You know the smile that spreads across your face when you think about a past holiday?
Journey Jottings
‌highlighting holiday memories, forever ď Š
Product Catalogue
07 3409 2160
Australia Map Journals are designed for holidaymakers and travellers to simply enjoy their holiday memories‌ forever. Dot your route on the pictorial map and jot your tales in the surrounding boxes. Printed on a textured 120gsm paper the A2 map is folded down to A5 and tucked into the front pocket of a presentation clear plastic travel wallet, leaving the back pocket free to preserve your travelling memorabilia. Australia Map Journal 4 t h ed Barcode: 9780977542628
RRP $12.95
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Australia Map Journal Special Edition is for those seeking more of a gift presentation ~ While the A2 pictorial map is the same as the AUS4MJ in the PVC travel wallet, the Special Edition wallet is printed on a te x tu re d 215gsm FSC card, with a shaped internal die-cut ~ The 6mm spine and 3mm outside edge gussets have a decorative border design completing this quality product.
Australia Map Journal Special Ed Barcode: 9780977542659
RRP: $13.95
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Australia Mail-It Maps are an A3 sized version of our signature pictorial map, designed to keep your family and friends posted! Dot your trail on the map and j ot your tales in the bordered surrounds – Our Mail-It Maps are more than a post card, but less laborious than a letter! Supplied folded in a DL shape, it comes with an enviro 100% recycled Australian Made envelope packaged with a translucent paper band.
Australia Mail-It Map Barcode: 9780977542635
RRP: $5.95
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Australia Map is 1 2 ” square (305 x 305mm) and printed on a quality cream coloured 140gsm paper – Available thorough select retailers only. A smaller version of 7.5” square (190 x 190mm) is available via our Downloads page where it prints onto an A4 size sheet.
Australia Square Map Barcode: 9780975117989
RRP: $5.95 or $2.00 download
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My Journey Jottings from Australia is a fun way to record your travels without having to keep a full scale journal. Write postcard-like jottings to highlight your holiday adventures, then either post the booklet home at trip’s end (with pretty local stamps and postmark to date the trip) or simply keep it safe in the supplied envelope. Each of the 32 pages has a hand drawn illustration of Australian plants, animals or one of 8 mini maps. Cut in the shape of a luggage tag 210 x 100mm it is printed on a tactile 120gsm uncoated FSC 40% recycled paper, and finished with fun coloured string.
Journey Jotter Barcode: 9780977542673
RRP: $12.95
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Each page is illustrated with Australian motifs of local fauna – including a kangaroo, emu, koala, turtle; or v e g e t a t i o n . There are 8 m i ni maps covering Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Darwin, Alice Springs, Brisbane, Perth and Hobart. Illustrated below is the fun back cover.
Central Australia Map Journals are an A2 sized pi cto ri al m a p c ov e ri ng the R e d C e n tr e : A l i ce Sp ri ngs o ut to Ul uru. D o t y o ur tra i l o n the m a p a nd rec ord ta l e s i n the surro undi ng bo xe s. F o l d e d down to A 5 it is presented in a clear plastic travel wallet for preserving the map in the front pocket, leaving the back pocket free for y o u r t icket stubs and h o l i d a y memorabilia.
Central Australia Map Journal Barcode: 9780975117941
RRP: $12.95
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Central Australia Mail-It Maps are an A3 sized map, folded down to a cute A6, supplied with a C6 red envelope printed with a kangaroo motif. More than a postcard and less laborious than a letter they’re fun for whetting the appetite of those back home, while you’re exploring the Australian outback.
Central Australia Mail-It Map Barcode: 9780975117971
RRP: $4.95
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Australia Map Magnets are a fun and useful memento. Our sturdy oblong tin magnets (8 x 5.4cm) are super strong and will keep virtually anything firmly attached to the fridge door! The magnet comes attached to a printed scroll backing card (shown) that creates a treasure map like appearance; which is all presented in a clear hangsell envelope! Click here to view the full range of 32 r e g i o n a l map magnets that cover Australia.
Australia Map Magnet Barcode: 9780977542642
RRP: $5.95
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Just 6 designs from our range of 32 regional map magnets that cover Australia. Click here to view all regions on a google map.
Australia Puzzle Postcards cover 14 regions from across the country, plus two for the whole of Australia. The postcard is supplied with a red C6 envelope (printed with a kangaroo motif) and a backing card with illustrated instructions. Write on the back of the postcard, take apart, put pieces in the envelope and mail to the recipient who has to put the puzzle b a c k together again to read your message!
Australia Puzzle Postcard Barcode: 9780977542666
RRP: $6.95
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Australia Puzzle Postcard Designs: NT, QLD, Tas, The Gulf, WA & SA
Australia A6 Notebooks have 32 p ea illustrated with Linda’s watercolours of Australian plants, animals & mini maps. We have 11 different pictorial map covers – 4 Portrait orientation of WA, SA. QLD, NT, and 6 Landscape depicting regions, plus one for the whole of Australia. Presented with a translucent paper band, these make a gorgeous gift. More photos ---
Australia A6 Notebook Barcode: 9780977542680
RRP: $7.95
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Australia A6 Notebooks – Some pages have feint lines, others‌
are left blank giving creative freedom!
Swagman Gift Pack $20 Two products gift wrapped 1 x Special Edition Map Journal 1 x Mail It Map
Gypsy Gift Pack $25 Three products gift wrapped 1 x Special Edition Map Journal 1 x Mail It Map 1 x Map Magnet
Gift Packs each contain a selection of our products wrapped in thick brown paper, tied with string, sealed with sealing wax and posted to your chosen lucky recipient, adorned with a selection of pretty Australian stamps.
Gift Packs BUY NOW on our website:
Vagabond Gift Pack $25 Three products gift wrapped 1 x Special Edition Map Journal 1 x Mail It Map 1 x Puzzle Postcard or Notebook
Waltzing Matilda Gift Pack $30 Four products gift wrapped 1 x Special Edition Map Journal 1 x Mail It Map 1 x Map Magnet or Postcard 1 x Notebook
Journey Jottings make the perfect gift for a… Child… visiting relatives inter-state Son… going backpacking Daughter… taking a gap year Uncle… one of 350,000 caravan owners Aunt… going on a coach tour Family… heading off an Ozzie adventure Friend… going on honeymoon Colleague … taking long service leave Grandparent… turning grey-nomad
Gift Packs BUY NOW on our website:
Spot the Animals FREE Download There are 27 Australian animals to be found on our Journey Jo tti ng s Australian Map Journal (A2) and/or Mail-It Map (A3). This download lists all 27 ready to be ticked off as they’re spotted.
Spot the Animals Illustrated List The word list above is expanded here into three sheets illustrating nine animals on each page for younger children or when a few visual clues are needed! FREE
The Downloads page offers the FREE “Spot the Animals” game as shown above. And on the opposite page are illustrated the four sheets of Jotting boxes for journaling in photo albums or cutting and pasting in scrapbooks with mementos, plus the 7.5” (19cm) square map of Australia. Each of these sheets cost $2 to download and go! All the download pages print onto an A4 sized sheet.
AVAILABLE on our website:
Jotting Boxes #1
Jotting Boxes #2
Jotting Boxes #4
Jotting Boxes #3
Australia Square Map
AVAILABLE on our website:
Summary Ref
Australia Map Journal Barcode: 978-0977542628
Australia Map Journal Special Barcode: 978-0977542659
Australia Mail-It Map Barcode: 978-0977542635
Australia 12� Square Map Barcode: 978-0975117989
Journey Jotter DL (Luggage Tag) Barcode: 978-0-977542673
Central Australia Map Journal Barcode: 978-0975117941
Central Australia Mail-It Map Barcode: 978-0975117972
Australia Map Magnet Barcode: 978-0977542642
Australia Puzzle Postcard Barcode: 978-0977542666
Australia Notebook A6 Barcode: 978-0977542680
Journey Jottings Tel/Fax: 07 3409 2160 PO Box 3300 Norman Park QLD 4170
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…highlighting holiday memories, forever