Spotlight on Galloway June 2013

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"THEY WILL KNOW WE ARE CHRISTIANS BY OUR LOVE, BY OUR LOVE..." As a church community, there are many ways we show the love of Christ to each other. One very special and rewarding way is to serve with The Mary and Martha Guild. Our ministry is simple and straightforward. We offer a meal for the family and close friends of the deceased on the day of the funeral or memorial service, served either at a home or at the church. If you feel called to join us and would like to serve on one of our four teams, please let us know by contacting Pat Ammons at or 601‐856‐5410 or Pat Cothren at or 601‐366‐3309.

WHAT IS NEW IN THE HEALTH & WELLNESS MINISTRY? Do you know your numbers? Not the 1, 2, 3’s, but your cholesterol, glucose, and BP numbers. The Health and Wellness Ministry is interested in Healthy Living. Click on Health and Wellness under Congregational Life and Care and you will find a link to Southern Remedy’s Healthy Living program. This ministry will provide our homebound members with a medicine card in order for them to have a quick reference to their medicines that they currently take. Plans are underway for a short informative program during Sunday lunch and Wednesday night in the fall. This will be a surprise! The Health and Wellness Ministry also maintains a Healthy 2013 bulletin board on the fourth floor at the top of the middlestair case (topics change monthly). Look around the Gathering Area and you will find several brochures on health promotion topics. Check it all out and begin a plan for a healthier you.

DO YOU LIKE TO COOK? Caring Cooks of Galloway prepares, freezes, and Dale Hunt delivers frozen casseroles to church members who are sick, have illness of a close family member, or have experienced a death of a loved one. Carmon Vestal maintains the list of volunteers and contacts volunteers when the supply of casseroles is low. The volunteer chooses his/her own recipe. The casseroles are delivered to the church and placed in the Print Room freezer until they are needed.


This is a very simple ministry that does not take a lot of anyone’s time but it means much to those who receive a casserole. This is a wonderful way to say to Galloway families that Galloway cares. More volunteers are needed. The more volunteers we have, the less often one is called on to prepare a casserole. You can add your name to the volunteer list by calling Carmon Vestal, 601 366‐7187. Carmon will fill you in on details. Aluminum pans and instructions are kept in the Gathering Area for easy access. Look for a sign ‐up sheet on the Congregational Care bulletin board.

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