Big Blue News - Halloween

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Salem Witch Trials Big Blue News (BBN) History of Halloween Student Teacher Halloween Candy / Movie Poll Results True Crime: Jeffrey Dahmer Halloween Edition!
Table of Contents 3. History of Halloween 4. Scary story 5. Candy Poll / Movie Poll 6. Horror Stories 7. Monster Gossip 8./9. True Crime 10. Urban Legends 11. Halloween Maze 12. Salem WitchTrials 14. Guess Who?

The History of HALLOWEEN

When you think of Halloween, you probably think of candy, costumes, and scary movies. But do you actually know how this spooky holiday originated?

There are different theories about how Halloween started, but the most believed one is that it originated with an ancient Celtic festival named Samhain. Pope Gregory III designated November 1 (the first day of their calendar) for the honoring of all saints.

To Celtic natives, November 1 meant the marking of the end of summer/fall and beginning of the cold, dark winter season.

This is a time of year that was often associated with human death. Celtic natives believed that on the night before November 1, the boundary between the living and dead world was blurred. On October 31, they celebrated Samhain, when they believed ghosts of the dead returned.The Celts believed the presence of spirits from another world made it easier for their priests to make predictions about the future.To celebrate this event of Samhain, priests built huge sacred bonfires.The people gathered to burn crops and animal sacrifices to Celtic deities.They also wore costumes and attempted to tell each others futures. Later on, October 31 became known as All Hallows Eve, and later Halloween. Eventually, it evolved into activities like trick-or-treats, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive gatherings, wearing costumes, and eating treats.The history of this holiday is deep and heavily debated. But in the end it doesn’t remove but instead adds enjoyment we have in this very fun holiday.

Do you know where holiday featuring ghosts, goblins, and ghouls came from?

The Headless Horseman

Add on to “The Sleepy Hollow”

One deep dark night when the cold fog drifted down on on on the little town where Ichabod Crane used to live. A few little girls were wandering into the forest where the horseman lived. Only 2 of the girls were were being cautious about the horseman but Mary wasn't. Then, the girls heard the sound of hooves trotting toward them. SUddenly, the girls candles went dark and they heard a whinny. After these happenings, an ear splitting scream was carried by the wind. and the girls were never seen again. Some say the horseman is still out there haunting the little town of Sleepy Hollow to this very day.

Costume Results 5 Clowns 3 DInosaurs Costume Results 2 Beauty and the Beast 1 Ninja Turtle Movie Results 22% NIghtmare Before Christmas 11% Hocus Pocus Movie Results 32% Hocus Pocus 14% Halloween Town Candy results 32% Reese’s 100% Chocolate (Any Kind) Candy Results 11.6% Candy Corn 15% Reese’s 9% Snickers 6% Kit-Kat

Horror Stories

My mom raised two children alone.

My parents always hated each other. My sister and I would watch them fight all the time. One day my parents got physical and fought for a bit. Neither of them got seriously hurt. They still lived in the same house and we looked like a perfect family. They never thought of getting a divorce.And usually, my life consisted of sitting in my room with my door closed and hearing the muffled yelling of my parents. But one night my mom got tired of it and the ax was gone the following day.And my mom had some red splatter on her nightgown. My dad was gone.

My mom raised two children alone.

Malls are great places to shop…

I just walk in and look around the stores to see if I need anything for my next project. I found scissors, rope, trash bags, duct tape, and a shovel: all of which are perfect for my projects. I love walking from place to place, following behind people, and looking at all of their beautiful faces.After walking around in the main mall, I got to the special store. It is underground, it is really cold so I wear a jacket. There are a lot of beautiful faces in that shop, and when I hand the man at the front some money. I get to take one home. This is my favorite part, the part when I get to take her home. I have a friend now and she is nice. Too bad she’ll start to stink in a few days and she will fall apart, I will bury her in 3 days.

Malls are great places to shop; they keep the bodies in the basement.


Just days after the October 8th annual Monster Bash hosted by Frankenstein (the scientist not the monster). Rumors and images surfaced of The Loch Ness Monster and The Kraken together. This isn’t surprising as they live very near each other in the waters around the nordic region. They have been good friends for many years because of their close proximity. But these rumors spoke of a closeness we have never seen before. The images that came along with these rumors are admittedly blurry and dark but they do show the two monsters engaging in a good ol’ fashioned round of tongue wrestling.

The Milwaukee Monster

We all know the name Jeffrey Dahmer. But If you haven't, then you have at least known of those like him, and have felt the repercussions of his crimes. But do you know the origin of this monster? In this article, we will go into the deep depths of the Jeffrey Dahmer case and why he did these horrifying crimes.

Who is Jeffrey Dahmer?

Jeffrey Dahmer also known as the Milwaukee Monster or Milwaukee cannibal was a serial killer with 15 identified victims. On July 22, 1991, in the states of Ohio and Wisconsin. Dahmer was charged with First-degree murder (16 counts), Disorderly conduct (2 counts) in the Second-degree, and assault of multiple kinds. He was put in the prison of “the Columbia Correctional Institute gymnasium'' where he died on the date of November 28, 1994, after being beaten to death by fellow inmate Christopher J. Scarver with a dumbbell.

The Childhood of Jeffrey Dahmer

Dahmer was born on May 21, 1960. He lived with his father (Lionel Dahmer), his mother (Joyce Annette), and his younger brother (David Dahmer). As an infant Dahmer was neglected quite a bit.

When he was home, his mother—a hypochondriac who suffered from depression—demanded constant attention and spent an increasing amount of time in bed. On one occasion, she is known to have attempted suicide with Equanil (a drug that treated anxiety and other related symptoms). Consequently, neither parent devoted much time to their son, who later recollected that, from an early age, he felt "unsure of the solidity of the family", recalling extreme tension and numerous arguments between his parents during his early years. When he was about four Dahmer had to have double hernia surgery, his family says he was never the same after that, they say that he was a very happy and expressive child but after the surgery, he was more closed off and almost emotionally numb. Dahmer's father was a chemist and very much so into biology. He had shown Dahmer how to dissect animals and would often go on drives with his eldest son and pick up roadkill to take back to their home and dissect. Dahmer's mother disapproved of this heavily and called it “disgusting and vile”.However, Dahmer had an interest in cutting animals apart at a young age he never committed any kind of animal cruelty or hurt anything that wasn't already dead.

Dahmer's Highschool Life

Dahmer was said to be a quiet kid. He had no friends and didn't want to have any, he was said to be very strange and at some times creepy, when they were dissecting cats in his bio class it is said that Dahmer took one of the dead cats home to dissect, later into his senior year his parents got divorced and his father moved out of the home into a motel with his girlfriend (soon to be wife) and his mother moved out of the house taking Dahmer's younger brother with her and left him in the place by himself.

!!!BIG DISCLAIMER!!! This article has mention of murder, cannibalism, gore,and other graphic descriptions.

After this had happened Dahmer had the house to himself. He got into physical fitness and developed an alcohol problem. It is said that Dahmer would often bring beer to school and drink it in class. Some people say he dropped out and some say that he got kicked out but either way, he stopped going to school and his bad habits continued, what would you expect when you leave a 17-year-old severely mentally ill kid in the house by himself for almost 4 months

The Killing Begins

Dahmer had taken notice of a jogger that would pass his house frequently and had caught an attraction to the athlete.After a few weeks of watching the jogger pass his house, Dahmer had planned to hide behind a tree and knock the jogger out when they passed his house so that he could temporarily kidnap the jogger, but luckily the plan did not go as it was thought to since the athlete did not pass Dahmer’s house that day. When Dahmer was driving around later that day he saw a hitchhiker named Steven Mark Hickson on the side of the road. Dahmer agreed to give him a ride to his destination after they had a drink or two at Dahmer's house. When they were chilling back at his house, a few hours went by and Hickson started saying he wanted to go to where Dahmer had agreed to take him when Dahmer refused this offer Hickson said he would get there by himself and started walking to the door. In reaction to this Dahmer tackled him to the ground. This fall induced a lot of damage on his head and body resulting in his immediate death. Dahmer proceeded to hide his body under his home till the next day he cut him up, crushed his bones, and spread them across the woods.


Jeffrey Dahmer was a deeply troubled man. He was very aware of his actions being evil. But he couldn’t stop himself. He killed 17 men, he tortured many of them, and ate pieces of their bodies.This article only covered how he came to be a monster.There is much, much more to this case. We encourage you to stay safe and enjoy this Halloween.

Urban Legends

Hells Gate Bridge The Candy Lady The 100 Steps Cemetery

Ayoung couple’s car drove off the bridge and into the water below. Supposedly, if you stop on the bridge and turn off your lights, a member of the couple will enter your vehicle and leave a wet spot on the seat.

In the early 1900s, children in an unnamed rural town in Texas started to go missing and the residents blamed it on the Candy Lady. The story says that she would go around leaving candy on children's windows and eventually she'd lure the kids out with notes attached, promising more candy

The legend states that if someone finds themselves in the cemetery at midnight, they must climb the steps and count to 100. At this point, a ghost of an undertaker will appear and show the person a vision of their death. On the way back down, the visitor is supposed to count the steps again — if they count the same amount of steps, the vision was false.


Halloween games

your summary here. Delete this text and replace with the major facts such as who, what, when, where, why, and how! For WHO, include important

the major facts as to what happened. For WHERE, include places involved such as cities, countries, locations, bodies of water, etc. For WHEN include significant times, dates, or eras. For WHY, include the importance or why this event was important. For HOW, include any facts as to how the event happened. You may change the font size if needed

Halloween is full of spooky stories, going door to door, eating way too much candy, and then throwing up said candy on a nice old ladies doorstep. So, to prepare for that here is a fun little halloween maze.

Bro, dude, do you like halloween?
like games?
the article for the maze below start


Witches in Salem? Could it be true?

Rumor has it black magic is afoot! As close as next door….


Do you believe in witches? Long ago in Salem, Massachusetts there was the belief of witchcraft all over town. It all started when, Elizabeth Parris, Reverend Parris’s daughter and niece Abigail Williams started having strange fits. They screamed, threw things, and curled themselves into distorted positions. They blamed Tituba (the Parris’s slave), Sarah Good, and Sarah Osborne for harming them. They were all put on trial and taken in for questioning. Good and Osborne were found innocent, but Tituba admitted she signed the devils book. All three women were then put in jail. These events set off The Salem Witch Trials. And caused many men and women’s deaths.

A frantic panic broke out all over salem due to the witches. Even a church member was accused of witchcraft. Bridget Bishop, an older woman known for her gossipy habits was found guilty of witchcraft and was the first to be hung on gallows hill. 5 more were hung in july, another five in August and 8 in September. 200 were accused of witchcraft, 19 were hung and one man pressed to death with heavy stones. But anyone left in jail was pardoned.

Guess Who ? Using the survey link below, guess which RNR Faculty / Staff member is in which halloween picture? Picture #2Picture #1 Picture # 3 Picture # 4 Picture # 5 Picture # 6 Click here to see whose who xpa7DdsbzD7_Hus_wi7TFAl9TZRe1a APgJebqEk/edit Picture # 7

Next Edition: Thanksgiving

Magazine! Turn in your Halloween or Thanksgiving short story to room 208 by November 15, the winner will be announced on November 21st

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