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In these sessions we emphasized the importance of keeping good company: “It’s not enough to have good friends; we need friends who actually are good — their virtue can rub off on us and vice versa.” The presenters made it very clear that the fruit of chastity is freedom. “Freedom to love; freedom to see people and relationships clearly for who and what they truly are; freedom to give of ourselves physically and emotionally in the right way at the right time,” “A woman who is chaste is a witness to true beauty, which is sorely needed in our world. ” Sunday Afternoon w e h ad tw o more sessions follow ed by Holy Mass. What is our response by Nizel  The Why’s Behind the What’s –by Sonu. By the time we got to this portion of the Sessions, which is an explanation of each part of the Mass and showing the symbolism and meaning behind every gesture and every prayer, we were more than ready for it. These sessions helped us in strengthening our understanding of our beautiful Faith and inspiring a deeper devotion to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The Participation of the youth at Mass was truly amazing. 

We had an evaluation after the Workshop, and we all realized the need to prepare ourselves with even more prayer and usually we had adoration during the whole of the event which we didn’t this time, it was a learning experience and we have reviewed our Guidelines for the Events, including courses of action during times of emergency. Looking back on this past weekend, I would say that the retreat was amazing. The participants over all were fun and attentive, worship and praise prepared our hearts to hear the teaching. We were reminded that our hope is in Christ, the highest King. We were challenged to evaluate our lives and ask ourselves if Jesus is our life or our religion, and our final teaching focused on how to live in light of Christ's supremacy through our fervent participation at Mass. Wow. That's the word that kept popping into our head at the conclusion of each Session: "Wow." In our increasingly God-less modern age--where reality TV stars become role models, where there is an almost epidemic (and unhealthy) longing for worldly riches and pleasures--these vibrant Catholic speakers show young people how you can live in the world, but still be Holy.

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