joseph peiffer new orleans attorney ameriprise 22 million dollar NASD settlement

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considered inapproprtate lor retirees who are more concerned with generating income than accumulating additional

made more than $25,000 on Ms. Salatich's account. She withdrew approximately S189,000

assets because they often charge large

from her account during the 12 monthn

commissions and fees, among other things. Take the ease of 73-year-old Pat

Mr. McFadden was her broker, and when she shut the account she had just $73,000 left. She is currently living primartly off

Salatich, a nurse for 25 years at Exxon. In

her $1,500 monthly Sociul Security puy

2000, she says she entrusted Mr. McFadden with S565,383, of which $493,306 was placed in an Amertcan Skandia van-

ment. "I feel you should continue taking out $4,000 a month and enjoy yourself and let me worry about tile market," he wrote

able annuity. The selling point: the

to her in May 2001.

annuity had a death benefit, which would leave set amount to her heirs. As part of the contract she had to pay $4,91!0 a year

In its January notice to Securities America, the NASD raised numerous concerns about the supervision of Mr.

for scV(m yean; even though the benefit

1\kFa..ddcn, according to people who have

expired when she was 70. Mr. McFadden

reviewed the notice.


David Spinar, the finn's chief compli路 ance officer, testified during the arbitration that the finn simply failed to verify

Mr, .TvTrFR.rlde-n's claims that he was a

certified public accountant in good standing. The NASD's January notice of possible civil charges also criticizes the firm's failure to review many trades, according to these people. At issue in the arbitration was the firm's inability to review thousands of trades Mr. McFadden made 1n the annuity accounts of the Exxon employees. Mr. Spinar testified during arbitration that this is a "fundamental difficulty" but uddcd Securities America is trying to

"crack that nut."

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