Nuevas adquisiciones Enero-Dic 2017

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UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE YUCATAN Campus de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias NUEVAS ADQUISICIONES Enero 2017 - Diciembre 2017 Información Handbook of seafood quality, safety, and health applications. edited by Cesarettin Alasalvar ... [y otros]. ( c2011 ). Ames, Iowa : Blackwell Pub. BIOL0019291

Pansu, Marc( 2006). Handbook of soil analysis :mineralogical, organic and inorganic methods. (Updated English version, correcteed by Daphne Goodfwellow). New York, NY : Springer BIOL0019264

Handbook of veterinary pain management. James S. Gaynor, William W. [editores]. . (Third edition.). BIOL0018249

Rowling, J K( 2000). Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets. New York : Scholastic BIOL0019415

Rowling, J K. Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal. (2a ed.). Barcelona : Emecé Editores BIOL0019414

Artal i Vidal, Lluís( 2011). Hipotecas y ecuaciones :las matemáticas de la economía. Madrid : RBA BIOL0019422

Quiñónez Martínez, Miroslava. Hongos silvestres comestibles de la Sierra Tarahumara de Chihuahua. BIOL0019361

Acquaah, George( c2009). Horticulture :principles and practices. (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson Prentice Hall BIOL0018059

Smith, Alexander Hanckett( ©1981 ). How to know the non-gilled mushrooms. (2nd ed.). Dubuque, Iowa : W.C. Brown BIOL0001925

Human-wildlife conflict :complexity in the marine environment.. edited by Megan M. Draheim... [y otros]. . BIOL0014046

Dejen, Z A. Hydraulic and operational performance of irrigation schemes in view of water saving and sustainability :sugar estates and community managed schemes In Ethiopia. BIOL0019278

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