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Capítulo VII. El Cierre. Reflexiones hacia la Web semántica.


“I agree that web 2.0 is not a “random grab bag of concepts” and it is made of people, however, I’m wondering where web 2.0 will be in a few years. I’ve seen new so called web 2.0 applications that make no sense at all or are completely useless, what happened to the business section of websites, it seems we are having new “web 2.0 websites” launched everyday just because of web 2.0 but with no business plan at all I’m baffled!”. Rydal Williams En


“You know, “made of people” is not a defining expression. Crowds, armies and cannibals’ dinners can be “defined” exactly like that.” Max Tael En


“Opening several new bars and clubs won’t make up for “New York 2.0”. While bringing the masses to the Internet (or vice versa) is certainly a good thing, I doubt we can version this change 2.0. If we’re going to go with version numbers, I think Web v1.34.6037b would define the phenomena much better, but that’s just some crazy talk of one of the on-the-ground folks who doesn’t have much of an appreciation of the social dimension of the web and a zero tolerance towards buzz words.” Dion Hinchcliffe En


“La Web 2.0 es la representación de la evolución de las aplicaciones tradicionales hacia aplicaciones web enfocadas al usuario final. El Web 2.0 es una actitud y no precisamente una tecnología.” Christian Van Der Henst S. En


“Qué más da Internet 2.0 que Web 2.0. Lo humanos tendemos a poner nombres a las cosas y ya está. Lo importante es que se están produciendo cambios importantes en la forma de publicar las webs, de encontrar información, de comunicarnos....” Javier Martín. En

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