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Canadian small business.

This Conservative / Liberal sellout, will force over 200,000 Two Hundred Thousand Canadian small business out of business. The Conservative / Liberal free trade deal of the 80’s squeezed out 300,000 Three Hundred Thousand Canadian small business, out of business. Canadian business will not be able to compete with large American companies for financing. 70% of ALL CANADIAN JOBS are created by SMALL BUSINESS

Canadian Military Will be forced into American wars for profit, the Liberal & Conservatives got us into the war in Afghanistan so oil companies and weapon dealers can make large profits like Locked Martin (The makers of Harper's fighter planes) (See Fahrenheit 911 documentary) Canadian Military Families and Veterans benefits will be cut, much more than they have already have been cut. In the US many Military Families depend on food banks to have enough FOOD to Eat. (They do this now in the US.) This is Harpers plan for your future! Regardless of what they say or show you on TV, the Conservative and Liberal parties are backed and financed by the same companies, banks and special interest. They are the same cereal, just different boxes, so you think you have a choice.

Your Grandparents, your Parents worked and struggled to build this unique diverse tolerant compassionate Nation. You are working and struggling to build a better future for your children and they will build the future. Canada of ours. It belongs to you and your children; it is not the personal property of Steven Harper to selloff. Canadians cannot let this Judas sell our future off for 30 pieces of silver. This

The power is in your hands, at your finger tips, to protect what we have, what we share. It is in your hands,

decent. IF YOU DO NOT STOP THEM they will eat away your rights, your freedom, your liberty. Just like termites when you finally see what is happening, all you have left is dust.

do what is right, what is

I created the National Non Profit Party to improve the lives of Canadians and protect your future. The NNPP will Cancel all the free trade sellouts, all the backroom deals that have stolen your money and future, we will investigate every deal and every corrupt kick back contract the Conservative and Liberal governments have done all the way back

We will shine a light so far up their ass their eyes will glow! The National Non Profit Party, to the 80’s.

http://nationalnonprofitparty.ca/ The political party for people who hate politicians

The nation is in your hands. Thank you Lyn Davignon

50 Years in Prison for children refusing to Read! I guess I didn't understand how big these things were that I exposed. I just thought that any good person would do the right thing and try to save the little girls and educate people what was going on and who was doing it. christie@truthbrigade.org http://www.truthbrigade.org

The Web Bot and ALTA Reports for the years 2011-12 and beyond (“The Shape of Things to Come (2011/2012) - Issue Nine (9)”) – predicts a period of food hyperinflation, earth changes including “planetary earthquakes”, social chaos, and government collapse. The positive timeline envisions 2012-13 as follows: “2012 heralds Earth’s entry into the Golden Age, and between now and then is a time of transition from life as you have known it into life totally in harmony with all of Nature.” http://www.canadastreetnews.com/cliff high webbot 9 20112012.htm


WARNING, New Paradigm Details and SOLUTION - EDEN awaits: the WAMPUM WAY.

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