NRL April 2014

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Official Publication of The Nashville Rose Society Serving Rose Enthusiasts Throughout Middle Tennessee

April 1st NRS Meeting at Cheekwood 6:30 PM Beginners Program: Spray Program & 7:15 PM 911 Wildlife april 2014 Volume 47, Issue 3

Affiliated with the American Rose Society -

NRS News NRS Spring Rose Show Vendor Night New Dates! Success In an effort to counteract the afA big “Thank you” to all of our vendors: Beaty’s Fertilizer - Compost Farm Dickens Turf and Landscape - Remarkable Roses - Southern Nurseries w/ Ron Daniels - and Nature’s Choice Compost. While listening to our vendors share the knowledge, Clayton Beaty mentioned some of the new products they are developing and expect to bring to market soon. One notable product being tested is a new spreader sticker that will provide trans laminar properties. Sounds pretty awesome! Last but least, a mega thanks to NRS member Gary Spencer for organizing another successful Vendor Night that helps raise funds to support the Nashville Rose Society.

fects of an abnormally hard winter the dates of the Nashville Rose Society spring rose show have been changed to June 14th and 15th. The rose show will still be held at the Cheek Botanical Garden and Museum of Art.

Exhibitors and volunteers of the rose show have free admission as usual. For anyone not exhibiting or volunteering that wants to attend the rose show can also receive free admission if you are a member of the American Rose Society, Horticultural Society of Middle Tennessee , or Cheekwood.

Garden Polygamy by: Scott Worch It is high time we break from the old traditions and really get into Polygamy. Our first step is to tell our spouse’s. I would suggest the straightforward, direct approach. Wait till they are somewhat distracted, with Facebook and the Bachelor on is often, use these words “Honey, I have thought about this a lot and its time we start having Polygamy in the garden”. Ok, now welcome back. You were out for about 15 minutes. It may be a concussion but you can have that checked later. Your spouse is now paying full attention to you and the explaining can begin. “Honey we need more marriages of plants”. Textures, colors, smells and heights and widths are what we need.

For more information, contact Sam The proper term is Polyandry, a female and Nancy Jones – Co-Chairs at having more then one mate. The “Queen; or nancypj@ of the Garden” is the rose but I have seen many gardens with the queen, all-alone, no other flowers with in two

Pick-up Fortuniana Roses

Vendor Night Chairman, Gary Spencer (left) with the representatives from Dickens Supply.

No Fooling! If you were smart and took advantage of the NRS Fortuniana Rose Sale, April 1st is the day you have been waiting for so be sure and be at Cheekwood to pick up your roses. Charles Lott and Tom Beath will be driving to Tuscaloosa and back next Tuesday with a truck load of beautiful roses. If for some reason you can’t be there please make arrangements with Charles so your roses will not be left stranded. (Cont’d on page 4)

President’s Column

WANTED NRS PRESIDENT Ask not what your rose society can do for you but what you can do for your rose society. Yes, we are still in need of a leader. It’s not that hard so as you read this think about what the Nashville Rose Society means to you and serving as the 2014 NRS President is a great way to give back. One way to look at 2014 is there are only eight months left so your term is already thirty three percent complete! Any excuse about not being qualified is simply unacceptable because the only qualification is a willingness to serve. You will be surrounded by a great support team that makes the task a lot easier than you think so pick up the phone right now and let us know we can count on you!

Perennial Plant Sale April 5: 2014 Perennial Plant Sale, Tennessee State Fairgrounds, Nashville. Doors open at 9:00 a.m. Free admission. Parking fee $5. Over 450 varieties of plants for gardens big and small. Plus expert advice on choosing and growing the perfect plant from PPS gardeners. For more details and a full plant list visit Questions? Call 615-804-9050 or contact: Mariwyn Evans, 312-259-6350 or


Editor’s Desk The first time my mother informed me that we were stopping by a nursery, I was skeptical. My last trip to a “nursery” ended with a new baby sister that I had specifically protested against hoping to maintain my long-standing status as “the baby”. It was at a hospital nursery where I first learned that contorted facial expressions and my disdain for being a “middle sister” had nothing at all to do with whether or not baby Shauna was coming and STAYING home with our family. The word “nursery” still burned in my memory with suspicion. I wailed and whined making sure my mother knew I had no interest in bringing home anything else from a nursery. Meanwhile, she employed the same indifference I was subjected to during my first nursery experience. Thankfully, this nursery was clearly different than a hospital nursery. It was overflowing with plants and flowers with nary a baby in sight. The only thing I truly knew about flowers at the time was that if mom gave you the “hands off” look, you best not pick one. Within no time, I realized that nurseries were not much different than the yards of little old ladies…. full of non-pickable flowers. There was little point in making a fuss but I didn’t mind because my mother said we would only be a “few minutes” … which was great news to me because I had been ready to leave a “few minutes” ago. I remember watching my mother pick up little pots filled with greenery. Some she would lift to her nose, some she would just turn in her hand to inspect, but each and every one she handled produced a private little grin on her face. Of course, being all of six years old at the time, my only mission was instant relief from boredom. Hoping to snap her out of this trance, I began to bring the ugly side of plant life to her attention. “Oooh…. there’s a bug on this one…. This one looks spooky…. Oh No… is that a bee? I bet this one is poisonous… you know how “the baby” is always putting everything in her mouth…” Just about then my mother

nashville rose leaf, APRIL 2014

knelt down and met me face to face. She didn’t say a word. She didn’t have to. This was not the “don’t you dare pick that” look. This was the really bad one. This expression always elicited a conditioned response to immediately cross my hands over my backside. Only those who are fortunate enough to understand the meaning of the word “spanking” can understand the understanding my mother and I immediately came to that day. I’m sure if she were here to share her side of the story she would continue to insist we were only there for a “few minutes” but my childhood recollection maintains the event as a prolonged one. Since that time, the only thing that hasn’t changed is the reality that everything does. Nowadays, when I find myself in a nursery, I feel that familiar grin spread across my own face each time I lift a pot of greenery from a shelf. I have to wonder if my mother would be amused with the trance-like state I exhibit while in a nursery. Would she give me her “I told you so” look if she (Cont’d on page 3)

ARS Membership Every rosarian should be a member of the American Rose Society. The benefits far outweigh any costs. A full membership is only $49 a year. A four month trial membership is $10 (or $5 for current NRS members). And last but not least the ARS also offers a free e-membership. So no matter what your budget, there is no excuse for not getting plugged into the ARS. To sign up you may complete the online form at or call toll free at 1-800-637-6534.

Whistling Through the Graveyard

April Meeting

By Gene Meyer, Consulting Rosarian We had a great turnout for the pruning party at Mona Mishu’s rose garden. And yes they are all still there, hundreds of roses, roses everywhere. Someone told me there used to be more but I can’t imagine. She had a gardener there pruning and cleaning up the beds but you can believe that that job is never done. In our allotted time of two hours we pruned two very large beds. There was a lot of winter damage on some of the roses. Many were pruned to the root ball. Many of those were showing basal breaks starting, thank goodness. As usual those there to learn how to prune were horrified at how much we pruned. My old foe Rouge Rosette made an appearance at out pruning party. It seems the newbies all wanted to talk about it. What is it? What’s it look like? What do I do if you have it? Several people asked me if I had pruned my roses yet. I said no, not yet. Any other year I would have been done up to 3 weeks ago. I had casually looked at my roses and told my-

self “the winter damage isn’t too bad”. About a week ago I pulled the mulch back from around to base of the roses so they could start to breath. I did see some winter damage then but “it’s not too bad”. Well I got home Saturday and had lunch and decided the weather was too nice and I was still feeling fit after two hours of pruning so I pruned my hybrid tea bed. Yeah, I was “whistling through the graveyard” when I told myself the winter damage wasn’t too bad. When you wade in there with a critical eye, all becomes readily apparent. As I told several people at the pruning party, “you can’t wish it undead”. I put down my Epsom salts and now pray for some basal breaks to bring some of my roses back to life. My Earth-Kind and OGR’s are supposed to ship this week so I’m really excited about putting in the garden at the Brentwood Library. I am having a seminar April 16th at 1PM at the library with the subject of “How to Grow Roses without Chemicals”. And yes, that is the beginner’s workshop subject of the April meeting. See you there!

Editor’s Desk (Cont’d from page 2) heard me leaving S&W nursery every year proudly proclaiming that I was bringing home this year’s babies? No wonder they call them nurseries!! Who knew I would be the one to so easily turn a “few minutes” at a nursery into a day-long event? And who ever would have guessed that I would grow to love nurseries and the joy of taking home their “bundles of joy.” I have even long overcome my resistance to that particular bundle of joy my parents named Shauna who now stands as one of my life’s most priceless treasures. So, here we are in the present day as I count down the days until my new Fortuniania roses and I will meet for the

first time. I am particularly touched and grateful that Charles Lott and Tom Beath are willing to embark on a 500 mile journey in order to haul a trailer full of roses to a select group of people who find themselves smitten with roses. Because we could not make our way to the nursery, these sweet, dear men are bringing the nursery to us. This is likely all for the best. Jim learned a long time ago that when I go into a nursery for “a few minutes” he is wise not to wait in the car, lest I spend more than a “few dollars.” Thank you again, Charles and Tom, please drive safely! -Starla & Jim Harding

The Beginner’s workshop will cover the basics of rose care and will be presented by Master Rosarian Marty Reich. What makes Marty’s program’s so great is that while she is an absolute wealth of rose knowledge, she also knows how to keep it simple so make sure to be there at 6:30 with your note pad in hand.

Laura Wise The main program thyat begins at 7:15 PM will feature Laura Wise, General Manager of 911 Wildlife who will talk about “Critters In The Garden” and the basics behind their behavior and how to prevent problems. As gardeners we all struggle at some point with one varmint or another, so come listen and learn about humane wildlife solutions for home gardeners. Laura is originally from San Diego, CA but has lived the last 20 years in Texas. She moved to the Nashville area in August 2013 and bought a house on 5 acres in Murfreesboro where she has a horse a donkey, two dogs and two cats (all rescues!) Her professional background of the last 10 years was as an Animal Services/Animal Control supervisor in the Dallas and Austin areas of Texas. She worked frequently in conjunction with 911 Wildlife back then for wildlife issues that were outside the scope

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Garden Polygamy by: Scott Worch (Cont’d from page 1) a problem unless you let it get that way. During our clean up or fertilizing times should be enough to keep them in control. Several of the before mentioned plants like well drained soil, so watering them during the dry months will keep them fresh and full. Like roses don’t keep their feet wet. There is one I will strongly not recommend, Thyme. It is great for paths and on its own but will quickly take everything over. Violas can be the same way (though I just love their happy faces).

yards of her. Why? She can hold her own against any flower and if we are planting right they will make her shine when she is in bloom and shield her when she is not.

Sedum Acre not the tall spikes.

To my eye, contrasts are fantastic, this drives Cindy nuts. There is a reason for this. In male DNA we have 1 chromosome to see green and 1 for red normally. Females on the other hand have 2 of each as the norm or a combination of 2 to 1. This is why it’s very rare to find a woman that is color blind. They can see shades of colors men can not see but I’m not here to discuss this issue…lets get back to the plants and examples.

Armeria (to 12”) Pink or white

Low and Spreading.

Snow in Summer (to 3”)

These are a great go to for easy care. These do not compete at all for the attention of the eye up close but shine from a distance. Filling in the voids with color. They help to retain moister and shade the ground during the hot months.

Lamb’s Ears (to 16”)

Sweet Woodruff (to 12”) White Blooms

Ice Plant, Asters, Scotch Moss and many others.

Brass Buttons (to 6”) Interesting color Sedum (to 3”) The low growers like 4

Hens and Chicks (to 4”) Unusual yes? Soapwort (to 12”) Bright pink

Creeping Phlox (to 12”) can get shabby in the hot months but with the watering of the rose it should offset that.

Now for some height, these will be used to show the rose or shield when not in bloom. When I say shield I am in no way suggesting they be put in front of a rose. They are being used to give the color while the rose recharges for the next bloom cycle or in its growth stage. This is also where choosing “your” style and color palette come into play. The Tall and the Show Candy Tuff (to 14”) not mentioned with ground cover due to the large mounding habit and great spring show; white and Pink or a mixture of both.

Barren Strawberry (to 8”) Yellow Photos Courtesy of Scott Worch

Prostrate Veronica (to 12”) Leadplant (to 12”) Leaves turn Burgundy in fall so two seasons of color.

Speedwell (Georgia Blue) is a favorite with me. Dwarf Iris (6” to 12”) many colors to choose from

Keep in mind you need to keep these out from under your roses but it isn’t

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Day Lilly (12’ to 36”) I am not talking about the old Stella d’oro. There is such a huge selection of colors, both re-blooming and single bloom to choose from. This should be a must for all show gardens.

Garden Polygamy

March Highlights

by: Scott Worch (Cont’d from page 4) Echinacea and Rudbeckia (12” to 36”) many colors to choose from. Reseeding and the bee’s, butterfly’s and Finches love them. Many members of the Asteraceae family can fit the bill for this. Asters, Daisies, Mums, etc. Clematis (Vine) several colors available. Plant with climbers or large shrub roses so it can vine up them.

Iris (12” to 36”) Like the Day Lilly so many colors to choose from (including blue). Many species of Iris: German (Bearded), Siberian, Japanese, Wild (known as Flag) and Louisiana (Which do not have to have their feet wet to grow) Gladiola’s (24” to 60”) was my father’s favorite flower. These big boys need to be behind the rose or used to frame it in maybe a semi-circle.

As you can see there are just too many great plants to marry with roses. I am sure you have a favorite somewhere in your garden that you are not letting grow with others. Everybody loves a true formal garden for what it is, to walk it and show it off is what it was structured for, but our hearts normally belong to the Cottage gardens of old with plants sitting in clusters and colors galore, like a painting from Rembrandt and the gardens of England and France. It’s time for Polygamy in the garden.

The daughter and mother team behind Remarkable Roses at Vendor Night

NRS Member, Ron Daniels, a.k.a. the Hardest Working Man in the rose business. Feature speaker at the Nashville Lawn & Garden Show

Ground Cover Roses (12” to 24”) nothing like more roses.

Ron still answering people’s questions one hour after his presentation was done

Ron at it again - demonstrating how to prune roses at Vendor Night. Thank you Ron!

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April Rose Care By: Jim Harding Winter Protection - After the hard winter it is finally time to remove any winter protection. It is worth mentioning to be careful when removing the winter protection because there may be a future Queen hiding underneath in the form of a basal break! These are fragile new canes growing out from the bud union. pH - One thing I have learned from ARS Master Rosarians like Marty Reich, is that no matter how much fertilizer you apply - organic or chemical - your roses cannot receive the full benefit if the soil’s pH is off. The only way to be sure is to have your soil tested either with a pH meter or by sending a sample to your local agricultural extension office. The closer the pH is to 6.5 the better. Too low, add 1 cup dolomite lime around the drip line of each bush. Too high, add sulfur in the same manner. Whatever adjustments you make be sure to scratch the lime into the soil because the lime needs to be in contact with the soil in order to become effective. If you want to learn more about pH and roses, reference your July 2011 issue of the Nashville Rose Leaf for Marty’s pH 101 Basics article or at july_2011

Fertilizing - Now that you know the pH in your rose beds, it is okay to think about fertilizing your roses. Fertilizing established bushes should be started in the spring after the winter cover is removed. As stated earlier there are two basic types of fertilizer, organic and chemical. Both types can yield excellent results. Organic methods are slow but sure. Chemical fertilizers are faster acting; especially ones that are water soluble. Some rosarians prefer an all natural method using materials like composted manures, alfalfa meal, cotton seed meal, fish meal, bone meal, blood meal, worm castings and liquid seaweed or kelp. Other good options 6

are products like Mills Magic Rose Mix that contains many of these materials already pre-mixed (scratch in 2-3 cups into the soil around each large bush, 1 cup per miniature). Also add Gypsum and Epsom Salt around each bush. Gypsum naturally contains calcium sulfate. The calcium builds strong stems. Sulphur makes the other nutrients work better by sweetening the soil and helping remove salt buildup left over from chemical fertilizers. Use 1 cup for a hybrid tea and ½ cup per miniature rose. Epsom Salt contains magnesium sulfate to make the stems stronger, encourage the growth of basal breaks, and make clearer and brighter colors in the blooms. Use 2-3 tablespoons per rose. Chemical fertilizers also offer excellent results. For rosarians with limited time a simple application of a timed release fertilizer like Osmocote or Mills Bloomkote is a great way to deliver the right amount of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium needed for your prized roses. The novice rose grower can do very well using a good balanced fertilizer that has an equal percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, such as 10-10-10 or 13-13-13. Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations to avoid burning your roses. Pruning - This past winter was tough on our roses, especially the hybrid teas. For some reason most of us struggle with a hard pruning but in more cases than not, this is likely what you will end up doing. (see photos on back cover). Regardless of how far back you have to prune to get to clear white pith in the canes, the primary goal of pruning is to improve the health of the bush, so focus on removing all dead, damaged, or diseased canes, and by removing all twiggy growth (stems smaller than the diameter of a pencil). Spraying - If you haven’t already done so step one is to clean up. The spores for these diseases tend to over-winter on any old leaves, diseased canes, or other

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debris so keep your rose beds clean throughout the growing season. The first leaves have started to emerge so to make sure our garden gets off to a good start our roses got their first does of fungicide of the year. Our spray program includes a preventive fungicide like Banner Maxx mixed with fungicide that kills diseases like blackspot like Manzate, (aka as Mancozeb, Pentathalon, etc). The exception are rugosa roses which should never be sprayed. While I do not know of any research that supports alternating fungicides, it is a practice I have adopted after learning about how spider mites can build up a resistance to a singular miticide. So I rotate between three preventive fungicides. Seems to work fine, but the real key is maintaining a consistent regimen regardless of what fungicides you use. Bugs - The only real pest in the garden this time of year are aphids. In years past these little buggers have already made an appearance but notg a one is sight so far this spring. I tend to not worry too much about the aphids unless I see a bunch of aphids and then I just lightly pinch the tender new growth and squish and wipe the guts on the back of Starla’s shirt when I pretend to give her a hug. Watering - April showers bring May flowers, but if April doesn’t bring any showers and you do not provide your own showers then you will have no flowers in May. In other words the roses need water. Calendar - Last but not least trying to remember when you last sprayed or fertilized your roses is tough enough, but remembering exactly what chemicals or fertilizers you used can be down right impossible. Avoid any confusion and get yourself a rose calendar to record everything! If you still have questions and want to avoid some of the mistakes that Starla and I have made don’t hesitate to refer to page 7 and reach out to the consulting rosarian nearest you.

A Rose Lover’s Calendar


NRS, Tenarky, & ARS Coming Events

For membership in the


American Rose Society

NRS Meeting at Cheekwood - Pickup Fortuniana Roses!!! 6:30 PM Beginners Workshop: Best Rose Practices Using Chemicals 7:15 PM - Main Program: Laura Wise from 911 Wildlife

you can go to



NRS Meeting at Cheekwood 6:30 PM Beginners Workshop: Growing Roses w/o Chemicals 7:15 PM - Main Program Bowling Green Rose Society Rose Show Contact: or visit



NRS Meeting at Cheekwood 6:30 PM Beginners Workshop 7:15 PM - Main Program

ARS Consulting Rosarians

14-15 NRS Spring Rose Show at Cheekwood

South Nashville Leann Barron Marty Reich*

Nashville Rose Leaf is printed by: The Print Authority, Brentwood, Tennessee


Nashville Rose Society is a 501c-3 organization and all contributions to the society are tax-deductible. Contributions may be made as memorials or to honor some person, group or occasion. Checks for contributions should be made payable to Nashville Rose Society and mailed to: MILLIE DOLINGER 59 Vaughn’s Gap Rd. Nashville, TN 37205 (615)352-3927

Nashville Rose Leaf

The Nashville Rose Leaf is published eleven times annually by the Nashville Rose Society, Nashville, TN Editors: Jim & Starla Harding, Sam Jones & Leann Barron Editorial Advisory Committee: Marty Reich

(615) 269-0240 (615) 833-0791

West Nashville Tom Beath (615) 481.3589 Keith Garman (615) 352-6219 Sam* & Nancy Jones (615) 646-4138

Nashville Rose Society 2011 Officers President Vice-Pres Gene Meyer........(615) 373-0303

Brentwood Area Cecil* Ward Gene Meyer

(615)373-2245 (615) 373-0303

Cor. S’ty Millie Dolinger.....(901) 628-7137

Franklin Area Anne Owen* (615) 794-0138 Logan* & Joan Shillinglaw(615) 790-7346 Robbie*&Marsha Tucker(615) 595-9187

Nashville Rose Society Membership

Hendersonville Area Ron Daniels (615) 330-7083 Jack Wedekind (615) 824-8696

Treasurer Gary Spencer......(615) 662-3819 Rec. S’ty Hayes Gibson .......(615) 794-1708

We are a non-profit organization serving the middle Tennessee area to educate persons on growing and exhibiting roses. Membership is open to everyone who supports the objectives of the organization. Annual dues of $20.00 per household include a subscription to The Nashville Rose Leaf, the official newsletter of the society. To join, send a check payable to Nashville Rose Society to: Marty Reich, 5020 Dovecote Dr., Nashville, TN 37220-1614 Phone: (615) 833-0791; E-mail:

Disclaimer: While the advice and information in this newsletter is believed to be true and accurate at the time of publication, neither the authors nor the editor(s) accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The Nashville Rose Society makes no warranty, expressed or implied with respect to the material contained herein.

Murfreesboro Area Dillard & Diane Lester(615) 896-0203 Columbia Area Lyle Worsham*

(931) 388-4547

Lebanon-Watertown Area Jeff Harvey (615) 268-7089 Jennifer Harvey (615) 268-7032 Denise Thorne (615) 237-9757 Duck River-Centerville Area Larry* & Connie Baird(931) 729-5259 Manchester Area Cindy Worch

(931) 723-2142

*Indicates ARS Master Rosarian

nashville rose leaf, APRIL 2014



5020 Dovecote Drive Nashville, TN 37220-1614 Address Service Requested

NRS Pruning Party


by: Jim Harding

Photos Courtesy of Ken Wood

Photos Courtesy of Jim Harding

Thank you to Mona Mishu for hosting the pruning demonstration at her home on Saturday, March 15th where NRS members showed the do’s and don’ts of pruning roses. After one of the hardest winters in years there was a lot of interest in learning what to do!

Me of little faith. A week later, after a close inspection of the same rose, my faith in Mother Nature and Lyle Worsham was met with renewed hope. At the base of the gnarly bud union, was the bright pink red break of a new cane emerging from a rose that I had little hope for just one week before, (bottom photo). So, as you butcher your roses this spring, don’t give up hope when the results of your pruning have reduced them to nubs.

NRS Master Rosarian, Marty Reich, shows everyone what to look for before starting to prune

NRS Consulting Rosarian, Gene Meyer, demonstrates the proper use of a pair of loppers. After one of the hardest winters in decades, the loppers were used on more roses than not this spring

The roses that I thought were put to bed with care last fall looked pretty rough when I walked out into the garden a few weeks ago. After a long hard winter, there was more dead canes than I had ever seen. The photo above was a typical example. After pulling the mulch away from the base of the rose I commenced hacking and whacking away to remove the winter’s carnage. Chop after chop, cut and cut, revealed only more deadness. The famous words of Lyle Worsham, of “cut it back until you think you killed it... and then cut it back some more” meant very little when all that was left of the rose were mere nubs, (top right photo).

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