Polaroid SX-70

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as with the 2-stop ND filter conversion, a better design for mounting the ND filter to the lens would allow for quick removal of the filter in tough focusing situations. The film pack filter conversion method involves creating a 2-stop ND filter from a gel filter and placing it over the entire pack of film. Further development of this conversion method might involve exploring other types of material or other brands of gels for creating the filter. This may eliminate the issues with dust, which seems to be drawn to the gel material used in this study. New cutout designs of the filter might also improve this conversion by better locking the filter into position and eliminating the possibility of the filter being ejected during shooting. Taping the filter in place might also be applied to insure the filter is not ejected from the camera. The photocell override conversion involves shining an adjustable light source into the photocell of the SX-70 camera to trick it into achieving a proper exposure of the Polaroid 600 film. Further development of this conversion method might involve re-working the design of the equipment created to shine the adjusted light source into the photocell, thus making it more predictable. Further insight as to how the camera determines the combination of aperture and shutter speeds for exposure might allow for a more precise light source setting and resulting exposure. This would eliminate the need for so many test shots to achieve proper exposure. Also, creating a smaller, perhaps battery-operated light source that could attach to the camera might make the process more mobile and practical. The electronic modification conversion method involves changing the capacitor responsible for the shutter in the SX-70 to a smaller pF value, which

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