no TV at all we tried just a few minutes, built up to about an

hour a week and now after eight months we are on two to three hours, four days a week. She usually sits watching but any animals on the screen can cause a little frenzy!

It’s been a fascinating journey and one that convinces me, if I needed convincing, that we need to understand that life with a new rescue dog isn’t all about experience. It matters not how many dogs you’ve had, you haven’t had this one. Time, patience and consistency are the qualities you need.

And yes, for some folks that intense Anwyn stare can be quite intimidating, especially when it’s inches from your face. The other face is much more acceptable to folks who don’t know her... but we love them both.

Ben is a Trustee of Border Collie Trust GB, rescuing and rehoming Border Collies and collie crosses from their centre in Staffordshire. More details on their work and how you can support can be found at RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 30 SEPTEMBER – 31 OCTOBER 2022 13

RSPCA rescue dog who ‘flew the flag for Staffies’ retires after eight-year police career

Stella the Staffie helped to break the unfair stereotype given to Staffies when she became the UK’s first of her breed to join the police

An unwanted dog who was rescued by the RSPCA before becoming one of the UK’s first ever Staffordshire bull terrier police sniffer dogs has hung up her badge after a ‘Stellar’ eight-year career.

‘Stella the Staffie’ was taken in by RSPCA West Hatch Animal Centre, in Somerset, in 2013 when she was found roaming the streets by an RSPCA inspector. Her skills and paw-tential were spotted by kennel supervisor Sue Dicks who realised she had a special talent and got in touch with her police contacts who’d taken rescue dogs on for working before.

Sue said: “She loved to play fetch and had a real talent for finding the ball. I’d hide it in lots of places and she’d always located it.”

Sue contacted the police and, on 17 January 2014, PC Claire Todd came to collect her to join Gloucestershire Constabulary’s training programme. She later qualified as a cash, drugs and firearms detection sniffer dog - believed to be only the second Staffordshire bull terrier* in such a roleand hit the streets with PC Todd.

Stella is trained to search for drugs including heroin, cocaine and ecstasy; money including Sterling and Euros; and guns and ammunition.

The day after qualifying, during her first live search, she found £200 case hidden inside a drawer. Since then, PD Stella has spent eight years working tirelessly to help PC Todd and her four-legged paw-tner German Shepherd PD Quest fight crime, catch crooks and keep the public safe.

PD Stella and PC Todd

In October 2015, PD Stella was honoured with a special award at the Animal Hero Awards - organised by the Daily Mirror in partnership with the RSPCA - where she was named as Public Service Animal of the Year.

Stella has helped to change the unfair public perception and stereotype that Staffies have been plagued with through her police work and presence on social media - where she has more than 28,000 followers on Twitter - and by appearing at events such as Crufts.

The 10-year-old retired on Saturday (17 September).

PC Todd - who will adopt her as a pet when she hangs up her police badge - said: “Stella is still loving life and really enjoyed working, although she did start to slow down over her final six months. I think she’s ready to retire now and it’s time for her to chill out on the sofa and be totally spoiled

after giving so much of her life to the police and the public.

“I’m so proud of her, she’s had an incredible career. Time has flown by since she became my police dog in 2014. I’ll be sad not to have her by my side when I’m out working, but I’m so pleased that I’ll get to come home to her every day. She’s such a special dog and she’s achieved so much in her life, particularly given her poor start.”

Before retiring, Claire and Stella went to visit Sue, at West Hatch, in August to catch up with her. Sue added: “It is great that the police took a chance on her - she isn’t your typical police dog but she gets the job done. We’re so proud of everything she’s achieved and that she’s flown the flag for Staffies and really showed everyone how wonderful they can be.”

While Stella may have hung up her badge, she’s been helping PC Todd train the next generation of police dogs, such as RSPCA rescues PD Marshall and PD Bonnie, who both qualified earlier this year.

n To help the RSPCA continue rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming animals just like Stella, please visit our website or call our donation line on 0300 123 8181.

Animal Hero Award © RSPCA Stella and her doggy family PD Stella RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 30 SEPTEMBER – 31 OCTOBER 2022 15

RSPCA seeks to trace owners of cats dumped on canal towpath in Derbyshire

The pets were left in carriers which had been labelled with their ages

The RSPCA is appealing for information after two cats were found abandoned by a canal in Derbyshire.

The felines were found in separate pet carriers placed on the towpath of the Trent and Mersey Canal near to Chellaston last Friday (September 9).

The ages of the female cats, who are called Puss Puss and Mittens (pictured), were written on both carriers. Puss Puss, a black cat, is four years and four months old according to her carrier and Mittens, who has a dark/tortoise shell coloured coat, is one year and three months old.

They were found by a member of the public who took them to a local vets, where they were both given a clean bill of health. Both cats are now in the care of the RSPCA.

RSPCA inspector Ann Bennett is investigating their abandonment and says a check on Puss Puss’ microchip failed to locate her owner, while Mittens was not microchipped.

“It’s a bit strange as one of the cats was microchipped to an address only 20 minutes from where they were found, but the details were either out of date or no-one was prepared to explain how these young cats were dumped so callously along a canal

towpath,” said the inspector.

“Fortunately they’d been found by a member of the public walking nearby. Both cats are quite distinctive; Puss Puss was wearing a red collar, while the other cat’s is pink with her name, Mittens, inscribed on it.”

The cats were found at around 10am near to Bridge No 13, which is close to the Bonnie Prince roundabout on the A50. It is likely they were left at the canalside for only a short period of time.

“The woman who found them didn’t think they were there the day before and she walks that route every day,” added the inspector.

“The older cat is very vocal and that is what alerted her in the first place. The tortoise shell coloured cat (Mittens) is a bit nervous. But they are very nice cats and it is a mystery why they were dumped in that location.

“We’d like to hear from anyone who knows anything about how they came to be left there.”

The RSPCA advises anyone struggling to look after their pets to make contact with the many reputable animal welfare charities who can offer help and advice before considering taking such drastic

action. You can find information on the RSPCA’s website.

The animal charity is concerned more animals are being given up and abandoned this year because of rising living costs, as well as the huge rise in pet ownership during the pandemic.

From January to July 2021 there were 18,375 abandonment reports compared to 22,908 in the first seven months of this year, which is a rise of 24 per cent.

The RSPCA released the stark figures as part of its Cancel Out Cruelty summer campaign which aims to raise funds to keep its rescue teams on the frontline saving animals in desperate need of help as well as raise awareness about how we can all work together to stop cruelty for good.

Anyone with information about the abandoned cats at Chellaston is asked to ring the RSPCA appeal line number on 0300 123 8018.

n To help the RSPCA continue rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming animals in desperate need of care please visit our website or call our donation line on 0300 123 8181.

Mittens Puss Puss
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A purr-fect reunion: Cat missing since 2016 is reunited with couple by RSPCA

The feline was discovered just streets away from her home near Durham

Apensioner couple were amazed when they were reunited with their pet cat six years after she went missing - thanks to the RSPCA and the power of a microchip.

Pauline and Trevor Robinson gave up hope of ever seeing Georgie again after she darted out of a window at their home near Durham.

But what appeared to be a routine welfare call for RSPCA inspector John Lawson last month turned into a happy reunion.

The inspector had been alerted to a cat, who was underweight and suffering from an open sore on her throat, living in bushes on Front Street in Pity Me.

A check revealed Georgie was microchipped and that her owners resided just around the corner in Hudspeth Crescent.

Pauline and Trevor had not seen their pet since September 2016 and were so upset when she went missing they had a plaque made in her memory.

After an emotional reunion, Georgie, who is now 14-years-old, is settling back home and is preparing to meet the couple’s two other cats, Charlie and Sabrina, and rescue dog, Bree.

She immediately made a beeline for the house’s cat bowls and litter trays as if she had never been away, says Pauline, who plans on introducing her to the rest of her pets gradually because of the trauma she has suffered.

“Georgie was eight when she went missing. We had her as a kitten from the same litter as another cat, Fudge, who has passed now. We were so upset we knocked on doors and put up posters for weeks to try and find her, but eventually we accepted that she wasn’t coming back and that she had probably died,” recalled Pauline.

“It’s a miracle really and we couldn’t understand how she was so close to us. My son lives on Front Street and we used to walk down that way with our dog.

“Maybe someone took her in for some of those years because I don’t think she

Pauline reunited with Georgie

would have survived living rough for that long.

“We’d been out one night and there was a card from the RSPCA put through the door saying they thought they’d found our cat. Once they described her to me I knew it was her.

“She went straight onto my knee as if she hadn’t been away - I had a few tears I must admit. The RSPCA has been tip-top and it does show that microchipping works.”

The happy story enfolded after a local resident contacted the RSPCA over concerns about the health of a stray cat. Georgie proved elusive to catch at first and the inspector made a return trip with a cat trap (pictured) to coax her into welcoming arms.

She received veterinary treatment for her neck problem and remains on a course of steroids, but is reported to be making good progress after her years of feral living.

“Georgie wasn’t doing very well to be honest when I found her,” said inspector Lawson. “She was very underweight and

had a flea infection. She was living rough and a resident who was feeding her said she’d been aware of her for at least two years.

“Tins of tuna were being put down for her and it appears she limped on, helped by the kindness of strangers.

“But despite everything she was very friendly when we found her and she was so happy to see her owners - she didn’t move from Pauline’s knee.

“Georgie had been a house cat who never ventured out, until she got out through a window. It’s incredible she was living maybe just three streets away from Pauline and Trevor.

“It also demonstrates the importance of getting cats microchipped. Georgie would not have been reunited with her owners without one.”

n To help the RSPCA continue rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming animals in desperate need of care please visit our website or call our donation line on 0300 123 8181.

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RSPCA probes series of mystery

air rifle shootings of cats in Hornchurch, Essex

The RSPCA is appealing for information after a cat was critically injured when she was shot in Hornchurch.

The tabby cat, called Milo, was hit in the leg and a 4.5mm steel bullet penetrated her stomach. She is one of three cats who appear to have been shot by air rifles in the same area of the town.

The two-year-old survived a one-and-ahalf hour operation, which saw part of her intestine removed.

The shootings have taken place in Plumpton Avenue and the animal charity is urging anyone with any

information to come forward to help find the perpetrators.

Milo was shot between 10am and 2pm on August 24, while the incident involving one of the other cats, Fleur (pictured above), who was shot in the face, took place in the same location several days before.

Another cat is also believed to have been shot with an air rifle in the same road earlier in the year.

RSPCA inspector Chris McGreal said: “These are disturbing incidents and we are concerned they are going to continue unless something is done.

“There is someone shooting cats in this area and we would appeal to anyone with information to come forward and contact the RSPCA. Two cats have been shot in recent weeks and one earlier in the year.”

Fleur managed to remove the pellet, which had embedded in her face, when she was cleaning herself and did not

require veterinary attention.

Milo’s owners thought their cat had been bitten when they first took her to the vets. But when she remained poorly, she underwent an x-ray (see scan), which showed a pellet had passed through into her abdomen

She has made a good recovery after her ordeal, but remains on bed rest.

n The Metropolitan Police has been informed of the incidents and is investigating. The force’s incident number is 5415248/22.

Anyone with any information about the incidents can also contact the RSPCA appeals line number on 0300 123 8018.

In Essex, there were 292 reports of intentional harm against animals made to the RSPCA last year (2021), placing the region in the top ten most cruel counties.

The latest victim underwent surgery to remove a pellet from her stomach
Fleur shooting Milo
scan of abdomen right lateral

Felicity, a four-year-old Sphynx cat was noted squinting her right eye. Her owners took her to their local vet who were very concerned about the appearance of the eye and Felicity was referred to the Ophthalmology Department at Davies for assessment and treatment.

“Felicity’s right eye had a corneal sequestrum with evidence of "corneal melting" at its periphery which required surgical intervention in order to prevent further deterioration,” said Adam

Margetts, who is an Ophthalmology Resident at Davies.

Under general anaesthesia, using an operating microscope for magnification, the sequestrum and the surrounding diseased cornea were surgically removed. A graft, using her own healthy cornea (whilst still attached to the blood supply at the conjunctiva) was used to stabilise the deep corneal defect. Hair-thin, dissolvable sutures were used to attach the graft to the surrounding cornea.

Felicity was discharged the day after surgery and has made a full recovery.

“We are delighted that Felicity has regained full and pain-free use of her right eye,” said Adam. “Her owner is aware that the formation of new ulcers and corneal sequestra remain possible in the future, but with regular check-ups we can stay a step ahead and treat early if required.”

n To find out more about Davies visit

22 30 SEPTEMBER – 31 OCTOBER 2022 RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE Complex corneal graft saves Sphynx cat’s vision A Sphynx cat with a deep corneal sequestrum – an area of dead cornea - has had her vision saved following a successful corneoconjunctival transposition graft at Linnaeus-owned Davies Veterinary Specialists (Davies) in Hertfordshire.


Walk-in Chalet

The standard unit you will need for your licenced cattery, also used and approved by leading rescue groups throughout the UK.

The fully lined and insulated walk-in sleeping quarter measures 4ft wide x 4ft deep x 6ft high and has a vinyl floor for easy cleaning. Two removable UPVC shelves, a fully adjustable air vent, lockable cat flap and a fully opening window leading to a sunning shelf and ladder, make this a firm favourite with customers and cats alike!

A 6ft long exercise area gives your cats plenty of space to explore and relax. A second sunning shelf provides another area to watch the world go by as it is near the front of the pen.

Champion Penthouse

With a fully lined and insulated raised sleeping area, our Penthouses have extra run space underneath. There is a large viewing window in the front door of the sleeping compartment, a white, removable uPVC internal shelf and a fully adjustable air vent. A cat flap leads to sunning shelf one which has a detachable ladder leading down to the exercise run and a second sunning shelf is at the safety porch end.

Lift out shutters are fitted to the top half of all exterior walls which, when removed leave just the galvanised mesh allowing your cats to enjoy a truly outdoor experience.

If you are having more than one pen, full height sneeze barriers will be fitted between each pen and you will have the choice of solid white or clear acrylic for these. Our Champion range of cat pens come in standard 3ft and 4ft widths

Premier Champion Penthouse

Our Premier Champion range of cat pens come in a 3ft or 4ft width and, to the naked eye, look exactly like our standard Champion range. These though, are fitted with a seamless fibreglass module, exclusive to Lindee Lu, in the sleeping compartment offering ultimate hygiene and durability.

These pens are perfect for breeders, private cat owners and charity fostering pens, being an absolute necessity if you have elderly or unwell cats or kittens who cannot manage a ladder.

The Premier range is also available with an additional downstairs module, so each pen has two sleeping areas, both of which are able to accommodate a panel heater.


Our hand made Catteries are manufactured in the UK

4ft Classic House

Our Classic House has a full-height walk in sleeping quarter – much the same as our standard 4ft Chalets but these are manufactured for those wanting a single pen which will be installed up against a fence, hedge or boundary wall.

The Classic benefits from a full, solid insulated roof and a solid timber back wall providing ultimate protection and ‘classic’ good looks!

The sleeping area of the Classic House has an additional opening window to the 4ft Chalet, for added ventilation, which is secured using galvanised mesh when open. Two sunning shelves in the exercise area and two, removable uPVC shelves in the sleeping area give your cat plenty of choice on where to hang out.

Our Classic House also benefits from a raised floor throughout, fully covered with vinyl which not only looks very smart but it’s warm underfoot and very easy to clean.
01275 853800

Bob the miracle cat survives suspected high rise fall and now has loving forever home

When Bob, a five month old Domestic Shorthair cat was brought to Mayhew in June, there was no knowing whether the ginger moggie would survive the injuries he showed at the time. One of these included a split upper hard palate, an abnormal split in the roof of the mouth caused by trauma, commonly seen in cats who have fallen from excessive heights.

Thanks to Mayhew’s expert veterinary care, Bob soon made a full recovery and now, three months on from his injury, has a loving forever home with his new owner, Emma, from London. As Emma explains, “When I heard that Bob was looking for a forever home and saw his profile on the Mayhew website, I knew it had to be with me! Having read about the injuries he had sustained from what could have been a fall from a significant height, I wanted to understand as much as possible about his condition and recovery so I could help support his rehabilitation. Thankfully, he has gone from strength to strength and is a healthy, happy and loving companion. I am so happy and proud to have him in my life.”

Advice for cat owners

Cats as we know are very curious animals and can get themselves into all sorts of trouble. The chances are as a cat owner you will not know exactly what your cat has been up to so any changes in behaviour is important to be taken

seriously. Some signs to look out for that your cat has got themselves into trouble might include: -

1. Any lameness, where your cat is limping or just does not seem to be walking quite right. This could be anything from bruising to a serious fracture.

2. Any bleeding from nose, mouth or anywhere else on the body could be a sign of a traumatic event. If the bleeding is active, your cat will need to be taken immediately to the vet.

3. If your cat is not eating, hiding away or seems to be acting strangely this could be a sign of underlying pain.

4. If your cat seems to have difficulty eating, this is a sign there could be trauma in the mouth or dental problems.

5. When stroking your cat, if they seem to be abnormally reactive, there could be an underlying injury.

Cats are often very stoic, so any subtle changes should be noted and monitored and taken to the vet if not improving over 24 hours. If your cat is limping, bleeding, painful, they need to be seen by the vet

to ensure they are examined appropriately and treated for any underlying condition. Do not attempt to examine your cat yourself, because if there is a fracture or an injury like a split palate, you could create more harm doing so. Until you visit the vet, keep them indoors and away from other animals.

It is important to remember that there are things you can do to try to prevent falls. Depending on the type of windows you have, open only the top section and do not leave your window open when you are not at home. It may be also the safest option to keep your cat off any balconies or fire escapes. While you may be comfortable with your cat resting on window sills and railings, falls can and do happen which is why a prompt and thorough veterinary examination is always the best course of action.

Also please remember to neuter your cat, they can be neutered from four months old, and unneutered cats are at a much higher risk of falls and other traumatic injuries.


Bob with owner Emma

Cat owner caused horrific injuries after deliberately pouring boiling water on his pet

Aman who deliberately poured boiling water on his pet has been banned from keeping animals for ten years.

The cat was left in excruciating pain for at least five days before he was rescued and taken to the vets.

The court heard how his cat Shadow, aged 7, had extensive scald wounds across his head, neck, shoulders, body and legs and was unable to walk on his feet which were also affected by the burns.

As well as the ban on keeping all animals for 10 years, Porter was also given a 18 week jail sentence suspended for 12 months and was fined £260 and ordered to pay £260 costs.

Porter claimed the cat had hooked his tail around a boiling kettle which then fell on him - but an independent veterinary expert said evidence showed the injuries were caused by the water being deliberately poured on Shadow.

The RSPCA were called to the address on January 19, 2020 following concerns from a member of the public who reported that Shadow was suffering from serious injuries for a number of days and had not been to the vet.

There was no reply at the address so another RSPCA inspector telephoned Porter but he refused to hand over his cat despite confirming he was injured and ‘in excruciating pain’. Porter said he was making his own veterinary appointment for the following day.

The following day, the RSPCA checked with Porter's vet and found out an appointment had not been made so inspectors Catherine Byrnes and Helen Chapman returned to the property. This time Porter brought the cat to the door and agreed to hand him over for veterinary treatment.

Inspector Byrne said: “The poor cat had extensive untreated wounds across the whole of his body, and on his face and ears. It appeared to be raw scald wounds and was clearly visible amongst the cat’s fur. The skin seemed to be slothing off in places and an area of

dried tissue was visible on the cat’s back. I could see the cat’s fur falling off in clumps.

“Mr Porter claimed that the cat called Shadow had ‘knocked over’ a kettle and that the hot water had fallen on him. He stated that he had no money to take to a local vet and agreed to allow us to take him for treatment.”

Shadow was rushed to Wendy Lane Vets in Rochdale by the RSPCA where the full extent of his injuries were revealed.

They found Shadow had scalding across many different body regions, including his head, neck, right shoulder and side of the chest while some of the claws on his feet had fallen off.

Inspector Catherine said: “When I took the cat from the pet carrier I noticed lots of fur coming off the cat and some that had fallen off inside the basket. The wounds were quite extensive, the largest of which was on his back and down his right side with some wounds obscured by his coat.

“There was a strong smell coming from the wounds. There was a wound behind the cat’s right ear, the skin and fur was falling off in a thick piece and I noticed puss underneath.

“Also noticeable now was a large raw scald wound extending from the inside of the pet’s right front leg across his chest to the inside of and down his left front leg. Shadow also had scalding on his feet and pads. The cat was walking gingerly and shaking his feet. The vet pointed out that the pet was also

missing some toenails. It was obvious that the cat was in awful pain.”

The vet sedated the cat and clipped his coat which exposed the full extent of his wounds (see photo). His wounds were cleaned and he was placed on a drip in an isolation pod to recover.

Amazingly, Shadow has gone on to make a good recovery and has been adopted into a loving home.

He had to have the tip of one ear amputated as it was severely burnt. here were fears he may also lose his right eye but fortunately this was not necessary.

He now has to wear a special vest to stop him scratching his healing wounds (pictured above) but is enjoying his new life as a house cat. His new owner says he loves nothing more than to cuddle and show affection.

He was terrified of men for many months but has now become more trusting and is enjoying life.

An independent veterinary expert told the court the injuries were caused deliberately.

The vet said: “Unusually significant scalding had also occurred to the underside of the chest, inner aspect of both forelimbs and all four feet. The scald pattern is not consistent with the alleged accidental mechanism. Shadow would have suffered as a consequence of the scald injuries. Suffering would have been experienced by this animal via mechanisms of pain, skin irritation and distress for a period of at least five days, possibly longer.”

Against the odds Shadow survived and has been rehomed by the RSPCA Shadow wears a little coat Shadow now
Cabins CatteriesPuppy/Holding Pens Walk-in Kennels n 4 standard sizes n Perfect for any size dog n Secure locks and door hooks n PVC insulated walls and ceilings n Solid or mesh run panels n Multi level internal raised platforms n Boarding or domestic use n Standard and bespoke sizes and designs n Optional integrated and removable whelping areas n Easy to assemble n Durable and easy to clean n PVC insulated walls and ceilings n Standard and bespoke sizes to meet breeding, boarding and GBGB specifications n Multiple run sizes and designs n Secure, robust and easy to clean Plastic insulated walk in dog kennels and catteries for breeding, boarding and domestic use. Chicubes offers a wide range of products designed and built in the UK. Chicubes animal housing for dogs and cats and other small animals brings the full package, quality and durability, value for money and helpful customer service. Chicubes offer standard and bespoke design services, so finding the rights system for you when setting up or renewing your establishment couldn’t be easier. Built to last and meet current regulations for boarding, breeding and GBGB licensing. Delivery and fitting nation wide. n Quality and durability n Bespoke design service n Fully thermally insulated n Easy cleaning and hygenic 01782 499915

Five puppies abandoned in plastic box

Tiny puppies were found dumped in a box together in South London The RSPCA is appealing for information after five puppies - from two separate litters - were found abandoned in a plastic storage box in South London.

The crossbreed puppies were found shut inside a clear plastic box - with red handles and a crack in the lid - in Buckfast Road, Morden, on Sunday (25 September).

Inspector Liz Wheeler was called by a member of the public who made the discovery on Sunday morning. Liz said: “The caller wasn’t sure whether the pups had been abandoned overnight or early in the morning but the lid was swimming in a puddle of water so the puppies had been left outside for some time during the rain.

“Thankfully the puppies were okay huddled together on a brown towel in the box but they were clearly very vulnerable. Leaving them like this is incredibly irresponsible.

“We’d like to say a big thank you to the woman who found the puppies for acting so quickly to get them to safetyand even bought some puppy milk for them.”

The puppies - thought to be from two separate litters - were rushed into RSPCA care. Two still had their eyes

closed and are believed to be less than one week old so were taken to one of the charity's rescue centres to be handreared by experienced staff.

The other three - who are believed to be around six-weeks-old - have been taken in by another RSPCA branch for care*. The puppies are all suffering from crawling lice which they’re being treated for.

The RSPCA is now appealing for information to find out who is responsible for abandoning the vulnerable puppies so cruelly.

Liz added: “Times are tough right now and we fear that these puppies have been abandoned because their owners simply couldn’t face the costs of responsibly raising them. Our new Animal Kindness Index found 19% of owners are worried about feeding their pets.

“While we understand that many people are struggling right now we would plead with pet owners never ever to abandon their animals; especially such vulnerable animals like these puppies.

“If anyone has any information about where these puppies have come from or saw anything suspicious in the Buckfast Road area of Morden on Saturday night or Sunday morning please call our appeal line on 0300 123 8018.

“We’re concerned that there could be more puppies and bitches who may be in need of veterinary attention and we’d like to check that they’re okay.”

Anyone struggling to cope with their pets can seek help online: ts/unwantedpets.

New figures released by the RSPCA show the number of animals being abandoned - like these puppies - has risen a worrying 17% from 2020 to 2021, with a further increase of 24% in the first part of 2022.

n To help the RSPCA continue rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming animals in desperate need of care please visit our website or call our donation line on 0300 123 8181.

Puppies found abandoned in plastic storage box


The Labrador Lifeline Trust is a charity dedicated to rescuing, rehoming and helping Labradors Tel: 01256 884027 / 07860 691251 / Email: They are now in their Twenty seventh year of helping Labradors in need of new homes
their main priority is placing the right dog in the right home. They cover the areas of Berkshire, Hampshire, Lincolnshire, Middlesex and Surrey Registered charity number 1076061 RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 30 SEPTEMBER – 31 OCTOBER 2022 29

Eight-week-old puppy callously dumped in bin like she was a ‘piece of rubbish

Winnie was found by a member of the public dumped in a bin in Gloucestershire

An eight-week-old puppy is being cared for by the RSPCA after she was dumped in a bin due to a leg deformity that left her struggling to walk.

Cocker spaniel Winnie was found by a kind passerby having been abandoned in a bin near Riverside Leisure Centre, off Westgate Street, in Gloucester on 28 August.

RSPCA Animal Rescue Officer Freya Lamb was called after a member of the public witnessed Winnie being abandoned. Freya said: “A passerby saw someone get out of a white van and chuck, what they initially thought was a plastic bag, onto a pile of rubbish that had been left like a bin by the gate to Westgate Park.

“When they went to investigate they realised it was a little puppy who had been cruelly thrown onto the pile of rubbish. They took her straight to a local vet who contacted us for help.”

She was taken in by the team at RSPCA Cotswolds Dogs & Cats Home, in Cambridge, Gloucestershire, where she’s now receiving round-the-clock care from staff member and fosterer, Ebony Poole.

Haley Medlock, from the rescue centre, said: “Poor Winnie had been cruelly dumped in a bin like rubbish. It’s utterly shocking. We believe she’d been abandoned due to a deformity to one of her front legs which caused her elbow to be fused at an angle, leaving her unable to walk.

“It may be that her owner was unable to afford the veterinary treatment she needed or, as a breeder, may have felt they wouldn’t be able to sell her in such a state. Either way, to abandon her and leave her so helpless is completely unacceptable.”

The RSPCA is appealing for anyone with information about where Winnie may have come from, who is responsible for abandoning her or who saw anything in the area on 28 August to contact the charity’s cruelty hotline

on 0300 1234 999.

Her abandonment comes as the charity - which works across England & Wales rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming animals just like Winniereleased new figures showing that the number of animals being abandoned is increasing.

The RSPCA’s Cancel Out Cruelty campaign - which calls on the public to support them as they tackle animal cruelty, including abandonmentrevealed that a total of 38,087 abandonment reports were made last yearthat’s 104 a day - and this is on the rise with a 17% increase from 2020 to 2021, and a 24% increase into 2022.

Ebony said: “When she came in, Winnie’s leg was noticeably twisted. I instantly fell in love with her and knew I wanted to offer her a loving foster home to support her through her treatment.

“Unfortunately, Winnie has also suffered two seizures. This will now also need to be investigated. She is my biggest concern at the moment and I’m hopeful that the public will help us care for Winnie and erase the neglect she has already suffered at the tender age of just eight weeks.

“She is such a fun-loving girl. She loves her playtime and will curl up on my lap for a good nap afterwards.”

Haley said: “Winnie has congenital elbow dislocation with fusion meaning she will need to have her leg amputated

before physiotherapy and hydrotherapy as she adjusts to life on three legs. As she’s still so small and vulnerable, we’ll have to wait another 15 weeks until she’s strong enough for the surgery.

“For now, we’re managing her discomfort and giving her all of the TLC she needs. She’s loving her time with Ebony and is already learning new tricks! She’s such a sweet, friendly pup, and we’re hopeful that her future will be bright once she’s had her operation. She should make a full recovery and live a very happy life with just three legs!”

The branch has already spent hundreds of pounds on Winnie’s x-rays and care so far, and her operation is expected to cost around £1,500, with more for her physiotherapy and hydrotherapy.

The Cotswolds Dogs & Cats Home Team is now appealing to their supporters to help cover the costs of Winnie’s x-rays, treatment and surgery, as well as her physiotherapy to help her recover.

Haley added: “We’d be incredibly grateful to anyone who can make a donation uk/donate/ to help with the costs of Winnie’s care. Or you could even become a sponsor and support Winnie during her time with us by making regular donations.”

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A Ruff-ing Good Job: Celebrating the Most Hard-Working Dog Breeds

Dogs are more than just pets. Canines are intelligent animals that work alongside people in the workplace. To find out more about the benefits of working with dogs, we’ve spoken to Lynne Fisher, Marketing and Sales Support Manager at Cliverton, a leading provider of animal business insurance.


ogs have been an integral part of our society for thousands of years. A selection of our fourlegged friends can also be trained as working dogs, from Labrador Retrievers to Cocker Spaniels and German Shepherds. These breeds have excellent instincts, an acute sense of smell, and enjoy being active in the professional field.

“Here at Cliverton, we understand the important role dogs play in our personal and professional lives. Our security insurance provides a number of covers from public liability to wrongful arrest, enabling professionals within the security industry to confidently work alongside dogs in a variety of environments.”

To celebrate dogs for their ruff-ing good jobs, Cliverton have collated a list of the hard-working dog breeds. Which do you think will make the cut?

Police dogs – German Shepherds

Dogs are invaluable to the police service. Once trained, police dogs use their impressive senses to help find vulnerable people and active criminals. This breed has all of the necessary character traits to succeed in the forces, from an outstanding work ethic to intelligence.

In Devon and Cornwall, the police department has started training three German Shepherd puppies. To become the

Police dogs – German Shepherds


next Sherlock Bones, brothers Baxter, Rex, and Jax will attend a specialised developmental programme. They may be small and fluffy now, but in time they will grow up to be the perfect police dogs.

Security dogs – Rottweilers

German Shepherds may be the ideal police dog, but what about Rottweilers? Also previously known in German as a Rottweiler Metzgerhund, these dogs share multiple characteristics with their popular cousins. This breed is all about endurance, intelligence, and strength. This means they make great security dogs.

Security dogs are useful for a number of reasons. First of all, Rottweilers can be used as a means of home security. They are also utilised for professional use. A business might organise an event, for example, and seek multiple security options, such as dogs and personnel.

Service dogs – Labrador Retriever

Service dogs can be trained to help with a number of medical scenarios, from identifying seizures to improving mobility and guiding those with visual impairments.

Assistance Dogs UK, a company that oversees the training of service dogs, has coupled over 7,000 dogs with their humans. On average, however, only 50 to 60 per cent of all service dogs actually complete their training.

So which breed is most likely to pass with flying colours and be the best service dog? The answer is simple: Labrador Retrievers. These dogs will go above and beyond to impress and please their owners, and they are also a very intelligent breed. This means that Labrador Retrievers are easy to train and eager to become the perfect service dog.

Hunting dogs – Springer Spaniels

Spaniels are rooted in history as the ideal hunting companions. The tradition of hunting with Spaniels dates

back to the 19th century when the Duke of Norfolk began breeding ‘Norfolk Spaniels’. Even today, this breed of dog is used while hunting in the wild, whether this is for environmental purposes or sport.

Springer Spaniels are country dogs. They are full of energy and always ready to spring across a field. This, combined with their incredible sense of smell and intelligence, amounts to the Springer Spaniel being an ideal hunting dog. A day full of exercise and honest work is perfect for this breed.

These are just a handful of the many hard-working dogs out there. Border Collies, for example, are the perfect farm dogs, herding sheep like professional pups. Which dogs do you think will benefit your business?

n Article credit Cliverton Sources %20highly%20intelligent%20and,gun%20dogs%20or%20s niffer%20dogs.,%E2 %80%9D%20and%20%E2%80%9CWater%20Spaniels%E2 %80%9D

Security dogs – Rottweilers Service dogs – Labrador Retriever RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 30 SEPTEMBER – 31 OCTOBER 2022 33
dogs – Springer Spaniels

Cats and Fireworks

5 ways to help your cat stay calm during fireworks season

1.Keep your cat indoors after dark. It’ll reduce the risk of them being spooked!

2. Create a safe space for your cat. A cardboard box lined with blankets is perfect. Cats feel safer higher up –placing the box on a sturdy shelf is even better.

3. Play music. Yes, really! Cats and loud noises don’t necessarily mix and keeping a radio or TV can help if your cat gets scared from the sudden sounds of fireworks.

4. Use a pheromone plug-in. A plug-in diffuser, such as Feliway, can create a calming effect on anxious cats. Begin using it a couple of weeks before fireworks season and place it in the room where your cat spends most of its time.

5. Stay calm. Instead of overly comforting an anxious cat, keep your cool –your cat is more likely to feel settled if you are.

Are cats afraid of fireworks?

If you’ve got a cat, you might notice that cats and loud noises aren’t particularly compatible.

Cats have super sensitive hearing, meaning they hear things humans do but a lot louder. In fact, they have one of the widest ranges of hearing in mammals. It’s why your cat might notice an arrival at the door before you do, or pick up on another cat’s presence in the neighbourhood.

For cats, bonfire night is not only a noisy and unwelcome celebration – it is a highly unpredictable time. As creatures of habit, loud bangs and flashes of light take them by surprise, which makes them fearful.

How can I tell if my cat is stressed by fireworks?

Even the most confident feline might struggle with the sounds of fireworks, and cats that are stressed may react in a number of different ways. Frightened cats might appear startled by noises, run

away or hide in the house. You might notice that your cat acts out of the ordinary, either toileting in the house or excessively grooming themselves. Other signs of cats stressed by fireworks include:

n hiding or becoming withdrawn n eating or drinking less than usual n fearful body language n pacing, circling or restlessness

If you notice your cat looking stressed or anxious, follow our top tips on cats and fireworks below.

Should I keep my cat inside during fireworks season?

If you know that your cat becomes distressed at the loud noises and lights of Bonfire Night and other festivities, the best thing to do is to keep your cat inside after dark. Giving them their own ‘cat curfew’ means they’re less likely to stumble across a noisy fireworks display – they’ll soon get used to curling up on the sofa in the evening. To keep your cat indoors, make sure you’ve got:

Fireworks are a tradition through the autumn months but for cats, bonfire night can leave them feeling stressed. If you’re worried about cats and fireworks, read our expert guide on keeping your cat relaxed and safe.

n a litter tray

n food and water bowls

n a place to hide (like a cardboard box, cosy bed or even a favourite cupboard!)

n toys or games to keep them occupied

Remember, cats are clever creatures. Keep all cat flaps, windows and doors closed to ensure they don’t escape or hear the fireworks from outside. Cats can also squeeze into tight spaces, especially when they’re feeling frightened – you might want to make sure that any unsuitable areas are blocked off to keep them safe.

What else can I do to keep my cat calm during fireworks season?

Aside from keeping your cat inside on the evenings of fireworks displays, there are a few tips and tricks to ensure they feel settled. Watch our video for advice on cats and fireworks from our experts.

Stay home with your cat on Bonfire Night

If your cat is particularly anxious around fireworks season, you might want to avoid leaving them alone in the house.

Knowing you’re around can help them to feel settled, and there’s no better time of year to cosy up inside!

If you do leave the house, make sure you set up a safe and comforting space for them to relax in while you’re gone.

Create a safe space for your cat

Does your cat like to hide when they are stressed? This is a usual behaviour for anxious cats. A space to retreat to is likely to make them feel happier. Try a cardboard box lined with blankets, for example, or a favourite bed or sleeping spot. Some cats like to head up high as

Cat towers are ideal for this, but you can recreate the same feeling with a cosy bed on top of a wardrobe or a box on top of a sturdy shelf.

Avoid keeping your cat in one room

You might be tempted to keep your cat in one room, away from the noise and chaos of fireworks. While well-intended, some cats can feel more stressed if confined to one room. Let them have full reign of the house – they’ll be content in exploring their surroundings!

Consider closing the curtains to keep things cosy

You might notice that the flashes of light that come with fireworks can make your cat feel anxious, especially if there is a display close by.

Try closing the curtains or covering windows with a blind to see if it makes a difference.

Keep the radio or TV on to distract from loud noises

Background noise, like the radio or television, can help to reduce the impact of sudden sounds that come with firework displays. Some types of music, like classical music, can be particularly calming for cats. Time to get the radio on the go!

Give your cat some space if they need it

Cat feeling stressed? Trying to pick them up or cuddle them might make them more fearful. Cats can also take a while to calm down, so giving them some space is a good idea. They’ll soon come to you when they’re ready.

If your cat does seek your affection, it is fine to give them some attention – let

Pet Calming

Plug-in diffuser

Plug in and let the de-stressing properties slow release into the surrounding area. Helps calm pet without sedating. Visit

Buy them a well-deserved treat

A new toy, like a fishing rod toy or catnip mouse, can be a great distraction from the noise of fireworks. Buy them something special and they might focus on that instead.

Use a pheromone plug-in diffuser

If you haven’t tried them before, plug-in diffusers are great additions for households with anxious cats.

You simply plug them in where your cat spends the majority of its time (your living room, for example) and the pheromones help to soothe your cat during stressful times. Try using it a couple of weeks before firework season begins to see if it makes a difference.

Keep calm to keep your cat calm

It can be difficult to know what to do about cats and fireworks – especially if your cat is usually confident! Carry on as you normally would and your cat should soon know they’re in a safe place and hopefully feel more content.

What if my cat is still stressed from fireworks?

If you’re worried your cat is still stressed out during fireworks season, it is best to visit your vet for more advice.

They may refer you to a qualified behaviourist, who can help with reducing your cat’s stress.

Speak to your vet sooner rather than later too – making sure your cat can cope with noises and lights may take time and you’ll need lots of patience to help them through.

You can find a registered behaviourist at or more tips on keeping your cat safe during firework season RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 30 SEPTEMBER – 31 OCTOBER 2022 35

Helping your dog cope with fireworks

Fireworks can be distressing for dogs. Follow our advice to help your dog cope

Dogs have extremely sensitive hearing and noises that seem to come out of nowhere, like fireworks, can be incredibly distressing for them. But there are steps you can take to help your four-legged friend cope.

How do I know if my dog is scared of fireworks?

Some dogs may show obvious signs that they are scared, including:

n hiding n trying to escape n vocalising

n a change in toileting

Others may show more subtle signs, like:

n being clingy

n not wanting to eat

n pacing

n salivating

n shaking

n lip licking

If your dog is showing signs of being frightened of fireworks or loud noises, talk to your vet well ahead of firework season. They can check if there are any medical problems contributing to your dog’s fear of noises.

Your vet can also refer you to an accredited behaviourist who can create a tailored plan to support you and your dog.

Preparing for fireworks

Give your dog a safe space

A doggy den is a great way to help your dog feel safe and secure. It’s a place for them to retreat and feel comfortable, knowing they won’t be disturbed. If they hear a noise that frightens them, like fireworks, they’ll be able to retreat to their den to feel safe.

A den is easy to make and can be put together with things you already have, here’s how to make one for your dog.

Create a doggy den

Choose a space. Find a spot in their favourite room where you can make

them their own space. You could put a comfy bed under a table covered with blankets, or use a crate with blankets inside and over the top, if your dog has a particular favourite space, perhaps by the side of the sofa or under a certain table, you could put a comfy blanket or bed there to make it a safe and snug haven for them.

Make it cosy. Make the space quite snug so they can squeeze in, and soundproof it as much as possible, as this will help give them a sense of security.

Introduce your dog to their den. Do this well in advance of fireworks, so they become familiar with it being a safe place. Build up positive associations with the space by offering your dog things they enjoy in there, such as a longlasting chew, puzzle feeder or favourite toy. If you introduce it for the first time when your dog is frightened, they may not use it (in which case don’t try to force them).

cont. on p38

Photo image: ©Adobe Stock

Calming Pet Products

Natural de-stress and calming for all year round use with pets ...

First Aid For Stress Tin

Even the calmest pets can suffer from stress from time to time. Stress can be triggered when we least expect it, so keep this handy tin in a safe place, ready to help any pet when stressed.

Kit contains: 15ml Calming Spray

6 x Individual Calming Wipes. £12.00

Pet Remedy Pre-Wash

• Fast acting pet remedy calming ingredients will help settle your pet.

• Effective coconut derived ingredients help de-tangle and lift dirt and oils to start the cleansing process.

300 ml £12.00

Rinse Free Foam Shampoo

Naturally derived cleansing and detangling agents in all the right proportions, create a luxurious foam that can simply be brushed through a dry coat to lift dirt and oils without the need for water.

200 ml £12.00

Cat Luxury Grooming & Massage Kit

The perfect way to give your cat a calming and relaxing massage whilst removing loose hair from the coat.

Kit contains: Soft massage brush with 20 Pet Remedy Calming Wipes. £16.00

Pet Calming Spray

Party Season Survival kit

All you need to help keep your pet calm & relaxed during party season!


1 x 15ml Calming Spray

1 x 60 Day Plug Diffuser

3 Individual Calming Wipes. £28.00

Pet Remedy Leave in Conditioner

• A perfect finishing touch to leave your pet with a soft, shiny coat.

• A tiny inclusion of pet remedy helps to maintain the calming effect.

• Enhanced with Rosehip, Bramble and Moss extracts plus pro-vitamin B5 to help condition and nourish the skin and coat, leaving a soft and delicate fragrance.

300 ml £12.00

Ideal for pets including dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, rodents and birds. Easy to use with trigger spray. Can be used in conjunction with plug-in diffuser.

200 ml £20.00

Luxury bandana with 15ml Pet Remedy Calming Spray

Calming Wipes

Use the eco friendly wipe in the same way as you would with the calming spray by gently rubbing under chin and top of chest of your pet (including horses). Or you can rub on your fingers before handling an anxious pet. It can be used to wipe down surfaces. You can also tie to a cat basket when travelling to vet or place on bedding at home or in the car.

Pack of 12 £7.50

In stressful situations, simply spray

Pet Remedy a couple of times on bandana. The calming effect will start to help instantly. Lasts up to 4 hours. Sizes

available: XS, S, M or large. £12.00

Plan ahead

Stay with your dog

Your pooch could panic without you, so stick around for the evening to help them feel relaxed.

Walk your dog before dark

Make sure you’re back inside well before any fireworks could start.

Consider your routine

You may want to feed your dog a little earlier so they can enjoy their meal and toilet outside before fireworks are due to start.

Prepare some entertainment

Find out what games and enrichment your dog enjoys and have them prepared before the fireworks start.

Make sure your house and garden are escape-proof

Dogs can try to run away if they’re scared so check your doors and fences are secure.

Be ready to block out flashes and bangs

Close your windows and curtains and turn the lights on. Put on music or the TV to help disguise the noise.

Check the fireworks in your area

Find out when your local firework displays are and ask your neighbours if they are planning on having fireworks in the garden.

Knowing when the fireworks are likely to happen can help you plan ahead.

You might even want to let them know what you are doing to support your dog.

During Fireworks

Provide entertainment. Keeping your dog busy indoors can take their mind off the noise and provide a positive experience for you and your dog. Provide enrichment through playing games, dogfriendly activities or practising some reward-based training.

Allow your dog the choice to interact with you and the activity you’ve given them. Remember to keep activities easy and provide support to your dog where needed.

Let your dog hide if they want to. Allow your dog the choice to stay in their safe space if they choose and let them stay inside. Never force a dog outside during fireworks.

Comfort and reassure your dog. Dogs are extremely good at picking up on how their humans are feeling. So if you stay calm, they will be much more likely to stay calm too. Have a snuggle on the sofa (if they’re into that) and try to relax.

If your dog seeks reassurance or is showing signs of fear or anxiety, comfort them to help reduce their fear.

Top tips:

l Stay with your dog during fireworks

l Keep your dog inside with windows, doors and curtains closed

l If you need to leave the house, find

Help your dog cope with fireworks

alternative care for your dog

l Keep your dog away from firework displays

Sound therapy for pets

Dogs that are safely and gradually exposed to many different experiences, including loud noises, during their essential socialisation period of three to 16 weeks of age, are often able to cope more effectively with loud sounds like fireworks or engine noises.

Different sounds and noises should be introduced to puppies slowly and in the comfort of their own home. Keep your dog inside during fireworks.

Sound therapy and firework training

Sound therapy can help your dog feel more comfortable with new and scary life noises.

Our resources

Our sound-based treatment programmes were developed by two veterinary surgeons specialising in the field of pet behavioural therapy. All our resources have been scientifically researched and comewith a full set of instructions, which makes them easy to use and extremely effective.

Each sound resource is paired with a corresponding how-to-guide and contains a collection of specifically recorded noises that all puppies need to get used to, including domestic noises, traffic, fireworks and thunder.

Sounds Scary

Sounds scary can help your dog deal with distressing noises such as fireworks. Sounds Scary is not only backed by years of clinical experience, but it is also scientifically proven to be safe, effective and easy to use.

Sounds Sociable

Sounds Sociable is designed to help puppies adapt to their new life as a pet. It includes a collection of sounds that every puppy should be familiar with, including traffic, domestic noises, children, and fireworks. The supporting manual explains how to settle a puppy into a new home and how to deal with problems such as housetraining, play biting and settling a puppy at night.

Sounds Soothing

Sounds Soothing can help your dog deal with the arrival of a new baby, which can be a confusing time for them. This can help your dog cope with the sound of new noises, such as a baby crying.

n Visit

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Fireworks are generally used at times of celebration but for many horse owners it can be a worrying time.

Fireworks can cause stress and fear in all animals and it is important that we try to minimise this as much as possible for our pets. Horses are flight animals and will generally try to remove themselves from a stressful or scary situation, which could result in injury if they attempt to jump a fence or climb over a stable door. However there are some simple steps that you can take to help keep your horses safe.

In advance

Know the dates, times and locations of local fireworks events

Find out where the local displays are going to be, on what days and at what time. It’s not uncommon for people to use fireworks to mark other occasions such as New Year or a wedding, so keep an eye out for public notices of such events. Speak to neighbours to let them know that you have horses and need to prepare for any fireworks displays so they can let you know in advance if they are planning any. If any events are going to be held close by, consider bringing your horse into their stable during this time. However, if your horse is used to living out then he may be best kept in his normal field.

Keep your horse in a routine

Don’t alter your horse’s routine on the day of a fireworks display as this in itself can be stressful. If you do plan to stable him during firework displays, and he is currently living out, then start bringing him in a week or so ahead of

the display to get him used to it. You don’t have to keep him in for the entire night, just for a few hours covering either side of when the firework displays will be on. Set-up the stable exactly as you would on the night of the fireworks display, so if for example you plan to have the radio on, the top door of the stable shut and to give him a treat ball to keep him occupied then do this in the weeks leading up to the display too.

Fire safety

Although the likelihood of a rogue firework causing a stable fire is low, it is every owner’s worst nightmare and being prepared for the event of a stable fire could save lives. Make sure you have fire extinguishers, sand and water nearby in case of a fire around the stables. If you keep your horse at livery familiarise yourself with the fire drills – make sure you know where you should go with your horse – and encourage other liveries to do the same.

On the night

Remain calm

As an owner your mood and stress levels will have a direct impact on your horse, so it is important that you don’t get angry or upset in front of your horse if neighbours nearby have a display that you weren’t expecting. Try to remain calm and hopefully your horse will too. However, remember your own safety is paramount so do not try to handle your horse if he is acting in a dangerous or unpredictable manner. Limit the risks to him by ensuring there are no sharp or protruding objects near him but keep yourself at a safe distance and out of harm’s way.

Use distractions

Give your horse plenty of hay to keep him occupied, even if he is in a field. If stabled, put a radio on to mask the noise of the fireworks, but make sure that the radio is positioned safely so it cannot be accessed by the horse.

Check your horse regularly during the evening to make sure he is ok. If you can, it’s often a good idea to stay with them because your presence may have a calming effect. Make a night of it; you could bring a flask and picnic to the stables and do some of those jobs you keep putting off, like giving your tack a deep clean. If you are on a livery yard, encourage other owners to do the same.

The morning after

Check your horse for cuts or injuries

The day after a display it is important that you just carry on with your horse’s normal routine but do check your horse thoroughly for any cuts or injuries just in case he has over-reached or run into something.

Check your field for any stray fireworks which might have landed there

Fully inspect the entire field and water trough to make sure there is no debris left in the field which could injure your horse or wildlife, or contaminate the area.

n Remember you can always call our Advice Line on +44 (0)1953 497 238. RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 30 SEPTEMBER – 31 OCTOBER 2022 39

Winter, Festivities and The Little Ones!

Whilst those living outdoors face some obvious challenges as the thermometer plunges, those living inside can face considerable challenges too.

Inside Challenges

Many small animals (including rabbits, guinea pigs, cats and others) have very acute hearing - far superior to our own. If you’ve got friends or family visiting, have fireworks nearby, or plan to hold a party or two, make sure your little ones have somewhere quiet and safe they can escape to for the duration. Using calming sprays or diffusers can offer great benefit too - there’s a rabbit specific product call RabbitComfort, as well as Pet Remedy, designed for all animals (including geckos!)

temperature all year-round and are generally predator-free.

Most small furries don’t like being handled and will definitely not enjoy meeting loads of new people all at once!

Outside Challenges

Our outdoor friends will need extra attention to ensure they are coping with the falling temperatures. Use suitable insulation around the accommodation, provide extra hay and straw for snuggling and relocate into an outhouse (garage etc) if the temperature gets too low if at all possible. Remember that whilst rabbits in the wild do live outdoors, they cope with low temperatures by living together in burrows safely tucked away underground which have a comfortable

Double check the accommodation is both safe and secure. Pet theft is common (so padlocks are essential) and predators, such as urban foxes, will happily open an unsecured catch or break into weak structuresthey will also become more determined as temperatures fall, so do check accommodation daily for damage.

Background heating can be provided by low level (safe!) heating, such as oil filled radiators, but make sure the wires are well out of reach. Several types of rabbit-safe heat pads are also available, and these can both keep your little ones warm and help prevent water from freezing too!

Don’t forget the Hay!

It’s important to ensure rabbits, guinea pigs and other herbivores have access to lots of fresh quality hay to help their digestive systems cope. Straw is essential to help them keep warm as it is

and excellent insulator. And only feed any species appropriate treats in moderation; if giving festive themed treats, feed sparingly … they are not designed to be eaten in one go!

Make sure you’ve got plenty of supplies in reserve in case the weather turns quickly (loads of hay and straw is essential!), and make sure you’ve got access to any care products, such as recovery feed, that you feel your little ones may need over the holidays. Check when your local vets are open and keep any out of hours emergency numbers handy too.

Have fun - and keep your little ones safe!

Many of us will be looking forward to the next few months; with the festivities, parties, holidays, tick or treating, and presents being just some of the fun. But for our little ones, these winter months can be difficult and challenging, so do take some time to check all their needs are being catered for too RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 30 SEPTEMBER – 31 OCTOBER 2022 41

Top Tips For Feeding

Birds In Autumn

There are several ways to prepare for autumn and the changes in bird feeding. This blog is going to offer you our top tips for feeding birds in autumn.

What Bird Food To Use In Autumn

Like with many other species of wildlife, birds require high-energy, high-fat food sources to keep them warm and aid their survival as we approach winter.

Under their feathers, birds store a crucial layer of fat, maintaining their body temperature throughout the colder months.

It is crucial when feeding birds that you offer food sources that are rich in oils, high in healthy fats and provide good nutritional value for them throughout autumn.

When feeding birds in Autumn, it’s important that you acknowledge their needs. Good foods for autumn include:

• Mixed seeds, especially Nyjer seeds which are high in oil.

• Suet

• Fruits

• Live food such as mealworms

All of these options provide birds with the right amount of oil and fat to transfer into energy and contribute toward their survival.

It’s also important to note that a freshwater source is vital for their survival, all year round, but especially during colder months when natural water sources can freeze over.

When To Feed Birds In Autumn

As the weather becomes colder, birds experience a shortage in their natural, live food sources and so often rely on people’s gardens for their nutrients. Putting food and water out regularly

during autumn, preferably twice a day will surely make your garden a popular attraction.

Times in the morning and the early afternoon are usually when you are going to attract the most birds, whilst the day is bright.

What Birds Can I Expect To See This Autumn?

Several species of birds stick around in Britain despite the cold weather. But which ones?

This autumn you can expect to see:

• Robins

• Starlings

• Tits

• Sparrows

• Blackcaps

Remember, if you are lucky enough to spot one of these beautiful breeds of bird, be sure to log it in the Birdspotter App!

What Bird Feeders To Use In Autumn

As a bird’s diet changes to fattier foods, the feeders should change too!

Bird feeders intended for suet or fruit are often a firm favourite in the colder

months. Also be aware that during autumn and winter, many natural ground-feeding birds such as Robins become more present so accommodating for those birds who don’t naturally perch is always beneficial.

Autumn At Kennedy Wild Bird Food

At Kennedy, we understand that throughout the year, changes in bird feeding can be tough to keep on track of. We work hard to offer the best bird feed and feeders to aid birds’ survival year-round.

Our specialist knowledge through our blogs offers all the insight into the changing of seasons and how to adapt your gardens to promise the best for your flying visitors.

Want to know more about our top tips for feeding birds in autumn? Let us know! You can give us a call today on 01778 342665 or email us at k/news/top-tips-for-feeding-birds-in-autumn/

Autumn is upon us, which means a change in weather and there should mean a change in bird feeding behaviours. As we prepare for colder days and longer nights, birds are doing the same thing! With many breeds of birds preparing to migrate, autumn can be a time of upheaval for bird watchers, either spotting an abundance of new bird species or no birds at all visiting their gardens.

Supplying the UK with high-quality wild bird food and bird seed

Ground feed mix

Our orginal ground feed mixture that's so adored by Robins, Blackbirds, Song Thrushes and all other ground feeding birds. Suitable for all year round feeding. Either scattetered on the floor or placed on a table or ground feeder. Contains no wheat. £39.90/25kg

Dried mealworms

Dried mealworms are a tasty treat for garden birds with all the nutrition of live mealworms without the 'worm factor'. Attractive to robins, blackbirds, thrushes and all other insect eating birds. Available in sizes ranging from 250g to 10kg. £33.50/3kg

Small blanched, split peanuts (skins removed). Extra rich in both protein and oils, thus making an excellent and essential food for all year feeding. Peanuts are suitable and liked by most species of birds, and have long been the most popular of wild bird feeds. All our peanuts are certified as nil detectable signs of aflatoxin. £46.50/25kg

With our specialised blending of a number of nutritional seeds, this mix is suitable for a large variety of birds. High in black sunflower thus providing oil and protein and meeting all essential feeding requirements. Suitable for all year round feeding. £29.50/25kg

An extremely high energy mixture blended with the highest quality seeds. Suitable for all small birds and ideal for all year round feeding. Best fed from a seedfeeder or scattered on a bird table. Contains nowheat. £41.25/25kg

Bakery grade premium sunflower hearts. No unsightly husk. A food that is loved by most species of birds being high in both protein and oils. Makes a most desirable all year round food. £49.75/25kg

Small fatballs

The best, fattiest fat balls on the internet. Small Fat balls (no nets) offer a wide range of wild birds a nutritious and important source of energy specifically during winter and nesting season. Each fatball at approx 95g available in a box of 150. £27.90

Suet special blend mix Won’t grow mix

This blended suet mixture is packed full of highIy calorific ingredients, it is ideal for all year round feeding and will attract a great variety of both small and medium sized birds to your garden. No re-growth under feeding station. Contains no wheat. £52.70/25kg

Blended with 60% bakery grade sunflowerhearts, this energy rich mixture has been blended to ensure no re-growth under your feeding station. Suitable for all year round feeding. Best fed from seed feeder, scattered on bird table or from ground feeder. Contains no wheat. £46.75/25kg

Superior finch mix

This classic mixture was blended specifically with finches in mind. Contains a wonderful selection of the finest seeds and is suitable for all year round feeding. Best fed from seedfeeder or scattered on a bird table. Contains no wheat. £44.75/25kg

Split Peanuts Economy wild bird mix Superior high energy mix Sunflower hearts
We are a family run wild bird food and wild bird seed supplier based in rural Lincolnshire. We supply only the finest quality products. SUITABLE FOR ALL YEAR ROUND FEEDING FROM BIRD TABLES SUITABLE FOR A WIDE RANGE OF WILD BIRDS SUITABLE FOR ALL SMALL BIRDS ALL YEAR ROUND FEEDING ATTRACTIVE TO ROBINS, BLACKBIRDS AND THRUSHES ADORED BY ROBINS, BLACKBIRDS AND SONG THRUSHES Tel: 01778 342665 10% off first order for new customers use promo code NEW10 at checkout 5% DISCOUNTon all orders OVER£50 FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY

Wear Blue for Rescue

Wear Blue for Rescue is all about declaring our love for the wonderful, quirky rescue dogs and cats who just need a second chance in life. Let’s show the world that much-loved rescue animals are in homes across the country, and in all walks of life, and more importantly that they belong there too.

How you're Helping us give Second chances

At Battersea, not only do we look after the dogs and cats that arrive at our centres, we’re also here for all of the animals who we may never meet through our work with other rescue centres in the UK and abroad. Take a look at the stories of just some of the underdogs we've helped become top cats who are now living their best lives in all walks of life, right where they belong.

Greg James and Barney's Story

You may have recognised the familiar voice of BBC Radio 1 DJ Greg James in our latest TV advert. Greg is the proud owner of Battersea rescue dog Barney and is supporting our Wear Blue for Rescue campaign to celebrate all the wonderful, quirky rescue dogs and cats who just need a second chance in life.

Could you tell us about why you support Battersea?

It’s always really sad when people have

to give up their pet for one reason or another, but once they’re at Battersea, they’re looked after so brilliantly by the staff and volunteers until they find their loving new home. This is why I support Battersea and the work you do to help dogs and cats everywhere.

Tell us a little bit about Barney and his story and how he has changed your life?

We don’t know much about Barney’s story but we do know that he was brought in with his sister (who we’d love

to meet one day). He was eight months old and had very basic training. In his previous home, he was left inside for upwards of 10 hours a day so Barney needed some extra care and training when he arrived at Battersea — and we have since carried on with that training to manage his energy. Taking on a dog is a huge effort, and requires a lot of hard work but it’s so rewarding. I can’t imagine my life without my little (absolutely enormous) pal.

What are some of Barney’s Quirks?

He’s quite goofy. And I mean that in a loving way. He’s incredibly gentle but coupled with his size, he is ridiculously clumsy. It’s really never a dull moment with Barney and he makes me laugh every day.

Why did you decide to be the voice of our new TV advert and take part in our Wear Blue for Rescue Campaign?

I support Wear Blue for Rescue and Battersea’s work because Barney changed my life. He has given me a new thing to focus on. A brand new challenge and a reason to slow my working life down and an excuse to go on long walks

Greg James and his dog Barney

and spend some time with a very fun creature who only wants me to feed him, clean up after him and play with him. He enjoys the simple things in life and he’s encouraged me to be more like that.

Why do you feel it’s important for everyone to to champion Rescue animals?

Hendrix's story

I think one of the reasons my partner Bella and I are so close with Barney is that we’ve had to really work hard with him to gain his trust. We’ve done lots of training and we’re now reaping the rewards. He could be a bit of a handful when we got him. It’s incredibly satisfying to see a change in the

behaviour of a dog and when he’s falling asleep with us on the bed, we’re proud that we’ve given him a great new life. He is living the dream really. He has no idea how lucky he is to be in the house with such legends.

As is the case with many animals we see at Battersea, Hendrix’s owner couldn’t look after him anymore because their circumstances had changed. Although not easy for them, we were glad his owner made the decision to bring him into our care, as we knew our expert staff could give him the love and attention he needed.

When he arrived, Hendrix was very shy and a little overweight. He’d been an indoor cat his whole life and had little interest in the outside world. The staff and volunteers at Battersea could see from his friendly nature that he could be brought out of his shell; it would just take a bit of patience. The team put both time and effort into helping him feel comfortable in his new surroundings and in no time at all, he was happily playing and socialising.

It wasn’t long before Hendrix caught the eye of Kat and Olly. They were immediately taken in by his affectionate nature and decided he would be the perfect addition to their family.

Hendrix settled into his new home very quickly. We gave Kat and Olly tips on how to help improve his diet, so sot only did he

Cricket's story

In March 2019, a tiny kitten was found by a member of the public after being abandoned in a cat carrier with a message that read ‘Help me please’.

After being rushed to Battersea’s London centre, our expert veterinary team feared that the kitten was already beyond help. Unresponsive, extremely underweight, with a thin coat and bald tail, the five-month-old cat had two deformed front legs and weighed less than half of what a healthy cat of his age should.

Fortunately, there was a glimmer of hope when our vets realised that he was still breathing and quickly got to work to save the life of this brave little cat, who we named Cricket.

For weeks, our teams across the centre were dedicated to helping Cricket turn his life around. Not only did Battersea’s vets give him ongoing intensive care, but the cattery team worked closely with him, too. They sat with him in his pen each day to keep him company and show him some much-needed love and attention.

Battersea Veterinary Surgeon, Claire Turner said: ‘Cricket was extremely underweight and under-developed when he arrived at Battersea. It’s possible that being severely

lose the extra weight, but he also started to show his inquisitive side. By following our guidance, Kat and Olly were able to help him venture outside and learn how to use a cat flap. Hendrix isn’t a fan of the rain or the win – who is? –but when the sun comes out, he loves to lounge on his bean bag in the garden. Nowadays, Hendrix enjoys joining Kat and Olly in bed first thing in the morning and running to the front door to greet them when they come back from work. He has brought so much joy to their lives and is never too far when they need a cuddle or a reason to smile.

malnourished during his short life had prevented his body from growing correctly, which could have contributed to his bowed legs. It was heart-breaking to see him when he arrived, he was so weak and helpless.’

Slowly but surely, Cricket gained weight and his fur gradually started to grow back, however we still needed to give him specialist medical treatment to help with his bowed front legs. Despite having a tough start in life, Cricket always displayed a loving and playful nature, and even while undergoing treatment loved nothing more than cuddling up on any available lap.

Thankfully, after a long period of being looked after and receiving specialist medical treatments at Battersea, it was a happy ending for Cricket. His winning personality meant he found a new home in no time. Now named Hunter, he’s all grown up and is enjoying life with his new family.

Hendrix Cricket

This is Nayla’s Story

Nala came to Battersea through no fault of her own. She was a much-loved pet, playful and great with people and other

dogs. But unfortunately, her previous owners could not cope with the demands of raising a puppy and realised they didn’t have the funds to do so, so made the responsible decision to bring Nala to Battersea.

At just three months old, we could see that Nala needed a bit more behavioural training in a home environment, and socialisation with both people and dogs to help prepare her for a new home. We paired her up with Battersea foster carer Hannah, who was very dedicated to Nala’s training. Even at her young age, Nala was demonstrating some resource guarding behaviour; she would protect treats she deemed valuable, but with Hannah's expert help she was able to overcome this quickly.

During their time together, Hannah saw

that not only was Nala full of energy and enthusiasm, but she was also very intelligent. Our foster carers always go the extra mile, so when Hannah saw how eager Nala was to learn, she put even more time and effort into her training sessions to bring out the best in her. What’s more, she slotted right into the family and became fast friends with Hannah’s two existing dogs. Seeing the impact Nala made on the family in such a short space of time, Hannah realised she couldn’t let Nala go and decided that she would rehome her.

Nearly two years on, Nala is now a fully grown dog who is playful and welltrained. She loves playing with her dog siblings, ‘talking’ to Hannah and making her laugh.


You can show your support for rescue animals everywhere by getting involved in Battersea’s Wear Blue for Rescue campaign. You can buy an item featuring the Rescue symbol, wear it with pride, share it on social media, or donate to Battersea to help build a better world for rescue animals everywhere.


Buy a Wear Blue for Rescue item from our shop, and proudly display the rescue symbol wherever you go. When you buy a t-shirt, tote bag, mug, or more, not only will you be showing the world your love for rescue, you’ll also be helping Battersea support rescue animals everywhere.


Request a free pin badge or pet tag, featuring the Rescue symbol, for you or your pet and wear it with pride wherever you go.


Spread the word and share your love of rescue animals on

your own social channels. Take pictures with your pets, pose with the rescue symbol, and like and share our posts to show the world that rescues are everywhere, and they belong there too. Don't forget to tag @Battersea and use #RescueIsMyFavouriteBreed


When you donate to Battersea’s Wear Blue for Rescue campaign, you’re not just declaring your love for rescue, you’re helping us give second chances to animals everywhere. Your support will help them continue to receive the very best care, and all the love and attention they deserve.


Wear Blue for Rescue is an opportunity for rescue owners and supporters to unite and champion the animals they love. We are proud that other brands and partners have joined the movement of rescue lovers to show their support for rescue animals everywhere. Take a look at how they are showing their support for Wear Blue for Rescue.

cont. from p45

Zero recorded rabies cases in Kabul thanks to mass rabies vaccination programme being delivered by Afghan branch of UK animal charity - Mayhew

The global profile and awareness of rabies is being raised through public advocacy and awareness efforts and delivery of a city-wide mass vaccination programme.

Almost 95,000 dogs in Kabul have now been vaccinated

As a result of this epic initiative, there have been no recorded canine-mediated rabies deaths in humans for the past 18 months in Kabul. And to date, there have been no confirmed cases of rabies in dogs in the city since April 2021, a landmark achievement being celebrated on World Rabies Day 2022 on 28 September.

Prior to 2017, on average there were 38 recorded human deaths each year from canine-mediated rabies in the city. Mayhew Afghanistan’s mass rabies vaccination programme was then launched in August 2017, with support from Dogs Trust Worldwide, and in subsequent years, the Edgard Cooper Foundation as well. The vaccination programme has run over a course of four cycles. Since the programme commenced almost 95,000 dogs have been vaccinated in sixteen of the city’s districts.

Plans are currently underway for the programme to be rolled out to six remaining outlying districts of Kabul, which were previously inaccessible. Again, a huge achievement for the initiative.

First of its kind programme for Afghanistan

The vaccination team, comprising Mayhew Afghanistan vets and a team of Kabul Municipality dog-catchers, who are trained in humane catching methods by Mayhew, work systematically across the sixteen districts of Kabul catching the dogs, vaccinating them and marking them with a dash of non-toxic paint before releasing them.

In order to break the chain of the

rabies virus transmission, the benchmark is that a minimum of 70% of the dog population in any one area is vaccinated before moving on to the next area. Post-vaccination surveys are carried out to count the dogs marked with the paint and cross-checked against the dog population survey carried out earlier to meet this threshold.

In addition, the Mayhew Community Engagement team in Afghanistan, are raising awareness to address the human aspect of rabies, in order to reduce the number of cases through a holistic approach. The team talk to locals of all ages, explaining their work, discussing rabies dog-bite prevention and how to behave around the roaming dogs in their city. Since May 2021, the team have reached 1,440 adults and 3,120 children through this work.

As Caroline Yates, Head of International Projects and Relations at Mayhew, explains, “Since it first began five years ago, our rabies vaccination programme in Kabul, the first of its kind for Afghanistan and devised by Mayhew Afghanistan’s Country Director, Dr AbdulJalil Mohammadzai DVM, has raised the profile of the country’s struggle with rabies, this neglected yet endemic disease, with leading organisations involved in the fight against rabies. ‘Dr Mo’, as he is affectionately known, convinced the Kabul authorities to stop the culling of dogs and has helped initiate this life-saving programme for

dogs and people. As a result, Mayhew is proud to be part of WHO/WOAH’s overall strategy to eliminate canine-mediated rabies by 2030, “Zero by 2030.”

Caroline continues, “It is vital that people understand the importance of rabies control for the health and safety of humans and animals. This is a disease which is 100% preventable, and mass vaccination of dogs is a proven method of reaching that goal, as well as being the most cost-effective. As in many of the world’s poorer countries, where rabies in endemic, Kabul’s residents are frequently unable to access rabies vaccinations or post-prophylaxis treatment if bitten by a dog, either because the vaccines are unavailable, or in most cases, unaffordable. Fear of this fatal disease leads governments to introduce culling of dogs which is ineffective and does nothing to prevent the transmission of the disease or control the population.”

She adds, “The large number of vaccinated dogs and the fact there have been no canine-mediated rabies deaths in humans for 18 months, proves the campaign is working. As we approach World Rabies Day on 28 September, with this year’s theme of ‘One health, zero deaths’ in mind, Mayhew’s team in Afghanistan should feel very proud of their achievements.”

n To find out more about Mayhew’s work, visit

Mayhew Afghanistan, (part of UK animal charity Mayhew), Kabul Municipality, Afghan Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation & Livestock and Kabul University Vet Faculty, are working in a dynamic and unique partnership to eradicate rabies in Kabul. Dr Mo vaccinating a dog in Kabul RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 30 SEPTEMBER – 31 OCTOBER 2022 47

D o g W a l k i n g i n A u t u m n

Well, it’s almost time for those long walks in mild autumn weather through delicious-smelling woods and piles of leaves for your dog to kick around. Or alternatively, to brave the wind and wet and muddy sludge on the paths, coming home to cleaning a dirty dog. Take your pick for the British autumn we love. Juliet Abrahamson explains more

Here are a few doggy and owner hints and tips – nothing you probably don’t already know, but worth restating.

Dogs do not, in the main, need coats, unless it is below freezing and they have very short hair like greyhounds or are very small breeds. Your vet will be able to tell you if your dog should wear a coat in cold weather, but commonsense should say that a dog has hair for the purpose, and fancy coats are not really healthy for most dogs, who may overheat or lose some ability to regulate their own temperature. But there are some very good waterproof coats available for those dogs who do need them, and ones that are not too hot for the generally mild UK winters.

Coats are optional, but it is worth considering whether your dog would benefit from a harness instead of a plain lead. There are so many types of harness available now that it is very difficult to choose, but when we went from an ordinary collar to a shoulder leash for our dog we realized how much more comfortable he was and how much easier and gentler to restrain him on a walk. It’s worth doing some research at your local pet store or online to find the right one for your dog, because the good and bad points will be pointed out and the harness rated.

Watch that the harness is comfortable on the chest (possibly padded), not tight under the armpits, and easy to put on.

Some people disapprove of the extendable

leash which can cause problems if the dog is uncontrolled – burns or cuts from the cord for instance – but we have never found that to be the case and think dogs enjoy the greater freedom that an extendable leash gives, while it is also easy to lock at a shorter length if needed.

Now you have your coat, collar and leash it’s off to the fields or woods! Bear in mind that in the summer and at this time of the year – harvest time – there may be lots of seeds around that your dog may pick up in his paw, ears or nose, and they can be quite a problem, particularly if you don’t notice until it becomes one. Grass seeds have pointy ends that can trapped in the skin or hair. It’s a good idea to have a quick check of the paws, particularly with a long-haired breed, after your walk. A dog will shake her head quite a bit if one gets in her ear, and she may constantly lick her toes, sneeze if one is in her nose, or paw at her eyes to indicate discomfort. Ticks may also be a problem in autumn, so keep an eye out for these nasty little bugs too.

Put a couple of toys in your pocket, or training treats if appropriate. Most dogs will have a truly wonderful sniff and explore, but finding a place on your walk that your dog can be off the leash and be encouraged to race around will give you both lots of exercise. A squeaky ball is great, with or without a ball launcher; a space lobber or a rubber Frisbee; hi-bounce balls, and a


squeaker ball with rope are all good clean fun. (Our dog ignores most sticks that are thrown, so a ball is a good option, except when he loses interest and we have to search for it in the undergrowth.)

You’ll see some very interesting sites on-line to help you find good walks for you and your dog. The National Trust lists suitable walks in their properties, as do and (which also lists dog-friendly accommodation).

And, another thought: how about finding a group of people (try which has groups worldwide) with their dogs for a grand exploration of the countryside, perhaps ending with a pint (and a bowl of water) at a dog friendly pub?

In all this walking excitement please don’t forget the countryside code. Pick up after your pooch, don’t leave any gates open and keep your dog on a lead if there are any

animals in the field you are crossing. And, importantly, enjoy the time you are having, for as sure as eggs, your dog is enjoying it!

Woman and dog image: ©Adobe stock

Working dog coats

With its waterproof outer and towelling lining. There are two choices for outer fabric Cordura and Tactel. Visit

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Multi-functional bag

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Now you have your coat, collar and leash it’s off to the fields or woods!
“ ”
Leather Dogmatic Headcollar RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 30 SEPTEMBER – 31 OCTOBER 2022 49 We are delighted to support the Animal Charities featured in this Magazine Tel: 01952 245330

Get your Paws on theseGreat Products forYou and Your Pets

Kong cozie

Another fabulous toy from the Kong Range. Strong toy with rope inside and a squeaker. Your dog will love this. £10.00. Visit

Soft Leather Show slip Lead

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The Kong cozie is strong with rope inside and a squeaker.

“ ”


Colloidal Silver Eyedrops for Pets. A natural hydrating and antibacterial eyedrop for your pet. Colloidal Silver Tick and Flea Repellent. A powerful natural repellent to fleas and ticks. Colloidal Silver toothpaste appropriate for dogs of all sizes. Visit

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Gor flex squeaky ball

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Size: ¼ ” x 66”
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Beanie Hat With Light

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Fishy Wishes (Regular cube)

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Selbourne Dog Sofa Bed

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Catit PIXI Spinner

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Jumbo Jaws Coil Tugger

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Paw and Bone Bowl

This super cute design bowl is pawfect for any dog.


Multi-functional bag

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Features a removable LED front light

Leading animal welfare charities issue joint call for an end to greyhound racing in the UK

l At least 2,000 greyhounds died and nearly 18,000 injuries were recorded between 2018 and 2021.

l Dogs Trust, RSPCA and Blue Cross have significant welfare concerns for racing greyhounds throughout their lives, including when their racing career ends.

l Internal policy reviews conducted by the three charities found disjointed and ineffective regulation within the greyhound sector, a lack of transparency regarding practices, and concerns around the enforcement of regulatory standards.

Three of the UK’s largest animal welfare organisations are calling for greyhound racing to come to an end as soon as possible to put a stop to the unnecessary and completely preventable deaths of hundreds of dogs every year.

Dogs Trust, the RSPCA and Blue Cross have, as part of the Greyhound Forum, worked with the greyhound racing industry for many years to try to improve conditions for the dogs involved in the

sport. While this has led to some improvements, the three charities believe there are still significant welfare issues for racing greyhounds which have not been resolved and cannot be resolved.

Greyhound racing is inherently dangerous for the dogs involved.

Running at speed around oval tracks causes significant injury to many dogs, and in some cases the injuries are so severe that it is necessary to euthanise

the dog. The Greyhound Board of Great Britain (GBGB)* is the self-regulating organisation that governs licensed greyhound racing in Great Britain. Data from GBGB show that over 2,000 greyhounds died and nearly 18,000 injuries were recorded from greyhound racing between 2018 and 2021**, with additional dogs injured on independent tracks.

Comprehensive internal reviews conducted by the Dogs Trust, RSPCA and

Jacko greyhound, Kenilworth Dogs Trust

Blue Cross highlighted serious concerns at every stage of a racing greyhound’s life including issues around inadequate welfare standards in kennelling and transporting the dogs. Some of the dogs used in racing are kept in poor, barren conditions, with little if any enrichment and fed a poor diet. The reviews also highlighted concerns around the general health of the dogs including the number and severity of injuries sustained during racing.

There are also serious issues around the racing of greyhounds in extreme weather and the number of puppies that are unaccounted for between birth and racing registrations, so often referred to by the sector as the “wastage”.

The reviews conducted by Dogs Trust, RSPCA and Blue Cross also found there to be disjointed and ineffective regulation within the sector, a lack of transparency regarding industry practices, and additional concerns around the enforcement of regulatory standards.

Dogs Trust, RSPCA and Blue Cross also believe that the absence of a sustainable and consistent source of income for the industry has grossly impacted any meaningful change for the dogs involved. However, even if the

considerable finances needed to continue were made available, a complete overhaul of the sport is necessary to ensure it is compatible with good welfare.

Dogs Trust, RSPCA and Blue Cross want to see an end to greyhound racing announced as soon as possible, and expect the phase out to be feasible within five years to allow the racing industry and animal welfare organisations to carefully plan and coordinate the care of the many dogs affected. In 2021 there were in excess of 18,000 licensed greyhounds eligible to race in GBGB races, with additional greyhounds racing on the independent tracks. In some parts of the UK, such as in Wales where there is just one track, it is expected that the phase-out period needed will be significantly shorter.

Owen Sharp, Dogs Trust Chief Executive, says:

“We’ve worked closely with the greyhound industry for many years to try to improve welfare conditions for the dogs, but progress has not been made quickly enough, or on a big enough scale. It is simply not acceptable that nearly 2,000 greyhounds died over the last four years, with close to 18,000

injuries recorded, all in the name of entertainment.

“We are fully committed to the welfare of all greyhounds affected by our call for a phased end to the sport. We will continue to work collaboratively with the industry and other stakeholders to ensure the welfare of dogs is not compromised while working towards this.”

Chris Sherwood, Chief Executive of RSPCA says:

“It’s shocking that more than one dog a day is dying due to racing which our review has determined is inherently unsafe and compromises their welfare at almost every stage of their lives; it simply isn’t acceptable.

“We’ve tried to work with the industry over the years to bring in better protection and improve welfare for the dogs but we’re not satisfied that enough progress has been made.

“We feel that now, moving forwards, the only way we can secure good lives for these dogs is to call for the sport to be phased out and we want to see greyhound racing consigned to the past.”

Chris Burghes, Chief Executive of Blue Cross said: “The consequences for dogs involved in greyhound racing are so serious, and progress in improving welfare standards so slow, despite sustained and repeated attempts by the animal welfare sector to instigate change; we need an end to this ‘sport’.

“With injuries and death rife on and off the track, there can be no justification given for exploiting these animals and we appeal for government to take urgent action. We are committed to working with and advising the industry and government as to the fastest, most efficient way to bring greyhound racing to an end, whilst giving the highest priority to the dogs and their welfare during this time.”

n You can show your support for a phased end to greyhound racing across social media by using #cutthechase

We are delighted to support the Animal Charities featured in this Magazine Tel: 01952 245330 RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 30 SEPTEMBER – 31 OCTOBER 2022 53
greyhound, Harefield Dogs Trust

The British Hedgehog Preservation

Society has launched its national litter pick challenge to help hedgehogs

The Big Hog-Friendly Litter Pick Challenge is a national competition taking place until the 30th November. Primary schools, colleges and universities are asked to sign up as teams and collect the most litter from around their communities

Members of the public, families and neighbours can all take part in the challenge, adding to the team’s trash total.

Fay Vass, CEO of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society says “Litter causes real problems for hedgehogs and other wildlife. Things like crisp packets, takeaway cups, disposable face masks and plastic bags can trap or injure hedgehogs, and this sometimes even results in death. We’re proud that our Hedgehog Friendly Campus programme is launching the challenge for the third year running and we want as many people as possible to take part”.

The challenge is supported by Springwatch’s Megan McCubbin and Lorraine regular Dr Amir Khan, who recently

became a patron of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society.

Jo Wilkinson from Hedgehog Friendly Campus says “Last year, we had over 1000 volunteers take part, collecting up almost 800 binbags full of litter. We’re really hoping to beat last year’s trash total!”.

Volunteers will all receive a digital certificate and the winning teams receive a hedgehog house and hedgehog food for their campus, courtesy of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society.

n To find out how you can get involved, go to and follow Hedgehog Friendly Campus @hogfriendly.

Students at the University of Newcastle pose for a photograph before their litter pick
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