June 2011 J.Hop Times

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John Hopkins Middle School St. Petersburg, Florida


J.HOP TIMES The J.Hop Times is named BEST student newspaper in the country for grades 7-12 by Weekly Reader! Check out the full story online at:


John Hopkins Middle School named COOL SCHOOL by Fox 13. Read the story at http://jhoptimes.pcsb.org.


The Wiz

The J.Hop Times went behind the scenes of this year’s school play, The Wiz. For in-depth coverage, check out pages 14 - 15.

Guess Who?

Do you recognize this teacher? Do you think she looks the same? Any idea what she liked to do in middle school? Check out page 6 for a look back at some of our favorite teachers and their middle school memories.

Cover photo


With the school year coming to a close, eighthgraders look back and leave advice for those who are staying here at J.Hop. For more letters from eigth-graders check out pages 16 - 17.

About us

The J.Hop Times is produced four times a year by journalism students. For more news on John Hopkins, check out the J.Hop Times online at: http://jhoptimes.pcsb.org

June 1, 2011

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$urvival Guide

June 1, 2011

How do you plan to make money this summer?


“Working at Sweetbay or something else.” -Erika Clayton, 6th grade

“By babysitting and doing yard work, like raking up leaves and watering plants.” -Krysta Muehlendyck, 7th grade

Cartoon by JEROME BURNETT/J.HOP TIMES “By babysitting my little cousin. She is three.”

-Jocelynn Torres, 7th grade

“Probably get a job at some grocery store.”

-Malik Moore, 8th grade

To read other J.Hop students’ plans for making money this summer visit http://jhoptimes.pcsb.org.


How J.Hop students plan to make money this summer

Tips on how to make money over the summer

Wash cars at a nearby gas station with family and friends. Getting wet in the hot sun is always fun.

Sell lemonade with a friend in front of your house on a hot day. Nothing quenches thirst better than a cold sip of lemonade.

Do things around your house, like dishes and cleaning rooms. It could earn you both money and brownie points.

Do yard work, like raking and mowing. You can earn a good amount of money for doing a good job.

Make things and sell them, like art and jewelry. You could have fun and earn money at the same time.

Walk dogs for people who are out of town or elders who need help. This could be fun because you could play with the dogs while you walk them.

Have a yard sale in front of your house. This will help you meet new people around your neighborhood and get rid of old things.

Get a job at a recreation center. If you’re looking to be in charge a little, then this is right job for you.

Making money over the summer can be hard work, such as yard work, or it can be fun, such as washing cars with friends. Here are some helpful hints on how to make money over the summer.

Graph by JAMARI GRAHAM Survey conducted by GISSELLE ZAYAS and DEVON WARE


you’re good with kids, this would be an easy money-maker.

Get a job at fun places like an arcade or at a local store. It could be fun because you could play games or see friends while you’re at work.

Babysit kids in your neighborhood. If

J.Hop Times

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Double trouble

J.Hop twins share the good and the bad of having someone with identical looks By LINDA CORBETT

When you look around J.Hop, you see many different faces, but if you look really deep, there are a few faces that are the same. J.Hop has many sets of twins, including eighth-graders Delaney and Madison Lewis, Dominique and Desminique Moore and seventh-graders Quatez and Quantez Wilson. Some of the twins here look exactly alike, so it’s very common to get their names mixed up. Even their parents get confused. “My mom calls my brother’s name, and she really meant to call mine,” Quatez said. But there is a way to tell them apart. “People don’t really notice the earrings, but I wear them so they can tell us apart,” said Quantez. Besides the looks, of course, these twins have other similarities. Quatez and Quantez Wilson are known as the dancing twins. Some, like Madison and Delaney, say they have “everything in common.’’ In fact when Madison and Delaney were babies “…our family painted our nails different colors to remember us,” they said. They may look the same, but the twins are all different in many ways. Dominique and Desminique both play sports, but the sports they play are different. Dominique plays basketball, and Desminique runs track. Many twins that you see dress alike, but some don’t. Madison and Delaney never dress alike. “It’s too twin-y,” Delaney said. And “We have different


Dominique Moore (left) and Desminique Moore (right) goof around on the track during 6th period on May 9. Desminique, who runs track, steals the ball away from her sister Dominique, who plays basketball.

styles from each other,” Quatez said. But Desminique and Dominique dress alike almost every day “because we’re twins and we like it,” Desminique said. Twins like having some things the same. Madison and Delaney have all of their classes together. “I do better when I’m in a class with her,” Madison said. The best part about being a twin is going “places without getting in trouble. Like if one of us does something bad, I can go away and then they won’t

know which one did it,” Quantez said. The worst part about being a twin is “we argue a lot about stupid stuff,” said Madison. Madison and Delaney like to make jokes about who’s cuter, like when Delaney said that “they cloned me because I’m so hot.’’ Then Madison said, “Delaney was a tester, and I was the final product.” Having a twin could be either good or bad, but it’s always good when twins are “having fun with each other,” Desminique said.

Check out Quantez and Quatez’s dance video and slideshow on our website http://jhoptimes.pcsb.org


On May 9, Quantez Wilson (left) and Quatez Wilson (right) dance on the longjump next to the track. The two are twins and are known at J.Hop for their dancing at.


Madison Lewis (Left) and Delaney Lewis (Right) sit back to back on top of the wall by Building 3. The Lewis twins show off their nail polish, Madison wears a pink color called ‘Flirty Girl’ and Delaney wears a color called ‘Naughty Girl’.

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June 1, 2011

Behind the Scenes


Ms. Beasey, left, and Ms. Yeazell, right, talk with Ms. McCall in the front office. Ms. McCall is a volunteer coordinator and community liaison.

What really happens in the office? By TYLER HOLT and MYESHA HALL

A day in the front office can be very hectic and fast-paced. The J.Hop Times should know because we could barely keep up! One week in April journalists got to see what it’s really like up there when we’re all in our classrooms.

Ms. Beasey is J.Hop Principal Mr. Brown’s secretary. She said her main job is to make sure Mr. Brown keeps his deadlines and keeps his calendar. Mr. Brown said Ms. Beasey is “vital…She is my left hand, and keeps me up-to-date.” Ms. Beasey said the best part her job is she “works with the best people.” She also said her hardest job “would be payroll and keeping track of Mr. Brown.” “She helps me remember things when I ramble on,” Mr. Brown said. Earlier this year when she had a family crisis and had to be out for several days, everyone in the office helped out. They kept the flow going. Mr. Brown said even though she wasn’t able to be at school, she still helped him by outlining his day and “that kept me up-to-date.” Ms. Tammy is the school nurse. She said her job is to help “sick students, children that have fights, children that need medication and children that just need to calm down,


Mr. Pope, a long-term substitute for Mrs. Berry’s science class, talks with students about their rockets in first period. Mr. Pope has been working with the students to build and blast off their experimental rockets.


Substitutes are seen at J.Hop almost every day. But where do they come from? What do they do when they are not subbing for someone? Do they

relax.” And she sees a lot of students. In the month of March, Ms. Tammy said 738 students came to the clinic. When no one else is in the clinic, she does a LOT of computer and paperwork, and also spends time filing clinic cards and creating monthly reports. Another person who works in the front office is Mrs. Maxwell, the school bookkeeper. She said her job is to handle a lot of paperwork and she has to “make sure all my I’s are dotted and T’s are crossed, meaning no money is missing.” She became a bookkeeper because while she was in high school, she took aptitude tests that always led toward mathematics. She said the hardest part of her job is to get teachers to follow instructions. She said the best part of her job is “going home to relax and even better when I retire in half a year.” Mrs. Maxwell said something students may not know about her is that she loves to shop. Also in the front office are student

like being a sub? The J.Hop Times found out a little bit more about the substitutes at our school. Some substitutes decide to take sub jobs because they need money, like Mr. Handle who recently subbed for Mr. Williams’ math class. “I need a job,” he said. Mrs. Williams, who recently substituted for Ms. Collis, said, “I was having trouble in school because I had kids when I was in college, so I became a substitute.” Some use it to prepare for what they hope is their future career. Mr. Schultz became a substitute to prepare himself to be a real teacher. Others became subs because they had some extra time. Mrs. Gardner, who recently subbed for Ms. Jackson, retired from the Air Force after 20 years. To get a substitute to come to the school a teacher calls in to the Subfinder system saying that they are going to be absent and the automated system calls up a sub to ask if they want to do the job. Some substitutes are hard core and have the students finish everything the teacher left for them. Others are more laid back and some kids get away without doing the work their teachers assigned. “I am really relaxed. I don’t yell at them (kids) much,” said Mrs. Gardner. A lot of times you could walk in to a room with substitutes and kids are taking advantage of the substitutes and not following the rules. They have their phones, iPods and Gameboys out while eating, chewing gum and using inappropriate

assistants, like seventh-grader Ariel Williams. She helps answer the phone and run errands. Ariel said as a front office helper you need to “have patience, be nice and when people come in, you need to smile and have a good attitude.” Ariel Williams, a student assistant in the front office, helps Ms. Ray with paperwork Thursday, May 5th.



Ms. Tammy, the school nurse, takes the temperature of a student during first period on Friday, May 6th.

language during class. When this happens substitute Mr. Sandrowitz said, “It rather irritates me, and it makes me wonder about the teacher.” Some kids like substitutes. Sixth-grader Jeanie Baker likes substitutes because “they don’t check our work.” Other students don’t like having subs, like Renynautica Williams, sixth-grade. “They’re bossy,” she said. But sometimes it’s the student’s fault for getting nothing done. “The kids act bad and work can’t be done,” said Trevon Gammage, seventh grade. But there are some good things about being a sub. Mr. Handle said, “It’s different every day.” However, there are some disadvantages. Mrs. Williams said, “The downside is I would not get the benefits,” meaning she won’t get health care coverage as a sub. Sarah Pohl contributed to this story.

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J.Hop Times

Behind the Scenes

Keeping an eye on you By JAJUAN WEBSTER

A lot of students know that Mr. Thurman and Mr. Green will send them home if they get into trouble no matter the period. What they don’t know is what they do when they’ve vanished from the courtyard. For half of the school day, I followed them around campus to see how serious they are about their jobs.

9:35 - Mr. Thurman escorts

wandering students to class. Mr. King’s class is locked out in the hallway. He unlocks their classroom until Ms. Lynch helps by providing them her room for first and second period. 9:37 - Mr. Thurman looks for a substitute teacher for Mr. King’s class. No substitute shows up. 9:47 - Mr. Thurman is catching skipping students around school by yelling or sneaking up on them. “Hey cat!” he says to students. He tells them to get to class or they will be written up. 9:57 - Mr. Thurman discusses absences of J.Hop staff with seventh-grade clerk Ms. Mobley. He’s still trying to find a sub for Mr. King’s class. 10:30 - Mr. Thurman checks the monitors in his office for skipping students. “I’m looking for the hotspots,” he says. 10:36 - Mr. Thurman watches students for Ms. Heard while she runs an errand. Then he checks Building 6 for skipping students.


11:10 - Mr. Thurman checks monitors for trouble around campus while eating a little snack in the campus monitor office downstairs in Building 5. Mr. Thurman tries to find the area with the most skipping students in it to patrol. “I’m looking for the hotspots,” he says. Photo by JAJUAN WEBSTER/J.HOP TIMES

10:55 - J.Hop campus monitor Mr. Green checks the radio and looks out for skipping students on his bike. He turns his speed up on his bike when there’s any trouble coming from the radio. “Get in where you fit in,” he yells. 10:57 - Mr. Green charges down the hallway on his bike to take a student out of class for time out. “You don’t get a chance for a second chance,” he says as he points the student in the right direction. 11:03 - Mr. Green and Mr. Thurman look for a missing seventh-grader in the gym and hallways. They’re trying to send her home.

11:12 - Mr. Thurman checks the courtyard for skipping students. Any students he finds out of class without a pass, he writes them down on his pad.



11:14 - Mr. Thurman checks for any trouble around Photo by JAJUAN WEBSTER/J.HOP TIMES Photo by JAJUAN WEBSTER/J.HOP TIMES

10:47 - Mr. Thurman writes a referral for a

seventh-grade student’s misbehavior and tardiness. The student was disrespectful toward Mr. Thurman and the school. “I don’t give a (bleep) about this school,” she says.

11:07- Mr. Green escorts a student

to the front office to be sent home. The student ran off after she found out she was receiving a referral and a trip home. “You about to get it,” Mr. Green says.

Building 7 before he conducts a perimeter sweep. He wants to make sure there isn’t anyone hiding around the portables. Students “think it’s a safe area to hide in, but we’re here to discourage that thinking,” he says. 11:33 - Mr. Thurman takes a perimeter sweep around the school. “Someone jacked my (go)-cart,” he says. 11:39 - Mr. Thurman is back in his office to take a quick break before cafeteria duty.

June 1, 2011

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Teacher Spotlight






Believe it or not, teachers were middle schoolers too, once. Read their memories from middle school or junior high.

Ms. Lundin, health/PE teacher

What were you like in middle school? A band nerd. What was the popular show on TV? Fraggle Rock, The Muppets. What was fashionable in your school? Jelly shoes. Did you look the same way you do now back then? How did you change? I was a fat kid. Where did you grow up? Scituate, Mass. What middle and high school did you go to? Inverness Middle, Citrus High. What was different about middle school back then? Kids were not as mean.

Mrs. Gist, math teacher

What were you like in middle school? I was very outgoing and very social. I was an A and B student, always on the Honor Roll. What classes were hard for you? In middle school my hardest class was math. I just did not understand the concepts. Math did not click for me until ninth grade. Then I excelled in math and did not have to work so hard understanding the concepts. What was popular on TV? The Flintstones, The Ed Sullivan show, I Dream of Jeannie, Father Knows Best, The Three Stooges. What was fashionable in your school? I wore a uniform to school. But outside of school, we wore miniskirts and hot pants

with boots. Do you look the same way you look now back then? How did you change? No, I looked completely different; I was tall for my age and very skinny. Where did you grow up? I was born and raised in New York City. What middle and high school did you go to? I went to Saint Catherine of Sienna Middle School in Queens, N.Y. and Saint Agnes Academic High School in College Point, N.Y. What was different about middle school back then? In middle school the kids were very respectful and always did as they were told. Everyone did homework and there were no fights. Everyone seemed to get along together. We never questioned an authority figure.

Ms. Kolhoff, Spanish teacher

What were you like in middle school? I was super nerdy in eighth grade. What grades did you make? I made As and Bs in middle school. I was an Honor Roll student. What class did you like the most? Spanish was my favorite subject because the teacher was really nice and funny. What was popular on TV? Friends and Seventh Heaven. What was fashionable in your school? Tommy Hilfiger and little shorts, pretty much. Did you look the same way you do now back then? Yeah, you can tell it’s me

when you see my picture. Where did you grow up? Dunedin. What middle and high school did you go to? Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School. What was different about middle school back then? There were only 35 people in eighth grade total, and I was with them since kindergarten, so everyone knew each other, and we never really had problems.

Mr. Williams, math teacher

What were you like in middle school? Real quiet, short, skinny. What grades did you make? As and a few Bs. What class was hard for you? History, because I can’t remember what I did last week, and now I have to remember what happened 100 years ago. What was popular on TV? The A-Team and Alf. What was fashionable in your school? Crazy colors with short shorts and when I think about it now it’s like, what were we thinking wearing that? Where did you grow up? Here. What middle school did you go to? Riviera Middle. What was different about middle school back then? You couldn’t turn anything in late and had to get 94 percent for As and 85 percent for Bs.

Ms. Lynch, computer teacher

What were you like in middle school? The same way I am now, except I was shorter.

What grades did you make? As and Bs. What class or classes did you like the most? Computer and art. What was popular on TV? The Cosby Show. What was fashionable in your school? Converse or anything with a Coca-Cola sign on it. Did you look the same way you do now? How did you change? Yes, but I didn’t wear glasses. Where did you grow up? I lived in England but moved down here when I was five. What middle and high school did you go to? Baypoint Middle School and Lakewood High. What was different about middle school back then? Kids respected their teachers.

Ms. McIntosh, science teacher

What were you like in middle school? I was popular, maybe because I was nice. What grades did you make? Good grades: As and Bs. What class did you like the most? School was easy for me. Science. What was popular on TV? The Cosby Show. What was fashionable in your school? Mini-skirts. Did you look the same way you do now back then? How did you change? I was skinny with a big head; I’m a blonde now. Where did you grow up? In St. Pete. What middle and high school did you go to?




Madeira Beach Middle and Osceola High. What was different about middle school back then? Students were respectful and school was fun. No FCAT.

Ms. Bell, reading teacher

What were you like in middle school? I was a good student. What grades did you make? As, Bs and Cs. Fs were not allowed in my parents’ house. What class did you like the most? English (language arts); I was good at that subject. What was popular on TV? Cartoons, like Scooby Doo. What was fashionable in your school? The same thing the kids wear today, like miniskirts. If you had an afro, you were in. Did you look the same way you do now back then? How did you change? My face looked the same, but the rest of my body has changed. I had dyed my hair this color. Where did you grow up? On 14th Avenue S and 14th Street S. What middle and high school did you go to? I went to Southside Middle and Lakewood High. What was different about middle school back then? The kids are different these days. They have changed their attitudes.

Answers: 1. Ms. Gist, 2. Ms. Kolhoff, 3. Mr. Williams, 4. Ms. Lynch, 5. Ms. McIntosh, 6. Ms. Bell, On the cover: Coach Lundin.

Who am I ?

J.Hop Times


Eighth-grade history teacher Mrs. McRobert makes history matter and makes it real for her students, and on May 10 she received an award for being the best secondary social studies teacher in Pinellas County schools this year. Mrs. McRobert was recommended for this award by another Pinellas County teacher. “I was very proud because I felt like it was such an honor that another teacher could recognize how wonderful of a teacher I am,” she said. She has been a history teacher for 26 years. “I do love the kids and I think that social studies is about life and the way that we live today,” she said. The award was all about being a great teacher and just loving what you do. “I love teaching because it is just amazing and there are just so many discoveries in history that are really exciting,” Mrs. McRobert said. Her students were proud too. “I like Mrs. McRobert because she is so funny, and I love the way she teaches. She is such a wonderful teacher and great person,” said Michelle Williams, eighth grade.

Mr. Butts named the best By ALEXUS BARNHART and PHO NGUYEN

There are no “butts” about it. One of our own teachers at J.Hop won the Pinellas County Music Association Secondary Music Educator of the year. Guess who? MR. BUTTS! In order to win this award, you have to be nominated by a music educator in a specific category. Then, all of the music educators vote based on the nominees. However, Mr. Butts doesn’t credit himself for it. “I think it reflects the work and quality of the students more than anything I’ve done,” he said. His students describe him as caring and putting others before him. Amanda McAllister, sixth grade, said, “I think he is awesome, and he is really funny. He teaches us how to sing better.” Magnet Coordinator/Assistant Principal Mr. Vasallo said the award is overdue.“I’m so happy for him,” Mr. Vasallo said. “It’s something he has deserved for awhile.” After all, he has been a chorus teacher for 34 years and has taught at J.Hop for 11. To read the full story, visit our website http://jhoptimes.pcsb.org.

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Teacher Spotlight

Way back when By SARAH POHL

Teachers can be seen everywhere at J.Hop. But how well do we really know them? The J.Hop Times staff tried to get the dish on teachers’ pasts.

In the line of duty

Before she moved here from Texas to become a teacher, eighth-grade language arts teacher Ms. Collis worked as a volunteer firefighter. She mainly worked on the dispatch radio and drove the fire trucks; she didn’t actually put out any fires. She also worked at an ambulance service, and because they help the fire department a lot, that’s how Photo by DANIEL OLIVER/ she became a firefighter. J.HOP TIMES From the job, she learned Before she moved to Florida Ms. dispatch codes and CPR, as Collis was a volunteer firefighter. well as “reading a map bet“It made me a braver person,” she ter,” she joked. said on April 27th.

Coloring outside the lines

Mr. Frump, sixth-grade geography teacher, was held back for one year from going into kindergarten. This was because his preschool recommended it. “I guess they thought I wasn’t socially ready,” he said. It didn’t really affect him through the rest of his school years; no one noticed he was held back because it happened before elementary school. Being older than the other students actually helped him. “I played hockey, so that (being older and bigger) helped a little,” Mr. Frump said. He was one of the oldest freshmen in high school. “Here’s the perk: I could drive before anyone else,” he said.

ard said. For about three-and-a-half years, they were stationed in Seoul, South Korea. She really liked the life in Korea. “Everything seemed to be really compact,” she said. In Photo by DANIEL OLIVER/J.HOP TIMES high school, there From 7th to 10th grade Ms. Packard lived were about 250 in South Korea because her dad was in the students total. Marine Corps.

Traveling first-class to a nuclear plant

By the time he was in high school, Mr. Shumilak, an EBD teacher, had been to all 50 states and eight countries. Every summer he traveled with his family. “(It’s) exciting, because there’s so much that’s the same and so much that’s different (about each of the countries),” Mr. Shumilak said. His favorite country was Norway because the “people are absolutely friendly.” He also used to help in nuclear power plants. He has a degree in physics. His full title was radiation health physicist. “I was one of the guys that walked around in the big yellow suits,” Mr. Shumilak said. His job required moving around a lot, which he really hated doing. Being sick of traveling was one of the reasons he switched to being a teacher. “I’m good at math and Photo by DANIEL OLIVER/ J.HOP TIMES science, so it was easy… I wanted to do something I Mr. Shumilak is lit up on May 12 could put myself into.” with cell phones and iPods. He has a degree in physics.

Read more about teachers’ pasts at: http://jhoptimes.pcsb.org.


In preschool Mr. Frump was held back.


Ms. Packard, eighth-grade science teacher, has lived all over the world. This was because her dad was in the Marine Corps. “Throughout my life… we moved everywhere,” Ms. Pack-

June 1, 2011

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Around J.Hop

What’s in a name? By BENJAMEN KETMANY

Lil’ boy, lil’ girl, bro, bestie. These are common names you often hear people calling each other around our school and around the neighborhood. But some J.Hop students have specific nicknames based on their personality. The J.Hop Times decided to get the story behind a few students’ nicknames.



“Flea” (seventh-grader Danya Jones) is called this because he’s small and he loves to run around and mess with people.

“Cheese” (seventh-grader Derron Morgan) has been called “Cheese” since elementary school. He said he earned the name because he smiles a lot. Photos by BENJAMIN KETMANY/J.HOP TIMES

(Left) “Gamefreak” (seventh-grader Mario Brown) was given this nickname because he plays a lot of video games. (Right) “Flipper” (seventh-grader Quatez Wilson) has been flipping and tumbling since he was three years old and mastered it at the age of five. He said he was a very energetic child.

Getting a head start By JAYA NAIR and VERONICA RAMIREZ

Students taking honors classes at John Hopkins are getting more than extra homework. They’re also getting a head start on earning high school credits. Emily Seltzer is one of 546 eighth-graders taking honors classes to get high school credit. “I get a lot of homework in English class, and I get homework every day from math class,” Emily said. But the extra work in middle school means they will have more room in their high school schedules. “It takes care of one of their high school credits,” said Ms. Hoban, the eighth-grade English 1 honors teacher. “Like in English, they only have to take

three classes instead of four. It also prepares them for AP.” This stands for advanced placement. AP classes allow students to earn college credits in high school. Honors classes students can take for high school credit include English 1 honors, algebra 1 honors, advanced physical science, Spanish 1, Spanish 2, French 1 and geometry honors. At the end of the year, students in math, French and Spanish have to pass a test to get credit for the class. For English and science, there is no test, but your end grade decides whether you get the credit. Many students said they like the idea of being in classes with students of a higher grade level when they get to high school. Gaylen Granby, an eighthgrader who takes honors classes, said, “Actually I feel very good about the topic because it means as a ninth-grader I’m as smart as a tenth or eleventh-grader.” Eighth-grader Michael Pryzborowski takes honors science. He said honors classes “give a lot of work which stumps a lot of people.” He likes being in honors classes “because it gives me more opportunities in high school and in college.” Ms. McIntosh, one of the honors science teachers, said students are placed in honors classes based on their FCAT scores and their placement in AVID because if you’re in AVID you are required

to take honors classes. She said in her honors classes they have the same standards, but “the expectations are higher. They do more projects. They work more independently. I work as a facilitator. I don’t have to give directions as much.” Eigth-grader Jasmyne Reed works the writing portion of the Spanish High School Credits test in Senora Gonzalez’s class on May 5th. Students have to complete six sections of the test in order to be considered for high Photo by JAYA NAIR/J.HOP TIMES school credit.


On May 5th, Jordyn Zentz (front), and Daniel Oliver (back), both eighth graders in Senora Gonzalez’s class, take the Spanish High School Credits Test. This test decides which students get high school credit for their middle school work.

J.Hop Times

Year in review By JULIA MENDEZ

May 13 - John Hopkins was named a “Cool School” by Fox 13 and students and staff arrived at school as early as 6:30 a.m. to show their talents and school spirit on live TV.

Saved the Dates


April 27-30 – The Wiz, a modern day version of the musical The Wizard of Oz, included 90 J.Hop students. Two students were cast to play the lead role of Dorothy.

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March 25 - J.Hop had its own version of “America’s Got Talent.” There were singers, bands, piano, dancers and more. Only principal’s list and honor roll students could go, but students could watch it live on the J.Hop Times online.



February 16 - Discovery Night was a night for prospective students and parents that showed what types of programs and people there are at J.Hop. Around 200 people showed up. The magnet students showed off their talent through programs and tours.

March 24 - The track season ended with districts. J.Hop girls finished third in the competition with 58 points and 17 total ribbons, and the J.Hop boys finished fourth with 16 points and two medals.


May 6 - The J.Hop Times was named best newspaper in the country for grades 7-12 by The Weekly Reader. This is the 5th year in a row that the J.Hop Times has placed nationally.

February 21 - Mr. Turner came from Ruth Eckerd Hall to teach the sixth-graders how to prevent bullying by playing drums in a program called Hands on Heroes.


March 18 -22- J.Hop chorus 1, advanced chorus and Hope and Harmony students received superior ratings. The Wind Ensemble received excellent ratings at the MPA. March 2 - The Hopkins Orchestra received straight superiors from every judge in every category at the District 9 Florida Orchestra Association Music Performance Assessment (MPA).



John Hopkins has grown a lot this year, with a new principal, new clubs, new sports teams and less fights. Here’s a look back at some of the highlights of the 2010-2011 year at Hopkins.

Hello Summer! June 8 - The school year ends on a high note, with students going off to high school, and new ones coming to the middle school next year. John Hopkins Middle School-a GREAT place to be!


February 22 - J.Hop students and staff went to Thurgood Marshall Middle School for the day. This was because the evening before St. Petersburg Police Officer David Crawford was shot and killed about eight blocks from the school. He was the third officer to be killed in the line of duty within a month’s time.

Boss Photo

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(Left) Joseph*, left, and Reggie* do a crossword puzzle in the library during the Big Sister, Big Brother program on Feb. 10. “I like the fact that I can teach my little brother important things in life.” Joseph said. Reggie said his favorite part is “Having fun with my big brother.” *Last names omitted due to Big Sister, Big Brother program policy.

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Eighth-grader Brianna Styles receives instructions saying that she and her blindfolded partner Ngo Nguyen, have to toss a basketball back and forth seven times in a row and walk the ball back to Mr. Stretch. “He’s teaching us how it’s like to not see,” said Ngo.



(Top) Guest teacher Ms. Ana helps out Ms. Aboella’s advanced dance class on Oct. 28. Ms. Ana works at Moscow Ballet. (Bottom) Ms.Dyett, the teacher in charge of REAP, stands inside the fenced-in portables behind building 7 on Oct.14.


Dominic Rosado, a sixth-grader at J.Hop, dresses to impress on luau day during spirit week.



On Dec. 8, Mr. Butts’ chorus students practice for their winter concer Media Center.

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(Left) Sixth-grader Mia Bartolomei-Negron receives a cookie served by administration on Oct. 21 in the cafeteria. Students were handed tickets in their first, second and third period classes if they showed up on time, and were able to trade them in during lunch to receive a free treat.


n Hopkin’s eighth-grader Deme’ Davis e long jump at Lakewood high school rack meet on Feb. 22. Deme’ has ping the long jump since her sixth ar. Brown, J.Hop’s principal, stands SPFD firetruck’s cherry bucket to get a view of the school. annick Raimander eighth grade colors re in Mr. Stretch’s class for Kindergarn April 7. Photo by JULIAN GONZALEZ/J.HOP TIMES


(Left) Students measure the circumference of round circle objects using some gum and tasty treats during Pi Day on March 11. (Right) A photo of eigth-grader Nilaja King’s family hangs on Ms. Hoban’s family board on Oct. 12. Ms. Hoban’s class participated in a family poster project displaying photos and stories about their families.


rt in the

Seventh-graders Antwoine Reid (left) and Trent Thomas (right) show off their style with their backpacks near the cafeteria on Oct. 6.




January 11 J.Hop art students’ work was featured in the new DalÍ Museum. Their work was displayed until Feb. 20.

January 22 - Hundreds of people jammed into the overcrowded parking lot of Northeast High School to see what the county had to offer with magnet and fundamental programs.


December 6, 7 and 9 Finance Park was an eighth-grade field trip to teach students how to budget their money, and to prepare them for their future.


February 12 - John Hopkins Middle School’s World Drumming Percussion Ensemble received straight superiors in the County Florida Band Master Association Solo and Ensemble Assessment, or the FBA, held at Gibbs High School. This was the first time they ever competed, and they earned the highest rating you can receive.

November 18 - J.Hop held its first ever Fringe Festival, a showcase of J.Hop’s magnet programs. Students dressed up as mimes and statues, displayed photos and artwork, and chorus students performed solos and more. It was a creative way to set John Hopkins apart from other schools.



February 7-11 – The book fair made $700 in sales. The money was used to buy books for the media center from Scholastic. The Justin Bieber poster and books were the most popular items sold.

December 2 –Twinderella is a play about Cinderella finding out she has a twin brother named Bob. Ms. Hosey’s beginning drama students performed the play.



June 1, 2011

October 25 - The boys’ and girls’ volleyball teams had their last game of the season. Their record was seven wins and three losses for the boys, and three wins and seven losses for the girls. During volleyball season J.Hop’s new cheerleading team made their first appearance.

September 21 - Open house allowed families to meet their students’ new teachers. Administrators announced 71 percent of students receive free or reduced lunch, so the school is now known as a Title One School, which means it receives financial aid from the federal government.

August 26 - Mr. Brown became J.Hop’s new principal after being assistant principal for half of last year.


Welcome to J.Hop! Page 12

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J.Hop Times


JT Hadley: History

Jzon Livingston: Writing

JaJuan Webster: Science

Hannah Mayer: Math

The power knowledge brings By TYCIN TYLER and BRITTANY WEDDLE

Five students were recently chosen as being the most outstanding eighth-graders for five subjects. They received Pride Awards at a big ceremony at Ruth Eckerd Hall. Meet the students who were given top honors.

History: Jeffrey (JT) Hadley

Why do you think you deserve this award? I try my hardest and never give up even when I have a hard time. What do you like about history? Learning about social studies is fun because I like learning about stories before I was born and how we got here. How does it feel to win? It’s a great honor knowing that you’re the top student. What are your plans for high school? St. Pete High, I’m going to take college classes. What do you want to do when you grow up? I want to be a psychiatrist because I like helping people with their problems and giving them my opinion about what they should do with their problems.

Language Arts: Jzon Livingston

Why do you think you deserve this award? I think I deserve the Pride Award because I worked hard and thought for hours about the topic that was given to me before even writing it down in the essay I submitted. What do you like about language arts? I like the reading aspect of language arts because you’re not only learning about the story, you’re also learning about the author and their thoughts on things. How does it feel to win? I feel good. It makes me feel like I’m one step closer to greatness. What are your plans for high school? Largo High because of the I.B. program and Shorecrest because it’s a private school and there are a lot of network-

Andy Tanjaroon: World Language

ing opportunities. What do you want to do when you grow up? I either want to be an ambassador for the UN or Korea or a neurosurgeon. I would like to be an ambassador because I would get to communicate with other countries, see their ideas on things, and I would also like to check out what they are doing right and what I’m doing wrong so that I can better myself. I would like to be a neurosurgeon purely because of the money and the ability I would have to provide for my family.

Math: Hannah Mayer

Why do you think you deserve this award? I actually didn’t expect it from math; it’s not really my favorite subject. What do you like about math? I don’t really care for math, but I know I’m at least OK at it, so I can survive later on in life. How does it feel to win? It feels like I’m doing something good but not realizing I’m doing it. I think I can put it on a job application. What are your plans for high school?

I’m going to Boca Ciega for medical and drama. What do you want to do when you grow up? I’m thinking about being a physical therapist. I want to do this because when my mom had her accident, I went to the physical therapist with her, and they taught me how to give her the treatment.

World Languages: Andy Tanjaroon

Why do you think you deserve this award? I work pretty hard, and I get A’s in my classes. What do you like about world languages? World languages are OK. You get to learn another language and communicate with other people and cultures and understand them. How does it feel to win? It feels pretty good having a Pride Award. The trophy says academic excellence, and it makes me feel good because not everyone is told they have academic excellence. What are your plans for high school? I chose to go to Boca Ciega for the medical magnet program.


What do you want to do when you grow up? I would like to be a doctor, perhaps have my own office or maybe work in a hospital.

Science: JaJuan Webster

Why do you think you deserve this award? I’m a determined, hard worker, and it’s what my family wants. What do you like about science? In science you get to work with technology and chemicals. How does it feel to win? I have achieved a high goal. It shows that I am an academic and physical achiever. What are your plans for high school? I am going into the CAT and journalism program at Lakewood High. I chose this school because I like taking pictures and dealing with technology. What do you want to do when you grow up? I want to act, take pictures for a newspaper, be a game tester, or play professional sports. Romesha Smith and Linda Corbett contributed to this report.

June 1, 2011

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Curtain Call

Wiz is the biz


Photo by SIERRA LEVY/J.Hop times

On April 29th sixth-grader Cierra Lynch puts stage makeup on Cecilia Nowicki in the dressing room during the first act of the school play The Wiz. Cecilia Nowicki is a second-grader at Imagine and is the younger sister of J.Hop sixth–grader Mya Nowicki.

Everyone behind the curtains gathers for a meeting. Ms. Hosey looks very nervous and shaky, but she gives them a pep talk. The students hold hands to pray: “Please dear God help us remember our lines.” The play begins and the show is on. More than 90 students participated in J.Hop’s spring musical, The Wiz, April 27-30. The Wiz is a musical play that first debuted in 1978, starring Michael Jackson as the scarecrow and Diana Ross as Dorothy. The audience stares and listens with eyes and ears open. Seventh-grader Maya Go yells in her mic to the people backstage to “OPEN THE CURTAINS. “I’m not nervous because I try to pretend that it is dress rehearsal,” said Mya Nowicki, one of the strangers. This musical took a lot more than choreography and acting. Approximately 30 parents, a set designer who has also helped with Disney, a professional band, J.Hop art students, and even elementary students as young as second grade worked together to make this play happen. Most of them volunteered; only the choreographers and band were paid. Auditions were held in February and students rehearsed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays to perfect their parts.

A stroll down memory lane’s hall of fame By LINDA CORBETT and SARAH POHL

Hollywood isn’t the only place with a red carpet; John Hopkins has one of its own. J.Hop’s magnet programs have led to the success of actress Megan Fox and American Idol contestant Michael Lynche. Others approaching celeb status include playwright Dylan Glatthorn, band member Sierra Kusterbeck and artist Kurt McRobert. The newest person to J.Hop’s hall of fame is Amanda Puyot, who made it to the second round of auditions of Simon Cowell’s new reality show The X Factor. Megan Fox, who was a J.Hop student from 1997 to 1999, starred in the Transformers movies as well as others. Michael Lynche, who attended from 1994 to 1997, made it to the final four on American Idol Season Nine in 2009. Dylan Glatthorn, who went here from the 1998 to 2000, is now writing plays for Broadway. He also wrote a song called “Christmas Time,” featured in the short film White. Sierra Kusterbeck, who attended J.Hop from 2002 to 2005, has her own rock band called VersaEmerge. Kurt McRobert, who is Mrs. McRobert’s son and attended from 1998 to 2000, has artwork published in magazines and is currently a freelance illustrator for companies like New York Press and Plans Sponsor Magazine. Amanda Puyot got a “front of the line” pass in the second round of the talent contest The X Factor and is still in the game as far as we know. (The show will not allow further comments.) She also won the Largo Teen Idol competition in 2009 and the Tampa Bay Area Idol Contest in 2007. She attended J.Hop from 2006 to 2009. “I think it (being on The X Factor) is good for her because she can sing,” said Cassidy Mott, eighth-grader. Mr. Kooken thinks Amanda, who now attends St. Pete High, might win the competition. “She has a lot of talent, so I hope so,” he said. Magnet Coordinator Mr. Vassallo always mentions the famous people to

One unique thing about this year’s musical was that two actors were picked for the lead role of Dorothy. The two Dorothys were Alexis Bradley, eighth grade, and Justine Nelson, sixth grade. Alexis and Justine alternated playing Dorothy on performance nights. Alexis said she was not very nervous because “they came here to support me.” She also said that she felt “very good and sparkly.” Another different thing about this year’s spring musical was that there were 14 literary arts students who participated in the play, doing everything from dancing in the tornado ballet to acting as a Winky (the people who danced around Evillene, the wicked witch). Emerald City, where the Wiz stays, was built by Ms. Smith and some of her art students. “I drew it; I got some ideas from magazines,” said Ms. Smith. Mr. Morris, J.Hop’s HPO (Head Plant Operator), donated some supplies to help create the set. Fourteen chorus students also sang along with the characters as a part of the musical. There were a few obstacles during the performances. Thursday night Isaiah Lapointe (scarecrow) lost his voice. He said, “It affected me because I had to lip sync; all I could do is say my lines, and didn’t give enough of my character to the audience.” One of the professional singers helped sing his lines, but the audience still seemed to enjoy it. In the end, more than 250 people came to see The Wiz.

potential students and families to grab their attention. “On the magnet tours I usually mention Megan Fox; she’s most recognizable and Michael Lynche,” said Mr. Vassallo. Several teachers who are still here now taught those students, such as drama teacher Mrs. Hosey, language arts teacher Mr. Kooken, and chorus teacher Mr. Butts. They say personality was what they’re memorable for, not fame. “I would’ve thought that many of the people that came out of this program (Magnet/ Fine Arts) would be famous,” said Mr. Kooken. Current J.Hop students recognize their names and are glad to be attending J.Hop. “I think it’s kind of cool, because we’re at the same school they went to,” said sixth-grader Imani Lassiter. Editor’s note: We did the best we could to contact the stars. Dylan Glatthorn was the only one who returned our calls.

De’Janique Burden contributed to this story. To read the full story, visit http://jhoptimes.pcsb.org.

Can you guess whose famous J.Hop yearbook photos these are?

Go online to find out! http://jhoptimes.pcsb.org

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J.Hop Times

Curtain Call

Photo by SIERRA LEVY/J.HOP TIMES Drama students work the sound system for The Wiz to make sure that nothing happens to the mics that students will be using later on during the play on April 29.

Photo by SIERRA LEVY/J.HOP TIMES Eighth-graders Alexis Bradley, Jonah Free, Isaiah Lapointe and JT Hadley (left to right) perform in The Wiz on April 29 in the auditorium. Alexis plays one of the Dorothys, Jonah plays the Tin Man, Isaiah plays the Scarecrow and JT plays the Lion.

Photo by JIMMIE CLARK/J.HOP TIMES Famous set designer and builder Steve Mitchell helps J.Hop’s drama students with their set for The Wiz on April 25 in the auditorium. Steve has worked in New York, and he even has been on a TV show. One of the student’s parents is a friend of his and told him about the play.

Photo by JIMMIE CLARK/J.HOP TIMES Students in The Wiz rehearse their parts on April 22 for the upcoming performance. Drama students make sure that they don’t have any trouble in their parts.

Photo by SIERRA LEVY/J.HOP TIMES (Left) Drama students wrap up The Wiz on April 29. They end the play at the Emerald City where all the drama students come out. (Above) Cast members of The Wiz sit behind the scenes waiting for the next scene in the play to begin on April 29 in the auditorium.


(Right) Drama students and parents build The Oz Café for actors playing in The Wiz. The students always get something to eat before they start their performance.


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June 1, 2011

From Us to You

WEB Briefs

For the full stories visit our website http://jhoptimes.pcsb.org



Seventh-grade Assistant Principal Mrs. Wilson walked in the newsroom class with a smile on her face. She held nothing back and told us all about her life. For instance, she used to play flag and tackle football. She also shared that when she was younger her brother saved her from drowning at Adventure Island while she was in the wave pool. To find out what she said at the press conference visit our website.

Carrera Program gives kids a spring board By DOMINIC ROSADO

Starting next school year, sixth-graders will have a chance to participate in a special program known as the Carrera Program. This extracurricular activity at Enoch Davis Recreation Center gives youth the skills they need to succeed in life. Students participating in this free program are linked with a free dentist, doctor and social worker. They learn how to manage a bank account, job skills and much more. Susan Jenkins is the director of the program. She said all the administrators have the same goal: “to help them (the 30 boys and girls who sign up) soar, (and provide) a spring board for life.” Once kids are in the program, they make a grade six through twelve commitment to stick with it. To learn more about this program visit us online.

So long, farewell

Since eighth graders are leaving J.Hop, the J.Hop Times invited them to share some tips about what they’ve learned during their time here. Read on to see the wisdom shared through letters from reading and language arts students. Dear soon-to-be eighth-graders, I’d like to give you my input on the years I’ve spent here and what I have learned. Not only have I learned things about school subjects and whatnot, but I’ve learned more about life. In sixth grade, things were a lot simpler than they are now. You’re more focused on your friends and school rather than your surroundings. Sometimes it’s easier that way. The younger you are, the less drama you have. In seventh grade, things get a little more difficult. Teachers get tougher, and school gets harder. You start to care more or less about what people think. You learn to get over it, rather than wondering what people say about you or if they like you or not. In eighth grade, the drama wasn’t as much. The schoolwork was easy, and things start to fall into place once you find yourself—where you belong, what style you are, what friends you have. If you have an issue with people talking about you, it’ll blow over. You realize everyone will talk about you at some point. It’s human. My point is be yourself, express who you are, and make your childhood worth living. Good luck, Monica Allen, 8th grade Dear middle schoolers, Let me give you some advice about middle school and how it operates. The first advice I want to give you is to be on time. You want to always be on time because you won’t get in that much trouble. You will get more work done. The teacher will have more respect for you. The second piece of advice I want to give you is to be respectful. If you are respectful, it will be easier for you to learn. You will have a good reputation with the teachers and staff. The third piece of advice I want to give you is to just have fun in middle school. Have fun without being bad; enjoy your year without being disrespectful. Now that I have told you the things that will get you through middle school, don’t mess up your year. Love, Samauria Conyers, 8th grade

Dear future John Hopkins Middle School student, Since I am leaving J.Hop, I thought it would be a good idea to pass along some good and bad things I have learned in my time here. Make sure you always be yourself. Never act like the crowds around you. When you find good friends, make sure you keep them. Never gossip about anyone. But most important, stay on top of your work! Middle School is very hard, but if you do your work it’s actually fun. If you’re in Fine Arts a great program to be in is dance. It teaches you discipline and makes you a better person. You’re only cool if you graduate and go to college. Good luck! Michelle Williams, 8th grade Dear incoming J.Hop students, Since I am leaving J.Hop, I thought it would be a good idea to pass along some things I have learned in my time here. Through my three years here at J.Hop, I’ve seen or experienced its fights, relationships, bullying, etc. Even though J.Hop has been publicized as a bad school, it really isn’t one. There are good teachers, good students, and great memories waiting to happen. The best thing to do is to stay on task, watch who your friends are, and don’t take any disrespect from anybody. The things that aren’t cool are to be disrespectful, be annoying, and to act like you have no home training. Some keys to success are to be a leader not a follower, have education as your first priority, and to stay out of drama. Good luck, Jake Burklew, 8th grade

Dear seventh and eighth-graders, Becoming a seventh and eighth-grader means you’re the oldest kids in the school and you have to be a role model and show the younger kids how to act. Becoming the older kids means to not get referrals and suspensions. It means no trouble. Good luck, Cortavius Williams, 8th grade

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J.Hop Times

From Us to You Dear students, I came here a year ago; most of my time here has been nice and good. But it was not like that all the time. Expect things that will be harder next year and that some teachers expect students to act mature in their seventh and eighth grade year. You guys should prepare yourselves for the upcoming years, because it’s not always going to be easy. A-la-carte is probably better than cafeteria food, because I can tell that some of us students go there a lot and it’s because they have the food that we all like. I prefer the Building 7’s restrooms, because they are new and clean. Try and take advanced classes, especially honors, because it gives you credits. Try and challenge yourselves; it might help you guys in the future. Sincerely, Emerald Pevora, 8th grade

Dear students, Since I’ve been at J.Hop, I have learned a lot of things and here are a few of them. When you are choosing your electives please think clearly about the choices you are making. I really think that you shouldn’t be childish because that really isn’t cool. Things that mattered when you were in sixth grade probably won’t matter in eighth. You shouldn’t try to be someone you’re not. Just be real and tell it how it is. You shouldn’t be rude to people or teachers. It’s just not cool. Don’t let people get to you, no matter how much they try. You shouldn’t let people bully you around. Don’t wait till the end of the grading period to turn your work in. Just try your best during the whole six weeks, and you will succeed. The last thing I’m going to tell you which matters the most is have fun! Sincerely, Tabria Smith, 8th grade

Dear future seventh and eighth-graders, Since I am leaving J.Hop I figure I might as well leave you with a few tips. Seventh grade survival tips: Stop trying so hard to fit in, you WILL look back and laugh at how stupid you looked. Be nice to everyone, because most of the people you think are your friends, aren’t real friends. Pick an elective that sounds interesting, because chances are, you’ll have fun exploring new things. Eighth grade survival tips: Don’t get involved with stupid middle school drama; it’s a HUGE waste of time. You’re in eighth grade now, but that doesn’t make you any cooler. So don’t get too confident; you’ll make a fool of yourself. Picking the wrong elective will make your last year at J.Hop much less enjoyable. Pick something easy, so you at least have one class to look forward to. It’ll make your day go by WAY faster Good luck, Hannah West, 8th grade Dear future seventh and eighth-graders, If there is one thing I have learned here it is to try your best and you should never make your work harder than it is. You should always turn in your work on time; otherwise it won’t be graded. Another thing I have learned at J.Hop is that there is a lot OF DRAMA, so you should pick and hang out with the right people. You should not let anyone else influence you to do things you don’t want. You should also be on time to all your classes because if you are tardy a lot, you will have Saturday school. Good luck, Ja’kera Jackson, 8th grade

Dear incoming J.Hop students, Since I am leaving J.Hop I thought it would be a good idea to pass along some things I have learned in my time here. In all my three years at J.Hop. I learned that you have to work hard on your grades because if you want to get into a magnet program, you have to have good grades and no behavior issues. Your eighth-grade year is also going to be fun. You get to look forward to the eighth-grade activities like the eighth-grade field trip to Islands of Adventure and the eighth-grade dance! Like me, it’s going to be hard to say goodbye to all your friends because you’ve been with them throughout your middle school years. So, I’m basically saying just do good and HAVE FUN! Good luck, Maya Martin, 8th grade

To read more letters from eighth-graders, visit http://jhoptimes.pcsb.org.

WEB Briefs

For the full stories visit our website http://jhoptimes.pcsb.org


Energy Drinks Nutritional facts are displayed on the back of popular energy drinks showing all the added ingredients. Research shows that energy drinks have high amounts of caffeine and sugar, which can be harmful to your health. For more information on Energy Drinks check out the J.Hop Times online.


Inside Science Marcus Godfrey, left, and Wesley Harris, 7th grade, open up a squid during a science dissection in Ms. Trapani’s class on March 15. Science classes have been working on many projects including dissections, rollercoasters, cars and rockets. Check out our website for a slide show of science project pictures.

We know it: We’re Cool

J.Hop named a “cool school” on Tampa Bay’s Fox 13. Read all about it online!

Page 18

June 1, 2011

Around J.Hop

Photo by BENJAMIN KETMANY/J.HOP TIMES Students hurry to class as the tardy bell rings for 7th period on May 9. Mr. Brown yells to students to get to class. J.Hop’s new tardy policy offers Saturday school to those with the most collective tardies in all their classes.

New tardy policy introduced


“Get to class and don’t be late!” or “Walk and Talk,” are two phrases commonly heard when students stand and talk in the hallways. Sometimes they listen, sometimes they don’t. Mr. Brown is trying to change kids’ attitudes with a new tardy policy. It all started when Mr. Frump, sixth-grade geography teacher, kept seeing students standing and not going to class. He was tired of seeing students being late, so he came up with an idea to try and stop students from being late. “I’m expected to be here on time and they are to,” Mr. Frump said. The new tardy policy works like this: Teachers mark tardies in their attendance records each period. Then, each week, the 60 kids with the most tardies are assigned to

Hot or cold, ravioli still good By ELIZABETH WRIGHT and SHAKIERRA ROBERSON

Lots of J.Hop students complain that they want different cafeteria food. They say they are tired of eating the same thing. Well soon meat ravioli might be served in the cafeteria. Second period newsroom students got to test Chef Boyardi meat ravioli. We were the only school in all of Pinellas County to get to test the ravioli. Based on what we said, the school board will decide if Pinellas County Schools should start serving meat ravioli next year. First, our class was asked to rate room-

Saturday school. If you do not show up at the Saturday school, then you either get 1 day suspension or two days in REAP. ”Tardies are not a problem; they are a dilemma. There’s not one thing that will stop tardiness. There’s no fool-proof solution,” Mr. Brown said. Most kids don’t like the idea of the punishment of Saturday school. “I think its stupid ‘cause first, there should be no school on Saturday. What if your mom had a heart attack?” Collette Jeter, sixth grade, said. “I don’t think it’s fair, but it seems to be working, though,” said sixth-grader Alexis Dunbar. If she was in charge, she said the punishment for having lots of tardies would be four days in REAP. Most teachers seem to like the idea. “Absolutely, students need to be suspended. There shouldn’t be any second chances,” Ms. Payne, computer teacher, said. Earlier in the year, teachers had to warn students, make phone calls home and write referrals when students were late to class. Now the computer is all they need.


After the fifth period bell rings on May 9, students hurry to class because of J.Hop’s new tardy policy which asks that students get to their classes on time or else they are faced with Saturday school.

temperature ravioli. The reason we had to taste it at room temperature is because our school is a shelter for people who need food and a place to stay if any natural disasters occur. If the power generator goes out, people will have to eat room temperature food. All students were handed forms that asked them “How would you rate the quality of this product?” When we talked about room temperature ravioli, none of the students in our class chose poor. When asked would you like this served in your cafeteria, 7 out of 10 said yes. In fact some students liked the ravioli at room temperature better than when it was warm. To find out the students’ reactions to the taste test go to our website at http://jhoptimes.pcsb.org.

J.Hop Times

Page 19


Opinions Being hard of hearing isn’t hard


The J.Hop Times is produced four times a year by students at John Hopkins Middle School.

Newsroom 1 Period 1

Reporting Editor: De’Janique Burden Reporters: Tyrick Baker, Mia Bartolomei-Negron, Genesis Feliciano, Myesha Hall, George Holloway, Tyler Holt, Lana Lester, Latavia Nelson, Diana Robles, Dominic Rosado, Destyni Watkins, Devon Ware, Brittany Weddle, Jakia Wilson, Gisselle Zayas Photo Editor: Brandon Garcia Photojournalists: Tiernanan Astronskas, Illea Conrad, Alexa Gammage, Dakotah Haas, Myesha Hall, Lamar Harden, Hydeia Kegler, Brooke Kidd, Ayzhiah Lawson, Sierra Levy, Ashton Taylor, Quanasia Ware

Beginner Newsroom Period 2

Jerome Burnett, Jimmie Clark, Gebriel Kassa, Lazarre Lester, Jaya Nair, Derrick Pasco, Veronica Ramirez, Shakierra Roberson, Tyrik Robinson, Zlicea Smith, Elizabeth Wright

Newsroom 2 Period 3

Reporters: Kendrick Auty, Violet Byrd, De’Qonton Davis, Reginald Flournoy, Artiz Flowers, Cassidy Klier, Krystal Mitchell, Caylin Schaffer, Ishmael Snead, Yancy Thomas Photojournalists: Myah Alvarez, Dahlia Boone, Melissa Dones, Nilaja King, Jacob Land, Morgan Levy, De’Ashya Roberts, Romesha Smith, Sierra Taylor, Tycin Tyler

Newsroom 2 Period 4

Reporters: Kenijah Collins, Anthony Edwards, Chase Lewis, Jalen Middleton, Josh Simon, Tabria Smith Photojournalists: Jazmon Arnold, Alexus Barnhart, Kabrielle Boyd, Algenard Brown, Owen Dyches, Kenya Howard, Helen Nguyen, Pho Nguyen, Hailey Vaughan, Jacquel Waller, Andrea Williams Editorial Editor: Kahil Holmes

Newsroom 3 Block Period 5-6

Editor in Chief: Julia Mendez Assistant News Editor: Sarah Pohl Reporters: Linda Corbett, Tatiana D’Pardo, Samantha Hernandez Director of Photography: Hannah Mayer Assistant Photo Editor: Daniel Oliver Photojournalists: Christian Grant-Robinson, Benjamin Ketmany, JaJuan Webster Director of Marketing and Advertising: Jamari Graham The opinions on this page are the opinions of the writers who try their best to get all sides of an issue before writing.

Here’s how you can be heard

Write a column or letter or draw a cartoon (keep it clean, no profanity or name calling.) Spell and fact-check your work. We reserve the right to correct any factual or grammatical mistakes. Sign your work and bring it to the newsroom, 5-113. Note: There is no guarantee your work will be published.

Journalism teachers: Jennifer Butkus, Luanne Dietz Journalism assistant: Tedral King Newspaper designer: Kim Kenda Journeys In Journalism coordinator: Cynda Mort Program development/marketing consultant: Jaye Ann Terry Volunteers: Bill Dureya, Melissa Lyttle, Seth Ravid, Kameel Stanley, Jerry Stockfisch, Lottie Watts Journalism Advisory Board: Gretchen Letterman (St. Petersburg Times, chair); Gelareh Asayesh, (community volunteer); Barry Brown (principal, John Hopkins); David Cook (manager TV operations); Pinellas County Schools; Kathryn Cox (community volunteer); Goliath Davis (St. Petersburg deputy mayor); Lisa Easler, Trenam Kemker; Leslie Gilchrist (parent); John Just (assistant superintendent of management information systems for Pinellas County Schools); Nicole Robinson (parent); Oscar Robinson (principal, Melrose Elementary); Norm Smith (associate dean/director Center for the Applied Liberal Arts, Eckerd College); Robert Vicari (principal, Lakewood High); Nancy Waclawek (St. Petersburg Times); Wendy Wallace

John Hopkins Middle School

701 16th St.S, St. Petersburg, FL33705 727-893-2400 Principal: Barry Brown Assistant principals: Christina Fields, Michael Vasallo, Nicole Wilson


I was born hard of hearing, meaning I can barely hear but I’m not completely deaf; I wear hearing aids to help me. People see my hearing aids and yell in my ear, “CAN YOU HEAR ME?” assuming I’m deaf. This is irritating because why can’t people just ask instead of screaming in my ear? But I reply in a calm voice, “Yes, I can hear you. I

am not deaf.” I’m not so different. I’m just like everybody else. I play soccer, run track, get straight A’s, go to church, love fashion and I love to socialize. I can’t hear my friends sometimes, but everyone misses information once in a while. Having hearing aids isn’t so bad. My parents found out I was hard of hearing when I was about a year and a half old. I was crying with my back facing them. They called my name about three times, but I still kept crying, and I didn’t turn around. My dad tapped on my shoulder, and I gasped and turned around. I stopped crying. That’s when they realized there was something wrong. They took me to the doctor and he said that I was hard of hearing. My parents cried, but that’s how parents are. Parents want their children to be born without problems. I’m still me; I just have more obstacles to overcome. My parents told me that when I first put my hearing aids on I gasped and my breath was taken away. I put my hearing aids on when I wake up. I take them off when I go swimming, when it rains, or when I take a shower; they can’t get wet. Something cool about wearing hearing aids is that I can turn them off when people are annoying me or when things get too loud. I also turn them off when I read because I love reading in silence. Elementary school was hard. I was bullied and teased. Kids would call me “four-

eared” and “four-eyed” because I had hearing aids and I wore glasses. They automatically thought I was dumb because I was different, and they seemed to hate me. It made me feel alienated, like I didn’t belong. But there were people who helped me realize I was talented. My hearing aid teacher encouraged me to get more involved in school, so I read to kindergarteners and they loved me. I went to speech therapy until I was seven. Every Thursday the speech therapists at All Children’s Hospital taught me how to talk better and how to interpret complicated sentences. Middle school has definitely been easier than elementary school. Everyone here is so nice to me and they accept who I am. Most of my teachers and friends forget I wear hearing aids. I was in TV Production, I play piano, and I write and take photos for the J.Hop Times. I have more freedom here. I’m going to miss J.Hop, but I look forward to new opportunities at Lakewood. My life isn’t a sob story; it’s just a story to share. As Lena Horne, an actress, singer, dancer and civil rights activist, said at this year’s Oscars, “It’s not the load that breaks you down; it’s how you carry it.”

Photo by MELISSA DONES/ J.HOP TIMES Featured are eighth-grader Melissa Dones’ hearing aids. The actual hearing aid has an ear mold and power box attached to it. There are three different volume settings: one for telephone and music, one for “off,” and one for “on.”

Why America should focus more on soccer I hear it all the time. “Soccer will just never be America’s sport. Football is better.” I know many readers might agree with this statement, but their opinion might change if they learn about the successes of our U.S. soccer teams in internaOWEN tional competitions. DYCHES One example of a great U.S. soccer moment was in 2010 when midfielder Landon Donovan scored a last-second goal to beat Algeria keeping the U.S. in the World Cup for another round. This play was celebrated by thousands

of screaming fans in sports bars and living rooms across the country. It was one of those international sports moments that brought our entire country together. Instances like this show how important soccer is to our country, and we should do everything we can to help soccer grow, so we can celebrate similar moments in the future. The U.S. team then lost in the quarterfinals to Ghana, but they show a great future for American soccer. The U.S. is a decent team, but we can be great. We just need to spend more time on youth programs and league soccer.

To read the rest of Owen’s column, go online to the J.Hop Times sports page at http://jhoptimes.pcsb.org.

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June 1, 2011

Summer Fashion


The J.Hop Times has been ripping and running all around the school to find the most fashionable people on campus. From hang-out clothes to beachwear, to going-out fashion, students at J.Hop strut their stuff all through St. Pete. With summer just days away, there are a lot of opportunities to show off your fashion. Some cool beach fashion for boys include a Hollister shirts, Hollister swimming trunks and slides. A popular fashion for girls this summer at the beach is a bathing suit with a sundress, sandals and accessories. For the Friday night movie-goers, off-the-shoulder shirts, stylish jeans, sandals and designer shoes are all fashions popular amongst J.Hop students. And for those days where you are just headed to a friend’s house to hang out, comfort is most important. So throw on a skirt, a fun shirt and some sandals and you will be ready to take on the summer. Sixth-grader Imani Lassiter shows off her “hanging out” clothes with a flower skirt, blue shirt and an orange three quarter length cover-up jacket with silver Gladiators.

Myah Alverez and Romesha Smith contributed to this report. Photos by MYAH ALVEREZ, MORGAN LEVY and ROMESHA SMITH/ J.HOP TIMES

Seventh-grader Nicole Pittman shows off her “beach wear” with Aeropostale swim shorts, a baby blue cover up shirt and swim shoes.

Sixth-grader Daijon Pringle shows off his “hanging out” clothes, including a red Hollister shirt, jeans with a cuff at the bottom and red Converse.

Seventh-grader Antwoine Reid shows off his “beach wear” clothes, including a white Hollister shirt, Hollister swim trunks with Air Max sneakers.

Eighth-grader Desteny Rosario shows off her “going out” clothes with a grey off-the-shoulder T-shirt with light colored jeans and silver sandals.

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