Rescue & Animal Care - April/May - Issue 194

Page 4

Seaside towns dominate list of best dog friendly holiday spots

Paws for a Cause: Take on 60 Miles in May to Support Dogs in Need

Cover Image

most common dog and cat allergies English dog behaviour practitioner helps abandoned dogs in France

Rescued animals rescue men from a life of crime

ISSN 2050-0572 29th April - 29th May 2024 - Issue 194 FREE TO READ P r o m o t i n g R e s p o n s i b l e P e t O w n e r s h i p a n d A n i m a l W e l f a r e
11 ways to save money on purchases
Pet Month:
for your pet
Who gets the dog? What happens to your pet when a relationship breaks down

National Pet Month:11 ways to save money on purchases for your pet

Lucinda O'Brien, savings accounts expert, said: "Pets are part of the family, so it’s natural that we want to give them the best possible care.

However, pet expenses can quickly add up and this can put pressure on our finances, so it’s important to consider your budget and find ways to save money wherever possible.

Plus, April marks National Pet Month, so to celebrate our furry friends here are some of the ways pet owners can save money - from secondhand toy shopping to setting up a savings account for emergencies."

1. Explore subscriptions

Pet food is an essential part of your animal’s wellbeing and once you find a diet that works, you’ll want to stick with it. However, the price of food can be expensive so explore whether there are ways to reduce the monthly cost.

Some pet food brands offer an online monthly subscription at a reduced cost. And you get the added benefit of it arriving on your doorstep so you’ll never run out.

2. Buy in bulk

If you can’t find a suitable subscription, try purchasing food and other essentials in bulk. Look for special deals if you buy in larger quantities and this will save you money over time. However, don’t forget to check use-by dates because you’ll need to make sure the purchases stay fresh for your pet.

3. Sign up for loyalty clubs

Pets shops are keen to reward their loyal customers, so many have set up loyalty clubs. For example, Pets at Home has a VIP club which you can join for free and you’ll be rewarded with monthly vouchers and special offers on your pet’s birthday.

4. Compare prices

If you want to reduce the cost of your pet purchases, then it’s always good practice to compare prices. Start by

comparing supermarket prices with those online and you’ll soon find a good deal. It might take a bit of research, but your hard work will be rewarded with some significant savings.

5. DIY grooming

Professional grooming can be expensive, especially if your pet requires regular grooming. However, you could learn how to groom your pet at home by watching online tutorials. You might need to invest in some grooming equipment, but this would still save you money over time. If doing the entire grooming routine at home feels unrealistic, then try to do some basic grooming. For example, regularly brushing your dog's fur or bathing your pet, as this could reduce the amount of visits you need to the groomer.

6. Make your own treats

Try and ignore the pressure to always buy new treats for your pet, and instead get creative. There are many recipes online for making your own animal treats and they normally involve basic ingredients. For example, a banana,

natural peanut butter and oats can make a tasty dog treat.

7. Shop second hand

Another way to save money is to reduce the expense of buying new toys for our pets. Instead, look in charity shops for second hand toys as these will be cheaper and still give your pet a lot of joy. However, remember to check that the toys are in good condition and safe for your animal to use.

8. Ask friends and family

If you need to buy something specific for your pet - for example a new crate or a carrier for the car - try asking your family and friends if they have one you could borrow. Sharing items like this can really help to reduce any unnecessary costs.

9. Schedule check-ups

Your pet’s health will be your number one priority, so it’s important to schedule check-ups with your local vet and stick to the yearly vaccinations. This will keep your pet healthy and prevent any costly health issues later in life.

10. Consider pet insurance

Speaking of vet appointments, if you are worried about any unexpected vet bills then it could be worth exploring pet insurance. There are different policies available, so do your research to find the right cover for your needs.

11. Set up a savings pot

Finally, if you are able to save some money each month, then consider opening a savings account or setting up a new savings pot. This money can then be used for emergencies and it’ll give you peace of mind that if your pet needs help, you’ll have the money available.

n For more information visit


Mistress is going away for a few days soon and leaving me at home !!

Dear Readers

I think I’ll call Dogline!!

Only joking. I will have a pet sitter staying here day and night who is lovely and I will probably wrap her around my little paw.

I’m thinking all of this a positive thing since Mistress is exhausted and deserves a break and I deserve more treats!

If my legs worked properly she would have taken me with her. Mistress has promised to video call me and she’s is in the middle of writing notes for my sitter about my needs and peculiar ways!

Here is just one page from her note book headed up ‘Looking after Treacle’


In the morning - Tin of Butchers wet dog food …. followed by a Couple of handfuls of Hill Science dry food and then some raw carrot.

During day and evening small handful of same dried food.

She gets very hungry as on steroids so small slices of carrots when she starts nodding at her bowl. Sometimes she wants her tennis ball either by the side or actually in her dish when she eats! Or in her water bowl!

Pills as per instructions every other day unless she shows signs of runny ish poo or bottom burps with an awful septic tank like aroma.

She needs lots of wees! Around 8 a day is not unusual. Short walk on the route drawn out. unless she’s struggling with her legs. Usually she will turn round towards home if she has had enough.

Her bottom needs supporting and pushing up by hand (sorry) to get her up any steps to take weight of her front paws. This may hurt your back so apologies in advance!

Speak loudly to her as Treacle is a bit deaf and to get her attention stand in front of her as she is a bit blind too.

And that my furry friends is just the beginning of her instructions which mistress has illustrated too!

I will miss her as we are always side by side I will report back about How my Pet Sitter got on in my next column.

4 29 APRIL – 29 MAY 2024 RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE Follow us on facebook Rescue and Animal Care Follow us on twitter Troublesome Treacle Please contact us or visit our website for more information. Heathway, Colton, Rugeley, Staffs WS15 3LY Tel: 01889 577058 Reg Charity No1053585
Love Treacle x
with my toys

Dear Readers

It’s the 1st May and the sun is shining after a lot of April showers! May is National Pet Month and National Smile month The name May is the modern-day English adaption of the Latin word Maius, which has origins going back to the time of the ancient Greeks. They named the month of May (or Maius) after the Greek goddess of growth.

Welcome to our latest issue!

As usual there are many interesting features so cuddle up with your pet and enjoy your free to read Rescue and Animal Care Magazine

l Paws for a Cause: Take on 60 Miles in May to Support Dogs in Need. After great success with last year’s 60 Miles in May challenge, Jerry Green Dog Rescue is once again asking you to lace up your trainers, grab your swimsuit or dust off your pogo stick.

l Handsome and affectionate five-year-old Lurcher Cross Ru is looking for a loving forever home having spent over 200 days in care at Dogs Trust Ilfracombe – he’s a big chap, with an even bigger heart and he’s hoping that his match is just around the corner.

l 10 Active dog games your family will love. There’s nothing like spending a day in the park with your pooch when the weather is mild. And as spring is in full swing, has rounded up 7 outdoor dog games you’ll love to play with them. And if it’s forecast rain? Don’t fret – they’ve included their top 3 indoor games for dogs, too.

l In a world where our dogs hold a special place in our hearts, understanding and accommodating their unique needs is paramount. Recognising this, Sarah Jones, the visionary mind behind My Anxious Dog, has introduced a ground breaking initiative for dog events over the summer: Yellow Space Zones. This innovative concept aims to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for anxious dogs and their owners when they need some time out in a safe space.

See more interesting and informative features inside!

Love Jennifer x
On this Month’s Cover ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS MAGAZINE MAY BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHERS. ANY OPINIONS STATED WITHIN THE TEXT OF RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE MAGAZINE ARE NOT NECESSARILY THOSE OF THE PUBLISHERS. ANY PRICES QUOTED MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. SOME OF THE ANIMALS FEATURED WITHIN THIS ISSUE MAY NOW HAVE BEEN REHOMED. THE TEAM PUBLISHER: Jennifer Prowse DESIGN Vicki Barnes WEBSITE WDL Website Design Ltd RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE MAGAZINE Promoting Responsible Pet Ownership and Animal Welfare In this issue ... More abandoned pets to be given a chance to be superhero dogs Making gardens more cat friendly 24 8 Labrador Lifeline Trust RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE MAGAZINE: JENNIFER PROWSE MEDIA, 21 THE MALTINGS, BURES, SUFFOLK CO8 5EJ Follow us on facebook Rescue and Animal Care Contact us PHONE: 07885 305188 EMAIL: TWITTER: Troublesome Treacle 48 10 Great British Small Animal Census reveals health concerns A dog is for life – Dogs Trust Leeds urges dog owners to plan ahead for their four-legged friend Popular seaside town named the UK’s best dog- friendly holiday spot 40

Who gets the Dog?

Many rescues are faced with the same problem, and it can be an extremely tricky and heartbreaking one. Imagine the scenario where we have a family with two young children, Mum and Dad and the dog. Things go awry and the home changes from a peaceful and happy place to one of torment, anger and in some cases violence.

One partner leaves the marital home and cannot take the dog as new accommodation does not allow dogs and it may mean the dog has to be left all day on its own. This is a complete change from the dog’s normal routine and they find it hard to adjust to losing the family and everything they know. Some of these dogs find themselves in rescue and in a kennel for the first time in their lives. Young dogs especially can become quite disorientated with the noise and unfamiliar surroundings, and this can escalate into a naughty dog syndrome very quickly.

The problem faced by rescue is who owns the dog? In most cases the transition from the home to rescue facilities is amicable and there are no problems. The dog is found a new and

suitable home, and everything works out fine. However, in some cases where there is a violent domestic situation there can be problems.

Recently a rescue was contacted by a partner involved in a violent domestic situation where the young dog had been left behind in the marital home. The partner did not want the dog and did not have the necessary funds and time to care for the dog. There was a restraining order made against the partner who had left and who insisted that the remaining partner care for the dog. Needless to say the dog was taken to a rescue and signed over. Threats against the rescue were made by the purported owner that the dog be returned immediately, however there was no way that this could happen. This puts rescue in a very difficult position and can lead to

unpleasantness and in some cases court proceedings.

In law, a dog is a chattel and where there is a marriage break-up the question is who gets the dog? After all you cannot split a dog in two! There should be an agreement when taking on a dog that in the event of a breakup then the dog must go to a nominated person or rescue. In that way things would be far more simple and easy to deal with.

It is always worth remembering that you have a duty of care and responsibility to any animal in your care when you die. Adequate provision should always be made for the future of the animal whether it be cat or dog. So many dogs especially elderly dogs end up in rescue purely because there has been no provision made for the future


care. The family left behind either don’t want or cant have the dog for the remainder of its life. These days cost of keeping a dog, especially an older dog can be prohibitive.

Rescues can be faced with a dilemma with the older dog as they are not easy to place and many rescues end up paying thousands for their veterinary upkeep. Others simply offer euthanasia. Labrador Lifeline Trust have rehomed many older dogs with senior citizens who may have lost a beloved pet and don’t want to take on a young enthusiastic dog. By doing this it can enrich the life of the adopter and give an older dog a chance of a happy retirement.

LLT recently had a case where a 9 year old dog was found in a home lying with the deceased owner for 7 days. This dog was on medication and obviously had not received it during this time. His immediate needs were taken care of and veterinary treatment sought. He has now been placed in a new retirement home

with an older lady who caters for his every whim. He has companionship, daily walks with another dog and has taken on a new lease of life. A happy ending for this dog.

The moral of this story is, always make provision for your animals to save them from becoming victims and always be prepared for the unexpected. Not all marriages last forever and we don’t all live forever.

Labrador Lifeline Trust

Labrador Lifeline Trust Reg Charity 1076061 RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 APRIL – 29 MAY 2024 7

More abandoned pets to be given a chance to be superhero dogs

AN assistance dog charity is ramping up its efforts to give even more dogs a second chance by increasing its recruitment from rescue centres and unwanted pets.

National charity Support Dogs aims to bolster the number of rescue dogs it uses to help autistic children, adults with epilepsy and adults with a physical disability to live safer, more independent lives.

The good cause is a champion for dogs who need a second chance – in fact, over the past 32 years one in four of the charity’s pooches have been sourced from rescue centres, council pounds or from owners who sadly can no longer look after their pet.

Spearheading the campaign to build on that figure is Bronte Craig, the charity’s new Rescue Recruitment and Assessor.

Bronte steps into the role fresh from maternity leave, having previously been a puppy co-ordinator with Support Dogs.

“I think there’s a big misconception that unwanted pet dogs and rescue dogs are a lost cause or have a lot of behavioural issues and are a bit difficult to manage,” said Bronte.

“What we can do as a charity is highlight that that’s not always the case –there are a lot of dogs with really great potential, and with the right training, they can potentially go on to do really incredible things.

“As a charity, we are able to offer that dog a second chance in a home environment where they are loved, really appreciated and well-cared for and on top of that, they are doing a job that’s purposeful and really enjoyable.”

She added: “Some of our dogs out working are from pet homes where the owner could no longer care for them.

“If there are people out there who aren’t in a position to keep their dog, but really care about where it goes and that it goes to the right place where it’s going to be cared for and looked after, this is a good opportunity.

“If successful, often they get the added benefit of following their journey through their working life.”

Support dog Thunda, a yellow Lab, was an unwanted pet and has since gone on to help young Franklin Jordan, who is autistic and lives in Bolton, to make sense of the world and to keep him safe.

Fellow support dog Cleo the Labradoodle has an unbreakable bond with client Natalie Hibberd, of Hampshire, who has cerebral palsy – the former rescue dog opens and closes doors, picks up dropped items and generally makes Natalie feel safe in a world she found hostile before the pooch’s arrival.

In 2022, the RSPCA reported a 25 per cent increase in abandoned pets, compared to the previous year, responding to 22,908 animals being left by their owners.

During the pandemic, sourcing dogs was difficult for Support Dogs, due to reduced operations and more people adopting and buying dogs as they were home longer, says Bronte.

But when normalcy resumed and people returned to work, and the cost of living increased, the number of unwanted pets rocketed.

As Support Dogs’ puppy programme boomed, Bronte has been redeployed to this area of need, giving it a new lease of life.

Her newest recruit is Adam, a one-yearold yellow Labrador from Helping Yorkshire Poundies, who was rescued as a stray in the Midlands.

One of her first tasks in the role has been to tweak policies.

For instance, previously, rescue dogs were assessed over a four-week period, but this has changed to five weeks, to give them more time to settle and adjust, given their rocky start in life.

Bronte is also contacting rescue centres to explain the initiative and hopefully build a sustainable working relationship to keep up supply.

Local and national rescue centres and dog donors preferably need to be within a two to three-hour radius of Support Dogs’ training centre on Jessops Riverside in Brightside, Sheffield, although exceptions can be made for the right dog.

Bronte is also busy sourcing volunteers to look after their rescue recruits outside office hours, when not in training.

Volunteer doggy foster carers need to have the dog seven days a week, and to be at home the majority of the time.

Criteria for dogs to be considered includes:

• Dogs aged one to four years old

• Most breeds, with some restrictions

• Confident, friendly with people

• Motivated by food/toys

• No aggression

• No possessiveness/resource guarding issues

• No health problems

• No major fears/phobias

• Friendly with other dogs, and also other animals

n Any rescue centres or struggling pet owners interested in the initiative, as well as potential foster carers, can email or call 0114 261 7800 or to find out more.

Bronte and Adam RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 APRIL – 29 MAY 2024 9 Working with businesses big and small Specialists in Commercial and Private Pet Waste disposal Contact us today To find out how we could help you with dog or cat waste disposal, get in touch with us 01580 857012 or email Tick your legal boxes Waste Carrier License: CBDU448794 Public liability insurance of £5 million RAMS Available on request 3 3 3 We’re SafeContractor Approved, so you know we’re taking the health and safety of our employees and your visitors or residents seriously. Certificate: KE1981 Enjoy Peace of Mind We’re SafeContractor Approved Our Speciality is a 140 L Wheelie Bin but can provide and service any other size bins up to 1100 -L.
more collections? No problem, we offer a flexible service. Want to trial DOG WASTE BINS or waste bag dispensers in your public spaces? We can help you with that. We now also cover Southern Scotland (Edinburgh/Glasgow and surrounding areas).

A dog is for life – Dogs Trust Leeds urges dog owners to plan ahead for their four-legged friend

Dog owners are being urged to plan

ahead when it comes to making sure their faithful four-legged friend is loved and looked after if something happens to them.

Earlier this year ten-month-old Yorkshire Terrier Cross, Finn, arrived at Dogs Trust Leeds via the charity’s Canine Care Card, when his owner’s circumstances changed.

The free Canine Care Card service means a dog is automatically cared for by Dogs Trust if their owner passes away, moves into a care home, or receives a life-changing diagnosis which means they can no longer look after their much-loved canine companion.

On arrival at the York Road rehoming centre Finn was cared for by the expert team and then welcomed into the home of Megan Aguirregoicoa, a receptionist at the York Road rehoming centre.

Megan, who lives in Batley, says:

“I have worked at Dogs Trust for ten years and already have two rescue dogs but when I met Shadow, as he was known when he arrived at the centre, it was love at first sight. He had obviously been a much-loved and very well cared for dog, so I was so pleased that we were in a position to give him a new home.

“None of us know what is around the corner, whatever our age, and the fact that Finn’s owner had thought ahead on his behalf is fantastic.”

Finn who has proved to be playful and full of character, settled in with Megan really quickly and is now firm friends with her ten-year-old Labrador Cross,

Sky, and nine-year-old Whippet Cross, Bailey.

Sarah Greenhalgh, Supporter Relations Officer at Dogs Trust Leeds, says:

“We know that the bond between an owner and their dog is entirely unique and it’s hard to imagine that anyone could love and care for their dog as much as they do. But we promise we will, and we will find them a loving new home. Meg and Finn are a perfect example of that.

“Having the Canine Care Card makes things so much easier for owners, their families, and their dogs and relieves some of the stress they will all be experiencing at an emotional time.

“Also, all the information we get from the owner helps us make the transition

to a new family as stress-free as possible for the dog.

“We would urge all dog owners to have a Canine Care Card regardless of their age or current circumstances so they can continue to do their best for their dog if they should find themselves unable to care for them. Having the Card, like Finn’s owner did, ensured Finn didn’t miss out on a minute of the love and care he deserves and his owner wanted him to have.”

n To find out more about the Canine Care Card, and to apply online, please go to Alternatively, you can contact Sarah by email at

Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR 11 TIMES WINNER OF ‘Product I can’t live without’ NO MORE PULLING l NO MORE RIDING UP l NO MORE RUBBING l NO MORE COMING OFF l NO MORE DISCOMFORT It was a furry-tail ending for young Finn when he was adopted by Dogs Trust Leeds receptionist Megan Aguirregoicoa

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10 Active dog games your family will love

There’s nothing like spending a day in the park with your pooch when the weather is mild. And as spring is in full swing, we’ve rounded up 7 outdoor dog games you’ll love to play with them. And if it’s forecast rain? Don’t fret – we’ve included our top 3 indoor games for dogs, too.

The best outdoor games for the park

1. Fetch

The first entry may not be a newcomer, but it’s a classic for a reason. Be it dogfriendly tennis balls or a bouncy KONG filled with dog treats, throw your dog a bone and they’ll run like the wind. This active dog game is a simple way to add some energy to your regular dog walks and might even be a good opportunity to squeeze in some dog training or puppy training.

2. Hide and seek

A firm family favourite, hide and seek can be an amusing addition to off-lead dog walks. It’s no secret that our canine companions have a strong sense of

smell and so, of all the easy dog tricks, it may be the quickest to teach. Upgrade your pooch from a beginner to an intermediate by hiding a selection of dog treats for them to sniff out. Next, bump them up to a professional by encouraging them to hide whilst you seek – it’ll put your dog recall training to the test.

3. Tug of war

A good old-fashioned game of tug of war can be one of the most entertaining things to do with your dog outside. As well as being a great way to test your dog’s fitness, chew and tug dog toys can help to keep their teeth strong and healthy – although they’re not a substitute for regular dental care. As your pooch must be able to release

their toys on command, a degree of dog training will be required for this one.

4. Water dog games

Your pooch doesn’t have to be a strong swimmer to enjoy a variety of water games. Be it water fetch, water polo, a sprinkler dog agility course, or a splash in the sea, dog games that include water can be how to keep your dog cool in the summer heat. And the bonus is that they can be played anywhere and everywhere! They’re great games for the park, garden, and dog-friendly beaches – but perhaps not the best things to do with your dog inside.

5. Sit, stay, and come

This one is a stimulating dog game to


introduce on dog-friendly walks – and it’s a good way to challenge your dog’s self-control. Ask them to sit and stay before slowly backing away from them ten paces. Place some dog treats on the floor in front of you, making sure they don’t budge an inch. When you’re ready, yell ‘come’ and your pooch should sprint towards you to claim their reward. This one’s a great tool for fitting in some ad hoc dog training, too.

6. Bubble catching

Whether you’re picnicking in the park or enjoying a family BBQ, summer is a great time to teach your dog how to catch bubbles. In fact, it’s one of the funniest

dog tricks that you can show them. Simply blow a froth of bubbles into the air – the higher the better – and watch as your dog chases, jumps, and pops them. Ahh, the leisurely life of a dog is enviable, to say the least.


Create a dog agility course

We all need a challenge from time to time – and a dog agility course can be a great choice for your pooch. As well as acting as a tool for weight management, an agility course is seen as one of the best brain games for dogs. Navigating obstacles can be mentally stimulating for our four-legged friends! Chairs, boxes and hula hoops are all good obstacles to consider. Just make sure

there’s a bag of dog treats waiting for them at the finish line!

The best inside games for rainy days

8. New tricks

When the weather takes a turn for the worst – we do live in the UK, after all – a great way of preventing boredom is to pick out some new tricks to teach your dog. Be it useful skills – such as crate training and recall training – or something a bit more fun and unique, take advantage of your rain check by catching up on some dog training and reinforcing that human-pooch bond.

9. The name game

Another golden dog game to play inside is the name game. Start by giving each of their dog toys a name. Then, one by one, teach each toy’s name to your dog by asking “Where’s so-and-so?” and getting them to paw at the corresponding toy. Once they start to learn who is who, you can up the ante by hiding the dog toys in different places around the house and asking your pooch to find them. Dog treats are an absolute must for this one!

10. Under, over, and through

A simple way to double up your furniture as dog toys is to teach your furry friend to climb under, over, and through them –fairly straightforward, right? But it can be trickier than you’d think! Another winner on the list of brain games for dogs: start by asking them to crawl under an object – such as a chair. Once they’ve mastered this, you can teach them to jump over the chair, jump onto the chair, and walk around the chair. They might not be easy dog tricks but they’re sure to keep the fun going on a rainy day!

n Visit

We specialize in servicing our 140 L wheelie bins but can provide and service any other size bins up to 1100 -L. We work with businesses big and small. Want to trial DOG WASTE BINS or waste bag dispensers in your public spaces? We can help you with that. We now also cover Southern Scotland (Edinburgh/Glasgow and surrounding areas).

To find out how we could help you with dog or cat waste disposal, get in touch with us 01580 857012 or email or visit

Specialists in Commercial and Private Pet Waste disposal RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 APRIL – 29 MAY 2024 13

Paws for a Cause: Take on 60 Miles in May to Support Dogs in Need

This May, Jerry Green Dog Rescue is challenging you to complete 60 miles throughout the month to support their cause, raising vital funds for dogs in need. After great success with last year’s 60 Miles in May challenge, Jerry Green Dog Rescue is once again asking you to lace up your trainers, grab your swimsuit or dust off your pogo stick.

The challenge is tailored to individual preferences, therefore participants are encouraged to complete their miles in a way that suits them – whether that be running, walking, swimming, or even pogosticking. With as little as two miles per day, this fundraising initiative is a great way to stay active while supporting Jerry Green Dog Rescue’s mission.

Upon registration, participants will receive a comprehensive welcome pack, including a free ’60 Miles in May’ t-shirt which allows you to keep track of progress and can be proudly worn during the journey of the challenge. Additionally, in the spirit of motivating others and championing success, Jerry Green Dog Rescue has created a dedicated Facebook group where participants and supporters can share their progress, and connect with fellow participants.

In recognition of their fundraising efforts, participants will also receive enticing rewards, starting with each participant being awarded a complimentary t-shirt and certificate from Jerry Green Dog Rescue. Participants that raise £30 will earn themselves a coveted ‘60 Miles in May’ medal. Achieving £150 in fundraising will earn participants a stylish ’60 Miles in May’ water bottle. Challengers who go above and beyond, demonstrating their efforts by raising an incredible £300 or more will be awarded with a distinguished ’60 Miles in May 2024’ hoodie.

Bethan Killelay, the Digital Fundraising Lead at Jerry Green Dog Rescue, expresses, "We are eagerly anticipating the participation of as many individuals as possible in this challenge to aid dogs

in need. The 60 Miles in May challenge offers not only an opportunity for personal achievement but also brings a vibrant and supportive community together”.

Whether participants embark on this journey individually, with family, or as part of a group, fundraising contributions play a pivotal role in providing compassionate care for dogs in need as they embark on their journey to

forever homes. All funds raised will go towards the ongoing care of dogs within the rescue and the surrounding communities. This challenge is not limited to specific regions but can be undertaken nationwide, allowing participants from all corners of the country to join in and support the cause. Additionally, the 60 Miles in May challenge is open to individuals of all ages; children under 16


are welcome to participate with parental permission to fundraise, making it an inclusive and family-friendly challenge.

Jerry Green Dog Rescue encourages supporters to seize the opportunity to make a meaningful impact and champion their cause towards helping dogs in need. Join the 60 Miles of May 2024 challenge to be part of a community, working together for a brighter future for rescue dogs.

Sign up for free online:

Jerry Green Dog Rescue is a charitable organisation committed to rescuing and rehoming dogs in need, while also providing support to dog owners where possible. At the core of their mission lies a dedication to offering love, care, and a second chance at happiness to dogs. Since its founding in 1961, Jerry Green Dog Rescue has been instrumental in positively impacting the lives of dogs and their adoptive families.

n Find out more about Jerr y Green Dog Rescue here

Some of our dogs at Jerry Green Dog Rescue who are looking for a new home
River F10 I would love to be the only dog in my new home as I just love all the attention to myself and that way I don’t have to share bum scratches. Papaya F8-9 I would like to be the only dog in my new home but I am the sweetest girl who loves a snuggle. RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 APRIL – 29 MAY 2024 15
Freddie M4-5 I am looking for a special home where I can receive all the love, patience and home comforts that I deserve. Ludo M9 I am a rather sensitive, but gentle old soul who’s looking for a warm and cosy sofa to call my own.

No one should have to choose between their dog and somewhere safe to sleep –Dogs Trust’s Together Through Homelessness project supports 10,000th dog

A project which helps to care for the dogs of people experiencing or at risk of homelessness has reached the impressive milestone of supporting 10,000 dogs with over 30,000 free vet treatments. Not only has this improved the welfare of thousands of dogs around the UK, but it’s also enabled many more dogs to remain in the care of their owners.

The Together Through Homelessness project, run by Dogs Trust, provides free emergency and routine veterinary care across the UK to the dogs of those experiencing or at risk of homelessness. The project also works with homelessness services to help them to become dog-friendly. This is achieved through the provision of bespoke support and ongoing advice on everything from dogfriendly policies to dog behaviour resources. The Together Through Homelessness project also provides starter packs of dog items to help new dogs feel welcome at their new home.

In addition, every Christmas, the Together Through Homelessness team distributes parcels to homelessness services supporting dog owners. In December 2023, almost 2000 parcels containing collars, leads, coats, festive treats, and toys were delivered to more than 200 UK homelessness services supporting dog owners.

The support provided by Dogs Trust’s Together Through Homelessness project is a lifeline to dog owners experiencing homelessness, who often find themselves having to choose between their dog and somewhere safe to sleep. In a survey conducted in 2022, 70% of the homelessness professionals surveyed told Dogs Trust that their clients had experienced barriers to accessing support services because they have a dog.

Further to this, 84% were aware of one or more cases where someone had refused an offer of temporary or emergency accommodation as it would have meant giving up their dog.

Just 51% of the homelessness services that responded to the Dogs Trust survey said that their services were dog-friendly.

James Hickman, Head of Outreach Projects at Dogs Trust, says:

“For many people experiencing homelessness, their dog is more than just a faithful companion; they are family. We are proud that, since it was set up three decades ago, the Together Through Homelessness project has supported over 10,000 dogs with more than 30,000 free vet treatments, making it easier for them to stay with their owners.

“We don’t believe anyone should have to choose between their dog and somewhere safe to sleep, which is why not only do we provide free health care to the dogs of those experiencing homelessness, but we also work closely with service providers to ensure pet friendly support is available at every step of the housing pathway.”

Emmaus Cambridge is one of the homelessness services that Dogs Trust supports through the Together Through Homelessness scheme. Emmaus Cambridge provides people who have experienced homelessness with a home, work opportunities, and therapeutic

support in a community setting. The Emmaus community is dog-friendly and welcomes people who have pets.

Lee is a companion supported by Emmaus Cambridge. After experiencing homelessness, Lee now lives at Emmaus Cambridge alongside his dog Lulu. Speaking about his bond with Lulu, Lee said: “Lulu settled into the community really quickly, she loves being here and everyone makes a fuss of her. She enjoys a run around the fields which is typically followed by a long leisurely snooze. If she gets the chance, she hops on the bed and takes up most of the space. I wouldn’t be without her.”

St Mungo’s supports thousands of people experiencing homelessness each year and its pet friendly policies have been endorsed under the Dog Trust Together Through Homelessness scheme. Natalie Rose-Weir, Service Manager, Kensington & Chelsea says “St Mungo’s is proud to welcome pets. We have seen the benefits of our clients being able to be housed alongside their pets, including improvements in their mental, physical, and emotional health. Pets are a part of the family – we do not want to split them up in the search for stable housing.

“It has been beautiful to witness many clients and their pets, to see the love and bonds between them, and to see their relationship grow as they find stable accommodation.”

n For more information about the Together Through Homelessness Project and the work Dogs Trust does to support dogs and owners experiencing homelessness, please visit

Centre for Homelessness Impact

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Andover mum and pet enthusiast runs London Marathon in support of Cats Protection

Andover mum and pet enthusiast, Tracey Dawber, successfully completed this year’s London Marathon on Sunday. Tracey’s participation in the marathon not only marked a personal triumph but also served as a heartfelt initiative in support of Cats Protection.

“Icouldn’t be more thrilled to have laced up my running shoes in support of such a worthy cause,” said Tracey. “With the support of my family, I tackled the 26.2-mile challenge in 5.5 hours, raising more than £1,600 for Cats Protection.”

Cats Protection, an organisation dedicated to rehoming abandoned cats and advocating for feline welfare, resonated deeply with Tracey and the team at Petpals head office, the UK’s longest-established pet-care service, where Tracey works as Franchise Support Manager. The charity not only provides shelter but also campaigns for change across the UK and offers educational resources and fostering services, including for cats whose

families are fleeing domestic abuse.

This is not Tracey’s first endeavour in pushing herself for a charitable cause, taking part in the London marathon last year and raising £2,000 for Dogs Trust. This year, she aimed to replicate her success for Cats Protection and has already exceeded 80 percent of her fundraising target.

“I was so excited to take part again this year, despite a recent injury,” added Tracey. “But the unwavering dedication to feline welfare at Cats Protection touched me deeply, compelling me to complete the challenge. Their cause, often overshadowed by more mainstream charities, truly deserves our support.”

Tracey’s commitment to the welfare of

pets mirrors the ethos of Petpals, a brand deeply rooted in the bond between pets and their owners.

“Tracey’s passion for pets and dedication to their wellbeing embody our brand’s values,” said Kevin Thackrah, Director of Petpals. “We were so proud of all of the hard work and training she put in – the entire network was behind her!”

n To support Tracey’s fundraising efforts in aid of Cats Protection, visit For more information about franchise opportunities at Petpals, visit

Tracey taking part in the marathon

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Young-at-heart diabetic puss seeks new owner for play and jabs

Teenage Stripes is known for his friendly personality and such a deep love of affection and being stroked that the 13-year-old will give a gentle tap with his paw to anyone who stops fussing him before he’s ready.

Currently in the care of Cats Protection Isle of Wight Adoption Centre on Marlborough Road in Ryde where he is their longest staying cat, Deputy Manager Jo Morrison says: “We all love Stripes! He is truly the friendliest cat and thrives from being around people. He is extremely gentle and very much enjoys sitting next to you on the sofa or being brushed. He is young at heart and still takes great delight in a good play with his feather string toy.

“Stripes is confident and caring, and we can only imagine that the reason he has been overlooked since December is because of his diabetes. However, that really shouldn’t put anyone off, he doesn’t react at all when he receives his injections and is extremely laid-back about it all. He will make the most brilliant addition to a family without any other cats and with either just adults or perhaps older children. He will truly make a house feel like a home.”

A video of Stripes enjoying a fuss and playtime with his fosterers can be seen here:

Diabetes is a manageable condition which means the pancreas either doesn't produce enough insulin or the body doesn't respond to it properly. Insulin is needed to convert glucose from food into energy. If this process

cannot take place fat or muscle protein has to be used to provide energy and without treatment cats become very thin, hungry, thirsty, lethargic and ill. For this reason, Cats Protection will provide financial assistance as needed to treat Stripes’ diabetes and ensure he remains in the best health.

Stripes’ condition is easily managed with two insulin injections a day with his meals. Staff at the centre will be on-hand to give guidance and any

support needed once Stripes is in his new home.

Jo adds: “As much as his fosterers adore caring for Stripes and spending time with him, we’d all love to see him settled in a home where his new family can enjoy sharing all the fun and snuggles that we’ve been lucky enough to experience while he’s been in care. He’s such a special boy and we can’t wait to find him his own perfect match.”

n For more information about diabetes in cats visit

To chat to a member of the Cats Protection team about adopting Stripes or to find out more about other cats at the centre visit or call 03000 12 02 51.

A playtime-loving cat who never lets his diabetes hold him back is in need of a new home where his medical needs and requests for chin-rubs can be met. Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR 11 TIMES WINNER OF ‘Product I can’t live without’ NO MORE PULLING l NO MORE RIDING UP l NO MORE RUBBING l NO MORE COMING OFF l NO MORE DISCOMFORT
Stripes lying on sofaPhoto credit: Cats Protection

Walk-in Chalet

The standard unit you will need for your licenced cattery, also used and approved by leading rescue groups throughout the UK.

The fully lined and insulated walk-in sleeping quarter measures 4ft wide x 4ft deep x 6ft high and has a vinyl floor for easy cleaning.

Two removable UPVC shelves, a fully adjustable air vent, lockable cat flap and a fully opening window leading to a sunning shelf and ladder, make this a firm favourite with customers and cats alike!

A 6ft long exercise area gives your cats plenty of space to explore and relax. A second sunning shelf provides another area to watch the world go by as it is near the front of the pen.


Handmade, bespoke cat runs are a lovely addition to a property, allowing a safe and secure outside space, for your indoor cats. They can be designed with lift out shutters, to have at the time of installation or added at a later date, which provide weather protection from the elements, making it an area that can be used year-round.

We are able to supply extras, to provide activity and viewing point for your cats, such as ladders, posts and sunning shelves. The addition of a Deluxe Cat Cabin can also provide a small hideaway, for cosying up and having a cat-nap.

01275 853800

Cat Map: 1.5 million UK cat owners say their pet isn’t microchipped

With eight weeks to the deadline, a third of cat owners in England are unaware their pet will be required by law to be microchipped

New research from HomeAgain®, released to mark National Pet Day that was on Thursday 11 April 2024, reveals 1.5 million UK cat owners have not microchipped their pet and over a third (38%) in England are unaware that all cats across the country will be required by law to be microchipped by 10 June 2024.

Even though the UK is a nation of cat lovers with nearly a third of owners (30%) stating they love their cat more than humans, some have still not microchipped their furry friends. As the clock counts down and the new rules come into effect, those owners who do not take action to microchip their cat by the deadline risk breaking the law and facing a fine of up to £500.

The new research finds one in five owners say their feline has gone missing from their home with 70% stating this happens a few times every year for an average of three days. For veterinary practices, animal welfare organisations and other animal health professionals it can be incredibly challenging to reunite unchipped pet cats with their owner if they are missing or stolen. Despite this, one in four cat owners are still yet to get their cat microchipped.

Cat owners are being urged to make an appointment at their local veterinary practice to urgently arrange microchipping. Posting their cat on social media is the most commonly cited action a cat owner says they would first take if their pet went missing (27%). However, reporting it to the feline’s microchip database should also be top on the priority list.

According to Michelle Townley, veterinary adviser to HomeAgain®, part of MSD Animal Health, microchipping provides owners the best chance of being reunited with their cat as quickly as possible.

“It is absolutely heartbreaking when a beloved cat goes missing and it is often our biggest fear when it comes to our pets. They are notoriously curious animals and frequently get themselves stuck in people’s garages, sheds or even delivery vehicles. Sadly, I’ve heard

“When a pet is found and taken to a shelter or veterinary clinic, the first thing they do is scan the animal for a microchip. Unlike collars and tags that can get lost or removed, microchipping provides a permanent and effective means of identification. It is a quick, painless and simple procedure that gives owners peace of mind that their cat can be easily identified once they’re found,” said Michelle.

Owners should register their cat’s microchip with a Government compliant microchip registration database such as HomeAgain’s Pet Recovery Database, and keep details up to date. The Home Again database is free of charge to register and update pet and owner information. It makes it easier for lost pets to be reunited with their owners, whichever microchip they may have, offering 24/7 UK-based support to help owners if their pet goes missing.

Regional disparities in microchipping

There are stark differences across the country when it comes to the number of felines that go missing and the numbers microchipped, revealed in HomeAgain’s Cat Map of the UK, based on the survey results.

Birmingham is lagging behind other major cities as the June cat microchipping deadline approaches. 39% of owners have not microchipped their pet or are unaware if they have done so, even though one in five say

their cat goes missing a few times a week.

24% of cat owners in the capital have lost their cat before with nearly 1 in 3 Londoners (28%) stating their cat frequently goes missing for up to 2-4 days. However, 28% have not microchipped their cat or are unsure if they have done so. This compares starkly with Gloucester where only 5% of cat owners say they are yet to microchip their pet.

Alice Potter, RSPCA cat welfare expert, said: “We sadly see many incidents where cats have been hit by a car or strayed away from home who never end up being reunited with their owner as they weren’t microchipped.

“Microchipping your pet is the surest way to help ensure that should they get lost or become injured they can be reunited with you. Pets are like family members and so we understand the pain and distress of losing a much-loved pet; but by ensuring they are microchipped - and the details kept up-todate - cat owners are much more likely to be reunited with their companions.”

Cat the Vet, a UK qualified and practicing vet as well as social media influencer with over 323.6k followers on TikTok, said: “With 1.5 million cats yet to be chipped in the UK, the vet profession is going to have a busy few months ahead. As well as being required by law from June, microchipping is a key way for vets to reunite cats with their beloved families. It’s a quick, stress-free process for cats and their owners and new technology means some chips can even accurately read body temperature –paying even more dividends than just identification!”

“All cats have the potential to go missing, even the ones who live 100% indoors with windows easily being left open. Plus, our senior kitties can get easily confused if they wander too far. I urge all those with a feline family member who isn't microchipped to contact their vet as soon as possible to arrange microchipping for their cat. It will give you peace of mind now and for the future.”

n For more information, visit

countless stories of cats going missing miles away after being caught in postal vans.
Cat the Vet and her tabby kitten Henry

Making gardens more cat friendly

Cats love to be outside so in the run-up to National Gardening Week, the feline welfare charity Cats Protection has some top tips for cat owners.

Beware of dangerous plants

The most important gardening tip for all cat owners is to avoid lilies both outdoors and inside the house. These are potentially fatal to cats and they don’t have to deliberately chew on them as all parts are poisonous. Just brushing past it could shake pollen on their fur and prove toxic when they lick themselves clean. Daffodils also contain toxins that would cause issues if your cat were to ingest them.

Plant some cat-friendly outdoor plants

Buddleias are safe for cats (and also provide them with great entertainment in the form of pollinating butterflies and bees) while some cats go mad for catnip (official name nepeta cataria).

Create an outdoor toilet

Dig up a spare patch of soil in your garden to keep for your cat’s personal loo which is sure to be a win with your neighbours! Remember to dig it over regularly and don’t put the poo on the compost heap or down the loo due to the parasite toxoplasmosis. Try placing small pebbles around plant beds to keep your cat from toileting elsewhere in the garden.

Provide shade from the sun

Bushes such as Mexican orange blossom (evergreen with white starshaped flowers), ceanothus (another bee and butterfly favourite) and sword fern can give your cat a safe place to hide and relax and shade from the sun. You could also have a small garden table which they can sit on during good weather and underneath when it’s raining.

Outdoor scratching opportunities

Thick tree trunks with rough bark can give your cat a giant vertical scratching post and large, sturdy logs can give your cat a horizontal option. They can also provide a great refuge for the local insects.

Create perches and escape routes

Cats love to get up high so they can observe their territory. Placing a ladder up to the shed roof gives them access to a great vantage point of the garden. Cat shelves could be placed on walls or sturdy fences but remember that with all elevated perches, the best ones are those that are close to the house and face out to the garden, giving your cat a good view and a quick route safely back inside. Trees are also good but keep watch as cats can’t always get down as well as they got up. A hole cut into a fence or gate can give elderly cats easier access to the garden, as well as allowing quick access if being chased.

Create hiding places

Planting flowers in pots can not only help protect delicate plants such as violas, snapdragons and calendula from trampling paws but they are also moveable hiding spaces for your cat. By watching their favoured routes, you can then place the pots strategically allowing them optimum hiding opportunities.

Provide safe water sources

You can provide a bowl of water outside for your cat but they may be more attracted to a pond, a natural water source untainted by chemicals. Water

features, such as pondless fountains whereby the water reservoir is hidden beneath the ground like a millstone with gently bubbling water, are another favourite with cats. Also make sure water butts have a secure lid to prevent your cat from falling in.

Keep your cat in the garden

If you would prefer your cat to stay within your garden boundaries, you can get cat-proof fencing. Hedges along the perimeter can also help but you may not be able to keep a determined cat contained, so ensure their microchip details are up to date in case they go missing.

Make the garden safe for other animals too

Make sure that bird tables and bird feeders are protected. Put plastic bottles around the stand to stop cats from climbing up, or use feeders with thin poles. Don’t plant big shady bushes nearby as they’ll provide a good spot for your cat to hide and pounce from.

n Find more advice for keeping your cat happy and safe outdoors here


Allergies: causes of hives and other skin rashes

What types of dog and cat skin allergies are there? Why is my pet itching? Can they get hay fever, too? If you’ve ever found yourself asking these questions, you’re not alone. We caught up with our resident vet to advise you of the three most common dog and cat allergies, their likely causes, and the steps you should take to overcome any allergic reactions

1. Fleas

A flea allergy – medically known as flea allergy dermatitis – flares up in the event of flea bites. The specific aggravator for a flea allergy is flea saliva. Other insect bites can cause dog and cat allergic reactions too, but flea saliva is by far the most common. If you spot your pet losing hair around the base of their tail, continually biting and scratching at their skin, or developing an inflamed skin rash (a ‘hotspot’) or hives (bumps that spontaneously appear), your four-legged friend may have a flea allergy.

Scratching and biting at their skin rash can lead to other health issues, such as yeast or bacterial infections – making it all the more important to seek the attention of a vet. Protecting your pet from fleas should be part and parcel of pet parenthood, but this rings especially true when a flea allergy is brought into the equation. Your vet will be able to help you swat up on how to prevent fleas, how to spot fleas hidden in dog fur, and how to get rid of fleas – both from your pets and your home. Remember to deworm your pet if they’ve had fleas, as fleas also carry tapeworm

eggs – and worms can be a cause of skin allergies, too.

2. Environmental factors

Be it dust, pollen, or mould, dog and cat allergies can flare up at any point in the year. Seasonal allergies are just as common amongst our furry friends as they are with us humans. Yes, a dog allergic to grass is a genuine sensitivity that can cause skin rashes and dog hives. Having said that, the summertime

cont. on p28

can be especially tricky when it comes to dog and cat hay fever. If your pet is experiencing swelling and/or redness of the face, throat, lips, eyelids, and/or earflaps, this could be a sign of an allergic reaction. You should pay a visit to your vet with your furry pal in tow. They may prescribe a medication such as antihistamines, steroids or immunomodulators in order to control your pet’s symptoms.

3. Food intolerances

Not many dogs and cats suffer from true food allergies. Instead, they have food intolerances or food sensitivities. This kind of allergic reaction is a gradual one (rather than an instant immune response) to a particular ingredient (or ingredients) in their food. A dog allergic to chicken is not unheard of. In fact, the most common food sensitivities are seen in different types of protein – be that chicken, beef, grains, eggs, or milk. Itchy eyes, ears, and paws are all symptoms of a food allergy, along with gastrointestinal issues (we’re talking

diarrhoea and constipation).

Some of the best foods for skin allergies are hypoallergenic or made up of a single protein. Feeding a “novel” protein diet means feeding a protein that your pet’s immune system is unlikely to have been exposed to. Common examples of this are duck and venison.

If you think your pet might have an allergy

• Consult with your vet to ensure that it is an allergy and not something else entirely, such as mange or even a medical problem like hypothyroidism or Cushing’s disease.

• If your vet suspects your pet’s symptoms are due to an allergy, they may suggest a medical treatment as a first line. Discuss the various options available, including topical and injectables.

• Avoid the cause of the allergy where possible – be it flea bites, a specific ingredient causing a food intolerance, or environmental factors such as grass.

• Similar to human allergy testing, dog and cat allergy testing is possible

using a blood sample or skin tests. This is often quite complicated due to the complexity of the immune system. This means it may not always pinpoint the exact cause of the allergy, especially when it comes to food.

• If your pet has a severe allergic reaction and goes into anaphylactic shock, you must take them to an emergency veterinary clinic.

• Be patient. Skin problems are probably the most frustrating symptom to treat for vets. Work through the process with your vet step by step, as it can sometimes take months or even years to control skin allergies in animals. There is hope, though!

Our articles are not a replacement for face-to-face vet advice. Consult with your vet regularly to raise any concerns that you may have.

n For more information visit

Heroes step in to adopt dog-hating cat Bowie

A cat who was so terrified of dogs that he made himself ill has found a new home after his musical name was spotted by fans of his namesake.

Bowie was the longest-stay resident at Cats Protection’s Tyneside Adoption Centre, having spent over 100 days in care, when an appeal was featured in a local newspaper.

The two-year-old was originally taken in by a family member when his owner sadly passed away, but he spent much of his time in the new home cowering away from the family’s dogs. Such was his fear that he stopped eating and developed alopecia and dermatitis.

Once Bowie was signed over to the Tyneside centre, staff and volunteers set to work getting him on the road to recovery. Once his various health issues were tackled, his skin started to improve and he gained weight.

Centre manager Beni Benstead said: “Bowie came to us as a very shy, scared boy who turned into a lovable gentleman who absolutely adores attention.

“His name initially caught the eye of a local couple who love David Bowie, and when they read about him they knew he

was the cat for them. They had to run it past their landlord first but, thankfully, they were happy to allow cats and we were delighted to send Bowie off to his new family.

The centre in Green Lane, Gateshead, has capacity for around 50 cats and is currently full with an ever-growing

waiting list of felines waiting to come into care.

Beni added: “The waiting list continues to increase, with rising costs of looking after a cat and landlords not allowing pets among the reasons for people giving up their pets. Some of these cats may be living in unsuitable conditions but we can only admit them when we have space and we’re currently full.

“We’d love anyone considering getting a cat to take a look at our current residents, who have a wide range of personalities, looks and ages; we’re confident they will find their perfect mate. Adopting one of our cats allows us to bring in another who finds themselves homeless, so you’re helping two cats for the price of one!”

n To find out more about adopting Bowie, or to see any of the other cats available for adoption visit or call 0191 653 1052.

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We Love Pets gains ‘ethical’ status in the Good Shopping Guide

The largest full-service pet care franchise in the UK, We Love Pets, has been awarded ‘ethical’ status by the world-famous, Good Shopping Guide.

Founded over 20 years ago to give consumers an independently researched ethical comparison of companies and brands, ensuring they were run along sustainable lines and didn’t in any way support global warming, human trafficking, animal abuse, overfishing, the fur trade, habitat loss, or the poverty cycle, The Good Shopping Guide has now published 11 bookshop editions. We Love Pets is honoured to have recently been accredited with their ‘ethical’ status in the coveted publication.

Good Shopping Guide said: “Ethical Accreditation certifies that the Company, Brand or Product in question has reached our benchmark standard in our overall analysis of its corporate social responsibility record – a highly respected mark of independent endorsement, which can benefit consumer sales, trade sales, employee relations, public relations as well as company and brand value.”

On completion of the We Love Pets screening, the Good Shopping Guide research team made the following comments: “We are pleased to verify We Love Pets as an ethical brand that places respect for the Environment, Animals, and People at the heart of its values. The brand has therefore been approved as one of The Good Shopping Guide’s leading ethical companies. We Love Pets is commended for its rigorous animal welfare standards, such as its

‘No Pack Walking’ policy, and its commitment to minimising its environmental impact.”

Jo White, who founded We Love Pets in 2008 and who, with her husband Ryan has grown the business into the most successful full-service pet care franchise in the UK, with 116 franchisees covering 187 territories, said: “We could not be more delighted to have received this accreditation from this highly respected and internationally recognised guide and will be flying the logo with pride across our website and marketing collateral. From the very start, it was important to us to run the business ethically, not only in terms of the franchise but also surrounding the standards we uphold for

the care of the pets we are entrusted with every day. No pack walking was something we adopted early on, even though it doesn’t make financial sense, but we stuck to our guns because we knew it was the right thing to do for the dogs. Being recognised for our ethical stance is great and underlines our commitment to always doing things the right way.”

n Online version: See our listing here! nd-director y/we-love-pets/

Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR 11 TIMES WINNER OF ‘Product I can’t live without’ NO MORE PULLING l NO MORE RIDING UP l NO MORE RUBBING l NO MORE COMING OFF l NO MORE DISCOMFORT RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 APRIL – 29 MAY 2024 29

Could YOU be the one for Ru?

Lovely Lurcher Cross who has spent over 200 days in care at Dogs Trust Ilfracombe seeks forever home

Handsome and affectionate

five-year-old Lurcher Cross Ru is looking for a loving forever home – he’s a big chap, with an even bigger heart and he’s hoping that his match is just around the corner.

Ru is a smart and energetic dog who would suit an active lifestyle, he’s both housetrained and can travel well in a car. Ru’s looking to be the only pet in the home, although he has previously politely met horses. Ru would be best suited to quieter walks so he can fully relax and any time left alone will need to be built up gradually.

Ru is currently living off-site in a foster

home as part of Dogs Trust’s Home from Home Scheme. He is able to settle and relax while his foster carer works from home, and he could cope with a reasonably busy home environment.

Regional Centre Manager Elise Watson said: “After a few days in a foster home on our Home from Home Scheme Ru became the perfect house guest. His foster carers describe him as a joy to have around, a happy boy in the home and likes snoozing and snuggling!”

“Ru loves to be close to his people and will follow his foster carers about the house, he settles well and he loves to join his foster carers on the sofa and he

sleeps on the bed with them at night-he sleeps really well all through the night. Ru is instantly friendly with new people and has been fine with the visitors to the foster home. Ru’s dog social skills will need continuing practice which our training and behaviour team can guide adopters with, we’re hoping he’ll find a loving new family soon.”

n If you think that you could be a potential match for Ru or to find out more about any of the dogs available for rehoming at Dogs Trust Ilfracombe, visit the Dogs Trust website

Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR 11 TIMES WINNER OF ‘Product I can’t live without’ NO MORE PULLING l NO MORE RIDING UP l NO MORE RUBBING l NO MORE COMING OFF l NO MORE DISCOMFORT
Lovely Ru

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n PVC insulated walls and ceilings

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Plastic insulated walk in dog kennels and catteries for breeding, boarding and domestic use. Chicubes offers a wide range of products designed and built in the UK. Chicubes animal housing for dogs and cats and other small animals brings the full package, quality and durability, value for money and helpful customer service. Chicubes offer standard and bespoke design services, so finding the rights system for you when setting up or renewing your establishment couldn’t be easier. Built to last and meet current regulations for boarding, breeding and GBGB licensing. Delivery and fitting nation wide. 01782 499915 Give your Pup ‘safe space’ to feel calm and happy and keep them out of mischief when you’re busy.
range of Puppy Pens and whelping boxes
Take a look at our

Full Tummies

It’s understood that rescues are overflowing, they have reduced funds and fewer adoptions, partly due to the cost of living crisis. With extensive numbers of animals to feed they are stretched as people are also having to give up their furry friends.

Full Tummies are providing food within such establishments trying to lessen the separation of owners and their pets.

The seed for this CIC began several years ago when Emma became aware of a horrifying story where animals had to flee a war zone. It led her to begin working with this particular NGO and then many others followed.

In order for her to have an impact she decided to form an organisation. Full Tummies CIC. Emma looks to the public and businesses for donations to allow the purchasing and distributing of food directly to fill the tummies of underprivileged cats and dogs that exist.

The organisation is in constant contact with animal food producers, retailers and fulfilment companies as they are happy to accept near to expiring food in order for them to avoid going into landfill. It is their requirement to ensure the

CIC continues to exist and in order to do so rely solely on donations. The website www. has a donation link and any that are received would be greatly appreciated. Emma is more than aware that the situation is worsening and she longs to make a difference deep into the future.

Everyday this venture makes a small difference in an ever growing problem, but every little helps.


Insta: fulltummies_CIC

Emma Williams is the founder of Full Tummies (Dogs and Cats) Community Interest Company. It is a Non profit organisation and their mission is to lessen food waste by collecting donated animal food and distributing it to where it is most needed, whether that be rescues, animal charities or food banks Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR 11 TIMES WINNER OF ‘Product I can’t live without’ NO MORE PULLING l NO MORE RIDING UP l NO MORE RUBBING l NO MORE COMING OFF l NO MORE DISCOMFORT Tel: 07774 626677
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New research highlights ageing dog healthcare needs

New research from the University of Liverpool, funded by BSAVA PetSavers, shows that dog owners think many important changes in their older pets are ‘just old age’, when actually they are signs of serious health problems.

The researchers surveyed more than 600 dog owners and more than 300 veterinary professionals across the UK. Dog owners were asked if they had noticed any of a list of 48 different clinical signs in their older dogs, and how urgently they thought they should seek veterinary advice when they noticed them.

The research team identified that dog owners regularly attributed potentially serious changes in older dogs to normal ageing, and thus may not take them to see a vet.

How often should an ageing dog see a vet?

The majority of owners believed a “healthy” senior dog (seven years plus) should go to the vet once a year, whereas veterinary professionals most commonly advised every six months. A minority (14%) of owners would take the dog only “if they got sick” but almost all (98%) of veterinary professionals would not advise this strategy. Sixteen percent of owners of dogs of all ages had not had any contact with their veterinary practice in the previous year.

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate?

Health checks often occur during vaccination appointments and 92% of veterinary professionals believed that senior dogs should receive yearly vaccinations; however, 28% of owners’ dogs of all ages had not been vaccinated in the previous year. In fact, a third of these owners did not believe that older dogs need vaccinations.

Urgency to seek care

Dog owners who stated that their dog had experienced a clinical sign typically reported less urgency to seek veterinary care than owners whose dog had never experienced it and responded to a hypothetical question asking what they would do if they noticed this sign in their dog.. The majority of veterinary

professionals (85 – 100%) thought that it was moderately to extremely important for owners of senior dogs to seek veterinary advice for all 15 of the most common clinical signs. The three most common clinical signs reported by owners in their older dogs were slowing down on walks (57%), dental tartar (53%) and being stiff on rising (50%). However, fewer than 70% of owners would seek veterinary care for their dog within a week for dental issues (bad breath and tartar) or musculoskeletal issues (problem with stairs/jumping, slowing down on walks and stiff on rising).

Dog owners attribute clinical signs to “just old age”

Veterinary professionals reported that they believed owners commonly associated sleeping all the time, slowing down on walks, being stiff on rising, and the presence of dental tartar with old age rather than potential illness. Owners’ opinions were broadly in line with veterinary professionals’ perceptions of them. For example, 78% of owners believed slowing down on walks was a normal part of the ageing process and would not take their dog to the vet for and, and 77% for sleeping all the time.

Study co-author Professor Carri Westgarth said: “Perceptions of dog

owners and veterinary professionals can influence the preventive healthcare and treatment provided to dogs, especially at the senior life-stage, when chronic diseases become more common. The differences in opinion highlighted by our survey suggest that new educational initiatives and more effective communication are required.”

Findings from this study have been used to support the design of a new resource, which can facilitate communication between owners and veterinary professionals. A checklist of common missed clinical signs for use pre-veterinary appointment would be supported by both owners and veterinary professionals surveyed in the current study.

The BSAVA PetSavers Ageing Canine Toolkit (ACT) leaflet and poster are currently in use in first opinion practice, and feedback is being collected to measure the toolkit’s impact on owners, veterinary professionals, and senior dogs.

Dr Sarah Williams from BSAVA PetSavers said: “Screening tools and toolkits have the potential to increase owner understanding and engagement with veterinary care, and through repeated application over time and implementation of necessary interventions, improve patient welfare and health span.”

n The study Cross-sectional UK sur veys demonstrate that owners and veterinary professionals differ in their perceptions of preventive and treatment healthcare needs in ageing dogs is published in Frontiers UK: 3389/fvets.2024.1358480/full 23/university-and-bsava-petsaverslaunch-ageing-canine-toolkit/


Introducing Yellow Space Zones

In a world where our dogs hold a special place in our hearts, understanding and accommodating their unique needs is paramount. Recognising this, Sarah Jones, the visionary mind behind My Anxious Dog, has introduced a groundbreaking initiative for dog events over the summer: Yellow Space Zones. This innovative concept aims to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for anxious dogs and their owners when they need some time out in a safe space.

The core philosophy behind Yellow Space Zones is simple yet profound: dogs wearing yellow need space for various reasons. Whether they are anxious, in training, recovering from illness, elderly or just overwhelmed, these zones provide a sanctuary where both dogs and their owners can feel at ease.

Central to the Yellow Space Zones concept is the incorporation of designated quiet areas. These serene retreats offer respite from the hustle and bustle at dog festivals, providing anxious dogs with a safe space to decompress and relax. But it's not just about tranquillity; these zones also offer enriching activities designed to promote licking which helps alleviate stress. With snuffling and cardboard chaos to help promote mental stimulation these activities help build confidence. Crucially, Yellow Space Zones are more than just physical spaces. They represent a community-driven effort, with industry leaders and experts coming together to support the initiative. Donations from companies specialising in calming solutions and enrichment products ensure that Yellow Space Zones are equipped with the latest tools and resources to benefit anxious dogs and their owners.

Among the enriching activities in the zones is the 'Boredom Buster', graciously provided by the team at Pet Remedy. This interactive game encourages dogs to engage in playful exploration while uncovering hidden treats, generously donated by Barkable. Barkable is a new company dedicated to crafting premium, hand-baked dog treats using sustainable practices and high-quality ingredients. Additionally, JR Pet Products have donated their Pate, which is highly palatable, easily digestible, and totally irresistible to even the fussiest dogs—ideal for snuffling. No Fuss fill donated their training treat chopper, our shortcut to perfectly sized dog training treats! Paws in Earnest has donated its innovative Rylo, the ultimate dog enrichment toy designed to keep dogs entertained for hours on end. Made from durable natural rubber, Rylo offers a perfect blend of fun and functionality, delivering endless mental and physical stimulation for dogs of all breeds and sizes. This is filled with Furr Boost, a hydration drink perfect for those warm summer days. Furthermore, we are grateful to Tug E Nuff for providing toys that harness the power of play, allowing dogs to relax and enjoy themselves. Moreover, the oversight of renowned dog trainers and behaviourists adds an extra layer of assurance. Their expertise not only ensures the effectiveness of the activities within

Yellow Space Zones but also provides guidance and support for owners navigating the challenges of living with an anxious or reactive dog.

The Yellow Space Zones were first launched at All About Dog Shows and have since been included at DogFest,North East Dog Festival & Pawfest. With more events and festivals expressing interest in this initiative, we hope to raise awareness for #dogsinyellow through their promotion. These zones serve as a testament to the power of compassion and collaboration, demonstrating that together, we can create spaces where every dog feels valued and included. As Yellow Space Zones continue to spread across communities, they offer a beacon of hope for anxious dogs and their owners everywhere. With their emphasis on empathy, enrichment, and expert guidance, these zones are not just spaces—they offer a safe retreat where you can take a break and enjoy a cup of coffee while your dog finds solace away from the hustle and bustle.



https://myanxiousdog.c Anxious Dog Yellow Lightweight raincoat RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 MARCH – 29 APRIL 2024 35
YELLOW Our exceptional range of award winning yellow space awareness products have been carefully designed and tested in the UK. They will keep your dog stylish and feeling comfortable whilst providing you with optimum control and confidence. Dogs in yellow need space for different reasons. Whatever the rhyme or reason (sometimes we don't even know), what they need is that all important space. Helping you to let others know your dog needs space Join our Yellow Army #dogsinyellow
lections/collars/products/adjustable-dog-collar-anxious My Anxious Dog Yellow space awareness dog collar “Anxious”
He lp u s h e lp G reyhounds an d Galgos i n n eed Each ye ar a pproximatel y 60,000 S panis h g algos ( hunting d ogs ) a re abandone d o r t ortured t o de at h i n S pain. We wo rk w ith m any s helte rs i n Spai n w h o c arr y o u t t h e p rimar y re scu e wo rk a n d t h e h oming g roups a n d individual s i n Eu rope w h o p romot e a doption i n t hei r o w n c ountries. In t h e U K , e x-racin g g reyhounds are t ake n o n by re scu e c entres, injuries c a n b e c ommon a n d re qui re v eterinary c are. We h e lp i n their re hab ili tatio n a n d f inding t he m lo v ing , forever h o m es Registered charity in England and Wales no. 1174351 Greyhounds in Need CIO © g r e y h o u n d s i n n e e d . c o . u k /d o n a t e This wo rk i s s uccessful b u t e xpensive. Please v isi t o u r we bsit e The Labrador Lifeline Trust is a charity dedicated to rescuing, rehoming and helping Labradors Tel: 01256 884027 / 07860 691251 / Email: They are now in their Twenty ninth year of helping Labradors in need of new homes and their main priority is placing the right dog in the right home. They cover the areas of Berkshire, Hampshire, Lincolnshire, Middlesex and Surrey Registered charity number 1076061 36 29 APRIL – 29 MAY 2024 RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE

residents. They deserve kind, patient new owners and a lot of love! Can you help?

Meet Skyler. We are told he is 2 years old but he is possible slightly older. He is an entire, black and white long coated collie. He came into our care from another rescue so we don't have any history on him as he was found as a stray.

He is a friendly boy but can get a little worried meeting new people and being over handled especially by men there for will probably need a couple of visits to the centre. He may be better suited to a quiet home without young children. He has been ok meeting other dogs but is a little over the top so may be too much for some. He has come from a rural location so isn't used to built up areas so will only require short walks in quiet areas until he gets used to new environments.

Shep is a 3 year old, neutered, tri coloured short coated collie. He was originally bred to work but was then found straying and never reclaimed by his owner due to his/her declining health.

He was then in another home for 3 months but was returned as he became reactive towards other dogs when out walking and one occasion slipped his harness and got into an altercation with another dog.

Shep is a confident friendly boy and although he has lived with another dog due to the above incident needs to an only dog. He is housetrained, is good when left alone for several hours, travels well and knows basic commands. He does chase cats and can clear 6/8ft.

Billy is 7 years old and has been neutered. Billy was in a home for 6 years but then his dad became ill with Dementia and would shout and scream which scared Billy as he didn't understand why he had changed. Then one day, when he was being put in the car a male stranger walked down the neighbouring path and Billy jumped out and nipped him on the leg.

His owners had no choice but to return Billy to the The Border Collie Trust. He has been with us for 9 months He is cautious around men but with time and patients he could learn to trust again. He is well behaved within the home and good in the car. All Billy needs is a little space and understanding to help him overcome his fears and a home without children or other dogs.


Still ready to adopt?

Then please complete the Online Application To Adopt Form. This is the first step in the process

The Application Forms are reviewed regularly by our Adoptions Team who will contact anyone they wish to discuss further with but please understand that we can't contact everyone who completes the form. That doesn't mean we don't want you to adopt but there can only be one new owner for each dog.

Do keep an eye on the website, and if you see another dog, at any time, that you would be interested in adopting then simply email with your name, post code and the dogs name you are interested in. We will then consider you for that dog.

Unfortunately we cannot make an appointment until The Adoptions Team contact you.

n If you still have some questions do take a look at the FAQ section or feel free to contact us on 01889 577058 (Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm) or of course email us. Tel: 01889 577058

looking for homes for our
We are
Skyler is 2 year old Shep is 3 years old Billy is 7 years old

English dog behaviour practitioner helps abandoned dogs in France

A dog rescue association, set up in France by an English dog behaviour practitioner and a Dutch ex-guide dog breeding and puppy consultant, and, has celebrated its second birthday with a move to new, larger premises where it can help even more dogs in need.

Dawn & Dusk was established as a Registered Association in 2022 by Anke Terbruggen, a Dutch former veterinary technician and consultant for the Dutch Guide Dog School (breeding/puppy walkers department) and Ali Stickler, an English dog behaviour practitioner. Based in South- West France on the Tarn and Garonne borders, the association is the fulfilment of Anke’s long held dream to provide compassionate end of life care for elderly and unwanted French dogs and new beginnings for abandoned and orphaned puppies.

The association has recently moved to larger premises so that it can help even more dogs, especially those who have very little chance of finding a home through the usual adoption channels because of their age, ill-health or trauma. The new facilities, which include plenty of land, provide more scope to design better space for bespoke care for more precious oldies and puppies, in a beautiful, tranquil environment.

“Sadly, we come across many old dogs who are no longer wanted or have found themselves homeless because their owner has died or is too ill to care for them, and it’s heart-breaking,” said Anke. “In some cases, there is a lack of responsibility and, with the propensity for unspayed bitches and entire dogs in much of France, nature takes its course, resulting in unwanted pregnancies and abandoned litters. There is a growing need for associations such as Dawn & Dusk to step in to help when a dog finds itself homeless, with no chance of getting adopted.”

“We never know how long a dog will be in our care; it could be weeks, months or years, but our aim is for every one of our older residents to enjoy their twilight years in the way that we would wish for

our own companion dogs; one of comfort, security and trust.

“For our puppies we strive to give them the best possible start in life. We provide a secure and stable environment where they can be best socialised and nurtured before going on to be placed in loving new homes. Our strapline ‘at beginnings and ends we’re their caring friends’ is our absolute mission.”

Dawn & Dusk currently has seven elderly dogs living out their twilight years in the comfort of their care. They have also nurtured five litters of unwanted and dumped puppies and helped to find them loving new homes.

Take Dolly, for example; she and her puppies are unlikely to have survived without the expert care provided by Dawn & Dusk. Dolly was living wild. She was pregnant, very traumatised and had a bullet in her knee. The association gave her specialist care and a safe

haven where she was able to have her puppies. She will never trust strangers but has a secure home with Dawn & Dusk for the rest of her life.

Pompom was Dawn & Dusk’s very first senior resident. He came via a local rescue organisation, after his owner died. Sadly, at 12 years old, he hadn’t had a great life; spending many years being chained up and bullied by another (free range) dog. Despite now being 14, Pompom remains a feisty terrier; he is on medication to support his heart function, his trachea is damaged from being tied up all his life and his eyesight and hearing are declining, but he continues to love life and lives his days in comfort, contentment and with the occasional adventure.

Meanwhile Frodo and his sibling Samwise were fostered by Dawn & Dusk via the charitable organisation Les Amis des Animaux, when they were around


seven weeks old. With the team’s considerable experience to hand the two puppies were given the very best start in life and were carefully found their perfect forever homes.

The association has a dedicated team of eight people, including Anke and Ali, behind it and has already built a strong network of volunteers too, bringing together French, English and Dutch, all in the name of a love for dogs. The volunteers not only help to care for the

canine residents but are also carrying out a range of DIY tasks to help renovate the new premises, to make the buildings safe and comfortable, and the land dog-proof.

There is still a great deal of work to do following the move, but much of this can only be carried out once funds are available. Once the new site has been completed there will be space ultimately to bring care, comfort and respite to even more residents.

n Dawn & Dusk relies solely on charitable donations and volunteers to carry out its vital work. To find out more, to make a donation or register your interest in providing a voluntary service please visit RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 APRIL – 29 MAY 2024 39

Popular seaside town named the UK’s best dog-friendly holiday spot

• New research has revealed which areas have the best holiday accommodations for dog owners – Eastbourne is top of the list

• The findings analysed the availability of relevant dog-friendly amenities in each area to discover where is best for our furry friends

• Eastbourne, Brighton, and Blackpool came out on top, whilst St Helen's and Wolverhampton were found to be the least dog-friendly

• An expert offers advice on how to find the best staycation spots for you and your dog this summer

New research has revealed which UK spots are the best staycation destinations for dog owners this summer – with this seaside spot taking the title.

Outdoor experts at The Hunting Terrain analysed availability of dog-friendly amenities in each location, such as pubs, cafes, shops, and hotels. The more places you can visit with your dog the higher the place ranked, with numbers scaled to reflect the area size. Eastbourne, on the southern coast,

was named as the best staycation destination in the UK for travelling with a dog. The town has 35 dog-friendly pubs, 57 shops, and 35 cafes and restaurants that you can bring your dog in to without issue.

There are beaches, parks, and plenty of hotels or Airbnb options with great ratings to explore with your furry friend. Next in the ranking was Brighton, another seaside resort with over 60 dog-friendly hotels on, so there’s no shortage of places to

choose from.

The third best dog-friendly staycation destination in the UK was Blackpool. This northern beach town is a great choice for enjoying a holiday with your dog, with five great dog-friendly beaches and over 40 hotels and B&Bs to check out.

Coming in at number four on the list was Bournemouth, another southern beach town that makes a fantastic destination for holidays within the UK. Here, you can find 13 dog-friendly


beaches, and 46 locations to book through

Finally, rounding out the top five is Portsmouth. This city makes it easy to bring your dog along to any activities with you, as there are nearly six different

beaches and 40 different dog-friendly pubs to enjoy.

On the other end of the scale, we also have the UKs least dog-friendly staycation destinations. Here we see cities like Wolverhampton, which has

almost no dog-friendly cafes, restaurants, or hotels listed.

Similarly, St Helen's only has one pub listed as being dog-friendly, meaning that if you were to take your dog on holiday with you to this town, you would struggle to find places to stay and eat.

Finally, Dudley was found to be the third least dog-friendly place in the UK, thanks to a lack of amenities that allow you to come in with your dog. There are still three hotels listed as being petfriendly however, so at least there would be a few places to stay.

Traveling with pets can be a great way to bring something new to the holiday experience, plus it means that you don’t have to struggle to find somewhere to board your dog whilst you go away. However, it also comes with additional complications.

Ethan King, spokesperson from The Hunting had this to say on the findings: “It comes as no surprise to me that seaside towns and cities would rank highest on our list of dog-friendly staycation destinations.

“People love taking their dogs to the beach, and you’re more likely to find restaurants and cafes on the sea front that are more relaxed around pet owners. However, that doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to find a good holiday spot away from the beach.

“When finding somewhere to travel to with your dog, just remember to do your research on whether there are going to be restaurants, pubs, shops, and even hotels that will allow you to bring your dog inside.

“It’s also super helpful to ensure that your dog is trained and non-reactive so that it is well-behaved whilst in these settings. Otherwise, you run the risk of being asked to leave, even if the venue is dog-friendly.”

n The full data is visible here: UK-bestdog-friendly -staycation-spots-index.xlsx RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 APRIL – 29 MAY 2024 41 Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR 11 TIMES WINNER OF ‘Product I can’t live without’ NO MORE PULLING l NO MORE RIDING UP l NO MORE RUBBING l NO MORE COMING OFF l NO MORE DISCOMFORT The Top Ten Most Dog-Friendly Destinations in the UK The Top Ten Least Dog-Friendly Destinations in the UK

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Following the cancellation of the 2nd day of DogFest 2024 outside of anyone’s control due to adverse weather conditions we have excess stock that we now need to sell to try and recoup some of our losses to support Doodles in foster and those needing to be rehomed. Please visit our shop where you will find many items in various colours and sizes including T-Shirts, Hoodies, Fleeces and other items in various sizes and colours available in DoodleAid’s online shop Doodle Aid gift shop — DoodleAid. Visit

Dirty Dog Shampoo Bar

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RedwingsIllustrated Mug

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Designed as a tasty snack or training treat for your four-legged friend. Made from dog peanut butter, the balls contain additional peanuts, chia seeds and apple puree and are positively delicious.* The balls are also grain, gluten and palm oil free. Visit or follow us on Instagram @peamuttbutteruk.

Gordon M8

His favourite things in life are walks, playing with his toys, food and snuggling with his trusted people.

He's a little bundle of potential that's just itching to blossom with a bit of guidance and a cosy bed to call his own.

Marvin M2

Marvin loves a soft toy and even better if it squeaks, a private garden where he can play with toys and run around off lead.

He walks well on his lead and enjoys human company so would suit someone at home most of the day.

Angus M3

We're looking for someone confident who can guide his energy in the right direction.

She's quite the charmer! With her fluffy curls and big brown eyes, she's got that classic cockapoo look that melts hearts.

Perrie F1 mth

I am ready to MOVE into my new home, at first I might find a new environment overwhelming but I will soon be settled and ready for hugs.

Milo M1-2

He would be best suited to an adultonly home or a home with older children/ teenagers that are used to being around dogs

Lucky's favourite thing in the whole world is her ball. She will roll it to you with her nose and will play for hours.

Mr Buster M4

Mr Buster is a little man with a big personality, he is so much fun to be around but has a cheeky attitude.

Rosie is quite an independent girl and will come to you as and when she wants, as she likes attention on her terms.

children, and Ronnie by your side exploring trails and taking on the outdoors.

whelming, but once I am settled I will be sure to make the best of friends!

She is an indoor cat who is very friendly and loves attention but does prefer to keep all four paws on the floor.

The cat who did not want to be touched or even looked at is now on the hunt for cuddles and kisses!

Our sweet Fluffy can be a sensitive soul, who finds meeting new people a little nerve-racking at times.

Georgie F7

Georgie will need a quiet, adult only home, where her new owners have the time and patience to build up Georgie's confidence.

He loves to play and interact and he has some Usain Bolt speed when he gets going. He could possibly live with cats or dogs.

Jelly is a home body who would like a garden to wander around in but most of all a readily available lap for some cuddle time.

He can be quite nervous of new people and new things so a quiet home with an experienced family would be good.

Has also shown herself to be a rather prolific

(and may use you as an obstacle to do so) which we just find just absolutely adorable! Are delighted to sponsor the Rescue Centres Re-Homing pictures on this Page Tel: 01952 245330

Mayhew Animal Home Tilly F1 Would thrive in a home where she can be provided with lots of mental/physical stimulation as well as outdoor adventures. Teddy M2 Despite losing one of his legs, he still enjoys a good game with his toys and loves going on adventures in quieter areas. Stitch M2 He would love a home where he could lead an active lifestyle, getting plenty of enrichment and physical/mental stimulation.
Battersea Dogs & Cats Home Daisy F1 Despite being a bit fussy with her food sometimes, ham is definitely the way to her heart and this is a great way to help her feel more at ease. Barnaby M8 mths Finds entertainment in every aspects of life - he is looking for active owners who will appreciate the antics of a bouncy, young dog. Chuck M8 Chuck would benefit from a private garden, with his new home having access to nice walking routes. Casanova M6 May come across as a bit shy and reserved at first but he will warm up to you quickly and before you know it steal a place in your heart. Sweetheart F1 mth
first I
find my new home over-
Scottish SPCA Seamus M4 As he is an energetic dog who loves to get his nose into everything, he would be best suited to an active home. Margaret Green Animal Rescue Ruby F7 Would make a great cani cross partner or for someone who loves long hikes across the countryside as she hasn't shown any signs of slowing down yet. Percy M2 Has been enjoying making new doggy friends and has a few friends that he enjoys playing in the field with, although he can't always keep up with them. Milo M3 When it comes to being in the home, Milo prefers to be able to have you all to himself, so is looking for a household without any other pets. Nugget M1 As this boy loves to run. Nugget would benefit from being a cani cross partner as he loves being mentally and physically stimulated.
sociable and likes to survey her kingdom from on high and when she feels safe will give you a nose-tonose sniff.
Imagine the joy of watching Misty unwind, indulging in peacefulness as she snuggles up after a day of adventure.
Misty F3
This little dynamo is all about companionship and quickly grows attached to her humans.
M1 Has all the makings of a great companion for someone with the know-how to channel his zest for life into fun, rewarding experiences.
Pickle F1
in your hair, the laughter of older
Ronnie M2
the wind
Jock M7 Jock's a senior chap with the heart of a pup, always up for walks, playtime, and any adventure you can dream up together. Blue M1
Danaher Animal Home
Grace F5 Lucky F2 Louie M1 Fluffy F3 Zara F10 Tuna M14 Boss M10 Jelly F6 Jake M13 Rosie F11 Pandora F3 RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 APRIL – 29 MAY 2024 43

Redwings uses #HelpaHorseDay to highlight horses up for rehoming

“Rehoming from Redwings helps not one, but three horses,” says charity as they highlight equines looking for a home this #HelpaHorseDay

Redwings Horse Sanctuary used #HelpaHorseDay (Friday 26th April) to highlight three horses they’re looking for new homes for.

Spirit, Quince and Etta have been available to rehome on the charity’s Guardianship scheme since February, but to date they have not had any applications.

The trio have been fully assessed by the charity’s veterinary team and are not suitable to be ridden but can provide vital companionship to other equines.

Rachel Angell, Redwings’ Head of Norfolk Equine Operations with responsibility for the rehoming scheme, said: “By rehoming from Redwings you are helping not one, but three horses.

“The Redwings horse finds a loving home, where they also provide that all-important companionship for another horse or pony. And crucially, their rehoming opens a space up for us to take in another equine who desperately needs our help.”

Spirit, a 14hh, five-year-old Standardbred, is a handsome gelding with a sweet nature. Spirit can be nervous in new situations but is very responsive to his handler and will look to them for reassurance, making him a rewarding horse to work with. Spirit cannot be left

without a companion and would be most suited to life on a quiet yard, or private home.

Quince, a 14hh,16-year-old Thoroughbred cross is a beautiful boy who is good to catch, lead and groom. He stands nicely for the farrier, vet and for routine care. He can be stabled at night, or live out 24/7, providing he is rugged appropriately in the winter. Due to his hoof conformation, Quince currently wears front shoes, and he will require these for the foreseeable future.

Spirit and Quince are available to rehome in Redwings’ rehoming area, covering Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Oxfordshire, Suffolk, Warwickshire and Worcestershire, in close enough proximity to the one of the charity’s sanctuary sites to facilitate home checks and any support needed in their new homes.

Etta, a 13hh, nine-year-old cob, is available to rehome in the Warwickshire area. Etta is friendly and sociable with other horses, making her an ideal companion. She can become worried when alone, so would be best suited as a companion to another non-ridden horse.

Rachel said: “Our larger companions like Spirit, Quince and Etta can sometimes be overlooked as companion horses compared to our smaller ponies, but if you are looking for a friend for your horse one of them could be the perfect fit. A companion of a similar size and type may be better matched in terms of their care needs, grazing requirements, and even simple things like being able to give each other a good mutual groom and scratch!”

Rehoming a horse from Redwings is free, apart from a deposit for their passport. All horses come with a report on their veterinary history, and any further information needed to set them up for success in their new home. Horses are rehomed on a long-term loan basis, where their Guardian takes on their daily care and costs, but Redwings retains ownership, so their Guardian has the peace of mind that they have a home for life in the Sanctuary if needed.

n Applications for Spirit, Quince and Etta can be made via the charity’s website here where all the horses and ponies available to rehome can be viewed.


Volunteers help get Festive Felix back on his paws after eye removal

An unlucky cat who needed his eye removed, as well as other vet treatments, has recovered and is ready for a home of his own thanks to volunteers who have cared for him since before Christmas.

Nine-year-old black and white Felix arrived at Cats Protection Teignbridge & Torbay Branch in late November from a care home where his owner had become unable to look after him any longer.

A vet check revealed Felix had glaucoma, an eye disease which damages the optic nerve and causes sight loss as well as pain. He also had an unhealed scab on his nose that needed investigation, dental problems, and polyps in his ear.

Luckily tests confirmed the scab was benign and the polyps simply needed monitoring but Felix required surgery on his teeth and his eye had to be removed.

Barbara Ellis, the branch’s coordinator, says: “Felix was a much-loved pet before arriving in our care and the change of circumstances along with the run of invasive treatments has been hard on him. Despite everything he has always been sweet and gentle but at first he slept all the time and was very uninterested in his surroundings, suggesting to us that he was in considerable pain.

“Once he had recovered from the eye removal operation and his dental d isease had been treated we saw the true Felix as he played with toys and explored in his foster home. He has flourished and is a proper lap cat who will make an excellent companion. We had a lovely

home lined-up for him which he was able to go to while he healed but sadly another change in circumstance meant he quickly came back to us and now we really want to find him his true forever home.”

Although Felix had been an indoor cat for some time, his fosterer has noticed Felix enjoys looking out of the window and it is likely he would enjoy access to a safe garden. He is used to a quiet environment, therefore a home without children or other pets would suit him best.

Felix’s veterinary bills and prolonged care amounts to over £2,600 and

because Cats Protection Teignbridge & Torbay is a small branch which fundraises to cover all its costs, the volunteers have set up an online appeal for anybody who would like to help them cover Felix’s treatments and care: alternatively anyone hoping to send Felix a treat or toy while he waits for his new home can do so via the branch’s wishlist:

n To offer Felix a home or find out more about the branch visit or call 03453 371 2723.

Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR 11 TIMES WINNER OF ‘Product I can’t live without’ NO MORE PULLING l NO MORE RIDING UP l NO MORE RUBBING l NO MORE COMING OFF l NO MORE DISCOMFORT
Felix healed from eye operation. Photo credit Cats Protection Close-up of Felix's eye before operation. RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 APRIL – 29 MAY 2024 45
Photo credit Cats Protection

Kennedy Wild Bird Food Ltd

8 Easy Ways to Attract Woodpeckers to Your Garden

Woodpeckers are among the most interesting birds known for their drumming sound and bright colours. Many of us have heard their sound while enjoying a day in the garden or a family picnic in the woods. Besides being fun to watch, do you know they are great ecosystem players and natural pest controllers? Not only these, but woodpeckers also bring many other perks for maintaining a garden’s natural appeal, and that’s why people love having them in backyards or gardens.

If you also want to attract woodpeckers to your garden, you need to put some effort into establishing a welcoming habitat for them. Let’s have a better understanding of woodpeckers and learn some easy ways to attract them.

About Woodpeckers

Over 200 species of woodpeckers are known worldwide! They belong to the bird family Picidae, which includes flickers, triphonas, and Melanerpes. Woodpeckers can be found in forests, woodlands, grasslands, deserts, and even gardens. Their strong beaks and sharp claws help them excavate cavities in trees for nesting and feeding.

These holes are often reused in subsequent years by other cavitynesting birds. Woodpeckers lay eggs (usually 2-8 eggs, depending on the species), and both parents participate in incubating the eggs and feeding the chicks.

From this, it's a bit clear why providing woodpeckers a welcoming habitat is important if you want them in your garden space. For rest deep knowledge, read the next section!

8 Ways That Help You Attract Woodpeckers

Get over the confusion of how to attract woodpeckers to your garden. Just by following the tips below, you can attract a broader range of woodpeckers to your garden.

Note: Before starting, ensure your space is bird-safe by keeping your pet away from that area.

1. Install Bird Feeders

Keeping a hanging feeder stocked with suet cakes, sunflower seeds, peanuts, and mealworms can entice woodpeckers to visit your garden frequently. Suet feeders attract woodpeckers to garden with highenergy food, while platform feeders accommodate their feeding habits. Offering various food options in wellplaced feeders can significantly increase woodpecker activity in your outdoor space.

2. Place A Clean Bird Bath

For woodpeckers to stay healthy and hydrated, you must provide them with a clean and shallow bird bath. They need water for drinking and bathing, especially during hot weather or dry spells. Consider adding a water feature with a drip or misting system to mimic natural sources, attracting woodpeckers to the garden.

3. Grow Native Trees & Plants

Woodpeckers are attracted to native trees and plants like oak, pine, serviceberries, elderberries and beech because they harbour insects like

beetles and ants, a staple in their diet. These trees also provide nuts and seeds that woodpeckers enjoy, especially during seasons when insect populations may be lower. Ensuring a continuous supply of natural food can create a suitable environment that encourages woodpeckers to visit and stay in your garden.

4. Create A Natural Habitat

Installing birdhouses designed for woodpeckers can provide additional nesting opportunities, especially for smaller woodpecker species. Place the birdhouses in quiet and sheltered areas, ensuring they are at appropriate heights and orientations for woodpeckers to access comfortably. These nesting sites encourage woodpeckers to stay and raise their young in your garden.

5. Say No To Pesticides, Go Organic

Avoiding pesticides and opting for organic gardening practices helps maintain a healthy ecosystem for woodpeckers and other beneficial birds. Pesticides can harm insect populations that woodpeckers rely on for food, disrupting their natural food chains. Adopting methods such as companion planting, soil health management, and natural pest control alternatives supports a balanced garden ecosystem conducive to woodpecker presence and well-being.

6. Maintain Dead Trees or Snags

Keep dead trees in your yard or create artificial snags by leaving tall dead

46 29 APRIL – 29 MAY 2024 RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE Cont. on p48

Our orginal ground feed mixture that's so adored by Robins, Blackbirds, Song Thrushes and all other ground feeding birds. Suitable for all year round feeding. Either scattetered on the floor or placed on a table or ground feeder. Contains no wheat. From£10.00

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With our specialised blending of a number of nutritional seeds, this mix is suitable for a large variety of birds. High in black sunflower thus providing oil and protein and meeting all essential feeding requirements. Suitable for all year round feeding. From£7.25

This blended suet

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Dried mealworms are a tasty treat for garden birds with all the nutrition of live mealworms without the 'worm factor'. Attractive to robins, blackbirds, thrushes and all other insect eating birds. Available in sizes ranging from 250g to 10kg. From£10.00

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This classic mixture was blended specifically with finches in mind. Contains a wonderful selection of the finest seeds and is suitable for all year round feeding. Best fed from seedfeeder or scattered on a bird table. Contains no wheat. From£9.00

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branches in place. Woodpeckers use these structures for foraging, drumming, and nesting, making them valuable features for attracting and supporting woodpecker populations.

7. Creating Drumming Surfaces in Your Garden

Consider strategically placing hollow logs or tall wooden pots to invite woodpeckers into your garden. Mimicking the resonant sound of drumming that woodpeckers create naturally, these structures attract curious woodpeckers searching for suitable nesting or foraging spots. The rhythmic drumming serves as an auditory element, drawing these fascinating birds to explore and make your garden their home.

8. Providing Nesting Materials

Enhance your garden's appeal to woodpeckers by offering nesting materials such as wood chips, dried grass, and feathers in designated areas. Woodpeckers utilise these materials to line their nesting cavities, creating cosy and secure spaces for their eggs. Especially the breeding pairs would be attracted to these essential nesting components.

Importance of Having Woodpeckers In Your Garden

Having woodpeckers in your surroundings can offer numerous benefits to you and your garden. Here, we will highlight the top factors that make these birds your garden’s best companions, so have a sight!

1. Nature’s Insect Hunters

These birds are well-known as natural pest controllers, as they feed on a variety of insects such as beetles, etc. Woodpeckers naturally reduce the need for chemical-based pesticides by feeding on pest populations in trees and gardens.


More Healthy Tree Growth

Woodpeckers maintain tree health as they excavate cavities in trees, stimulating new growth and improving overall tree vitality. Moreover, by foraging for insects under the bark of trees, woodpeckers can help prevent the spread of harmful tree diseases and infestations.

3. Support Biodiversity

By attracting woodpeckers to your garden, you create habitat opportunities for other cavity-nesting species, such as chickadees, nuthatches, and small owls. Increased biodiversity promotes ecosystem stability and resilience.

4. Seed Dispersal

Some woodpecker species consume fruits and berries, aiding in seed dispersal across different areas of your garden. This helps in natural plant regeneration and contributes to the diversity of vegetation in your outdoor space.

While primarily insectivorous, woodpecker species such as redbreasted Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus ruber) consume nectar and pollen. It is an act that will indirectly contribute to pollination in your garden.

5. Year-round Interest

Woodpeckers are often active

throughout the year, providing ongoing entertainment and interest for birdwatchers and garden enthusiasts regardless of the season.

How Does This Action Support Nature?

The Woodland Trust, a respected UK conservation charity, reports an 83% drop in breeding pairs of woodpeckers since the 1970s. This is likely due to habitat loss caused by deforestation, making it harder for these woodpeckers to find the necessary resources.

However, by cultivating woodpeckerfriendly gardens, you play a crucial role in preserving these remarkable birds and securing their future. In turn, woodpeckers reciprocate by naturally maintaining our gardens and trees free from pests, expressing their unique gratitude.


Turning your garden into a cosy spot for woodpeckers is fun and helps nature, too! These lively birds add colour and sound to your outdoors while keeping pests in check. By following these easy steps, you are not just attracting woodpeckers—you are creating a happy home for them and your garden.

n You can also know more about the woodpeckers in this detailed Woodpecker guide!

Cont. from p46 48 29 APRIL – 29 MAY 2024 RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE Bath Cats and Dogs Home
Bob M2 Would benefit from ongoing training. Daisy F3 In the right home she will flourish. Henry M5 He enjoys his walks with his canine pals. Little Lady F4 Enjoys meeting new people and a fuss. Mildred F6 On walks she likes to say hello to all. Alice F3 Looking for a quiet home where she can go for nice walks and spend time with her new family. Lennon M3 His favourite thing to do is play tug of war and he usually wins! His favourite food is pizza! Lucky M10 mths Needs to be left at home gradually and she will need help with her toilet training. Peanut F2 She could cope in a busier household and can live with calm children aged 11 years and above. Rosie F1 Super affectionate and playful and is going to make a wonderful addition to a home. Archie M2-5 He is looking for an energetic home that can keep him mentally and physically stimulated. Dogs Trust Boris M1 He is on his search for his forever family! Marvin M5-7
sweet older boy with plenty of energy to play with his favourite toys playing chase and tug! Jazz M2-5
boy the more time he spends with you the more his cheeky personality shows.
Mac M3 Would benefit from a home with patience. Mr B M16 Loves curling up on your lap for a snooze.

New animated series to air during Hedgehog Awareness Week

The British Hedgehog Preservation Society is delighted to announce a new animated series, voiced by Chris Packham, is set to launch online during Hedgehog Awareness Week (5th – 11th May)

The Littlest Hoglet is a stop-motion animated series about British hedgehogs and the dangers they face in our modern, urbanised world.

Inspired by BHPS’ award-winning film Hedgehog Close, each of the five episodes, voiced by Chris Packham and created by Liquona, features simple actions to help make Britain a more hedgehog friendly place, where the species can not only survive but thrive. Each weekday during Hedgehog Awareness Week, a new episode will be aired via the BHPS website and social media platforms so follow the Society on

Facebook, X, Instagram and LinkedIn for updates.

Fay Vass, chief executive for BHPS, said: “We’re really excited to be launching this mini-series during #HedgehogWeek this year – and to have the amazing Chris Packham on board too. Hedgehog populations are in serious decline, and we need to act now to reverse this – so we hope the story of The Littlest Hoglet will inspire people to create hedgehog highways and establish havens for our prickly friends.

“This Hedgehog Awareness Week we’ll

also be sharing tips on how to ‘welcome wildlife’ – by creating space for nature in your own gardens or green spaces and encouraging landowners such as schools and councils to do the same.”

As well as the series launch, Hedgehog Awareness Week will feature interactive daily competitions, celebrity videos, and new infographics kindly donated by The Future is Unmown.

n Find out more at

Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR 11 TIMES WINNER OF ‘Product I can’t live without’ NO MORE PULLING l NO MORE RIDING UP l NO MORE RUBBING l NO MORE COMING OFF l NO MORE DISCOMFORT RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 APRIL – 29 MAY 2024 49

Celebrity support and huge prize draw announced for Strangles Awareness Week 2024

Strangles Awareness Week (SAW) has announced a host of celebrity support for this year’s week of action against the infectious disease, plus an incredible opportunity to win a horse and rider prize bundle worth over £,6000.

Event riders William Fox-Pitt and Lucinda Green, dressage rider Richard Davison and equestrian influencer Riding with Rhi are working with the SAW collaboration this year to help inspire horse owners to adopt practical, routine steps that offer their horses effective protection against Strangles.

SAW is co-ordinated by a team of eminent equine welfare organisations, research institutes and companies, and in 2024 they are calling on the equestrian community to give their horses the BEST protection from Strangles:

• Boost immunity by vaccinating against Strangles

• Educate yourself and others

• Separate new horses

• Temperature check routinely

Each of the high-profile riders has worked with the collaboration to produce videos shining a spotlight on an element of the BEST actions. William Fox-Pitt, who is helping promote the importance of temperature checking routinely, said: “I am supporting Strangles Awareness Week because I would love to see us prevent more horses from experiencing this horrible disease by doing the BEST we can for our horses.”

During the week, horse owners will need to visit the Strangles Awareness Week webpage,, and correctly answer questions relating to the four BEST actions to be in with a chance of winning the prize bundle, for both horse and rider, worth over £6,000.

The bundle, made up of over 40 individual prizes, includes £250 Spillers feed vouchers, £250 Equilibrium vouchers, a body protector and riding helmet from Champion, a full outfit

worth £300 from Toggi, showjumps and poles from Red Bear Equestrian, an exercise sheet from Equidry, an enrichment bundle from Horselyx plus treats for the rider too with jewellery from Hi-Ho silver and a three-month subscription to Forelock and Fringe subscription boxes.

A full list of the prizes included will be found on the Strangles Awareness Week webpage. The competition will open on 6th May 2024 and close on 12th May 2024. Entrants must be residents of the UK and aged 18 and over, and full terms and conditions of the prize draw will also be found on the SAW competition page.

Lydia Duce, Campaigns Manager at Redwings Horse Sanctuary, who heads up the Strangles Awareness Week collaboration, said: “We are so grateful to William, Lucinda, Richard and Rhi for

voicing their support for SAW, and their time helping us to promote the BEST actions. As equestrians who strive for the best for their horses, they are hugely valuable voices to help show how we can all reduce the risk that Strangles poses to our horses and yards.

“We would like to express our sincere thanks to all the brands who have supported our prize draw. With such a huge prize to be won, we would encourage every horse owner to get involved, get to know their BEST actions, incorporate these into your horse's care, and take back control against this devastating disease.”

n For more information about Strangles Awareness Week 2024 please visit

William Fox-Pitt

Harlequin Melamine Feeding Dog Bowl

The George Barclay, Harlequin Feeding Bowl is produced using a combination of melamine and stainless steel. Available in Antique White and Pebble Grey. £9.99. Visit


Rescue/Adopt Cotton Shopper Bag

A beautiful strong lined shopping bag depicting a sighthound on the front cleverly made up with the words ‘ Rescue /Adopt’.

The bag is a Cream colour with Black coloured handles and a bold floral design inside. There is a small pocket 5.5 inches by 5 inches and a tag with a ring on it for keeping your keys safe.

The bag measures approx.17.5 inches long and 12 inches wide. Handle length approx. 13inches. £10.00.


Eliminating stubborn pet smells such as dog urine odour and cat smells that cling to furniture, Odor-Kill can get rid of almost any smell around your home. From £7.48. Visit

Puppy Toy Pack

Small bites Puppy pack 4 soft vinyl squeaky 8cm approx. £3.49. Visit

Luxurious, soft, padded, lined comfort with the strength of the Tensile tested materials, rings and clasp fastening to ensure your dog’s safety and comfort

Wipeable, washable if your dog gets muddy.£28.99. Attractive design is available in the following vibrant colourways: Red/Silver, Purple/Silver, Blue/Silver, Gold/Silver Dogmatic Padded Cushioned Webbing Headcollar

Leather Bookmarks/Tags

These are handmade by a local crafter Verity Nash. Made from genuine upcycled leather remnants and a metal eyelet. Comes in all three colours, black, yellow and chocolate. PLEASE STATE COLOUR REQUIRED WHEN ORDERING. Visit

More than 10,000 Visitors Flock to Hadlow College for Lambing Weekend!

Hadlow College welcomed more than 10,000 people over the weekend as it marked the arrival of Spring with another successful Lambing Weekend.

Hadlow College welcomed more than 10,000 people last weekend as it marked the arrival of Spring with another successful Lambing Weekend.

The two-day event has become a staple in the calendar for many in the South-East and this year’s edition didn’t disappoint.

Kent’s only rural and land-based college was a thriving hub of activity across both days (20 and 21 April), with people of all ages taking the opportunity to see an abundance of lambs gambolling around the College’s beautiful fields, and even visit the lambing sheds to see a newborn enter the world.

There was also the chance to see the many other animals the College looks after, which range from pygmy goats to meerkats and pay a visit to the National Centre for Reptile Welfare, which provides refuge and care for over 1,000 unwanted and vulnerable reptiles and amphibians.

Plenty more was on offer including tractor trailer rides, a birds of prey display, archery, fun fair rides and stalls, arts and crafts events and plenty of food drink stalls.

Chris Lydon, Vice-Principal of Hadlow College, says: “This was a fantastic weekend, and we are so privileged to be able to bring the community into our College to get an idea of what we offer

Hadlow College Farm Manager Tania Bucknell with two lambs

and to see our first-class facilities. We provide a huge range of courses across many land-based sectors, and this weekend demonstrated the calibre of students we produce. We look forward to welcoming everyone back next year.”

Hadlow College is Kent’s only rural and

land-based college. It is set in the beautiful surroundings of a large managed estate that includes over 265 acres of prime arable land, woodland, sports facilities, natural river, three commercial farms, established show gardens and horticultural glasshouses, lakes and other natural habitats. It offers courses covering Agricultural Engineering, Agriculture, Animal Management, Equine, Fisheries, Floristry and Horticulture.

n If you are interested in finding out more visit the subject list page of the College website or register for the Hadlow College Open Evening on 5 June

Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR 11 TIMES WINNER OF ‘Product I can’t live without’ NO MORE PULLING l NO MORE RIDING UP l NO MORE RUBBING l NO MORE COMING OFF l NO MORE DISCOMFORT

Great British Small Animal Census reveals health concerns

Burgess Pet Care polled more than 6,500 owners for strongest snapshot yet of domestic small animals

Small animal owners are calling for a bigger focus on their pets, as key health issues have been highlighted. Gut stasis, dental and respiratory problems are the leading causes of concern, identified through the first Burgess Pet Care’s Great British Small Animal Census.

More than 6,500 owners were polled in the in-depth study into ownership. The vital data covered the five welfare needs of companionship, health, environment, diet and behaviour. As well as providing a detailed snapshot into the UK’s small animal care trends, the survey has also highlighted key learnings and given a clear indication of issues to address. Health issues remain the primary reason for vet visits for rabbits and guinea pigs in the UK, with gut stasis seen the most common issue, where the digestive system slows or stops, and is often linked to improper diets, due to an imbalance in carbohydrates (from pellets and vegetables), and fibre (from hay).

A total of 35 per cent of visits were reactive. For the top species, rabbits,

65.9 per cent had at least one appointment a year, whereas less than a quarter of the second most popular species, guinea pigs, went to the vets annually.

The census found 76 per cent of owners did not have pet insurance, though 34 per cent of rabbit owners held it, compared to less than 9 per cent of those with guinea pigs.

Importantly, almost 88 per cent of rabbits and ferrets are vaccinated, with 83 per cent of rabbits neutered.

Dr Suzanne Moyes, Burgess Pet Care's in-house vet, said: “The incredible data delivered by the Great British Small Animal Census will really help us to shape the key messages owners need to hear. We're very excited by the findings of the study; we know so very many loving homes are provided for up and down the country, and greater awareness of the biggest health issues that can affect small species is to be encouraged.

“We now have the opportunity to further tailor the support we offer,

alongside the right products and advice on the ideal living environments.”

Responses were collated over a 12-week period between September and November last year, with 6,517 participants, invited via releases and social content, covering over 20,915 small animal pets.

Rabbit ownership topped the list, at 64.3 per cent, with 47.4 per cent providing homes to guinea pigs. Hamsters, rats and gerbils completed the top five species.

The top 5 most common health issue identified by small animal owners are revealed as:

1. Gut stasis

2. Dental problems

3. Digestive issues

4. Respiratory

5. Infections

n For more information visit RESCUE AND ANIMAL CARE 29 APRIL – 29 MAY 2024 53

Rescued animals rescue men from a life of crime

Stowed away to a sanctuary for broken animals in rural Somerset by rehabilitation charity Key4Life, ex-offenders from London break free from the pain of the past.

Agroup of ex-offenders (and men at risk of offending) from London retreated to Dials Green Farm animal sanctuary in Lottisham, Somerset on Tuesday 9 April, where they enjoyed one of the most restorative days of their lives connecting with rescued animals - including horses, donkeys, goats and pigs – who supported them to release the pain of the past.

The morning animal therapy workshop – marking the launch of the latest 7Step rehabilitation programme with crime-prevention charity Key4Life - included equine therapy with rescued horses to help the young men release negative behaviour patterns as they took the tentative first steps of their recovery journeys. The day culminated with a blustery walk up the nearby Glastonbury Tor, the wind symbolically blowing away the young men’s troubles as they climbed the iconic hill towards a brighter future.

Eva Hamilton, Founder & CEO of Key4Life, said: “For many of these young Londoners – some of whom come from broken homes – this was their first opportunity to directly encounter horses and farm animals. The tender moments of connection they experienced with

these mistreated rescued animals were very healing and reflected back to them the challenges they had faced in their own lives.”

Grooming the horses, the men experienced what it’s like to be around such enormous animals, and then working in pairs with their allocated Key Mentors (previous programme participants) guiding them, they practised leading the horses and steering them towards drinking water.

“I’d never been around horses before, it was beautiful!” said Justice, a 21year-old participant from London. “I felt very attuned with them. And stroking a donkey and goat felt soothing for the soul.”

“Supporting the young men to work with the horses felt amazing,” said Truman, a Key Mentor in training. “When you’re from the city, you’re not around horses so much and they unlock your mind and help you let go of emotions.”

Nina Harris, Founder of the Dials Green Farm animal sanctuary said: “What a brilliant day - the warm interaction between the rescue animals and the young men said it all. There was great empathy from the lovely young men which of course brought out the best in

the animals. Despite the very high winds, the rescue race horses remained calm and engaged throughout. It’s a symbiotic process twixt man and beast!”

Other key stages of key4Life's 7-step model include:

• Music therapy

• Mentoring (supporting the men with their recovery)

• Working with families

• Employability training, work placements and employment

• Training the men to become Key Mentors so they can use their experience to benefit others starting out on their rehabilitation journeys

Shaqai, a 17-year-old participant, whose father now works for Key4Life after a life in and out of prison, said: “Having seen where involvement with crime led my father and brother, I don’t want to make the same mistakes. I want to surround myself with good people, doing good things, like my father is now – and Key4Life can help with that.”

n For more information about Key4Life visit

If you’d like to change a young man’s life by making a donation, visit: arity/129217

Participants leading Horse Participant with Pig Justice with Horse


If you would like to place an advertisement call our animal friendly team on 07885305188 RESCUE CENTRES DESIGNER KENNELS To place an advert please call our animal friendly team on 07885305188 Blue Cross Bernie F3 This social butterfly loves company and will keep you entertained with her playfulness. If you are looking for a bundle of fun then please apply. Buddy M10 He is an active little boy who loves his walks and a playtime but what he craves more than anything is a home where he will have company most of the day. Howie M3 He is looking for a new family who can provide him with home comforts as well as the opportunity to play. He loves a fuss and stretching out on his cosy bed. Snoops F1 Is looking for a quiet home with a nice secure garden that she can explore at her leisure. She is used to walking on and off lead. She is a little wary of larger dogs. Lexi F2 Once settled, Lexi could be left home alone for a few hours and is house trained, asking when she needs to go out. She loves chilling out on the sofa after a nice walk.
F2 She would be best suited in a home with older children who will be able to engage with her training and manage her exuberant personality. Are delighted to sponsor the Rescue Centres Re-Homing pictures on this Page Tel: 01952 245330

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