Joy of Medina County Magazine June 2020

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Hear what the birds are saying


Are you using the one that best fits your needs?


Finding favorite bike trails

A HELPING HAND PG. 21 Area students create winning messages of support

Puzzles, photos, columns by local experts, and more are waiting inside!

What has changed for the Painting family, Lieutenant Dan the cat, and soap box derby champion and scholarship winner Alexis Willard. PG. 4 A locally owned, independent publication dedicated to higher standards of journalism


Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020


The Scam Will Come Out Tomorrow by Amy Barnes Have you heard about the car wrap scam? You get a text message offering a weekly payment, usually $400, if you agree to have your car wrapped to advertise a well-known company. The “company” has you deposit a check, then immediately send part of it to the “carwrap company.” The check bounces, but you already sent the funds to the scammer. Even though this is an old scam, I had not previously heard of it when cell phones in the house started dinging a few days ago. The saddest part of these scams is that they prey on the desperate hope people have at the times they need help the most. When I was in college, I was desperate for extra income. I had a low-paying job and was living mostly on ramen noodles. Keep in mind, this was before the internet could be used to check out job offers. I saw an employment ad for mailing fliers. Sounded good to me, so I sent the $20 fee. It was almost all I had. You probably already guessed the next part. Turned out that I had been hooked by what was called an envelope-stuffing scheme. It goes like this: an ad is published in a local paper for a work-from-home job putting fliers in envelopes. You send in a payment to get the starter materials. What you get is a letter explaining that you are to run an ad, offer the same deal, and send a copy of the letter to the next person, thus “stuffing envelopes” to get paid. When it happened to me, I was devastated. I called the newspaper that had run the ad only to learn the ad was no longer running

and the person who had placed it did not exist. Lesson learned. More recently, I received an e-mail that claimed to have hacked into my computer and used my camera to record me while I supposedly visited certain types of websites while doing certain kinds of things and that I had 24 hours to deposit $1,700 in bitcoin in the provided account or they would send the video to my boss and my friends. I started laughing. I keep my camera disconnected, I never visit those kinds of sites and do those deeds, I am my own boss, and the password they sent to show they had “secret” information on me was one I had no recollection of ever using. I so desperately wanted to reply and tell them to feel free to send the video because whatever they were sending would break up the monotony of the shutdown for my friends! Instead, I filed a report with . I was to receive two more e-mails from two more scammers. A few words had been changed, but it was the same message, the same threat, although the blackmail amount was $2,000 and then $1,500; was there a sale? Wait, so scammers are using FORM letters now?! Good grief, you would think they could at lease write their own blackmail letters! Please be careful, it is easy in times of extreme stress and worry to not catch that something is a scam and to be taken advantage of.

PUBLISHER Blake House Publishing, LLC EDITOR Amy Barnes ART DIRECTOR Danny Feller PHOTOGRAPHERS FlashBang Photography Ed Bacho Photography CARTOONIST Jerry King CONTRIBUTORS Bob Arnold Kelly Bailey Hunter Barnard Paul McHam Crystal Pirri Steve Rak Michelle Riley Robert Soroky Austin Steger Kent Von Der Vellen THE READING NOOK AUTHOR Christopher Barnes MASCOT Rico Houdini ADVERTISING SALES AND OFFICE 330-461-0589 E-MAIL WEBSITE Learn more about the staff at Behind The Scenes, Open positions are listed on the website at Open Positions. JOY of MEDINA COUNTY MAGAZINE is published monthly by Blake House Publishing, LLC, 1114 N. Court, #144, Medina, Ohio 44256. It is distributed as an e-edition and in a print edition. Both editions can be found at Copyright 2018-2019 by Blake House Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use of editorial or pictorial content without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. Any unsolicited materials, manuscripts, artwork, cartoons, or photos will not be returned.

Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020




CRAWL SPACE PROVIDES HOME by Paul McHam Moisture builds up where air cannot flow.



CONCERT OF THE FLOWERS by Michelle Riley When flowers are planted to bloom in the right sequence and with complementary neighbors, they can give a beautiful concert.



CHICKEN POT PIE MUFFINS recipe by Cinnamon Rae This month’s cook is sharing a quick-fix family meal.


FRESH AND EASY QUINOA SALAD by Crystal Pirri For best taste, make it in the morning, and serve it for dinner.

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STEPPING FORWARD, LOOKING BACK Taking a look back at what has changed for the life-saving Painting family, the inspiring Lieutenant Dan the cat, and former soap box champion Alexis Willard.

by Kelly Bailey

TOURING MEDINA TRAILS by Robert Soroky Matching skill levels with the appropriate Medina-area bicycle trails.


ONE WEEK WITH KYLE HODGE by Christopher Barnes





Area students worked together to produce videos and create posters they hope will help lower the suicide rate. These are the winning entries.

photos by FlashBang Photography


Wildlife enjoys visiting for free food, readers can enjoy the links to each one’s call.

TRANSPARENCY by Amy Barnes A word from the publisher on changes to benefit readers and nonprofits.




by Austin Steger Do you know the key differences between a laptop, desktop or all-in-one computer?






OF MIND AND BODY Toxins cannot be avoided, but minimizing them can be accomplished.

by Amy Barnes

As it sometimes happens with friendship, just as it is valued, everything changes.






PROVING COMMUNITY SPIRIT Thanking companies that have been giving back to the community.



by Bob Arnold



It is the second best way to make a first impression and there are ways to ensure it is successful.

Love, magic, a pair of walking pants, and a cool car combine to make for a funny tale.


by Jerry King

TIME FOR INSPIRATION by Steve Rak Business owners will need to change their thinking for businesses to survive. On the front and back covers: photos by FlashBang Photography A red-bellied woodpecker stops in for a bite. See more photos in “Oh, Snap!” on Page 10.


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JOYFUL LETTER DETECTIVES CLUE BOX Find the letters, and solve this month’s puzzle.


OHIO SUMMER Find 18 words that are part of warm weather.

LET’S DO IT! A calendar of events that are more likely to happen this month than events were last month.



Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020

by Amy Barnes


veryone wants to know what the next chapter of a story holds, so Joy of Medina County Magazine checked in with the Painting family, Lieutenant Dan and Alexis Willard to learn what has changed in their lives. If you are not familiar with the original stories, they are available at or, if you are seeing this as a digital copy, click on the cover photo for the feature story you would like to read.

“The Painting Way” Tables were turned on the life-saving Painting family when they found some of their own members needed life-saving help. When the Del and Jeannette Painting family’s story was featured, a part of the story focused on just a few of the many times coincidence had led to them being in the right place at the right time to save the lives of others who would have died without their efforts. In a dramatic turnaround over the last several months, the family has found that they needed to pull together to help family members Alex Nelson, Del, Mark Nelson, and Randy Demchak. A year ago, 29-year-old Alex, Del and Jeannette’s granddaughter and Dawn’s daughter, was treated for lesions on her liver. Then Del had heart surgery to implant a bovine heart valve because his own valve had calcified. Meanwhile, Mark, husband of Dawn, Del and Jeannette’s daughter, was suffering from extensive complications from dialysis and cancer that necessitated constant care. He was scheduled for heart surgery but because of the complications he was battling, which included heart blockages caused by the dialysis, surgeons were reluctant to attempt the surgery.

Dr. David Taylor, a longtime and internationally recognized Cleveland Clinic cardiologist, said he would undertake the challenge of saving Mark. While Mark is still battling numerous health issues, the heart surgery was successful. In an unfortunate turn of events, the 60-year-old doctor who saved Mark’s life died a few months later from complications caused by influenza. Whitney, another of Del and Jeanette’s daughters, married Randy Demchak as planned, soon after the original story published. However, he broke his wrist and is in need of a hip replacement. As if the health challenges did not keep the family busy enough, there also was the little matter of a hurricane in Florida that damaged the family’s house there, making it necessary to replace the house’s roof and clean up the damage caused by the storm. There is not much that will slow or stop a Painting family member from doing good, but the COVID-19 shutdown forced them to temporarily stop their Wednesday trips on the Strongsville United Methodist Church blue-and-white bus to Cleveland to deliver hot meals and clothes to those in need. At press time, the family was working to find a way to get back to delivering the weekly meals.

Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020

Another change since their story published is that they have partnered with Wednesday’s Child (https:// to help provide clothing to Akron teens in need. They still accept donations at their Firemark Insurance office, which moved from Center Road in Brunswick to 1676 Pearl Road, Brunswick. Even the office move posed extra challenges. For an insurance company, one of the busiest times of the year is when Medicare enrollment opens on October 15. The family started moving its insurance office to


the Pearl Road location on October 14, 2019, because that was how the timing worked out with their lease at their former office and the closing on the purchase of the new Pearl Road office. Since the move, they have been doing building renovations and property improvements at their new location. Despite all of the challenges they have been facing, they have never paused in their efforts to help the community. continued, Page 6


Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020

continued from Page 5

“Kitten Courageous” Lieutenant Dan, the official morale officer and comedy relief at Wadsworth Veterinary Hospital, was featured in July 2018. He was the magazine’s first and, so far, only cover cat. He is the cat who would not give up, despite being shot and deserted by his original rescuers. With the help of many loving hands, including those of Drs. Cynthia and Dane Arends, he went from injured and deserted to inspiring others to overcome obstacles.

While the COVID-19 shutdown has caused the vet practice to offer only curbside care to patients, Lt. Dan has not had the pleasure of greeting office visitors, especially his favorite: other cats. At 11 years old, he remains in good health, despite the heart condition that curtailed his ability to visit schools and senior citizen centers. Go to the original story about Lt. Dan to see photos and a video of Lt. Dan in action.

Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020


“Unstoppable Alexis” Alexis Willard, a former soap box derby champion who rose to become second nationally and fifth in world competition, was inspired to major in neuroscience because of an accident her father had. She is attending DePaul University in Chicago, as she had planned, but after deciding neuroscience was not for her and a brief change to an English major, she is now studying animation with a concentration in storyboarding and character design. She was accepted into the program after an advisor viewed examples of her artwork. Willard also is interested in 3D modeling and design. Another change in Willard’s life was a break up with her boyfriend of almost two years who lives in Sweden and whom she met through social media. He had visited her in the U.S. often, but it was after she visited him in Sweden that she came to realize he was not the one for her. She is looking forward to pursuing her new career and enjoying the rest of her college years.


Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020


One Week With Kyle Hodge by Christopher Barnes Catch up on previous installments of our story in the Joy of Medina County Magazine e-edition! Go to for past issues.

Chapter 5


he café was a bit more empty than normal the following morning, but Kyle Hodge was still there. He was sitting at the same table, drinking the same vanilla latte, and typing at the same laptop computer. Now, however, I could see the pain. Behind his friendly eyes was deep-set agony over the loss of the two people who meant more than anything to him. His hands shook slightly whenever he paused typing to take a drink, his eyelids stayed close a bit too long every time he blinked, and his foot was constantly tapping gently on the cold floor. I got a vanilla latte, too, and sat down with him. “What are you typing?” I tried to make my voice steady, calm and warm. He looked up at me, staring for just a moment too long. “I thought you believed I was a horrible person,” he said. I didn’t really know how to respond, so I settled on simplicity. “I changed my mind.” “What made you do that?” he asked. He wasn’t supposed to ask questions, that was my role. But he had and, after a moment, he stopped typing, leaned back and just looked at me, waiting for an answer. “I just did, OK?” I wasn’t sure how to deal with Kyle Hodge when he wasn’t typing. All his attention was on me, and I felt like anything I said could be flung right back at me. “No,” he said, quietly, “If you want to know what I’m working on, I want to know why you changed your mind about me.”

He knew. He had to know. Nobody just changes their whole perspective on someone without learning something drastic about them. After several minutes of silence, I figured out how to approach the situation. “What’s your wife doing right now?” He checked his watch. “It’s about breakfast time, so she’s probably making my daughter breakfast.” “No, she’s not.” I looked downward and shook my head. “You know she’s not.” “What makes you say that? I’m not there right now, so I don’t know what she’s doing.” I couldn’t tell if he was being stubborn, in denial, or a bit of both. “Kyle, I looked you up. I know about the crash.” Admitting it to him got something off my chest, but I wasn’t quite sure what. He nodded slowly, took a sip of his vanilla latte, and set it down gently, letting his hand run down the paper cup and rest on the table. “A masterpiece,” he said. “I’m sorry?” I was lost again. I felt vindicated now that I knew who he was, and he knew that I knew, but he was still able to confuse me with just a couple words.

Chapter 6

“You asked what I was typing,” he responded, his fingers resuming their ballet across the keyboard. “A masterpiece? Like a novel? Like ‘Going Down’?” “A bit different. More,” he paused, searching for the right word, “Personable.” Interested, I tried to slide over and read over his shoulder, “Can I see?”

Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020

His laptop was shut in a blur. “No.” He hurried away without another word, and I didn’t know where that left us. Would he welcome me the following morning? Or would he shoo me away again? Would we sit in an awkward silence like before? I wasn’t sure, but I knew I could count on one thing: he’d be there the next day, sitting at his table and drinking his vanilla latte. I skipped work again that day and instead sat at that same table, writing on napkins with a pen I borrowed from the cashier. I didn’t write anything revolutionary or epitomical, but I did write all kinds of things. About me, my life and my family, but also things entirely fictional, about made-up worlds and made-up people and their families. That was the first time I became Kyle Hodge.

Chapter 7 To no one’s surprise, Kyle Hodge was there the next day, sitting at his laptop, typing something. This day, however, he was typing much slower, and it was mixed with scrolling, clicking and dragging. I sat down with him and our vanilla lattes and let a smile flash across my face. I didn’t think he saw it. “How’s your masterpiece going?” I asked him, trying to seem somewhat nonchalant, even though we both knew I was dying to get just the slightest peek at it. He didn’t look up, but I saw his eyes lose concentration for just a second. “Well. It’s going well, Jake.” “That’s good.” I let myself grin fully this time, “Can I see?” He clicked a few more times, typed something quickly, and then looked up at me but didn’t speak. He seemed solemn, quiet and unusually still. “Kyle? You OK, man?” My concern rose quickly, but he shook his head. “I’m fine. Great actually. I just really needed to finish this.”


He smiled, but it wasn’t the same smile that I’d gotten used to. It wasn’t the playful flash that he’d had when I first began sitting with him. It was a soft smile that told me it wasn’t happiness at all, but acceptance. “What’s it about?” I asked him, motioning toward his new novel. “You’ll see,” he replied. He sipped his vanilla latte, looking out the window. The next thing I knew, there was vanilla latte all over the floor of the café, and Kyle was sprinting out the door, shouting something incomprehensible. I looked out the window he had and sat there stunned as time slowed down. I watched as Kyle leapt into the middle of the street. I watched as his arms wrapped around a girl that had to have been only 4 or 5. I watched as the bus that was inches from the little girl hit Kyle in the side of the head. I watched as his body went flying, hitting the pavement hard and suddenly. I watched as blood splattered on the road and the girl rolled out of his arms, unharmed. Finally, I found my feet and ran out to him, kneeling at his side as blood poured from his head. There were screams, screeching tires of other cars trying to stop, and people shouting to call an ambulance, but my attention was on Kyle. “Jake,” he grunted, seeing me above him, “Don’t forget a title.” And then I watched as Kyle Hodge died in front me. That was the first time I cried for Kyle Hodge. Our story continues next month! Christopher Barnes is a graduate of Medina High School/Medina County Career Center and The Ohio State University. Find his stories of realistic fiction and magical realism at

Check back next month for our contest about this story and how you can win a prize!


Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020

photos by FlashBang Photography Squirrel, sound at learn more at Fun fact: according to the Brookings Institute squirrels have taken down the power grid more times than hackers have (squirrels: hundreds; hackers: 0).

Blue jay, hear and see its sound at learn more at

Nuthatch, hear and see its sound at learn more at

Red-bellied woodpecker, hear and see its sound at Downy woodpecker, hear and see its sound at learn more learn more at at

Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020

While events were cancelled and people were staying home, birds and squirrels put on a show in exchange for food. Although, it seemed the squirrel kept claiming the birds were eating his food! Use the links provided to learn more about the birds and to hear and see the individual bird calls.

American goldfinch, hear and see its sound at learn more at

Hairy woodpecker, hear and see its sound at learn more at

Gray catbird, hear and see its sound at (when they get done processing the recording) and learn more at (its call can be heard, but not seen, here as well). Cardinal, hear and see its sound at learn more at



Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020

Joseph G. Landry II, DDS, MAGD, FICOI Master in the Academy of General Dentistry 5076 Park Avenue West, Seville, Ohio 44273 330-769-4470 In response to COVID-19, many professions have added additional best practice suggestions and mandates. In Dentistry, infection control and patient and team safety have always been a top priority and have continued through this pandemic. The next time you see your dentist, you may notice some changes right away and others may not be evident. At Landry Family Dentistry, our patients will continue to benefit from our above standard of care infectioncontrol practices beyond the basic ADA, OSDB, CDC, and government guidelines. Here is a snapshot of some of the ways we provide our patients with the Landry Family Dentistry Difference: � With the use of sterilization integrator strips in every cycle of the autoclave rather than just the standard once-per-week spore test strip, we will continue to ensure every single instrument is completely sterile and ready for patient use. � Aerosol-reducing methods above and beyond the standard by using chairside technology including Isolite and Dryshield, Purevac HVE suction systems, rubber dam isolation, and multi-access spiral suction and preprocedural microbial mouth rinse in addition to the standard of care with HVE suctions. � Air purification technology using two Reme Halo RGF Air Purification Systems utilizing UV and ionized Hydro-peroxides, Super oxide ions and Hydroxide ions to kills viruses and bacteria in the air and on surfaces throughout our clean state-of-the-art office. � Biofilm elimination NASA technology will continue to be used within our self-contained water bottle systems on every chair throughout our office. Crosstex DentaPure™ DP365B Independent Water Bottle Cartridges ensure safe water in all our dental handpieces and water syringes for our patients’ peace of mind. � Two-step process to review COVID-19 health questions and precautions, both upon confirmation of an appointment and upon patients calling from their car when they arrive for their scheduled visit. Our reception area is closed in order to maintain physical distancing between patients. A team member will unlock the door to greet them and reconfirm the health status questions, provide a mask if they did not bring their own, take their temperature, and have them use our hand-sanitizing station prior to entering past the sneeze-guard barrier at the front desk with our friendly business team. Patients will then be escorted into their individual treatment room that has been thoroughly prepared with CDC-approved COVID-19 methods and disinfectants. We understand that these additional precautions and technologies may be viewed by some patients and potentially other dental offices to be overprotective, but we believe our patients and team safety is of the upmost importance and appreciate your understanding and trust in us, now and in the future. Appreciatively, Dr. Landry and the Landry Family Dentistry Team

Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020


Computing the Advantages by Austin Steger Despite owning a personal computer, whether it is a laptop, desktop or all-in-one, most people do not know the key differences between them and how they compare. The most commonly purchased type of computer is a laptop. Laptops are convenient because all of the important, needed features are included. It is not necessary to buy a keyboard, mouse or monitor with a laptop, and they often have features like a webcam, Bluetooth, DVD drive, SD card reader, and even a fingerprint reader for unlocking the computer. Laptops also are the most portable type of PC’s and can be easily picked up and taken on the go. However, laptops do have some disadvantages. A laptop tends to be less powerful than a desktop or an allin-one PC and the components inside are designed to use less power and therefore run at a lower level of performance. There is less room to disperse heat in a laptop, so the components are often throttled to run slower and produce less heat. Finally, laptops are far less upgradable than other types of computers, making them a less future-proof device. Desktop computers have the advantage of being the most easily upgradable type of device and, therefore, the most future-proof. As hardware components become outdated, they can be easily replaced with newer ones. A singular brand does not have to be used when upgrading or replacing parts as long as the parts are compatible. With desktops, there are a lot of customization options such as fans, lights, liquid coolers, and layout. The downside with a desktop computer is that extra components such as a monitor, keyboard and mouse are needed. Desktops also lack portability. An all-in-one computer is like a combination of a desktop and a laptop. In this type of device, the computer and the monitor are combined into one unit, eliminating the need to purchase a monitor. These devices also usually include a built-in webcam, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and a DVD drive. They also usually have a touch screen. The disadvantage of this type of device is that a keyboard and mouse are still needed. Finally, these computers tend to be more difficult and expensive than a typical desktop computer to upgrade. Austin Steger is a local computer and mobile electronics technician and technical communicator. He can be contacted at or by calling 330952-1225.

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Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020



Smile Connections

Time for Inspiration

by Bob Arnold

by Steve Rak

The handshake is gone - for now! That is all right, it will be back. Right now, there is a unique opportunity to work on the second best way to make a first impression: a smile. The three best ways to work a smile are to be genuine, add laughter and project interest. When people meet for the first time, they mostly will be looking at each other’s eyes, which project the expression on their mouths. Will they see a frown or a smile? They better see a genuine smile. Your smile is proof you are genuinely interested in meeting them. A smile is only a step away from laughter. Infusing laughter within the conversation is accomplished best by asking questions that bring out interesting responses. If someone you just met asked, “You know, looking at you reminds me of a race driver. Do you like racing?” You would laugh as you come up with a catchy response. As corny as it may sound, it will get the conversation off to a smart start, mainly because it got you to laugh. The key is to ask questions that get them to talk about themselves, rather than things like the weather, and infuse the conversation with laughter and interest. In today’s world, we are engaging in a lot of networking events online. We tend to be more focused than when we are face-to-face, watching someone’s face to pick up those subtle clues as to who they are. As we focus, we may frown and reflect anything other than interest in other people. If we try to get to know another person on the screen, any question we ask is broadcast to all 20 people in the meeting. That frustrates and causes frowning. Be aware of your facial expressions and be sure to project interest through a smile. These tips should help you find more success in your networking.

One of my favorite quotes attributed to Steve Jobs is: “Think Different.” He was emphatic that the second word be “different” not “differently.” Those two words, like almost everything else Jobs did, were symbolic of how the man thought. I could write an entire column on the essence of those two words and the context Jobs was trying to imply, but that would miss the point entirely. Steve Jobs had a remarkably simple approach to his complexity. I would venture to say his genius was in making the complex easy. His attention to detail, from the packaging of his products to the layout of the electronics inside them, was obsessive. In the end, he understood that mankind needed to be able use them easily or they would just be another technological marvel destined to collect dust in a museum somewhere. Now, more than ever, is a good time to think different. Maybe it is time to get a heaping dose of inspiration so your business will prosper in the coming days. In my case, I always have drawn inspiration from entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and Gary Vaynerchuck, to name a few. Grab a book or search the internet for something that will inspire you to move forward in a positive way. Give the doomsday newscasts a break, even if it is for a short time. The relevancy of my Steve Jobs observations above are quite on point as to what is happening in the world today. In the days to come, it is imperative that we learn to think different. The irony is that we probably do not have a choice anyway. Steve Jobs was a master at problem solving and finding ways to push the world to try new things. We really could use some of that spirit right now.

Bob Arnold is the founder of ONward Networking and the international best-selling author of “The Uncanny Power of the Networking Pencil,” which can be purchased at https:// More networking tips are available at “Bob’s Pencil Points” blog at or by contacting Arnold at

Medina resident Steve Rak is an award-winning columnist and has spoken at numerous venues throughout the United States and Canada as the owner of Rak Consulting,, and Southwest Landscape Management, E-mail questions or suggestions for future column topics to with “In Box” in the subject line.

Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020

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Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020


Crawl Space Provides Home by Paul McHam Once again, I got a call regarding mold in a basement crawl space under an older home. The basement has a cement floor, but the crawl space was left unfinished with a layer of standard gravel. This was done as standard practice to provide additional storage, while saving cost of installing additional cement crawl space flooring and the rest of the peripheral wall. This helped keep the price of a home lower so more folks could afford to buy their own home. Prior to 1978, there was less thought given to water patterns, relative humidity, and to just about anything having to do with the home. It did not matter because energy was assumed to be cheap and plentiful. This changed quickly beginning in the early 70s, due to pressure on the petroleum industry, which quickly spread to include anything using just about any form of energy. I can still remember the common sight of pulling up to a gas station with lines more than 50 cars long that stretched back onto the highway brim. This experience caused everyone to go a bit strong on energy savings. Houses were tightened up as much as they could be, which created energy savings, but also created conditions where humidity that entered had to be specifically dealt with or mold would grow. In the case of a crawl space, ambient moisture travels under the footer and is free to wick right up into the crawl space. Once in the crawl space, the moisture is free to raise ambient humidity levels. For situations like this, every single home, of any age, needs dehumidification and air movement, especially in areas like crawl spaces, where there is likely no air movement or temperature control to avoid creating a hidden home for mold. Paul McHam is a local expert on mold remediation. For more information, visit his website at and his Facebook page Moldsporewars or call 330-658-2600. For a list of his certifications, go to


Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020


Concert of the Flowers photos and text by Michelle Riley Editor’s Note: Read carefully, and discover the following story is actually a creative planting guide for a summer garden with flowers whose varying heights and bloom times will complement each other. Color lights the eyes. Fragrance inhabits the soul. A wonderful combination of both sets the stage for summer love, and you are invited to the show. The platform is set aglow as the morning sun sweeps her hand across the landscape; each participant placed to express their deepest gift in bloom. The backdrop is draped with the warm smile of the Cornus kousa Stellar Pink (dogwood). Little Henry Clethra (hummingbird shrub) peaks out of the dappled shade with softly fragrant spikes, inviting the hummingbirds for a sweet delight. Sedum Angelina rolls out the bright carpet as the Allium Millennium dance above her foliage. The English garden bursts into song as the variegated hydrangeas stand poised for their cue. The Bobo hydrangea takes a leap among the Heuchera Fire Alarm. The ants sit at the long-awaited nectar bar whistling to the purple salvia, who is quietly sitting across the room. The peach rose drifts onto the stage blushing at every turn and twirl. The red floribunda rose is trying to see above the Magnus coneflower, who has worn her summer bonnet to the show. There is no shutting down the Endless Summer hydrangea as he brags to the others of his season-long tickets. The Snow Queen hydrangea, covered in light perfume, offers a curtsy to the Polar Bear hydrangea as he ushers her to her seat. The show has begun. Song birds are enchanted by the mix of players and frolic in the harmony of the garden. The At Last rose, pleased she has made it on time, is dressed in the sweetest scent hoping to entice an attractive pollinating love. The Giant allium, not wanting to be left out, has painted himself in summer glory. Who would not be sad to leave, as Jack in the Pulpit narrates with his stunning cape invoking everyone to return tomorrow, as the show must go on. The hydrangeas collect their bounty to surprise the guests with glorious party favors to remind them of the time they have all shared together, this moment of rapture when the garden bloomed in love.

Michelle Riley is a local horticulturist, landscape designer, and consultant. She is the founder of the gardening subscription service,;; and She also is the president of All About You Signature Landscape Design, Inc. Riley can be contacted at or by calling 234-678-8266.



Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020



Chicken Pot Pie Muffins

Fresh and Easy Quinoa Salad

recipe by Cinnamon Rae

by Crystal Pirri

Cinnamon Rae likes to make meals in large amounts so she can freeze the leftovers for quick meals later. As the mother of two boys, Logan, age 18, and Maximus, age 8, and the owner of Medina Massage and Skin Care, she needs meals that are easy to grab and go. Her chicken pot pie muffins are a favorite with her sons.

As summer unfolds in Northeast Ohio, I am excited about spending less time indoors and more time outside, walking in the grass, turning over spadefuls of warm dirt, and taking long bike rides with my daughters. This easy and fresh salad can be assembled in minutes after the quinoa is cooked, and it tastes even better right out of the refrigerator. So cook it early in the day, get outside, and it will be waiting for you when the cool evening chases you and your appetite back inside. We often have this as a main dish, but it is a crowd-favorite side dish at picnics and potlucks, sure to please even the staunchest meat eaters in the group. This is a great

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1 to 2 cans of biscuits 8 ounce bag of frozen peas and carrots 8 ounce bag of frozen, cooked, cubed chicken 1 can cream of chicken soup 1 cup of shredded cheese

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Shove biscuits into muffin tin holes and make a well for the other ingredients. Combine veggies, chicken, and soup in a bowl. Scoop mixture into biscuit wells. Be careful not to over fill them and keep in mind the biscuit dough will rise. Top with cheese. Bake for 15 to 25 minutes. Note: You can use fresh ingredients if you have the time, but it tastes great either way. They freeze nicely. Want to have your recipe featured in a future issue? Send it with your name, phone number (in case we have questions), the city you live in, and some information about you to: with “recipe” in the subject line. Recipes MUST be your original recipe and by submitting a recipe you are guaranteeing it is one you have developed or modified and used.

companion to veggie burgers or try my favorite: spoon over a fresh romaine-and-spinach salad, then top it with a splash of rice vinegar and a sprinkling of nutritional yeast. For the heartiest appetite, spoon into a wrap, top with salsa, and fold it into a burrito. • • • • • • • • •

1 cup uncooked quinoa 2 cups water 2 cans chickpeas 1 bunch cilantro, finely chopped 1 red, orange or yellow pepper, diced 1 medium cucumber, diced 1/2 red onion, diced (optional, especially if you have kids) 1 lemon, juiced 1 tablespoon cumin

Thoroughly rinse quinoa in fine mesh strainer or sifter, this removes the bitter saponin coating and any grains of sand clinging to the kernels. Add quinoa and water to medium saucepan and cover. Bring to boil over high heat. Remove from heat immediately, and let sit, covered, for 20 minutes or until all quinoa grains are popped open and fluffy. This stage is marvelously hands off, just ignore it for at least 20 minutes. Combine cooked quinoa, beans, cilantro, diced vegetables, and onion (if using) in large bowl. In separate cup, mix lemon juice and cumin thoroughly. Pour lemon mixture over salad, stirring well to coat. Serve immediately or refrigerate. Keeps for up to a week in the refrigerator. Crystal Pirri is an author, coach and oil-free vegan. Her recipes can be found at Have a question or request? E-mail

Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020




Improving Home Environments

Touring Medina Trails

by Kelly Bailey

by Robert Soroky

Did you know there are more than 80,000 man-made chemicals on the market today? What is scarier: only a handful of them have been tested for human safety. The average human is exposed to more than 700 chemicals every day. Man-made toxins are in water, air, food, and products we slather on our skin. We are being exposed to chemicals before birth and for our entire lives. The government sets regulations on allowable exposure for a very few chemicals, but these regulations are based on one-time exposure. We are being exposed over and over again. Constant exposure to toxins like BPA, phthalates, pesticides, and heavy metals are known to cause hormone disruption, weight gain, increased risk of Type 2 diabetes, and cognitive problems. Avoiding exposure entirely is not possible. Airborne toxins have been detected even in remote Siberia. Minimizing exposure is the name of the game, especially for children. There are four ways to accomplish that goal: filter water, avoid plastic, increase fresh or filtered air, and remove shoes within a home. Hydration is so important, and we need to drink a lot of water to stay healthy. But the unfortunate truth is that municipal water can be full of chemicals that include chlorine, fluoride, pesticides, and medications (https:// and Using a reverse osmosis filter or a pitcher filter will help to minimize contaminants. Another way to reduce contaminants is to stop consuming food and beverages that touch plastic. Even BPA-free plastics are loaded with other chemicals that can leach into food and water ( Never heat food in plastic containers, switch to glass ones instead. In-home air quality can be improved by opening windows or by using a vacuum with a HEPA filter. The air in a home is two to five times more polluted than the air outside. Furniture, rugs, shower curtains, and more are loaded with chemicals like flame retardants and volatile organic compounds. Take shoes off in the house. Imagine all the places you walk in a day. Now imagine what is on the bottom of your shoes: bacteria, viruses and pesticides. Establish a “no shoes beyond the front door� policy to keep these invaders at the door.

With the current desire to get outside, exercise and stay healthy, riding a bike can be an awesome option. In Medina County, there is a plethora of bike trails from which to choose. For the mountain bike folks, there are the Reagan/Huffman trails constructed by the Cleveland Area Mountain Bike Association. Located at the intersection of Reagan Parkway and Weymouth Road, this close to 17-mile trail system caters to every mountain bike skill level. For rookies or for those who want to take the kids on a fun and easy off-road adventure, there are the Cabbage Patch or Yukon trails. The Huffman Trail is for the intermediate rider

Kelly Bailey is a certified personal trainer and certified holistic nutrition coach. She owns and operates Kelly Bailey Wellness. Read her blog and contact her at

looking for more twists and turns, with the more advanced River and Reagan trails for serious thrill-seekers. If rumbling over rocks and tree roots is not your cup of tea, how about some light gravel? The Lester Rail Trail, which runs from Abbeyville Road to Lester Road in York Township, is a 3.2-mile crushed-stone path that traverses 164 acres of Medina farmland. If lake views are desired, then check out the Chippewa Rail Trail, a 2.7-mile paved path that runs from Wycliffe Drive in Lafayette Township to the outskirts of Chippewa Lake. This trail provides sprawling lake views while riders pedal through the little town of Chippewa. From there, hop on Chippewa Road and head to the 4-mile Chippewa Inlet Trail in the Chippewa Nature Area to enjoy various bird species. The Inlet Trail ends at Buckeye Woods, the largest park in Medina County. This park has 4 miles of paved and crushedstone paths looping around Buckeye Lake. More lakeside views are available at the Lake Medina trail where there are 2.5 miles of looping trails. Finally, there is the Roscoe Ewing Park Loop trail, which has 1.6 scenic miles of paved trail over several bridges, a river and through an active disc golf course. So, whether out to tackle rough terrain on mountain trails or to enjoy a fun, casual day with the family on paved paths, there are great ways to see Medina by bike! Robert Soroky is a lifelong cyclist regularly participating in long distance charity rides and manager of the Century Cycles Medina location. Contact Soroky at to suggest column topics, for further information or to chat about bikes.



Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020

Winning suicide prevention poster by Jaiden Moore

Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020



Reaching Out A Helping Hand


by Amy Barnes

by Amy Barnes

The Medina County Coalition for Suicide Prevention works to educate about suicide, mental illness and addictions and to provide support for those who have a loved one die from


As of next month, readers will see a big change with this column. While area nonprofits will remain the focus of the column, the decision has been made to also include the financial

suicide. Each year, the coalition sponsors a countywide Youth Suicide Prevention Video and Poster Contest, with submissions from youths at the Juvenile Detention Center, as well.

information for each organization to increase transparency for readers. It will make it much easier for readers to be educated about the organizations they want to donate to, and it will enable us to show that we have verified the organizations

This year’s poster contest winner is Jaiden Moore, a Wadsworth Middle School student. Moore won $300. In the creative brief submitted with the poster, Moore wrote that the yellow around each set of clasped hands represents that asking for help is not to be feared and the sun adds color. According to Moore, the message of the poster was that people have a purpose and to not give up. The first place winner of the video category was a video

that receive the invaluable free publicity that Joy of Medina County Magazine provides. The financial information is public information that will be gathered from the report each organization files with the Ohio secretary of state to ensure it is from a reliable source and is accurate information. This additional information will run alongside the usual column by Kent Von Der Vellen in an easy-to-access format. Readers are invited and encouraged to send the names of

made by Katheryn Onderisin, Athena Towne, Cecelia Miller,

organizations they would like to see featured by e-mailing

Alexis Smith, and Alexis Furyes, who are Highland High

them to or by mailing

School students. They split the $1,000 prize.

them to: Gems, Joy of Medina County Magazine, 1114 N.

Second place video winners were Highland High School students Katy Felix and Taryn Kenny. They shared the $500

Court, #144, Medina, Oh. 44256. Kent Von Der Vellen will return next month. He took a short break due to the difficulties in reaching nonprofit

prize. Third place video winners were Samantha Haas, Emily Smith, Devan Chorba, and Vincenzo Rini, also from Highland High School. They shared a $250 prize. The videos can be viewed at


representatives during the COVID-19 shutdown. Kent Von Der Vellen is a 20-year Medina resident. He has been a volunteer for various youth sports teams, is a member of the Medina Lions Club, and, with his wife, Kim, founded the Jakob F. Von Der Vellen Memorial Foundation. Contact Von Der Vellen by e-mailing or by calling 330-421-0863. Learn what other area nonprofits need by visiting Giving Hearts at


Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020


Proving Community Spirit The sudden shutdown of schools and businesses to slow the spread of COVID-19 caused a crisis of need for many in Medina County. Joy of Medina County Magazine is recognizing those companies that stepped up. Thank you, and a tip of the publisher’s hat to the following companies who showed their commitment to community and reached out to help.

Armstrong, 1141 Lafayette Road, Medina, took steps to enable easier working and schooling from home and increased entertainment options. The company relaxed its data allowance policy, opened all Zoom Wi-Fi hot spots, increased download speeds, and added a free preview of 14 cable channels for the month of April.

Proximity Marketing, 2947 Interstate Parkway, Brunswick, donated support to the United Way of Medina County COVID-19 Relief Fund. Smith Bros., Inc., 3087 Marks Road, Medina, is donating one week of meals for a child through Feeding Medina County for every yard of mulch sold.

The Place, 2377 Medina Road, Medina, is hosting a pickup and drop off point for making face masks. At press time, volunteers were busy sorting donated fabric from Mission of Love for the face masks in response to the Million Mask Challenge created by the Ohio-based Pins and Needles Sewing Shop. Instructions are available for a simple face mask and BKO Distillery, 1486 Medina Road, #215, Medina, is for one appropriate for health care workers, which donating bottles of 75-percent alcohol solution to was designed by Pins and Needles with the help of a use to wipe down steering wheels, doorknobs, cell local hospital. Volunteers are needed for making the phones, anything that is frequently touched. Monday masks. Material and instructions can be picked up through Friday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday and and completed masks dropped off in bins at The Sunday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Call ahead to ensure Place or at any Pins and Needles location. To availability, 330-451-6650. volunteer, text Linda Baddely at 330-990-1451. Bear Cave Drive Through, 474 College Street, Wadsworth, has a donation box on the side of the building and for their donation of 10 percent of sales during May to The Garage in Wadsworth that provides free food, cleaning supplies and hygiene items to area families and teens.

CR Multi-Service Company, Medina, and MDG Flooring America, 3812 Pearl Road, Medina, sponsored a visit from the Easter bunny, Santa Claus and a dinosaur with candy-filled eggs to nine homes in Lodi, Medina, Sebring, Wadsworth, and Wooster. Grande Café and Roastery, 4080 Creative Living Way, Medina, is providing meals and baked goods to Creative Housing residents who have lost their jobs. Harding and Jacob insurance advisor Renee Ackim,, raised and donated almost $500 to Feeding Medina County.

USA Custom Apparel, 229 Harding Street B, Medina, is selling T-shirts printed with “Medina County United Together” for $20 each, with proceeds going to Feeding Medina County. Williams on the Lake, 787 Lafayette Road, Medina, with the help of the Medina Lions Club and a faithbased organization, is donating hundreds of meals of pork loin, cabbage rolls, barbecue, and more to Cups Café and Love Dash.

Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020



Walking Pants Magic

by Jerry King

by Hunter Barnard This month I watched “Onward,” and I liked the movie a lot. I thought it was cool because they did a lot of things that were fun. The movie started at a time when a lot of people used really cool magic, but eventually they stopped using magic. Instead, people got cars and stuff so they did not need magic anymore. The main character, an elf named Ian Lightfoot, realizes he can learn how to use magic, and he tries to bring his dad back to life. At first, he and his elf brother, Barley, were really excited about it, but then stuff started to get hard with maps, obstacles and more. Their dad was my favorite character because he ran around without arms or a head or anything, he was just a pair of walking pants sometimes and I thought that was really funny. Their adventure was really cool because they were trying to find a way to bring their dad back using magic, and they got to do all sorts of things that looked like a lot of fun. Sometimes the magic did not work and that was kind of sad, but eventually Ian and Barley figured it out. I learned that using magic would be really hard to figure out but, once you did, it would be easy and a lot of fun. Lots of fun things happened during the movie but it was not always happy, at the end it was good though, so that was nice. Barley had a really cool car that was kind of funny, too, he liked the car a lot. I thought that was awesome because he built the car by himself. The movie was really funny and lots of cool things happened in it and even though they got sad in the middle, it was good at the end. I liked the movie and I think other people would like it at least a little if they saw it, too. Hunter Barnard is an energetic 6-year-old who attends Brunswick City Schools and likes to share his opinion. He is assisted in writing his column by his mom, Jessica Rapenchuk.


Joseph G. Landry II, D.D.S., M.A.G.D., F.I.C.O.I Master of the Academy of General Dentistry


5076 Park Avenue West • Seville, OH 44273




Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020

Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020

Joyful Word Search Ohio Summer



Answer Key for Last Month’s Search

The Search for Ing



Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020

Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020

Celebrate! Joy of Medina County Magazine thanks and celebrates these great companies who believe in community and make it possible for readers to enjoy this magazine for free. Please thank the following companies for bringing Joy to you!

Cable, Internet, Phone



Landry Family Dentistry

1141 Lafayette Road, Medina Contact: Sam Pietrangelo Community Marketing Manager Phone: 330-722-3141 Website:

5076 Park Avenue West, Seville Contact: Dr. Joseph G. Landry II Phone: 330-769-4470 Website:

Fireplaces, Hot Tubs, Grills

Mold Remediation

The Place


2377 Medina Road, Medina Contact: Andrea Reedy Phone: 330-239-4000 Website:

Contact: Paul McHam Office phone: 330-658-2600 Cell phone: 330-280-3777 Website:

Want to join these great companies in sponsoring the best publication in Medina County? Contact Amy Barnes,, 330-461-0589.




Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020

Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020


June 2020 Nonprofit Calendar Editor’s Note: Please be aware that many events are being cancelled due to concerns about COVID-19. Check before going to ensure events you plan to attend are still being held.

Medina Cars and Coffee Cruise-In, 7 a.m. lineup begins, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., Broadway Street, Medina Public Square. Antique, classic and collectible cars.

Monday, June 1 National Go Barefoot Day and National Nail Polish Day, paint those toenails and celebrate both! Monday Movie Matinee, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Meeting Rooms A and B, Wadsworth Library, 132 Broad Street, Wadsworth. Adults. Reservations by calling Soprema Senior Center, 330-335-1513.

Monday, June 8 National Best Friends Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., Medina Fire Station 1, 300 W. Reagan Parkway, Medina. Baby Car Seat Installations, 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Medina County Health Department, 4800 Ledgewood Drive, Medina. By appointment Tuesday, June 2 only, call 330-723-9688. National Leave the Office Early Day…even if you are working from American Red Cross Blood Drive, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Trinity United home! Church of Christ, 215 High Street, Wadsworth. American Red Cross Blood Drive, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Medina County Board of Developmental Disabilities Achievement Center, 4691 Windfall Monday Night Intrigue, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Meeting Room B, Wadsworth Road, Medina. Library, 132 Broad Street, Wadsworth. Flex detective skills in chill-toSouth Town Cruise-In, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Habitat for Humanity parking the-bone stories. Contact the reference desk for more information, lot, 233 Lafayette Road, Medina. Open to all antique, classic or col330-335-1294. lectible cars. Weather permitting. Free. Tuesday, June 9 Wednesday, June 3 Call Your Doctor Day National Egg Day, National Running Day, and National Repeat Day I American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., Highland Library, bet you can connect these if you try! 4160 Ridge Road, Medina. Chippewa Lake Water Ski Show Team Performance, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., South Town Cruise-In, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Habitat for Humanity parking Emerald Lake, 3196 Clark Mill Road, Norton. Everyone is welcome. Do- lot, 233 Lafayette Road, Medina. Open to all antique, classic or colnations welcomed. lectible cars. Weather permitting. Free. Thursday, June 4 Hug Your Cat Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 3 p.m. to 8 p.m., St. Ambrose Church, 929 Pearl Road, Brunswick. Friday, June 5 Hot Air Balloon Day and National Doughnut Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Medina Hospital, 1000 E. Washington Street, Medina. Saturday, June 6 National Drive-In Movie Day and National Black Bear Day Medina Creative Housing 14th Annual Raising the Roof, 6 p.m. to 11 p.m., Weymouth Country Club, 3946 Weymouth Road, Medina. Comedy skit, Gatsby-era cuisine, Gatsby Gang Jazz Band performs, raffles, auctions, more. Tickets $110 each at ORMACO Jazz Under the Stars: Joe Leaman Trio, 7 p.m., live-stream concert. Log in at The concert is free, but donations are needed. Donations can be made by calling 330-722-2541 or at Sunday, June 7 National VCR Day


Wednesday, June 10 Herb and Spices Day and National Black Cow Day Chippewa Lake Water Ski Show Team Performance, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Emerald Lake, 3196 Clark Mill Road, Norton. Everyone is welcome. Donations welcomed. Thursday, June 11 National Corn on the Cob Day and National Making Life Beautiful Day Breastfeeding Basics Class, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., Medina County Health Department, 4800 Ledgewood Drive, Medina. Free. For more information, call 330-723-9688, Option 4. Friday, June 12 National Red Rose Day, National Loving Day and National Jerky Day Perfect for the couple that loves roses and jerky! American Red Cross Blood Drive, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Medina Community Recreation Center, 855 Weymouth Road, Medina. Saturday, June 13 National Sewing Machine Day and International Axe Throwing Day A perfect combo for the person who gets frustrated trying to use a sewing machine. American Red Cross Blood Drive, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Hinckley Old Fire Station, 1410 Ridge Road, Hinckley.


Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020 abused children in observation of April being Child Abuse Awareness Month. Walk has been expanded to include numerous organizations and animals, elderly, disabled. For more information, contact Rhonda Wurgler, 330-764-8891. ORMACO Pat Masalko: The Songs of Neil Young, Wadsworth Library, 132 Broad Street, Wadsworth. Reservations recommended, 330-7222541 or If library is closed due to COVID-19, it will live stream at

Brunswick 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sundays, June 14 through October 4, 2020 Heritage Farm, 4613 Laurel Road, Brunswick Vendor registration information at

Medina 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays, June 6 through October 17 Medina Public Square


Saturdays, May 23 through September 26 Gazebo at Maria Stanhope Park, 73 W. Main Street, Seville Vendor registration information at

Wadsworth 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays, June 13 through September 26 Central Intermediate School, 151 Main Street, Wadsworth Vendor registration information at


A list of golf outings that benefit area non-profit organizations. To have your golf outing listed, send the information to at least two months in advance. There is no such thing as too early, but there is too late. Contact the hosting golf course for pricing, registration and sponsorships.

Address Guide: Bunker Hill Golf Course 3060 Pearl Road, Medina 330-722-4174 or 216-469-9241

Saturday, June 20 Collin Nemet Make a Wish Fundraiser 9 a.m. registration Bunker Hill Golf Course

Monday, June 15 National Nature Photography Day Enjoy our nature photography in this issue. American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., Cleveland Clinic Family Health Center Brunswick, 3574 Center Road, Brunswick. https:// American Red Cross Blood Drive, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., First Congregational Church, 114 Church Street, Lodi. Tuesday, June 16 National Fudge Day No more needs to be said! Breastfeeding Basics Class, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., Medina County Health Department, 4800 Ledgewood Drive, Medina. Free. For more information, call 330-723-9688, Option 4. American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., Northside Christian Church, 7615 Ridge Road, Wadsworth. South Town Cruise-In, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Habitat for Humanity parking lot, 233 Lafayette Road, Medina. Open to all antique, classic or collectible cars. Weather permitting. Free. Wednesday, June 17 National Eat Your Vegetables Day We guess it makes up for yesterday. Celebrate by trying the recipe in our “Vegan Vittles” column. American Red Cross Blood Drive, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Root Candles, 640 Liberty Street, Medina. American Red Cross Blood Drive, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Wadsworth YMCA, 623 School Drive, Wadsworth. Chippewa Lake Water Ski Show Team Performance, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Emerald Lake, 3196 Clark Mill Road, Norton. Everyone is welcome. Donations welcomed. Daniel Boone Reenactment, 7 pm. to 9 p.m., Meeting Rooms A and B, Wadsworth Library, 132 Broad Street, Wadsworth. Thursday, June 18 National Go Fishing Day and International Sushi Day Perfect! Friday, June 19 Take a Road Trip Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Saint Mark Lutheran Church, 1330 N. Carpenter Road, Brunswick.

Saturday, June 20 National Hike With a Geek Day and Record Store Day Ride 4 Recovery, 9 a.m., Medina. Benefits Hope Recovery Community. Saturday, June 27 Collect recovery chips at multiple stops on ride. Leave from Medina Miracle League Golf Outing and arrive back in Medina. Last stop will have cookout, awards, prizes, 7:30 a.m. registration raffles, speakers, kid activities, more. For more information, go to Bunker Hill Golf Course Pizza Palooza, Public Square, Medina. Local pizzerias compete for top prize in judged competition, tickets can be purchased to sample pizzas. County nonprofits and social service organizations promote services. Sunday, June 14 Will Ohio Pie Co. win again this year? Will Courthouse Pizzeria win National Pop Goes the Weasel Day Judge’s Choice for the third year in a row? No More Abuse Walk, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Public Square, Medina. After ORMACO Opera Under the Stars: Cleveland Opera Theater, 7 p.m. to presentation, walk to Spokes Café, 406 S. Broadway, Medina, to plant pinwheels. Formerly was known as the Pinwheel Walk and represented 9 p.m., Public Square, Medina. Opera and light opera favorites perSaturday, June 13 Love INC Golf Outing 7:30 a.m. registration Benefits Love INC Bunker Hill Golf Course

Joy of Medina County Magazine | June 2020 formed. In case of inability to gather due to COVID-19, the performance will be live streamed at The concert is free, but donations are needed. Donations can be made by calling 330-722-2541 or at 3buoBWF Sunday, June 21 Father’s Day, Go Skateboarding Day and National Selfie Day Take a selfie skateboarding with dad! Monday, June 22 National Onion Ring Day Tuesday, June 23 National Columnists Day and Typewriter Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., Medina Performing Arts Center, 851 Weymouth Road, Medina. South Town Cruise-In, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Habitat for Humanity parking lot, 233 Lafayette Road, Medina. Open to all antique, classic or collectible cars. Weather permitting. Free.

A list of runs and walks that benefit area non-profit organizations. To have your run listed, send the information to at least two months in advance. There is no such thing as too early, but there is too late.

Sunday, June 14

6th Annual Sophia’s Smile 5k and 1-mile Fun Run 7:30 a.m. Buckeye Woods Park 6335 Wedgewood Road, Medina Funds help buy headstones for children in memory of Sophia Miller Fees and registration:

Sunday, June 21

Hornet Dash 5k Highland High School 4150 Ridge Road, Medina For more information: or call Josh Boggs, 330-9211427

Wednesday, June 24 International Fairy Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., Wadsworth YMCA, 623 School Drive, Wadsworth. American Red Cross Blood Drive, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Brunswick United Methodist Church, 1395 Pearl Road, Brunswick. Chippewa Lake Water Ski Show Team Performance, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Emerald Lake, 3196 Clark Mill Road, Norton. Everyone is welcome. Thursday, June 25 Log Cabin Day Narcan Training, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Meeting Room B, Wadsworth Library, 132 Broad Street, Wadsworth. Presented by the Medina County Health Department. For more information, contact Jeannie Bunch,, 330-441-2734. Friday, June 26 Take Your Dog to Work Day Saturday, June 27 Sunglasses Day Sunday, June 28 Paul Bunyan Day Monday, June 29 Hug Holiday and International Mud Day Tuesday, June 30 Meteor Watch Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., The Chapel Wadsworth Campus, 1391 State Road, Wadsworth. South Town Cruise-In, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Habitat for Humanity parking lot, 233 Lafayette Road, Medina. Open to all antique, classic or collectible cars. Weather permitting. Free.

Submitting Calendar Events Listings in the calendar must be events, festivals or fairs hosted by or benefitting a nonprofit organization in Medina County. Send submissions to and put CALENDAR in the subject line. Information is not accepted by phone. The calendar also is available online at on the Events: Let’s Do It! tab at the top of the page or in the drop-down menu on mobile devices, where it is regularly updated.


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