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Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things.—Philippians 4:8 So, as I have mentioned before, what I have to say is nowhere near as necessary to hear as what God's word has for you.

So, For this weeks post I have been chewing on a new tech device that Google is working on. On January 13th Google released a short segment about a new product that is being worked on. They are currently trying out contact lenses that can monitor a person’s glucose level. The idea behind these lenses is that they are able to read the levels of glucose in a persons natural tear production, being able to give a glucose reading every second. They are even toying with the idea to add LED censors that flash, alerting the user that his/her glucose level is in danger of being too high or too low. THIS would revolutionize the lives for millions of people worldwide who struggle with diabetes. In fact, the U.S alone has over 26 million people who have to monitor their glucose level on a daily bases, almost all of which use the painful method of pricking their fingers to pull a blood sample. Imagine, never having to monitor glucose that way again? Google, I wish you guys the best of luck on turning this prototype into a reality.

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